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SPE 15377 SPE Society of Petroleum Engneors Theoretical Study of Coning Toward Horizontal and Vertical Wells in Anisotropic Formations: Subcritical and Critical Rates by |. Chaperon, TOTAL-CFP SPE Member ‘Cope 1886, Soci of Pexolaum Engineers “Tn paper mas papar fr prasanation a the 61st Anus! Techni Conlrance an Exhibition ol he Soi of Plclum Engineer Mada New Grnant A Seooar 5, 1808 ‘his pape: was sic frprsanation by an SPE Program Commie loving revi ol incrmaten conaied in an abet submite by ne ‘whore snd by note pape posers Wits Puieabons Manage, SPE; P.O, ox 0836, Rnason TK 75083 986, Teee, 730009 SPEOAL ABSTRACT Stable cones created by a horizontal well drilled with maximum clearance from the unwanted fluid are studied (Muskat9 type approach, using pertinent viscous flow potential), yielding practical values for the critical rate per unit length of @ horizontal well, and for the eritical one elevation, depending on ‘both vertical and horizontal permeabilities, oil thickness, both fluid Gravities, and oll viscosity. Critical rate weakly decreases when vertical permeability decreases. ‘The same type of analysis is repeated for a vertical well completed over a very short interval (modelized as a point source) also with maximum clearance from the gas cap or water table, yielding values of eritical rate and cone helght for the vertical well, In this ease the critical “rate slightly increases when vertical permeability decreases. ‘The outcome of a comparison between both types of wells shows that a critical cone comes closer to the horizontal well than to the vertical well. Also horizontal wells generally allow higher critical rates than vertical wells, however this advantage lessens with Increased anisotropy. Very simple formulas are provided to evaluate what gain in eritical rate may be obtained from ‘a horizontal well. INTRODUCTION ‘The use of horizontal wells to produce hydrocarbon reservoirs appears as a possible solution to some Particular drainage problems such as isolated low Productivity layers, the will of restricting eoning phenomena and maintaining monophasle production. Also these may be @ solution to environmental problems (highly deviated wells are enough, ending horizontal is not the key factor in this case). So far the best application of horizontal wells Is the pilot development of a tight karstic formation with some high permeability fractures! that @ horizontal well Is likely to Intercept (which is statistically almost impossible for a vertical wells), containing highly viscous oll in presence of a bottom water drive. However, horizontal wells do not solve all problems, and even when one horizontal well produces twice more than ‘8 vertical one, is It worth the Investment (and risk) as compared to two regular wells ? To anss kind of question that a reservoir or production engineer Is often faced with, It is necessary to study in details how oll flows towards a horizontal well as compared to a vertical well + changes in flow lines, influence of vertical and horizontal permeabilities, changes in viscous. flow potential far from and close to the we ‘These detailed studies should provide simple formul (and a guide to how and when to apply them) that anyone may use for evaluation purposes. Most reservoir engineering results of the french research group "FORHOR" have been gathered and presented in ref. 2 {for practical use. Concerning eoning, one ideal case only was published but cannot be applied as such, The scope of the present paper Is to provide a simple fand practical estimate of the critical rate to be expected from a horizontal well In realistle conditions (Steady-state or pseudo-steady-state, anisotropic formation), and compare It to that of a vertical well to estimate e possible gein in rates. It concerns static stable cones or crests as illustrated by Fig. 1 but not diphasio production. Water cones (vertical wells) oF rests (horizontal wells) follow the same equations as as, except for the fact that they form below the wells Instead of above. The descriptions hereafter concern oil flow in presence of a gas cap so as to avoid repetition of the reverse case of oil above water.‘THEORETICAL STUDY OF CONING TOWARDS HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL WELLS. IN ANISOTROPIC FORMATIONS : SUBCRITICAL AND CRITICAL RATES. ‘SPE 15 377 1. STABLE CRESTS CREATED BY HORIZONTAL if WELLS For simplicity the horizontal well Is assumed to be located at the very bottom of the oil zone so as to minimize gas cresting. When end effects are neglected flow takes piace In x ~ 2 planes, as shown on Fig. 2, so wwe study a cross section of the well, orthogonal to the well axis (2D analysis) Derivations are made in the case of isotropic permeability first, results are then extended to the more feneral case of anisotropic formations, and the effect of fnisotropy will be outlined. + Isouszle permepbility in the reservoir, flow is essentially linear (in x direction, to vertieal component of velocities), except very elose to the well, where flow lines converge towers the well tard flow geometry becomes radial (in x-z planes), Fig, 2. Illustrates an immobile gas crest above a horizontal well. ‘The approach is Identical to that used by Muskat? + Equilibrium conditions are stated first. This requir expression of viscous flow potential pertinent to the geometry of the flow created by a horizontal well, However, as in Muskat, the presence of the immobile ‘rest which reduces the cross section (assumed constant for true linear flow) is not taken into consideration as suen. Since the flow potential that we use does take radial flow convergence towards the line x = 0 and z= 0 (well) into sceount, the oll flow that would occur in the zone actually invaded by the immobile crest is negligible. In the main derivation, steady-state potential is used. However the results may then be extended to a no flow boundary at Xe, using Xq = Xe/2 (See $1V anc Apo. EI. Viscous oll flow potential of this 2D flow combining both radial flow close to the well and linear flow far aside Goon), is the same with or without a cone ~ see flow Hines on fig. 2 ~ (Hed we used linear flow potential only, tas done by Dupuit4,the restriction of flow eross section close to the well could not have been neglected. Dupuit's formula shows a rate per unit length proportional to H2/XA, and a parabolic shape of interface n2Q)=H2x/KA, One of his assumptions is that vertical component of velocity is much less than horizont (eesuse drainage is by a long diten and not by a horizontal well). This does not apply in our ease). ‘The general form of flow potential was derived from solution given by Houpeurt® for the case of an Infinite tow of vertical wells. When applied to 2D flow in vertical planes with no flow limits at 2 = 0 and hy towards & horizontal well located at z = 0 (very top or bottom of the layer, this gives (In Darey units) : otc SH boa (on - coe) Notice that the viscous potential has an analytical form which produces nearly radial flow when x/h -» 0 a nearly linear flow + 2m x/h = (or x = X,)- This expression describes flow in the whole layer, both close toand far from the well. Considering potential difference between a point A on the interface far from the well, with coordinates (Xq, 8) tnd § the apex of the cone with coordinates (0, 23) Fig. 2), the viscous flow potential difference must equal that of gravity potential difference so that static equliferium be achieved. ‘This first equation gives a relationship between distance from the well to the apex of a crest in equilibrium, and the dimensionless corresponding rate (equation A.8 in Appendix A). It Is illustrated on Fig.3. Starting from a small cone (Zg/h =1), qi* Increases as Thc ntends further downtime + masimurs (a max (or djc*) is observed for a critical cone location Zgq- Conal extending lower than Zg— can be in equllibeitie Giith, rates qi lees than gjcffy but these cones. are Unstable meaning that if a perturbation occurs they Immediately accelerate towards the well, Dynamic equilibrium requires an additional stability condition 1 buoyancy forces must be stronger than Viscous forces go that in case of a perturbation, the cone does not accelerate towards the well but comes back to ie sgulicium potion. Ths provides second equation 8) Combining equilibrium and stability equations yields an implleit equation for Zgq, the critical cone location. Its solutions are tabulated on Table 1, together with the corresponding dimensionless critical rate. In practical Units, for Isotropic formations, rate per unit length in reservolr conditions is: @ Gm nameos(224)(), {Qe in m3/h/m 5 p in g/em? ; hin m5 kin mD 5 p in ep). ot F04 Except at the ends of the well, flow is bidimensional in, xz planes, therefore the change in variables to be used to convert an anisotropic case to isotropic form affects xand z coordinates only (this study being 2D, it does not concern end effects at all), The transformation is such that eo oo ZS) fe deze ae (SS @ X Ye % should be principal permeability axes. This it most often the ease for 2, and it can be demonstratec that the well axis should’ be on the axis of minimur permeability (one of the principal axes) to maximizt Produetion. Since the viscous potential nas an analytioal form whic produces nearly radial flow when x/h -» 0 and neat [car flow when ahve (or x'= Xq), this unique chang of variables will automatically work for the whole rang of (eround the well, far aside trom the well and an Intermediate location aside from the well. When kn > ky, the change in dimensions and’ reduces x ¢! Gee/ky)/* white y dimensions _nged, Th transformed system (x, 2) dena) «opie, tht equation (2) does epply to x2'k', p'. -oming back factual coordinates gives the general expression fSPE 15 377 Isabelle CHAPERON critical rate per unit length of a horizontal well in practical units. ractical units, 8 «sas 09-topn( L ~ i wy @ Io in m3/a/m 5,9 in g/em4 jh in m5 k in mD 5 pin ep). Nofe "that gigtyy has to be” evaluated for ar(XA/b y/o”, Its values are found ‘am Table 1. Gio" 1s also! plotted versus aH(XA/M) (ky/ky)"/? on fig. PA. It may be noticed that the product F = a qle* (a) is fairly constant over a wide range of values of a. Thus we may also write Qe (= L Qiel, In the following way epplicable only for 1s L/W = 4= (see App. D)+ bh ob apm (te @, = 3.48610 gen tr ° 8 with f = 4 for (A/B) kgf)? « Gu ingsgases slowly ittcewards reaches 5 wnén Kearny Oey) 72 reaches 20 see Table 1). When F = 4 we get the quick and simple estimate for critical rate of a horizontal well of length L (and W=L) t O) (Qe in mS maf p in gem? j hin m sk in ms Hp,Co ‘THE latter form shows that when (XA/d) (e/g)? <6 the critical rate of a horizontal well [5 quasi- Independent of anistropy but quize sensitive to Iateral boundaries (Qq increases as (XA)"1).Main parameters are the same as in Dupuit's formulad (Q/L ~ h#/X,q)- rT Let us consider a horizontal well in an below a gas cap (See parameters on Table 2). layer Just When ky/ky # 10:0 = (Xa/b) (keyleyp!2 = 13, from Table 1 of Fig. 4 one gets gig (2°13) = 0.3695 (or the value of function F : P= 4.80) Qe = 0.0078 mi/n/m of well ‘Thus total eritical rate is Qoh = Lx 0.0079 m¥/n = 3.95 m3/n, Following is a table showing the effect of vertical permeability on horizontal well eritieal rate (Q = L Qs, Fates In reservoir conditions). kylie 1 ano | a/t00 « 40 13 ‘ Zyofn | 0.0434 | 0.1163 | 0.3053, 10° ost | 0.3695 | 1.040 F sas | 4.90 | 436 Qig | 0.0093 | 0.0079 | 0.0072 Qe (m3/n) | 4.65 | 3.95 | 3.85 ‘One observes that when vertical permeability decreases (ky being kept constant), critical rate decreases and the erltical cone stays further away from the well. Tl. | STABLE CONES CREATED BY VERTICAL WELLS In this mathematical formulation, the vertical well is assumed to be completed on a very short interval at the bottom of the oil zone so as to minimize the risk of cconing. The upper limit is represented by a no flow plane ‘at 2 = h (initial gas oll contact) thus in the reservoir ‘pseudo radial flow prevails except very close to the well where flow is hemispherical. Figure 5. illustrates an immobile gas cone above a vertical well. Reading it upside down shows the case of a water cone below a vertical well. ‘Again, derivations are made in the ease of isotropic permeability for clarity first, the results are then extended to anisotropic formations providing general equations to evaluate critical rate. a er meabilit sea ee erates equtiorium and stability conditions, So we first need an expression of viscous flow potential, pertinent to this problem. One way of deriving it Is to start’ from hemispherical flow towards a well (represented as a point source) located at the origin (x y= 2= 0) of a semi-infinite porous medium limited by a No flow plane (z = 0) representing the impermeable Tower boundary in case of gas coning. Then sinee the other no flow limit at z = h(h << lateral extension of ‘drainage area Xa) has to be accounted for because flow Is restricted in a thin layer (and not hemispherical), one uses the method of image wells + an Infinite row of point sourees located as mirror images of the actual well Interfere with it, Their location is illustrated on Fig. ‘Thus viscous flow potential for oll flow within a limited Inyer of thickness towards x point well located at the bottom of the layer is, « summation of all y created ty the infinite series of image wells. Tt applies close te the well r ~ Fy (where flow is nearly hemispherical) at weil as far froth the well (r >> ry) (where flow is nearly radial). ‘This Is a steady-state potential. However the following results apply to preudo-steady-state (no flow limit at r— by using tq = 0.607 -r4) In equation 7 or 8 (Set Discussions *$ IV and App. B). ‘The equillrium condition gives a relationship betwee rate and cone elevation (eq. B.8). This is liustrated 01 Fig. 7 where q* isthe dimensionless form of rate Gam Gefinition as eq. 2). Starting from a small cone (Zg/ 1) q* increases as the cone extends further down and i maximum (q* max or q®,) is observed for a critical con heleht Zag Cones enteing lower than Ze can be | mere’ (witmeates as leg than qs bot these cove fire unstable meaning that if a perturbation occurs the Tinmediately accelerate towards the wel. Critical rate is the maximum possible rate. it als satisfies the stability condition. The order of magnitud for get 1s 1 (See App. B for calculation). ‘The numerical value of gpitical rate of practical units (Qj in me/h/im 5 p In ge D4 4 In ep) for Hoteopie germenbility i Qo = 3-486 10 Ckh/v) (Sp hd get 1) tical wel! S phinmskiwith gg* = 1 £25 %, given by Table 3. Ge" is a weak function of radius rq (which is usually not eluded In most used equations such as Bournazel6, This ls because such formulas were derived from model ‘experiments where rq was fixed), . Anistropic permeability Vertical permeability is usually lower than horizontal Permeability (except in fractured formations). However after an adequate change in variables, the isotropic case solutions may be used in the anisotropic case. If x, y, 2 fare the principal axes of permeability, as flow takes place in all three dimensions, the change in variables affects x, y, and z coordinates, This transform is not the same as for the horizontal well. Since the viscous flow potential has @ unique analytical form which produces early hemispherical flow close to the well (x, ¥, 2 ~ 0) ‘and nearly radial flow far from the well (x, and ¥ >> Fy)y the change in variables applies equaly to all regions "of flow. the tranformed (or ") system behaves as isotropic if + fee) # aeneave o ‘As equation (7) applies to isotropic media it may be written for the double prime system only. Coming then back to actual variables yields the equation for eritical rate of a vertical well (of small penetration) in an anisotropic formation t ee aqesae (Janne )(8)") (gin 97m ky in mD s Win ms wn ep In fom. Gc” = 1 £ 25 % (see App. B and Table 3), Anisotropy plays a role in the evaluation of ag% which hes to be, ,peleulated a a function Sf a = (rq/bky/ey)"/2. It has been found from this derivation that drainage radius does play a role in the value of critical rate, since anisotropy induces a change in variables. ‘The tranformed dimensionless value of drainage radius (t/t) Is (t/) (ky/ky)/2, - Example : For the example described in Table 2 we have + goss ; Qe = 148 m¥/n/aay (rts. conditions) kyfkn = 1 and 1/100 would yield Qo =1.27 m3/n and 2 mB/m respectively (See Table 39. As opposed to horizontal wells, critical rate for vertical wells increases when” vertical permeability drecreases. Bournazel formula (for any ky/ky) gives Quay = 24 ‘THEORETICAL STUDY OF CONING TOWARDS HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL WELLS IN ANISOTROPIC FORMATIONS : SUBCRITICAL AND CRITICAL RATES SPE 15 377 m3/n (asymptotic approach on breakthrough time, experimental models). M. GAININ CRITICAL RATES ‘The practical question whieh the reservolt engineer Is usually asked is how much more will one get from a horizon‘al well ? Thus a simple Indicator for gain In critical rates should be of practical use, Using equations {G) and (9) yields © Gen a a « p (1) Since f = 4 and qg* = 1 a quick order of magnitude for gain In critical rates is 4L/Xq (applies for L = W). For 4 more precise estimate, one should use the proper value Of F (Table 1) and the proper value of qg* (Table 3). 1s xq It is also observed by comparing Figures 3 and 7 that etitical cones or erests come closer to horizontal wells than to vertical wells. _Examole + Wevconsider the two vells of § 1 and § It (Table 2) in three cases of anisoteopy, namely: ky = Ky hy/10, and ky/100. Cone oF crest apex location, critical rate of horizontal and 500m-long vertical wells, and their ratio are given below. ky 1 ino | soo Zse/h (hor) 0.305 Zsefh (vert) 043 enor (m8 /n) 388 evers(m3/m) 2.00 Qen/Qey sro | 210 | 180 ‘This comparison shows that horizontal well critics! rate is less sensitive to anisotropy than vertical well Is. The effects are in opposite ways, thus the ratlo is finally rather sensitive to the degree of anisotropy. IV. DISCUSSION : Constant pressure versus no flow boundaries (atendy-state and psevdo-steady-state). ‘This makes hardly any difference for a vertical well, however, the problem has to be studied in more detalls for horizontal wells + Fora vertical well, one knows that the eone forms only jocally, very close to the well and that at the actual drainage radius rp the free Interface is flat (at its lnitlal” location). “thus, there is no ambiguity for caloulating hy it is easy to aay that, at radius rq, Interface elevation is b. (Initial oll thickness). Critical rates have been established (§ If for true steady ‘They will apply just as well for pseudo-steady-state if one uses rq in the critical rate calculation (with ty = 0.607 tq, f being the distance from the well to the actual Ro flow boundary). With this trieky (®, ~ Using steady-state viscous flow potential Is equal to theSPE 15377 Isabelle CHAPERON actual (Oe - $4) pseudo-steady-state viscous flow potential of the bounded system (See App. B). (However, Since the only feed (so called "bottom drive") Is from the fiutd whieh is coning, one has to adjust h trom time to time during the well life using simple material balance, 20 that cumulative oil produetion be bolanced by a rise of average water level, or by expansion of ges-eap hence Towering of average GOC level). « For a horizontal well draining a realistic ofl layer, the ideal solution shown by Efros? and Giger? cannot be used as such : they show that the interface is tilted with asymptotic parabolic shape (meaning “iat nowhere it tends to its initial shape, but instead, at some distance from the well, it drops lower than initial WOC, as low a infinity). Recent modifications attempt to extend this mathematical solution to more realistic cases derivations here have assumed steady-state flow from distance X, (where interface elevation is h). For the case of no flow at lateral boundary (x = Xqy which happens when drainage is achieved by several wells, or when the oil extension has some physical no flow boundaries, one could work again the derivation, acing the steady-state potential by a pseudo-steady~ state potential including a se wells located at x, = £2 Xa, 2, = 0. There is also a quicker way (lightly less preelse though) + it is to notice that there is a value of Xp for which linear flow potential for steady-state has the same value as pseudo-steady-state linear flow potential at the actual no flow boundary X, in the equations of viscous flow potential (Xq = X8 see App. E).Thus we still write that at boundary x ‘and z= h, viscous ‘low potential balances that of gravity. Thus h is the actual interface elevation at the no flow boundary, and equations 2 45 and 6 apply, provided one uses Xq = Xe/2. (Also during the life of the well h will need to be adjusted from time to time for vertical quasi-static elevation of WOC or lowering of GOC that may be ‘estimated from material balance). SUMMARY Critical rates of horizontal and vertical wells (Qe in m8 /n/m 5 p in glem? jh in m5 kin mD Steady-state: with Fa) from Table 1 (nor ore fr Asasis aa) ell) with ef) fom Table (13)or @,, = BU E259 for 4sas40 an Gain = AUX, for 150519 as) x tayp hey (8) ()()" ee 5 yh pe sae setn(t) « Paudo-seadyatte + (0 flow doundary x= Ky ort ao rele Xq by RUE an tq BY RADT tg In bor ene! “nid + these equtions are derived trom a 2D ica aterace tay Sly en ak oly CONCLUSIONS A simple equation {s provided to estimate critical rate ‘of horizontal wells in anisotropic formations. It shows that eritical rate per unit length increases as horizontal transmissivity of the layer (ky B/y) and initial oil ‘thickness (h), and decreases as well-to-lateral-boundary distance. The actual value of vertical permeability has very little Influence on rate ; increased ky weakly Increases critical rate and keeps the critical crest further away from the well. ‘An estimate of critical rate of @ vertical well in an fanisotrople formation - including the influence of distance between well and boundary ~ Is also derived, which is more sensitive to anisotropy + critical rate slightly Ineteases when vertical permeability decreases, but critical cone elevation does not ehange significantly. It is observed that eritical cones come usually eloser to horizontal wells than to vertical wells. ‘The outcome of a critical rate comparison is th horizontal wells may allow higher critical rates th vertical wells, but this advantage lessens when vertical permeability decreases. ‘Therefore the actual gain in eritical rate to expect from ‘horizontal well should be estimated earefully from key parameters (Land Xa j ky/ky and rq to a lesser degree). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘The suthor wishes to thank MrTHOMERE, Head of Reservoir Engineering Departement in TOTAL CFP for his adviee and his permission to publish this paper. She also acknowledges M.M. REISS and KARCHER from ELE-ALQUITAINE, and M.M. COMBE and GIGER from IEP for forum type discussions. REFERENCES 1, Ls H, REISS, A. P. L. JOURDAN, F.M. GIGER and PL A. ARMESSEN + “Offshore | and Onshore European Horizontal Wells", OTC 4791, presented at the 16th Annual OTC in Houston, Texas, May 7~ 9, 1984. 2, B, KARCHER, F. GIGER, J. COMBE : "Some Practical Formulas to Predict Horizontal Well: behaviour", SPE 15430, to be presented at the Gist SPE fall meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana october § - 8, 1986.‘THEORETICAL STUDY OF CONING TOWARDS HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL WELLS. IN ANISOTROPIC FORMATIONS : SUBCRITICAL AND CRITICAL RATES SPE 15 377 5. 10. Nom ch cos F, GIGER : “Evaluation théorique de effet w @arréte eau sur la production par _puits horizontaux" (Theoretical study of water eresting xX effect on production by horizontal wells), Revue de Xa Ninstitut Frangals du Pétrote vol. 38 n* 3, Mal - Juin 1983. (English translation available ‘at the ‘Alberta Oil Sands Information Center, Edmonton, ‘Alta, CANADA, ref 1769.) J. DUPUIT + Etudes théoriques et pratiques sur le mouvement. des eaux. Dunod - Paris 1863. (Theoretical and Practical studies on underground water movement). A. HOUPEURT + Elements de mécanique des Tluides dans les milieux poreux (Elements of fuie mechanies in porous media). Editions Technip, Paris, 1975. BOURNAZEL and B, JEANSON : “Fast Water Coning Evaluation Method", SPE 3628, presented at 46th SPE fall meeting - 1971. D. A. EFROS : "Study of Multiphase Flows in Porous Media". Gastoptexizdat, Leningrad, 1963. F. GIGER : "Analitic 2D Models of Water Cresting Before Breakthrough for Horizontal Wells". Paper SPE 15378, to be presented at the 1st SPE fall meeting in’ New Orleans, Louisiana. October 5 - 8, 1986. M, MUSKAT : The Flow of Homogenous Fluids ‘Through Porous Media. Reprinted by LH.R.D.C., Boston (1982). 1, W. AMYX, D. BASS, and R. L. WHITING : Petroleum "Reservoir Engineering Physical Properties. Me GRAW HILL, N. ¥., 1960. ENCLATURB + hyperbolie cosine (ch (x) = (e% + e"%/2) + trigonometric cosine (eos(0) = cos (a + dimensionless function : F = @ qa)" (@) + gravity constant g/em> + gram per cubic centimeter (1 g/em? = 62.43 Ib/eutt) + Initial off thickness (or Jnterface elevation at Xa oF (eq) ~ (see also m*/n) + inferfacd elevation at abscissa x in Dupult formula + interface elevation at ra in Dupuit formula (H. = hirq)) permeability to ofl horizontal well length base ¢ logaritnn (Log (e) = 1) meters (Im = 3.28 {1) cubic meters per hour (1m*/n = 181 BOPD) pressure ‘actual oll rate (m3/t) in reservoir conditions ji e from vertical well radius for steady-state(where ») 0.607 Tey by definition, for pseudo-steady-state + loestion of actual no flow boundary for pseudo-steady-state hyperbolic sine (sh(x) = (e% - e°%)/2) + length (in y dimension) of drainage volume for ‘ horizontal well (should be less than 4 L) cissa (aside from the horizontal well + location of @ constant pressure boundary oF abscissa where Interface level is known to be hy, for steady-state flow. In the preudo-steady- state ease, by definition: Xy = 0.5 Xp + location of an actual no flow boundaty (where Interface level Is 8) coordinate along horizontal well sxis coordinate along vertical axis (well is at 2=0) well to cone apex dist 1 Gimenstonless proup # @ 2 (xq/tXky/kyl? for horizontal wells, or a = (ra/n\(kyYky"/?) for vertical walls + 2.496 10° (apn) (ky hip) mB # difference hemispherical viscous flow potential + actual viscous flow potential, o gravity potential + oll viscosity + constant = 3.1415. + density Subscripts + + from Bournazel formula + critical + In horizontal direetion (permeability) 5 oF for horizontal well (rates) + per unit length of horizontal well + at cone or crest apex In vertical direction (ky); or for vertical well in x direction (permeability) in y direction (permeability) + In z direction (permeability) Superscript dimensioniess + transformed variables (2D flow changed to isotrople) franaformed varlebies (BD flow changed to isotropic) APPENDIX A. ANALYSIS OF STABLE CONES CREATED BY HORIZONTAL WELLS 1. Isotrople formation « Flow potential ‘A well sitting close to the bottom of a layer of thickness 1h (case 2) is equivalent to a well of double rate in the middle of a double thiekne: layer (ease b). ‘The flow potential for case (b) Is in the shape of A Log {eh ax ~ cos by) (which i ‘a close form for an infinite sum of image wells). Constants are chosen so that diffusivity equation be satisfied (eq. A-1), that planes = = 0 and z = h be no flow boundaries (eq. A.2), and Darcy law be satisfied at the well (eq. A.3)- (Equations A.1 to A.1l are elther in Darcy units, of dimensionless). ao aay‘SPE 15377 Isabelle CHAPERON Bo fr 220 and * (A.2) x = <8 when (xy) + (rw) a (A) Bralat-mt) ‘The potential in equation A.4 satisfies equations A.1 to 4.3. Using this elose form of potential, the same kind of anaiysis is applied to stable cones around a horizontal well as was done by Muskat® in the case of vertical wells. Considering potential difference between a point A on the Interface far from the well, with coordinates (X,, h) and § the apex of the cone with coordinates (0, 25 illustrated on Fig. 2, the potential difference may expressed by equation A.5 (viscous flow potential) or A.8 (gravity potential), static equilibrium being achieved when Ad (as) therefore the rate per unit length corresponding to a static cone at height Ze is: a L Q apeh tg? a 7 (AD where gj? the dimensionless rate per unit\ length tisfies equation A.B: 4 , a(t 2 ue aX, ea co oe) 7m 1 = cos = a (A.8) In acon we egue a sbe elem, atin Sle Manel Qu fh 808 = Tek az, owed * (as Combining A.S, A.6 and A.9 yields an implicit equation for Zgqr the critical cone height : Se oma ag, we (ie SE Critleal rate Is also the maximum rate, It corresponds to equation A.8, written for critical value of Zgy le. Zgey the solution of Implicit equation A.10. ‘The critical rate in dimensionless form may thus be written in a simpler way eee @an ‘The Implicit equation A.10 has been solved for various values of Xq/h. Critical cone heights and dimensionless rates are reported in table 1 and Fig. 4. In practical units, tie value of critical rate per unit length in reservoir conditions Is given by equation A.12 (aor b). az, ay 2 & = aaniert(24) 2 (A.12.8), Q@. bpkh x, & -5( 20k) (a a= % = neoorare( 24) (4) : fae) where gue" and. Zg/h are funetions ot Xan tablates mtghals and pilfea on Figs 4 tas when bap = Great's mi etmbs peak b, Anisotropy Except at the ends of the well, flow Is bidimensional in xz planes, therefore the change in variables to be used to convert an anisotropic case to isotropic form affects x and z coordinates only. (a3) (aaa) (Aas) za:(EPe wet ‘ (A.16) pe (ard Equations A.14 to A.16 allow transformation of the diffusivity equation into Isotropte form : #e | #e af (A.18) Equation A.1T is necessary to keep gravity forces unchanged. a‘THEORETICAL STUDY OF CONING TOWARDS HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL WELLS, IN ANISOTROPIC FORMATIONS : SUBCRITICAL AND CRITICAL RATES SPE 13 37; Rate is invariant in this change of coordinates, so Is L (y dimension). Equation A.12b holds in the prime system only + = woatr( a (apehy = dpeh (a2) ‘Therefore the general equation for critical ra (reservoir conditions) in practical units is the following. @, Xr k, ePWEGS) (a.2a) = 3.486 10-Fap L (Q/L + m3/n/m j Op + g/em®, ht ms ky t MD) gic? is @ function of a. Numerical values are tabulated ble 1) and plotted Fig. 4 togethgr with the product F Fa qy* (a) with a = (Kq/n) (ky/ky) 2, Since F is nearly constant (F = 4 fora = 1, +4% a! $410 % ata=6;+20%ataz 135437 % ata the following expression outlines the Important parameters better : er x, a = 8486 10°* 1p m (**) ren (P = 4 see Table 1 oF Fig. 4) APPENDIX B ANALYSIS OF STABLE CONES CREATED BY A VERTICAL WELL ‘The well has a low penetration ratio (hp << hn) and maximum clearance (well touches the impermeable boundary). Thus it is represented as a point source. 1. Asotropie formation ‘The flow potential corresponding to hemispherical flow indueed by a point source located at the origin of a semi-infinite porous medium, limited by a no flow plane atz=Oist van= 24 (-) where r is the distance between the well point 2 ‘and any point M. ey However in the case of a limited oi column of thickness 1 the no ~ flow boundary (z = h) may be accounted for by the method of images. The image well locations are an = 2M by Xp = O (Fig. 6). ‘The viscous flow potential for oil flow within a limited layer of thickness h, towards a point well located at the bottom of the layer is @ « summation of all y's created by the infinite series of image wells. It applies close to the well (t= Fy, where flow is nearly hemispherical) as well as far fromthe well (¢ >> ty, where flow is nearly. radia). If we consider point Ay far from the well on the gas oll Interface with coordinates (rq, h), and § the apex of @ gas cone in equilibrium with coordinates (0, ‘above & vertical well producing at rate Q (reservoir cBnditions) the potential lfference may be expressed as follows + . (arigetet) (B.2) 0, ~% = bpgth-2) : aa Equilbcium condition: (8.2 = 8.3) z, sora(s=22 with : 1 L 1Z,+2nhi ve 8 [A +t,+ ana] ow ‘Thus a cone in equilibrium at elevation 2g correspond To one rate Q (Za) as precised by equation 85. Lkh 25 a=! Maps nae(s- 2) 25) Equations B.S and B.6 define dimensionless rate q*, Ei given in equation (8.6) In addition to static equilibelum, dynamic equilibriu: should be achieved, meaning that if a perturbation the Interface occurs, buoyancy will be stronger the viscous forces. Stability condition may be stated as follows : 4d one 4-89 1) ‘The maximum and critical rate corresponds to an = sit in B.T. g*, the dimensionless oll rate, is plotted vers: cone height on Fig.7, corresponding to equation B.6. « max oF Gt, if observed for a critical cone height Z; solved in next S, Equations B.1 through B.7 are in Darcy units, equati B.6 is dimensionless. amare ese frontal rata (ear eon a= sate 1052p gs (e.) with the following units : Qh ki mD hsm: ncep Op elem? b, Anisotropic permeabilitySPE 15 377 Isabelle CHAPERON, If x, y, 2 are the principal axes of permeability, as flow takes place in all three dimensions, the following variables should be used : way (8.12) B13) ean qustons B10 to B.3 allow the difutvity eqution to Semen te eerie Geet ted equator Bat Sefer a iasattotrencstoueeee Pecnereae ear acetate aancrer ots oer eet Sr eee! Sea ie ellen remus the same (first parts of equations B.10 to B.14)). With these changes, Q is invariant. Equation 8 applies In the double prime system of coordinates only : eas) fe yh (from equations B.10 and B.13) (ap en"= Sp eh, ,, (from equations B.13 and B.14) etal = (eqn) Gey/ky)/? (from equations B.11 to B.13) So the general equation for critical rate in reservoir ‘conditions is the following a, = ase 104(4 spt ((32)(8)") 16) “ (@ isn 9 hy in mb, in 6p, 9 in eho is a function of a = (ra/h) (ky/ky)!/2, this is the only face ‘where anisotropy plays’ a" role. gq" function (logetner with eritieal cone locations) Is shown on Table 43, Other cases may be calculated from equations B.2 to BLAS, using the appropriate expression of 2. APPENDIX C Pr ft at ‘As eritical rates are very low they correspond to low pressure drops in the reservolr. Therefore it is necessary to check whether pressure loss along the well length may be neglected, so that each unit length of well behave the same (except both ends because of end effects when well length is less than drainage length). For laminar flow, a pipe of inner diametgr r behaves 8 medium of permeability k= 12.5 10° 6 (& in Darey, r L__ in em) (analogy between Poiseuille's!0 and Darcy's ‘equations. Flow takes place in vertical planes, and each unit length of well collects the same influx, thus the total rate flowing in the well (or pipe) is en from Dargy tw to = (2) weduna =(2) pease ss0%art (2) Integrating from x= L to0 ene 12.5 10a! (C3) AP =3.6 107 atm for L = 500m e (c.4) ‘The order of magnitude of drawdown in the formation being around "one atmosphere at” critical. rate, the pressure losses for laminar flow may be considered s hegligible. APPENDIX D ‘Total rate versus rate per unit length of horizontal well. No flow planes at y= 0.and y= L(L = well length) his happens when the well Is really extending between two parallel sealing faults, or fully crosses a narrow channel, or when the wells are drilled in a line with barely any space between each other (on y axis). In these cases, total rate is rate per unit length () oF Q/L) derived in this paper, times actual weil length Ls b. Ydime sion than well length (I = W/L = 4) In this case, far from the ends, flow is the same as case (8). However rate per unit length increases close to the ‘ends. Radial flow towards both ends of the well occurs. It has been observed (by 3D simulations of monophasic flow towards a horizontal well which does not reach the boundaries of the drainage volume) that the total pte raage lies between LQ, and 1.25 LQ) when W< 2al/4 (ha. W CAL when a= ky/ky = 10). ‘This range should not be significantly changed when coning is concerned. ‘Thus to keep calculations simple, one uses Q = L Qy throughout this paper, knowing that this may be at understatement, but "within the accuracy of the practical estimates that are presented in this paper. cc, Well length Is much less than interwell distance (in Y direction). In this case, flow is essentially radial and the gain in total rate (linear + radial as compared to radial only) should be studied by 3D analytical or numerical studies. Also in this case, productivity index formulas derived from a 2D analysis cannot apply.‘THEORETICAL STUDY OF CONING TOWARDS HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL WELLS. 10 IN ANISOTROPIC FORMATIONS # SUBCRITICAL AND CRITICAL RATES SPE 15 377 APPENDIX Es D ATH ‘&. Vertical wells Steady-state between radil rand fy (Fadil flow) de fe « Zssm | act | Peaaietd a ey 1 7050 [ee Pei]o5 =e" (4) 2 | son ay 3 .a80a Pseudo-stendy-state + no flow seeross boundary F = F9: ‘ 3083 (Pion = Oat re 5 3st ee 7 10 a (z.3) 10 +1450 2 13 1183, [res -Pe} a) 0 50s | 0.254 . MN a 30 0562 OTT * (BA) 7 . Pseudo-stendy-state potential at re equals steady-state ao | .oase | ontsr potential at if Rab || cased || eats (e.5) ‘This Is satisfied for one value of r only, that we name rat ry = 0.8078, i. ‘ x) b. Horizontal well Steady-state linear flow : ae aero en [ros rag = Ate 8) te tno flow at x 2 “ oo . on fre = : ay es Pseudo-steady-state potential at Xp (no flow boundary) equals steady-state potential at x itt (recy Pg» [ett cea X,+X, “Fo x, TABLE 1 - Horizontal well 1 Critical cone height dimensionless critical rates, and function F for vario values of a= (Xq/h) (ky/y)/2 Example : [Gas coning or cresting (oil well) iy = 70 om wo= 7 mb hos em bp = (0.48 g/om? (gas/oil) y= 042 op fw o1 om FA = 1000 m (vert. well) 3PXA= 1000 m (hor. well) L 500m (hor. well) w L__m (hor, well) TABLE 2 Example parameters a Zseln | ao* z ‘ 043 | 1.2133 | 2.95 13 oat | 6962 42 40 ose | arere | 5.32 TABLE 3 - Vertical well ~ Critical cone parameters 13, 40 (0 (raft) (hye) 1/2)15377 Fig. 2—Immobile gas crest above a horizontal well—flowllnes In oll. HORIZONTAL WELL Oe (XpMnMey/indts 4 DIPENSIONLESS CONE Veo W20. 40, eee wae 08 DIMENSIONLESS RATE. OLe: Fig. 3—Creet apex to wall dltance va. rate for crests in equilibrium (hortzontal wall).SPE 1937-7 g 5 WORTZONTAL WELL. pice + ea AT deur saan txt RRO Fig. 4~Dimansloniess eral rate, crest apex location ane F function vs. a [with a=(ea/hVKyKn™ I Fig, Row of mage wate guarte ana ow Sounaary atom aes sm. VERTICAL WELL DIpgySTONLESS CONE EIHT 25/34 eae ea ae ae * oinehstones Fig. 7—Cone-apexto wall latance va. rate for cones in eulrum (vertical wala)
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