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Administered by the Religious Sisters of Mercy (RSM)

Year Level: 1ST YEAR



▪ Apply knowledge and understanding of arts in general, including their function,

value, and historical significance;
▪ Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino by
appreciating local arts;
▪ Discover and deepen their identity through art with respect to their nationality,
culture, and religion; and
▪ Create their own works of art and curate their own production or exhibit;
▪ To reflect on the value of art to human.

Art appreciation refers to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the

universal and timeless qualities characterizing works of art. It invokes an analysis of
the works based on acknowledged elements of composition and principles of design,
through which enjoyment of the humanities is enhanced.

PART I: Overview of the Humanities


✓ To determine students’ expectations of the course

✓ To characterize artistic expression based on personal experiences with art
✓ To determine the general concepts of the course humanities

Deepening in Details


- Humanities came from the Latin word “humanus”, it is the study “of how humans
have expressed themselves through the art throughout the history. (Dr. Yagyagan)
- Humanities also means human, culture and refined. (Van de Bogart, 1970)
- Humanities emphasize the dignity of man and recognize creative expressions.
(Estolas, 1995)
- Humanities are records of man’s experiences, his values, his sentiments, his ideals
and his goals.
- They are ultimately the expression of man’s feelings and thoughts. (Zulueta, 1994)

Human being is the basic subject of the Humanities. It aims to offer happiness
to human being. It also aims to direct human being to achieved happiness without
money as instrument or anything that belonged to the world.

In other words, since HAPPINESS is the basic object of man’s move, the
Humanities underscores art because it gives man happiness in its finest level; the
Humanities sired art.


In this world of so much unfairness, in this world cruel to its people, in this world
only few heart survive, everyone needs solace. Everyone needs silence from the everyday
commotion, everyone needs exit from his troubled heart, everyone needs HAPPINESS.

This happiness which everyone wants to have can be achieved out of nothing.
You don’t need money …

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All we need to do is to find your happiness. Try to compose a song, write a poetry,
novel or short story, to watch a troupe dancing on the street on the plaza, to view a
statue or painting, to enjoy looking at buildings in a finest design or anything that will
make you happy.


It is like saying that woman can have her breath without applying make-up on
her face. She can live without make up so long as she has food to eat.

Considering that make up is an art, how will you justify your answer?

We all have different opinions. Others might say yes; some may say no! But, what
do you think is being emphasized with the questions above?

It may be true that we don’t need anything, but the truth being pointed out is,
meaningful and enjoying life.


Imagine a life with abundance of food, yet there is no music, no movie houses or
dance occasions, there is no art.

Now imagine an old woman without make-up on her face, is it the face she
desires? Imagine your life today without anything only food. Is it a meaningful and
enjoyable life?

Life without art is boring, unbecoming and dying. This is why humanities
is important.


It is not only to complete your education as one of those collegiate courses in

every program but through Art, you can travel back in time, you can travel back to the
early existence of human being. You can understand every kind of aspiration, dreams
and wants of the early people.

It is history in form, but clothes with all aspect of beauty so that art and studying
makes the understanding of history more entertaining and interesting.

There are points that history course cannot penetrate which art can do. The study
of history to a particular place and period as designed for the course.

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Art is universal; it crosses through time and places.


Artist are influenced by the happenings that surround them. They cannot get
away from these happenings if they meant to be understood by their audience who at
the same time their contemporaries.
Losing their connection with the period is losing the meaning of their works.



✓ To explain the meaning, nature and importance of arts in our lives

✓ To determine the subject of art and its functions
✓ To be able to reflect on the functions of art with regard to their personal
contributions to the development of art

Deepening in Details


Art is very important in our lives. It constitutes one of the oldest and most
important means of expression developed by man. Art has been existent since men have
live together. A true work of art is made by man himself not imitatively, but

Art has been defined in various ways. Hereunder are some definitions given by
various authors.
1. Art is derived from the Latin ars, meaning “ability or skill”. -J.V. Estolas
2. Art is taken from the Italian word artis, which means craftsmanship, skill,
mastery of form, inventiveness, and the associations that exist between form and
ideas, between material and technique. -A. Tan
3. Art is a product of man’s need to express himself. –F Zulueta
4. Art is connected with the communication of certain ideas and feelings by means
of sensuous medium, color, sound, bronze, marble, words, and film. -C. Sanchez
5. Art is that which brings life in harmony with the beauty of the world. –Plato
6. Art is an attitude of spirit, a state of mind – one which demands for its own
satisfaction and fulfilling, a shaping of matter to new and more significant form.
–John Dewey
7. Art is the skillful arrangement or composition of some common but significant
qualities of nature such as colors, sounds, lines, movements, words, stones,
wood, etc., to express human feelings, emotions, or thoughts in a perfect
meaningful and enjoyable way. –Panizo and Rustia

From the definitions cited, there are four common essentials of art:
1. art must be man-made;
2. art must be creative, not imitative;

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3. art must benefit and satisfy man and man must make use of art in practical
4. art is expressed through a certain medium or material by which the artist
communicates himself to his fellows.

We can communicate through paintings, songs, dances, and dramatic plays to

highlight and heightened the importance of certain event, keep them in memory and
indulge in pleasure. We also build monuments to remind us of the heroic deed of great
Through an artist’s work, we get a glimpse of the thought, feelings, and beliefs of
the people who lived in the period the artwork was produced and the external factors
that influenced the artwork.

This explains why the arts is called the humanities. It brings out the good and
the noble in us. Through arts, we come to know the changing image of man as he
journeys across time, searches for the reality, and strives to achieve the ideals that
create the meaning of life.

Art Appreciation is the ability to interpret or understand man-made arts and

enjoy them either through actual and work-experience with art tools and materials or
possession of these works of art for one’s admiration and satisfaction.

Deepening in Details


In any art form – painting, music, sculpture, architecture, or dance – there is

always a subject that serves as the foundation of the creation of the work or art. The
subject of art is varied; it can be anything that is represented in the artwork. It may be
a person, object, scene, or event.

Two forms of Art

▪ Representational or objective arts

-Artworks that depict something easily recognized by most people.
Painting, sculpture, graphic arts, literature, and threaten arts are generally
classified as representational, although some paintings and sculptures are
without subjects. Music and dance may or may not have subjects.

▪ Non-representation or non-objectives arts

-They do not represent anything and they are what they are. They rather
appeal directly to the senses primarily because of the satisfying organization of
their elements.

Deepening in Details


Every art form has a definite function since it satisfies a particular need. To
laymen it has little function. Architecture is directly and almost entirely functional
because buildings and other structures are always built for some special purpose. Music
and dance are used in ancient rituals and worship of the gods for social and folk
entertainment, as well as in the military.

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Painting and sculpture may be used to narrate events, to portray people or
events, to instruct, to commemorate individuals or historical event. Metal works such as
gates, grills, lamps, Christian religious objects, armor, weapons and tools, ceramics and
glassware, stained glass, mosaic, tilework, textile and furniture are among the many
type of arts or crafts.

The four main functions of art are:

1. Aesthetic Function - Art for man’s enjoyment and appreciation.
2. Utilitarian Function - Art that gives man comfort and happiness, provide
necessities and conveniences of life.
3. Cultural Function -It makes man aware of his/her cultural background.
4. Social Function -Helps man learn to love and help each other.

Deepening in Details


Various authors classify arts in different ways.

Authors Classification
1. Fine arts or Independent art
- are made primarily for aesthetic enjoyment through the senses, especially
Manaois visual and auditory.
2. Practical arts or Useful/utilitarian art
- are intended for practical use.
1. Visual arts - are those that we perceive with our eyes.
a. Graphic arts (arts in two-dimensional surface)
Custodiosa b. Plastic arts (arts in three-dimensional forms)
Sanchez 2. Literature
(2002) 3. Drama and Theater
4. Music and Dance
1. Major arts
-painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, music, and dance.
2. Minor arts
-decorative arts, popular arts, graphic arts, plastic arts and industrial arts.
She also grouped arts into 6:
1. Visual arts (graphic art, plastic arts)
Josefina 2. Performing arts (theater, play, dance, music)
Estolas (1995) 3. Literary arts (short story, novel, poetry, drama)
4. Popular arts (film, newspaper, magazine, radio, television)
5. Gustatory art of the cuisine (food and beverage preparation)
6. Decorative/Applied arts (beautification of houses, offices, cars, and
other structures.
1. According to purpose
a. Practical/useful arts are directed to produce artifacts and utensils
b. Liberal arts are directed towards intellectual growth
c. Fine arts are focused towards creative activity for the contemplation
of the mind and the upliftment of the spirit
d. Major arts are characterized by actual and potential expressiveness
e. Minor arts are concerned with practical uses and purposes
2. According to media and forms
Panizo and a. Plastic arts are works which exist in physical space and perceived
Rustia by the sense of sight
(1995) b. Kinetic arts involve the elements of rhythm.
c. Phonetic arts utilize sounds and words as medium of expression
d. Pure arts take only one medium of expression like sound in music
and color in painting
e. Mixed arts take more than one medium

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Deepening in Details


Art is viewed as a reflection of creativity, ingenuity, and inventiveness within a

culture. Its value is seen not only in terms of its style and craftsmanship but also in its
functional interaction with all the elements that constitute human life and culture.

The history of art began with that of humanity. Art dates back to the time when
superstitions and beliefs in the spirits are still very common in every culture.



✓ To familiarize oneself of how an artwork is made, put together, or organized

✓ To determine the meaning conveyed by the art and how an artwork makes life
more meaningful
✓ To compare and contrast the different mediums in art production
✓ To express oneself through a certain medium in art

Deepening in Details


Medium, which come from the Latin word medium, denotes the means by which
an artist communicates his idea. These are the materials which are used by an artist to
interpret his feelings or thoughts:

▪ Architect uses wood, bamboo, bricks, stone, concrete, and various building
▪ Painter uses pigments on wood or canvas to recreate reality of nature.
▪ Sculptor uses steel, marble, bronze, metal, and wood.
▪ Musician uses instruments to produce and communicate a message and a
literary writer
Thus, medium is very essential in arts.

Arts are primarily classified as visual and auditory:

▪ Visual arts are those whose mediums can be seen and which occupy space.
Visual arts are grouped into two classes:
1. 2 dimensional arts which include painting, drawing, printmaking and
2. 3 dimensional arts which include Sculpture, Architecture, Landscape,
crafts etc.

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▪ Auditory arts are those whose mediums can be heard and which are expressed
in time. These are Music and Literature.
Combined Arts are those whose mediums can be both seen and heard and which
exist in both space and time. These includes Opera, drama and film. Along with the
music, these are also known as Performance Arts.
Technique, is the manner in which the artist controls his medium to achieve the
desired effect. It is the ability with which he fulfills the technical requirements of his
particular work of art.

The Artist and His Medium

The artist thinks, feels, and gives shape to his vision in terms of his medium. The
distinctive character of the medium determines the way it can be worked on and turned
into a work of art.

The Artist and His Technique

Artist differ from one another in technique even if they use the same medium.
The distinction between art and craft may be made on the basis of the technique used.
For an artist, technique is not the end but the means, while the craftsman, technique
is the end. While both require technique, knowledge, and competence, creativity
apparently come into play in the work of the sculptor. Technique, thus, is an important
aspect that distinguishes an art from a craft.

Deepening in Details


Visual arts are those that we perceive with our eyes. The most common of visual
arts are Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, and Architecture. Their mediums are
discussed as follows.

- is the art of creating meaningful effects on a flat surface by the use of pigments.
Different mediums are used in painting:
• Water Color - is difficult to handle because
producing warm and rich tones using medium
proves to be a challenge. Watercolor pigments
invite brilliance and a variety of hues.

• Fresco - is a painting method done on a moist plaster surface

with colors ground in water or a limewater mixture.

• Tempera - are mineral pigments mixed with

egg yolk or egg white and ore. This egg-based
emulsion binds the pigments to the
• Pastel - is a stick of dried paste made of pigment ground
with chalk and compounded with gum water. It is a very flexible
medium whose colors are luminous.
• Encaustic - is one of the early mediums used
by the Egyptians for painting portraits
on mummy cases. Applying wax colors
fixed with heat.
• Oil - pigment are mixed with linseed oil and applied to the
canvas. Oil paint is flexible.

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• Acrylic - transparency and quick-drying
characteristic of watercolor and the
flexibility of the oil.
• Mosaic is the art of putting
together small pieces of colored stones or glass called “tesserae” to
create an image. Mosaic is usually classified as painting, although,
the medium used is not strictly pigment.
• Stained glass as an artwork is common in
Gothic cathedrals and churches. It is made by
combining small pieces of colored glass
that held together by hand of lead.
• Tapestry is a fabric produced by hand-weaving colored
threads upon a wrap. During the Middle ages, they were hung on
the walls of palace and in cathedrals on festive occasions to
provide warmth.

- is usually done on paper using pencil, pen and ink, or charcoal. Drawing has
always been considered as a very good training for artists because it makes one
concentrate on the use of line.
Different mediums are used in drawing:
• Pencil - pencil leads are graded in different
degrees of hardness or softness.
• Ink - one of the oldest mediums still in use,
offers a great variety of qualities, depending on
the tools and techniques used in application.
• Charcoal - is a carbonaceous material obtained
by heating wood or other organic
substances in the absence of oxygen.
• Bister - is a brown pigment extracted from the soot of wood,
and often used in pen and wash drawing.

• Crayons - are pigments bound by wax and

compressed into painted sticks used for
• Silverpoint - uses a silver stylus to produce a thin grayish
on specially prepared paper.

• Printmaking - is anything printed on a surface

that is a direct result from the duplication
process. One the advantages of
printmaking is the ease with which one
can make multiple copies of the original
• Lithography is a surface printing done from an almost
smooth surface which has been treated chemically or
mechanically. The drawing is then fixed with an acid solution.


- In choosing the subject for sculpture, the most important thing to consider is
material. The materials available for sculpture are
Different mediums are used in sculpture:

• Stone - is the hard and brittle substance

formed from mineral and earth material.
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• Jade - is a fine stone, usually colored green, and used
widely in Ancient China. It is highly esteemed as an ornamental
stone for carving and fashion jewelry.
• Ivory - which comes from the main part of tusks
of elephants, is the hard white substance
used to make carving and billiard balls.
• Metals - includes any class of elementary substances such
as gold, silver, copper. They can be shaped or deformed under great
pressure without breaking.
• Plaster - composed of lime, sand, and water. It is
applied on walls and ceilings and allowed
to harden and dry.
• Clay - a natural earthly material that is plastic when wet.
Used in making bricks and ceramics.
• Glass - is a medium that is hard, brittle, non-
crystalline, more or less transparent
substances produced by fusion, usually
consisting of mutually dissolved silica and
silicates and contains soda and lime.
• Wood -is a medium easier to crave than any other. It is
lighter and softer to carve despite having greater tensile strength
than stone; hence, it can be used in long pieces without breaking.


- It is the art of designing a building and supervising its construction. In its broader meaning,
architecture is producing shelter to serve as protection of men in carrying out his activities –
work, recreation, and sleep.
Different mediums are used in architecture:

• Materials in Nature are direct products of nature, given as

gift to man.
Ex. Stone and wood.
• Materials Manufactured by Man constitutes the majority of building
materials. It requires the manipulation of man before it acquires its finished
Ex. Ceramics, metals, concrete, and plastics.
• Indigenous Materials are found in the locality and are
widely used in architecture.
Ex. Sawali, coco coir, bagasse, abaca, bamboo, palm from
stem, and mud bricks.

Deepening in Details


Performing arts are creative activities presented before an audience, on stage,

and in open places. When heard and seen simultaneously, these arts become combined

- Music is an art. Culture is reflected in art. The more music a man knows, the
more cultured he becomes. Music deals with sounds. The mediums of music
are vocal and instrumental.

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• Vocal Music - is the oldest and most natural form of music. Voice is produced
by the vibrations of the vocal chords in the voice box. Since the sound produced
by these vibrations is not loud enough to be heard, resonators (lungs, esophagus,
head, and mouth cavities) are needed to increase its volume.

Correct Posture
▪ Standing correctly
▪ Maintaining body balance
▪ When seated, keep your back away
form the chair.

Correct Breathing
▪ Diaphragmatic breathing
▪ Proper inhalation and exhalation
▪ Breathing Exercise

Correct Placement of the Voice

▪ Never force out the voice
▪ Project the voice upward towards the
head to improve tonal quality.

Correct Diction
▪ Correct pronunciation
▪ Clear enunciation
▪ Distinct articulation

Classification of Vocal Music

Long Vocal Forms Short Vocal Forms
❖ Opera ❖ Folk songs ❖ Motet
❖ Cantata ❖ Arts songs ❖ Madrigal
❖ Oratorio ❖ Kundiman ❖ Ballad
❖ Moro-moro ❖ Balitaw ❖ Chorale
❖ Zarzuela ❖ Danza habanera ❖ Round/cannon
❖ Anthem ❖ Area

Voice Classification
Women’s Voice
❖ Soprano tone is lighter in character and more
❖ Alto the tone is richer and fuller
Men’s Voice
❖ Tenor the highest type in men’s voice
❖ Baritone lies between tenor and bass
❖ Bass lowest and deepest voice quality.

• Instrumental Music - Aside from voice, instruments are the other medium in
producing music.

Instrumental Music are classified into:

▪ Sonata
▪ Suite
▪ Symphony
▪ Concerto
▪ Chamber music

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Types of Musical Instruments:

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