EO Mini-Bio-Plus SCBI

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Directions for Use

for all gke Steri-Record® Mini-Bio-Plus

self-contained biological indicators (SCBI) EO
for ethylene oxide sterilization processes
Colour change of
Quantity/ Colour Sterilization Outside Type 1 Liquid growth media in SCBIs Incubation Biological
Art.-No.* Product code Pop. Indicator on label after sterilization indicator
pack of SCBI cap process and incubation temperature
before after spores
Sterilization sterile non-sterile
326-605 50 Green B.
B-E-MBP-10-6 106 Red Ethylene oxide Blue Green Yellow-orange 33-37°C
326-610 100 (no change) Atrophaeus

Art.-No.* Product Code Quantity Product description

Resistance determination according to EP: Kill: 25 min 54°C, 600 mg/l EO 60% rel. humidity
326-999 EP-Determination 1
Survival: 50 min 30°C, 600 mg/l EO 60% rel. humidity
224-002 I-C 1 Crusher for SCBI activation if no gke Steri-Record® Incubator is used.
(*) To all article numbers a 3-digit alpha code is added. The additional letter code refers to the language and/or customized and plug version. It is only added on the out side label, the inside of the pack is identical to the
article numbers on the above tables.

Application Handling Information

The gke Steri-Record® Mini-Bio-Plus self-contained biological If the SCBI is used inside a Bio-C-PCD®s, please refer to the separate
indicators (SCBI) are used for validation and routine monitoring of directions for use (DFU) for Bio-C-PCD®s.
ethylene oxide sterilization processes. After sterilization the SCBIs can
be incubated by the user without a microbiological laboratory. For 1. Place the SCBI outside of the load inside a self-made or
routine monitoring the SCBI cannot be used inside packs or commercial PCD1 representing the worst-load configuration, e.g. in
containers since no sterility information is available after opening the gke Bio-C-PCD®s and run the sterilization process
pack or container. Therefore, the SCBI shall be used inside a Process 2. After sterilization remove the SCBI from the package or Bio-C-
Challenge Device (PCD) as a type 2 indicator system according to PCD®. Activate and incubate the SCBI for low temperature
EN ISO 11140-1 which has the required sensitivity to check the sterilization processes immediately after taking them out of the
internal lumens of a minimal invasive surgical (MIS) instrument. Seven process, otherwise remaining absorbed sterilizing agent in the vial
Bio-C-PCD®s with different air removal characteristics are available. can inactivate the biological indicator after the sterilization process.
The sensitivity of these Bio-C-PCD®s can be selected to simulate the 3. Use the crusher in the middle of the aluminium block of the gke
load. The validation of the Bio-C-PCD® according to the load can be incubator by inserting the SCBI and push it in sideward’s direction
achieved by using the test method described in DIN 58921. For more to 2nd hole until the interior glass ampoule is broken. Do not crush
information see data sheet/ directions for use (Bio-C-PCDs). the glass ampoule until the vial is at room temperature because the
hot glass ampoule may burst the plastic vial. If no gke incubator is
Product description used, activate the SCBI with the crusher (art. no. 224-002). The
spore plate inside the SCBI must be moistened by the liquid.
The gke Steri-Record® Mini-Bio-Plus SCBI consists of a plastic vial
4. Check the chemical type 1 indicator on the label for proper colour
with a minimized internal volume containing a biological indicator
change (blue → green). If there is no colour change, the vial has
spore disc and a glass ampoule with liquid growth medium and pH-
been exchanged by accident or sterilization process did not occur.
indicator inside. The label of the SCBI contains a chemical indicator
The chemical indicator is a process indicator, unable to determine
according to EN ISO 11140-1 type 1 to check if the SCBI has been in
a successful sterilization process. To check sterilization success
a sterilization process.
the biological indicator has to be incubated.
Performance characteristics 5. After sterilization additionally mark, activate and incubate a non-
sterilized SCBI of each SCBI batch (vitality test).
All gke biological indicators comply with the standard EN ISO 11138 6. After activation incubate the sterilized SCBIs together with the non-
series and meet the performance characteristics published in the sterilized SCBI with the cap upwards at 33 – 37 °C according to
current United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and European EN ISO 11138-1. Based on the gke performance test results, a
Pharmacopeia (EP). The specifications of population and D-value for reduced incubation period of 48 hours is sufficient for gke-EO-
each lot are documented in the certificate which is delivered in each SCBIs. Test report available on request.
package. The determination according to EP is available separately
(326-999 EN). 7. Observation of growth:
Observe the colour change of the liquid growth media in the plastic
The incubation time has been optimized, so that Mini-Bio-Plus SCBIs vial daily. If no colour change occurs after the incubation time the
can be fully interpreted quicker. The SCBIs do not contain additional sterilization process has been successful. Any change in colour of
enzymes and do not require fluorescent light incubators for evaluation. the vials coming out from the sterilizer is indicative for alive
organisms demonstrating non-successful sterilization processes.
The colour change is listed in the table above.

1 If the SCBI is used without a PCD, it cannot represent the load and it
is scientifically not recommended.
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gke GmbH Auf der Lind 10 65529 Waldems/Germany  +49 6126 9432 0  +49 6126 9432 10  www.gke.eu
Depending on the incubator used, it may be necessary to close the Storage and Disposal
hole with laboratory tape or film in order to prevent drying out of the
liquid. As soon as a colour change to yellow-orange occurred, the 1. For longer periods store all Mini-Bio-Plus SCBIs in the original
result is valid and has to be documented as growth. If the package between 5-30°C with a humidity of 5-80% RH and avoid
sterilization process is unable to kill the spores, in most cases the exposure to light.
colour change will already occur within 5-8 hours. Storage of the
vial for documentation purposes does not make sense. 2. The vapour of chemicals especially hydrogen peroxide may
change the chemical indicator on the label before or after
8. The previously marked vitality test shall change colour sterilization. Therefore, do not store them together with other
demonstrating growth after one day incubation time latest. If this chemicals.
test does not show colour change of the growth media liquid, the
incubator has not been switched on or the SCBI batch has a 3. Sterilized vials may be disposed with normal waste.
malfunction. In this case the sterilization has to be repeated with a
new biological indicator batch.
Safety Precautions
9. If any sterilized test vial shows a colour change, stop the tested
sterilization process and repeat the test with a larger quantity of 1. The indicators shall not be used after expiry date.
Mini-Bio-Plus vials. If the sterilization process fails again, the
sterilization process was not successful. Then check the sterilizer 2. Do not activate the SCBI by crushing the inner glass ampoule
for malfunctions. After repair check the sterilization process again until the vial is at room temperature! The hot glass ampoule inside
with Mini-Bio-Plus SCBI. may burst the plastic vial and may leak during incubation.
10. Keep record of the results on the gke documentation sheet (see 3. Mini-Bio-Plus SCBI must not be used in dry heat sterilization
documentation information) with time, date and batch number of processes. The glass ampoules explode and the plastic vial will
the sterilization cycle, time and date of the incubation start and melt.
incubation duration with a result. Include name and signature of the
responsible person. 4. Bio-C-PCD® and Mini-Bio-Plus SCBIs are closely adjusted to
achieve the required sensitivity of the type 2 indicator system. If
the test device is used with other SCBIs or PCDs, gke cannot
Documentation Information guarantee proper results.

According to MDR, the release must be documented in a way that 5. SCBIs are not able to check liquid sterilization processes. gke
compliance with all necessary release conditions can be proven. This Stearo-Ampoules should be used for this application.
requirement can be implemented by e.g. archiving the program data
and the test results. For further technical details please contact your local dealer or the
gke application laboratory. We will assist you with any technical
A documentation sheet is available for download: questions. Also visit our website www.gke.eu for more information.
https://www.gke.eu/en/documentation-system-video.html 760-104 EN V04 01/2020
(Documentation Sheet SCBIs Sterilization.pdf).

To link batch monitoring and sterilized goods, gke offers a

documentation system with a hand labelling device. The
documentation label contains the date of production, expiry date, lot
and content number as well as the user’s initials. Those labels are
placed on all sterile goods and also onto the documentation sheet.
After using the sterile goods in the operating room the labels are
removed and are placed onto the patient documentation sheet (all
labels are double self-adhesive). This easy process offers a cost
effective documentation system for all sterilized goods used on a
patient in the operating room.

In case of a nosocomial infection the result of the used sterile

instruments can be traced back. This procedure fulfils the
requirements of the quality standard EN ISO 13485 for batch-oriented

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gke GmbH Auf der Lind 10 65529 Waldems/Germany  +49 6126 9432 0  +49 6126 9432 10  www.gke.eu

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