2019 Analysis of Competence On "TPACK" 21st Century

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International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1387/1/012035

Analysis of Competence on “TPACK”: 21st Century Teacher

Professional Development

K Agustini, I W Santyasa, N M Ratminingsih

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali, Indonesia

Abstract. Integrating Technology in the learning process is very important in today's digital
era so that educators do not only have a component of content and pedagogical knowledge but
also be have to be supported by the ability to integrate both components with technology. The
purpose of this study was to analyze the competence of Technology, Pedagogy, and Content
Knowledge (TPACK) of Education technology alumni in supporting their profession to
become professional teachers. The method applied in this study was a Mixed method, using
data from alumni who graduated in 2016-2017 through questionnaires and in-depth interviews.
The results showed that the variables in TPACK, content knowledge variable and pedagogy
content knowledge variable had a high average compared to other variables, namely 73.50 and
73.10. This indicated that from the pedagogic and content side, Education Technology alumni
had a good mastery of content and pedagogical knowledge. However, being viewed from the
average score in applying technology, their competence was still low. The Technology
Pedagogy Knowledge variable achieved 48.30, while the TPACK variable reached 52.40.
These results implies that Education Technology alumni still need to improve their TPACK
competence in order to become a professional teacher in the era of industrial revolution 4.0.

1. Introduction
Digital Era and 21st century Educational Transformation are eras of change where teachers and
students will play an important role in learning activities. The role of teacher is not only as a transfer
of knowledge, but also he/she is as a mediator and an active facilitator to develop the active potential
of students themselves. This rapid change has consequences for teachers, prospective teachers, and
education practitioners to constantly update their abilities in mastering ICT to be used as supporting
media in learning activities. This is also in line with the demands on the curriculum (K-13), where
teachers are expected to master technology in learning and are able to utilize and apply information
technology in the learning process. Therefore, the latest learning issues and trends state that a teacher
must have competence on Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge or abbreviated as
TPACK [1–6]
However, the reality shows that there are still many teachers who have not used and integrated
technology in the learning process in the classroom. Teachers are still preoccupied on classical or
conventional learning in delivering learning material, as if they are less willing to get out of comfort
zones that demand to continue to innovate and update information (information and data literacy) in
the current era of disruption.
For Educational Technology Study Program (S2-TeP) itself, looking at these issues and trends is a
challenge to always update the information obtained. It is useful as a source to improve the quality of

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International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1387/1/012035

learning by creating a strategic design that will eventually be integrated directly into S2-TeP
curriculum content. This is in accordance with the definition of educational technology in 2018 from
http://www.aect.org that, "Educational technology is a study and ethical application of theory, research
and best practices to advance knowledge as well as mediating and improving learning and
performance through the strategic design, management and implementation of learning and
instructional processes and resources. "
Most of the Alumni of Educational Technology Study Programs come from multidisciplinary
fields, most of whom work as teachers. By seeing these trends in learning means that teachers must be
able to integrate technology into their teaching. An approach that requires teaching is needed as an
interaction between what teachers know and how they apply what they know in interesting
circumstances or contexts in their classrooms. According to [7–9], there is no "one best way" to
integrate technology into the curriculum. Conversely, integration efforts must be designed creatively
or structured for certain subjects and important ideas in a particular class context.
In order to do so, has the Education technology alumni teacher really had the ability to teach well
with technology that requires an understanding of the representation of concepts using technology; the
ability of pedagogical techniques that use technology in a constructive way to teach content; the ability
of knowledge about what makes the concept difficult or easy to learn and how technology can help to
solve some problems faced by students; the ability of students’ initial knowledge and epistemological
theory, and knowledge of how technology can be used to build on existing knowledge, and to develop
new epistemologies that strengthen the old one ?. This means that learning must be carried out on the
basis of what students know and can do as well as how they think and learn to harmonize the learning
process with the performance needed, which is in line with their individual needs.‘
By taking a close look at this reality, it is clear that the teacher must have excellent characteristics
so that he/she can carry out his/her profession seriously in the education process. The development of
these excellent characteristics must be done both when the teacher goes through the process of teacher
education and when the teacher has carried out his profession as an educator [2,10,11].
Considering this, the researchers are interested in examining issues regarding Technological,
Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge especially for teachers who have taken the educational process
at the Postgraduate education technology Study Program. How is the implementation of TPACK
competence that have been owned after their studyin supporting the profession and will also be a
feedback for the Study Program towards the improvement of future study program curriculum content
(continuous improvement).This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the level of TPACK
competence possessed by Education technologyalumni in supporting their profession as professional
Modern learning requires 21st century skills that involve communication and collaboration skills
and the use of information technology in learning. The development of learning by integrating ICT
contributes significantly to the level of pedagogical practices of students. Teachers are also demanded
to possess IT literacy skills in teaching with a variety of learning methods and approaches inthe
classroom. The latest research explains that the success of 21st century learning involves
understanding material or content, teaching methods, and utilizing information technology
integratedly. The idea of TPACK also has a close relationship with increasing creativity, collaboration,
and accountability in learning. TPACK framework is seen in Figure 1.

International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1387/1/012035

Figure 1. Koehler's (2013) TPACK framework

Figure 1 shows three sets of their combined knowledge which are also considered important in
TPACK namely pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), content technology knowledge (TCK) and
pedagogical technology knowledge (TPK).
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a framework for integrating
technology in teaching [5,12–16]. They further clarify that the three fundamental knowledges in
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) are technological knowledge, content
knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge and interactions between each of these two knowledges and
among all these knowledges.
Technological Knowledge(TK) includes understanding how to use computer software and
hardware, presentation equipment, such as presentation documents, and other technologies in the
context of education. TK also covers the ability to adapt and learn new technologies. The existence of
this capability needs to be held in view of the ongoing developments and technological changes. For
example, the development of computers that are constantly changing from the Personal Computer
(PC) to the current notebook. Yet, these computers can be used for a variety of pedagogical tasks such
as research, communication and others.
Content Knowledge (CK) leads to knowledge or specificity of disciplines or subject matter. CK is
different at each level (examples of differences in Primary and Secondary Schools). A teacher is
expected to master this knowledge to teach. CK is also important because it determines the specificity
of thinking from certain disciplines in each study.
Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) describes the general goal of the specificity of knowledge to teach. It
is a collection of skills that the teacher must develop in order to be able to manage and organize
teaching and learning activities to achieve the expected learning goals. This knowledge includes (but
is not limited to) understanding classroom management activities, the role of student motivation,
lesson plans, and learning assessment. PK also describes the knowledge of different teaching methods
including knowledge to know how to organize activities in the classroom so that the construction of
student knowledge (learning) is conducive.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), referring to the statement of Shulman (1986) is that an
effective teaching requires more than just a separation of understanding of content and pedagogy
[1,12].PCK also recognizes the fact that different content will match different teaching methods. For
example, speaking skills in English is more appropriate with a student-centered approach so that
learning is more meaningful. Unlike the lectures on art appreciation seminars, it is more appropriate to

International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1387/1/012035

use teacher-centered. PCK has a meaning beyond just content experts or know general pedagogical
guidelines, but more about understanding of the reciprocal influences between content and pedagogy.
Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) describes knowledge from the reciprocal relationship
between technology and content. Technology has an impact on what we know and an introduction to
new things about how we can describe content (material) in a different way that was previously
impossible. For example, now students can learn the relationship between geometric shapes and angles
by touching and playing the concept on the monitor screen by hand on their portable equipment. The
same thing happens in visual programming software that allows students to design and create
programming on their digital games. Technology enables discovery of new content or an overview of
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK). Technological Pedagogical Knowledge identifies
the reciprocal relationship between technology and pedagogy. This knowledge makes it possible to
understand what technology is appropriate for achieving pedagogical goals, and allows teachers to
choose what equipment is most appropriate based on its feasibility for a particular pedagogical
approach. Technology can also provide new methods for teaching that make it easier to apply in class.
For example the emergence of online learning requires teachers to develop new pedagogical
approaches that are appropriate.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)describes the knowledge synthesized
from each field of knowledge that has been described previously (Technological Knowledge, Content
Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Technological Content
Knowledge, and Technological Pedagogical Knowledge), focusing on how technology can be made
specific which is suitable with a pedagogical need to teach the right content in a particular context.
Each element of the knowledge field describes a need and the importance of these aspects in teaching.
Yet, for effective teaching requires more than each part of it. For teachers with Technological
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), technology knowledge, pedagogy, and content are
synthesized and used to design student learning experiences.
The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework also functions as a
theory and concept for researchers and educators in measuring the readiness of prospective teachers
and teachers to teach effectively with technology. TPACK affects teachers. This is due to the
relationship between technology, pedagogy, and inherent content. Therefore, teachers face major
challenges in shifting technological change, pedagogy, subject matter and the current class context.
Teachers should be more active as curriculum designers[1–4,16–18].
In addition to impacting the teacher, TPACKalso affects teacher educators. Among the various
learning approaches, a teacher educator should emphasize how teachers integrate technology in their
teaching practices rather than emphasizing what teachers integrate into their teaching practices. The
approaches that can be taken include technology by design learning and learning technology by
activity types. The development of TPACK should begin with a variety of simple technologies which
are known to be gradually upgraded to more sophisticated ones.
Preliminary studies have been conducted through the Forum Group Discussion among Educational
Learning Technology Study Programs throughout Indonesia under the auspices of Indonesian
Educational Technology Study Program Association (APS-TPI) held in Denpasar, March 4th, 2018,
which agreed on several things and one of them was the importance of competence on TPACK for
teachers, prospective teachers, and education practitioners (including lecturers) in the current digital
erato support the improvement of the quality of learning. To reach this mission, it is necessary to have
an in-depth study/ analysis and get input or feedback from students, especially alumni who are
teachers/ instructors in improving curriculum content according to the needs of the community or
stakeholders. Data on the number of Education technologyteacher alumni are obtained from the results
of tracer studies conducted in 2016. The data used are alumni who passed in 2016-2017.

International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1387/1/012035

Research on TPACK has been carried out by [18]. The study examines around 74 literature
including journals and articles related to TPACK. The results of the study indirectly state that teachers
need TPACK for effective learning in the classroom, however, more in-depth research on TPACKstill
needs to be done[1].Similar research has also been carried out by [19]by analyzing Thermodynamics
textbooks with TPACK concept to strengthen student learning competencies. The results obtained
show that it is very necessary for TPACK-based thermodynamic modules that support students'
conceptual understanding.[4,20] measured the teacher performance quality using TPACK model,
which is useful in providing information and knowledge about which variables are most influential in
TPACK. The objects of this research are teachers of subjects which are examined nationally
(Mathematics, Science, Indonesian, English) in Pasuruan Regency. The results show that Technology
knowledge variable with the role of indicators that provide the greatest contribution in the form of
technical capabilities in using technology.
The three results of the studiesreveal that TPACK has a significant impact on teacher and teacher
educators. TPACK framework describes various types of knowledge that teachers need to teach
effectively with the help of technology and various complex procedures in the field of interaction of
knowledge. Based on this, the researcher was interested in analyzing the competence of TPACK of
Educational Technology alumni teachers to support their profession to become professional teachers,
as well as indirectly to give feedbacks on the management of Education technologyStudy Program on
curriculum content that should always be updated in accordance with current development era, so that
the quality of learning can be improved or even become better.

2. Method
The method applied in this research was aMixed method using the ex-post facto research design. It’s
mean that the researcher did not give treatments to the objects of the study. Researchers only took data
without any changes.From all the tracer study data that have been conducted in 2016, the researchers
took samples of students who graduated in 2016-2017 consisting of various scientific disciplines such
as English language teachers, PPKN (Education on Pancasila and Citizenship), Religion, Social
Sciences, Indonesian Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences , and Economics /Accounting. They
filledout the respondent's data. The number of 2016-2017 alumni taken by researchers was based on
their willingness to fill in the TPACK instrument adopted from the article by Onal in the Journal of
IOJES [20] which was modified by the researchers so that it could be used in multidisciplinary fields.
In addition, researchers also conducted in-depth interviews with respondents before giving a
questionnaire to be filled out. Table 1 shows the method and instruments to collect data.
Table 1. Methods and Data Collection Instruments
Kinds of Data Source of Method Instrument Time
Quantitative & Determined In-depth interview After filling out
Qualitative Data Alumni interview guidelines the respondents'
2016-2017 biodata
questionnaire Modified After in-depth
questionnaire interviews
Data processing After all data
Data analysis SPSS ver 13.0 were collected
and compiled
Source:primary data of alumni S2 TeP

International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1387/1/012035

3. Results and Discussion

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge describes the knowledge synthesized from each field
of knowledge that has been described previously (Technological Knowledge, Content Knowledge,
Pedagogical Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Technological Content Knowledge, and
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge), focusing on how technology can be made specific to be
relevant with the pedagogical needs to teach the right content in a particular context. Each element of
the knowledge field explains the need and importance of these aspects in teaching. But for effective
teaching, it requires more than each part of it. For teachers with TPACK, technology knowledge,
pedagogy, and content are synthesized and used to design student learning experiences.
The competence of TPACK of the education technology study program alumnican be seen from
the results of the questionnaire they filled, in which 55% of teachers stated that they were able to
integrate their subject matter with learning strategies and relevant new technologies in their lesson
planning, 61.7% of teachers have used technology as a tool to help in evaluating during the learning
process. While 45% of teachers stated that they used technology to measure students’ initial
knowledge and 38.3% of teachers used technology to identify students' misconceptions. Then, 51.7%
of teachers used technology to strengthen students’ skills and understanding. Furthermore, 63.3% of
teachers have used technology effectively in providing examples in the textbook, but only 31.7% of
teachers were able to meet the demands of their students in online learning. In terms of the
competence to integrate technology correctly and effectively, only 60% stated that they were
competent, so that it was easier for the students to understand the material. Next, 65% of teachers were
able to coordinate with fellow teachers in terms of content, technology and learning strategies in
accordance with their subject matters.From all of the statements that have been completed by the
respondents, it can be recapitulated the average percentage of each variable measured using the Likert
scale as seen on table 3.

Table 2. Recapitulation of TPAK-formed variable

No TPACK-formed Variable Average (%)
1 Technological Knowledge (TK) 62.90
2 Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) 69.70
3 Content Knowledge (CK) 73.50
4 Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) 48.30
5 Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) 68.00
6 Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) 73.10
7 Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) 52.40
Source: primary data of questionnaire result

The Technological Knowledge (TK) competence possessed by the education technology study
program alumni viewed from the recapitulation on table 3 was 62.9%, which means that alumni
master the existing technology. This can be seen in the statements written on the evidence or
descriptions they made on questionnaires such as, It is usual for them to use simple word, excel, power
point, and flash as well as internet technology in virtual classes, such as the quipper application in the
learning and assessment process. Teachers of Mathematics, English, ICT and PDP Islamic Studies
answered optimistic “almost or very competent [4,5]” on the Technological Knowledge. In
contrast,teachers of Economics or Natural Sciences chose “no or slightly competent [1,2]”.
Then the Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) achieved 69.70%. This result was influenced by the length
of service as a teacher, the longer they were in service the more honed the pedagogical competence.
The respondents involved were nine (9) people who had served more than ten (10) years and three (3)
people under ten years, so that experience played an important role in the pedagogical competence of
the teacher.
Content Knowledge (CK) reached 73.50% which means that the alumni teachers were very
competent in their fields and their placement in the current position is in accordance with their
competencies. Theyhave been able to use their knowledge and apply learning strategies to solve

International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1387/1/012035

classroom problems. This is in line with the opinion of Harlen & Holroyd [21] stating that strong
content knowledge from a teacher will have a positive influence on decision making related to changes
in teaching strategies. This is intended to create better learning opportunities. A teacher who has good
content knowledge will be able to construct material elements simultaneously in working memory,
paying attention to students’initial knowledge by giving direction, material is not delivered at once or
considering prerequisite knowledge.
Whereas the competence of Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) attained 48.30%, which
means that the alumni teachers still have not implemented the technology fully in learning especially
online learning. This can be caused by the supporting infrastructure has not been facilitated properly,
so that learning which integrates technology is only done off-line.
Furthermore, the competence of Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) yielded 68%. This
average was obtained from teachers in the field of mathematics who have used geogebra applications
in learning, but for other fields of study such as science and economics, they have not used
applications in classroom learning. Internet technology was used only to trace learning resources
through Google and Office applications were used only for administrative purposes.
The competence on Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) accomplished 73.10% which implies
that the ability of the teacher to integrate content knowledge into the curriculum, teaching and
characteristics of students, which can guide teachers to arrange learning situations. They have been
able to teach according to the theoretical basis of the curriculum used, able to determine strategies,
methods and techniques in learning relevant to their field of study, able to identify difficulties
experienced by students such as misconceptions in students and being able to relate certain topic
concepts to other concepts. However, there were several different statements from each teacher,
namely in terms of conducting research. Apparently not all teachers were able to make research
studies according to their knowledge. The experience of the teacher is very influential and plays an
important role. This result is reinforced by the statement that PCK of a teacher can be the same as
another teacher, but it can also be different, because PCK is personal knowledge [22]. This is
influenced by the teacher's knowledge and beliefs about the subject matter, pedagogical knowledge
and beliefs, knowledge and beliefs about the context, including students in it [23]). PCK is also
influenced by teacher teaching experience [5,23,24].
The competence of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) gets an average
score of 52.40% which means that alumni teachers have not optimally utilized technology that is
integrated in the content learning in the classroom. In TPACK instrument, it appears that not all
teachers have integrated TPACK in lesson planning, as an evaluation tool during learning, and
measuring students’ initial knowledge. The teacher has never done online learning because the
facilities are not yet available in their respective schools. However, integrating technology in the
classroom to facilitate students in understanding material has been done well such as visualizing
abstract material into concrete with simple flash, using video on storytelling material, and using
powerpoint in teaching in the classroom.

4. Conclusions and Suggestions

From the results and discussion that has been described above, it can be concluded thatthe alumni have
not implemented TPACK optimally to support their profession as professional teachers. The teaching
experience plays a very important role in TPACK. Optimal learning can be obtained if a teacher has a
number of knowledge, including the ability to form learning goals, create evaluation tools, select
subject matter relevant to learning objectives and relevant to the evaluation tool, design learning
experiences, and the ability to lead students to master the subject matter and integrate it into a
technology. Facilities and local government support are needed in integrating technology in schools to
face the digital era during the 4.0 industrial revolution.

International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1387/1/012035

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