AZ-120 Labs Prerequisites

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# AZ 120: Lab prerequisites

## vCPU core requirements

- To complete the last lab of this course, you will need a Microsoft Azure
subscription with at least 28 vCPU available in the Azure region that supports
availability zones where the Azure VMs deployed in this lab will reside.

- 4 x Standard_DS1_v2 (1 vCPUs each) = 4

- 6 x Standard_D4s_v3 (4 vCPUs each) = 24

> **Note**: Consider using **East US** or **East US2** regions for deployment
of your resources.

> **Note**: To identify the Azure regions that support availability zones,
refer to [

While the vCPU requirements for the first three labs of this course are lower, we
recommend that you request increase of quotas to satisfy requirements for all of
the labs, since the process of increasing quotas might take some time (even though
quota increase requests are typically completed during the same business day).

## Before the hands-on lab

Timeframe: 120 minutes

### Task 1: Validate sufficient number of vCPU cores

1. In the Azure portal at <>,

1. In the Azure Portal, start a PowerShell session in Cloud Shell.

> **Note**: If this is the first time you are launching Cloud Shell in the
current Azure subscription, you will be asked to create an Azure file share to
persist Cloud Shell files. If so, accept the defaults, which will result in
creation of a storage account in an automatically generated resource group.

1. In the Azure portal, in the **Cloud Shell** pane, at the PowerShell prompt, run
the following: where `<Azure_region>` designates the target Azure region that you
intend to use for this lab (e.g. `eastus`):

Get-AzVMUsage -Location '<Azure_region>' | Where-Object {$_.Name.Value -eq

Get-AzVMUsage -Location '<Azure_region>' | Where-Object {$_.Name.Value -eq


> **Note**: To identify the names of Azure regions, in the **Cloud Shell**, at
the Bash prompt, run `(Get-AzLocation).Location`

1. Review the current value and the limit entries in the output of the commands
executed in the previous step and ensure that you have sufficient number of vCPUs
in the target Azure region.
1. If the number of vCPUs is not sufficient, in the Azure portal, navigate back to
the subscription blade, and click **Usage + quotas**.

1. On the subscription's **Usage + quotas** blade, click **Request Increase**.

1. On the **Basic** blade, specify the following and click **Next**:

- Issue type: **Service and subscription limits (quotas)**

- Subscription: the name of the Azure subscription you will be using in this

- Quota type: **Compute/VM (cores/vCPUs) subscription limit increases**

1. On the **Details** blade, click the **Provide details** blade.

1. On the **Quota details** blade, specify the following and click **Save and

- Deployment model: **Resource Manager**

- Location: the target Azure region you intend to use in this lab

- SKU family: **DSv3 Series** and **DSv2 Series**

1. On the **Details** blade, specify the new limit for each SKU series and click
**Next: Review + create**:

- Severity: **C - Minimal impact**

- Preferred contact method: choose your preferred option and provide contact

1. On the **Review + create** blade, click **Create**

> **Note**: Quota increase requests are typically completed during the same
business day.

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