Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management


By: Suleyma Hernandez

Table Of Contents
Page Title Page Title
03 Introduction 14 Classroom Corner
15 You Got Mail Mailboxes
04 Philosophical 16 Classroom Procedures
Statement 17 List of Procedures
18 Classroom Helpers
05 First Day(s) 20 Hand Gestures
21 Discipline System
06 - 08 Agenda 22 Classroom Contract
23 Classroom Expectations
09 Welcome 24 Discipline Hierarchy
25 Cool Down Book
10 All About Me 26 Student Motivation
Worksheet 27 Ticket Reward
28 Personalized Letters
11 Monthly Newsletter 29 Classroom Engagement
30 Kahoot

12 Student Survey

13 Classroom
For my Classroom Management Plan, I am pursuing to include aspects that

I will use in my future classroom. I want to create a classroom with a sense

of community, love, and acceptance. The grade levels that I will be referring

to in my classroom management plan will be 1st grade. I will focus on the

subjects of reading and math. What this project means to me is that I will

Introduction be better prepared in my classroom and having a sense of what rules I

would like to follow with my students. I also plan to find ways to motivate my

students, the ways I will achieve my goal, and the rewards and

consequences I will put in place for my students to follow. I can take this

plan with me and add aspects once I see what is working in my classroom.

This plan will help me in my first years as a teacher by better preparing me

rather than feeling overwhelmed.

Through my years as a student, I had different teachers and every teacher

had different ways of managing their classroom. I have been able to observe

and expand my knowledge on what can help me as a teacher. Classroom

management is a huge observation that is now key to how I want to run my

classroom. I want to be a teacher that students trust and are able to feel

respected as students and as humans. I want to create an experience and

environment in my classroom that students can feel welcomed in. In my

classroom management, I want to emphasize respect for one another, and an

Philosophical environment that is accepting and open to new ideas. I want to be the voice of

my students when they can’t be heard. I want to let all my students have a

voice in my classroom and will include them in decisions that are going to run

the classroom. I will include my students as managers that will help around the

classroom. My key thing is students running the classroom and letting them

know they have a voice. Overall, I want to be a teacher that runs a positive

classroom and having students become positive people in the world.

First Day(s)
First Day of School Agenda

7:00 - 7:30 7:30 - 8:00 8:00 - 8:20

Greet students at the door Introduce myself to the Let students introduce
and welcome them into students and let students themselves by reading to the
the classroom. fill out worksheet that is class what they wrote on their
on their desk. all about me worksheet

8:20 - 8:30 8:30 - 9:00 9:00-9:45

Restroom break (show Go over survey with Create rules and procedures
students restroom and line students and let them fill it with students and a contract
procedures) out. that they will sign. Also assign
managers to classroom.
First Day of School Agenda Cont.

9:45 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00

Students will go to specials for We will go over classroom Teach math to students and
first time (P.E., art, music, or procedures and each let students work on math
dance). We will have another student will demonstrate worksheet. (let students do
chance to learn line procedure. the procedure. turning in paper procedure)

12:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 1:00 1:00 - 2:00

Lunch time (continue line Restroom and Recess time Teach reading to students
procedure) (practice restroom and do a read aloud. Work
procedure) on procedure for read
First Day of School Agenda Cont.

2:00 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:00

Restroom break (work one last Independent reading Hand out papers and
time today on line procedure (while I work on small prepare for dismissal. Give
and restroom procedure). groups). students todays news and
what to expect tomorrow.

3:00 - 3:15
Dismissal time
Welcome to 1st grade! I am your teacher Ms. Hernandez and I am very
excited to meet you all! This is going to be a very exciting school year
and we will all get to know each other and become friends! I want you to
get to know me a little better. Here are a few things about me: my name
is Ms.Hernandez, my favorite color is red, I have 3 siblings, I have a
puppy named Rocky,my favorite movie is Inside out and my favorite T.V.
show of all time is FRIENDS. Now let's get to know each other a little
more by filling out the worksheet and showing it to our friends!
All About Me Worksheet

I will give my students a worksheet like

the one on the left that I created. This
gives the students an opportunity to
color and tell me more about
themselves. While they are doing this I
will walk around and help the students
that are still a little shy. After everyone is
done we will all share what we wrote to
the class.

Monthly Newsletter
I want to be able to communicate with
parents and guardians. I want to let them
know that I am here for them whenever they
need me. I also want to be able to inform
them of what we will be doing every month. I
have chosen to send a newsletter each
month and it can also be found online. I will
update the newsletter every month. I will
send this newsletter the first day of school
with the activities we did the first day and
what we will learn the first month of the
school year.
Student Survey

Creating a survey will help me better

understand my students and also
knowing more about them. Since it is the
first day I want to get to know them
better. It will go beyond just knowing
from the worksheet before. I created this
survey to see what my students like to do
on their free time that I can include in
class. Also seeing what they feel about
the subjects of math and reading. Also,
including what languages they speak at
home that way I can translate papers sent
home for the parents to better
Classroom Corner

I want my classroom to include a classroom

corner where my students can go relax and
also read a book. I want this corner to be a
place that when a student are frustrated or
sad they can come to the corner and breath
for a second. The feeling of this corner will
be loving, calming, and relaxing. It will give a
feel to the classroom that I wished I had in
my classrooms growing up. This gives a
chance for students to turn off their minds of
school work for a second and just read a
nice book. This will be done each day and
will be a 10 to 15 minute break during
reading time and it can be done two
students at a time since I will include two
bean bags and I will go in alphabetical order
so everyone has a chance. ing-corner-ideas
You Got Mail Mailboxes

I find this mailbox to be a good way to

incorporate students. The way is to pick up
their work for the day at the beginning just like
when someone goes to pick up their mail. Also,
students can leave me letters that I can
respond to at the end of the day it can be
letters from them or their parents. I can also
add papers that students need to take home in
their mailboxes that way at the end of the day
they pick them up and put them in their
folders. It is also a way to add letters to parents
or them about personal matters without
making it to noticable and keeping privacy
between students.
List of Procedures
1. Attendance and pick 2. Place homework in turn 3. Pick up absent work (if
up mail in basket absent)

4. Lining up for 5. Lunch grab bags and 6. Restroom Procedure

library/specials line up procedure whole classroom

7. Grabbing 8. Putting up 9. Classroom helpers

supplies/ putting backpacks and
up supplies picking them up

10. Fire drill/ 11. Hand signals 12. Passing out papers

13. Borrowing 14. Restroom 15. Dismissal

pencils procedures for procedure
Classroom Helpers

Classroom helpers is a great way to introduce

responsibility to students. The first week of school
I will introduce the job helpers and let them know
how the job will be done. Each week we will have
new helpers and everyone will get a chance to
have a job. If a student is absent make sure to have
a backup student it for that week. I will let parents
know that this will be done in the classroom by
putting the names in the monthly newsletter. This
is also a great way to help me out when I can’t be
in two places at once when I’m helping other
“I’m Here” Attendance

Attendance procedure will be in the morning

once the students first come in. Each student
one by one will pick up their name from the
board and stick it to the I am here side knowing
that they are here. This will help me take
attendance faster and also hold students
responsible for putting their name on the
board. This is also a fun and interactive way for
students to interact in the morning.
Hand Gestures

Hand gestures is a great way for

students to ask what they need rather
than waiting with their hands raised to
be answered. During the first week of
school we will practice the procedures
of raising their fingers for what they
need. I will teach them what they mean
by also having a sign on the wall in
case they forget. I will also know what
they need when their hands are raised.
This is an interactive way for my
students to interact with me and letting
me know what they need.

Hand Signals
System Classroom Rules
Classroom Contract

We as a classroom will be respectful,

responsible, kind and caring. We will care for
Here I have posted our classroom each other, motivate each other, respect each
contract that my students and I will other, and keep our hands to ourselves. We
follow. When the school year enters will be kind to our teacher and respectful. I as
we will adjust the contract to what my the teacher will be respectful to my students,
students say we should follow. I will
make my students follow this contract
motivate them, care for them, and teach
that they have said they will follow them kindness. We as a classroom will care
and also make them sign the contract for the classroom, be kind to our materials,
once we are done writing it. This will and be responsible for our materials. This is
help my students know that there is a our classroom contract that we will follow.
contract that we should follow and be
respectful to what it says.
Ms. Hernandez’s first grade class
Classroom Expectation

Here I have added expectations I

expect my students listen to. Rather
1. We must be kind and respectful to everyone.
than having rules we will have 2. Greet everyone with a good morning/hello and goodbye.
expectations that my students and I 3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
will follow in order to have a 4. Be polite to others.
productive day and be respectful to 5. Raise your hand when you have a question or use hand gesture
one another. I want to show my
6. Follow procedures that are around our classroom
students responsibility and how to be
respectful to one another. I would like
to encourage my students to show
kindness and be caring to one
another. Also showing them how to
be responsible and respectful.
1. Pull Aside: Students will be pull aside and talk
Discipline Hierarchy to about their behavior. Instead of intimidating
students I will encourage to do better and
consider their actions and how it is affecting

2. Warning: Students are reminded of their behavior

and if it is not change the next time there will be a
I have done this discipline hierarchy as consequence.
an idea based on how I want my
classroom to be. I want to avoid 3. Cool Down: After the warning is given, if
referrals as much as possible but if behavior continues they will be asked to go to the
after the parent teacher conference cool down corner where they will write about their
nothing changes and the behavior behavior in a worksheet I will provide. This
continues the last option will be a worksheet will ask how are they feeling and why they
referral. Which I would truly like to are doing the behavior. Also talk to them one on one
avoid. The first steps can help students and talk about their feelings.
know that I am there for them and to
listen to them. The third one is key to 4. Parent Phone Call: If behavior continues a parent
show students that it is okay to show will be contacted and spoken about behavior.
their feelings and that I am there to
listen to them. 5. Parent-Teacher Conference: If behavior
continues to escalate there will be a conference with
the parent to speak with them and the student.
Cool Down Book

Many teachers usually send their students into

the hallways without actually asking what they
are feeling. I want to create an environment
that is accepting of feelings. This book is a great
idea for students to interact when they
misbehave. I will use this book in tier 3 in the
cool down stage. This book first ask how they
are feeling. To tell me a story of their behavior
and why they made the choices they did. Also
giving them a breathing session for them to
calm down. And lastly ask them how they feel
and that they are ready to get back into the
classroom environment. This is a great idea in
order to understand students better and their
Ticket Reward

I want to be able to reward my students for what

they have done positively. I want to create a
system where they will get tickets and see the
positive side of things. Tickets will be given at
random that way my students never see it
coming and can be on their best behavior at all
times. This is a great thing to do for a low cost
that is both effective for the teacher and the
students. I hope to motivate my students and to
show them the positive side to things.
Personalized Letters

One of my favorite things going to school was

getting personalized letters from my teachers. I
want my students to have the same excitement.
Once I see my students doing special deeds like
helping a student who is struggling or reassuring a
student who is feeling down. I want to let them
know that their good deeds aren’t unseen. This is
a great way to communicate with students and let
them feel appreciated.

Kahoot is a very great way to interact with

students and see their knowledge while
having fun. This will encourage students as
they earn points. This is an exciting app
that gets students interacted and excited. I
remember going to school and getting
excited when playing kahoot. This is a
great way to have engagement in the
classroom with students and technology
and showing them how it works. I will use
Kahoot after major ideas that are being
learned to see what my students have
learned and have engagement.
Song Engagement

Song engagements is a very good way

to get students active. One song I
would love to use is I Get Loose by Koo
Koo Kanga Roo. This is a great way to
get students active and ready for the
day. This song includes movement
which will motivate students and it is a
very catchy song to sing along to as
well. This is a positive engagement
with students because at the end as a
call we can create a dance move to the
song. I would like to do this at least 2
times a week that way the students 735/
don’t get bored with repeated songs.
General Information

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