Bridge 2 - Tipe Jembatan
Bridge 2 - Tipe Jembatan
Bridge 2 - Tipe Jembatan
Arch Bridge Cable Stayed Bridge Girder Bridge Rigid Frame Bridge
Bentang maksimum
Structural Type Material Rentang Bentang (m)
dalam realita
Slab (Pelat) Concrete 0 – 12
Concrete 12 – 250 240, Hamana-Ko Lane
Girder (Gelagar)
Steel 30 – 260 261, Sava I Suspension Bridge
Cable-stayed (Kabel Concrete ≤ 250 235, Maracaibo
Tarik) Steel 90 – 850 856, Normandy
Truss (Rangka) Steel 90 – 550 550, Quebec (rail)
Concrete 90 – 300 305, Gladesville
Arch (Pelengkung) Steel truss 240 – 500 510, New River Gorge
Steel rib 120 – 360 365, Port Mann
Truss Bridge
Suspension (Gantung) Steel 300 - 1400 1410, Humber
Jembatan Girder (Girder Bridge)
Box-Girder Bridge
I-Girder Bridge
An I-beam is very simple to design and build and works very well in most cases, but more prone to torque/twisting forces. Box
girders, being more stable are also able to span greater distances and are often used for longer spans, where I-beams would
not be sufficiently strong or stable. However, the design and fabrication of box girders is more difficult than that of I beams.
Cable-Stayed Bridge (Jembatan Kabel Tarik)
• A typical cable stayed bridge is a continuous girder with one or more towers
erected above piers in the middle of the span. From these towers, cables
stretch down diagonally (usually to both sides) and support the girder
• The lighter weight of the bridge, though a disadvantage in a heavy wind, is an
advantage during an earthquake. However, should uneven settling of the
foundations occur during an earthquake or over time, the cable-stayed bridge
can suffer damage so care must be taken in planning the foundations.
• The modern yet simple appearance of the cable-stayed bridge makes it an
attractive and distinct landmark.
(Smaller spans)
(Longer spans)
• Of all the bridge types in use today, the suspension bridge allows for the
longest spans.
• At first glance the suspension and cable-stayed bridges may look similar, but
they are quite different.
• A typical suspension bridge is a continuous girder with one or more towers
erected above piers in the middle of the span.
The main cables are stretched • The girder itself it usually a truss or box girder though in shorter spans, plate
girders are not uncommon.
from one anchor over the tops
• At both ends of the bridge large anchors or counter weights are placed to
of the tower(s) and attached to hold the ends of the cables.
the opposite anchor. The cables • From the main cables, smaller cables known as hanger cables or hanger
pass over a special structure ropes are hung down and attached to the girder.
• As explained in the cable stayed bridge section, steel cables are extremely
known as a saddle. The saddle strong yet flexible.
allows the cables to slide as
loads pull from one side or the
other and to smoothly transfer
the load from the cables to the
Jembatan Portal Kaku (Rigid Frame Bridge)
In a standard girder bridge, the girder and the piers are separate structures. However, a rigid frame bridge is one in
which the piers and girder are one solid structure.
The batter post rigid frame bridge is particularly well suited for river and valley
crossings because piers tilted at an angle can straddle the crossing more effectively
without requiring the construction of foundations in the middle of the river or piers in
deep parts of a valley
V shaped frames make effective use of foundations. Each V-shaped pier provides
two supports to the girder, reducing the number of foundations and creating a less
cluttered profile
Pi shaped rigid frame structures are used frequently as the piers and supports for
inner city highways. The frame supports the raised highway and at the same time
allows traffic to run directly under the bridge
Tipe Jembatan
• Menurut Jenis Beban
• Jalan Umum
• Jalan Kereta Api
• Pejalan Kaki
• Saluran Air
• Pipa, atau
• Gabungan dari masing-masing tersebut di atas.
3) Jembatan Beton
Terdiri dari jembatan:
‒ Slab
‒ Balok T
‒ Gelagar I dan Kotak (I-Girder and Box Girder)
‒ Beton Prategang
4) Jembatan Baja
Terdiri dari jembatan:
‒ Pelengkung Baja
‒ Rangka Batang (Truss)
‒ Gantung (Suspension)
‒ Cable Stayed
Tipe Jembatan
• Menurut Letak Lantai Kendaraan
‒ Submersible Bridge
Jembatan yang lantai kendaraannya tidak selalu bebas dari muka air tertinggi
Beban T
Tipe Jembatan
• Menurut Kelas Jembatan
• Pilar Jembatan
Yaitu bangunan bawah yang ada di tengah jalur
Abutment dan
Pondasi menerima seluruh beban
Jembatan melalui bangunan bawah, dan
gaya yang bekerja pada badan pondasi itu
sendiri, kemudian meneruskannya
kepada tanah di bawahnya, tanpa
mengakibatkan slip, keruntuhan dan
deformasi yang berlebihan dalam jangka
panjang, minimal selama umur jasa
• Pondasi Langsung : Digunakan bila lapisan tanah pondasi yang telah diperhitungkan rnarnpu memikul beban-beban
diatasnya, terletak pada lokasi yang dangkal dari tanah setempat.
• Pondasi-Dalam Digunakan apabila lapisan tanah keras yang mampu memikul beban Ietaknya cukup dalam.
Approach Jembatan :
Merupakan peralihan dari tepian ke bangunan atas jembatan.
Perletakan Jembatan :
Menghubungkan bangunan atas dengan bangunan bawah Jembatan.
Tembok Sayap
Bagian tembok pangkal yang dibuat untuk menjamin stabilitas tanah dibawah approach jembatan,
terutama terhadap longsor (= ke samping)
Pelat Injak
Konstruksi di dalam tanah di belakang tembok pangkal untuk menjaga agar peralihan masuk ke jembatan
berlangsung dengan hentakan minimum.
Tembok Penghantar
Tembok pengaman lalu lintas pada entrance jembatan.
Dipakai untuk memberi kesempatan gerakan untuk muai dan susut pada lantai kendaraan, hingga
tegangan akibat perubahan suhu dibatasi tetap rendah, dan mengurangi bahaya retak pada
Konstruksi Perlindungan untuk Tebing dan dasar sungai.
Menjaga stabilitas lereng tepian sungai, dan mencegah scouring dasar sungai di daerah jembatan.
Structural Gambar/ Practice :
Material Bentang Lokasi
Foto ➢ Carilah contoh masing-
Slab (Pelat) Concrete masing tipe-tipe jembatan (di
Girder Concrete
(Gelagar) Steel
Cable- Concrete +lokasi jembatan
Steel ➢ Dikerjakan secara kelompok
(Kabel Tarik) (@ 2 mahasiswa)
Steel rib