Energy Requirements, Forms, and Checklists For Large and Retail / Commercial Buildings
Energy Requirements, Forms, and Checklists For Large and Retail / Commercial Buildings
Energy Requirements, Forms, and Checklists For Large and Retail / Commercial Buildings
1 di 4 02/05/17, 08:16
Energy standards and requirements: Large and retail / commercial buil...
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In this section:
All projects
Certified Professionals (CP) projects
Passive House projects
Rezoning projects (Rz): energy and LEED conditions
Green Buildings Policy for rezoning projects
2014 General Policy for Higher Buildings
City of Vancouver Neighbourhood Energy Interpretation Guide for Rezonings
LEED projects
Projects within neighbourhood energy areas (formerly district energy)
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New construction, additions, and reconstruction
Tenant improvements (TI)
In this section:
ASHRAE 90.1-2010
ASHRAE 90.1-2007
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NECB 2011
Additional energy requirements (starting January 1, 2015)
ASHRAE 90.1-2010
Building permit applications using ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 must be in compliance with the following conditions:
Exclude Fenestration Orientation from Section 5 Building Envelope (June 27, 2016 amendment)
Exclude 8.4.2 Automatic Receptacle Control from Section 8 Power (per Bulletin 2015-001-BU)
2 di 4 02/05/17, 08:16
Energy standards and requirements: Large and retail / commercial buil...
Vancouver is to be considered within climate zone 5
Ventilation must comply with ASHRAE 62-2001 (except addendum n)
Projects over 3,000 gross square feet must have vestibules at all doors used as building entrances. (For exact
requirements and exceptions, see 2014 Vancouver Building Bylaw Div B,
BE Trade-Off Method (COMcheck users): Starting February 2014, COMcheck software offers a dozen BC weather
station locations. Vancouver projects are to choose the "Vancouver" location option.
Exempt assemblies (starting August 1, 2016): Modelers are to follow requirements of Table using 2% in
place of the 5% indicated.
ASHRAE 90.1-2007
The 2007 version of the ASHRAE 90.1 energy standard is referenced within the 2007 Vancouver Building Bylaw.
Building permit applications using this standard will no longer be accepted starting January 21, 2014.
All designs using ASHRAE 90.1-2007 must be in compliance with the following conditions:
NECB 2011
Neither the CanQuest modeling software nor the NECB Checklist are compatible with Mac OS software.
Building permit applications using the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) 2011 must be in
compliance with the following conditions:
4 di 4 02/05/17, 08:16