GED 109 - Task 3

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Technology integration in education has long begun even before the pandemic started.

industrial 4.0 started around 2019 as we prepare for the new millennium. The transition infiltrates the
education system as the 21st century impelled educators the need to develop and upgrade the strategies
and plans to cater the needs of the learners and innovate the teaching and learning process. And with the
abrupt changes brought by the new normal, teachers are now even more forced to pivot to alternative
learning modalities that will help them continue deliver quality education amidst the health crisis the
whole world is facing.
The LinkedIn Learning task assigned made me realize that learning opportunities these days are
at your own disposal and that the choice to educate ourselves depends on us. The education landscape
extended vastly and doesn’t just happen in the four corners of the classroom anymore but is widely
available and accessible wherever you are. The learning opportunities offered are of various disciplines so
it just not caters your professional development but will also fit your personal aspirations outside your
professional career. It will help you hone your skills and abilities at your own pace and is highly available
The 2 LiL courses helped me understand the transformation in learning and why and how will we
be able to effectively integrate technology in the learning process thru LMS and other tools discussed. I
was also able to delve into various strategies and activities that will make the learning process more fun
and effective to my students.
To sum it all up, at this day and age where everything is ever-changing and fast pacing, the
opportunities where we can learn and hone our skills is highly accessible, we, as teachers, should be able
to empower and equip our students with the quality education that will prepare them for their future.

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