Short Notes On Business Communication

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Advertising as business communication

Advertising is introduction of goods and services to consumers and general public.

Many people think that advertising a product means to sell it. But real aim of
advertising is to make general public and potential buyers aware of goods, products
and services.

Communication by which advertising message conveyed to the audience is called

‘Media of Advertising’. It includes both electronic and non-electronic means of

Non-Electronic mode of advertising advertises brands via newspaper, pamphlets,

brochures, magazines, journals and books. It also includes banners and posters.
Non – electronic media is in reach of every locality. Advertising on print media is
comparatively cheaper than advertising on television.

Electronic means of communication is the most popular way of advertising. One

can cover a wide range of audiences of all ages, color and gender by using this

Advertising on internet is getting more popular with time. It is the most viable
platform available till date sharing news and creating awareness.

In a successful business, advertising play an essential and important role. Though

advertising does not mean selling of products and services but it helps in increasing
your sales. Advertising creates awareness in people. Advertising can be used to
create brand awareness in general public. Advertising increases profit of the
companies by escalating its revenue.

Many of the firms have their own department of advertising while many
organizations depends upon advertising agencies for promoting their brands and
services which are available under their roof for the consumers’ disposal.
Organizations are supposed to pay a certain amount to these agencies for the
promotion of their brand name.

Advertising agencies have expert consultants and executives to make proper

strategies to promote brands. Potential buyers are more interested in buying those
brands which are advertised in an attractive manner. Advertising can form a
connection between company and customers. Attractive advertising increases the
demands of public which directly boost sales of the brand.
Board Meeting
Board meetings are held so members of a board of directors can make decisions
regarding the direction of a company. In most cases, the board is comprised, at the
very least, of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. There may be
additional officers present at these meetings, or advisors to the board.

During these meetings, the secretary records all discussion and actions taken by the
board, called the minutes. The secretary will then type up the minutes, which
usually must be filed and kept in case there is any government investigation of the
board at a later date. Minutes also may need to be presented to the public should
there be a request for such from the public.

The first topic of most board meetings is reading of the minutes. The secretary will
briefly summarize the minutes of the previous meeting. Next is resolution of old
business. Anything that was unresolved in the previous meeting will perhaps be
resolved at the current meeting or be postponed for a future meeting.

Annual General Meeting

An Annual General Meeting, commonly referred to as an AGM, is a formal
meeting which is held once a year. It is a legal requirement for organizations that
have company status. An AGM is held every year to elect the board of directors
and inform their members of previous and future activities. It is an opportunity for
the shareholders and partners to receive copies of the company's accounts as well
as reviewing fiscal information for the past year and asking any questions
regarding the directions the business will take in the future.
Internship Progress Report

Programs of study requiring students to complete an internship often also ask for
an internship report to fulfill degree requirements. Writing such reports gives
students an opportunity to practice the art of organizing information and
communicating it with clarity. Most internship reports should contain details of the
work students performed in a given discipline and also highlight their critical and
analytical thinking skills. There are some instructions to follow to prepare an
internship report:-

1. Create a page that states the title of your report, the name and address of the
company where you completed your internship, your name and the name of
the school for which you are preparing the internship report.

2. Insert an executive summary that provides a synopsis of the information you

describe in your report. (Write this after completing the entire report,
summing up the activities you performed during the internship and your
major findings and recommendations, if you have any.)

3. Provide a description of the company and the specific department where you
performed the internship. This is useful background information for anyone
reading the report. Describe the purpose of the project on which you worked.

4. Provide information about the scope of your project, the data collection
methods you used and a summary of the information you obtained. Analyze
the data and discuss the implications of your findings. All this information
forms the main body of the report in an investigative internship.

5. Conclude with a summary of your main observations and write about what
you learned through the internship. If you have any suggestions for
improvement, propose those as a recommendation.
Welcome Address/Speech in a Seminar

A welcome speech can be a very important tool for a meeting or when speaking in
front of a large audience. It helps to set the tone of the rest of the meeting and can
put the attendees at ease or excite them into listening further to the speakers of the
event or meeting. Welcome speeches for all occasions are generally in a casual
format. Writing a welcome speech including acknowledging guests to thanking the
audience for coming and introducing important guests and other hosts of the event.

A welcome speech depends on the situation where the speech is given. If the
welcome speech is for an event, it might have four distinct parts. First there is a
greeting, next the purpose of the event or reason for the meeting would be
mentioned. Other items that might be included in a welcome speech might be
recognition of a special guest of speaker or an overview of the days schedule and
directions such as where to find the restrooms, refreshments, etc. The following is
an example of a welcome speech for a conference:-

“Good afternoon we would like to welcome your to the opening session of our
10th annual conference for educators. We hope that you will find your time with us
exciting. We have a great agenda for you with esteemed speakers and presenters
from our profession. For your convenience refreshments will be available in a
hospitality room throughout the conference. We hope you will enjoy the next
couple of days”.

Use of Paragraph

Writing of any length requires subdivision into a number of points or stages, and
these stages are expressed in a paragraph. Paragraphs provide a structure for your
writing. The end of a paragraph represents a significant pause in the flow of the
writing. Each paragraph should deal with one idea or aspect of an idea, and it
should be clear to the reader what this main idea is. There is no absolute rule: very
short or long paragraphs can work when used by an experienced writer. However,
as a guideline, paragraphs should usually be no less that 2 or 3 sentences long and
there should be 2 or 3 paragraphs per page of A4. Start a new paragraph for each
new point or stage in your writing. It is a useful rule always to have three stages in
a paragraph: introduction, development and conclusion.
Leaflets and brochures

A flyer or flier, also called a circular, handbill or leaflet, is a form of paper

advertisement intended for wide distribution and typically posted or distributed in a
public place or through the mail.

Flyers may be used by individuals, businesses, or organizations to:

 Promote a good or service, such as a restaurant or nightclub.

 Persuade or send a social, religious, or political message, or political
campaign activities on behalf of a political party or candidate.
 Recruit members
 Advertise an event such as a music concert, nightclub appearance, festival,
or political rally

Like postcards, pamphlets and small posters, flyers are a low-cost form of mass
marketing or communication.

Flyers are inexpensive to produce.

Flyers are handed out on the street (a practice known as flyering or leafleting), or
given away at events. Cheap to produce and can be a very effective form of direct

Brochures are advertising pieces mainly used to introduce a company or

organization, and inform about products and/or services to a target audience.
Brochures are distributed by mail, handed personally or placed in brochure racks.
They are usually present near tourist attractions and hotels.

The most common types of single-sheet brochures are the bi-fold the tri-fold. A bi-
fold brochure results in four panels (two panels on each side), while a tri-fold
results in six panels (three panels on each side).

Compared with a flyer or a handbill, a brochure usually uses higher-quality paper,

more color, and is folded.

Leaflets are useful for distribution to a large number of people and to provide
summary information such as prices or product range. Brochures are useful for
customers who require more detailed or technical information. In designing a
leaflet, budget and target audience must be kept in mind.

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