id-tax-ID - Individual Income Tax Guide 2021
id-tax-ID - Individual Income Tax Guide 2021
id-tax-ID - Individual Income Tax Guide 2021
Tax Guide
For Foreigners Working
in Indonesia (Inbound)
This publication is prepared based on the prevailing laws, regulations and publications
available as of 31 December 2021. These materials and the information contained herein are
provided by Deloitte Touche Solutions and are intended to provide general information on a
particular subject or subjects and are not an exhaustive treatment of such subject(s).
This publication contains general information only, and none of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Limited, its member firms, or their related entities (collectively the “Deloitte Network”) is, by
means of this publication, rendering professional advice or services. Before making any
decision or taking any action that may affect your finances or your business, you should
consult a qualified professional adviser. No entity in the Deloitte Network shall be responsible
for any loss whatsoever sustained by any person who relies on this publication.
Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting, financial About Deloitte Indonesia
advisory, risk advisory, tax and legal and related services. With more than 175 years
Deloitte Indonesia are independent firms that provide auditing, consulting, financial
of hard work and commitment to making a real difference, our organization has
advisory, risk advisory, tax and related services to selected clients. We are Members of
grown in scale and diversity– approximately 330,000 people in 150 countries and
the Deloitte Asia Pacific Network and of the Deloitte Global Network.
territories, providing these services – yet our shared culture remains the same. Our
organization serves four out of five Fortune Global 500® companies. Our Indonesia practice has grown rapidly over the years to its current size of over
1,700 staff with over 60 partners, two offices located in Jakarta and Surabaya. Our
Deloitte Asia Pacific Limited is a company limited by guarantee and a member firm practice is represented by:
of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”). Members of Deloitte Asia Pacific
Limited and their related entities, each of which are separate and independent legal • Imelda & Rekan, Registered Public Accountants
entities, provide services from more than 100 cities across the region, including • Deloitte Touche Solutions, Tax Consulting
Auckland, Bangkok, Beijing, Hanoi, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, • PT Deloitte Konsultan Indonesia, Risk Advisory and Assurance Services
Melbourne, Osaka, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Taipei, and Tokyo. • PT Deloitte Advis Indonesia, Financial Advisory
• KJPP Lauw & Rekan, Valuation Advisory
Deloitte Southeast Asia comprises Deloitte practices operating in Brunei, Cambodia, • Hermawan Juniarto & Partners, Lawyers
Guam, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and • PT Deloitte Consulting, Strategy, Technology Integration and Management
Vietnam, established to deliver measurable value to meet the demands of intra- Consulting
regional, and rapidly growing companies and enterprises. Comprising over 380
partners and 10,000 professionals in 25 office locations, the subsidiaries and affiliates Each firm is its own separate legal entity and operate independently.
of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd combine their technical expertise and deep industry
knowledge to deliver consistent high – quality services to companies in the region.
Our tax and legal services What works in one industry may not work in another. With our deep industry
Virtually, all business decisions today have tax and legal implications and the rules expertise, we are able to focus on the specific needs and challenges of your business,
are in constant flux. Companies face an increasingly daunting task in managing their to help you gain competitive advantage in the following industries:
tax and legal requirements efficiently. Thus, practical and well-crafted tax and legal
solutions are now a critical part of an effective business strategy.
Deloitte offers clients a broad range of fully integrated tax and legal services. Our
approach combines insight and innovation from multiple disciplines with business Consumer including Energy, Resources & Industrials
and industry knowledge to help companies excel globally. Automotive; and including Industrial Products &
Transportation, Hospitality & Construction; Mining & Metals;
In Indonesia, tax services are provided by Deloitte Touche Solutions, while legal Services and Oil, Gas & Chemicals
services are provided by Hermawan Juniarto & Partners. Our professionals guide
clients through the tax and legal maze by applying their specialist skills in the
following areas:
1 January 15th of the month 31 March – annual filing deadline 31 May – extended filing deadline 31 December
End of the
Beginning of the Settlement of the provisional Tax payment and normal filing deadline of ➢ Maximum extension for filing
Indonesian fiscal monthly tax payable (if due); annual individual income tax return; for deadline of annual individual income
Fiscal Year.
year. e.g., September 2021 tax example, Individual Income Tax Return for tax return.
instalment must be paid by 15 Fiscal Year 2021 should be filed by 31 March
October 2021. 2022. Any underpayment of tax must be ➢ There is no extension available for
settled latest by March 31st, and before the tax payment deadline.
submission of the annual tax return.
An Indonesian resident taxpayer who has a tax ID number may apply for the
certificate for the current tax year (full/part year) and/or prior tax years for a
maximum of 5 prior years. The application needs to be submitted to the Tax
Office where the taxpayer is registered, for the specific tax year for which
the certificate is requested and completed with the required supporting
documents. If the application is approved, the Tax Office will issue the
certificate within 10 working days.
Resident Taxpayer
The standard tax rates on taxable income received by resident
taxpayers are as follows:
Up to Rp 50,000,000 5% Up to Rp 60,000,000 5%
Over Rp 50,000,000 but not exceeding Rp 250,000,000 15% Over Rp 60,000,000 but not exceeding Rp 250,000,000 15%
Over Rp 250,000,000 but not exceeding Rp 500,000,000 25% Over Rp 250,000,000 but not exceeding Rp 500,000,000 25%
Over Rp 500,000,000 30% Over Rp 500,000,000 but not exceeding Rp 5,000,000,000 30%
Non-resident Taxpayer
A single rate of 20% is imposed on gross income; however, this rate may vary depending on the circumstances and the
applicable tax treaty provisions.
Taxpayer Rp 54,000,000
Certain capital gains earned by tax residents in Indonesia are subject to Time deposits and savings with The tax is 20% final tax.
final tax, such as Indonesian banks or
Indonesian branches of foreign
Sale of land and/or The tax is 2.5% final tax on the taxable sale value banks (in any currency),
buildings located in or the actual proceeds, whichever is higher.
Indonesia. Interest on Indonesian bonds The tax is 15% final tax.
Sale of shares traded The tax is 0.1% final tax on the sales proceeds. Other interest income other Combine with other income of the
in the Indonesia than from Indonesian individual and assessable at standard
banks/bonds income tax rates
Capital gains earned by a tax resident are generally assessable at standard Interest income earned by a tax resident from offshore is taxed at standard
income tax rates, together with other income of the individual. income tax rates
Effective from November 2020, dividend income from Indonesia received Rental income from a building or land that is located in Indonesia is subject to
by an individual tax resident is no longer subject to withholding tax. 10% final tax, which is calculated on the gross rental income.
The individual recipient needs to self assess and remit the tax due directly Offshore rental income
to the State Treasury by 15th of the following month unless if they are
qualified for the tax exemption. Rental income from offshore earned by an individual tax resident is taxed at
standard income tax rates.
To qualify for the tax exemption, the dividend income must be reinvested
in Indonesia within 3 years and meets the reinvestment conditions Any expenses related to offshore rental income can be deductible such as
determined by the tax law. management fee, loan interest, repair expense, etc.
Dividend income from overseas may also qualify for the tax exemption
provided that it meets the reinvestment requirement and other prevailing
conditions as per the tax regulations.
❑ Monthly interest charge on the tax payable based on the reference interest rate as determined by Ministry of Finance plus an
uplift which differs depending on the case.
Failure to file a return due to tax criminal act such as negligence or fraud:
The Tax Office will conduct an audit of an individual tax return in During the tax audit, the Tax Office will examine the
the following circumstances: taxpayer’s records to ensure that the income tax is
calculated properly. In general, records requested by the Tax
Office are bank statements, employment agreement, pay
Tax return shows Audit to test compliance
slips, original withholding tax slips or tax payment slips, cost
of living estimation, and other records which are needed by
the tax auditor in verifying the income reported in the tax
Social Security
Areas covered
Scheme Borne by Borne by
employer employee Notes:
Working accident protection 0.24% - 1.74% - 1. The regular salary/wages cap for calculating
the pension insurance contribution is Rp
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Death insurance 0.30% - 8,754,600 per month.
(Manpower Scheme) 2. Contribution to the pension plan is not
Old age saving 3.70% 2%
mandatory for Expatriates
Pension insurance (1)(2) 2% 1% 3. The regular salary /wages cap for calculating
the healthcare insurance contribution is Rp.
1% 12,000,000 per month.
4. The mandatory premium will cover husband,
BPJS Kesehatan (Healthcare Scheme) (3) 4% 1% for (4) wife, and 3 dependents. Additional family
additional members can be covered with additional
family member premium.
The salary cap or percentage may change from time
to time.
If you have any queries, please correspond with your usual contact within Deloitte Touche Solutions or with any one of the following tax professionals
specializing in Global Employer Services.
Irene Atmawijaya
National GES Leader
[email protected]