OIR Guideline

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Master in
Building Information Modelling

Guidelines for preparation of OIR (Organizational Information

Requirements) document for Miastoprojekt Wrocław
following ISO 19650

Supervisor: Author:
Claudio Mirarchi Anna Patrycja Kiczak,
PhD MSc Eng. MSc Eng. Arch.

a.a. 2019/2020

This is an academic work that can be used by third parties, as long as internationally accepted rules and
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This thesis is submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering at Politecnico di Milano as a fulfilment
of the requirements for the second level master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ co-funded by
Erasmus+ Programme of European Union. The study had a duration of one academic year and was held
on a rotating basis among partners: University of Minho and Politecnico di Milano. The degree awarded
is a Master’s degree, provided as a double degree from the institutions involved.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Supervisor, Claudio Mirarchi for all the support and
guidance he provided me throughout this work, for his availability, patience and advice.

To entire company Miastoprojekt Wroclaw, for their help and contribution in hosting an external
internship stay between April and June 2020, without which this work would not have been possible.
To my company Supervisor, Piotr Wachulec Chief Technology Officer for a degree of freedom and trust
given to me by him.

To Maciej, who was always responsive to my technical questions regarding software and platform
development, patiently explaining concepts rather than providing simple solutions.

To my family and friends for their unwavering support and for always pushing me to better myself.

To the remaining members of BIMA +, as well as all that not mentioned but present.

Finally, this work was partially supported by a scholarship from BIM A+ Consortium.

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I hereby declare having conducted this academic work with integrity. I confirm that I have not used
plagiarism or any form of illegal use of information or falsification of results along the process leading
to its elaboration.

I further declare that I have fully acknowledged the Code of ethics and conduct of Politecnico di Milano.

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Il successo di business e la sua redditività rappresentano l’obiettivo primario di qualsiasi organizzazione nel
settore costruzioni, che esso sia raggiunto tramite un ritorno sull’investimento, reputazione, incremento
degli affari o soddisfazione del cliente. Per ottenere questo risultato, una organizzazione deve possedere un
business plan ben sviluppato e obiettivi definiti da implementare.

Il futuro del Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Polonia è sia emozionante che sfidante. La speranza è
che il crescente uso del BIM migliori l’integrazione dei diversi ruoli nell’industria delle costruzioni e ne
aumenti le prestazioni. Esistono diverse analisi nella letteratura che esplorano le problematiche tecniche di
strumenti e standard BIM, che si interrogano sull’effettiva utilità del BIM, che valutano la sua integrazione
nella gestione e manutenzione degli edifici, etc. È importante porre l’attenzione anche sulle problematiche
manageriali nell’adizione del BIM e negli aspetti collaborativi per capirne la complessità e la natura

La mission di Miastoprojekt Wroclaw è quella di promuovere una efficace implementazione di progetti su

misura in riferimento ai rapidi cambiamenti del contesto e degli standard. Considerando che l’azienda vuole
proseguire lo sviluppo delle proprie competenze nel campo del BIM, come il suo sviluppo e la sua
implementazione, la definizione dei requisiti informativi dell’organizzazione (OIR) rappresenta parte
integrante della strategia aziendale in questa area.

L’obiettivo del lavoro di tesi è definire un framework per l’implementazione del BIM nell’azienda tramite lo
sviluppo di prospettive per i requisiti informativi dell’organizzazione. Questi ultimi dovranno essere coerenti
alla norma ISO 19650 e agli altri standard ad essa complementari e dovranno integrare metodi, procedure e
requisiti tecnici per lo sviluppo di processi BIM. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è dunque di proporre un piano di
implementazione specifica per i requisiti informativi dell’organizzazione Miastoprojekt Wroclaw, all’interno
della metodologia BIM, per garantire la raccolta delle informazioni utili a supportare le attività di gestione
dei beni immobiliari e le altre funzioni organizzative dell’azienda.

La natura dell’industria delle costruzioni è differente rispetto alle altre, come ad esempio la manifattura. La
natura temporanea e l’unicità dei progetti di costruzione si riflettono nella scelta della localizzazione, nella
definizione delle soluzioni costruttive e nella definizione del gruppo di progetto. Naturalmente, ogni progetto
ha uno sviluppo diverso, a causa di svariati fattori come, ad esempio, diversi requisiti per la progettazione, lo
sviluppo delle tecnologie, la differenza nella normativa locale e differenti condizioni geografiche e

Nell’industria delle costruzioni, nuove strutture sono create ad ogni intervento e la sfida principale è di
controllare il processo di progettazione e le relative scadenze. Inoltre, in ogni progetto ci sia aspetta di avere
informazioni di alta qualità disponibili e pronte all’uso nel momento del bisogno durante l’intero processo di
costruzione. Sfortunatamente, nella realtà ci sono spesso troppe informazioni per ottenere una visione
d’insieme e non abbastanza per ottenere prestazioni eccellenti. Inoltre, la qualità dei dati è spesso bassa e
frammentaria, con diverse parti di informazione sparse nell’intera documentazione. È quindi necessario
promuovere un flusso informative integrato, accessibile a trasparente per tutti gli attori coinvolti.

Parole chiave: BIM, cespite immobiliare, costruzione, gestione, requisiti informativi dell’organizzazione (OIR)

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The success of the business and its profitability is the ultimate goal for any organization in the
construction industry, whether that is achieved through return on investment, reputation, repeat
business or client satisfaction. To accomplish that, an organization must have a well‐defined business
plan and objectives to implement.

The future of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Poland is both exciting and challenging. Hopefully,
the increase in the use of BIM enhances the integration of the roles in the AEC industry and eventually
improve performance. There are many literature reviews which exploring the technical issues
encountered with BIM tools and standards, interrogating the usefulness of BIM, evaluating the
maintenance of buildings and etcetera. It is important to focus as well on managerial issues in BIM
adoption and collaboration, to understand the complexity and the interdisciplinary nature of BIM

The mission of Miastoprojekt Wroclaw is the effective implementation of projects tailored to the rapidly
changing realities and standards. Because the company wants to continue the development
competence in the field of BIM, such as development and implementation, the creation of
Organizational Information Requirements (OIR) is part of the company’s strategy in this area.

The objective of the thesis is the definition of a framework for the implementation of BIM in the
company through the development of expectations for the OIR. The document should follow standard
ISO 19650 and any relevant documentation; describing methods, procedures and technical
requirements for performing BIM workflow. The purpose of this dissertation is to propose a specific OIR
implementation strategy for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw, within a BIM methodology, for capturing
information which help inform asset management and other organizational function.

The nature of the construction industry is different from other industries, such as the manufacturing,
the temporary nature, and uniqueness of construction projects is reflected in locations, construction
solutions and project teams. Naturally, each project would be designed each time differently, because
of many factors such as different demands for design, development of technologies, different local
building codes, local geographical and geotechnical conditions.

In the AEC industry, new facilities are created every time, and the primary challenge is to control the
design process and the corresponding deadlines. Besides, in each project is expected to have essential
high-quality information available and ready just-in-time and through the entire construction process.
Unfortunately, in reality, there is either too much information to maintain an overview or not enough
to achieve excellent performance. Moreover, the quality of the data is often low and difficult to locate,
with various pieces of information within the complete documentation. The proper information flow
should be integrated, accessible and transparent for all parties.

Keywords: assets, BIM, construction, management, OIR

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Authorship rights and conditions of use of the work by third parties .................................. 2

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... 3

Sommario.......................................................................................................................... 5

Abstract ............................................................................................................................ 6

Table of contents ............................................................................................................... 7

List of figures ................................................................................................................... 10

List of tables .................................................................................................................... 13

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 14
1.1. Overview ..................................................................................................................... 14

1.2. Research motivations................................................................................................... 15

1.3. The problem statements .............................................................................................. 15

1.4. Research objectives ..................................................................................................... 16

1.5. The scope of research .................................................................................................. 17

1.6. Key findings and Contributions ..................................................................................... 17

1.7. Structure of the research.............................................................................................. 17

2. State of the art ......................................................................................................... 18

2.1. Building Information Modelling .................................................................................... 18

2.2. BIM adoption in the world ........................................................................................... 19

2.2.1. Situation in Poland ...................................................................................................................... 22

2.3. BIM Standards in the world .......................................................................................... 23

2.3.1. ISO 19650 .................................................................................................................................... 26
2.3.2. BIM L0 and BIM L1 Documents ................................................................................................... 28
2.3.3. BIM L2 Documents ...................................................................................................................... 33

2.4. BIM Standards in Poland .............................................................................................. 40

2.5. BIM Maturity Level ...................................................................................................... 42

2.5.1. Level 0 (BIM L0) ........................................................................................................................... 43
2.5.2. Level 1 (BIM L1) ........................................................................................................................... 43
2.5.3. Level 2 (BIM L2) ........................................................................................................................... 44
2.5.4. Level 3 (BIM L3) ........................................................................................................................... 45

2.6. Dimension of BIM ........................................................................................................ 45

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2.7. Information Requirements – organizational procedure.................................................. 47
2.7.1. Organisation Information Requirements - definition .................................................................. 48
2.7.2. The Project Delivery in AEC industry ........................................................................................... 50
2.7.3. Modelling Information Flow ........................................................................................................ 52
2.7.4. Common Data Environment ........................................................................................................ 52

3. Case Study................................................................................................................ 56
3.1. Methodology ............................................................................................................... 56
3.1.1. The research methodology .......................................................................................................... 56

3.2. Company characteristic ................................................................................................ 57

3.2.1. Type of projects in the company ................................................................................................. 57
3.2.2. Respondents general information ............................................................................................... 58

3.3. Implementation approach for the CDE .......................................................................... 59

3.3.1. The DMS and DCS platforms analysis .......................................................................................... 60

3.4. Survey.......................................................................................................................... 61
3.4.1. The results of the surveys – advantages and disadvantages of used platforms ......................... 62

3.5. Observed Problems ...................................................................................................... 64

3.5.1. Observation of the information flow -interviews ........................................................................ 65
3.5.2. Conclusion of the observation ..................................................................................................... 78
3.5.3. Further research .......................................................................................................................... 82

3.6. Project Delivery in the company ................................................................................... 83

3.6.1. The results of the surveys – management of the project............................................................ 84
3.6.2. The results of the surveys – knowledge information .................................................................. 87
3.6.3. Use of BIM on projects ................................................................................................................ 89

3.7. BIM Maturity Assessment............................................................................................. 91

3.7.1. Organizational BIM Assessment I-CMM ...................................................................................... 91
3.7.2. BIM Maturity Matrix from BIMe Initiative................................................................................... 96

3.8. Talent management ..................................................................................................... 99

3.8.1. Function and skills according to ISO 19650 ............................................................................... 100

3.9. BIM Uses .................................................................................................................... 103

3.9.1. Cost Estimation (5D cost estimation) (PSU, 2020). .................................................................... 105
3.9.2. Phase planning (4D modelling) (PSU, 2020) .............................................................................. 105
3.9.3. Design review (PSU, 2020) ......................................................................................................... 106
3.9.4. 3D coordination (PSU, 2020) ..................................................................................................... 107

3.10. BIM Implementation............................................................................................... 107

3.10.1. BIM Implementation paths........................................................................................................ 109
3.10.2. Barriers to BIM implementation ................................................................................................ 110
3.10.3. BIM Implementation benefits ................................................................................................... 110
3.10.4. Strategic goals ........................................................................................................................... 111

3.11. Achieving Information Flow .................................................................................... 111

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3.11.1. The OIR Framework ................................................................................................................... 112
3.11.2. Information requirements......................................................................................................... 113
3.11.3. Strategic objectives ................................................................................................................... 114
3.11.4. The change of business practices .............................................................................................. 114
3.11.5. Defining guidelines on the scope of the strategy ...................................................................... 115
3.11.6. Defining framework of the scope of the strategy ..................................................................... 116

4. Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 118

4.1. Results of organisation research and assessment ........................................................ 118

4.2. Framework for OIR implementation ........................................................................... 119

4.3. Framework of the scope of implantation strategy ....................................................... 119

4.4. Limitation and assumptions of research ..................................................................... 120

4.5. Further research ........................................................................................................ 120

LIST OF ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................... 121

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 124

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Figure 2.2.1 Global BIM Regulation Evolution (Shimonti, 2018) ............................................................................ 21
Figure 2.2.2 Legend of Global BIM Regulation Evolution (Shimonti, 2018) ........................................................... 21
Figure 2.3.1 High-level information delivery flow-chart, ISO 19650-1 Figure 4 (ISO, 2018) .................................. 27
Figure 2.3.2 Information requirements informing the PIM and AIM (BRIS, 2019) ................................................. 27
Figure 2.5.1 UK BIM maturity levels extended to asset information management (PAS 1192:2013) ................... 43
Figure 2.5.2 Pillars of BIM (DGuerrilla, 2017) ........................................................................................................ 44
Figure 2.5.3 The key technical and commercial activities for Level 3 (H.M. Government, 2015) .......................... 45
Figure 2.6.1 BIM Dimensions applications (Josseaux, 2018) ................................................................................. 46
Figure 2.7.1 Project information management principles (Cerovsek, 2019) .......................................................... 48
Figure 2.7.2 Different types of information requirements and models according to ISO 19650 ........................... 49
Figure 2.7.3 The Stanford Project Heartbeat for project delivery (Stanford, 2010). .............................................. 50
Figure 2.7.4 Traditional Design Process vs Integrated Design Process (AIA, 2007) ............................................... 51
Figure 2.7.5 The development of the PIM into the AIM using the ISO 19650 approach (BRIS, 2019) ................... 51
Figure 2.7.6 Traditional and collaborative workflows comparison........................................................................ 52
Figure 2.7.7 Information hierarchy (Mordue, 2018) .............................................................................................. 54
Figure 2.7.8 Graphical information flow (ISO 19650-1) ......................................................................................... 54
Figure 2.7.9 Graphical representation of CDE benefits .......................................................................................... 55
Figure 3.2.1 Pie chart. Type of project realisations in the company. ..................................................................... 57
Figure 3.2.2 Bar list. The company’s services ......................................................................................................... 58
Figure 3.2.3 Pie chart. Roles of interviewers in the company. ............................................................................... 58
Figure 3.2.4 Pie chart. The number of projects participated in by employee. ....................................................... 59
Figure 3.2.5 Pie chart. Employees seniorities. ........................................................................................................ 59
Figure 3.3.1 Recommendation for CDE implantation ............................................................................................ 59
Figure 3.3.2 The ePMflow’s CDE structure (ePMflow,2020) .................................................................................. 60
Figure 3.4.1 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What problems do you see while using the DMS platform?’ ....................... 62
Figure 3.4.2 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What are the advantages of the DMS platform?’ ........................................ 63
Figure 3.4.3 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What problems do you see while using the DCS platform?’ ......................... 63
Figure 3.4.4 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What are the advantages of the DCS platform?’ ......................................... 64
Figure 3.5.1 Inverted pyramid list. The most significant issue within the project. ................................................. 64
Figure 3.5.2 List of the categories of design information problems. (Fischer, 2006) ............................................. 65
Figure 3.5.3 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is the information accessible by the intended users?’ ................................... 66
Figure 3.5.4 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is the authorised access to the content identified?’ ...................................... 66
Figure 3.5.5 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘How or where the authorised access is specified?’ ...................................... 66
Figure 3.5.6 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is protection from unauthorized access, distribution, and deletion sufficient?’
............................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 3.5.7 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Are there all activities where information is created or captured?’.............. 67
Figure 3.5.8 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What are the activities where information is created or captured?’ ........... 68
Figure 3.5.9 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Are the activities broken-down only if they are not repeated?’ .................... 68
Figure 3.5.10 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Where are the activities broken-down only if not repeated?’ .................... 69
Figure 3.5.11 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Are all the essential steps for the information lifecycle identified?’ ........... 69
Figure 3.5.12 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘How the essential roles are defined?’......................................................... 70
Figure 3.5.13 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Where standards clearly define the content that represents input or
output?’ ................................................................................................................................................................. 70
Figure 3.5.14 Pie chart. Standards describe answers to: ‘Can the input and output information?’ ...................... 70

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Figure 3.5.15 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Have procedures and business rules been clearly defined?’ ....................... 71
Figure 3.5.16 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Do the outputs describe the process purpose?’ .......................................... 71
Figure 3.5.17 Pie chart. Types of software used in projects. ................................................................................. 71
Figure 3.5.18 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Software used during the project.’ ............................................................. 72
Figure 3.5.19 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Are the names of all activities unique in the process?’ ............................... 72
Figure 3.5.20 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Type of documentation used/created during the project.’ ......................... 73
Figure 3.5.21 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘ Is the break-down consistent throughout the process hierarchy?’ ............ 73
Figure 3.5.22 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is the depth of break-down according to the agreed level? ‘ ..................... 73
Figure 3.5.23 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Where or how is the break-down of processes established?’ ................... 74
Figure 3.5.24 Bar chart. Tools used during the project.......................................................................................... 74
Figure 3.5.25 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Are the quality and completeness of the verification procedures identified?
‘ .............................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Figure 3.5.26 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Where are the quality and completeness of the verification procedures
identified? ‘ ............................................................................................................................................................ 75
Figure 3.5.27 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is relevant information managed throughout the project cycle?’ .............. 76
Figure 3.5.28 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is the record integrity identified if crucial for the business?’ ...................... 76
Figure 3.5.29 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘How is the integrity of crucial documentation for the company ensured?’76
Figure 3.5.30 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is the content of the metadata defined and managed accordingly?’ ......... 77
Figure 3.5.31 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘What kind of metadata is defined?’ ........................................................... 77
Figure 3.5.32 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is there a data migration plan for records with long-term value?’ ............. 77
Figure 3.5.33 Bar chart. Answers to:’ What would you like to have in the repository?’........................................ 78
Figure 3.5.34 Maturity Levels of Information Management CMM (SEI, 2006) ..................................................... 79
Figure 3.5.35 Chosen principles of Information Management Maturity ............................................................... 80
Figure 3.6.1 Project Boundaries (Retana, 2014) .................................................................................................... 83
Figure 3.6.2 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What are the problems/issues faced on the site of the project?’ ................ 84
Figure 3.6.3 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘How did you or the project team realize the issue?’ .................................... 85
Figure 3.6.4 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘From whom did you or the project team come across this issue?’ .............. 85
Figure 3.6.5 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What was the first thing that you did to manage this issue?’ ..................... 85
Figure 3.6.6 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What approach do you use to manage the time-related issue?’ ................. 86
Figure 3.6.7 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What is the strategy to manage time-related issues?’ ................................ 86
Figure 3.6.8 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Who is involved in the problem-solving /decision-making?’ ........................ 87
Figure 3.6.9 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Are there any tools you use when managing the problem?’ ........................ 87
Figure 3.6.10 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Did you refer to any expert from outside of the project?’........................... 88
Figure 3.6.11 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Did you refer to an existing best practice or lessons-learnt repository (resp.
document) for a solution?’ .................................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 3.6.12 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘How did you record your best practices/lessons learned?’ ........................ 88
Figure 3.6.13 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘From where do you gain knowledge about this project?’ .......................... 89
Figure 3.6.14 Bar chart. Knowledge in the project is gained primarily from. ........................................................ 89
Figure 3.7.1 Maturity Levels of Organizational BIM Assessment I-CMM (BIM A+,2019) ...................................... 91
Figure 3.7.2 Organizational BIM Assessment – Strategy....................................................................................... 92
Figure 3.7.3 Organizational BIM Assessment – BIM Uses. .................................................................................... 93
Figure 3.7.4 Organizational BIM Assessment – Information. ................................................................................ 93
Figure 3.7.5 Organizational BIM Assessment – Infrastructure. ............................................................................. 94
Figure 3.7.6 Organizational BIM Assessment – Personnel. ................................................................................... 95
Figure 3.7.7 Organizational BIM Assessment Profile – Miastoprojekt Wroclaw. .................................................. 95
Figure 3.7.8 BIM Stages (BIMe Initiative, 2015) .................................................................................................... 96
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Figure 3.7.9 BIM Maturity Levels (BIMe Initiative, 2015) ..................................................................................... 97
Figure 3.8.1 Talent management strategy steps ................................................................................................... 99
Figure 3.8.2 BIM skills development roadmap (BSI Global Marketing, 2020) ..................................................... 100
Figure 3.8.3 Interfaces between parties and teams (Bolpagni et al., 2020) ........................................................ 100
Figure 3.8.4 Appointing Party functions according to ISO 19650-2. .................................................................... 101
Figure 3.8.5 Lead Appointed Party functions according to ISO 19650. ................................................................ 102
Figure 3.8.6 Appointed Party functions according to ISO 19650. ........................................................................ 102
Figure 3.10.1 BIM Implementation general plan ................................................................................................. 108
Figure 3.10.2 Identification of the potential benefits of creating a digital information model ................... 111
Figure 3.11.1 Guidelines on the scope of the strategy ......................................................................................... 116

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Table 2.3.1 BIM standardization initiatives by country (buildingSMART) ............................................................. 25

Table 2.3.2 Nomenclature comparison of stages in the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 vs 2020 .................................... 30
Table 2.3.3 Tasks related to the next stages in the RIBA Plan of Work (RIBA, 2020) ........................................... 31
Table 2.3.4 Model Requirements (BSI, 2013)......................................................................................................... 33
Table 2.3.5 Three groups of requirements in EIR (BSI, 2013) ................................................................................ 34
Table 2.3.6 ISO 19650 (ISO, 2018) and PAS 1192-2 (BSI, 2013) comparison ......................................................... 37
Table 2.7.1 Benefits of CDE .................................................................................................................................... 55
Table 3.3.1 Perspectives from the DMS and DCS platforms analysis .................................................................... 61
Table 3.5.1 Information Management Maturity – Miastoprojekt Wroclaw ......................................................... 80
Table 3.5.2 Proposals for the DMS platform improvements ................................................................................. 81
Table 3.5.3 Proposals for the DCS platform improvements ................................................................................... 82
Table 3.7.1 Organizational BIM Assessment Profile – Miastoprojekt Wroclaw .................................................... 96
Table 3.7.2 Maturity Discovery Score– Miastoprojekt Wroclaw ........................................................................... 97
Table 3.8.1 Appointing Party skills according to ISO 19650-2. ............................................................................ 101
Table 3.8.2 Lead Appointed Party skills according to ISO 19650. ........................................................................ 102
Table 3.8.3 Appointed Party skills according to ISO 19650. ................................................................................ 102
Table 3.9.1 Penn State BIM Uses with additional BIMe Model Uses (*).............................................................. 104
Table 3.10.1 BIM implementation plan at organizational level vs in a pilot project ........................................... 108
Table 3.10.2 BIM Implementation paths ............................................................................................................. 109
Table 3.10.3 Barriers to BIM implementation for the company .......................................................................... 110
Table 3.10.4 Main problems with BIM implementation for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw ......................................... 110
Table 3.11.1 Proposals for business practices improvements ............................................................................. 115
Table 3.11.2 Framework of the scope of the strategy for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw ............................................. 117

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1.1. Overview
For over a decade, we have witnessed the second digital revolution in construction, directly affecting
the methodology of the investment process: the development of building information modelling (BIM)
technology. According to the British standard, BIM is a process of design, implementation and use of
buildings using objects with electronic information. The first revolution, the introduction of computer-
aided design process (CAD), concerned almost exclusively the design services sector, and the next BIM
changes the functioning of the entire construction industry. The consequence of the above is entirely
new requirements, both in terms of the scope of work and quality of services rendered to architects
and subcontractors by awarding entities.

The simple comparison of buildings from different periods reveals the fundamental problem of
contemporary architecture. It shows that construction is one of the last branches of the economy with
such manual production methods, despite the use of very advanced technologies. At the design stage,
more and more special computer software is used to eliminate many errors and deficiencies in the
documentation. Whereas during the implementation, the bricks are still glued with mortar, concrete is
poured into the formwork and such, elements are cut, paint and so on. In conclusion, there are still
some craftsman's methods of implementation, which are not much different from those used in the
19th century. This situation is unthinkable, e.g. in the automotive industry, where the human element
has been reduced to the necessary minimum in favour of automation. Commercial investments are
gradually moving towards prototyping to improve the final product and departure from the current
methods of implementation. Currently largely supported only at the design stage with the use of BIM.

There is a process in construction that the other industries have been behind for many years – change
investment design and implementation technologies. Nowadays, at least in Europe, the progressive
commercialization of all areas of life, including architecture, can be observed. This trend, which started
in the 1980s, is only interrupted by financial crises on the real estate market. The primary paradigm of
its implementation is to be quick and profitable. For instance, in machine design much earlier than in
construction, three-dimensional work, reliable design tools and product life cycle management were
commonly used. Testing systems have long been used in machine design collisions and simulations,
enabling complex analyses. It arose open format for the exchange and several standards to facilitate
design and production, as well as many innovative solutions that have increased productivity in the
engineering industry. No wonder that in the search for effective methods to support the investment
process in construction, some of proven standards from industry were used. Likewise, the
manufacturing industry has shown a dramatic improvement by shifting their process to lean production.
Lean principles applied for the construction industry may also improve workflows of the construction
processes as a mutual contribution with BIM (Koksela et al., 2010).

Many of the items commonly used today were first developed for the space industry. Probably in future
within construction, some of the solutions would be used as a factor in the current laboratory research
on space technologies. The engineers and scientists working on future bases on the Moon and Mars are

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14 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
looking for entirely new concepts for their construction, taking into account the inability to transport
hollow bricks, concrete or reinforcing steel. Construction technologies are being improved with the use
of 3D printers or quasi-pneumatic structures, which help to create a self-realizing construction process.
Moreover, in more technologically advanced branches of the economy, such as the automotive and
aviation industries, anonymous research and design teams have been operating for a long time.
Insomuch as the product is not responsible for a single designer, but a real concern. It is part of the
globalization processes and the links between corporations and global capital.

The changes within other industries have started broader questioning the outdated tools and
technologies used within construction investments, together with economic challenges, allowed to start
a technological renaissance in the construction community. Because of the recession, many firms were
forced to rechange the way of delivering construction product to customers under new margin and
overhead constraints. The early stage of BIM gave many organizations a starting point to focus not only
on the technology, but the underlying processes that were built around these tools. That was a
significant push for innovation in construction and design environment. New technology and processes
required proper and structured introduction of information for improvement in both the design and
implementation of the investment. That is why standardization occurs to be so important not only the
project but also at the organizational level of companies.

1.2. Research motivations

Research motivation can be summarized as searching for solving some of the problems facing the
architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) industry in Poland through proposing a framework for
the implementation of BIM in the company Miastoprojekt Wroclaw. Personal motivation is exploiting
the new methodology with all necessary methods, procedures and technical requirements and to
develop my skills and keep up with the latest technology.

1.3. The problem statements

BIM is slowly being introduced in Poland, more and more companies base their work to a greater or
lesser extent on this methodology or partly using its technology. Nevertheless, the construction market
is very chaotic with its use in practice. Virtually every design, contractor or Investor creates their work
standards, not quite knowing how the projects supposed to be organized. Usually, it is the construction
companies that impose the way of generating projects or possible improvements. Investors, in turn, do
not quite know what BIM is and do not realize that the main benefits of using the full methodology are
on their side. Besides, most design offices do not use the potential of their BIM tools and only use them
to create models based on 2D drawings to perform visualizations.

There are some challenges connected with BIM adoption in Poland. For example, from a structural and
functional point of view is a database and information management issue. BIM will not include all of the
information that is needed because it is hard to predict everything in advance. Although BIM will
integrate building processes, it will fragment the workload into specializations, and that is one of the
main fears of the employees. People tend to fear of losing professional jobs due to more efficient
technology or simply they do not trust unknown. Some might claim that creativity is reduced because
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of the use of BIM. However, it seems that the area of the creativity is moved into another field of making
proper tools, software and languages which will be capable of computing faster the shapes we want.

Responding proactively to all of concerns and worries is a vital part of onboarding BIM. People need to
be reassured that BIM is most useful for saving money by cutting out time inefficiencies, not labour
expenses. Investing in BIM implementations is misunderstood as investing in workforce reduction, but
that is the wrong conclusion (Mortice, 2018). Most of repetitive, boring jobs would be replaced into
another one, more specific with higher creativity and productivity. These specializations are a key for
further development and broader general knowledge.

However, improving the internal organizational processes does not add value to the client. It is
determined by many other benefits resulting from the use of BIM technology, such as the almost
unlimited possibility of the second generation of additional studies and drawings from the model,
multidimensional visualization of the investment that facilitates its imagination and understanding by
both the Investor, work manager and the future facility manager. Besides it gives more straightforward
and partly automated process of project correctness verification, the possibility of more efficient
performance of variant analyses taking into account both functional and aesthetic as well as economic
factors, speed of introducing changes and development of replacement documentation with new design
guidelines and many others.

1.4. Research objectives

This dissertation aims to propose a specific BIM implementation strategy for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw, to
solve the issues of the current project to improve the performance of the entire organization and reap
the benefits from BIM. In order to achieve the above aim, the following objectives are identified:
1. Explore the structure of the company and the level of awareness about BIM in the company.
2. Investigate the existing information flow within on-going projects and the company’s platforms.
3. Propose solutions to overcome the issues that diminishing performance and workflows.
4. Perform the organization projects and team assessment.
5. Investigate the company readiness and the organization's capabilities to implement BIM.
6. Identify the main internal goals influencing BIM implementation.
7. Present BIM implementation paths.
8. Determine the barriers deterring BIM implementation.
9. Explore the main driving forces and information requirements for pushing the company towards
BIM implementation.
10. Propose a framework of the scope of strategy for the company to enable the mandate of BIM.

The main goal for each organization is the success of the well-defined business tailored to rapidly
changing realities and standards. The objective of the thesis is the definition of a framework for the
specific OIR implementation strategy for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw within BIM methodology. The OIR
document should help to capture information for asset management and other organizational function.

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16 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
1.5. The scope of research
The scope of this research is limited to exploring and investigating the structure of the Miastoprojekt
Wroclaw and their awareness about BIM, the main factors expediting the BIM implementation and the
readiness of the company to implement BIM. Moreover, the ability of BIM adoption in the company to
manage projects was checked from a theoretical and a practical standpoint. The review of management
processes, standards and platforms circulations was researched aside to the research on BIM Maturity
and BIM adoption strategies with how these should have been approached in practice. Therefore, the
scope of this research is the guidelines for the organizational requirements of the company regarding
the quality of information and also the access and use of data. In the broader context, an industry is
moving towards a more integrated practice, supported by information systems such as BIM. Research

The research methodology consists of three phases:

1. First phase: a literature review to build a broad understanding of covering the scope of the
research presented.
2. Second phase: questionnaire survey, semi-structured interviews to collect the employees and
experts’ perceptions about the existing procedures and process in on-going projects or the
platforms in the company.
3. Third phase: validation and analysis of the collected data, execution of team and organization
assessment in order to provide guidelines for organizational requirements accordingly with
proposed BIM adoption strategy for the company.

1.6. Key findings and Contributions

This study is the research to contribute to investigate the key factors influencing and expediting the
organizational requirements in BIM adoption for the substitute investor and provide a suggested path
for implementing BIM in Miastoprojekt Wroclaw.

1.7. Structure of the research

The study was divided into six chapters, followed by appendices. Chapter one includes an overview, the
problem statement, research motivation, research objectives, the scope of research, research
methodology, key findings and contributions and structure of research. While, chapter two
encompasses literature review of BIM methodology, standards and necessary documents in Chapter
Three, the research methodology, data collection and includes the results and its analysis are described.
Chapter four describes proposed guidelines for organization requirements and strategy for BIM
implementation in Miastoprojekt Wroclaw. Finally, chapter five provides a conclusion, summarising
results and main findings, research limitations, and recommendations for further researches.

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The information flow within the AEC industry is involved, although the traditional medium is a
document. The design information is employed to show the form, function and behaviour of a product
among the design team, such as architects, engineers and design consultants. However, manufacturers
and subcontractors also generate it (Elhendawi, 2018). The subset of data consists of various drawings
from different parties, specifications and schedules. During the design process, some changes occur,
which are covered by addenda, answers to requests for information (RFI) and change orders.
Professionals and managers spend a significant amount of time managing information, like addressing
information flows. Furthermore, inadequate design information commonly leads to unintended
outcomes, as building defects, schedule delays and cost overruns. That is why the AEC industry require
integrated, relevant and accurate information for more effective performance.

For decades the AEC industry has been suffering from its inefficiency, poor productivity and low
performance. There is a significant change in the AEC industry towards a genuine worldview move to
increase the efficiency, and productivity improve quality (Baiden & Price, 2011; Baiden et al., 2006). The
solution might be BIM which supplement, and eventually replace the traditional documentation with
digital and integrated information for buildings design and execution.

2.1. Building Information Modelling

The abbreviation BIM can refer to a building information model as a digital artefact, building information
modelling as the process of creating and using a digital model, or sometimes even building information
management (buildingSMART, 2012). Currently, BIM influences AEC industry performance and enhance
the coordination and collaboration between various project parties as well as interior designers,
producers of building materials and Facility Managers(Rahman et al., 2013). BIM is considered a
revolutionary technology and process management, proposed as the potential solution for the current
issues and in the construction industry(Elhendawi et al., 2019). There are various levels of advancement
in the implementation of BIM technology within different industries due to their challenges and
specificity of using various software to design or manage a model.

BIM concept is related to virtual design and construction (VDC) in meaning and scope. Therefore The
Centre for Integrated Facilities Engineering (CIFE) at Stanford University described VDC as:

‘The use of multi-disciplinary performance models of design-construction projects,

including the product (that is, facilities), Work Processes and Organization of the
design–construction–operation team to support business objectives.’

Equation 1(CIFE, 2012)

Thus, VDC uses the repository for business purposes. BuildingSMART have incorporated the inventive
method for describing the building model in their definition:

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‘Building Information Modelling: Is a BUSINESS PROCESS for generating and
leveraging building data to design, construct and operate the building during its
lifecycle. BIM allows all stakeholders to have access to the same information at the
same time through interoperability between technology platforms.’

Equation 2(buildingSMART 2012)

BIM is the process of creating and maintaining an object-oriented, parametric, rule-based building
model as an information repository for the AEC industry to support various applications in designing,
planning, and executing construction work (Eastman, 2009)

BIM is still very often mistakenly simplified to the digital 3D model results from a misunderstanding of
the meaning of the advantages of technology. Although a virtual mock-up of a building is an inseparable
element of its digital representation, modelling spatial information gives a lot of additional options. The
essence of BIM is based on the development of the most comprehensive possible database about the
object and the relationship with the elements of the critical information model, which can be used in
the further stages of the investment process, and purposefully throughout the life cycle of the building.
Additionally, there is many other non-geometric information, such as type of object, material
characteristics, key physical parameters or fire resistance class.

2.2. BIM adoption in the world

The BIM awareness is spreading universally, while adoption across the world remains uneven. In the
AEC industry, the technological improvement is not only a matter, but as well as triangulation between
its social, environmental and economic relationships (European Commission, 2019). The scenario of the
construction industry is not the same all over the world, and so is the adoption of technological aspects
of BIM. Lack of readiness, initial higher cost, and education are the common barriers for worldwide BIM
augmentation(Hu et al., 2018). Technological advancement in all BIM fields such as technology, process
and policy is evolving from the developed nations.

Business initiatives play a crucial role in facilitating BIM implementation among the industry, according
to European Construction Sector Observatory (2019). First, they help understand what BIM is about and
what it means in practice. Second, they are creating a network of BIM practitioners, who can influence
BIM implementation domestically but also internationally. Third, they give construction companies
more substantial leverage to influencing national construction policy development (European
Commission, 2019). Therefore, the authorities cannot freely interfere in the activities of the private
sector, which has the possibility of freely (within the law) shaping contracts except the public tenders –
mostly influenced by additional factors and regulations - imposed by the legislator.

USA and the UK are the leading BIM, early implementation countries in the world, from which other
developed countries are learning so much and fast in the digital shift (Hamma-Adama and Kouider,
2019a). Australia is one of the rapid adopter countries which have established BIM guide, Standards,
National Specification and corporated research centre (Hamma-Adama and Kouider, 2019b). In the

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other countries where the BIM methodology occurs on a larger scale and is treated as a building
information management process, not just as a modelling tool, various strategies for implementing
normative principles, relationships between process participants and their course can be observed. A
standard method is to develop an official document - a set of acceptable practices or guidelines for a
given investment. Another way is to standardize and coordinate activities related to the implementation
of the BIM methodology at the state level by imposed norms and legal provisions, as in, for example,
Great Britain.

The implementation of BIM in the United Kingdom was almost entirely a top-down initiative, so all
activities are coordinated and aimed at achieving clearly defined purposes (Shimonti, 2018). They are
linked to the next stages and results to be achieved on the path to full implementation by cooperation
between sectors. Consequently, the significant successes of adaptation in the UK is positively related to
best practices from earlier USA BIM implementation strategies (Hamma-adama and Kouider, 2019a).
The adopted model assumed synchronization of top-down and bottom-up activities, known as Push-Pull
Strategy. The compromise between taking actions from one side on fuelling planned changes (bottom-
up actions - push), from the second to creating conditions, which simplifies their implementation as
most (top-down actions - pull).

Efforts like BIM advocacy programme by BIM Africa Initiative is one of leaps to developing special BIM
publications to African countries (BIM Africa, 2019). Moreover, the Middle East, Africa and South
America are at the early stage of adoption, mostly in design with a low level of maturity and general
knowledge (Shimonti, 2018). The path of adoption varies, some of these countries have just embarked
on Macro-BIM adoption study while some have already finished developing their national policy
(Kassem and Succar, 2017). In the Middle East, there has been an increase in real estate investments,
such as skyscrapers and infrastructure projects, for which there is a need to use BIM (BIMMDA, 2020).
At the same time, Hong Kong set a limit on government projects of 30 million Hong Kong dollars.

BIM implementation in Europe is making good progress because of the involvement of companies,
academics, professionals and governmental institutions. There are several targets, mandates and
national strategies that supports digitalization and a shared vision of BIM in the industry. Europe
understands that collaboration across borders and standardizing standard practices is the key to success
in BIM adoption. In 2016, the EU BIM Task Group was established to bring together national efforts into
a common aligned European approach of the use of Building Information Modelling in public work.
Different countries are moving at a different pace. BIM maturity across European countries is spread
not surprisingly in the way that western/northern countries appear to be BIM developed, while the
southern and eastern countries are adopting BIM at a slower rate (BIMMDA, 2020). The obligation to
use BIM are determined by the scope of application or expressed in the form of the size or cost of the

In 2010, Germany conducted a research called BIM - Potentials and Barriers, then issued an order for
mandatory use of BIM in projects exceeding 100 million euros and foe all transport projects from 2017
(BIMMDA, 2020). Whereas, in Denmark for all public investments exceeding 5,000 m2 and in the Czech
Republic for public projects whose value at the design stage will exceed 6 million Czech crowns and the
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20 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
value of works - 150 million Czech crowns. As well, France and Spain have rapidly evolving programmes.
For example, in France in 2017, BIM was officially mandated, together with standardization roadmap as
part of the digitizing strategy for the construction industry, that includes improving the quality of
exchanged data, deadlines, data sharing processes and reducing errors, conflicts and overall project
costs (BIMMDA, 2020).

Since then, the BIM is metamorphosing the construction industry. Countries around the world have
started paying more attention to its adoption, as in the following figure.

Figure 2.2.1 Global BIM Regulation Evolution (Shimonti, 2018)

Figure 2.2.2 Legend of Global BIM Regulation Evolution (Shimonti, 2018)

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2.2.1. Situation in Poland
However, Poland has recently introduced policies supporting BIM adoption in the construction industry,
is still at an early stage of BIM implementation with a relatively low rate (European Commission, 2019).
According to this report, only 12% of construction companies use BIM, though mainly for visualization
or 3D models rather than for collision detection and use of schedules or optimization. The lack of
professional knowledge and BIM requirements in public procurement law, the high cost of BIM initial
adoption are the reasons for such low rate, on the other hand, the BIM awareness is slowly rising among
the specialists in the construction industry.

Moreover, BIM implementation in Poland has a strong potential mostly among large companies of the
construction industry, as a result of national labour shortage, increasing-price of materials and external
competition (European Commission, 2019). Nonetheless, the industry and the public sector seems to
have small interaction on each other, beyond general BIM workshops and seminars. Moreover, the
education process should change in Poland, especially public officials need to formulate how BIM should
be effectively taught to educate BIM skilled and knowledgeable professionals among old and new
generations (European Commission, 2019). Some renowned polish universities, such as Warsaw
University of Technology, have introduced courses concerning BIM, however minimal institutions have
full BIM packages (European Commission, 2019).

According to the EU Commission, Poland follow flexible binding approach to BIM implementation.
Despite the recently introduced BIM instruments in the construction industry, is not active in BIM
standardization field (European Commission, 2019). An amendment to the public procurement law was
published in 2016, stating, that “in the case of construction contracts, the contracting authority may
require the use of electronic data modelling tools or similar tools. In this case, the project’s owner needs
to make access to such tools available until such a tool becomes publicly available” (European
Commission, 2019). The Polish government started with the transport industry (roads and rails) to
experiment BIM pilot projects. Two tenders were including BIM aspects were published in 2017:

• Pilot project for the development of the Zatory bypass on national roads DK28 and DK44 by the
Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad (GDDKiA) – the National Agency for Motorways
• consultation with industry for the use of BIM on national rail infrastructure works by the Polskie
Koleje Państwowe (PKP) - Polish State Railways

Currently, more and more public procurement requires the use of BIM technology. As a result, job offers
related to BIM management and implementation are starting to appear on the labour market, mainly
in larger companies in the biggest cities in Poland such as Krakow, Wroclaw and Warsaw. The biggest obstacles for BIM in Poland:

For several years now, there has been a lively discussion in Poland about the advantages and threats of
BIM implementation. The undoubted positives are integration of the design process and information
about the building, optimization and cost control of its implementation and operation. The main
problems, apart from financial outlays and the need to raise qualifications, indicated loss of the position

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of chief designer to a person or a management team, blurring of responsibility, problems with copyright.
Moreover, the optimal procedure for using BIM seems to be criticized in our environment – ‘Design and
build’. The following lists of obstacles may strengthen these fears of the BIM implementation:

• the absence of (systematic) BIM requirements in public procurement law

• lack of common operational standards and norms
• limited exchange between the industry and the public sector
• outdated educational curriculum at public universities
• high cost of BIM initial implementation
• low awareness of benefits among investors
• low awareness what is BIM among design parties
• low project prices

2.3. BIM Standards in the world

Nowadays, there are standards in many industries in order to enhance the quality of various items, such
as food, electricity, construction materials and components. Accordingly, the development of standards
in BIM can contribute to for building projects in regards of cooperative processes and deliverables. In
the UK, national BIM standards have been developed due to the current legislation, which defines
procedures, roles, deliverables, BIM levels (Panagiotidou, 2020). Other countries of North Europe and
Singapore also have adopted national BIM standards, and most countries worldwide are following the
lead. Wherever the BIM is not institutionalized, public and private organizations are developing their
standards for the adoption of BIM.

In Europe, the AEC industry has been confronting strict alter in order to extend efficiency, quality and
productivity of construction as well as diminishing costs and duplication of work. Moreover, there is a
significant increase in international collaborations due to globalisation. Processes in the construction
industry require a standardized way of describing building realisations and related procedures
(Panagiotidou, 2020). Around the world, the rules and regulations vary in each country, prevents an
agreement on global BIM standards. However, in Europe, European Directive 2014/24 / EU (of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement) requires European
public administrations to use advanced digital framework in their processes (BIMMDA, 2020).

In general, the first classifications were developed to systematize technical specifications and perform
measurements. These classifications were sufficient to some extent, but the situation has changed
significantly after an application of CAD followed by BIM (Edirisinghe and London, 2015). The new
systems had to take into account the relationship between individual elements, not just between types
of objects. Many classification systems have arisen in response to this need, such as British Uniclass,
American OmniClass, Swedish CoClass (Zuber, 2020). The essential feature of building classifications is
a hierarchy, also called taxonomy. This term means that a given fragment can be described in a very
general way, but also detail - they will be the lowest classes. There is a relationship between them: each
subclass inherits features of the superclass and has at least one characteristic that distinguishes it.

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Historically, the first classification was CAWS (Common Arrangement of Work Sections) listed on the
British road map. Instead, the Uniclass is used today, which is based on the ISO standard and
characterized by a full content unification by interconnection between tables (BIM A+, 2019). Besides,
to include classification of all types of elements, objects, each of the tables is divided into groups,
subgroups and sections, and objects. The information can be easily found, and there is no limit to the
amount of data that can be included in the classification (with a possibility of extension). The taxonomy
is easy to understand and use.

Early standards for CAD include, for example, Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) in the USA,
VDA-FS in Germany or 3D CAD ISO Standard for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP) 10303
(Edirisinghe and London, 2015). Another international standard ISO 13567 is used to standardize the
CAD layers, whereas part 2 of ISO 12006 object-orientated modelling models. In 1994 the organisation
buildingSMART, formerly International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI), was established to improve the
exchange of information between BIM software applications used in the construction industry
(Bazjanac, 2008). As a result, Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs) standards were developed as an open
data format for open BIM, registered with ISO as ISO 16739 (Edirisinghe and London, 2015). Also,
BuildingSMART defines two other corresponding standards ISO 12006 part 3 for International
Framework for Dictionaries (IFD) and ISO 29481 Process Definition Standard - Information Delivery
Manual (IDM) (Edirisinghe and London, 2015). The other popular BIM standards are ISO 19650, PAS
1192-2, NBS National BIM Object Standard, COBie and BCF.

Although the UK nowadays seems to be a leader in BIM with its globally influential programme, the
Scandinavian countries as well as China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Dubai have regulated BIM for almost
a decade. Each country has its local requirements or thresholds concerning BIM, although UK based
organisations based on the adoption of the PAS 1192 suite of Standards to demonstrate their BIM
capability to their Clients and Employers. BIM adoption accelerated in the UK in April 2016 due to the
policy that mandated BIM Level 2 for all centrally procured building projects. As part of its strategy, any
government project in the UK must have BIM level 2 (Lorek, 2018). Some companies had to develop the
habit of quickly adhering to the standards. Thus, in the coming years, the UK could become a leader in
BIM (BIMMDA, 2020).

There are public standards in Scandinavian countries. Finland mandated that any design software
required to pass IFC Certification. In Sweden, best practice guides have been published, and whereas
Denmark, at universities, BIM is taught as the process to students (Lorek, 2018). Since 2010 Norway has
used IFC file formats and BIM with its projects. The IFC specification is the Danish standard file model,
which is used for BIM data sharing internationally. Moreover, Denmark has entered an international
partnership to facilitate the circulation of IFC through customer expectations and all software that
supports BIM applications (BIMMDA, 2020).

Due to its creative design and construction, North America is one of the most critical regions for the BIM
industry with a large number of BIM experts. Although BIM is not mandated across all US states, some
of them have already put mandates in place. For instance, Wisconsin has mandated BIM since 2010 on
all procurement projects with a total budget over $5 million and for all new construction over of $2.5
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million (Lorek, 2018). In Canada, the AECO community has developed the BIM standard for
buildingSMART Canada to improve its performance, environmental and economic development.

Despite the present financial crisis, BIM is expanding remarkably in Latin America. Chile and Brazil are
the countries with the most active diffusion of the methodology through numerous activities. In 2015,
the organization responsible for developing BIM standards, Chile BIM, was created. Other countries
adopt a bottom-up approach through many activities, such as workshops and seminars organized by
trade unions, chambers of commerce and technology companies (BIMMDA, 2020).

In early 2016, South Korea mandated the use of BIM for public projects above $50 million. Already in
2010, the BIM National Architecture Guide was released to govern the use of BIM in public
administration, as well as BIM framework standards. Though China does not explicitly require the use
of BIM for its organizations, they have established their first series of BIM National Guidelines. The key
priorities of the government are to reduce the environmental costs and energy production in the
industrial and construction sectors (BIMMDA, 2020).

Australia is leading on projects since 2016 In South Pacific due to national government initiative for BIM
requirements. For instance, particular NATSPEC portal was created with BIM tools for the construction
industry (Lorek, 2018). From 2015, the government of Singapore started to require electronic
submissions from BIM projects of over 5,000 square metres. The implementation of BIM in Singapore
exceeds all guidelines and provides a global example (BIMMDA, 2020).

Uniform national guidelines reduce the time and effort spent on planning in building projects, facilitate
collaboration and adaption amongst different disciplines and organisations. BIM is the future of the
construction industry, and the faster the industry introduces the BIM and its related requirements, the
greater the benefits of BIM in terms of the cost and timing of project implementation will be realized
(Al-Ashmori et al., 2020). In countries where there are no guidelines, companies need to establish their
regulations on how to function with BIM in order to unleash their potential more efficiently. The
creation and adoption of BIM specifications and protocols can lead to a consistent and effective method
of data exchange with great benefits for construction projects. There several national standards, best
practices developed by countries around the world, relevant ones are listed in table (2.3.1)

Table 2.3.1 BIM standardization initiatives by country (buildingSMART)

Australia NATSPEC National BIM Guide
Belgium Building Information Modelling –Belgian Guide for the Construction Industry
USA NBIMS-US (National Building Information Modelling Standard - United States)
Canada CANBIM Protocol
New Zealand New Zealand BIM Handbook
Norway Statsbygg BIM Manual 1.2
Singapore Singapore BIM Guide - Version 2.0
Hong Kong HKIBIM - BIM Project Specification
Finland Common BIM Requirement (COBIM)
UK LEVEL 2 - PAS 1192.2 2013 / ISO 19650

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2.3.1. ISO 19650
The ISO is an institution that develops international standards for multiple different sectors (Pollock,
2019). To form a joint international standard base for the implementation of BIM, in 2018, the new ISO
19650 was published in Parts 1 and 2. Currently, in 2020, on June Part 3 was published and on July
Part 5. In 2019, the British Standards Institution (BSI) announced that its British-specific standards were
being phased out in favour of international ones.

- part 1 - EN ISO 19650-1: 2018 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil
engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM) - information management using
building information modelling. Concepts and principles. (ISO, 2018)

- part 2 - EN ISO 19650-2: 2018 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil
engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM). Information management using
building information modelling. Delivery phase of the assets. (ISO, 2018)

- part 3 – EN ISO 19650-3: 2020 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil
engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM). Information management using
building information modelling. Operational phase of assets. (ISO, 2020)

- part 4 - Information exchange

- part 5 – EN ISO 19650-5: 2020 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil
engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM). Information management using
building information modelling. Security-minded approach to information management. (ISO, 2020)

The ISO-based the new standards from 2018 on two existing British standards: BS 1192 and PAS 1192-
2. Both BS (British Standard) and PAS (Publicly Available Specification) are not legislative nor obligatory
(except where regulatory instruments or third parties impose the obligation for example by properly
formulated contracts). BS 1192 is a general best practice for managing construction information, while
PAS 1192-2 is a specification about information management during the delivery phase (Pollock, 2019).
The PAS standards were developed to assist the market and constitute sets of recommendations or
ethical practices. Mostly the development of PAS scope is proposed and financed by private entities,
publicly consulted with stakeholders and then verified by BSI in terms of the legitimacy of further work
or detection of a possible conflict with other standardization. UK made both standards public by the to
help construction companies achieve BIM Level 2 mandate (Pollock, 2019). However, the Standard’s
evolution can be traced much further back than publications PAS 1192-2 in 2013 or BS 1192 in 2007
(Shillcock, 2019). In 2002, Avanti Project was established by the UK Department of Trade and Industry
to formulate a practical approach for collaborative working. Processes based on ISO 19650

Outcomes from adopting the processes in BIM according to the ISO 19650(UK BIM Alliance, 2019):
• Precise definitions for the information needed, the methods, processes, deadlines and
protocols (figure 2.3.1)
• Sufficient quantity and quality of information
• Efficient and effective transfers of information between the stakeholders
• Reduction of waste/rework in the design, construction and asset management
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26 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
Figure 2.3.1 High-level information delivery flow-chart, ISO 19650-1 Figure 4 (ISO, 2018)

The ISO 19650 series defines information management across the whole life cycle of an asset, which
requires linking the asset, project and organisational management in global construction industry that
used to work without any unifying framework for information management requirements. The standard
is not one solution to fit all projects, however it provides an internationally recognized framework to
adopt to projects of any scale and complexity, tailored to the organisational needs (BRIS, 2019). The
rules in standard also specify standardization of procedures and documents:

OIR (Organizational Information Requirements) - clarifying what information, when and for whom will
be produced and provided. Represents key decision and help in prioritising information improvements.

AIR (Asset Information Requirements) - defining information required for all assets operation and
maintenance (Asset Information Products) in line with an organisation’s management strategy.

EIR (Exchange Information Requirements) - specifying the contracting authority’s requirements from all
project participants.

BEP (BIM Execution Plan) - a plan that details the awarding entity’s requests contained in EIR

PIR (Project Information Requirements) - specifying what information should be produced and delivered
for each particular project in line with an organisation’s management strategy

Figure 2.3.2 Information requirements informing the PIM and AIM (BRIS, 2019)

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Each company should start with the end in mind, by creating the organisational and asset information
management requirements, considering the intended uses of data. It is critical that these information
requirements form part of the appointment documentation when appointing external parties
(figure 2.3.2). Consequentially, improve each appointed party's understanding of their responsibility for
leveraging and creating information within a delivery team.

More information about the ISO 19650 series is provided within this paper in further chapter, such as
chapter which compare new standard to the replaced PAS 1992:2013 and in chapter 2.7
regarding Organisational Information Requirements, Common Data Environment and Project Delivery.
Some of the data about the appointing and appointed parties were moved to the chapter 3.8 with the
broader explanation about their function and skills within the project delivery.

2.3.2. BIM L0 and BIM L1 Documents BS 1192: 2007 + A2: 2016
The set of best practices describes the approach to production, quality and exchange of information
based on CAD and BIM systems (BSI, 2007). It contains the recommendations for indexing, searching,
filtering, sorting, qualitative verification and comparison of documents and their content. Which gives
the introduction of SMP (Standard Method and Procedure) that includes:
- agreed roles of individual team members in the investment process - from the client, through
designers of various industries, contractors and subcontractors, to facility manager. The
standard does not describe the responsibility of individual roles in the project.
- central assumption for a set naming convention that applies to both files and the information
they contain
- use of the data storage and exchange environment - Common Data Environment (CDE) and its
following structure of folders:
• Work in Progress (WIP) – storage of unverified data created during the project
implementation, used only for team members’ needs
• SHARED - for data is verification to receive another revision and suitability code
e.g. qualifying a given material for a milestone goal, coordination, cost analysis
• PUBLISHED – for final data verification and approval with the requirements project
• ARCHIVE – storage of outdated, replaced or used data, e.g. construction archive or
transferred to Asset Information Model (AIM).

BS 1192 supports PAS 1192-2:2013 and PAS 1192-3:2014, and the use of both PAS depends on BS 1192.
Currently, the standard has been withdrawn and replaced by BS EN ISO 19650-1: 2018 and BS EN ISO
19650-2: 2018, which are less abundant in recommendations focusing on the CDE. BS 7000-4:2013
This standard is a guide for design management systems in construction (BSI, 2013). In 2013 has been
updated due to progress in the industry from CAD to next levels of BIM. Changes that in the field of
project management have resulted in the systematization of accompanying processes:

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28 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
- provides guidelines for managing the design process at all stages for all organizations and all
types of projects construction,
- indicates principles for greater efficiency of the project management process, i.e. project team
management, members’ responsibilities, development of the project’s program, project
planning, process, project communication and costs,
- guides on resource and value management, technical information and equipment, document
management, intellectual property and copyright
- provides policies and standard references for company and project protocols BS 8541 series

Most of the documents in the British Standard series number 8541 can be considered as acceptable
practices which present recommendations and guidelines used by competent and diligent practitioners
in a given field. Their use is not obligatory, and it is allowed to use other practices that give similar
effects. The series consists of 6 documents with guidelines and recommendations:

- BS 8541-1: 2012 Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction. Identification
and classification. Code of practice (BSI, 2012) - for identification and classification of library
- BS 8541-2: 2011 Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction. Recommended
2D symbols of building elements for use in building information modelling (BSI, 2011) - for
symbols and graphic conventions used by people who prepare drawings
- BS 8541-3: 2012 Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction. Shape and
measurement. Code of practice (BSI, 2012) - for the dimensioning the building objects
- BS 8541-4: 2012 Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction. Attributes for
specification and assessment. Code of practice (BSI, 2012) - for determination and evaluation
of the object attributes
- BS 8541-5: 2015 Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction - Assemblies.
Code of practice (BSI, 2015) - for the sharing of structural assemblies at all stages of project life
cycle mainly in terms of ready-made elements with proper classification and naming to improve
- BS 8541-6: 2015 Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction - Product and
facility declarations. Code of practice (BSI, 2015 - for sharing data from product declarations,
name conventions or other information from tables within the whole project and asset life cycle

According to the BIM maturity model, the rules to reach level one is described in BS 8541-2: 2011.
Others are related to the second and third level of maturity. Currently, in Poland, the scope of the BS
8541 series of standards is hard to implement due to the lack of adequate standards describing
documentation. There is a need to change the regulations on the scope and form of a construction
project and technical drawing.

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European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ 29 RIBA Plan of Work (PoW)
The purpose of the document is to organise the investment process at its critical stages, from adopting
strategies, through design, construction and use. It is a framework for design and construction that
consists of the most important goals and tasks undertaken in a given phase and exchanging information
(Sinclair, 2019).

In 2020 a new template was launched, developed from feedback collected since the initial 2013 version.
The new plan was made as a response to climate and biodiversity emergency, in line with the UN
sustainable development goals to target net-zero carbon for all new and retrofitted buildings by 2050
(Davies and Davies, 2020). The updated version consists of the changes that respond to the digitisation
of the industry, modern methods of construction, ethics of work, sustainability and as well the value of
aftercare. The new PoW offers both a process map and a management tool with improved approaches
to the planning process, procurement procedures and information requirements at each stage. It
consists of detailed stage descriptions and new guidance on core project strategies and a number of the
titles in structure.

Table 2.3.2 Nomenclature comparison of stages in the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 vs 2020
Strategic Preparation Concept Developed Technical Handover
2013 Construction In Use
Definition and Brief Design Design Design and closeout
Strategic Preparation Concept Spatial Technical
2020 and Handover Use
Definition and Briefing Design coordination Design

Although most of the changes to the titles are minor, the most significant difference is Stage 3. This title
changes from Developed Design in the 2013 version to Spatial Coordination in the 2020 version. This
change was made to describe the purpose of this stage better. Stage 3 is about managing information
until the building is adequately coordinated and ready to obtain planning permission and sent to begin
Stage 4 (Sinclair, 2019).

In the new version, the green and BIM overlays, which were separate additions to the 2013 edition, are
included (Davies and Davies, 2020). The most significant addition is the sustainability strategy, which
focuses on sustainable outcomes from the beginning of a project, throughout design and revision into
operation. Precise descriptions are included in the RIBA Sustainable Outcomes Guide (Sinclair, 2019). As
a result of increasing the complexity of information, the BIM Overlay is replaced. These will require more
reliance on models, use of embedded data to drive evidence-based design processes for asset and
facilities management purposes (Sinclair, 2019). A glossary of current BIM terms is also included.

To sum up, the PoW poster is a kind of a signpost with brief prompts for each stage. It should be used
as an illustrative aid alongside with the more comprehensive document in order to plan and manage
the team properly. At the bottom of the framework, nowadays, there are lists of the recommended and
expected outputs at the close of each stage.

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Table 2.3.3 Tasks related to the next stages in the RIBA Plan of Work (RIBA, 2020)
RIBA Stages Core Tasks during the stages Information Exchanges
0. • Prepare Client Requirements • Client Requirements
Strategic • Develop Business Case for feasible options including • Business Case
Definition review of Project Risks and Project Budget
• Ratify option that best delivers Client Requirements
• Review Feedback from previous projects
• Undertake Site Appraisals
1. • Prepare Project Brief including Project Outcomes and • Project Brief
Preparation Sustainability Outcomes, Quality Aspirations and Spatial • Feasibility Studies
and Briefing Requirements • Site Information
• Undertake Feasibility Studies • Project Budget
• Agree Project Budget • Project Programme
• Source Site Information including Site Surveys • Procurement Strategy
• Prepare Project Programme • Responsibility Matrix
• Prepare Project Execution Plan • Information
There is no design team required for Stages 0 and 1. Client advisers may Requirements
be appointed to the client team to provide strategic advice and design
thinking before Stage 2 commences.
2. • Prepare Architectural Concept incorporating Strategic • Project Brief
Concept Engineering requirements and aligned to Cost Plan, Derogations
Design Project Strategies and Outline Specification • Signed off Stage
• Agree Project Brief Derogations Report
• Undertake Design Reviews with client and Project • Project Strategies
Stakeholders • Outline Specification
• Prepare stage Design Programme • Cost Plan
3. • Undertake Design Studies, Engineering Analysis and Cost • Signed off Stage
Spatial Exercises to test Architectural Concept resulting in Report
Coordination Spatially Coordinated design aligned to updated Cost Plan, • Project Strategies
Project Strategies and Outline Specification • Updated Outline
• Initiate Change Control Procedures Specification
• Prepare stage Design Programme • Updated Cost Plan
• Planning Application
4. • Develop architectural and engineering technical design • Manufacturing
Technical • Prepare and coordinate design team Building Systems Information
Design information • Construction
• Prepare and integrate specialist subcontractor Building Information
Systems information • Final Specifications
• Prepare stage Design Programme • Residual Project
Specialist subcontractor designs are prepared and reviewed during • Building Regulations
Stage 4 Application
5. • Finalise Site Logistics • Building Manual
Manufacturing • Manufacture Building Systems and construct building including Health and
• Monitor progress against Construction Programme

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and • Inspect Construction Quality Safety File and Fire
Construction • Resolve Site Queries as required Safety Information
• Undertake Commissioning of building • Practical Completion
• Prepare Building Manual certificate with
Defects List
• Asset Information
If Verified Construction
Information is required,
verification tasks must be
6. • Hand overbuilding in line with Plan for Use Strategy • Feedback on Project
Handover • Undertake a review of Project Performance Performance
• Undertake seasonal Commissioning • Final Certificate
• Rectify defects • Feedback from light
• Complete initial Aftercare tasks including light touch Post touch Post Occupancy
Occupancy Evaluation Evaluation
Building handover tasks bridge Stages 5 and 6 as set out in the
Plan for Use Strategy
7. • Implement Facilities Management and Asset Management • Feedback from Post
Use • Undertake Post Occupancy Evaluation of building Occupancy Evaluation
performance in use • Updated Building
• Verify Project Outcomes including Sustainability Outcomes Manual including
Health and Safety File
Adaptation of a building (at the end of its useful life) triggers and Fire Safety
a new Stage 0 Information NRM, CESSM

NRM (New Rules of Measurement) consists of three volumes with a set of rules for measuring and
making cost estimations. It also contains the necessary guidelines for managing construction costs and
maintenance (RICS, 2020).

CESMM (Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement) defines the procedure for bill of
quantities of engineering works, which enables preparation of offers and can be used for construction
settlements (DBW, 2020). The work classification system included in CESMM4 (the fourth version of the
document, issued in 2012) covers significant classes of work in civil engineering projects. It identifies
the way of division into positions or units and measurement method. LOD/ LOI

A model as a representation of the real object, is supposed to include only the essential information
required to generate or update a model without unreasonable effort (Sacks et al., 2018). Time for
developing project increases as the amount of information and objects within a model increase, hence,
determining the appropriate level of detail of models is critical for project management. However, the
term level of detail was replaced by the level of development (LOD) to highlight that the level of detail
might not increase with project progression (Sacks et al., 2018). A BIM capability provides a guideline

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32 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
for the proper levels of development of BIM models for different BIM uses according to details and
contents of information.
Table 2.3.4 Model Requirements (BSI, 2013)
PAS PoW Geometry Requirements (LOD) Information Requirements (LOI)
The model may not exist. If there is a No requirements. If there is a model in case
model in case of reconstruction or of reconstruction or renovation, it may
Brief 1
renovation, it may have geometry from have data from existing AIM
existing AIM
A model can be simplified to a solid
Concept 2 No requirements
form or two-dimensional symbol
The information allows to choose the
The object's geometry reflects its
Design 3 manufacturer when it was specified (or
overall shape
in the existing model is inside data)
Objects should be presented as
three-dimensional models with Accurate information with the product’s
Definition 4
access spaces for use, maintenance and specification
Any object with general geometry
Build and Essential data for further use of model
5 should be specified based on
commission should be retained or provided
embedded products
Essential product information, data on
Representation with accuracy as
commissioning, maintenance and
Handover required by as-built documentation
6 operation, related to health and safety,
and close-out
COBie data (included in the native model
with all documentation)
Information about the object is updated
Operation with data from users such as maintenance
7 No requirements
and in-use or replacement,
including update of changed items
The British standard (BSI, 2013) states that the accuracy of models (in terms of geometry and quantity
of information (including COBie and the classification used) should be described in BEP for each project’s
phase with the arrangements in EIR. It is essential to not overload the models by using minimum LOD,
which allows implantation all related objectives. In PAS 1192 (BSI, 2013), there is as well a description
of the requirements for geometry and data used to refer to the project. Assigning accuracy levels to
project stages is somewhat indicative, in general compliance with the recommendations should allow
the achievement of the characteristic objectives for a given stage. For individual model elements, there
is no need to use the same LOD, and LOI levels (including those assigned to the stage), e.g. the element
at the detailed design stage (stage 5) may represent LOD 3 and LOI 4.

2.3.3. BIM L2 Documents PAS 1192-2:2013
PAS 1192-2: Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction
projects using building information modelling, contains recommendations for the implementation of
investments during the period of ordering (BSI, 2013), design and construction of objects following BIM
L2. Currently, the standard has been withdrawn and replaced by BS EN ISO 19650-1: 2018 and BS EN
ISO 19650-2: 2018, which are less abundant in recommendations focusing on the CDE. Although it was
replaced by BS ISO 19650, the information contained in the standards has not become obsolete. On the
contrary, ISO duplicates the requirements included in PAS with minor adjustments.

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European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ 33
The document focuses on the product delivery phase, which starts with confirmation of the need to
take an investment task and ends to pass a ready object to use. The main advantage of PAS (BSI, 2013)
is universality for the whole range of projects: large and small, cubature and linear. Standard is created
to support the industry in pursuit of BIM maturity level 2 through:
- indicating the standards and processes that should be implemented to enable consistent,
structured, efficient and accurate information exchange
- establishing a cooperation framework for projects supporting BIM regarding the architectural,
engineering and construction information’s production within the individual models shared
with the CDE platform,
- providing specific guidance on information management requirements related to BIM projects

Employer requirements
Each project should begin with its purpose “end in mind” by determining the appropriate quality
requirements for a project included in Employer’s Information Requirements (EIR), as listed in the table
(2.3.5). These requirements should be part of the tender documents to enable potential contractors’
preparation of a preliminary investment plan with compliance to outlines of contracting authority.
Requirements for specific project stages and goals for exchange of information should be measurable,
achievable, time-limited and precise. The contracting authority must ensure that the requirements
contained in the EIR are consistent with other documents prepared for investments adapted to specific
decision points of project life cycle stages, contracts and other industry standards adopted during the
implementation of the investment. The BSI’s Plain Language Questions (PLQ) was created to help the
contracting authority
developing requirements. The list of questions mainly concerns the implementation of PAS 1192-5 (BSI,
2015) assumptions, and the effect of using PLQ is Project Information Manual (PIM).
Table 2.3.5 Three groups of requirements in EIR (BSI, 2013)
Information management Competency assessment
•levels of detail and data •adjustment of information •requirements for
segregation, data included exchange, work stages, competences from bidders
or excluded from models purpose and required •linked with tender
•training requirements formats, documentation such as
• work planning, •strategic objectives of the product/procurement
coordination and clash contracting authority quantities (PPQ), project
detection •initial responsibility matrix execution plan (PEP),
•safety and hygiene of work defining all obligations tender questionnaires,
requirements regarding model or offer evaluation plan
•sustainable construction, information production • detailed offer evaluation
project integrity, according to certain stages
of project
•compliance plan, process
management •standards and guidelines
defining BIM processes
•technical restrictions,
and protocols to be used
assumptions for IT
in the project
configurations, software
(including version •list of any changes, roles
numbers) and responsibilities, BIM
competences specified in
•other project-specific
the contract

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Building Information Modelling Execution Plan
In response to EIR, the contractors shall submit with the offer Pre-Contract Building information
Modeling Execution Plan (Pre-Contract BEP) - preliminary BIM implementation plan. That gives the
contracting authority possibility to verify contractors' abilities and their interpretation method of the
set of requirements. PAS also provides for the option of negotiations with contractors to clarify their
approach to investment implementation.
The content of the Pre-Contract BEP should cover all issues contained in the EIR (BSI, 2013) (ISO, 2018)
and as well:
- Project Implementation Plan (PIP) - a plan for information modelling as the contractor's
statement regarding the ability and competence of providing information required in EIR
document. It consists of the appropriate forms, communication solutions and data formats
compliance. PIP requires reconciliation but identifies the requirements for training and support,
which prepare the whole team for the task. Forms within the document should include:
• building information management assessment within BIM ability of the contractor or
contractors jointly applying for the contract
• information technology assessment form within IT ability of the contractor or contractors
jointly applying for the contract
• resource assessment form within resource ability of the contractor or contractors jointly
applying for the contract
- project objectives for collaboration and information modelling
- significant milestones in line with the project schedule
- Project Information Model Deliverable Strategy (PIM), which after the start of work, is gradually
implemented. Strategy for providing PIM models according to BIM L2 assumes delivery of
individual studies (together with the corresponding non-graphical data and documentation,
that ultimately assembly the federated model. Information on the transmitted data should be
supplemented in the Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP)

After choosing the contractor, he is obliged to create Post-Contract Building Information Modelling
Execution Plan (Post-Contract BEP or BEP) - implementable plan, of which content is compliant with
arrangements of contracting authority. It is vital that the information is accurate, correct and delivery
of certain products is real.
In addition to the information contained in the offer document and approved in the negotiation process
BEP (BSI, 2013) (ISO, 2018) includes:
- Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP), which defines lists of deliverable packages of data broken
down by task. It should include information such as format, date of submission and entity
responsible for delivery. All task team managers prepare this plan for each industry
Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP), which is a compilation of TIDPs provided by task
teams managers. The primary purpose of developing MIDP is to support delivery management
of project information, including version control. The summary covers the entire project life
cycle broken down by stages. It may include a wide range of data provided, such as models,
drawings, specifications, schedules and the procedures used.

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- The strategy for workspaces (design corridors), which is based on planning and updating parts
of the project in case of design changes. The division may result from functions due to the type
of system, such as HVAC, MEP or strategic elements like external cladding. Compliance with
agreed, dedicated to developing space boundaries enables simultaneous work on models and
reduces risk of collision occurrence

BEP records should be continuously monitored, updated and corrected as necessary. Clarification and
adhering to established rules reduce the number of unknowns or prepares for necessity searching for
solutions. By reducing the overall risk level of the project, the entire team may achieve benefits such as:

- all parties understand the strategic goals of using BIM and their roles and responsibilities
- implementation is adapted to the needs of each team member and the information gaps for
new members is removed
- the resources necessary for the proper implementation and the project levels required to
achieve the main goals of the project have been identified
clears specification allows to fulfil project participants obligations

Roles and responsibilities

Responsibilities of individual roles in the project result not only from PAS (and EIR), but also from other
project documents such as contract documentation. Recommendations from PAS (BSI, 2013) indicates
that the vital role in the team is played by the information manager appointed by the contracting
authority, which is not an independent function. Thus, duties are transferred from the design team to
contractor. Many obligations related to the use of BIM, including responsibility for the production and
quality of information usually is assigned to already existing positions without the need to appoint
additional people within the team. The most important when dividing roles is matching the best-
prepared person, entity that to perform a specific task. Of course, in smaller companies, many of roles
can be performed by the same person. The division of roles within each of the project stages can be
done using the RACI Matrix. Including the tasks set and an appropriate definition of responsibilities for
individual team members guarantee the effectiveness of the implementation of planned processes. ISO 19650 vs PAS 1192-2

When examining the contents of the ISO 19650 standards against the requirements of the PAS 1192-2,
some similarities and difference can be made (Table 2.3.2). The content of ISO 19650 is more flexible
and based on the PAS 1192, so the processes are still relevant and reflect best practice of BIM adoption.
Core BS/PAS 1192 principles remain. The changes are for clarifications, improvements to make the
requirements international by removing any UK-specific references such as Uniclass 2015 and COBie-
UK. Standard as well consist the National Annex which role is to clarify implementation within country,
help application of ISO to an established system working with naming convention following processes
defined within PAS 1192.

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Table 2.3.6 ISO 19650 (ISO, 2018) and PAS 1192-2 (BSI, 2013) comparison
ISO 19650 standards PAS 1192-2
CDE • increases the importance • typical focus on standards CDE
• outlines its principles and core • CDE area
working processes (WIP, Shared,
Published, Archive)
• each “container” must have the
attributes (meta-data) such as
status, revision and classification
• requirements in national annexe
define naming convention
EIR -principal rules • exchange information requirements • employer’s information
remains • specifies the outset of information requirements
• clarifies information exchange
through project stages
Changed • PIR (projects information • PLQs (plain language questions)
terminology and requirements) • PIP (project implementation
concepts • Delivery team Mobilization Plan – plan)
a more flexible means of ensuring • Contract
competency and capability of the
project delivery team
Familiar terminology • BEP
and concepts • MIDP, TIDP
• files with unique ID based on the naming convention (U.K. Nation Annex)
New definitions • Project Information Protocol – • New and re-defined terminology
defines the terms of appointment in the used widely within the sector,
exchange of information between new concepts with BIM
appointing and appointed parties principles
• Integrated Design Process (IDP)

LOI/LOD • collectively referred to as level of • level of information/detail

information need
Roles • division into two groups: • names of appointed roles:
management of information and • Client, Lead Supplier, Supplier
production of information
• Appointing Party, Lead Appointed
Party, Appointed Party
• Project Team, Delivery Team, Task

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• specific tasks are given within an
informative (non-mandated) Annexe
New Requirements • Project’s Information standard
• Project’s Information production
method & procedure
• Information delivery risk assessment
• Responsibility matrix PAS 1192-3:2014

Standard PAS 1192-3: Specification for information management for the operational phase of assets
using building information modelling (BSI, 2014) relates to information management for support
information modelling in the operational phase that begins when assets are transferred. It can be used
independently with already existing objects, but mostly affects the scope of data required in the project
results delivery phase.
Asset Information Model (AIM) supposed to be the single, approved source of information about data
and geometry describing resources and related spaces and objects, data related to efficiency and
supplementary information (specifications, manuals, maintenance, health and safety information). The
main format for exchanging data with AIM is the Construction Operation Building information exchange
(COBie) mostly in the form of a spreadsheet (also PDF documents or BIM models) containing structured
information about assets for the commissioning, operation and maintenance. It is essential to retain
compatibility in the exchange of data between applications of the management system.
The essential duties of the team include (Office of Projects Victoria, 2019):
- creation and maintenance of an Information Management Process (IMP), covering the entire
life cycle of resources such as design and construction delivery, day-to-day operation of the
asset, scheduled and reactive maintenance, minor works, major works, decommissioning and
dismantlement or demolition
- determination of Organizational Information Requirements (OIR) based on activities of asset
management defined in the management strategy and organization requirements enabling the
fulfilment of IMP;
- defining Asset Information Requirements (AIR) which define the content of the information
model - Asset Information Model (AIM)
- defining systems for data exchange with AIM, such as:
• Enterprise Reporting System
• IT Management Systems
• Asset Utilization Systems
• Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems
• Financial System
- defining mechanisms for creating, receiving, verifying, storing, sharing, archiving, analysing and
exchanging information to be stored in AIM
- defining AIM maintenance and quality monitoring mechanisms, including data reference
integrity using CDE

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38 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
To correctly determine the operational phase requirements, the cooperation between the contracting
authority and the facility manager is necessary. Currently, in Poland, ordering party usually settle
commitments on contractors in EIR to provide the model for management purposes without providing
technical details. BS 1192-4: 2014

According to BS 1192-4: Collaborative production of information - Part 4: Fulfilling employers
information exchange requirements using COBie - Code of practice (BSI, 2014), the contracting authority
should require COBie data at least a moment of placing object into service. Depends on the needs, the
ordering party may increase the amount of information. The data should be stored in management
applications to support tender procedures for facility service and future projects.
Regardless of the level of BIM maturity, COBie data follows specific rules of:
- naming conventions, units used (data in sheets is dimensionless)
- parameters (volume, area, levels)
- break-down scope of infrastructural and cubature investments PAS 1192-5: 2015

Standard PAS 1192-5: Specification for security-minded building information modelling, digital built
environments and smart asset management (BSI, 2015) does not describe how to deal with security
issues, but only pays attention to the most critical aspects and suggests steps to minimize them. It is
particularly important in the era of digital information sharing and digitization. However, this scope may
not be justified economically because of disproportionately increase of implementation cost to the
additional value from its use. Typical methods of data security used during implemented investments
associated with the used CDE platforms should be sufficient for the pilot project.

Standard (BSI, 2015) consists of the clarification of the most critical problems related to the security
vulnerability of embedded digital resources in the life cycle:
- safety - preventing the data injury, loss or damage within the environment
- authenticity - data is not left modified in an uncontrolled manner
- availability (including reliability) - the required information is available at the specified time
- confidentiality - access control and prevention of unauthorized access to information or data
- integrity - the accuracy of the data and configuration, avoiding unauthorized changes
- possession - preventing unauthorized access, manipulation or interaction with the data
- resilience - upgrading, renewing and restoring ability
- utility – collected data is used
The standard (BSI, 2015) also lists the most important types of risks of storing and sharing digital data:
• hostile reconnaissance or malicious acts
• loss or exposure of intellectual property (including company information and confidentiality)
• disclosure of personal data
• data aggregation

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Beyond digital security, the standard (BSI, 2015) also pays attention to physical security. The main
recommendation is to implement more stringent procedures and security documents for embedded
assets such as:
- Built Asset Security Strategy (BASS)
- Built Asset Security Management Plan (BASMP)
- Built Asset Security Information Requirements (BASIR) PAS 1192-6: 2018

The British construction sector is obliged to apply health and safety rules. The PAS 1192-6 standard:
Specification for collaborative sharing and use of structured Health and Safety information using BIM
(BSI, 2018) does not introduce additional requirements, but indicates new methods to improve analysis,
collecting and reusing safety information.
It is possible to use various applications that facilitate the interpretation of Envorinment and Health
Safety (EHS) issues enabling accurate location and realistic presentation. It helps with controlling the
risk management and the integration of health and safety systems with BIM data for documenting and
sharing during the implementation of the investment. For risk identification, there are used appropriate
parameters, additional objects in models, analysis of sequences of construction works, visualization,
other analyses based on BIM models.
The standard (BSI, 2018) indicates that the contracting authority should include in the EIR requirements
related to health and safety in order to ensure safer work environment, threats and risks reduction,
improvement of EHS performance in construction, delivery of required data to the right people at the
right time and reduction of construction and operating costs. However, this scope may not be justified
economically because of disproportionately increase of implementation cost to the additional value
from its use.

2.4. BIM Standards in Poland

There are various classification systems used in construction in Poland, but most common are:
• Polish Classification of Construction Objects (PKOB, 2002)
describes statistics of construction activities, construction reports, lists of buildings and flats, statistics
of building prices and national accounts. Also, the classification is used to classify construction works,
but is not included for example in small architecture objects, temporary objects or forestry production
• Catalogues of Material Expenditure (KNR)
describes building in a more detailed way by referring to particular elements, not entire building objects,
however, has several other disadvantages. Firstly, it has long lost its relevance because it does not cover
many new technologies and building materials or entire systems. Secondly, it is preferably used due to
the lack of any other instrument for the preparation of bills of quantities (ORGBUD, 2020)

Currently, no classification system would be suitable for use in Polish conditions for BIM
implementation. Without agreed, comprehensive system of organizing construction information, it is
impossible to ensure interoperability between different design and facility management tools.
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However, the Polish construction industry has set up two main initiatives to integrate BIM in the sector.
First, the buildingSMART Polska in 2017 established by Hochtief Polska, WARBUD, Mostostal Warszawa,
Electra M&E Polska, MOTA-ENGIL and ENGIE Technika Instalacyjna, that contributes via events and
workshops to raise public awareness about BIM (European Commission, 2019). In February 2018, the
Polish Construction Association, along with the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and
Technicians, initiated the BIM Standard PL project to establish BIM standards and promote the
collaboration between the industry. This initiative involves as well the Polish Association of Construction
Employers (representing 92 construction stakeholders across six associations), and the Polish
Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians. At the same time, international events were arranged to
encourage the relationship between British, Finnish and Polish construction companies to facilitate the
transfer of BIM knowledge and expertise (European Commission, 2019).

According to the EU report, Poland is less active in the field of BIM standardization. However, the is part
of the EU BIM Task Group, which incorporates national efforts into a shared and integrated European
approach developing a common digital construction industry (European Commission, 2019). It focuses
on four pillars: developing infrastructure and industry, creating a shared collaborative framework and
basis for public leadership, communicating the vision and promoting communities. Likewise, recently
released manual on the European Public Sector's implementation of BIM (EUBIM Task Group, 2017).

In Poland, at the beginning of 2019, the PN-EN ISO 19650 standard came into force, which to some
extent meets the needs of standardization. It is somewhat superior to British standards BS 1192 and will
ultimately consist of the following parts:

- part 1 – PN-EN ISO 19650-1: 2019 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil
engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM) - information management using
building information modelling. Concepts and principles (PKN, 2019)

- part 2 – PN-EN ISO 19650-2: 2019 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil
engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM). Information management using
building information modelling. Delivery phase of the assets (PKN, 2019)

- part 3 – Operational phase of assets

- part 4- Information exchange

- part 5 – Security-minded approach to information management

The first two parts were adopted by the Polish Committee for Standardization (PKN) in its entirety in
English. Applicable parts in Poland recommend using BIM tools throughout the entire life cycle of the
facility in the construction sector. The construction process, according to the standard (PKN, 2019),
should be based on the smooth exchange of information between all project participants (contractor,
contracting authority and designer). The rules in standard (PKN, 2019) also specify equally
standardization of procedures and documents as in international version in chapter 2.3.1.

The rules of cooperation and tasks of the participants are quite clearly defined; however, not containing
guidelines for the standardization of designers’ work using BIM software. Currently, with the

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participation of experts and based on the ISO 19650 standard, a Polish document - BIM Standard PL is
under public discussion, which is planned for 2020.

BIM Standard PL is designed to normalize the course of the investment process, a design approach that
is currently imposed most often according to the concepts of contractors (PZPB et al., 2020). Design
offices usually have internally accepted standards based on output file templates with settings for
graphics, naming, and information resources at a given stage of the project. The standards adopted in
Poland lack these coding and nomenclature guidelines, as in the Uniclass system, what hinders
cooperation between industry professionals by exchanging files (most often created in various
software), as well as using components of external companies (Zuber, 2019). BIM Standard PL is the first
stage of standardizing BIM processes in Poland, referring to the designer-contractor-investor
relationship and create a common language for investment participants, giving the client clear
information about what he can expect from designers and contractors at the each stage of design,
implementation and operation of the building (PZPB et al., 2020). Specifying the needs of the investor
would allow BEP to be created virtually, which is not only the basis for communication with the designer
before the start of the design process but also for creating the appropriate offer.

2.5. BIM Maturity Level

Maturity is determined as a degree in which a particular process (a set of following successful changes)
is defined, controlled, coherent and practical concerning the expected effects of its implementation.
For an organization, person or project, maturity is seen as the ability to maintain quality and
repeatability in services rendered related to BIM, including models and their products (Dakhil,
Underwood and Al Shawi, 2019).
Maturity assessment methods found in British publications can be divided into two groups:
- OAM (Organization Assessment Model), which describe the level of process implementation in
the organization, such as Succar BIM Maturity Matrix, CIC Research Program’s Owner Matrix or
Owner’s BIMCAT
- PAM (Project Assessment Model) assessing maturity in terms of application of abilities in the
process of project

The last method is the most commonly known, as well in Poland, because of the appearance in British
Standards, which describes the implementation of BIM in terms of construction design, modelling and
data exchange. The core graphic (figure 2.5.1), which was developed in 2008 by Mark Bew and Mervyn
Richards, represents the development of levels of maturity during the Building Lifecycle Management
(BLM)(Lin, Roithmayr and Chiu, 2015). Even though the documents were corrected and updated with
extra description within the years, the main idea remains unchanged. The 0 to 3 levels are used to
evaluate how the construction supply chain can function and share information with varying degrees of
modelling, collaboration and, finally, fully integrated, interoperable data (The B1M, 2020).

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Figure 2.5.1 UK BIM maturity levels extended to asset information management (PAS 1192:2013)

2.5.1. Level 0 (BIM L0)

Level 0 refers to processes characterized by the lack of central management of data exchange, which
are mostly based on 2D (flat) CAD drawings distributed in paper or electronic form, or a mixture of both.
It is the first step up from generating information by hand. However, it might include the standardization
of specific processes by BS 1192 (BSI, 2007), but this process does not have to be comprehensive. Most
of the construction industry in the UK represents a level higher than 0.

2.5.2. Level 1 (BIM L1)

Level 1 introduces management and cooperation mechanisms, which are defined in BS 1192 (BSI, 2007),
as a set of acceptable practices related to the use of a common data-based environment such as SMP
and the CDE. Even though, data source can have a flat form mostly for the drafting of statutory approval
documentation, production information or three-dimensional form such non-federated 3D models,
mostly used for concept work and visualizations. Information, especially those related to costs, are not
integrated or linked to the representation in the drawing/model.

The following things should be achieved and adopted for Level 1 BIM:
- roles and responsibilities
- naming conventions
- the projects’ specific codes and projects’ spatial coordination
- CDE or electronic document management system (EDMS) for sharing information between all
members of the project team

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- information hierarchy should support and follow the CDE and the document repository

2.5.3. Level 2 (BIM L2)

Level 2 is defined as a file-based collaboration with repository management by using one of the standard
file formats such as IFC (Industry Foundation Class) (BSI, 2013). Its key factor is model with information
and drawing data attached or COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange) at project
points specified by the contracting authority. In Level 2 BIM the collaborative working is compulsory,
the information exchange process is defined to project and coordinated between various systems and
project participants. In conjunction with the BIM Task Group the Government set the mandate for Level
2 BIM to incorporate 8 pillars (figure 2.5.2).

The basic principles of information modelling within BIM L2 according to the British standard
PAS 1192-2 (BSI, 2013)indicate:
- provision of CDE
- compliance with the documents and standards listed in Pillars of BIM, which are the guide on
how specific processes should be carried to function efficiently in BIM teams
- application of the other standards and ethical practices such as project management, creation
of documentation and BIM models for the use of library objects, required attributes and
classification (BS 8541 series)
- exact EIR )which includes key decision points
- supplier and supply chain capability assessment
- Building Information Modeling Execution Plan (BEP) which contains a description of the
required procedures, standards, roles and Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP) aligned with
the project programme
- development of information models for specific industries using dedicated software and linking
them into individual databases or using a software platform (shared online area ) with one
common database
- data acquisition from other industries is made by reference, federation (submission) or direct
- data exchange via models, including native files, COBie sheets and PDF files

Figure 2.5.2 Pillars of BIM (DGuerrilla, 2017)

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2.5.4. Level 3 (BIM L3)
Level 3 is characterized by full integration of processes and data hosted and sufficiently developed in a
common data environment enabling parallel operation by all members of the project team in real-time
thanks to IFC and IFD. It is as well called iBIM (integrated Building Information Modeling).

Level 3 has not yet been fully defined; however, the vision for this is outlined in the U.K. Government’s
Level 3 Strategic Plan (H.M. Government, 2015).

- development of an Open Data standard to promote the exchange of project data within the
- creation of new contractual frameworks for BIM-based projects to promote cooperation and
ensure continuity
- preparing public sector clients to apply BIM techniques
- division of the delivery phases within the level (The B1M, 2020):
• Level 3 A - enabling Improvements in the Level 2 Model
• Level 3 B - enabling new technologies and systems
• Level 3 C - enabling the development of new business models
• Level 3 D - capitalizing on world leadership

Figure 2.5.3 The key technical and commercial activities for Level 3 (H.M. Government, 2015)
2.6. Dimension of BIM
The almost complete spectrum of additional non-geometrical information that can be implemented in
the BIM model gives the possibility of greater use of such documentation. Due to the specificity of issues
and particular usefulness, this information has gained the name of additional BIM dimensions. In
addition to 3D, we are dealing with the following: 4D, 5D, 6D and 7D and 8D(Josseaux, 2018), as
presented in the figure (2.6.1)

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Figure 2.6.1 BIM Dimensions applications (Josseaux, 2018)
Correct development and coordination of the BIM 3D model is one of the most critical elements for
significantly automating the process of preparing the necessary documentation. Two- and three-
dimensional drawings, lists of elements, as well as more advanced studies, such as work schedules, take-
offs and variant analyses, can be generated directly from the model (Sacks et al., 2018). Moreover, the
use of BIM technology, through possible data integration of all industry teams related to this tracking of
possible collisions. It improves in a revolutionary way the project coordination in many specialities,
provided that the appropriate discipline and standards of its preparation are maintained (Williams et
al., 2014).

BIM 4D model is an extension of time assigning to each spatial element an additional attribute of the
order and period of its implementation on the construction site can generate, using appropriate
software, a schedule of construction works and an accessible animation of the subsequent stages of
constructing the facility (BIMDictionary, 2020). This information is also useful when monitoring the
actual progress of work by comparing the status of completed elements with the assumptions set out
in the model for a given point on the time axis. The use of the model to prepare a bill of quantities or
construction works schedule should be one of the primary BIM goals that can be used as part of a pilot
project (McPartland, 2017).

The use of object-oriented BIM design environment, with a system of classification and identification of
individual elements with a correctly prepared model, gives the possibility to make various types of
numerical combinations. BIM 5D is an economic dimension in which adding a price attribute allows to
generate the bill of quantities and cost estimates from the model and to analyse costs. What allows
estimating costs and developing variant analyses at an early stage of the project, and enables general
contractors in the building phase to optimize and analyse the use of products from various suppliers
(Stanley and Thurnell, 2014).

BIM 6D relates to the model prepared for the needs of the management of the constructed facility and
its operation. It may contain necessary data, including for servicing and replacing the right devices at
the right time, controlling elements of the Building Management System (BMS) with their spatial
visualization and general asset control by the property manager (McPartland, 2017). Additional
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information useful during demolition (order of works, recoverable materials) can also be implemented
in the model, thanks to which - following its intended use - the BIM model can be effectively used in the
entire investment process.

BIM 7D is associated with the development of a model for checking the object’s impact on the
environment and humans, i.e. energy analyses, carbon footprint calculations. It is particularly useful
when designing a purpose covered by an international certification system because it allows more
natural optimization of energy consumption and the use of renewable energy systems. The last of the
dimensions described for today is 8D - an effective means of preventing hazards in the construction
industry. BIM helps to eliminate hazards at the source by preventing design errors in the early stage of
projects (Josseaux, 2018).

The critical feature of properly used BIM technology is to minimize the loss of previously collected
information between successive stages of the investment process (design, construction, commissioning
of the facility), but also between critical stages of documentation development (conceptual,
construction, tender, executive design). It is necessary to make a 3D BIM model of a building object at
the earliest possible stage of design work. Then it is consistent detailing, both in terms of accuracy and
fidelity of the geometrical representation of elements and adequate saturation with their information.
An adequately prepared and coordinated model is the basis for creating a precise cost estimate and
schedule, improving the process of erecting the object, organization of the construction site so that at
the stage of the investment no additional works and downtime occur, causing unplanned expenses
(Wang, 2012). After, the model and the data it contains should be developed by the general contractor,
and then forwarded to the facility manager.

Therefore, it is the Investor who will save the most on the implementation and operation of the building.
Building information management is an innovative way to design and manage projects, mostly focused
on shared ownership of information. By adopting BIM, predictability of building performance and
operation is improved. Similarly, collaboration within the project increases, which should lead to
increased profitability, less costs, better time management (McPartland, 2017). BIM tools allow
designers and architects to apply in-depth analysis to the building before any work is even started to
determine complex interactions. Also, on-site BIM savings are expressed in making construction more
efficient and more controlled. BIM makes more data available and helps to reduce resource waste and
time-consuming errors.

2.7. Information Requirements – organizational procedure

In this chapter, the main stages of a typical information process for building investment would be
discussed, assuming the implementation of this project from the moment of a demand for its
construction, until commissioning. The information requirements taken into account from the very
beginning provide consistent, cost-effective and adequately informative BIM model useful for facility

Each project should be considered within an overall approach, recommendations with appropriate
modifications, corrected and supplemented for a specific investment task. The variety of project might
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consist of such topics as reconstruction, revitalization or changing the function/way of using existing
facilities, cubature with infrastructure. The information process and its definition in the project is as well
affected by its scale and type of contract. The information in its life-cycle can be in different states:
created, stored, accessed, used, organised, integrated, maintained, retrieved, disposed, as shown in
figure (2.7.1). It is clear that, in case of large projects and high value of contracts, expenditure on IT
equipment, software or human resources will be probably more extensive than in a project with a
significantly lower budget. The additional cost would be reimbursed in models with richer and higher
quality information. Whereas in projects on a smaller scale, the use of the BIM methodology would be
limited, hence some roles/functions would be combined, and the scope of the order more inadequate
with information model.

Figure 2.7.1 Project information management principles (Cerovsek, 2019)

Similarly, the scope of the specification of information requirements and investment preparation in the
BIM methodology is affected by the type of contract. For investments carried out traditionally, with
separate project order and separate construction order, the contracting party should carefully and in
more detail define information requirements, interfaces and information exchange procedures for
transferring the information model between phases. For investments implemented in the ‘Design and
build’ formula, some specific issues regarding the exchange of information and model information
would be solved internally, between the designers and the contractors, appearing externally as one
entity or consortium - releasing the contracting party from precise definitions.

2.7.1. Organisation Information Requirements - definition

The more critical the investment becomes during the project; the more information is provided. The
typical model of information gathering and exchanging files such as e-mails, PDFs or CAD drawings,
contributes to information chaos. Likewise, the lack and duplication of incorrect details (BSI, 2013). The
purpose of a project is to create an asset of value. In particular, it is essential to understand the
information to support the value creation.

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Figure 2.7.2 Different types of information requirements and models according to ISO 19650

As presented on the figure (2.7.2) the purpose of an Organisation Information Requirements document
is established what information is required to effectively and efficiently run the company, and with the
support of Asset Information Requirement (AIR) as well to give a consistent data flow for asset
management or reporting purposes. Information requirements must support the organisational
business key decision points in step with project stages and align to operational uses of asset
information at critical events. The aim of the BIM process in Project Information Requirements (PIR) is
to deliver the models, data and information in order to add real value to support the ongoing
management of the assets in the operational phase, and in turn support the organization’s broader
vision, mission and strategic objectives(UK BIM Alliance, 2019).

The OIR document can provide useful inputs for project and asset management for both the pre-works
of new investments and the operational phase of a constructed asset. The OIR may be amended during
its life to cope with changes in operational requirements, or to deal with regulatory changes that need
informational inputs (BSI, 2018). Across the asset lifecycle several factors need be considered to enable
organisational success. First, the nature and purpose of the organisation with its the operating context.
Second, the financial constraints and regulatory requirements should be established. Third, the
company’s needs and expectations and its actors through the processes.

During the regular operation of an asset, the information will be generated by operations and
maintenance functions to inform the user and owner of the asset is functioning correctly. The OIR
should act as a prompt and filter to the AIR to collect the data that will help to create the Asset
Information Model (AIM) and the overall organizational information systems. The flow of information
from the AIM, through an AIR during routine maintenance work, and back into the AIM (BSI, 2013). This
information will support asset selection, operational performance, risk management and the broader
vision of the organisation.

The OIR document, in the case of asset creation or significant works, will inform the AIR document,
which will then ensure that the organization is receiving consistent information for all assets under their
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control (BSI, 2018). The chain of information flow is longer because of additional information
requirements such as information relating to the specific asset, the Employer’s Information
Requirements (EIR) for that project and the methods by which the design team will deliver the
information (PZPB et al., 2020).

The next step is the creation of the AIR, where the asset owner is checking the OIR with the
organizational assets to determine the knowledge requirements for processes based on BIM. There are
criteria for asset-level success of AM activities within owner-operator organizations (Greenstreet, 2017).

2.7.2. The Project Delivery in AEC industry

Project delivery has been historically defined as a phase-gate process within the AEC industry. The
method is divided into phases (such as schematic design, design development) with a gate at the end
of each point, where a decision is made whether to continue based on the available information
(Stanford, 2010). The Stanford Project Heartbeat is an example of how the majority of AEC industry in
Poland applies phases and informational deliveries.

Figure 2.7.3 The Stanford Project Heartbeat for project delivery (Stanford, 2010).

This phase-gate model (Figure 2.7.3) is widely accepted as a project delivery model in the AEC industry,
as well as in Miastoprojekt Wroclaw, where the procedure was accommodated with a more or less
comprehensive implementation of the intended deliverables. The phase-gate model is a sequential
waterfall process, where the subsequent step output is the input for the next stage. Therefore,
information can only flow downstream from the stakeholders involved in the earlier phases to the
subsequent participants (Bengt, 2019). The Integrated Project Delivery

The information needs to flow upstream and downstream in the integrated project delivery process so
that the stakeholders can influence on decisions in early phases with each other's knowledge
(figure 2.7.4). Constructors and subcontractors are thus active from an early stage, and tasks typically
undertaken later in realisation such as procurement, work scheduling and estimation become
concurrent tasks with the design (Alves and Lichtig, 2020). The main aim is to collaboratively integrate
people, systems, business structures, practices into and insights of all project participants to optimize
project results, increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and maximize efficiency through all phases
of design and realization (AIA, 2007).

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Figure 2.7.4 Traditional Design Process vs Integrated Design Process (AIA, 2007)

It appears that the implementation of IPD demands the project participants to adopt new creative
protocols and interaction sequences that result from the system and its embedded compensation,
process, risk, teamwork and contractual parameters. IPD needs unique features among owners,
engineers and design professionals. Thus, IPD envisages reconfiguring the design phase, moving design
decisions to earlier times and redefining the market (Azhar, Khalfan and Maqsood, 2012).

Figure 2.7.5 The development of the PIM into the AIM using the ISO 19650 approach (BRIS, 2019)

There are key principles for the specification and delivery of project and asset information using the ISO
19650 approach. Namely, information throughout all stages of the life cycle needs to be used to help
decision making. All the data should be specified, produced and delivered progressively as presented in
the figure (2.7.5). Moreover, the relevant party should be responsible for creating and managing the

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information related to scope and information requirements. Finally, appropriate collaboration systems
and processes have to established to exchange and deliver data in open formats through the use of a
Common Data Environment (BRIS, 2019).

2.7.3. Modelling Information Flow

The information is transmitted continuously in the integrated project delivery process, instead of at the
end of the phases (UK BIM Alliance, 2019). Similarly, the building model is regarded as an integral part
of the BIM process. The project delivery process or relevant stakeholders stand in a circle around it (ISO,
2016). As presented in the figure (2.7.6) the basic concept is that the stakeholders gather information
from a central repository of information required for their responsibilities and enter the information
they have produced, instead of sending data to each other (Elhendawi et al., 2019). Preferably, the
information needs to be put in the building model before other project members can use it to create a
collaborative, continuous workflow. BIM encourages greater cooperation, and processes such as design-
build and IPD support. Moreover, BIM promotes the coherence of processes and information sharing
(Hergunsel, 2011).

Figure 2.7.6 Traditional and collaborative workflows comparison

2.7.4. Common Data Environment

The ISO 19650-1 (ISO, 2018) explains the CDE as a combination of technical solutions and process
workflows. The CDE is supposed to be a single source of information for any project or asset which
collects, manages and disseminates relevant, approved project documents in a controlled process for
multidisciplinary teams (BIM Dictionary, 2020). A CDE solution could be software or another form of
tool like electronic document management systems (EDMS). According to ISO 19650-2 (ISO, 2018), a
CDE is provided and managed by the appointing party or a third party acting on behalf of the client.
However, each delivery teams may implement their CDEs, but not instead of the project CDE. Many
different technologies can be used within a single workflow and different types of project information.
For example, the tools may vary for management of documents, contracts or emails. Each solution may
have multiple and different workflows and should be selected to facilitate them. Workflows must be
developed first to plan, share, store, manage and retrieve timely, correct, complete, and consistent
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BIM is a collaborative method facilitated by technology and supported by people to communicate
effectively, reuse and exchange without loss, modification or misinterpretation(CIOB, 2015). A CDE is a
fundamental part to deliver a collaborative way of working (Mordue, 2018), (ISO, 2018):

- enabling access to up-to-date, accurate information about a built asset in a standardized and
easily accessible format
- support managing, developing, assuring, exchanging, disseminating and organizing the
information created during significant works, minor works and maintenance activities
- allowing access and use of data while maintaining information ownership according to pre-
established rules
- coordinating the creation of information, traceability and historical succession of revisions
- the support of a wide range of types and formats
- the ability to create an unlimited number of views using any combination of files
- the ability to use stored and retrieve data created at the design stage to plan construction,
costs, facility management
- guarantee of confidentiality and security

BIM methodology involves the exchange of information within a CDE along with an appropriate
information hierarchy, as shown below in the figure (2.7.7). Because of is an ideal environment for
collaborative working culture, CDE should be a priority for any organisation.

The ISO 19650 series applies the CDE concept over the entire lifecycle of a project or asset, directing
both appointing and appointed parties. Teams must be cautious in generating information that satisfies
the information criteria to ensure that it is relevant to coherent to all parties. Containers of information
include Building Information Models, documentation, reports, cost plans, specifications and other
project/asset-related information (BRIS, 2019); should be manufactured using standard geometry
specifications and exchange formats, such as IFC. The information needs to be frequently audited by
the appointed lead party and the appointing party to ensure the accuracy of information. As an
information container develops, it exists in various states within the process, and it can go through
different workflows, potentially using multiple solutions (BRIS, 2019). According to ISO 19650-1 (ISO,
2018), information throughout its development should be controlled by the metadata assignment of
revision and status code in order to communicate what version the information container is at and its
purpose. Additionally, ISO 19650-2 (ISO, 2018), requires that the CDE enables assignment a classification
code. The scope of the metadata assignment may be expanded beyond the recommendations and
requirements of the ISO 19650 series.

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Figure 2.7.7 Information hierarchy (Mordue, 2018)
Information can have a wide range of progressive status levels within the CDE. However, there are four
main areas of information (ISO, 2018), as shown in the figure (2.7.8), with recognisable milestones in
process allowing information to be transferred from one phase to the next (ISO, 2018):

Figure 2.7.8 Graphical information flow (ISO 19650-1)

1. Work in progress (WIP): this area is used for keeping unapproved processing information for
each particular development team and is therefore not yet accessible to other stakeholders
2. Shared (or client shared): this information has been verified, reviewed and approved for
exchange with other teams, including sometimes the client, although it might be subject to
change and modification
3. Published: this information has been authorized or approved by the client or their
representative, and the contents are definitive for daily use by all relevant stakeholders
4. Archive: this location is used to create a continuous record of project life cycle progress as well
as all transaction and change orders. It can be classified further as being archived and yet valid
or archived, but exceeded

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54 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ Benefits of Common Data Environment
From the analysis of the different papers, some of the following benefits of CDE are listed in the table
(2.7.1) and as well graphically represented in the figure (2.7.9).

Table 2.7.1 Benefits of CDE

Control of different versions of the project
Time reduced in checking files, reduction in time for search
Easy access to relevant and reliable information, efficient searching
Save time to transfer accurate information
Workflow: Controlling document Distribution, consistency of documentation
Improve turnaround time, faster document approval
Simplified communication, ubiquity, enable collaborative works
Efficient processes of creation and management of information
Automatic audits, improved analysis
Savings in producing coordinated information, cut control document cost, print savings
Improved estate planning, procurement and maintenance

Figure 2.7.9 Graphical representation of CDE benefits

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3.1. Methodology
The literature review helps to develop an insightful understanding of raising awareness about BIM, BIM
standards and processes, BIM documents and requirements, and barriers hinder the implementation,
key factors influencing the adaption and the internal organizational readiness.

Due to the quantitative research methods limitations and weakness, a small representation of the target
responders, limited outcomes, the qualitative research such as questionnaire survey, semi-structured
interviews were conducted via telephone or Skype. The interviews lasted from one to two hours, and
their aim was a complete, detailed description of the processes in the company.

3.1.1. The research methodology

The literature review proposed in chapter 2: State of the Art provides the fundamental to proceed with
the next phases of the research methodology integrated in the proposed case study as following
described Second phase:

Questionnaire survey, semi-structured interviews via telephone or Skype in order to collect the
employees and experts’ perceptions about the existing procedures and process in on-going projects.
The other of the activity of the case study was to make detailed observations of the current practices of
employees within the company when using and to archive information in the developed by company
platforms. The main problems were identified using perspectives from the interviews as well as
document and circulation analysis on the company’s platforms. Based on conclusions from the
observations, the assessment of Information Management Maturity was performed. Consequently, the
proposals for improvements of both platforms were presented.

For the analysis of documents and circulation on platforms, the company has granted authorized access
to selected projects. However, permissions have been limited to viewing data and information without
editing possibility. Miastoprojekt Wroclaw proposed the selection of personnel for the interviews.
Recommendations were extended from the initial sample of three employees with a maximum three
interviewees present at each interview. That stands for more than half the number of all permanent
employees. The company hires as well as additional specialists per contract as needed, such as BIM
experts, who were interviewed on the findings to substantiate them in semi-structured discussions. The
BIM professionals responded to all sections, except the responses related to the company processes
and procedures. The employees without BIM experience within the project gave their opinions about
the key factors leverage the implementation. Third phase:

In order to provide guidelines for organizational requirements accordingly with proposed BIM adoption
strategy for the company, the validation and analysis of the collected data, execution of team and
organization assessment should be conducted.

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56 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
As the first step for the third phase, the collection of the responses approach to understanding the
organization readiness of implementation of BIM and as well its BIM Maturity level. The qualitative
analysis of interview data as reading the transcripts, labelling relevant answers were concluded. Then
deciding which information are the most important, creation of categories, deciding which are the most
relevant and how they are connected. Finally writing up the results and presenting them as pie or bar

Therefore, the talent management for the employees and the recommendation of BIM Uses were
presented. As the second step for the third phase, strategic goals for the company were developed
together with the identification of BIM adoption barriers and paths. Consequently, organization
information requirements were recognised and validated for changing the business practise to define
the scope of the strategy for BIM implementation for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw.

3.2. Company characteristic

In this section, the general company information about types of projects and services, respondents’
general characteristics are presented in order to understand the profile of the organisation.

3.2.1. Type of projects in the company

Miastoprojekt Wroclaw as substitute investor mostly provides project management service for private
Investors of construction investments (74%), which mainly includes industrial, sports and recreation
facilities as shown in the figure (3.2.1). The little over than a quarter of their realisations stand the public
procurement. They provide management assistance in the range from the early stage of planning and
design through to the project realisation and final settlement of the investment.

Figure 3.2.1 Pie chart. Type of project realisations in the company.

26% Retail and office facilities

Industrial facilities
Sports and recreation facilities

Public utility facilities


Currently Miastoprojekt Wroclaw is taking care of two on-going public investments with the obligatory
introduction of BIM:

- design documentation for the demolition and construction of a railway viaduct for PKP
(Polish Railway Lines)
- construction of the Cross-country Skiing and Biathlon Centre in Jakuszyce

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European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ 57
Apart from a comprehensive investment project management within the offer of company are services
widely connected with construction investment, as indicated in the figure (3.2.2).
Figure 3.2.2 Bar list. The company’s services
Design: Concepts,
Feasibility studies Technical evaluations Construction, Tender,

Supervision over the Contract

Cost estimations Procuring tenders
design works administration

Cost control and cost Occupational safety

Investor’s supervision Risk management
optimisation and health supervision

Technical handovers
Quality supervision Banking supervision Investment settlement
and start ups

Settlement of EU BREEAM and LEED

Warranty service Maintenance
grants certificates

3.2.2. Respondents general information

A total of 17 people contributed, from managerial level within the same company on different projects,
such as Project Managers, Site Engineers and additional specialists, to provide different viewpoints on
the research and to identify a consensus within an organisation. The largest percentage of the
respondents (41%) are project manager (figure 3.2.3). Moreover, three BIM Managers (from design and
execution stage) were recommended by the Project Manager from the on-going project in BIM – a
construction of the Cross-country Skiing and Biathlon Centre in Jakuszyce in Poland.

Figure 3.2.3 Pie chart. Roles of interviewers in the company.

Project Manager

18% Site Engineer / Assistant

41% Site Engineer / Resident/
Assistant PM
12% BIM Manager

Chief Technology Officer


Interviews were mostly focused on the experience based on the latest employee’s projects. The number
of projects in which employees participated is more or less comparable to the seniority of employees.
The largest percentage reported in figure (3.2.4) is 45% of participation from five to twenty projects for
Miastoprojekt Wroclaw. However, in this analysis, the specifications of the projects are secondary and
not so relevant due to their size.

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Figure 3.2.4 Pie chart. The number of projects participated in by employee.

15% 15%
not relevant

25% 5-20

The relatively small seniority, it can be concluded that, in addition to the development of the company
by hiring new employees, can give the conclusion that there is a high staff turnover. The most of
respondent’s years of seniority is up to 1 year (47%) as shown in figure (3.2.5). That might explain
knowledge transfer issues or variable readiness for changes and improvements among employees,
which are shown further in the results of interviews. Therefore, it might be referred to as a barrier to
BIM implementation.
Figure 3.2.5 Pie chart. Employees seniorities.

33% up to 1 year
47% 1-2 years
more than 2 years


3.3. Implementation approach for the CDE

The implementation of CDE in the company should start from mapping existing processes and overall
assessment of the information management in used platforms, as is presented in figure (3.3.1) Then the
requirements or improvements should be listed for considered systems to define proper approach for
Miastoprojekt Wroclaw. Finally, in order to provide BIM standards and maintain security of data in CDE,
the analyse of cost and resources should be conducted, which is beyond the scope of the dissertation.

Varied CDE
offerings Provide
List standards
existing Consider Varied Analyse cost and
requirements and
processes integration approaches resources for
for CDE and maintain
and between to CDE implementation
IT challenges security of
assessment different data

Figure 3.3.1 Recommendation for CDE implantation

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3.3.1. The DMS and DCS platforms analysis
During the internship at Miastoprojekt Wrocław, the servers of the existing platforms were modernized,
optimised and changed to larger capacities. The whole system is currently transferred and built on polish
ePMflow’s CDE platform solutions adjusted with the previous requirements of the procedures in the
company. The Document Management System (DMS) and Document Circulation System (DCS) are the
core, although separated, modules of the platform. The proposed structure of ePMflow’s CDE is shown
in figure (3.3.2).

The DMS allows arranging the library of the documents in electronic formats, specific to each project
accordingly to the desired folder structure. Furthermore, in theory, it enables edition of a document via
the system and view of the preceding versions. However, no automatic document change updating was
observed in reality. Except that, the DMS has the user’s panel with notifications of activities, project
timetables and lists of tasks. The DCS provides electronic document circulation along the agreed
pathways that allows automatic information flow and accelerate the decision-making process.
Additionally, it allows to attach any files to the circulation at each stage by dedicated participants
excluding unauthorised changes. Moreover, the DCS provides real-time monitoring of circulation status
and time detection reports on development of individual participant.

Figure 3.3.2 The ePMflow’s CDE structure (ePMflow,2020)

The whole platform solution facilitates users’ communication by allowing real-time access to the
documentation from any location via the Internet browsers. Moreover, it allows the automatic e-mail
notifications of events such as, e.g., file posting, review. Besides, the levels of access to data saved to
the platform are possible to define for individual users or user groups. The ePMflow system theoretically
refers to the CDE principles set out in the ISO 19650 series. However, Miasto Projekt Wrocław does not
fully use the platform's potential to handle projects accordingly to the standards. For instance, the
information flow does not show the evolution of the processing and approval status of or the moments
relating to verifications and coordination. Moreover, information throughout its development is not
necessarily assigned with the metadata of revision, status and classification codes.

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60 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ Perspectives from the DMS and DCS platforms analysis
The thorough analysis of types of documents, folder structures, various types of documents circulation
(e.g. material acceptance requests, requests for information or change, monthly reports, approval
protocols) and procedures on platforms was studied within the granted access to selected projects
before the employees’ interviews. On the DMS platform, the access was provided to a total of 16
projects (5 of them in progress) as Consumer member from 4 possibilities available, in addition to the
designated one, there are Author, Manager and Collaborator. Whereas, on the DCS platform, one
archived and five ongoing projects were permitted to preview their various circulations. The
observations from the study are presented in the following table (3.3.1).

Table 3.3.1 Perspectives from the DMS and DCS platforms analysis
observations of the DMS platform observations of the DCS platform
• Lack of consistency in the division and • The archive shows a maximum of 100
naming of subfolders (mainly in the design circulations (unable to view the older ones)
folders) • Total time in the archive shows the time from
• Sometimes to know the internal division, which the circulation was established, not
folders (in .zip, .rar) have to be downloaded the actual time that the circulation lasted
completely • The time of circulations rejected or
• Repetition of information, subfolders in suspended is not stopped but continuously
different places of main folders (mainly risks, runs which gives the gain of the days (more
financing, project materials) than 60)
• Folders naming for reports or collisions is not • Even though the circulations are electronic,
unified (with or without the dates) their opinion time is usually very long.
• File naming is not unified (with either the
dates or the revisions)
• No clear division into descriptive and drawing
documentation, editable and non-editable
• No folder division into: WIP, Shared,
Published, Archived
3.4. Survey
There were three parts of the interviews. First, a semi-structured segment was performed to analyse
the current use of BIM, or VDC approaches, and standard procedures and concerns with information
management in projects and used platforms. Second, a summary of the outcomes of the interviews to
better explain the analysis to confirm the conclusions. And third, a confirmation of the preceding. And
third, a review of the previous results and an in-depth discussion of significant issues with the Chief
Technology Officer. The interviews were recorded with notes taken during and after the discussions;
these notes included interviewees’ observations, responses and documents. Most of the questions
asked were open-ended, allowing the respondents to answer freely, without directing them first. There
was no limit to the length or quantity of responses because the goal was to thoroughly understand the
problems and aspects of the company's processes through different points of view. Then all the answers
provided were collected, synthesized and appropriately grouped to create visual charts.

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3.4.1. The results of the surveys – advantages and disadvantages of used platforms Advantages and disadvantages of the DMS platform
Respondents frequently reported the technical and functional disadvantages of DMS platform, such as
tedious searching for documents, uploading and online work issues, slow system operation, manual
authorisation and registering, time-consuming archiving. Furthermore, one respondent reported that
from the user perspective is very necessary to create a connection between DCS and DMS platforms. In
the figure (3.4.1), all of the grouped responses are presented along with the occurrence’s frequency.
Figure 3.4.1 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What problems do you see while using the DMS platform?’

manually granting access to the folder structure

in the Excel file
online work on documents practically
impossible (reading and editing)

incomplete documentation of small projects

unable to work on several files at once, each file

separately is opened

no support for viewing models

creating registers for each circulation paths

hard to / unable to upload large files (no files >

unable to download the entire folder

unable to add an entire folder

slow system operation / freezes

uncoordinated booking

manual / unclear / time-consuming archiving

no connection between the DCS and DMS

tedious searching for documents (in subfolders,
no keywords)

problems with too long filenames

0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure (3.4.2), concludes the main benefits of the DMS platform from the users’ perspectives: large data
repository with efficient archiving without redundant paperwork. Furthermore, the platform has a
simple interface and flexible, although manual, access structure control depending on the needs.

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Figure 3.4.2 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What are the advantages of the DMS platform?’

overall positive assessment

possibility to add a whole folder with subfolders (exception)
link to e-mail, daily notifications
identical folder structure
flexible access structure control, depending on the needs
shared collaborators access
simple interface
large data repository / efficient archiving without paperwork
0 2 4 6 8 10 Advantages and disadvantages of the DCS platform

As shown in figure (3.4.3), most of the respondents reported automation and technical problems within
the DCS platform, such waiting time issues, manual (re)construction and registering of circulations, slow
and not intuitive system operation with similarities to an e-mail.
Figure 3.4.3 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What problems do you see while using the DCS platform?’

not much different from an e-mail

no decision points

no notifications

no use of models

attachments cannot be previewed

not very intuitive and uncomfortable (especially
for outsiders)
unable to add several specialists in ciruclation

technical problems (freezes, bugs, skipping)

only two circulations views (for all or one person
in a given step)
anyone can reverse circuits
manual rewriting of circulations to the registers
in Excel
no paths can be copied, each circulation
manually from the scratch
import restrictions (not all extensions, zips)
too long waiting time for a response (human
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

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The figure (3.4.4) presents the different advantages of the DCS platform. The most common answer is
facilitating the transfer of information and opinions through different types of created circulations
without the redundant paperwork, all located in the one accessible and authorized place.

Figure 3.4.4 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What are the advantages of the DCS platform?’

enables gradation of granted authorizations

possibility of reverse to the appropriate person or
rejection of circulation
flexible tool

facilitates decision-making processes

facilitates the control of the effects of the work

facilitates the transfer of information and
opinions (no paperwork, everything in one place)
works efficiently

quite intuitive tool

0 2 4 6 8 10

3.5. Observed Problems

In this section, the findings and results of the interviews are discussed and presented as bars or pie
charts. First, the general problems with the platforms are listed. Second, the observations about the
information management in platforms are described accordingly to categorised issues. Then the
conclusions from observations contributed with Information Management Maturity assessment and
proposals for platforms improvements. Finally, further research is suggested.

Delays in receiving information or decisions

Delays in receiving information or decisions from the

Delays in receiving information or decisions from
the client

Errors in the design information

Incomplete information
Discrepancies in the design
Lack of

Figure 3.5.1 Inverted pyramid list. The most significant issue within the project.

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Project Managers and their assistants mostly identified the schedule delays as the most significant issue
within the project. The issue is measurable because it provides long lists of causes for schedule delays,
as shown in the figure (3.5.1).

3.5.1. Observation of the information flow -interviews

Workflow observations and interviews showed several problems that employees had experienced with
the design information. For instance, time spent on identifying relevant information and distribution of
data. Moreover, the structure information found in company’s platforms can be implicit, ambiguous,
missing, outdated over many documents. Information issues have many aspects which need to be
considered to resolve them. The quality of information should, therefore, be understood from the
information user's viewpoint (Strong, Lee and Wang, 1997). There are nine types of design information
issues faced by professionals during the planning and implementation, such as access, coordination,
correctness, distribution, format, handling, precision, relevance and volume (Fischer, 2006). The quality
and management of information depend mainly on chosen technologies, organizational processes and
procedures which produced better information.

Similarly, information management issues from the Substitute Investor has been grouped as presented
in the figure (3.5.2). Later the practical problems within each category were elaborated accordingly.

Access •Effort required to access design information

Coordination •Consistency of the coordination procedures among all of the disciplines

Correctness •Extent of missing, incorrect, or outdated design information

Distribution •Distribution of the design information to relevant receivers

Format •Flexibility of the design information medium

Handling •Effort to transform or update information regarding work tasks

Precision •Representation of actual and accurate working

Relevance •Timing of information flow on the project

Volume •Qantity of documents, files, and other media

Figure 3.5.2 List of the categories of design information problems. (Fischer, 2006) Access
Access to the design information is quasi problematic, regardless of whether the drawings are digital,
physical or found in BIM models (only at two projects). The most up-to-date set of physical drawings for
a construction project is traditionally located at the site office. Therefore, it can be challenging to
identify the current version and to retrieve the complete and updated information. The digital
documents are available within the DMS platform for the intended stakeholders. It is an innovative
solution which helps to gather required information for the project in one dedicated repository.
However, figure (3.5.3) shows that information access is problematic within CAD files or minor issues.
Moreover, for information requests, there are specially created circulations on the DCS platform, which

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European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ 65
is the project-specific web site often accessible to the General Contractor and the designers but not
always available to the subcontractors.

Figure 3.5.3 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is the information accessible by the intended users?’

Yes, via special access structure (specified
17% by the Project Manager with IT specialists;
also shown in the BEP)
Not necessarily (problems with CAD files)

Figure 3.5.4 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is the authorised access to the content identified?’



Figure 3.5.5 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘How or where the authorised access is specified?’

specified in the BEP

in the DCS platform
in the DMS platform
via special excel register
by administrators who initiate new circulations
sometimes directly by the Investor
at the beginning of the project / by the project manager

0 2 4 6 8

According to all interviewees, the authorised access to the content is identified as presented in the
figure (3.5.4). Figure (3.5.5) highlights that the authorisation to platforms is given at the beginning of
the project with the particular graphical access structure (register in Excel) manually created and
decided by the Project Manager. Then is sent to the IT Administrator for performance and completion.
Through the project, the access structure might need some manual updates due to the expansion of
documentation or changes among stakeholders. This process is time-consuming and can cause some
delays on the project site, especially when the access to information is invalid or incorrect. However, as
shown in figure (3.5.6), most respondents claim that protection from unauthorized activities within
processes on platforms is sufficient or preferably sufficient.
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Figure 3.5.6 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is protection from unauthorized access, distribution, and
deletion sufficient?’


Rather yes

35% 53% Unknown for WIP models

No Coordination
Coordination is the primary criterion for determining information quality and requirements to execute
a specific task in a given context (Fischer, 2006). To avoid collisions among building components, system
coordination, conflict detection or constructability review is carried out. Uncoordinated design
documents and collisions in buildings are issues usually found in practice based on 2D drawings. The
fundamental BIM and VDC methods for coordination through clash detection and coordination
meetings are limited to two projects in the company. Coordination issues are often caused by various
design disciplines, which do not coordinate their designs with each other.

The information in its life-cycle can be in states: created, stored, accessed, used, organised, integrated,
maintained, retrieved, disposed. Miastoprojekt Wrocław developed some basic processes and activities
for information management according to interviewees in figure (3.5.7) and (3.5.9). However, 41% of
respondents (figure 3.5.9) reveal that some of the procedures should be shortened, because of the lack
of proper division or specification following the scale and needs of various projects.

Figure 3.5.7 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Are there all activities where information is created or captured?’


50% Rather yes
Not necessairly

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European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ 67
Figures (3.5.8) and (3.5.10) demonstrate where and how the information is created or organised in the
company’s processes according to employees. Contextual description and required controls of the
information need are specified in the Project Book or BEP and its attachments. As illustrated in figure
(3.5.8), the main activities are correlated with regular and daily document preparation. However, in BIM
realisation the simple information integration occurs with use of WIP, federated and ultimately AIM
models. Besides, more types and schemas of the circulations path in DCS platform should be developed
according to figure (3.5.10). However, some of the interviewees accented lack of rigid rules for
information management or technical problems which may be caused by different documentation
standards within the projects. Moreover, the technical problems within the platforms might persist in
the organization and maintenance of information.

Figure 3.5.8 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What are the activities where information is created or captured?’

This is the aim, the issues are constantly updated

Simple information management in WIP, federated,

AIM models (not for inquiries)

Documents circulations in DCS platform

According to accepted standards in the Project Book at

the beginning of the project
Design documentation has different, separated

Archiving of PDF documents in DMS platform

Documents: meeting notes and protocols, acceptance

reports, risk registers

0 2 4 6

Figure 3.5.9 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Are the activities broken-down only if they are not repeated?’

41% 41%
I don't know

Not necessarily, procedures

should be shorten


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Figure 3.5.10 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Where are the activities broken-down only if not repeated?’

Specified rules in the BEP and its attachments

There should be more types and schemas of circulation paths
Not necessarily, there are technical problems
Yes, they are divided and defined by the Project Manager
Lack of rigid rules
I don't know

0 2 4 6 Correctness
Request for information procedure is instead followed within the circulation in the DMS platform to
achieve fast- track process for correct information accordingly. However, the average time for each
circulation is around 10-14 days. As shown in figure (3.5.11), most of the respondents (76%) state that
crucial information lifecycle steps are identified. However, in BIM models, documents, specifications or
drawings the issues with the accuracy of the design details are expressed as incomplete, obsolete or
profoundly incorrect information. Often the data is not approved by regulations or best practice and
change quicker than updating the correct file. Another reason why the information is redundant is ‘copy-
paste’ style, in which pieces of older projects are reused. The state of content, originator and creation
time of information should be authentic through the procedures. Figure (3.5.12) highlights that the
essential roles for the information lifecycle are defined by manually at the beginning of each with
different types of access and as well via updates in the Project Book.

Figure 3.5.11 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Are all the essential steps for the information lifecycle

Rather yes

Could be better defined

(except BIM)

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Figure 3.5.12 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘How the essential roles are defined?’

via check list and schedule to check arrangements

by role names mapping
via the BEP
via the Project Book (also for updates)
manually at the beginning of each project (Excel)
by different types of access to DMS platform

0 1 2 3 4 Distribution
The distribution and the content are specified by Project Manager in the Project Book and within the
circulation schemas as shown in the figure (3.5.13). Moreover, within the BIM projects, the British
Standards are referenced in BEP for graphical and non-graphical documentation specifications. Over
70% interviewers claim that standards can describe input and output information according to the figure
(3.5.14). However, half of the respondents claim that procedures and rules are not necessarily clearly
described or written down, and they need to be each time adapted to project (figure 3.5.15). It seems
quite applicable to required documents in on-going BIM projects, which were defined from scratch by
external experts. Furthermore, the organizational rules are more less adjusted within the folder and file
structures or authorised circulations for specific projects. Distribution problems are time-consuming.

Figure 3.5.13 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Where standards clearly define the content that represents
input or output?’

in the BEP with Brithish Standards

in the Project Book
in the DCS platform (circulations, material requests)
in the DMS platform (documentation, shop drawings)
0 1 2 3

Figure 3.5.14 Pie chart. Standards describe answers to: ‘Can the input and output information?’


Rather yes (but the content varies on

71% the projects)

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Figure 3.5.15 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Have procedures and business rules been clearly defined?’

6% Yes ( in BEP, BIM Manual, BIM Implementation

Plan, file system, folder structure, specific
circulations, authorization files for DMS and DCS)
Not necessarily, adapted to each project (not
written down, operating from the commercial
50% level)

Figure 3.5.16 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Do the outputs describe the process purpose?’

5% No, additional tools and automatisation are

32% Sufficient (in DCS platform, notes, chronology in
DMS platform)
Rather yes, adapted to each project
10% I don't know

Even though most of the respondents answered that outputs are sufficient for process purpose, a large
percentage of interviewees (32%) reported that automatization and additional tools are required (figure
3.5.16). For instance, receivers in the circulations are chosen mainly manually or by the role in the
process. First, for relevant information, the routing of drawings, RFIs, RFI responses, addendums,
submissions and many emails needs to be screened. Stakeholders and employees devote considerable
time on that work. Second, there is no interoperability and quick data sharing between the company's
DMS and DCS systems. The information must be re-entered or adjusted manually. The interoperability
challenge is also linked to the transfer of data between software and later to facility management
systems. Figures (3.5.17) present that Microsoft software is mostly used in projects, specifically Excel,
as shown in figure (3.5.18). The high score among 3D modelling and BIM software is not so relevant as
it only applies to two BIM-oriented projects, among many others in the company.

Figure 3.5.17 Pie chart. Types of software used in projects.

2D softwares and viewers
Microsoft softwares
3D modeling softwares
BIM model viewers
23% 37% Optimization tools

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Figure 3.5.18 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Software used during the project.’

BIM Estimate
MS Project
MS Word
Autodesk Revit
Tekla BIM Structure/ Tekla BIM Site
DCS platform
DMS platform
DWG drawing viewers
BiM Collab Zoom
BIM Vision
MS Excel
no imposed softwares
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Format
The format of paper and digital documents varies in each project, and information in databases is
distributed among one pre-defined structure, which is not always coherent with the size or type of
investment. According to respondents, most of file names and information in the model are unique
(figure 3.5.19); however, some while uploaded on DMS do not have appropriate nomenclature. Also,
many tasks at the construction site are based on drawings, even though some of the information is
generated mainly as 2D documentation when BIM or VDC models exist. The information is distributed,
not enhanced with shop drawings or any of the data needed for field installation. Figure (3.5.20) shows
that PDF, DWG and editable DOC files are mostly used or created during the projects in the company.
Information format is essential: a digital 3D model is more transformable than paper, but digital models
are not necessarily superior in terms of ease of locating, transforming and upgrading for employees.
Besides, the BIM models in native or open formats are only used on two on-going projects.

Figure 3.5.19 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Are the names of all activities unique in the process?’


Yes (fixed file names and

information in the model)
Mostly (not always when
82% uploaded to the DMS platform)

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Figure 3.5.20 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Type of documentation used/created during the project.’

optimization tool e.g. Dynamo (.dyn)

3D models in open formats (.ifc, .bcf)
3D coordination models (.nwd)
documents editable on DMS (.doc, .xlsx)
native 3D models (.rvt, .tbp)
DWG files
PDF files

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Handling
Handling is closely related to format, which describes problems with the information medium (Fischer,
2006). In contrast, handling addresses the transformation process, compiling information or changes in
the design. Most of the respondents (83%), as shown in figure (3.5.21) claim that the break-down is
consistent throughout the process hierarchy; however, do not apply changes in the project. In
comparison, the figure (3.5.22) reveals that the break-down is not depth according to the agreed level
(33%) or depends on the procedures and employees in the projects (40%). The break-down process is
established in the project book or the building project (figure 3.5.23).

Figure 3.5.21 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘ Is the break-down consistent throughout the process

No (detailed schedules do not apply changes
to the main model and its schedule)

In practice, it depends on the investor

83% No answer

Figure 3.5.22 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is the depth of break-down according to the agreed level? ‘

7% Yes (e.g. in BEP, in models)

It depends on (a project, employees,
procedures). Lack of rigid templates

40% It is adapted in (the Project Book, DCS and

DMS platforms, roles, schedules)

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Figure 3.5.23 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Where or how is the break-down of processes established?’
in circulation paths

in BEP with Brithish Standards

specified in the contract

imposed in the project book or in the building project

0 2 4 6

During the interviews, design changes were frequently mentioned as a problem, the difficulty of finding,
transforming and updating design data influence on coordination and projects delays. The problem is
exacerbated when changes do not include updated drawings and specifications. However, such updates
are instead published in addenda and the requests for information answers within the circulations. The
respondents listed tools used during the project to handle the information as: DMS and DCS platforms,
e-mail and phone (figure 3.5.24). On the company’s platforms, there are registers of all of the
circulations; hence they are prepared manually. It helps to trace changes to extract the information
from RFI answers and add it to the paper drawings manually. However, this technique makes
collaboration difficult at later stages. Even with the use of the BIM model, these issues are not addressed
directly, especially by using the circulation within the DCS platforms for changes or material requests
instead of dedicated built-in tool in 3D software. Furthermore, some of the employees, as shown in
figure (3.5.24), claim to use specially created checklists, work schedules or risk registers for tracking
milestones and information delivery in project management.

Figure 3.5.24 Bar chart. Tools used during the project.

risk register
drones + point clouds
it depends / checklist
schedule in Navisworks
work schedules / Gantt chart

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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74 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ Precision
Precision means detailed and correct data representing real conditions. Documentation, BIM models,
and drawings do not always represent correlated data, even though the BIM and VDC methods are used.
However, the level of detail and information in most of cases is appropriate for the scope of the project.
Problems occur when design remains generic, rather than defining correct and actual measurements,
particular products and existing conditions. If a lack of precision is detected too late on the construction
site, serious consequences increasing pursue. Precise information requires clear, complete verification
procedures, which, according to interviewers, are vaguely defined in the company’s processes (figures
3.5.25). According to figure (3.5.26) the validation procedures, nomenclature and structures are
adapted to each project and described from the one general template of the Project Book.

Figure 3.5.25 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Are the quality and completeness of the verification
procedures identified? ‘

41% No
I don't know, it depends


Figure 3.5.26 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Where are the quality and completeness of the verification
procedures identified? ‘

Document templates in DMS platform

Information exchange procedures in DCS platform
Use of models as schedules
New projects - new procedures, nomenclature, structures
Templates and information in BEP and its annexes
The Project book - general template adapted to the project

0 2 4 6 Relevance
The relevance of information needs awareness from all stakeholders about the scope and timing of the
information delivery. The scope is the subset of design information necessary to accomplish a task, while
the timing is the time sequence of delivery of information needed to avoid delays (Fischer, 2006.
According to the interviewees (figure 3.5.27), some information is not well-managed throughout the
project, and only final files are uploaded on the DMS platform. There are various procedures which
depend on the scale and type of project. Figure (3.5.8) reveals that the integrity is crucial for business

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purposes (59%); however, some respondents highlight that integrity is instead identified at project level
than the company’s.
Furthermore, a contractor’s informational needs are not always identified at the beginning of the
project. The coherence of essential documentation for the company is mainly ensured via the Project
Book and document templates with specified fonts or file naming, as shown in the figure (3.5.29 Design
information is submitted at the end of each step, though it does not generally serve unique information
needs either for general contractor or customer. Where the design information needs clarification, the
timing of responses from the client, designer, or manufacturer interferes with and delays the project's
workflow. Moreover, the use of the circulation in the DCS platform does not remove the latency issues
entirely because of the success response sequences of each participant.

Figure 3.5.27 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is relevant information managed throughout the project

10% Yes
Usually, some information is omitted, only
final documents are on the DMS platform
Partly through WIP and federated models
37% and ultimately in the AIM for FM.
Depends on the scale and type of project -
21% variable procedures

Figure 3.5.28 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is the record integrity identified if crucial for the business?’

Rather yes

Not at the company level, rather

59% at project level
12% No, it depends on the Investor

Figure 3.5.29 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘How is the integrity of crucial documentation for the
company ensured?’

BIM is used only as an add-on

in the Project Book
via document templates, common fonts, file naming
via the DMS platform

0 2 4 6

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76 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ Volume
The process of finding the desired information from another project within the DMS platform is time-
consuming because most of the cases you need to know precisely where to look for inside the structure.
Majority of documents (59%) uploaded do not have entered and defined metadata with keywords or
other parameters useful when searching, according to figure (3.5.30). Even though the searching tool is
used, the amount of possible results is extensive. Therefore, a general tab for important files is in use,
however, rarely. The metadata in models such as parameters and references within BIM projects are
the exception (figure 3.5.31).

Figure 3.5.30 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is the content of the metadata defined and managed

23% Yes
No (no sense and a waste of time)
Probably, partially


Figure 3.5.31 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘What kind of metadata is defined?’

The parameters and references in the model

As a general tab for important files

A set of graphic parameters in the documentation

0 1 2 3 4

Figure 3.5.32 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Is there a data migration plan for records with long-term value?’


Yes, the DMS platform

Rather yes, the DMS platform


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Design information is distributed across a spectrum of media, including documents, drawings,
specifications, RFI circulations, addendums. Simply because of the physical or digital volume of
information, it is difficult to conceive a clear overview of the project. Therefore, the vital records with
long-term value are migrated and stored on the DMS platform in the company, according to 94% of
respondents (figure 3.5.32). Nonetheless, the comprehensive view of documentation may be lost as
well in BIM practices. The volume of the specifications and number of documentations of the studied
projects are enormous, difficult to handle by stakeholders.
Furthermore, the volume of information may cause discrepancies among the subcontractors and a lack
of understanding of the scope of work. Consequently, this might lead to assumptions which might be
avoided with a properly managed repository. Interviewees stated in figure (3.5.33) that in the current
system, there is requirement of more documents template and generally accepted practices with
general knowledge transfer of projects, company’s processes, trainings or lessons learnt.

Figure 3.5.33 Bar chart. Answers to:’ What would you like to have in the repository?’

hard to define
DMS platform is enough
information from trainshops, workshops
information for new employees
information how the system works
the CDE
different versions of the Project Book with the attachments
final reports
templates of letters and contracts (repeatable documents)
know-how of projects, good practices
simpler system for searching documents

0 2 4 6

3.5.2. Conclusion of the observation

The complexity and amount of information determines the scale of the organisation and hierarchies of
stakeholders. Advancement in digitalisation means more structured data and ensures connectivity,
comparability and creativity(Strong, Lee and Wang, 1997). In the AEC industry, the most common
problems with design information are connected with its deficiency and uncoordinated drawings.
However, the employees in the Miastoprojekt Wroclaw company stated the information latency and
delays in receiving decisions as the significant issues.

The identified categories of information management problems represent guidelines for areas that
need improvement within the company’s processes and procedures (Fischer, 2006). The interviewees
agreed that access, authorisation and availability for intended stakeholders are generally satisfactory.
However, distribution, handling and coordination are areas for further improvement. Although, the
employees agree on the level of break-down structure of activities in the processes, each time the

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78 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
procedures are adapted to each project. Project Manager specifies the distribution of the content due
to different contractor’s informational needs.

Moreover, the significant impact on coordination have as well the effort involved to extract the relevant
information. Majority of digital documents uploaded do not have entered and defined useful while
searching metadata. Furthermore, the pre-defined structure in databases are not always coherent with
the size or type of investment. Therefore, with an enormous amount of documentation, identifying the
latest version and obtaining the complete and updated version can be demanding. In order to make
data more available and searchable, Miastoprojekt Wroclaw should primarily introduce classification
with proper descriptive metadata and information retrieval policies. Then, to exclude
underperformance and overload of information, minimal requirements for relevancy and capacity
should be specified.

Even though Miastoprojekt Wroclaw developed some basic processes and organizational rules for
information management, there is a lack of described rigid rules within the company. The coherence of
essential documentation for the company and its validation procedures are mainly ensured via the
Project Book and document templates. However, the integrity of information is instead identified at
project level than the company’s. Although outputs are sufficient for process purpose, some further
precise verification procedures are required. Furthermore, some of the procedures should be shortened
and automatised in order to reduce information latency. The usability of information is an area for
subsequent improvement with both data collection and as well output presentation or long-term
storage. Corrective action might define policies and introduce standards for exchange. There is a
discrepancy between the quality and completeness of information perceived by employees and
externally hired BIM experts. This inconsistency not only suggests different interpretations of the
information, but also demonstrates a substantial risk of inadequacy of the information supplied. Which
suggests BIM's potential is not being reached. Then it is directly applicable; although the evaluation is
based on an existing project procedure, the answers are not in consensus, indicating that verification
and accuracy are necessary. Furthermore, precision and correctness need better clarification and audit
trail procedure. Information Management Maturity

Quality information is a crucial aspect of asset management in each organization. Moreover,
information itself can be considered as one of the most critical assets. The Software Engineering
Institute (SEI) created the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) to assess an organization's software and
information process. The CMM is similar to ISO 9001 standards (BSI, 2015) which require a minimum
level of quality for software processes, however the CMM provides a framework for continuous process

Figure 3.5.34 Maturity Levels of Information Management CMM (SEI, 2006)

1 2 3 4 5
Initial Repeatable Defined Manged Optimizing

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The model represents a five-level evolutionary path (figure 3.6.1) of increasingly structures and
systematically more mature processes: Level 1 (Initial) through Level 5 (Optimizing), and evaluates the
efficacy of the actions at each level based on assessment of specific areas (Wagenstein, 2006), described
in figure (3.6.2). The chosen principles were obtained during the first module - Management of
information and collaboration in BIM of BIM A+ is the European Master in Building Information
Figure 3.5.35 Chosen principles of Information Management Maturity

Accountability •documented company policies and procedures

Transparency •documented policies and business process activities

Integrity •reasonable completeness, accuracy, consistency, reliability

Protection •of confidential, classified, essential, sensitive information

Compliance •applicable laws and authorities regarding information handling

Availability •criteria for timely delivery of readily available accurate information

Retention - archival •regulatory and business requirements for information archiving

Disposition - deletion •laws and policies for disposition of records that are no longer needed Output
The observations in the case study pointed to significant problem areas within the information
mismanagement that helps to assess the Information Management Maturity for Miastoprojekt
Wroclaw. The Maturity Score is the average of total points subdivided by eight. The overall profile of
the Information Management Maturity is summarized in table (3.6.1) and briefly described below.

Table 3.5.1 Information Management Maturity – Miastoprojekt Wroclaw

Information Management Maturity
Criterion Initial Repeatable Defined Managed Optimizing
Points 10 points 20 points 30 points 40 points 50 points
Accountability 10
Transparency 20
Integrity 20
Protection 40
Compliance 20
Availability 30
Retention - archival 30
Disposition - deletion 10
Subtotal points 20 60 60 40 0
Total points 180
Maturity Score 22,50

At the repeatable level, policies are formed for managing a project to the stage where similar
procedures are repeated from successful practices learned on previous projects. Effective project
management processes are institutionalized, although the particular processes implemented by the

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80 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
projects may differ (Smith, 2009). However, there is no formal training or communication of standard
procedures. Intuitively defined existing practices are followed, but the responsibility is left to the
individual’s knowledge, and therefore, errors are likely. Organizations on this maturity level perform
essential asset and resource management such as job scheduling, monitoring and reporting. To sum up,
Miastoprojekt Wroclaw use repeatable processes, with possibly consistent results, though information
management is unlikely rigorous. Proposals for platform improvements

The adoption of current solutions of platform as a Service (Paas) for organization-wide CDE is the best
implementation approach for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw. There is no need to change the current offering
(ePMflow) into another one, however the integration between the DMS and DCS platforms with the
help of provider is worth considering an introduction. After interviews, detailed observations and
analysis of the current practices of employees, assessment of information management in the company,
the proposals for improvements of DMS platform (table 3.6.2) and DCS platform (table 3.6.3) in
accordance of previous conclusions are presented below.

Table 3.5.2 Proposals for the DMS platform improvements

Automation of processes and activities
• Automatic archiving of circulations from the DCS to the DMS (approved and not approved) as registers
in the form of a separate file with consecutive names.
• The DMS structure should be generated automatically in a graphical form (granting the proper access
by the Project Manager or Engineer, from the list of people in the project).
• Report automation. Creation of editable reports in only one version and their automatic pdf
generation (new date, next revision) to the adequate folders.
• A newer version of an uploaded file is automatically saved, and creates and archiving history.
Improving technical functionality
• Different versions of folders structure and their divisions depending on the project type and size.
• Improvement of the smoothness and ease of viewing files.
• Allowing to upload and download entire folders of files and large files> 500MB.
Integration of platforms and tools
• Linking the DCS and DMS platforms.
• Connecting the platform with the phone – introducing an application for a company car booking for
hours of use, not days.
• Insertion the DMS on the computer's desktop in the form of a folder (like FTP, Google Drive) with the
possibility of limiting access to folders to not update everything at once, but only essential and
declared information.
• Introducing the intermediate permission functions.
• Creation of a folder with the database of employee experiences and qualifications, documents
concerning warranty periods and similar.
• Creation of a Lesson Learnt folder with essential documents, final reports, acceptable practices,
KNOW HOW materials.
• If the DMS is used as the CDE, then the folders should be established as follows: Work in Progress,
Shared, Published, Archive.
• Decision which types of documents will have metadata entered for better retrieval in the future.

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Table 3.5.3 Proposals for the DCS platform improvements
Automation of processes and activities
• Automatic archiving of circulations from the DCS to the DMS (approved and not approved) as registers
in the form of a separate file with consecutive names (available from different places)
• Automatic naming of subsequent documents.
• Automation of paths in circulations by the possibility of repair of the circulation without reversing it
and the ability to copy parts of repeating paths
• Generating circulations progress reports. Creation of a task – ‘to do’ lists for documents.
• Option to skip someone's step or fill on his behalf information in circulation.
• Creation of the own definition of groups of appropriate paths, without the need of change each time
with the help of the IT Administrator. Giving more control to the user responsible for creating
Improving technical functionality
• Proposals for creating additional circulation options as exceptions with filtering options/people
• Accelerate the DCS platform charging.
• Facilitation of the user’s leap between circulations, attaching files from the previous revision.
• Shortening the overall response time to 3 days.
• Access control within the circulation similar to the DMS platform one, allowing to suspect the entire
circulation path with the possibility of partial exclusion of specific materials such as price agreements
with changes related to costs, e.g. for subcontractors.
Integration of platforms and tools
• Linking the DCS and DMS platforms for dragging relevant files already existing in the DMS and
dropping them inside the user queries.
• Automatic reminder about delayed circulation send by e-mail and as well the SMS (with information
about someone's delayed time).
• Connection with the calendar for the people involved in order to see at what stage is the given
• The e-mail connected with the DCS to automatically pull people's responses to queries in circulations
(as a specific button).

3.5.3. Further research

The results of the analysis of interviews in chapter (3.5.1) are presented in charts that provides a quick
overview of the company processes and procedures. The graphical representation enables the
identification of requirements for design information issues and metrics with divergent responses which
require further investigation. Although the charts are a tool that can be used and relevant, further
analysis is required to explore the graphic or empirical representation of outcomes. Consequently, the
respondents’ answers point to potential problems, which are up to the executive department to
evaluate their severity and the potential risk.

Further research might help to design information quality for the company in defining how to transfer
processes based on 2D documentation into ones based on the model. It can be achieved by evaluating
project progress and by defining the discrepancy between the design information needed and the
design information provided. This assessment involved user design information, such as contractors,
subcontractors and designers, to determine the information criteria about entities and properties and
the sequence of deliveries of information. If these conditions could be specified and reported, then

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82 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
conditions such as importance, quality, performance, performance, and distribution could be
automatically assessed. Besides, data from a project information management system may be
monitored to quantify access, delivery, and volume of information.

A comprehensive understanding of the causes of delays in schedules and latency in information may
contribute to new perspectives on how to avoid them. Standardisation of standard procedures is the
way forward for digitisation. Applying corrective actions to project information management to avoid
information mismanagement. Miastoprojekt Wroclaw should develop specification of information
requirements as contextual description of the information need, function, required controls of the
information and impact on business process. Then defining standard controlled vocabularies, methods
and procedures before the start.

3.6. Project Delivery in the company

With the current traditional methodology of work in Miastoprojekt Wroclaw, hence digitalised, the most
significant commitment and resources are used to prepare the enormous number of various
documentation for project’s scope, enabling the investment process. In the polish construction industry,
new facilities are designed and built every time differently. Most of the company’s construction projects
are unique because of demand for different design, use of technologies, local building regulations,
geographical and geotechnical conditions. Introduction of BIM workflows requires shifting to the
development of a digital model of information about a building as a complete source of knowledge
about the planned investment for all stakeholders involved in the process.

Figure 3.6.1 Project Boundaries (Retana, 2014)

The project management recognizes three project boundary elements such as scope, cost and schedule
(figure 3.6.1), which act in tandem with each other (Wagner, 2013 As one boundary element is increased
or decreased, the other two elements must behave with increment/decrease unfavourably in order to
restore project equilibrium. Scope creep the extension of the scope of the project, for example, by
additional work requested by the design problems and modifications frequencies not included within
the project schedule (Retana, 2014).

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Within this section, the collection of the responses about various investment management approach to
understanding the organization readiness of implementation of BIM and as well its BIM Maturity level.
The significance of the information due to project management and knowledge are shown within the
pie and bar charts in the following chapters (3.6.1) and (3.6.2.). Then the actual use of BIM technology
and methods in the company’s projects are described in the chapter (3.6.3).

3.6.1. The results of the surveys – management of the project

Each project varies because it presents long lists of issues faced on its site. Figure (3.6.2) shows the main
problems mentioned by employees; all of them might cause the schedule delays to vary in length. The
answers are based on interviews and help to prioritize lists of issues and focus on the underlying reasons
for the identified causes. The critical problems are primarily due to mistakes, incomplete or inconsistent
information due to the faulty design information.

According to the respondents, the design errors and the accuracy of the design documents are generally
significantly linked and affect the project efficiency and quality. Moreover, the design changes are
mostly caused by improper documentation or incorrect decisions. The reworks and the scope creep are
the result of error detection, awaiting approval of shop drawings, and delays in procurement due to the
documentation's low quality. Furthermore, the design complexity and distribution of information is
related to an inappropriate medium for communication. Employees spend an inordinate amount of time
for locating, verifying or manually entering specific, updated project information from previous
activities. The other of issues faced on the projects are listed in the figure (3.6.2).

Figure 3.6.2 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What are the problems/issues faced on the site of the project?’

big changes and improvements frequencies

too short or shortened deadlines
no use of modern tools, including BIM
contract service without a general contractor
parallelism of projects
the complexity of the project
budget problems
excess of manually entered information (time-wasted)
timeliness and latency (circulation, financial decisions)
schedule (accuracy, consistency, completeness, relevancy)
poor communication within the team
executive and technological problems
problems with environmental protection
administrative and legal problems
quality and integrity of the project
design issues (mainly design mistakes)
problems with designers and contractors
0 2 4 6 8 10

Most of the problems are realised during the construction investment directly by employees, during the
project meetings or through e-mail, phone notification, as respondents state in figure (3.6.3). These

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84 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
issues are typically identified by or attributed to an actor who is mostly the general contractor, as shown
in figures (3.6.4) and (3.6.5). After noticing the problem, despite information inquiries or digital
documentation available on platforms, most of the employees prefer direct contact with stakeholders
on coordination meetings or if urgent by phone, e-mail (figure 3.6.5). However, in the project with BIM
models, the reports are created.

Figure 3.6.3 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘How did you or the project team realize the issue?’

model analysis (.bcf files)

risk management
schedule / cost estimate monitoring
directly (visually or in conversation)
by phone
during the project meetings
by e-mails

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 3.6.4 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘From whom did you or the project team come across this issue?’

from BIM Manager

from Subcontractors
individual observations
from Construction Site Inspectors
from the General Contractor

0 2 4 6

Figure 3.6.5 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What was the first thing that you did to manage this issue?’

a new work breakdown structure

information inquiries in the form of circulation
BIM modeling with reports
checking the risk cards
checking the documentation, notes, standards and contracts
contact with the general contractor, inspector, project manager
individual management decisions, supervision
team coordination meetings
contact with designers and investors by e-mail or phone
meetings with designers and investors

0 2 4 6 8 10

Employees mostly identified the schedule delays as the most significant time-rated issue within the
projects. As the solution, the control of milestones in schedule, traditional design and coordination
meetings with ongoing conflict or BIM model check, are listed among the other techniques in figure

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European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ 85
(3.6.6). Therefore, the main strategies of Project Managers include, as shown in figure (3.6.7) progress
control with schedule, mutual communication and framework in the model (within BIM projects).
However, some respondents claim that constant monitoring of the progress of circulations in DCS
platform helps to select the appropriate remedial actions to prevent latency.

Figure 3.6.6 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What approach do you use to manage the time-related issue?’

checking BIM models, take-offs and visualizations

(with general contractor)
video and teleconferences

direct material and financial control

expressing opinions on tender and executive
regular design and coordination meetings (also with
general contractor and experts)
ongoing conflict resolution
change of contracts (overtime hours, penalties for
delays, more employees)
schedule control (milestones, checkpoints)
searching for faster technologies, methods and
specific solutions
0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 3.6.7 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘What is the strategy to manage time-related issues?’

BIM model analysis

monitoring of circulations (exlusion of certain people)
automatic modeling in Dynamo
risk control and management
initial and framework schedules in the model
progress control with schedule (critical paths, task grid)
is assigned by the project manager
use of the circuits in DCS platform
based on information from predecessor
archiving of e-mails
mutual communication
0 2 4 6

Depending on the severity of the problems, various stakeholders are involved in solving the situation,
however the decision-maker and the most responsible person for the investment success is the project
manager, who represents investor/client (figure 3.6.8). Among the reported tools to manage problem

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86 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
are the DMS and DCS platforms, BIM viewers and programs (only in BIM related projects) and schedule
analysis, as shown in figure (3.6.9). Correspondingly, the visual evaluation is mentioned.

Figure 3.6.8 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Who is involved in the problem-solving /decision-making?’
depends on the size of the project
stakeholders (designers, contractors)
BIM Manager
external experts
construction site inspector
site manager
project manager / project supervisor

0 5 10 15 20

Figure 3.6.9 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Are there any tools you use when managing the problem?’

e-mail correspondence
monthly reports including threats
risk cards and risk management
BIM viewers and programs (Dynamo)
DMS and DCS platforms
clash detections in 2D drawings (DWG, PDF)
schedule analysis
visual observation and evaluation
photo documentation
BIM documentation (federated model, point clouds)
analysis of construction / design documentation
0 2 4 6 8 10

3.6.2. The results of the surveys – knowledge information

Successful knowledge management ensures that the specialized knowledge of employees is stored in
the company for further beneficial use by others. The main goal for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw is to enable
organizational learning and sharing knowledge about best practices, lessons learned for an overall
organizational improvement. Although, 53% of employees responded (figure 3.6.10) that refer to
external experts when the problems occur, still own experience and information from project
stakeholders and collaborators are indicated as the primary source. According to the figure (3.6.11),
respondents mostly base their knowledge about the project on their own experience together with
outputs from the company’s investments found on the DMS platform and the current Project Book.

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Figure 3.6.10 Pie chart. Answers to: ‘Did you refer to any expert from outside of the project?’

own experience /
information from project
collaborators /
47% stakeholders
external experts

Figure 3.6.11 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘Did you refer to an existing best practice or lessons-learnt
repository (resp. document) for a solution?’
national regulations, the construction law
lack of a good practice book
design documentation including models
external BIM projects
communication with colleagues about procedures
general database of the company, internal processes
The Project Book with the essential attachments
the other projects on DMS platform
own experience

0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 3.6.12 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘How did you record your best practices/lessons learned?’
creation of databases of subcontractors
random thoughts on the Trelo board
BIM Manual
process and procedure mapping
in head
internal communication with colleagues
updating the circulations structure
current reports
check list
know-how document
final report
0 1 2 3 4 5

Thus, effective knowledge management reduces operational costs by making company knowledge more
available, accessible, and accurate. Especially in the construction industry, an effective system of
distributing knowledge is essential to spend less time recreating existing knowledge. Instead, in

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88 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
Miastoprojekt Wroclaw, there is no policy for sharing or storing best practices. Most employees
reported that some lesson learnt are communicated with colleagues or through current reports;
however, without further documented storage process (figure 3.6.12). Furthermore, one respondent
outlined the creation of know-how document in the form of a checklist about the main milestones in
the construction investment. Single interviewers, mainly external BIM experts drawn BIM Manual and
Trello board as mean for sharing best practices. According to figures (3.6.13) and (3.6.14) the knowledge
in the project is gained primarily from interproject learning via analysis of documentation and meetings,
via social network and individual learning supported with experienced gain in professional life.

Figure 3.6.13 Bar chart. Answers to: ‘From where do you gain knowledge about this project?’

from risk register

via design expertise, external experts
through positioning the cost estimate for billing items
via documents available on DMS platform
via analysis of documentation (design, data, drawings )
via site visit (visual observation and conversation)
from meetings
from schedules
via social network (colleagues or project stakeholders)
from BEP
via internet (engineers portal, specialized webistes)
via print sources (specialist press, construction law)
via own experience
0 3 6 9 12

Figure 3.6.14 Bar chart. Knowledge in the project is gained primarily from.

25% 24%
individual learning
interproject learning
via specialized sources
via social network

When employees do not share information, the same mistakes tend to be repeated. However, this is
avoidable when the lessons-learned are easily accessible to everyone. Consequently, it reduces the need
for co-workers to interrupt each other with unnecessary emails or chats.

3.6.3. Use of BIM on projects

Currently Miastoprojekt Wroclaw is taking care of two ongoing projects with the introduction of BIM:

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- design documentation for the demolition and construction of a railway viaduct for PKP
(Polish Railway Lines)
- construction of the Cross-country Skiing and Biathlon Center in Szklarska Poręba - Jakuszyca

Due to the lack of sufficient competencies on the part of Miastoprojekt Wroclaw, for proceeding with
the realisation of these projects, the external specialists from MAD Engineers company were hired as
the BIM Managers. Their competencies were mostly used to develop the application of BIM technology
focused on technical issues such as model objectives and parameters, information flow, criteria for
graphic and descriptive documentation. The BEP document was created separately for design and
project execution with the arrangements for files, LOD, LOI for individual elements, 3D modelling
guidelines. According to external BIM Managers relation in the interview, BIM function in these projects
is at the level of about 10-20%. Mostly because the BIM is viewed as a technological add-on, extra input
to the reports rather than a useful process management methodology. Even though some of the
employees were trained twice a couple of years ago, their gained knowledge was not used practically.
Currently, there is no transfer of knowledge among colleagues, information to other people about BIM
and its proper further use. Moreover, there is hardly no BIM coordination between the project manager
and work execution.

At the very beginning of the design process, there was a conceptual architecture model which was used
as a reference for coordination with industrial designers. Each trade created their model, giving 12
models in total. Then after verification interference checks, they were integrated and federated in BIM
Zoom. The whole verification process with clash detection among models’ elements took around two
months. For further collaboration and analysis, the final integrated model is stored in the .ifc file on the
DMS platform. There are no comments or notes shown in the model, and it is not used for reports or
design and material queries but rather for viewing. Quantity take-offs are made from the model instead
of internal needs on the construction site. Cost estimates are not linked directly to the model, and the
measurements are read and then used separately. The BIM is useful for differential cost estimation for
general contractor. The Miastoprojekt Wroclaw has notable failure and change record system operated
on tablets – Sitework, but within these projects, investors decided to use their more traditional way of
error management. Execution works are improved thanks to parameter mapping, creating optimization
in Dynamo in WIP models on the construction site. Within the final documentation, there will be no
COBie files, but a tailor-made package of necessary parameters adapted to the needs of the investor.

Partially the 4D was introduced at the construction stage in the contractor's information models in the
form of scheduling data. Data is applied to the components to obtain correct software information and
visualizations showing how the project would evolve sequentially. The information is therefore neither
entered to nor linked into the primary model, because the schedules are created as a partial model for
around two or three weeks in advance. For a particular component, time-related information includes
details on the lead time, how long it takes to build, the order in which parts should be mounted. With
the data associated with the graphic and colourful presentation of elements, it is simple to illustrate just
how construction progresses through planned works, showing stakeholders how a structure appears
visually at each stage.

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90 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
3.7. BIM Maturity Assessment
A maturity level is a systematic approach that formalises new capabilities to develop in the
organization's processes (SEI, 2008). Additionally, it allows for a fundamental distinction between
immature and mature entities in terms of (Sarshar et al., 2000). It is wise to take advantage of existing
maturity models with already developed maturity terms, performance goals and quality assurance

3.7.1. Organizational BIM Assessment I-CMM

The assessment of organizational BIM Maturity level was conducted with two different tools. As first I
used Interactive Capability Maturity Model (I-CMM) in Excel spreadsheet obtained during the first
module - Management of information and collaboration in BIM of BIM A+ is the European Master in
Building Information Modelling. It has 6 Maturity Levels, shown below.

Figure 3.7.1 Maturity Levels of Organizational BIM Assessment I-CMM (BIM A+,2019)

0 1 2 3 5
Non-Existent Initial Managed Defined Optimizing

The current and target levels were measured with the six main categories called as the planning
elements (The CIC Research Group, 2010):
• Strategy Elements in Organizational Mission and Goals, BIM Vision and Objectives,
Management Support, BIM Champion, BIM Planning Committee
• BIM Uses Elements in Project Uses, Operational Uses
• Process Elements in Project Processes, Organizational Processes
• Information Elements in Model Element Breakdown (MEB), Level of Development (LOD), Facility
• Infrastructure Elements in Software, Hardware, Physical Spaces
• Personnel Elements in Roles and Responsibilities, Organizational Hierarchy, Education, Training,
Change Readiness Output – current and target level

In this section, the output about current and target levels of BIM Maturity are presented and precisely
described. Firstly, the results are shown separately for each main category as radar charts figures
(3.7.2-3.7.7). Then, the overall profile of the Organizational BIM Assessment is presented in figure (3.7.8)
and summarised in table (3.7.1). Output - Strategy elements

Current level: The basic, managed organizational mission with objectives and essential, initial BIM vision
are determined. There is a full and manged support for BIM implementation with some resources within
the management. However, no employee is technically qualified and motivated to lead the company by
pushing for implementation, overcoming reluctance to change and ensuring BIM adoption. The BIM

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Planning Committee, with responsibility for developing the BIM strategy for the firm, is not established
(The CIC Research Group, 2010).

Target level: There is an organizational mission that addressed purpose, services, at least defined values,
but objectives are still not managed quantitatively. Basic BIM goals are set, and basic tasks and measures
are managed towards BIM adoption. BIM implementation is supported in a comprehensive and defined
form with sufficient resource commitment. The Managed BIM Committee is formalized but not included
in all operations and BIM Champion with adequate time commitment is chosen among the employees
(The CIC Research Group, 2010).
Figure 3.7.2 Organizational BIM Assessment – Strategy.

Organizational Mission
and Goals
3 2 3
BIM Planning 2 BIM Vision and
Committee 1 Objectives
2 2

2 2
BIM Champion Management Support

Target Level Current Level Output - BIM Uses elements

Current level: The usual methods for BIM adoption in projects and within the organization are initially
developed through the on-going pilot BIM projects. Within the Project Uses, there are minimal owner
requirements established. The record (As-Built) BIM model is going to be received by operations on the
construction site (The CIC Research Group, 2010).

Target level: The Project and Operational Uses are developed on a managed level with minimal BIM
Uses required. Imported or referenced BIM data for operational uses are recorded (The CIC Research
Group, 2010).

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Figure 3.7.3 Organizational BIM Assessment – BIM Uses.

1 1
2 2
Operational Uses Project Uses

Target Level Current Level Output - Information elements

Current level: Organizational Model Element Breakdown (MEB) is defined initially with identifiers linked
to each physical or functional element, but it is not uniform within the entire organization. LOD is initially
defined on two on-going projects with the use of BIM, but not standardized within the entire
organization. There are no clear criteria of non-graphical information. Therefore metadata is not
attached to objects defining various extra features for facility management (The CIC Research Group,

Target level: Organizational Model Element Breakdown is unified and managed within the organisation.
LOD and facility data are standardized and managed within the organization (The CIC Research Group,

Figure 3.7.4 Organizational BIM Assessment – Information.

Model Element
Breakdown (MEB)
3 2
1 1
2 2
Level of
Facility Data Development

Target Level Current Level

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European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ 93 Output – Infrastructure elements
Current level: Some of the existing hardware is capable of running essential BIM software. However,
the company does not owe any licensed BIM software. There are no specific BIM functional areas within
a facility to incorporate BIM in organization properly (The CIC Research Group, 2010).

Target level: Some managed hardware systems within the organization are capable of accepting BIM
data (created and obtained). There are several managed workstations for viewing BIM data (The CIC
Research Group, 2010).

Figure 3.7.5 Organizational BIM Assessment – Infrastructure.

1 0 1
2 2

Physical Spaces Hardware

Target Level Current Level Output – Personnel elements

Current level: There are no recorded BIM roles and responsibilities, and the organizational hierarchy
does not approach BIM. The ad hoc education is initially conducted as needed, and the training program
for employees does not exist. The company established an initial willingness for implementing BIM (The
CIC Research Group, 2010).

Target level: The BIM Implementation Team is managed externally of the organization hierarchy.
However BIM Champion responsible for adoption is initially chosen. Defined employee education
sessions are regularly conducted. The internal training program is managed for all employees that might
interact with BIM. The upper management is buy-in preparedness of organization to integrate BIM (The
CIC Research Group, 2010).

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Figure 3.7.6 Organizational BIM Assessment – Personnel.

Roles and
2 1
Change Readiness Organizational Hierarchy
2 1 2
0 0
Training Education

Target Level Current Level Output - overall profile of Organizational BIM Assessment

The overall profile of the Organizational BIM Assessment is presented in figure (3.7.8). The current and
target level of each subcategory are summarized in table (3.7.1).

Figure 3.7.7 Organizational BIM Assessment Profile – Miastoprojekt Wroclaw.


Personnel BIM Uses
40% 20%
40% 40%
20% 20%
7% 10%
13% 40%

Infrastructure Process

Target Level Current Level

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Table 3.7.1 Organizational BIM Assessment Profile – Miastoprojekt Wroclaw
Organizational BIM Assesment Profile
0 1 2 3 4 5
Current Target
Level of Maturity Non- Quantitatively
Level Level
Exsistent Initial Managed Defined Managed Optimizing
Organizational Mission
2 3
and Goals
BIM Vision and
1 2
Strategy 5 12
Management Support 2 3
BIM Champion 0 2
BIM Planning
0 2
Project Uses 1 2
BIM Uses 2 4
Operational Uses 1 2
Project Processes 1 2
Process Organizational 1 4
0 2
Model Element
1 2
Breakdown (MEB)
Information Level of Development 2 6
1 2
Facility Data 0 2
Software 0 1
Infrustacture Hardware 1 2 1 5
Physical Spaces 0 2
Roles and
0 1
0 2
Personnel Hierarchy 2 10
Education 1 3
Training 0 2
Change Readiness 1 2
Total points 13 41

3.7.2. BIM Maturity Matrix from BIMe Initiative

The other used tool was The BIM Maturity Matrix from BIMe Initiative, which consists of two axes BIM
Capability Sets and BIM Maturity Index. BIM Capability refers to the minimum abilities of an organization
to deliver measurable outcomes and is measured through BIM Stages separated by BIM Steps, as is
shown below.

Figure 3.7.8 BIM Stages (BIMe Initiative, 2015)

A BIM Competency Set is a hierarchical list of competencies identified for BIM adoption and evaluation.
BIM Competency Sets are categorized according to BIM Fields and are discussed in three groups (Succar,
• Technology Sets in software, hardware and networks
• Process Sets in Leadership, Infrastructure, Human Resources

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• Policy Sets in contracts, regulations and research/education.

Not all BIM Competencies are of the same importance and can be divided into Key and non-Key
Competencies depending on the needs of the organization (Succar, 2010). The BIM Maturity refers to
the gradual and continual improvement within available BIM Capability and is measured through the
BIM Maturity Index with five levels, shown as below.

Figure 3.7.9 BIM Maturity Levels (BIMe Initiative, 2015)

a b c d e
Ad-hoc Defined Managed Integrated Optimized

In general, the progression from low to higher maturity levels helps to monitor differences between
goals and actual results, improves competency, performance and cost predictability and increases
efficiency in achieving specified goals (Lockamy III and McCormack, 2003) Maturity Discovery Score

For primary and semi-formal discovery of BIM Capability and Maturity of Miastoprojekt Wrocław, the
discovery low detail assessment was conducted. The Maturity Discovery Score reflects the sum of total
points subdivided by twelve.

Table 3.7.2 Maturity Discovery Score– Miastoprojekt Wroclaw

Maturity Discovery Score
BIM Maturity Matrix a b c d e
Assessment at Granulity Level 1 Shortcuts 10 points 20 points 30 points 40 points 50 points
Technology Software SO 20
Hardware HA 10
Network NT 30
Process Leadership LD 20
Human Resources HR 10
Infrastructure IN 10
Products and Services PS 20
Policy Contractual CN 10
Regulatory RG 20
Preparatory PP 10
Stage Stage 1/2 - 20
Scale Organization (9) - 10
Subtotal - 60 100 30
Total points 190
Maturity Score 15,83

partially achieved
fully achieved

Assessment report for Miastoprojekt Wrocław (organisational scale 9) discovered to be at Capability

Stage 1 within the step A (from pre-BIM to object-based modelling) with two on-going projects at initial
step B towards Capability Stage 2 within the software and project deliverables. The overall Maturity
Level Score is 15,83 between a and b – initial(ad-hoc) and defined.
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme – ERASMUS+
European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ 97 Output according to BIM Maturity Matrix (BIMe Initiative, 2016)
Summary: Implementation of BIM is described by the lack of a general strategy with some defined
processes and policies, mostly among non-BIM projects. Moreover, BIM software tools are not deployed
within the company, but are used by appointed parties during the design and construction phase.
Therefore, BIM adoption in Miastoprojekt Wroclaw is only partially achieved through the efforts of
external specialists on two on-going pilot projects but not within the whole organization (BIMe Initiative,

Technology: Software usage/introduction is not unified in the company, but managed and controlled
within appointed parties on two projects, where 3D Models are used to generate specified 2D as well
as 3D files. Therefore, data use, storage, and sharing within organizations and project teams are well
established. Similarly, interoperable exchange of data is specified and given priority. Hardware
requirements are non-uniform and inconsistent between the employees’ skills and expected BIM
deliverables. Equipment replacement and upgrades are regarded as products of expense, deferred
wherever necessary, and committed only when inevitable. Nevertheless, the network solutions through
their platforms such as DCS and DMS. Tools for managing content are deployed to monitor structured,
and unstructured data exchanged through routine bandwidth connections (BIMe Initiative, 2016).

Process: Senior leaders/managers in the company may have adopted a shared vision about BIM.
Similarly, BIM and its implementation perform without the overall strategy and lack actionable details.
Therefore, BIM is viewed as a source of technology without much regard for its mechanism and policy
consequences. Business opportunities that emerge from BIM are therefore found but not utilized. The
working environment is not considered as a factor in employee satisfaction/motivation and is
unproductivity-friendly. Accordingly, expertise and best practices are not recognized as an
organizational asset and are communicated primarily informally among staff – through tips, strategies
and eventually learned lessons.

Moreover, BIM objects (components, parts or families) are defined and in BEP in two projects. Thus, 3D
models deliverables (as BIM products) are adequately described into levels of details. In most projects,
the visual consistency of the 2D representations is given more importance than the accuracy of the 3D
model (if the model exists). The organization's services and products reflect a fraction of the capacities
inherent in the free software resources available for modelling quality controls or formal audit
procedures (BIMe Initiative, 2016).

Furthermore, BIM Projects are planned independently and supposed to be conducted with practices
described in BEP, but within the organization, BIM processes are absent. As a result, management is
unaware of staff competency levels, responsibilities are unclear, and team structures pre-date BIM.
Correspondingly, employees regarding technological and operational workflows are neither structurally
qualified nor introduced into BIM systems. Although, the employees have consistent knowledge about
existing policies and circulations within the company. Performance is inconsistent, and success relies on
the efforts of external BIM experts within design and construction teams. Also, inside one's initiatives,
a mindset of "working outside the system" affectations. Finally, performance is inconsistent, especially

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98 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
among the workload and latency with circulations, is kind of monitored through the platform activity
and eventually manually reported (BIMe Initiative, 2016).

Policy: Basic BIM guidelines are defined in BEP such as documentation protocols, modelling and BIM
delivery standards. They are introduced to specifications which are approved by the industry. Though,
for 3D models and 2D representation, quality standards and performance benchmarks are set in a minor
way. There are no training policies and educational material, and when available, are not suitable or
accessible to staff. So far, within four years there were conducted two short BIM trainings for some of
the employees. Contractually, the company mostly relies on pre-BIM arrangements with little BIM-
specific risk detection and mitigation strategy. However, some BIM requirements are recognised with a
definition of responsibility regarding the information management (BIMe Initiative, 2016).

Process areas to focus: Workforce Planning, Competencies Analysis and Development, Training and
Development, Performance Management, Communication and Coordination, Staffing, Work
Environment (BIMe Initiative, 2016).

3.8. Talent management

Talent management is one of the proposed solutions for improving high business performance by
optimizing employee’s performance. It should be developed parallelly with the identification of the
organizational goals and strategic priorities for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw. It is essential to translate these
primacies into talent management practices of attracting, securing and retaining highly skilled

The company strategy is not going to be executed immediately, although it requires addressing and
filling the talent gaps to increase organizational productivity and employee’s efficiency. Typically, it takes
couple of years to execute a strategy fully. For this reason, it is crucial to establish and define the
consecutive steps of talent management strategy, as the ones shown in figure (3.8.1).

Figure 3.8.1 Talent management strategy steps

Talent Recruitment Performance Compensation
development Retention
review and selection management and reward
and training

Miastoprojekt Wroclaw requires clear career progression, structured experience and comprehensive
skills development in order to shift towards fully integrated BIM. That demands considerable investment
in knowledge, training of employees and technology necessaries for the process. The creation of a new
workflow, the methodology involves the restructuration. Especially structured training in BIM skills with
examination is crucial, as presented in figure (3.8.2). Therefore, the educated people with adequate
skills are needed to make an impact within the organization. To achieve all of that, the company should
as well define its criteria to enable tracking progress, such as leading and lagging key performance
indicators (KPIs). Leading KPIs are less accurate but help to predict effectiveness. Whereas lagging KPIs
are descriptive and accurate, because they relate to the past (Badawy et al., 2016).

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Figure 3.8.2 BIM skills development roadmap (BSI Global Marketing, 2020)
BIM Handover
BIM Project Information
BIM Delivery / BIM Exchange BIM
Fundamentals Asset Security Health Practical
•Exam and BIM and Application
•Exam Managment
•BIM Project Safety
•Exam Information

3.8.1. Function and skills according to ISO 19650

Miastoprojekt Wrocław as the substitutive investor is managing information on behalf of a clients,
hence, fulfilling the role of the Appointing Party – Project Team, centrally located circle with letter A, as
presented on the following figure (3.8.3).

Figure 3.8.3 Interfaces between parties and teams (Bolpagni et al., 2020)
In the context of the ISO 19650 in BIM process, company would be the owning the appointment/project
to assure that client’s information management functions (figure 3.8.4) is fulfilled by employees or
people acting on company’s behalf or a combination of both. The main tasks include helping the client-
specific information requirements to realise maximum benefit of BIM and supporting the entire project
team. First, Miastoprojekt Wroclaw should focus on compiling the functions of Appointing Party (figure
3.8.4) by developing individual skills of information requirements and delivery management presented
in table (3.8.1) based on thorough study of ISO 19650-2 standard.

The development of BIM within company leads into new work processes, new definitions and
terminology for a common understanding needs to be established. It is essential to educate the whole
organisation to ensure that all employees about BIM. The training should relate to the function or role
each employee has, both in the company and in projects. Key issues include:

• calculation of a tender and delivery of a bid, for legal and economic implications of requirements
and deliverables

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100 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
• management of a BIM project, for interaction and deliverables for each stakeholder,
• use of BIM technology for time, quality, cost and risk management
• preparation of BEP appointed to future BIM manager
Once a national knowledge is established, BIM certification should be a priority for dedicated BIM
personnel and any individuals with direct control over the BIM implementation process.

Figure 3.8.4 Appointing Party functions according to ISO 19650-2.

Requirements and Standards and References

Milestones Procedures resources

Capability and Common Data Verification and

Capacity Environment Validation

Table 3.8.1 Appointing Party skills according to ISO 19650-2.

Appointing Party skills
Information management Information requirements Information delivery
management management
• Understanding the • Capturing the stakeholders • Detailed knowledge of the
business needs procurement process
• Consulting with • Translating needs into • Assessing the capacity of
stakeholders contractual requirements suppliers during their
• Understanding the • Reviewing plans to check appointment
procurement process and consistency with • Information verification
gateways requirements and validation
• Representing the
information management
function in project

Miastoprojekt Wroclaw shortly wants to develop the design department. Hence, the main functions for
both Lead Appointed Party and Appointed Party (figures 3.8.5 and 3.8.6) should be provided in the
investment process. Consequently, the adequate skills are required to be developed for (task)
information, coordination, interface, management and information generation, as presented in tables
(3.8.2 and 3.8.3). The main tasks for Lead Appointed Party include coordinating information between
the delivery team and the appointing party, as well as ensuring that the entire delivery team
understands and can meet the project’s BIM requirements. Whereas for Appointed Party is creation of
a consistent approach amongst the entire task teams to fulfil BIM appointment requirements.
Furthermore, designers need to learn how to implement the information into the model and to use the
model throughout the process as a primary deliverable.

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Figure 3.8.5 Lead Appointed Party functions according to ISO 19650.

Enforce the
Establish and procedures for
Cascade information Collate information
communicate the managing
requirements exchange
federation strategy information and the

Coordinate Help to decide how

Develop and update May involve some
information to coordination
the MIDP training and coaching
production issues are resolved

Table 3.8.2 Lead Appointed Party skills according to ISO 19650.

Appointing Party skills
Coordination management Information management Interface management
• Technical project • CDE processes •Understand technical
knowledge • Project understanding issues
• Lead meetings • Team structures and • Understand federation
• Resolve disputes dynamics strategy
• Problem-solving
Information Generation Task Information Management
• Technical knowledge • Check WIP info
• Produce info deliverables as agreed • Enforce team procedures
• Agree team standards

Figure 3.8.6 Appointed Party functions according to ISO 19650.

Generate Check information Establish the task

information before sharing delivery plan

Collaborate to Respect the

Assign status
resolve issues federation strategy

Table 3.8.3 Appointed Party skills according to ISO 19650.

Appointing Party skills
Interface management Information Generation Task Information Management
• Understand technical • Technical knowledge • Check WIP info
issues • Produce info deliverables • Enforce team procedures
• Understand federation as agreed • Agree team standards
• Problem-solving

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102 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
3.9. BIM Uses
Penn State BIM Uses (table 3.9.1) includes the scope of work and the step of the project within the
lifecycle and the level of development of the model (PSU, 2020). Moreover, they give data to create the
BIM Objective and Responsibility Matrix according to the use of BIM in a particular stage of the project,
and relate the BIM deliverables to the current 2D practices.

Concerning BIM Excellence (BIMe), there are Model Uses (one type of Information Uses) which identify
the Information Requirements within 3D digital models without specifying the project’s phase. Model
Uses are grouped into three categories: general, domain and custom. They simplify the identification of
information requirements in the project thanks to division into different disciplines for specific and
option to particular group uses for a specific and individual type of coordination process. However, they
do not relate the BIM deliverables to the current 2D practices.

In the below table (3.9.1) to the original primary Penn State BIM Uses, some additional BIMe Model
Uses (with * before the name) were added to the adequate phase within the lifecycle. Few of the specific
BIMe Model Uses’ descriptions coincide with the general Penn State ones. These model uses an
alternative to defining BIM uses, illustrating the primary purpose that they fulfil on a project, along with
additional attributes worth developing within the further BIM adoption stage in company. For instance,
it would be useful to put more attention on Quantity Take-Off, Clash Detection, Constructability Analysis
and eventually Field BIM, Handover and Commissioning, BIM/FM Integration (BIMFMI).

According to Miastoprojekt Wrocław company profile, which is the substitutive investor, they are mostly
responsible for whole supervision of the execution of a project, acting on behalf of the client. However,
the firm provides as well services widely connected with construction such as cost estimation,
investment settlement and quality coordination. Even though, there is a plan for running the design
department in the future, and the company should first focus on developing primary BIM Uses that
matching their profile, thus, connected with reviewing, coordinating and managing. The general
recommendation is first to invest in Cost Estimation, Phase Planning, Design Reviews and 3D
coordination. In the following part of the thesis, there are the short descriptions of the selected BIM
Uses for the primary implementation, together with resources and competencies requirements. Once
the BIM adoption is at a more advanced stage, it is suggested to introduce slowly other primary BIM
Uses for modelling and design that go along with the company’s desired development. It follows that
Design Authoring, Spatial Programming, Energy Analysis, and eventually Record Modelling with 3D
Control and Planning should be adopted.

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Table 3.9.1 Penn State BIM Uses with additional BIMe Model Uses (*)
Existing Conditions Existing Conditions Existing Conditions Existing Conditions
Modelling Modelling Modelling Modelling
Cost Estimation Cost Estimation Cost Estimation Cost Estimation
Phase Planning Phase Planning Phase Planning
Spatial Programming Spatial Programming
Site Analysis Site Analysis
Design Reviews Design Reviews Design Reviews
Design Authoring Design Authoring
*Quantity take-off *Quantity take-off
* Constructability Analysis
Energy Analysis
Structural Analysis
Lighting Analysis
Mechanical Analysis
Other Eng. Analysis
Sustainability (LEED)
Code Validation
3D Coordination 3D Coordination
*Clash Detection *Clash Detection
Site Utilization Planning
Construction System
Digital Fabrication
3D Control and Planning
*Field BIM
Record Modelling Record Modelling
*Handover and
* BIM/FM Integration
Building Maintenance
Building System Analysis

Asset Management
Space Management /
Disaster Planning

Primary BIM Uses

Secondary BIM Uses
Primary BIM Uses highly recommended to develop as first in the company

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3.9.1. Cost Estimation (5D cost estimation) (PSU, 2020). Description
It is a process for which BIM can be used in the company to assist the generation of accurate quantity
take-offs and cost estimates throughout the life cycle of a project, typically undertaken by a quantity
surveyor or pre-contract estimator. Potential value for the company
• Precisely quantify modelled materials
• Generate more cost estimates at a faster rate
• Better visual representation of project and construction elements that must be estimated
• Provide cost information to the owner during the early decision-making phase of design and
throughout the project lifecycle, including changes during construction
• Added to a construction schedule (such as a 4D BIM model) a BIM developed cost estimate can help
track budgets throughout construction
• Quickly determine costs of specific objects Resources Required
• Model-based estimating software
• Design authoring software.
• Accurately built design model with quantity surveyor needs in mind.
• Cost data (Including Masterformat and Uniformat data) Team competencies required
• Ability to define specific design modelling procedures to accurate quantity take-off information
• Ability to identify quantities and their suitability for the appropriate design and estimate phase
• Ability to adjust a cost plan to suit data available in the model throughout the design phase Potential output information
• Quantity take-off information in defined structure
• Cost estimate Procurement considerations
• Define cost estimation requirements in the design BIM brief
• Communicate that the Quantity Surveyor or precontract Estimator is responsible for the cost
estimate, and the model is to be used as a support tool. It does not replace the traditional
responsibilities of the Quantity Surveyor such validity of the source data and source materials,
ensuring the coverage of the take-off, proposing alternative solutions and analysing the results.

3.9.2. Phase planning (4D modelling) (PSU, 2020) Description
It is a process in which a 4D model (3D models with the added dimension of time) is used to effectively
plan the phased occupancy in a renovation, retrofit or addition, or to show the construction sequence
and space requirements on a building site.

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European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ 105 Potential value for the company
• Better understanding of the phasing sequence by the owner and project participants, showing the
critical path of the project
• Monitor actual progress on site against the programme and critical path activities
• Identify programme, sequencing, or phasing issues
• Integrate planning of human, equipment and material resources with the BIM model and estimate
the cost of the project
• Space and workspace conflicts identified and resolved ahead of the construction process
• More readily constructible, operable and maintainable project Resources required
• Design authoring software
• Scheduling software
• 4D modelling software Team competencies required
• Knowledge of construction programming and general construction process (a 4D model is
connected to a programme and is therefore only as good as the programme to which it is linked)
• Knowledge of 4D software: import geometry, manage links to programmes, produce and control
animations, ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D model. Procurement considerations
• If the contractor expects to use design models for 4D modelling, define it in the design BIM brief

3.9.3. Design review (PSU, 2020) Description
A process in which stakeholders view a 3D model and provide their feedback to validate multiple design
aspects. These aspects include evaluating the meeting programme, previewing space aesthetics and
layout in a virtual environment, and setting criteria, such as layout, sightlines, lighting, security,
ergonomics, acoustics, textures and colours. Potential value
• Easily communicate the design to the owner, construction team, and end-users
• Significantly increase coordination and communication between different parties, which is more
likely to generate better decisions for design
• Eliminate costly and timely traditional construction mock-ups
• Different design options and alternatives may be easily modelled and changed in real-time during
design review, based on end-user or owner feedback
• Create a shorter and more efficient design and design review process with instant feedback
• Evaluate the effectiveness of design in meeting building programme criteria and owner needs Resources required
• Design review software
• Hardware which is capable of processing potential large model files

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• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D model
• Ability to model photos realistically including textures, colours, and finishes
• Strong sense of coordination, including understanding the roles and responsibilities of team
• Strong understanding of how building/facility systems integrate Procurement considerations for the company
• Define in the BIM brief the expected minimum number of design reviews required

3.9.4. 3D coordination (PSU, 2020) Description
It is a process used throughout the coordination process to determine conflicts of geometry within the
BIM model that would result in problems on site. Potential value
• Coordinate building project through a model
• Reduce and eliminate on-site conflicts, which reduce RFIs significantly, compared to other methods
• Increase productivity and decrease construction time due to More accurate As-Built drawings
• Reduce rework on-site and construction cost through potentially fewer variations Resources required
• Design authoring software
• Model review application
• Clash detection software Team competencies required
• Ability to deal with people and project challenges
• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D model, to run clash detection software
• Knowledge of BIM model applications for facility updates and building systems Procurement considerations for the company
• Define in the BIM brief the minimum number of formal 3D coordination reviews, the responsible
party (the lead the architect, a third-party) and expected workflows or processes (if applicable)

3.10. BIM Implementation

The key to the success of using BIM in an organization is its appropriate implementation plan, adapted
to the scale of the projects and type of the company. Correct development and coordination of the BIM
play a crucial role in integrating the processes involved within the life cycle of the project by improved
building efficiencies. The general concept is presented in the figure Successful implementation of BIM
requires a careful and structured approach that takes into account many integrated aspects of the
company's operations, from vision and leadership, to the people who will use BIM in their daily project
execution. In the following table (3.10.1), the main BIM implementation plans at the organizational level
and with a pilot project were described. The guidelines are the own perspectives of literature studies

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on relevant case studies of BIM implementation listed within the references and outputs from BIMA +
European Master and other similar BIM courses.

Figure 3.10.1 BIM Implementation general plan

- Set the goals for company

- Understanding requirements
- Systems/procedures in place
- Process, systems,people, project

- Training (process/software)
- Technical Support

- Criteria for measurment
- Lesson Learnt

Table 3.10.1 BIM implementation plan at organizational level vs in a pilot project

BIM Implementation
Why? What? What do you want to achieve?
Organizational implementation plan BIM implementation plan
Implementation of the BIM methodology Implementation of the BIM methodology
at the organizational level in a pilot project
• Understand the BIM concepts and definitions, • Transform strategy into the action steps.
standards and specifications. • Select the individual activators for the
• Define the organization type to specify BIM areas beginning implementation.
for development and the strategic documents. • Choose a team and a leader.
• Set the organization goals which depend on the • Lesson Learnt- learning from own
projects. The benefits usually vary for each project mistakes and successes, drawing
and the beneficiary. conclusions.
• Specify the type of construction projects. • Learn from your own experience.
• Identify the current processes and their problems. • Practical implementation with the
• Choose the space for innovation depending on application of the BIM Uses Cases:
processes. Become familiar with the other BIM - The goal can be achieved with
use cases. several different BIM Uses.
• Determine the team and continuously motivating, - One of the BIM Uses can produce
raising their qualifications. more than one benefit for the
• Define the criteria for assessing the BIM project.
implementation. - Each of BIM Uses generates a cost
for the company.

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3.10.1. BIM Implementation paths
A common mistake at the beginning of implementation is to think of BIM only as a computer program,
instead of a new method of work, a way of intelligent data flow between all stakeholders and project
management. In line with this perspective, the implementation paths in the table (3.10.2) present their
main assumptions. This study recommends applying moderated, gradual path to implement the BIM
methodology effectively. Therefore, all members and departments in the company must collaborate
and combine the efforts. The vision needs to be clearly articulated to towards a common goal.
Accordingly, the structure and strategy need to be re-organized for better information exchange.

Table 3.10.2 BIM Implementation paths

Strategy and analysis ‘Throw at the deep end.’ Graduation
A controlled path, conscious Fast path, requires the help of Moderated, gradual and
decisions - often slows down BIM external specialists difficult path to implement
• Analysis and evaluation of • Mostly introduced as the • The scope of
the company profile BIM pilot project implementation adapted to
• Defines the strategy and • Rapid transformation from the company and the
the vision to know more or 2D drawings to BIM expectations of the market
less what to achieve at the modelling (Investors)
end • Often there is neither • Tools, the BIM Uses,
• Sets the BIM Use Cases and previous experience nor competences introduced in
priorities training stages, gradually when the
• Requires investment in • Lack of appropriate basics are achieved
tools, trainings and facilities such as tools, • Continuous use of
development competencies, team analyses, concluding the
• Inefficient, often remains • Lack of broader strategy, BIM projects
at a standstill, lowering vision or standards • Trainings are spread over
motivation. introduced the time
• Mostly introduced as a • Ad-hoc problem solving to • Plan B - having collateral
whole implementation cope with the endeavour for unforeseen situations
which is hard to plan such as external support of

BIM should be considered as a strategic process that involves organizational change and innovation
beyond technical aspects. Therefore, the biggest challenges of all implementation processes are related
to the human resources. It is necessary to invest deeply in employees because they affect organizational
procedures directly. Especially, there are several things to consider when implementing any BIM Project
from the management point of view. However, the most important is time. It is necessary for training
team members, adopting the new processes, software’s, creating a collaborative way of working for
faster data exchange within the members. Moreover, the company should develop clear
communication protocols and use the most effective tools for communication. Finally, new procedures
for regular reporting of the project’s progress and status are required within the existing processes.

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3.10.2. Barriers to BIM implementation
Interviewees identified some personal barriers such as lack of understanding of BIM and its benefits,
lack of sufficient training and knowledge in applying current technologies. Among process barriers, legal
issues (ownership of data- traditional procurement) with insufficient collaboration among stakeholders
and time-consuming design were listed in table (3.01.3). For Miastoprojekt Wroclaw business barriers
and problems conclude time and cost of training, lack of contractual arrangements, high cost of
implementation. In contrast, the in technical level there are absence of BIM technical experts, standards
and clear guidelines, sufficient technology infrastructure. Main organization problems identify the
reluctance of the managerial staff, various BIM visions, staff turnover, roles and responsibilities issues,
disrupted workflows, lack of experience and lesson learnt (Know-how), as presented in table (3.10.4)

Table 3.10.3 Barriers to BIM implementation for the company

Low level of knowledge about BIM among Designers
Low awareness of BIM benefits among Investors and Designers
Too low project prices on the polish market
Time-consuming design in the BIM development
Lack of common standards of operation, legislative regulations conducive to BIM
A small number of specialists with design/execution skills based on the BIM
Fear of the risk of change
Reluctance to change the design/construction methodology
Insufficient cooperation between various market entities
The structure of architectural and construction investments
Table 3.10.4 Main problems with BIM implementation for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw
Various visions and definitions to what extent implement BIM
Implementation of the entire BIM at once (large financial outlays)
The reluctance of the managerial staff
No leader, wrong team with lack of knowledge rotation, wrong roles and responsibilities
1 to 1 experiences translation from other 2D design projects and environments
Lack of standards (maintainer, news, implementation is a long process)
Disrupted workflows by focusing on advanced BIM elements like level of detail
Lack of conclusions drawing, lesson learnt
Legal issues (ownership of data- traditional procurement)

3.10.3. BIM Implementation benefits

Some external factors are influencing the BIM implementations in polish companies such as recently
introduced policies for public procurement and documents like BIM Standard PL guiding using BIM data
exchange standards, rules and regulations. However, the main internal push factors for Miastoprojekt
Wroclaw are desire for innovation with competitive advantages and differentiation in the market.
Together with top management support for the development of the design department, the following
benefits improving built output quality with BIM can be perceived, as shown in the figure (3.10.2).

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Namely, respondents reported the following benefits of BIM from Appointing Party perspective: time-
saving, minimizing coordination problems, improving quality and company’s processes, earlier
involvement of the client in the design stage, reducing cost.

Figure 3.10.2 Identification of the potential benefits of creating a digital information model

Occupational safety and health 8D

Sustainable design 7D

Facilities managment (Maintenance) 6D

Cost monitoring 5D

Planning and scheduling 4D

Spatial automation

Compare version with feasibility study

Design, technical and environmental analyzes

Digital twin

3.10.4. Strategic goals

The primary management strategy of Miastoprojekt Wroclaw is the resource management plan. This
strategy aims to encourage innovation and advancement in asset management to enable informed
decision-making, including the use of digital data management workflows, the development of
structured data sets and BIM standards.
Using digital data management and BIM workflows supports the overall asset management objective,
including the creation of information models for resources being planned, rebuilt, or existing to transmit
more accurate information through the construction process.
The strategic goals of Miastoprojekt Wroclaw are presented as following:
1. Strategic business activities to provide more comprehensive benefits and opportunities:
conducting construction, risk management, identifying areas of new activity (with particular
focus on the design), cost automation, supporting own decisions and recommendations
2. Managing the delivery of real estate construction services to ensure continuous
improvement of efficiency.
3. Raising awareness of asset management and ensuring a transparent decision-making
process for facility asset management and its use.

3.11. Achieving Information Flow

The problem observed in practice indicates that employees have several issues with the information
management with digitised traditional processes. There is a need to introduced more integrated forms
of project delivery with a joint agreement about the exchange and flow of information. To provide a
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continuous and effective data flow, the requirements and quality of information have to become
explicit. Only when the requirements within the projects are known can they be assured of being
fulfilled. The need for a defined organizational purpose increases the need for precise information

3.11.1. The OIR Framework

For successful implementation of BIM regarding the ISO 19650 series, the Miastoprojekt Wroclaw
should start with the statement of need, the precise definition of the information requirements,
principles of information management and expected benefits. Different types of information need to
be clarified to provide the structure and exchange requirements. Likewise, the processes should be

An organization should develop digital data management workflows and structured strategy integrated
into the organization framework. Miastoprojekt Wroclaw mission and goals should be consolidated in
OIR document that includes the establishment and categorization of information requirements to meet
the needs of the asset management system. Identification of the OIR’s will require input from different
departments within the company. Data will be needed in particular from the employees involved in the
strategic decision making. Therefore, it is essential to understand what the decision-making process is.
In the case of the audited firm, entity that makes investment decisions is based on the owner, directors,
partly project sponsors and project managers within the specific project.

The OIR template will provide an opportunity to collaborate and integrate information requirements at
an organization level. While creating the final OIR, proper consideration should be given to the security
implications of access to each piece of data. The OIR will be based on high team requirements, to
complete the OIR template, information on these requirements must be provided and will be further
developed and extended in the AIR (BSI, 2014). Along with the conventional instruction on building
function, form, economy and timing factors, the final OIR will support decisions that generate
information out of the model at each information exchange point (Bolpagni et al., 2020). The BIM
generates the best value when project starts with purpose and focuses on gathering useful, targeted
information throughout the whole asset lifecycle (CIBSE, 2017). The proposed framework of OIR will
help the team to aim on clients' information goals while avoiding the technical details of their collection
and compilation (this is described in the AIR. The OIR would be used to capture the information required
by the Miastoprojekt Wroclaw, which ultimately will help in defining an asset management strategy and
project information capture requirements.

The OIR can be created in many ways, such as a simple document, spreadsheet, or a series of fields in a
database. The actual mechanism of how the requirements are stored and distributed depends on the
organization (CIBSE, 2017). As this is a requirements document, it should establish rules and standards
by asking questions. The responses to these questions could be of a form that can be used to fulfil each
requirement from the regular operation or design activities associated with the organization’s assets,
preferably in a digital way. Each requirement should be phrased in a structured, or expected form of
response may be given as closed question with a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

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112 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
In reality, this system is rarely automated, and OIRs are usually in document form. Information
requested should cover areas including financial, environmental, performance and satisfaction ratings
(CIBSE, 2017). It will give a good view of the quality of the assets at the organization level to assist in
decision making concerning the assets. It should help in finding what is essential to understand when
running the organization. The OIR must be adhered to and followed by all employees in the company.

Identification of questions that the company should answer in order to develop a strategy for the OIR:
• how much time and money will be required to create a data and file store
• how much time and money must be spent for identifying the required information
• how much time and money will be required to collect this data
• what type of people and how many will be needed to run the job and provide management
• what software tools will be used to extract data from the information model and generate reports.

3.11.2. Information requirements

To achieve the strategic goals of the organization, Miastoprojekt Wroclaw defines the scope of activities
and defines how the collected and processed information should be used. It was developed based on
PAS1192-3: 2014, Annex A (BSI, 2014) and own activities in the field of asset management of
Miastoprojekt Wroclaw.

Specific asset management activities (BSI, 2014):

1. Optimizing the asset management strategy and optimizing its asset management plan(s).
a. Asset accounting, activity costing, forecasting.
b. Provide a visual/graphical data summary of assets.
c. Planning and budgeting.
d. Maintenance, inspection, condition and performance monitoring;
2. Assess its overall financial performance.
a. Assess the financial benefits of planned improvement activities.
b. Make life cycle cost comparisons of alternative capital investments.
c. Determine the cost of specific activities.
d. Undertake financial analysis of planned income and expenditure.
e. Obtaining/calculating asset replacement values
3. Model the asset to support operational decision making.
a. Assess priorities for the future planning of design, construction, repair and maintenance.
b. Support in making informed decisions regarding activities related to the process.
c. Asset modifications, refurbishment, replacement, reuse, disposal, recycling.
d. Support energy efficiency and safety, health and environmental management.
4. Undertake the on-going identification, assessment and control of asset-related risks.
a. Risk assessment and management.
b. Contingency planning and emergencies.
c. Innovation and change management
5. Support the activities related to quality assurance and performance management.

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a. Reduction of work duplication and overproduced information, making information available
to a broader audience, promoting collaboration and improving efficiency.
b. Facilitation of creating data-driven reports for a range of applications/stakeholders.
c. Improvement of performance while compiling/submitting applications.
d. Facilitation of careful data management at the component level.
6. Data, information and knowledge management;
a. Human resources, skills development and competencies.
b. Establishment of the organization information resource.
c. Verifying legacy data and knowledge lacks.
d. Data creation where there are gaps, such as survey data.
e. Development of CDE where all departments and stakeholders can access asset information.
7. Promotion of consistent national and international standards
a. Compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations.

3.11.3. Strategic objectives

Miastoprojekt Wroclaw BIM strategy is based on asset management strategy and takes into account
both organisational and asset information requirements (Ashworth, Tucker and Druhmann, 2017). A
major strategic priority is to ensure that appropriate and high-quality information generated during the
BIM process can be combined with information and organization management systems of the company.
BIM models and other data created by the project team to assist the improvement of the management,
operation and maintenance of the buildings, assets and infrastructure.

The strategic objectives for asset management (Ashworth, Tucker and Druhmann, 2017):

1. To deliver the project following the standards of a design project consistent with BIM Level 2 to
reduce costs and optimise construction.
2. To develop an integrated and collaborative workflow to improve teamwork and collaboration
and enhance design coordination.
3. To ensure an entire asset management lifecycle process and introduce the transition of
appropriate and reliable project data through the client's framework and management

3.11.4. The change of business practices

The adoption of BIM technology requires the integration of the organization's internal environment. At
the very beginning, Miastoprojekt Wroclaw should focus on changing and improving its business
practices in order to increase work efficiency and surpass workflows. In the following table (3.11.1),
some of the proposals are presented.

Accreditation programs based on ISO 19650 gives company a consistent means of assessing the
capabilities for better staff trainings, and less time required to familiarise with processes and induction
of procedures. Clearly, investment in office system based on ISO 19650 gives more reliable results and
raise in productivity.

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Table 3.11.1 Proposals for business practices improvements
Improved electronic information exchange with a reduction of the maximum amount of
manual data entry. Automatization of reports, elimination of manual reports.

Time reduction or elimination of tasks with little or no value.

Reduction of time devoted to ‘defence’ documentation. Automatizing the creation of

reports, registers, protocols.

Integration of the construction cost estimate with building information by using dedicated
plugins in chosen programs for modelling.

Reorganize the business processes by performing tasks simultaneously (parallel) instead of

sequentially, especially in circulation in the DCS platform.

Automate the real-time monitoring and analyse the operating systems and hardware used
in the company.

Analyse the information flow and its accuracy, consistency, completeness and reliability. All
information should be entered only once, verified, and if relevant and classified, should
have introduced accurate metadata.

3.11.5. Defining guidelines on the scope of the strategy

Information management is a key function of project delivery, according to ISO 19650, requires the
appointing party – Miastoprojekt Wroclaw to carry out specific functions mentioned in chapter 3.8.3.
(clear set of information requirements, capability and capacity assessment, verification, validation). BIM
adoption is an organizational change at the business level. Currently, there is a need to increase the
level of comprehension of the BIM principles, rules and terminology among employees through
enhanced training (Ashworth, Tucker and Druhmann, 2017). The outlined concepts provide practical
advice for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw regarding how they can develop a BIM strategy and OIR document at
the start of the BIM adoption and remain engaged through the whole implementation process. Equally
with the use of the existing suite of BIM standards and guidelines. The general scope is presented below
in figure (3.11.1).

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Figure 3.11.1 Guidelines on the scope of the strategy
1. Defining BIM implementation goals tailored to the company

2. Organization and team assessment

3. Assessment of the current use of BIM

4. Defining roles in the BIM process, process mapping to change them to work according to BIM

5. Initiating the development of documentation and standards

6. Employee training: methodology and technology

7. Introduction of IT infrastructure and software

8. Pilot project, team and leader selection

9.Test and development of documentation and standards

10. Monitoring, drawing conclusions

3.11.6. Defining framework of the scope of the strategy

Based on the analysis of the current status of BIM Maturity level and its implementation of the project
model and information, human resources status and other aspects of the analysis, the company should
establish comprehensive BIM Implementation team, with initially chosen BIM Champion, unified the
BIM technology application and training program for the whole organization. The strategy framework
focuses on general action to follow, further assessments and trainings requirements, guidance of
project practice and organisation workflows. The whole concept tailored accordingly to the needs of
Miastoprojekt Wroclaw is summarised in the following table (3.12.2).

It is essential to think about the change on five levels; why, what, how, when and who. Below there are
some key points to consider:

• Get familiar with the correct terminology and incorporate the terms in approach.
• Define information management objectives for projects and organization.
• Assess current and desired resources (people, procedures, training/skills, IT software/hardware)
• Consider how ISO 19650 can complement current practices.
• Define a plan for acquiring the additional resources. Define the new processes and procedures.
• Use structured CDE which allows automation of processes.
• Define the essential measurements.
• Monitor the progress. Check that milestones and objectives are being achieved.
• Continual Improvement Process.

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Table 3.11.2 Framework of the scope of the strategy for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw

1. The purpose of introducing BIM in Miastoprojekt Wroclaw is BIM Stage 2, when information
management is carried out according to standards and projects are made as models for
separate areas. BIM must be implemented gradually; it is a several years process.
2. Create a survey about the organization and a list organizing employees' knowledge with their
predispositions (how to transfer them into BIM Uses). Case study of the entire organization
on a small hypothetical project in a weekend trip.
3. Defining how to transfer processes based on 2D documentation into ones based on the
model. Creating project cards with the most important information about to show the
essence of the project without additional searching within the documentation.
4. Set the organizational structures and processes to standardize them towards BIM
methodology such as transfer of competences, improvement of the repository and
5. Information management, according to ISO specifications, with adequately defined database
documents. Procedural improvements, templates of documents and circulations paths for
various types and sizes of projects. Creation of decision gates and reminders for users.
6. Short about half an hour weekly training for all co-workers to be update with the BIM
knowledge. Assurance of constant access to sources and data. Ceding duties to colleagues.
Realization of proper BIM Manager training for one or more person. Allow someone to gain
the knowledge by working as an assistant.
7. Purchase of a license for the necessary browsers, such as BIM Collab. At the very beginning
of implementation, the free version should be enough. Using openBIM tools like .ifc files.
8. Performing more pilot BIM topics for competence development. Informing at weekly
meetings what exactly is happening in BIM projects within tools and processes. Ensuring
knowledge transfer for all employees.
9. Test and development of documentation and standards. Creation of full BIM schedule with
proper BIM Asset Management to check the most critical issues for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw.
10. Ad hoc support from external specialists in implementing BIM might be essential.

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The very slow but still on-going digital transformation in Poland environment sector requires new
standards and methods of project delivery. There is a movement within both public institutions and
private companies to develop innovative practices that improve the performance within the
construction environment. The justification for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw for implementing the ISO 19650
series as the standard for information management using BIM comes from the need to improve its
processes and productivity and move towards digital transformation.

Based on the specific characteristics of BIM application and ISO 19650 and PAS standards, combined
with the analysis and assessment of status quo of the company, the general scope for the BIM
implementation strategy was defined for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw. The strategy focuses on strategic
objectives and organization information requirements, to promote the significant adoption of the BIM
processes and workflows, guide project practice and enhance the competitiveness for the company.
Having standardised good quality information means it can be exchanged, integrated for different
purposes across a range of projects. The plan starts from the research company readiness to BIM
adoption and perform organization assessment management processes, standards and platforms
circulations, and obtains the capability level of the company of BIM implementation. Then includes
analyses the status of the application of BIM with application proposals, and then based on the current
situation and industry development trend to develop the strategic objectives for pushing the company
towards BIM implementation. Consequently, the guidelines and for organizational requirements
regarding the quality of information and also accessing and working with the data.

Through the implementation of BIM and associated software, hardware and resources upgrades, BIM
technology will be integrated with project management and organizational information systems such as
DMS and DCS platforms. This integration will ultimately support the development of project lifecycle
management services. At the same time, Miastoprojekt Wroclaw should pay attention to construction
industry development and business innovation, and continuously improve the service quality and
company value. The company should aim to dominate the skills and functions of the appointing party
accordingly to ISO 19650 and then strive to fulfil some competencies of designers as the appointed party
standard represents. To achieve this requires more than new technologies, it needs new operating
models that move from traditional ways of working to collaboration across involved parties, plus new
standards, policies and capabilities. Developing new integrated business models and exploring
information framework across the organization will enable Miastoprojekt Wroclaw to capitalise on the
digital transformation agenda.
4.1. Results of organisation research and assessment
The company readiness and capability to BIM adoption is an organizational decision related to the
recognized benefits of BIM, managerial support towards the implementation of BIM, organizational
level of flexibility towards the change, initial funding issues and strategic objectives. Within the
Miastoprojekt Wroclaw, BIM implementation is characterised by the absence of an overall strategy with
some defined processes and policies, mostly among non-BIM projects. BIM software tools are not
deployed within the company, but are used by appointed parties during the design and construction

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118 European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+
phase. BIM adoption is only partially achieved through the efforts of external specialists on two on-going
pilot projects but not within the whole organization.

Assessment report for Miastoprojekt Wrocław (organisational scale 9) discovered to be at Capability

Stage 1 within the step A (from pre-BIM to object-based modelling) with two on-going projects at initial
step B towards Capability Stage 2 within the software and project deliverables. The overall Maturity
Level Score is between a and b – initial(ad-hoc) and defined.

Miastoprojekt Wrocław, as the substitutive investor, acting on behalf of the client, is mostly responsible
for whole supervision of the execution of a project. The general recommendation for the company is to
invest on developing primary BIM Uses (Cost Estimation, Phase Planning, Design Reviews and 3D
coordination) connected with reviewing, coordinating and managing among their current employees.
Once the BIM adoption is at a more advanced stage, it is suggested to introduce slowly other
competencies for modelling and design.

4.2. Framework for OIR implementation

The OIR template has been structured to offer Miastoprojekt Wroclaw a starting point to create an OIR.
However, the company needs to tailor the OIR to their own strategic goals on the managerial level. The
guidance suggests to start by understanding the management of their assets before establishing the
aims for OIR. The information requirements were developed from the perspective of the appointing
party and to meet the company needs. The earlier studied BS and PAS BIM standards were used
throughout the development of the OIR document. The template includes a guidance section at the
front to be later removed after the draft has been developed and is ready for use in the company.

4.3. Framework of the scope of implantation strategy

The primary management strategy of Miastoprojekt Wrocław is the asset management plan. The goal
of this strategy is to encourage creativity and innovation in the management of assets, such as the use
of digital data management workflows, the development of structured data sets and BIM standards to
enable rational decision making. Using digital data management and BIM workflows supports the overall
asset management aim, including developing information models for assets being designed, renovated,
or existing to transmit more accurate information throughout the construction process.

Some practical implications for company substitute investor profile can be draw. The implementation
should have an appropriate financial buffer for expensive software, better hardware and proper
employees’ trainings to obtain adequate skills and BIM Uses. However, the costs of implementing BIM
can be offset by the long-term potential cost savings. Moreover, the company should have a BIM
champion with the proper energy and enthusiasm for the changes. This person should support the team
daily in terms of technical knowledge and also improves their morale. The first BIM design topic should
be simple in order not to face both BIM and design difficulties while working, which could quickly revert
to the old, 2D-orientated tools. Also, employees should use standard BIM protocols and follow the
requirements from ISO 19650 and PAS standards.

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European Master in Building Information Modelling BIM A+ 119
These results help the company to be highly aware of BIM and understand its benefits, barriers and the
main push factors to implement BIM. Together with the recognition of the desirable level of practice
and the corresponding measurable phenomenon, which can then be introduced. Applying the
developed strategy from the defined scope ensures the success of the BIM implementation which in
turn improve the company performance and effectiveness, solving the project's issues and enhance the
competitiveness in the AEC industry in Poland.
4.4. Limitation and assumptions of research
There is a difficulty to provide a proper image for any substitute investor for construction industry in
Poland, due to the small sample size as a limitation of this study. BIM adoption in Poland is still at its
early stage. Thus there are not many BIM professionals or enthusiasts. Even though, the Polish
government has recently introduced policies and instruments supporting BIM implementation; there is
a considerable gap in building law, hence, no consistent demand in the construction industry. However,
analysis of interviews is valid as the sample size satisfied the specific company requirements and needs
to obtain a representative result. Moreover, the respondents were mostly all permanent employees
from Miastoprojekt Wroclaw, such as project managers and site engineers. The respondents, as the
participants of construction investment, interact with other project stakeholders, although no
responses were directly received from contractors or designers, except three external BIM Managers.
Lastly, the findings of this study should be interpreted in the context of Poland, and it may be challenging
to generalize
the research findings to other company’s profile than substitute investor.

The research is limited to:

• The presented scope of this research (chapter 1.5).
• The influence of governmental impact is not altogether estimated.
• Duration of the dissertation is a few months.

4.5. Further research

Further research might help to demonstrate the embedded processes and procedures in the company
that require adjustments to achieve the capability to deliver a BIM project. It can be achieved by
evaluating project progress and by defining the discrepancy between the design information needed
and the design information provided. This assessment involved user design information, such as
contractors, subcontractors and designers, to determine the information criteria about entities and
properties and the sequence of deliveries of information.

Moreover, the focus should be put on the criteria to measure BIM implementation systematically in the
company. Continual improvement process means that after each business workflow change or
employees knowledge gain, the basic organizational assessment should be conducted. Consequently,
regular audits give the recognition of BIM adoption for Miastoprojekt Wroclaw. Finally, it is
recommended for further research to consider looking at contractually issued AIR with their respective
EIR and BEPs to see how they align with OIR and to consider further reviews with practice to help
improve the current framework and template.

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2D 2-dimensional
3D 3-dimensional
4D 4-dimensional (time)
5D 5-dimensional (cost)
6D 6-dimensional (operation)
7D 7-dimensional (sustainability)
8D 8-dimensional (safety)
AEC Architecture, engineering, and construction
AECO Architecture, engineering, construction and operation
AIA American Institute of Architects
AIM Asset Information Model
AIR Asset information requirements
AM Asset management
BASIR Built Asset Security Information Requirements
BASMP Built Asset Security Management Plan
BASS Built Asset Security Strategy
BCF BIM collaboration format
BEP BIM execution plan
BIM Building Information Model(ing)
BIMA+ European Master in Building Information Modelling
BIMFMI BIM/FM Integration
BLM Building Lifecycle Management
BMS Building Management System
BS British Standard
bsDD buildingSMART Data Dictionary
bSI buildingSMART International
BSI British Standards Institute
CAD Computer-aided design
CAWS Common Arrangement of Work Sections
CDE Common data environment
CESMM Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement
CIBSE Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
CIC Computer Integrated Construction Research Group at Penn State
CIFE Centre for Integrated Facilities Engineering
CMM Capability Maturity Model
CMMS Computerized Maintenance and Management System
COBie Construction Operations Building information exchange
COBIM Common BIM Requirement
CoClass Swedish classification system
DCS Document Circulation System
DMS Document management system
DOC Document file format
DWG Drawing file format
EDMS Electronic data management system
EHS Environment and Health Safety

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EIR Employer’s information requirements
EN European Norm
ENGIE ENGIE multinational electric utility company
EU European Union
EUROFM European Facility Management Network
FM Facilities management
GDDKiA Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad
HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
IAI International Alliance for Interoperability
IDM Information Delivery Manual
IDP Integrated Design Process
IFC Industry Foundation Classes
IFD International Framework for Dictionaries
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
IMP Information Management Process
IPD Integrated project delivery
IR Information requirements
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IT Information technology
KNR Catalogues of Material Expenditure (KNR)
KPI Key performance indicator
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, building rating
LEED system
LOD Level of definition (UK) or level of model detail (USA)
LOI Levels of model information
MAD MAD Engineers Company
MEB Model Element Breakdown
MEP Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing
MIDP Master information delivery plan
MOTA-ENGIL MOTA-ENGIL Construction Company
NATSPEC National BIM Guide in Australia
NBIMS National Building Information Modelling Standard
NBS National Building Specification
NRM New Rules of Measurement
OAM Organization Assessment Model
OIR Organizational information requirements
OmniClass American Construction Specifications Institute
PAM Project Assessment Model
PAS Publicly available specification
PDF Portable Document Format file
PIM Project information model
PIP Project implementation plan
PIR Project Information Requirements
PKN Polish Committee for Standardization
PKOB Polska Klasyfikacja Obiektów Budowlanych
PKP Polskie Koleje Państwowe
PLQ Plain Language Questions

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PN Polish Norm
RACI Responsibility assignment matrix,
RFI Request for information
RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects
SEI Software Engineering Institute
SMP Standard Method and Procedure
STEP Standard for the Exchange of Product model data
SMS Short Message Service
TIDP Task information delivery plan
UK United Kingdom
UN United Nations
Uniclass British unified classification system
US United States
USA United States of America
VDA-FS CAD data exchange format
VDC Virtual design and construction
WARBUD WARBUD Construction engineering company
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
WIP Work in progress

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