Aged About 91 Years, S/o. Late Vackayil Krishna

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Aged about 91 years,
S/o. Late Vackayil Krishna
PAN No: ADVP 193
Residing at Chepstow Rise, Park Hill, Croydon, CRO SLX, United

HereinafteF referred to as the "VENDOR" (which terms shall mean and

include their heirs, executor, administrators, legal representatives,
assigns and nominees) of the ONE PART,
1. Plr. ASHWAN RAg
Aged about 27 years,
S/o. Nr. Babu rpj Narakatt,

Residing at Floor, Khirki Ext, Near Green field school,

Plalviya Nagar, SOuth Delhi. Delhi - 110017.

HereinaRer referred to as the "PURCHASER" (which terms shall mean

and include their heirs, executors, administrators, legal
representatives, assigns and nominees) of the OTHER PART:

Whereas, the Vendor herein is the absolute owners of the
Immovable Property Apartment bearing No. hon the Second Floor
together with one covered car parking space of the multistoried
Enclave known as "VICTORIA Iz" which has super built up area of
1204 square feet together with 523 Sq. R. undivided share, right,
title and interest in the composite property being the converted
land bearing Municipal No. 314/8, situated in Pat:el Rama Reddy Road,
Layout, Division -72,
Bangalore -560071, more particularly mentioned and described in the
Schedule hereunder written, which for the sake of brevity shall
hereinafter collectively be referred to as "SCHEDuLE PROPERTY".
(the composite property is more fully described in Schedule A of this
Agreement. The commensurate undivided land share is more fully
described in Schedule B. The properties that are agreed to be sold under
this Agreement is more fully described in edule C).

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11. The VENDOR undertake to produce upto date property tax
and any other relevant documents for the purpose of registration of
the conveyance deed as demanded by the Sub Registrar and
also undertakes to produce all the original documents at the time of

12. The VENOOR shall deliver the vacant possession and all the
original title deeds of the Schedule Property of the PURCHASER
after payment of balance sale consideration amount and at the time
of registration and execution of the Sale Deed.

13. The parties herein shall mutually co-operate in smooth

implementation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement of

All that piece and parcel of the residentially converted Properties bearing
Municipal No. 314/B, Situated at Patel Rama Reddy road, Domlur
Layout, Division No. 72, Bangalore -560071. Pleasuring on the east
199.3 feet, West 172.3 feet, North 115 feet and south 112 feet, totally
measuring 20,804 square feet and bounded on, ”

East by : Property belong to K R Krishna Reddy

West by : Remaining portion of Sy.No.74/2
North by : Road
South by : Remaining portion of Sy.No.74/2

523 Sq. 't., of undivided right, title and interest and ownership in
Schedule 'A’ Property.

All that Residential Apartment bearing No. @BBy- Present BB IP Khatha

No. 72-8-314a , on the Second Floor in the multistoried Enclave
known as “VgCTORZA II”, measuring is 5204 Sq.ft. of super built up
area, inclusive of proportionate share in cdmmon areas such as passages,
lobbies, lifts, staircases an of common use with one covered
car parking spaces.
Whereas, the Vendor purchased the Schedule B and Schedule C Property
from the developer in title by way of Registered Sale Deed bearing No.
2001-02, dated 22.03.ZOO2, in Boak-I, in the Office of the Sub
Registrar, Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore.

AND WHEREAS VENDOR aIsO applied and obtained the transfer of

revenue documents and the B8MP Authority has also assigned with new
l'Lhatha No. 72-8-314/8-to the Schedule C Property. The VENDOR
have also paid up to date property tax to the said authority in respect of
the Schedule C Property.
WHEREAS the VENDOR and PURCHASER hereto discussed the teFms and
conditions relating to sale and purchase of the Schedule Property as
hereunder and are entering into this Sale Agreement.

And whereas, the paKies hereto are desirous of reducing into writing all
the orally agreed to the terms and conditions.


1. That the total consideration for the transfer of Schedule "B" &
"C" Property is agreed at Rs. 60,00,000/-{Rupees sixty
Lakhs Only)out of which the PURCHASER will pays mentioned
below to the VENDOR, before the under mentioned witnesses
for which sums the VENDOR do hereby acknowledges the
receipt of the same in the presence of the witnesses signing
this agreement.

a. Rs.5,OO,OOO/-{Rupees Five lakh Only} by online account

transfer, transaction reference No: RRR074 , Dated:
15/03/2021, Drawn on HDFC Bank, Panchshila park branch in
favor of f•1r. VKG FAIR

b. •/‹ /- t Rugaes Five Lakhs Only) by online account

transfer within a month, from the day of this Agreement of sale
execution, Drawn on HDFC Bank, Panchshila park branch in
favor of Nr. VKG NAIR.

C. The TDS aa per Section 191 ZA of ZT Act,1961 deducted on

the payment of towards sale consideration and shall be
deductible from settlement of total sale consideration. In need of
enabling the Vendor to claim the said TDS amount in their
discharge of the income tax obligation on sale of the sald
property, the PURCHASER or PURCHASER‘s Bank is obligated to
deposit the TDS a the necessary certificate.

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