Forrester TechTide
Forrester TechTide
Forrester TechTide
For Security & Risk Professionals
2 Create Your ZT Threat Prevention With A Mix Future-Proof Your Digital Business With Zero
Of Technologies Trust Security
4 Invest In And Maintain Valuable ZT Threat The Zero Trust eXtended (ZTX) Ecosystem
Prevention Technologies
31 Supplemental Material
Forrester surveyed technology decision makers, suppliers, and other subject matter experts in
our search for the most important ZT threat prevention technologies. The 25 ZT threat prevention
technology categories we analyze in this Forrester Tech Tide™:
›› Help security pros prevent attackers from gaining access to company assets. All companies —
big or small — have critical assets to protect including customer data and differentiating intellectual
property that will cause business damage or market setback if stolen. All the technologies we’ve
included in this report help security pros create a layered prevention approach to protect critical
customer and company information. The core mission of our Zero Trust Model is to stop intrusions;
if it fails to do that, it should at least limit the business impact of the theft of any sensitive data. In
addition to prevention, our model requires security teams to dramatically improve security detection
and response with analytics and automation. A separate report will address the technologies
necessary for ZT threat detection and response.
›› Are applicable to a wide range of companies. Forrester included only technologies that can
protect organizations of various sizes, industries, and regions and that can scale to even the largest
companies with global footprints. As a result, we included technologies that protect a wide range of
assets such as encryption as well as technologies that protect specific assets such as mobile.
›› Have strong market traction or potential. Technologies in this report are in various states of
market maturity, from emergent to long established but declining. We offer our analysis of their
current state to help you track emerging markets and avoid investing in technologies with limited or
decreasing potential. We also offer insight into where technologies are merging, being subsumed
by others, or require higher process maturity to gain full benefit.
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
Evaluate Business Value And Maturity For Each Zero Trust Threat Prevention Technology
›› Business value describes the benefits each technology provides. Forrester evaluated the
business value of each ZT threat prevention technology on its contribution to the business in three
dimensions: 1) how successful the technology will be over its lifetime; 2) how broad the prevention
use case is for each technology; and 3) ability for security pros to increasingly prevent attacks
without the burden of increasing staff.
›› Maturity describes the stage of each category’s growth. We derived each ZT threat prevention
technology’s maturity level by vetting survey respondents’ inputs such as the speed at which the
technology will mature, vendors’ current product revenue and estimated global market, and our
own knowledge of the technology.
Determine Your Zero Trust Threat Prevention Strategy Based On Tech Tide Positioning
The business value and maturity dimensions, in turn, position each category in one of four quadrants:
›› Experiment. Low maturity and low business value characterize technologies in the Experiment
zone. Most enterprises should limit their exposure to these technologies to bounded experiments,
waiting for the expected business value of these newer categories to improve before investing.
›› Invest. Low maturity and high business value characterize technologies in the Invest zone. These
new technologies have ripened to the point where enterprises can confidently invest.
›› Maintain. High maturity and high business value characterize technologies in the Maintain zone.
These are the bread-and-butter technologies that most enterprises rely on to run their business.
They’re generally stable, well-understood technologies that continue to have high returns to the
business. Most enterprises should maintain their installations and usage of these technologies.
›› Divest. High maturity and low business value characterize technologies in the Divest zone. These older
technology categories have reached a point where their business value has dropped. Most enterprises
should be looking for newer, higher-value replacements and divesting from these categories.
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›› Tried and true prevention technologies are still around but evolving. Older technologies
are evolving to stay relevant in today’s hybrid environment with web apps, mobile apps and
cloud workloads. For example, developers can implement encryption easier than ever to enable
encrypted data as default. Endpoint security suites have evolved beyond file-based malware
and can now identify and automatically contain malicious application behaviors. And traditional
appliances such as web application firewalls are moving to virtual appliances to protect cloud and
data center applications from a single control point.
›› Threat prevention often becomes a battle against scale. Security pros are faced with a problem
of scale as never before. The scale of types of attacks, sheer size of attacks, infrastructure
to protect and apply consistent prevention across and types of applications to protect are
all increasing for security pros with no end in sight. Although integrated products help create
consistency across complex infrastructures, security pros will increasingly rely on ZT threat
prevention technologies to automate discovery, response, and configuration.
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
Antiphishing Training And Simulation Helps Avoid Phishing And Social Engineering Attacks
Antiphishing training and simulation is a key part of a broader threat prevention strategy that also
includes technology controls and can be useful in stemming phishing attacks and social engineering
attacks due to human error or user manipulation (see Figure 2). Antiphishing training and simulations
incorporate eLearning and simulated phrasing attacks to help create a better informed and, therefore,
more secure workforce. Antiphishing training and simulation works best when delivered as an ongoing,
engaging program, not once-a-year PowerPoint-based training.
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
Bot Management Solutions Must Evolve To Match Complex Attacks At Scale And Speed
Bot management solutions actively profile traffic to determine its intent and perform protection
techniques such as delaying, blocking, or rerouting traffic from bad bots or from partner company bots
(see Figure 3). As over half of internet traffic is already automated and set to rise, these solutions will
be under pressure to operate under heftier scale and speed requirements.2 Currently, bot management
capabilities come from a variety of technologies and service companies, with bot management
specialists, web application firewalls (WAFs), CDN, and advertising verification and brand safety
technologies all claiming some portion of the market.3
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Breach Simulation Technologies Help S&R Pros Identify Security Edge Cases
Imagine a world where you’ve checked and remediated all known vulnerabilities within your
environment and you want to identify unique edge cases that an attacker could leverage to infiltrate
your organization. Breach simulation tools continuously monitor for scenarios such as a domain admin
logging into systems, which would briefly allow an attacker to obtain their credentials from the LSASS
process, a privilege escalation that would not exist without the admin being logged into the machine
(see Figure 4). These breach vectors would be almost impossible to identify without a persistent
process waiting for the right confluence of events to make the attack possible.
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Browser Isolation Technology Protects Employees From Malware And Data Leakage
Web browsers are the norm for user application and system interfaces for employees such as
document sharing, email, and everyday application access. Security pros use browser isolation
technology (BIT) to prevent phishing sites from delivering malware to endpoints or harvesting private
information from employees who click on phishing links, by isolating and executing user web sessions
within a protected sandbox or proxy service where the phishing site is rendered harmless (see Figure
5).4 The goal with these solutions is to be as preemptive as possible and extend the perimeter all the
way out to the actual interaction of the user on the internet.
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Bug Bounty Programs Are Most Beneficial To Companies That Can Fix Vulnerabilities Fast
The US government has launched several very public bug bounty programs, proving increased
acceptance that bug bounty programs won’t adversely increase malicious attacks (see Figure
6).5 Additionally, these bug bounty programs can be cost effective if used as a replacement or
augmentation to application penetration services, as companies can set many vetted security
researchers loose on an application yet pay only for information about valid vulnerabilities. Companies
that will benefit from bug bounty programs are ones that are able to rapidly remediate and release fixes
to vulnerabilities.
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RASP solutions defend against security threats and unsafe responses in the production environment
(see Figure 7). Unlike WAFs, which need to observe traffic to whitelist expected application behavior,
RASP tools can “see” the code and don’t require such training. However, depending on how the RASP
tool is instrumented into the application, applicability may be limited to applications written in certain
languages (e.g., Java or .NET). RASP solutions are finding a sweet spot with applications that qualify
for the supported languages, are not extremely performance sensitive, have long release cycles, and
are too costly to remediate.
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
Runtime Container Security Technologies Are Varied To Secure Entire Container Ecosystem
Developers are using containers en masse to support Agile methodologies; 29% of developers who
develop software for cloud computing environments indicated that they deployed on or with compute
containers on a regular basis in 2017.6 But without the proper controls, developers can knowingly or
unknowingly allow uncontrolled access to running containers. Security pros will have to stitch together
a complete solution themselves, as the market is immature and many vendors only secure part of
the overall container ecosystem such as host OS providers, container and orchestrations platform
providers, PaaS providers, and runtime container security specialists (see Figure 8).7
Maturity rationale
As containers become more common, runtime protection tools will
Low evolve to cover them more completely. Meanwhile, leading container
and orchestration platform providers, along with cloud workload and
LIFE-CYCLE COST host OS providers, will begin to provide security measures natively.
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Cloud And Virtual Workload Security Protects The Unique Qualities Of Cloud Workloads
Cloud adoption is widespread, and it demands that security pros use cloud and virtual workload
security (CWS) technologies to secure workload execution in IaaS and PaaS environments (see Figure
9). These workloads present unique challenges due to their release speed, increasing number, and
ephemeral nature, and they require specialized CWS technologies to properly control and monitor
them. Because CWS technologies are cloud-based themselves, security pros should expect not only
on-premises legacy but also cloud-based pricing and deployment.8
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Cloud Security Gateways Protect Data And Monitor Activity Of Data In The Cloud
Security pros use cloud security gateways (CSGs) to control user traffic and data to and between a
cloud service as well as report the usage to auditors and other stakeholders (see Figure 10). CSGs
help security pros ensure that proper security and compliance controls are in place and enforced.
CSG capabilities can range from DLP and monitoring to encryption and tokenization to anomalous
behavior detection.9
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
To prevent data misuse and monetization in the case of data theft and to protect privacy, security
pros must employ encryption for data at rest, in transit, and in use (see Figure 11). There is a variety
of dedicated encryption offerings targeting different data types on the market today from application-
level encryption for encrypting data in use, big data encryption for traditional relational databases with
distributed data stores, to email, file-level and full-disk encryption.10 Pair data encryption efforts with
clarity about the data types you seek to protect and least privilege access to data.
Strategy: Encryption
Encryption is a cryptographic obfuscation operation that protects the
MATURITY data itself by rendering it unreadable to unauthorized parties via use
Low of a secret key. A wide variety of solutions leverage encryption to
secure data at rest, data in transit, and data in use. Authentication
schemes allow access to the data via decryption.
High Maturity rationale
Encryption itself is one of the oldest implementations of data
LIFE-CYCLE COST security. However, new and emerging features like format-preserving
encryption and advances in secure processing allow organizations to
encrypt sensitive data by default.
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
Identity Management And Governance Aids Compliance With Regulation Identity Controls
Manual processes for user account provisioning and deprovisioning increase identity-related risks
and administrative overhead, as well as the potential for compliance and audit issues because such
processes lead to inconsistent enforcement as well as users with excessive privileges (see Figure
12). Identity management and governance (IMG) solutions help address these problems by providing
centralized and automated processes to govern the entire identity life cycle, thus helping to reduce
risks and enable easier adherence to regulation-dictated identity controls.11
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
Security pros use microsegmentation technologies to limit the ability of malicious attackers to move
across data centers and cloud deployments (see Figure 13). Security pros use microsegmentation
technologies to create secure zones in hybrid environments down to the workload level without
requiring a hardware appliance. Security pros can set security policies based on virtual network, virtual
machine (VM), operating system (OS), or other virtual security targets. In theory, any tool or technology
that enables your team more granular controls could fit this definition, but Forrester recommends using
tools aimed at enabling virtualization and network control simultaneously.
Strategy: Microsegmentation
Microsegmentation solutions use software to subdivide networks into
MATURITY secure enclaves or perimeters where security teams can apply
Low granular security policies to the workloads and data itself.
Maturity rationale
Microsegmentation approaches vary by vendor, so there are few
High industrywide best practices. And while many vendor solutions assist
with data flow mapping and visualization, security teams still need to
LIFE-CYCLE COST have a deep understanding of their workloads and data to define the
appropriate segments and granular policies.
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
As passwords become easier and easier to undermine, security pros increasingly depend on two-factor
authentication (2FA) solutions for user authentication (see Figure 14). These 2FA solutions offer a what-
you-are (biometric), what-you-do (behavioral biometric), or what-you-have (token) factor, in addition,
typically, to the what-you-know (password or PIN code) single-factor authentication method.12
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Forty-one percent of network security decision makers whose firm experienced an external security
breach in the past 12 months indicated that the attacker exploited a software vulnerability.13 To properly
manage the flood of vulnerabilities in applications, traditional vulnerability scanning technologies are
giving way to vulnerability risk management (VRM) technologies that can present security pros with a
risk-based prioritized view of vulnerabilities making it easier to focus remediation efforts (see Figure
15). Security pros make use of VRM threat modeling to not only inform patch prioritization but also get
a sense of patch urgency.14
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Malicious attackers use DDoS attacks as a method of resource exhaustion to adversely affect
performance and availability of critical assets, services, and applications (see Figure 16). DDoS mitigation
solutions, delivered as cloud-based services or on-premises products, drop the bad traffic before it
affects end user experience.15 DDoS attacks are growing. For example, GitHub recently survived a
1.35-terabits-per-second DDoS attack, and the biggest one ever recorded clocked in shortly thereafter at
1.7 tbps of traffic.16 To protect against these disruptive attacks, DDoS mitigation solutions must evolve to
prevent specific attack types, use various mitigation techniques, and scale the attack response.
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
Email Security Increasingly Relies On Cloud Deployments To Protect Against Email Threats
As companies migrate from self-managed, on-premises Exchange to cloud email solutions such as
Office 365 and Gmail, email filtering of unwanted and/or malicious inbound content and outbound
leaks of sensitive data is also moving to the cloud (see Figure 17). Security pros use email security
technologies to prevent email-borne malware, spam, phishing attacks, and email fraud. Email fraud
alone continues to plague companies: Between October 2013 and December 2016, US businesses
experienced more than $5 billion in losses due to business email compromise, in which an attacker
tricks an employee into initiating a fraudulent wire transfer.17
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
Endpoint Security Suites Serve As A Frontline Defense For Employee Devices And Servers
Attackers target endpoints such as employee devices and servers through attack campaigns that can
include file and fileless malware, software exploits, and social engineering of employees themselves.
Therefore, at a minimum, modern endpoint security suites must provide antimalware, application integrity
protection, endpoint visibility and control, and user behavior monitoring and analytics (see Figure 18).
Endpoint security suite responses to identified threats are generally automatic and can involve actions
such as file rollback, registry restoration, behavioral blocking, and process isolation/blocking.18
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
Mobile Security Suites Combine Device, Data, And App Security For Your Mobile Workforce
Sixty-eight percent of enterprise telecommunications decision makers that Forrester surveyed cited
improving the experience of their employees as a critical or high priority for the coming 12 months.19
But to make this experience secure, security pros must defend against mobile threats such as
employees with jailbroken devices, vulnerable software, or sensitive data that might be traveling
through unencrypted channels. Mobile security suites are making this easier than ever by combining
the ability to protect mobile devices, data, and apps (see Figure 19).20
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
Network security policy management tools automate and optimize network security controls needed to
support ever changing business requirements and are necessary to any Zero Trust infrastructure (see
Figure 20).21 For firms with hybrid environments, security pros use network security policy management
to create consistent controls across on-premises and cloud environments while decreasing the cost to
manage them. Often, network security policy management tools offer reports to assist with audit and
compliance and discovery tools to help map network connectivity.
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
Next-Generation Firewall Is A Must-Have Tech For Any Company Embracing Zero Trust
Security pros use next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) to create and enforce network segmentation
to create microperimeters or network segments, apply granular security controls, and even contain
attacks (see Figure 21). NGFW combines multiple controls into a single solution and, as a result, makes
security management more efficient. In many cases, because of this collapsing of various controls,
NGFW technology replaces standalone firewalls and intrusion protection systems. NGFWs can
inspect the entire packet all the way through Layer 7, which is useful in blocking malware attacks from
travelling across your network.22
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Web Application Firewalls Adapt To Protect Apps No Matter Where They Are Deployed
WAFs continue their role of thwarting malicious Layer 7 traffic (see Figure 22). Bolstered by the PCI
DSS compliance requirement, WAFs have remained a threat prevention staple and have even evolved
to protect against new threats, such as malicious bots. New deployment flexibility means that a single
WAF vendor can protect on-premises and cloud apps through deployment options such as appliance,
virtual appliance, and CDN. However, because WAFs can only observe Layer 7 network traffic and
react by creating rules, their main strength will remain in their ability to protect applications from
unwanted traffic rather than from sophisticated attacks better handled by RASPs.23
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Network Access Control Continues To Decline As Data- And Role-Centric Solutions Prevail
Few firms have noted success with network access control (NAC). In the past, NAC found a
niche in enterprises looking to secure guest access but has struggled to find broad adoption, as
implementation is complex to deploy and requires integration with network infrastructure. NAC is
finding a new niche with network security pros and for IoT use cases. Security pros instead should
favor data- and role-based access control in the form of next-generation access (NGA) rather than
device control at the network layer (see Figure 23). Examples of NGA vendors are Centrify, iWelcome,
Microsoft (Office 365), Okta, Ping Identity, and, in some cases, Duo and ForeScout.24
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In the past, security pros placed network intrusion prevention systems (IPS) inline of network traffic to
inspect the traffic and mitigate threats. IPS was also often used to help fulfill PCI DSS requirements
that mandate this capability. However, NGFWs include this functionality and are well placed to overtake
the IPS market (see Figure 24). Unless your team can’t migrate away from these outdated tools and
technologies, you should seek to remove them from being piecemeal solutions that aren’t part of the
broader technically integrated network and endpoint security platforms that are currently available.
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Web Security Gateways Yield To Cloud Security Gateways As Apps Move To The Cloud
Security pros use standalone web security gateways to enforce acceptable use policies, defend
against content-borne threats, manage HTTP bandwidth, and prevent data leaks. However, as more
and more applications move to the cloud, security pros will favor filtering the data in integrated
products that are cloud native, such as cloud security gateways and even NGFWs, rather than
standalone appliances (see Figure 25). As your team builds out its Zero Trust planning and journey,
insure that you evaluate all NGFW and cloud security gateways with a focus on their ability to integrate
without your Zero Trust strategy.
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Malicious attackers try to enter the wireless network to then gain access into the rest of an internal
enterprise network. Wireless intrusion prevention system (WIPS) technology is many years old, and
many wireless infrastructure systems already include this functionality, causing WIPS to fall into
decline. However, PCI DSS still mandates wireless scanning, and this will be the main driver for
continued adoption, regardless of necessity or functionality. For those firms that don’t require PCI
DSS certification, look to implement microsegmentation in combination with network security policy
management tools to help prevent threats that try to enter from wireless networks (see Figure 26).
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Supplemental Material
Survey Methodology
The Forrester Analytics Global Business Technographics® Developer Survey, 2018, was fielded in
March and April 2018. This online survey included 3,228 respondents in Australia, Canada, China,
France, Germany, India, the UK, and the US. Forrester Analytics Business Technographics ensures that
the final survey population contains only those with significant involvement in the planning, funding,
and purchasing of business and technology products and services.
The Forrester Analytics Global Business Technographics Mobility Survey, 2017 was fielded between
March and May 2017. This online survey included 3,378 respondents in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China,
France, Germany, India, New Zealand, the UK, and the US from companies with two or more employees.
The Forrester Analytics Global Business Technographics Security Survey, 2017 was fielded between
May and June 2017. This online survey included 3,752 respondents in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China,
France, Germany, India, New Zealand, the UK, and the US from companies with two or more employees.
© 2018 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. 31
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Forrester Analytics Business Technographics ensures that the final survey population contains only
those with significant involvement in the planning, funding, and purchasing of business and technology
products and services. Research Now fielded this survey on behalf of Forrester. Survey respondent
incentives include points redeemable for gift certificates.
Please note that the brand questions included in this survey should not be used to measure market
share. The purpose of Forrester Analytics Business Technographics brand questions is to show usage
of a brand by a specific target audience at one point in time.
We would like to thank the individuals from the following companies who generously gave their time
during the research for this report.
Akamai Technologies Landrian Networks
Bitdefender Netfort
CA Veracode Neustar
Citrix Q6 Cyber
Cylance Rapid7
Cyxtera Retarus
FireMon SonicWALL
Forcepoint Splunk
IBM Symantec
Illumio Tanium
Interset Tenable
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Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
Tripwire VMware
For more information on how to calculate the cost of a breach, see the Forrester report “Calculate The Business
It pays to plan. Make sure your breach response plan is in place, as it’s no longer a question of “if” but “when.” See
the Forrester report “Planning For Failure: How To Survive A Breach,” see the Forrester report “The Forrester Wave™:
Digital Forensics And Incident Response Service Providers, Q3 2017,” and see the Forrester report “The Forrester
Wave™: Customer Data Breach Notification And Response Services, Q4 2017.”
Source: Adrienne LaFrance, “The Internet Is Mostly Bots,” The Atlantic, January 31, 2017 (https://www.theatlantic.
For more information about which industries are bracing for bots, see the Forrester report “The State Of Application
Security, 2018.”
For more information about BIT technologies, see the Forrester report “Protect Your Digital Workforce With Browser
Source: Lindsey O’Donnell, “U.S. DoD Hopes To Stamp Out Threats With Bug Bounty Program,” Threatpost, April 2,
2018 (
When we asked 1,637 global developers who developed software for a cloud computing environment which public
cloud-based services they or their team deployed on or with on a regular basis, 33% said that this was true for
compute containers. Source: Forrester Analytics Global Business Technographics Developer Survey, 2018.
For more information on how to create a holistic container security solution, see the Forrester report “Ten Basic Steps
For more information about vendors in the CWS space, see the Forrester report “Vendor Landscape: Cloud Workload
For more information about vendors in the CSG space, see the Forrester report “The Forrester Wave™: Cloud Security
Gateways, Q4 2016.”
For more information on different types and uses of encryption, see the Forrester report “TechRadar™: Data Security
And Privacy, Q4 2017.”
For more information on how to understand the gaps and potential security vulnerabilities related to identity
management, see the Forrester report “The Forrester Identity Management And Governance Maturity Model.”
For more information about how to make use of behavioral biometrics to boost web and mobile app protection, see
the Forrester report “Best Practices: Behavioral Biometrics.”
When we asked 404 global network security decision makers whose firms had an external security breach in the
past 12 months how the external attack was carried out, 41% said that it was a software vulnerability or exploit; 38%
said that it was a web application via means such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, or remote file inclusion. Note
that respondents were permitted to select multiple responses, so the total of the 12 categories we asked about far
exceeded 100%. Source: Forrester Analytics Global Business Technographics Security Survey, 2017.
For more information on VRM technologies, see the Forrester report “The Forrester Wave™: Vulnerability Risk
Management, Q1 2018.”
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[email protected] or +1 866-367-7378
For Security & Risk Professionals July 12, 2018
The Forrester Tech Tide™: Zero Trust Threat Prevention, Q3 2018
Tools And Technology: The Security Architecture And Operations Playbook
For more information on DDoS mitigation solutions, see the Forrester report “Now Tech: DDoS Mitigation Solutions,
Q2 2018” and see the Forrester report “The Forrester Wave™: DDoS Mitigation Solutions, Q4 2017.”
Source: Lily Hay Newman, “GitHub Survived The Biggest DDoS Attack Ever Recorded,” Wired, March 1, 2018 (https://
16 and Carlos Morales, “NETSCOUT Arbor Confirms 1.7 Tbps DDoS
Attack; The Terabit Attack Era Is Upon Us,” NETSCOUT blog, March 5, 2018 (
Source: “Business E-mail Compromise E-mail Account Compromise The 5 Billion Dollar Scam,” Internet Crime
For more information about endpoint security products, see the Forrester report “TechRadar™: Endpoint Security, Q1
2017” and see the Forrester report “The Forrester Wave™: Endpoint Security Suites, Q2 2018.”
We asked 1,802 global telecommunications decision makers at organizations with 1,000 or more employees which
initiatives were likely to be top business priorities for their organization over the next 12 months. Sixty-eight percent
said that improving the experience of their employees was a high or critical priority; 24% said it was a moderate
priority; and 8% said it was a low priority or not on their agenda. Source: Forrester Analytics Global Business
Technographics Mobility Survey, 2017.
For more information about the mobility security suite market landscape, see the Forrester report “Now Tech: Mobile
Security, Q1 2018.”
Network security policy management tools touch the network and visibility and analytics and automation and
orchestration functions of the ZTX framework. For more information, see the Forrester report “The Zero Trust eXtended
(ZTX) Ecosystem.”
Without NFGW technologies in place, it is impossible to achieve Zero Trust with the current suite of tools that are
available. For more information, see the Forrester report “The Zero Trust eXtended (ZTX) Ecosystem” and see the
Forrester report “TechRadar™: Zero Trust Network Threat Mitigation Technologies, Q4 2016.”
For more information about WAF tools, see the Forrester report “Vendor Landscape: Web Application Firewalls” and
see the Forrester report “The Forrester Wave™: Web Application Firewalls, Q2 2018.”
Organizations considering a Zero Trust security strategy should also consider the application and use of next-
generation access. Source: Chase Cunningham, “Next-Generation Access and Zero Trust,” Forrester Blogs, March 27,
2018 (
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