City Fight
City Fight
City Fight
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agree between them which combination of In addition to the Secondary Objectives literally. An army which has attackeda city
mission and deployment will be used in a described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, and penetrated deep into its interior might
game, or roll on the following tables: some Battles in the Age of Darkness: City find the tables turned as enemy reserve units —
Fight missions feature several additional close in upon it from all directions, forcing
Dé City Fight Mission Secondary Objectives: the lead units of its advance to dig in and
Crucial Ground assumea defensive stance.
Purge by Fire At the end of the game, every ruin on In a campaign, the role of the Attacker or the
Vital Prize the battlefield that is occupied earns the Defender can be determined by the ongoing
Fortress of Blood occupying unit’s side 1 Victory point. strategic situation, or players can agree
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detachments, bothin type and number, which may be employed while these optional charts are in use.
grouping of units intended to afford one that has ‘gone to ground in the shattered Crry Ficut Missions
another mutual support in the dense setting remains of a city, taking full advantage of the Players are entirely free to use other Force
of a ruined city. On such a battlefield, dense, confused environs and forcing the Organisation charts in their City Fight
conventional formations break down as enemy to engage them on their own terms. missions, and in most cases the Age of
squadrons of tanks, for example, are easily The warriors of this force know every rat run Darkness Force Organisation chart presented
outflanked by melta bomb-armed infantry, and bolthole in the area and have organised in The Horus Heresy Book One — Betrayal is
artillery batteries are unable to effectively themselves to fully exploit the brutal, bloody- perfectly appropriate, although players will
target foes they cannot observe and infantry handed tactics necessary to fight and win in find themselves needing to adjust their
units struggle to bring heavy weaponry to such an unforgiving battle ground. normal tactics to adapt to the setting.
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*Only one HQ choice may be a Praetor. No Legiones
Astartes Rites of War may be used in conjunction
with this Force Organisation chart.
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* Optional: +1 Troops, +1 Elites, +1 Fast Attack,
+1 Heavy Support
I VSP. 39
+2 Heavy Support
*This must be an Infantry unit.
Fortification Detachment (Optional)
Lords of War Detachment (Optional)
* 1 choice
Troops Troops pets
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When setting up battlefield terrain to should select the tallest city ruin they have take advantage of the topography of these
represent the dense environs of a war- available and place this in the centre of the sections, some parts of which represent open
shattered city, the ideal is to have the tallest table. The players then take it in turns to areas such as roads or plazas, while others are
buildings clustered close to the centre of the place any other ruins they wish between 2" ideal for placing city ruins on.
table in order to break up lines of sight and and 12" of another (2" makes for an alleyway
encourage both sides to get to grips with one only infantry can negotiate, and 12" allowsa
another to achieve their objectives. super-heavy vehicle to rumble through the Home Table Edge
city). Once all of the ruins are placed, players Whichever deployment type is used, the
The majority of the missions that follow can place other items, in particular rubble, player who deployed first must choose
call for the capture of one or more ruins, craters and other debris, rules for which can a single table edge as their home table
and the alternative deployment maps will be found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. edge for the purposes of determining
often define one or both sides’ deployment In addition to these, the Mysterious Terrain the direction of Fall Back moves and for
zone not as an area on the tabletop, but as a described in The Horus Heresy Book One — units entering play from Reserve.
number of ruins. Betrayal can be utilised, as can the Mysterious
Wreckage detailed on page 206. The opposing player then uses the
Players are free to set up terrain in any opposite table edge to the one chosen
manner they wish, but might like to use this If players have access to the Realm of Battle by the player who deployed first as their
system to achievea suitable set-up. First, Cityscape tiles made by Forge World, they own home table edge.
the players should roll off, and the winner might like to adjust the set-up slightly to
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The other player’s deployment zone is
anywhere on the table not within 18" of the
first player’s deployment zone.
When using this form of deployment, roll
off to determine which player's force is
dominating the area at the start of the game.
This player chooses up to half of the ruins
on the table as their deployment zone. Note
that the open ground between each ruin is
not part ofthis deployment zone, only the
interior ofthe ruins themselves.
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This city is host to numerous vital installations, The Battlefield First Turn
from defence arsenals to industrial storage depots. Terrain is placed according to the guidance The player who deployed first may choose to
Inevitably, such sites attract the attentions of those given on page 194, and the deployment map take the first or second turn. If they decide
who would claim them for themselves, Traitors chosen (see page 195). to take the first turn, their opponent may
and Loyalists alike fighting to the last drop of blood attempt to Seize the Initiative (as explained
to take and control such crucial ground. The players then take it in turns (rolling in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook).
off to determine which player does so first)
The Armies identifying a total of D3+1 ruins or buildings Game Length
Armies are chosen according to the (which may not be player-controlled This mission uses the Variable Game Length
guidelines described in The Horus Heresy Book fortifications) anywhere on the table. These rules, as described in the Warhammer 40,000
One — Betrayal. Games can be played within are the key buildings which both sides are rulebook.
any agreed points limit, but the dense terrain attempting to control in the battle, and as
and wide availability of cover makes it most each is identified, the player that does so Victory Conditions
to armies of between 1,500 - 3,000 chooses one of the building types on the At the end of the game, the player who has
table on the opposite page and applies any earned the most Victory points wins the
special rules it possesses. game. If both players earn the same number
of Victory points, the result is a Draw.
Before deploying any forces, each player Primary Objectives
should roll for their Warlord Traits and At the end of the game, each occupied target
psychic powers where necessary. Then, roll building earns the controlling side 2 Victory
offto decide which player chooses to deploy points.
first or second. The player who deploys first
deploys their entire army, except any units Secondary Objectives
that are heldin Reserve, after which the Slay the Warlord, Attrition and Last Man
second player a an in the same manner. Standing.
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The player defending a key building chooses any one of the following special rules to apply to it. Each type of building is numbered on the
chart, allowing for the result to be randomised should both players wish.
City Defence Armoury: What remains of this structure is littered with ammunition cases, power packs and feed lines, allowing troops within
to maintain a prodigious rate offire without consideration of expending their own supplies.
A unit occupying a City Defence Armoury re-rolls To Hit rolls of 1 in the Shooting phase.
Promethium Storage Depot: The shattered rockcrete of this ruin is threaded with exposed promethium conduits fed from bulk storage tanks
sunk in the ground below. By bleeding off controlled amounts offuel, troops can overcharge the pressure on certain weapons, if they are willing to
risk the perils of doing so.
Any flamer weapon fired by a non-vehicle model occupying the Promethium Storage Depot in the Shooting phase can change its
weapon type from Assault to Heavy, or from Pistol to Heavy. If it does so, the weapon gains the Torrent special rule until the end of
that phase.
Each time a unit successfully makes a cover save on a roll of 6 while inside the depot, roll a further D6. Ona roll of 1, the shot has
breached a fuel conduit and the unit which made the cover save immediately suffers an additional Dé Str 4 AP 5 hits with the
Ignores Cover special rule. These additional hits use Random Allocation, and vehicles are hit on their Rear Armour facing.
Vault of Strife: Within the ruin ave scattered numerous artefacts of the Age of Strife, locked away with the coming of Imperial Truth, but now
released by the unleashing of war. They include the writings of madmen and despots, accounts of their horrific deeds and relics of their awful crimes.
To look upon evidence of such times is to be reminded of the horrors of Old Night and to risk the loss of sanity itself.
All units occupying the Vault of Strife cause Fear.
Medicae Facility: Though devastated like so much of the city, this medicae facility still contains sufficient automated chirugenic machines and
apothecarion supplies to tend the wounds of the most grievously injured who can reach sanctuary there.
All units occupying the Medicae Facility gain the Feel No Pain special rule. If they already have this special rule, they gain a +1
bonus to it, up to a maximum of 3+.
Generatorum: The ruin is host to what remains of a power generator facility and some of its sub-systems remain functional. Shunting power
Vox Relay Node: The smashed pict-slates and hissing vox-grilles adorning the interior of this structure mark it as the remains of a
communications hub. Those warriors with the training to do so can patch into what remains of this network and use it to coordinate the
deployment of allied units.
A player with a unit occupying a Vox Relay Node may re-roll Reserves, Outflank and Deep Strike Scatter dice (in the latter case it is
only the Scatter dice itself that is re-rolled, not the distance).
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Assault Captain Tyran Mirr, 45"* Company, Legiones Astartes Sons of Horus
The order has been given — the city is to be First Turn Primary Objective: By Flame and Shell
destroyed one building at a time, no stone is to The player who deployed first may choose to Every building that is aflame (see Mission
be left standing upon another. Whether it is the take the first or second turn. If they decide Special Rules below) at the end of the
Taeredntes mire Belltcesasmagistrerlagatar leben Cifwate pr
vengeful servants of the Warmaster setting all to to take the first turn, their opponent may game earns the Attacker 1 Victory point.
the torch, or Loyalists determined to deny the city attempt to Seize the Initiative (as explained Every building that is demolished earns
to the Traitors, the attackers swarm through the in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook). the Attacker 2 Victory points (which is not
city one sector at a time, a wave of devastation left cumulative with being set aflame).
in their wake. Game Length
This mission uses the Variable Game Length Every building that has neither been set
The Armies rules, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 aflame nor demolished at the end of the
Armies are chosen according to the rulebook. game earns the Defender 1 Victory point.
guidelines described in The Horus Heresy Book
One — Betrayal. Games can be played within Victory Conditions Secondary Objectives
any agreed points limit, but the dense terrain At the end of the game, the player who has Slay the Warlord and Attrition.
and wide availability of cover makes it most earned the most Victory points wins the
suited to armies of between 1,750 - 3,000 game. If both players earn the same number Mission Special Rules
points. of Victory points, the result is a Draw. Reserves, Setting Ruins & Buildings Aflame,
and Demolishing Ruins & Buildings.
In this mission, one side should take the role
of the Attacker and one the Defender. Which
side takes which role can be agreed between Setting Ruins & Buildings Aflame
the players or rolled for randomly. If the In order to set a ruin or building aflame, an Attacking infantry unit must end its
mission is being played as part of an ongoing Movement phase with at least one model within or in base contact with the terrain piece.
campaign, this may be determined by the When this occurs, roll a Dé. On a 1, the flames have failed to catch this turn. On 2+, the
campaign's own rules. target is set alight and should be marked as such with a token or other suitable marker. The
terrain piece immediately becomes dangerous terrain if it was not already. In addition, the
The Battlefield terrain piece now blocks line of sight entirely for any model shooting through it (targets
Terrain is placed according to the guidance within may still be targeted normally but gain the Stealth special rule if they do not have it
_ given on page 194, and the deployment map already while within the terrain piece).
chosen (see page 195).
Demolishing Ruins & Buildings
Deployment In order to entirely destroy a ruin, an Infantry unit must spend an entire turn within or in
Before deploying any forces, each player base contact with it without performing any other actions at all, representing them placing
should roll for their Warlord Traits and a demolition charge. At the start of each of the Attacker’s subsequent player turns, roll a Dé
_ psychic powers where necessary. Then, roll for each charge placed. On aresult of4+, the charge explodes and the ruin is demolished.
=| offto decide which player chooses to deploy A demolished ruin should be replaced with a suitable area of rubble if one is available,
iL _ first or second. The player who deploys first but if not (or if the terrain piece cannot be physically removed from the table) its cover
deploys their entire army, except any units save is reduced to 6+, and it is ignored for the purposes of drawing line of sight. Models
hat are held in Reserve, after which the may still occupy its levels, but it is assumed these are so ramshackle as to afford very little
d player deploys in the same manner. cover. Buildings are destroyed as per the rules given in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook,
or alternatively by the rules found in the Stronghold Assault expansion — decide which by
mutual agreement before the game begins.
“The defenders of Ice Hive Borea were afforded a rare luxury. They were given the chance to surrender. They spurned my generosity and so the offer is withdrawn.
They shall not have a second chance.”
Warsmith Karovon, Legiones Astartes Iron Warriors
deploys their entire army, except any units
The Armies that are held in Reserve, after which the At the end of the game, each side gains 2
Armies are chosen according to the second player deploys in the same manner. Victory points for each enemy unit with
guidelines described in The Horus Heresy Book the Infantry type (other than Independent
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and wide availability of cover makes it most take the first or second turn. If they decide destroyed by the end of the game, they earn 1
suited to armies of between 1,750 - 3,000 to take the first turn, their opponent may Victory point.
points. attempt to Seize the Initiative (as explained
in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook). Secondary Objectives
The Battlefield Take the City, Slay the Warlord and
Terrain is placed according to the guidance Game Length Linebreaker.
given on page 194, and the deployment map This mission uses the Variable Game Length
chosen (see page 195). rules, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Mission Special Rules
rulebook. Reserves.
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q BATTLES IN THE AGE OF Darkness: City Ficut Mission — Vira Prize
{E “What we found in the ruins of Sector 99-Z changed the course of the whole campaign. A single data-crystal, sealed with the highest cipher, which I myself held in
yy my very hand, opened up the route to the outer systems and brought about the defeat of seven entire Traitor army groups.”
tas eels fraatar wareditea more Bellcbas magietre Pleagnater Caen Uereer titers radar dontionen waTe
Amongst the anarchy of battle, one side discovers The Battlefield Game Length
an item of indescribable value to the ongoing war Terrain is placed according to the guidance This mission uses the Variable Game Length
effort and determines to deliver it to safety at any given on page 194, and the deployment map rules, as described in the Warhammer 40,000
cost. The enemy learns of the item’s existence at the chosen (see page 195). rulebook.
last moment and commits all available resources
to intercepting it. Perhaps the item will prove vital The Defender then places an objective Victory Conditions
to the Warmaster’s labyrinthine plans, unlock the marker representing the object of the hunt in At the end of the game, the player who has
next phase of a murderous campaign of conquest, a single ruin or building anywhere they wish earned the most Victory points wins the
or perhaps even prove key to the ultimate defence on the table, and declares its exact nature (see game. Ifboth players earn the same number
of the crucible of Humanity. ‘The Prize’ mission special rule opposite). of Victory points, the result is a Draw.
any agreed points limit, but the dense terrain off to decide which player chooses to deploy
and wide availability of cover makes it most first or second. The player who deploys first Secondary Objectives
suited to armies of between 1,750 - 3,000 deploys their entire army, except any units Slay the Warlord, First Blood and Last Man
points. that are held in Reserve, after which the Standing.
second player deploys in the same manner.
In this mission, one side should take the role Neither side may deploy within the ruin/ Mission Special Rules
Pale Need
EaTapa ae
of the Attacker and one the Defender. Which building that contains the mission’s single Reserves and The Prize.
side takes which role can be agreed between objective marker.
the players or rolled for randomly. If the
mission is being played as part of an ongoing First Turn CAMPAIGN RULE: GRAND STRATEGY
campaign, this may be determined by the The player who deployed first may choose to If this mission is being played as part
campaign's own rules. take the first or second turn. If they decide of an ongoing campaign played using
Seeeeaneaed Nerkeral
to take the first turn, their opponent may the system presented in this or other
attempt to Seize the Initiative (as explained Forge World supplements, the side that
in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook). has possession of the prize at the end of
the game earns an extra D3 Campaign
points on top of any other points they
would have earned.
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THE Prize
The object of the mission is a relic, treated exactly as per the rules given in the Eternal War: The Relic mission in the Warhammer 40,000
em DEP
Carta Bellicosa: The bearer has access to recent and highly accurate reports and cartographical projections of the state of the battlefield, and can
use these to negotiate their route and stay ahead of the advancing foe, as well as provide vital intelligence to their High Command.
The unit carrying the Carta Bellicosa gains the Move Through Cover and Fleet special rules ifthey did not have them already.
Strategic Intelligence: The bearer’s compatriots have learned the enemy’s plan for moving their forces about the city, and can use these details
to anticipate and counter the advance of individual enemy units.
wouPas any
While in a player's possession, once per game turn they may force a single enemy Reserves roll to automatically fail by themselves
rolling a Dé and scoring a 4+.
Crucial Missive: The prize is a vital message which must be carried to their high commanders no matter the odds, and no matter the price in
lives and war machines. The bearer is so determined to fulfil their duty that, for a time at least, they are able to ignore even grievous injuries, at least
while their task remains unfinished.
The bearer of the Crucial Missive and their unit have the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule (or add +1 to a Feel No Pain ability they
already possess up to a maximum of 3+).
Cursed Artefact: So steeped in the unknown touch of the forbidden powers is the prize that an aura of darkness and inhuman horror surrounds
it, an aura so potent that it even makes it arduous for battle-trained psykers to employ their powers against those who bear it.
The unit carrying the Cursed Artefact gains the Fear and Adamantium Will special rules.
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Ppp ees oan =_ Pe ~
; CO Oh Mik ofthe city once stood a splendid The Battlefield First Turn
palace, fortified defence headquarters or some other Terrain is placed according to the guidance The Attacking player may decide to take the
_ erstwhile seat ofpower, sometimes guarded or given on page 194, and the deployment map first turn or to go second; their opponent, the
attended by a still-loyal servant. When the war chosen (see page 195). Defending player, may attempt to Seize the
Cie Ag
| The side defending the Headquarters may, if they wish, choose any one ofthe following special rules to define its exact type. Eachoption
is numbered, allowing for the result to be randomised should both players wish. If possible, the terrain modelin question should visually_
represent the type of Headquarters selected or, if thisis not possible, a token or objective marker should be placed within its boundaries to
clearly markits importance. ye
1 Governor’s Palace: The ruin is that of a portion of the mansion once occupied by the planet’s high ruler; its erstwhile luxury and opulence now
2 Defence Force Headquarters: The planet's headquarters are all but destroyed, its generals fled and its guards long ago slain, but some vital
systems remain functional among the ruins, anda lone, badly wounded strategos officer refuses to abandon their post whilst they remain active.
* The ruins are fortified, increasing the cover save they grant to 3+.
¢ Should a suitable model to represent the last Strategos officer be available (see page 258 for his profile and basic equipment), the
Defender may place this in the ruin when they deploy their army. The Strategos may not voluntarily leave the ruin, and if they are
forced to Fall Back away from it, they are counted as being killed and removed as a casualty.
3. Astropathic Relay: The ruins once houseda relay station or broadcast chamber of the planet’s Astropathic Choir. All of the adepts have long
7 om)
since fled or been slain, and the arcane gear which once allowed them to transmit messages across the stars now bleed warp-static to plague the area
with weird phenomena, and unnatural corposant balefire clings to and glimmers from every surface. The psychic echoes from the terror of the slain
4 Hidden Sub-crypts: The ruin appears nondescript from afar, but in fact hides the entrance to a network of underground tunnels known only to
| the planet’s highest rulers and reserved for their own use.
* The ruins are fortified, increasing the cover save they grant to 3+.
* Once per controlling player’s turn, a single unit with the Infantry type that has been held in Reserve may use the ruin itself as
| their point of entry on to the battlefield rather than normally via Reserves, exiting its environs as if they were disembarking from
a Transport vehicle. There must be sufficient space for the unit to be placed if this ability is to be used however.
5 Atomantic Power Node: The ruin is one of the primary junctions for the city’s wrecked energy grid. Still active and rendered dangerously
unstable by bombardment, the node is nevertheless a potent asset to the defenders’ resistance against the invasion.
¢ The ruins are fortified, increasing the cover save they grant to 3+.
¢ The ruin grants any unit inside it the Night Vision and Interceptor special rules.
* Once per game, the ruin’s controlling player can create a mass power surge, picking one quarter of the table to affect with the
surge. For the duration of the game turn, all open ground in that quarter of the table is classed as dangerous terrain.
6 Doomsday Vault: Hidden beneath the cracked stone floor of the ruin is an armoured chamber, within which is secreted an archaeotech device
of unimaginable potency, whose lethal power is a hazard even to those who would defend it. The vault is attended by an ancient and wizened tech-
savant, by whose efforts the terrors within are imprisoned and who, with but a word, has the power to activate the defensive measures designed to
mercilessly slay whoever would breach the vault’s defences.
* The ruins are fortified, increasing the cover save they grant to 3+, and granting any unit within a 5+ invulnerable save against
shooting attacks originating outside the ruin, regardless of line of sight.
¢ At the start of each game turn, roll a Dé. Ona roll of 1, all models within the ruin must take a Toughness test or suffer a wound.
* Once per game, so long as the ruin is in the possession of the Defending player, and at least one of the Defender’s units is inside
the ruin and neither are Falling Back or engaged in an assault, a special attack may be made in the Defending player’s Shooting
phase. Every model outside ofthe ruin and within 12" of it sustains a Str 4 AP 3 hit with the Fleshbane and Rad-phage special
*e page 245 for details of Rad-phage).
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“The moment the sky fell, 1 knew I was dead. That somehow I continue to draw breath has no relevance. I remain still dead, a silent shade amongst the living. I
will pass through the gates of eternity only with the Traitors ahead of me.”
Unidentified Legionary, Legiones Astartes Raven Guard (unconfirmed)
Uncaring of the cost even to their own warriors The Battlefield Victory Conditions
fighting in the ruined city, one side’s High Terrain is placed according to the guidance At the end of the game, the player who has
Command has signed the city’s execution warrant given on page 194, and the deployment map
vedeles more Tver nate relingadtar Uaborem Cerne tos tartes Brite
points. As a particularly cataclysmic battle, take the first or second turn. If they decide (see the Age of Darkness Battles section of
this mission is also suitable to be played as to take the first turn, their opponent may The Horus Heresy Book One — Betrayal).
a larger battle and for team games, where if attempt to Seize the Initiative (as explained
space and available terrain allows, multiple in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook). Secondary Objectives
tables can be placed next to each other to Take the City, Slay the Warlord and
simulate one vast battlefront in the death Game Length Linebreaker.
throes of a great city. This mission uses the Variable Game Length
rules, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Mission Special Rules
rulebook. Reserves, Night Fighting (this lasts the entire
battle) and Fire from the Skies.
At the beginning of every Shooting phase, the player whose turn it is places a Large
Blast (5") marker anywhere on the table, and scatters it 4D6", resolving damage with the
following profile:
*If a 6 is rolled To Wound, the attack gains the Ignores Cover special rule in addition to the normal
effects of Rending.
The following section details specific MysTERIoUS WRECKAGE Mysterious Wreckage can take many forms,
rules for the blasted debris left behind in ON THE BATTLEFIELD but generally it is best to nominate large
the calamitous ongoing battles between Mysterious Wreckage may be included items of debris, craters, vehicle wrecks and
Loyalist and Traitor as the planets of the in any game. You may simply decide that the like. It will prove easier to remember in
Imperium become war zones littered with a suitable piece of terrain is Mysterious the heatofbattle which terrain is counted
the carnage of slaughtered men and shattered Wreckage while setting up the battlefield. as Mysterious Wreckage if the classification
machines. This is represented bya specific Alternatively, you might leave it to chance, in starts out with the largest item and works
set of Mysterious Terrain rules which can be which case when setting up your battlefield its way down or, alternatively, players can
applied to any Age of Darkness battle which roll a Dé and consult the following table to use tokens to remind themselves which are
you choose to play. determine how many pieces of Mysterious counted as such.
Wreckage there will be. Then nominate the
Mysterious Wreckage indicated number of pieces of battlefield EXPLORING Mysterious WRECKAGE
The blasted war zones of the Horus Heresy terrain as Mysterious Wreckage. Mysterious Wreckage is impassable and
are strewn with twisted, blackened debris, Mysterious Terrain, and unless stated
from the burned-out hulks of destroyed Mysterious Wreckage Table otherwise in the description, affords models
Titans to the wreckage of warships fallen Dé Result taking cover behind it a 5+ cover save. The
| from orbit. Neither Loyalist nor Traitor 1-2 No Mysterious Wreckage wreckage is counted as explored when a
|| can afford to ignore such wreckage, for it 3-4. One piece of Mysterious Wreckage model ends its move within 2"of it, at which
| represents a rangeoffeatures, some deadly 5 Two pieces of Mysterious Wreckage point roll on the Mysterious Wreckage table
and others beneficial. 6 Three pieces of Mysterious Wreckage opposite to determine what is found.
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explorers approach.
Massive fluctuations in the ebb and flow of the Empyrean are unleashed across the entire battlefield. From this point on, any Psyker
killed by a Perils of the Warp attack explodes with raw, sorcerous energy. Place a Large Blast (5") marker over the Psyker. The Strength
of the attack suffered by affected models is equal to the dead Psyker’s Leadership value, which instead of being compared to the
target's Toughness is compared to their own Leadership value. No saves of any kind are allowed. Vehicles are unaffected.
4. Declaration of Heresy: The wreckage has been piled high with polished white skulls, each of them harvested from a slain Loyalist. The scene
induces anger in all Loyalists who witness it, but worse, fires unreasoning bloodlust in the hearts of all who approach too close.
Units with at least one model within 2" of the terrain feature have the Hatred special rule.
5 Unexploded Ordnance: Upon investigation, the wreckage is revealed as a huge, half-buried shell fired by a super-heavy tank, a Titan or even a |
warship in orbit. For whatever reason, the shell has failed to explode, but its fuse remains active, making it an extremely dangerous hazard yet.
The area within 2" of the Mysterious Wreckage becomes dangerous terrain. For every model that suffers a wound asa result of a failed
Dangerous Terrain test caused by this feature, roll a Dé. Onaresult of 4+ on any of the dice, the disturbance causes the ordnance to
explode. Every model within D6+2" of the terrain feature suffers a Str 6 AP 4 hit. After this damage is resolved, remove the terrain
piece and, if suitable terrain is to hand, replace it with a crater.
6 Smouldering Debris: The debris is the unidentifiable detritus of war. A tall column of dense, black smoke rises high above, and tainted ashes and
red hot cinders are cast to the winds all about.
No model may tracealine of sight over the feature. Open ground within 2" becomes dangerous terrain, and all models within this
range have the Shrouded special rule.
7 Traitorous Atrocity: Atop the wreckage is mounted the broken form of a Loyalist Space Marine, the tortures inflicted upon him evidenced in a
thousand cruel and unspeakable wounds.
Rolla D6. Ona result of 44, the tortured Space Marine is still alive. While he lives, all Loyalist units with at least one model within
2" roll an additional Dé for Morale checks, discarding the lowest. The unfortunate victim may be granted mercy by a unit spending a
Shooting phase in contact with the terrain, at the end of which the effect ends.
8 Supply Cache: Amongst the wreckage are to be found usable supplies, making it a treasure trove of enormous value in the ongoing battle.
Units with at least one model in base contact with the Supply Cache may re-roll To Hit rolls of 1. However, taking shelter from
incoming fire behind alarge pile of ammunition is, by its very nature, perilous. Any model that claims a cover save from the terrain
and rolls a 1 in doing so is subject to the Instant Death special rule should they sustain a wound.
9 Reactor Fragment: The wreckage is a segment of plasma reactor conduit, its heat still fierce as it pumps radiation and poisonous gases into the
tortured atmosphere.
The ravening interference pulsing from the Reactor Fragment causes all ranged weapons fired within 2" to be subject to the Gets Hot
special rule while within that range.
10 — Survivor: The sight of a limb draws the explorers’ attention to a Space Marine trapped under the wreckage, his body having entered a state of
catatonic dormancy thanks to his sus-an membrane implant.
(Re-roll if no suitable spare Legiones Astartes model is available). Each side rolls off. The winner places a single Legion Centurion,
armed and equipped as per the default entry given for this character in the Space Marine Crusade Army list, in base contact with the
Mysterious Wreckage and not touching any other models. At the beginning of the next game turn, this model comes fully under the MgO STAIDWRNPAL Daley DAP MANPITD FULDGID, PUA WIPIPINAS
control of the player who won the roll-off, doing nothing until that point and any other Legiones Astartes special rules in play apply
to them. If the Centurion survives the game, the controlling player earns an additional Victory point, and if the model is slain, the
opposing player gains this bonus.
11 Dormant Automata: The wreckage is revealed to be the mighty form of a Legio Cybernetica Battle-automata. Having become separated from its
masters, the beast of iron followed ingrained machine engrams before its blasted cyber-cortex shut down to a dormant state. As the warriors approach,
it stirs once more, contradictory commands firing through its shattered control nodes.
(Re-roll if no suitable spare model is available). The player controlling the unit that explored the Mysterious Wreckage places a
Castellax Battle-automata, armed and equipped as per the default entry given for this unit, within 2" of the terrain feature and not
in contact with any other models. This model does not have any upgrades. At the beginning of the next and every subsequent game
turn, both sides roll off. The side that rolls highest controls the automata for the whole of that game turn.
Psy-tainted Debris: This wrecked section of crashed warship once housed a Navigator or an Astropath, who died in immense pain and terror as
their armoured sanctuary plummeted through the burning skies. The psychic taint of that death is a palpable thing, affecting the minds of all who
approach the wreckage.
Every unit with at least one model within D6+2" when the wreckage is first explored must make an immediate Pinning test. In
addition, any unit that begins its turn within 2" of it must make a Pinning test before taking any other actions.