S No. Jsi No. Description
S No. Jsi No. Description
S No. Jsi No. Description
Description DOC
Subject: Broken Conduit in the Substation Number 3: During our site visit on 5.10.2017, we noticed that one of the 4"
1 JSI-ALSABAH-CE-00171 R0 UPVC Conduit which connect between the Transformer room and HT room found broken, the location of this conduit is
substation No.3 at Ground floor-Part 1. Please find the attached photo. We hereby instruct you to fix this UPVC Conduit in
a professional way.
Subject: Lake of coordination of MEP services at site, We observe that the works are executed at site without approved
composite drawings and we find interference between the services which may give rise to conflicts., For example at 3rd
floor, the level of cable tray/ water supply system at the corridor is 2.85m, Contractor to coordinate all related services
and confirm type/installation of light fixtures to achieve the required level of suspended ceiling at corridor, Drainage
2 JSI-ALSABAH-MEP-00215 R0 sleeve points are obstructing the installation of aluminum curtain wall cladding system at 3rd floor, Drainage line clean
outs fixed above the HVAC ducts make it difficult to clean during maintenance, We instruct you to submit composite shop
drawings in accordance with 1.9M of Doc III-2/1330/8,1.04(4) of DOC III-2/1334/3, 1.05A of Doc III-2/1314/2, Comply with
clause 1.24 E and G of Doc III-2/15050/19 for work installed on close proximity to works of other trades and resolve the
potential conflicts., Photographs No. (34)
Subject : Lightning Protection: During our visit to site, we found that Aluminum Strip connection to the aluminum frame is
not done to the Bi-Metalic, the contractor should submit checklist for the connection between the Aluminum strip and the
3 JSI-ALSABAH-EL-00220 R0 Aluminum frame before closing the cladding, As per shown in lightning protection details shop drawing no. SD-GEN-EN-
610-001, Attachments:- (1) photos.
Subject: Lack of Coordination, During our inspection, we observed conflict between Structural, Architectural and MEP
Services at 3rd floor, Room No. F03-66CC, Grid 25.1-25/C-D, Contractor shall submit proposals to close the structural
4 JSI-ALSABAH-AR-00224 R0 opening at roof that can prevent the passage of fire/smoke and also fix the services and false ceiling so that the all the
items fit and meet the design intent and criteria while leaving space for installation of each trades, comply with Clause 3.1
D of DOC III-2/15050/22 and make proposal for rectification. (Attached Photos -No.04)
With reference to the above subject, we found out that there are · huge pipes rack installed at part "G "(for example but
not limited), without submitting any structural calculations for these hangers or supporting systems. So, Contractor has to
5 JSI-ALSABAH-CE-00249 submit structural calculations sheet for the above subject for review and approval prior to start site erection also submit
method statement for installation for review and approval. As per contract document (Ill- 2/15060 - 3.20 -L, 3.50) This is
for your information and immediate action.
Subject : Protection of installed duct work, despite our JSIs to the Main Contractor to protect the installed duct work, We
observed that the HVAC ducts in 4th floor at Part -D has been contaminated with cement mortar, We instruct you to
replace the contaminated duct and cover the ducting by polythene sheeting and duct tape before leaving the work as per
Clause 3.1 N of Doc III-2 (Particular Specifications), Section -15810/14 R1, Photographs -3 Nos.
Subject: Broken Electrical Conduits, we observe that many electrical conduits at Substation N0-4 in the ground floor at Part
7 JSI-ALSABAH-EL-00259 -O are broken due to bad construction practices, The Contractor is instructed to rectify the broken conduits immediately
and take all necessary precautions to prevent damage to conduits during construction, Attachment -photographs (5 Nos.)
S No. JSI No. Description DOC
Subject: Damage of Drainage Pipes, We Observe that the drainage pipes at Part -f of Basement floor are damaged due to
bad construction practices. You are instructed to remove these damaged pipes and replace them after submitting RFI for
approval. All drainage pipes laid shall be protected against all possible damages and take all necessary precautions to
avoid similar cases in future. , Photographs -3 Nos.
Subject: Damage of Drainage Pipes, We Observe that the drainage pipes at Part -f of Basement floor are damaged due to
bad construction practices. You are instructed to remove these damaged pipes and replace them after submitting RFI for
9 JSI-ALSABAH-PL-00283 approval. All drainage pipes laid shall be protected against all possible damages and take all necessary precaution to avoid
similar cases in future.
Subject: Lack of Coordination between Temporary Freighting Pips and Medical Gas Pipes, We notice that the temporary
firefighting pipes and medical gas pipes are installed at site without providing minimum clearance between the piping and
10 JSI-ALSABAH-MQ-00290 hence not acceptable. We instruct you to coordinate the works and comply with clause 3.5C o DOC III-2/15215/28 and
resolve this issue at site as early as possible. Submit a method statement to remove the temporary firefighting pipes after
the permanent system becomes operational., Attachments-Photographs (2).
Subject: Basket Tray Installation, During our site visit on 28.06.2018, we have Noticed at main Building , Floor 7, Part -A
and B Basket Tray are cut for firefighting pie and there is no space between HVAC Ducts and Basket Trays, Cutting of the Submitted on
basket tray for other trades for any reason is not acceptable, Please find the attached picture , We hereby instruct you to 25/07/2018
rectify and change basket tray at the earliest, Attachment -(12) photos.
Subject: Fire Alarm System Installation : During our site visit on 28.06.2018, for the inspection of conduit works for fire
alarm System at main Building Floor 2, Part A, We have found fire arm cables are pulled at same area without getting Submitted on
approvals for conduit work, Please fins the attached picture , We here by instruct to follow the site procedures, 25/07/2018
Attachment : 9 photos.
Subject: Lak of Coordination in MEP Works, During our inspection, we observed coordination issues in MEP Works at Part -
F , 2nd loo that, The VAC duct erected below firefighting pipes an caused difficulties to fix sprinklers, The removal of
supports of Pneumatic system's pipe during duct work to be rectified, Due to miss coordination there are no space for
14 JSI-ALSABAH-MEP-00296 remaining services, The Contractor shall coordinate that paths of HVAC Ducts PTS pipes and Firefighting pipes so that the
items fit and meet the design intent and criteria while leaving space clearance, To Contractor is advised to comply with
Clause 3.1B of DOC III-2/15050/22 and Clause 1.19 C of DOC III-2/15050/17 and make rectifications. Attachment -6 photos
JSI NO Description DOI
Subject: Masonry support system - we observed discrepancies at site for the concrete masonry unit works at part I, 1st
floor in podium building. The angles used for support are not adequate to support the masonry wall. Therefore we
JSI-ALSABAH-CE-00174 R0 instruct the Main contractor to demolish the concrete under the steel angle which was casted without approval from the 14-Oct-13
consultants and we advise you to change the existing angle by a proper one to suit the thickness of masonry wall.
Subject : Concrete Masonry Work , With reference to the above mention subject, we notice that masonry unit work at
Eleventh floor at Part C is carried out while the RFI for setout and lineout of the block is not approved Ref.
IRF/ALS/MH/AR/01745 contractor has to follow particular specification DOC III-2 section 01451 clause 1.08A, Main
JSI-ALSABAH-AR-00200 R0 ###
contractor is instructed to take immediate action and rectify the masonry unit work compliance with requirements of the
project. Attached photos Nos. (15)
Subject : Concrete Masonry Works , With reference to the above mention subject, We notice that masonry unit work at
the mechanical floor at Part I & G and H are carried out without the approval of the RIF for setout and line out of the
block. The contractor has to follow particular specification Doc III-2 section 01451 clause 1.08A, The main contractor is
JSI-ALSABAH-CE-00203 R0 ###
instructed to take immediate action and rectify the masonry unit work compliance with requirements of the project,
Photographs N.5
Subject : Concrete Masonry Works: With reference to the above mentioned subject, we noticed that masonry unit work
at the ground floor at CUP building south elevation are carried out without the approval of the IRF for setout and lineout
of the block. The contractor has to follow particular specifications DOC III-2 section 01451 clause 1.08 A, The main
JSI-ALSABAH-AR-00204 R0 contractor is instructed to take immediate action and rectify the masonry unit work compliance with requirements of the ###
Project attached photographs No.2
Subject: Masonry Support System: We observed that the steel angles used to support the concrete masonry unit at site
at 3rd floor in the Electrical room of main building are of poor quality. The angles used to support the masonry wall
JSI-ALSABAH-CE-00218 R0 above opening/cutouts for ducts, cables and others are corroded and cannot be accepted. Therefore we instruct the 21-Jan-14
main Contractor to remove the corroded steel angle and submit the installation details for review and approval.,
Photographs -3 Nos.
Subject: Masonry Block Wall : With reference to the above mentioned subject, we noticed that there are many mis
coordination between electrical work and the block wall. And many masonry unit work damage while electrical conduit
work was done at Part E Ground floor. The contractor has to comply with contract documents & Specification and
JSI-ALSABAH-AR-00219 R0 submit method statement for rectification of masonry unit work. The main contractor is instructed to take immediate 23-Jan-14
action and rectify the work compliance with requirements of the project.., attached Photographs -4 Nos.
Subject Concrete Masonry Work: With reference to the above mention subject, we noticed that masonry unit work at the
mechanical floor at Part -A are carried out without following the specification as per requirement of project Contractor is
JSI-ALSABAH-AR-00221 R0 advised to improve quality of masonry unit work, The main Contractor is instructed to take immediate action and rectify 4-Feb-14
the masonry unit work compliance with requirements of the project, attached photo No.02
JSI NO Description DOI
Subject: Concrete Masonry work: Further to our JSI vide #, JSI Ref: SOOr-JSI-ALSABAH-AR-00204-R0 dated 24/12/2017,
JSI Ref: SOOR JSI-AR-00161-R0 dated 13/08/2017, With reference to the above mention subject, we noticed that masonry
unit work at the mechanical floor at Part -G on grid Q-J/64-70 are carried out without following the specification as per
JSI-ALSABAH-AR-00222 R0 requirements of Project Contractor is advised to improve quality of masonry unit work, The main contractor is instructed 7-Feb-14
to take immediate action and rectify the masonry unit work compliance with requirements of the Project, attached
Subject: Concrete Masonry Work, With reference to the above mentioned subject, we noticed that masonry unit work at
the mechanical floor at Part -B/Staircase #11 are carried out without the approval of the RFI for setout and line out of the
JSI-ALSABAH-AR-00244 block. The Contractor has to follow particular specification DOC III-2 section 01451 clause 1.08A, The main Contractor is 19-Mar-14
instructed to take immediate action and rectify the masonry unit work compliance with requirements of the project,
Attachments:- (5) Photos.
With reference to the above-mentioned subject, it was noticed that the contractor is proceeding masonry work at the site
without following the contract specification and requirements of the project at part (D) 1st floor of the main building. •
Comply with specified codes and standards for masonry structure and provide required stiffener as per specification
under Doc 111-2 section 04300 The main Contractor /subcontractor is advised to improve the quality of masonry unit
JSI-ALSABAH-AR-00258 7-Apr-14
work and provide anchor tie, dowel, reinforce and a bond between masonry units properly to provide an adequate
control measure to prevent falling & collapse the wall at a site. The contractor shall be solely responsible to provide
safety and prevention to control method to mitigate the risk of damaging work at the site. The main contractor is
instructed to take immediate action and to ensure the stability of masonry during construction.
Subject: Poor Quality of Masonry Work, With reference to the above mentioned subject and our previous JSI's, It was
noticed that the contractor is proceeding masonry work at the site without following the contract specification and
requirements of the project at Part 9A) Ground floor of the main building, Comply with specified codes and standard for
masonry structure and take precautionary measures to protect the all related adjacent work at the site. The main
Contractor/subcontractor is advised to improve the quality of masonry unit work and provide anchor tie, stiffeners, tie
JSI-ALSABAH-AR-00264 15-Apr-14
beams, reinforce and a bond between masonry units properly to provide an adequate measures to control the falling &
collapse the wall at the site, Comply with specification /Method statement that mortar mixing to be done properly and
surface under masonry unit work should be rough for bonding, The contractor shall be solely responsible to provide
safety and prevention to control method to mitigate the risk of damaging work at the site. The main Contractor is
instructed to take immediate action and to ensure the stability of masonry unit wall during construction
Subject: Concrete Masonry Unit Woks at Part -G , Ground floor, We observed discrepancies at site for the concrete
masonry unit works at Part -G, Ground floor in Podium Building, Hollow Block are used at fire rated area and this work
JSI-ALSABAH-AR-00298 was done at site without submitting any Checklist, the lintel was casted above this without approval from the 8-Jul-14
Consultants, Therefore we instruct the Main Contractor to take approvals prior to proceeding with work at sit and rectify
the improper works as per the KFD requirements, _photographs -2 Nos.
Subject: Stiffener Column for Block Work not as per Shop Drawings, th Main Contractor erected RCC Stiffener Column
for Block Work at 1st Floor , Part -G with sizes not complying with the Shop Drawing No. SD-GEN-AR-000-700-R1, The
stiffener Column Should be 20 x20 CM Whereas at Site it is 13 x20 CM and the stiffener is not in line with plumb which is
JSI-ALSABAH-AR-00301 13-Jul-14
a non compliance and not acceptable, Stiffener columns shall be provided according to the approved shop drawings and
shall be inspected an approved before any casting, the Main contractor will be solely responsible to rectify the
inappropriate works, Photographs -3 Nos.