Case Study Submission - 1
Case Study Submission - 1
Case Study Submission - 1
2. Inherent design safety, should have been incorporated into facilities handling these
materials and dispersion mechanisms should be always be present and functional.
3. There should always be a limit to the amount of toxic material one can store, process
design that needs to take into consideration and try to minimize it.
4. It should be taken into consideration that a safety valve should only open when the
pressure rise inside the vessel threatens its integrity but not with any minor pressure
deviation. Nevertheless, when the risk of an excessive in temperature, in the case of
highly exothermic or runaway reactions, a compromise needs to be made so as when
the venting starts.
5. It is crucial to have strict procedures for disabling any safety equipment and try to keep
it to minimum.
6. Regular and effective maintenance is important in any plant and immediate action
should be taken when anything unusual is detected.
7. A simple safety device called slip line would have been installed into pipes to serve as
a watertight seal and blocks the flow of water, which was not installed in Bhopal plant.