Pneumatic Barrel Pumps Model SAF1-YL Und SAF2-YL: Owner Manual Operating Instructions and Service Parts List
Pneumatic Barrel Pumps Model SAF1-YL Und SAF2-YL: Owner Manual Operating Instructions and Service Parts List
Pneumatic Barrel Pumps Model SAF1-YL Und SAF2-YL: Owner Manual Operating Instructions and Service Parts List
Owner Manual
Operating Instructions and Service Parts List
LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
This Owner Manual is intended to familiarize the owners with If persons who are charged with works on the pump/lubrication
the pump/lubrication system and to make him know the appro- system dont have a good command of the english language, it
priate possibilities of use. is the ownerss responsibility to take the necessary actions to
The Operating Instructions refer to important directions for a make the Owners Manual, particularly the Operating Instruc-
safe, adequate and rentable operation of the pump/lubrication tions, understandable to these persons.
system. Their observance will help avoid hazards, reduce re-
pair costs and downtimes and increase the reliability and life of The Owners Manual must be read and used by all persons who
the pump/lubrication system. are charged with works on the pump/lubrication system, e.g.
These Operating Instructions must be completed with the re-
spective national regulations concerning the prevention of ac- Operation, including adjustment, troubleshooting during
cidents and protection of the environment. operation, elimination of production waste, maintenance, dis-
posal of process materials
The Owners must always be available on the site where the
pump/lubrication system is in operation. Maintenance (inspection, repairs)
Table of Contents
Contents Page Contents Page
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
1 Safety Notes
The Operating Instructions include general instructions which Staff Qualification and Training
must be followed when a pump/pump unit is installed, opera- The staff responsible for operation, maintenance, inspection
ted or serviced. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for the fit- and installation must be adequately qualified for these jobs.
ter and the specialist/owners to read the Operating Instructions The owners must properly regulate the field of responsibility
before a unit is installed and commissioned. The Operating In- and supervision of the personnel. If the personnel is not in com-
structions must always be available on the site where the ma- mand of the necessary expertise, then they must be adequate-
chine/system is erected. ly trained and instructed.
All general safety instructions contained in this main Safety If necessary, this can be done by the manufacturer/supplier on
chapter have to be observed as well as all special safety in- behalf of the machine owners. Furthermore, the owners must
structions given in other main chapters. ensure that the contents of the Operating Manual are fully un-
derstood by the personnel.
Identification of notes in Operating Manuals
The notes referring to safety contained in the Operating Manu- Hazards resulting from ignoring the safety instructions
al whose ignoration may result in personal injury are marked Failure to heed the safety warnings may result in equipment
by the following symbol and environment damage and/or personal injury.
Ignoring the safety notes may result in the disqualification from
damage claim.
safety symbol acc. to DIN 4844-W9 As an example, in the following we list some dangers which
may result from failure to observe the warnings:
When ignoring of safety note might result in machine damages Safety Instructions for the Owners/Operator
and malfunction, the word · If warm or cold machine parts may involve hazards, the cu-
stomer must protect them against accidental contact.
CAUTION · Protection devices for moving parts must not be removed
while the machine is in operation
is to be added. · Leakages of harmful materials must be dumped without jeo-
pardizing perons or environment. The requirements of the
Notes directly fixed to the machine must be observed and kept law must be satisfied.
in completely legible condition. · Danger caused by electric energy must be excluded (for de-
tails refer to the applicable specifications of VDE and the lo-
cal power supply companies).
Subject to change without notice
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
Description 3.1A-48602-A01
2. Description
2.1 General 2.3 Technical Data
This Owners Manual refers to the pneumatic barrel pumps Modell: SAF1 SAF2
model SAF1-YL (with 1 outlet) and SAF2-YL (with 2 outlets). It
is intended for the personnel charged with the installation, ope- Number of outlets 1 2
ration and maintenance of the pump.
If fault shoud occur although the Operating Instructions have Pneumatic drive, ratio 40:1 40:1
been followed, please contact our Service Department below
and indicate the detailed model designation and the order Lubricant output/stroke 1.1cm3 2x1.1 cm3
number (mentioned on the nameplate):
Max. operating pressure 300 bar
Abt. Zentraler Kundendienst Driving pressure min. 4bar, max 10bar
Postfach 1263
D-69183 Walldorf Reservoir 200 l lidded barrels acc. to
Tel.: 06227 330 DIN 6644
Fax: 06227 33259
Suitable lubricants adhesive lubricants NLGI
grades 0 and 00
2.2 Appropriate Use
Sound level < 70 dB(A)
The barrel pumps model SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL are designed
for use only in spray systems for the supply of adhesive lubri-
cants of NLGI grades 0 and 00.
Take care that the maximum ratings mentioned in the Techni-
cal Data sheet, particularly the max. operating pressure of 300
bar, is not exceeded.
Any other use is not in accordance with the instructions and will
result in the loss of claims for guarantee and liability.
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
Description 3.1A-48602-A01
2.4 Structure
1018a95 1017a95
Fig. 2.4.1: Pneumatic barrel pump SAF1 Fig. 2.4.2: Pneumatic barrel pump SAF2
The pump SAF1 (part no. 615-26393-4) mainly consists of the The pump SAF2 (part no. 615-26395-4) mainly consists of the
following components: following components:
1 pump element with drive cylinder 1 pump element with drive cylinder
Subject to change without notice
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
Description 3.1A-48602-A01
Electric low level control A 3/2-way air solenoid valve (integrated in maintenance unit
Magnetic floating switch with stainless steel float HSA-TD 20) is required for the drive of the spring-loaded air
(1.4571) piston.
Diameter 82 mm When the solenoid valve is activated, compressed air enters
Guiding tube and fittings of brass the air cylinder (item 2) and displaces the air piston downward.
2 change-over switches 40 VA/250 V = /1A The working piston (item 3)supplies the lubricant via the check
Protection IP 65 valve (item 4) to the integrated metering device (item 5).
The metering devices meters the lubricant quantity in two equal
quantities of each 1.1 cm³/stroke.
The pump SAF1 (for 1 pinion) supplies a part of the lubricant
via the external check valve to the outlet. The pump SAF2 (for
2 pinions)supplies both lubricant quantities to the two outlets.
1021a95 1022a95
Fig. 2.5.2: Dimension drawing Fig. 2.6.1: Function
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
Requirements on the place of installation The pump is filled with lubricant in the factory and vented. The
· protected from dust and dirt lubricant remains in the pump which is protected by a plastic
· safe against atmospheric influences (note the protection type bag on delivery and for storage. After the plastic bag has been
of the electric motor) removed, the pump can be put into a full lubricant drum and
· enough space for opening the reservoir cover and executing must not be vented.
the maintenance works (the space required depends on the
pump size)
· even, solid and vibration-free place of The pump should be put into operati-
erection on only after it has been placed into a
full lubricant drum. When changing CAUTION
the drum, pay a great attention that no
3.2 Electrical Connection dust or dirt enters the drum. The
drum cover must evenly lie on the
drum edge.
All electrical work should be undertaken only by qualified per-
sonnel. The driving air must be free from condensate and impurities.
Connect the low level control acc. to terminal diagram, item For the air treatment, use a air maintenance unit consisting of
2.5. Observe the enclosed circuit diagrams. air filter, pressure regulator and lubricator.
Adjust the pressure regulator of the air maintenance unit to 5
Lubricant filter
It is recommended to use a lubricant filter to avoid failures
which might be caused by impurities (in spray systems, a filter
is already installed on the mounting plate). Subject to change without notice
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
4.3 Troubleshooting
Cause: Remedy
Cause: Remedy
Feed line network leaky Check lines for loosen tube fittings, line break or torn off ho-
ses. Retighten fittings, replace defective tubing. Replace ho-
ses or reconnect them.
Suction valve clogged or defective Remove pump from barrel. Remove holding plate after ha-
(item 9, spare parts list) ving disconnected the 2 hexagon socket head screws. Re-
move suction valve item 9. Clean it and replace it, if necessa-
ry. Reassemble in opposite order.
NOTE: After the suction valve has been cleaned or replaced
and the pump reassembled, vent the pump as above descri-
Inner check valve (item 21) clogged
Unscrew screw of pressure valve. Clean valve ball, spring
and valve seat. Replace them, if ecessary.
Outer check valve (item 18) clogged or defective
Unscrew compression nut. Disconnect tube line. Remove
check valve, clean it and replace it, if necessary.
No compressed air or pressure too low
Check pressure gauge on air maintenance unit. If necessary,
increase pressure at compressor and check air lines.
Subject to change without notice
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
Cause: Remedy
Blockage in the feed line system, metering devices or Eliminate cause of blockage. Disassemble metering devices
nozzles blocked and nozzles and clean them
All repair works which are beyond the knowledge of the Address of the Service Department:
ownerss personnel must be executed by Lincoln qualified ex-
perts. For this, send the defective pump to the Repair Depart- LINCOLN GmbH
ment of Lincoln or call a specialist who will repair the pump on Abt. Zentraler Kundendienst
site. Postfach 1263
D-69183 Walldorf
Tel. 06227 330
Fax. 06227 33259
4.4 Adjustments
mpu Example
tT = tH
Q ges required spray quantity 160 cm³/h
mpu = pump lubricant output per stroke constantly 160 cm³h-1 160 cm³
(1,1 cm³ in the case of SAF1, 2 x 1,1 cm³ in the
case of SAF2)
tT = 24,75 sec - 3 sec = 21,75 sec
Q ges
= total lubricant output required per hour
The cycle time must be set to 22 seconds.
tH = holding time = 3 seconds
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
Acceccories 3.1A-48602-A01
6 Accessories
6.1 Stand with winch
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Pneumatic barrel pumps SAF1-YL and SAF2-YL
Accessories 3.1A-48602-A01
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259