Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
Lorenzo Garlappi
University of Texas at Austin
Raman Uppal
In about the fourth century, Rabbi Issac bar Aha proposed the following rule
for asset allocation: “One should always divide his wealth into three parts: a
third in land, a third in merchandise, and a third ready to hand.”1 After a “brief”
We wish to thank Matt Spiegel (the editor), two anonymous referees, and Ľuboš Pástor for extensive comments;
John Campbell and Luis Viceira for their suggestions and for making available their data and computer code;
and Roberto Wessels for making available data on the ten sector portfolios of the S&P 500 Index. We also
gratefully acknowledge the comments from Pierluigi Balduzzi, John Birge, Michael Brennan, Ian Cooper,
Bernard Dumas, Bruno Gerard, Francisco Gomes, Eric Jacquier, Chris Malloy, Francisco Nogales, Anna Pavlova,
Loriana Pelizzon, Nizar Touzi, Sheridan Titman, Rossen Valkanov, Yihong Xia, Tan Wang, Zhenyu Wang,
and seminar participants at BI Norwegian School of Management, HEC Lausanne, HEC Montréal, London
Business School, Manchester Business School, Stockholm School of Economics, University of Mannheim,
University of Texas at Austin, University of Venice, University of Vienna, the Second McGill Conference on
Global Asset Management, the 2004 International Symposium on Asset Allocation and Pension Management
at Copenhagen Business School, the 2005 Conference on Developments in Quantitative Finance at the Isaac
Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences at Cambridge University, the 2005 Workshop on Optimization
in Finance at University of Coimbra, the 2005 meeting of the Western Finance Association, the 2005 annual
meeting of INFORMS, the 2005 conference of the Institute for Quantitative Investment Research (Inquire
UK), the 2006 NBER Summer Institute, the 2006 meeting of the European Finance Association, and the First
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Finance Institute. Send correspondence to Lorenzo Garlappi, McCombs School
of Business, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712; telephone: (512) 471-5682; fax: (512) 471-5073.
E-mail: [email protected].
Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Baba Mezi’a, folio 42a.
C The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Society for Financial Studies.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: [email protected].
doi:10.1093/rfs/hhm075 Advance Access publication December 3, 2007
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
lull in the literature on asset allocation, there have been considerable advances
starting with the pathbreaking work of Markowitz (1952),2 who derived the
optimal rule for allocating wealth across risky assets in a static setting when
investors care only about the mean and variance of a portfolio’s return. Be-
cause the implementation of these portfolios with moments estimated via their
sample analogues is notorious for producing extreme weights that fluctuate
substantially over time and perform poorly out of sample, considerable effort
has been devoted to the issue of handling estimation error with the goal of
improving the performance of the Markowitz model.3
A prominent role in this vast literature is played by the Bayesian approach
to estimation error, with its multiple implementations ranging from the purely
statistical approach relying on diffuse-priors (Barry, 1974; Bawa, Brown, and
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
Table 1
List of various asset-allocation models considered
# Model Abbreviation
0. 1/N with rebalancing (benchmark strategy) ew or 1/N
Classical approach that ignores estimation error
1. Sample-based mean-variance mv
Bayesian approach to estimation error
2. Bayesian diffuse-prior Not reported
3. Bayes-Stein bs
4. Bayesian Data-and-Model dm
Moment restrictions
5. Minimum-variance min
6. Value-weighted market portfolio vw
7. MacKinlay and Pastor’s (2000) missing-factor model mp
Portfolio constraints
This table lists the various asset-allocation models we consider. The last column of the
table gives the abbreviation used to refer to the strategy in the tables where we compare the
performance of the optimal portfolio strategies to that of the 1/N strategy. The results for
two strategies are not reported. The reason for not reporting the results for the Bayesian
diffuse-prior strategy is that for an estimation period that is of the length that we are
considering (60 or 120 months), the Bayesian diffuse-prior portfolio is very similar to
the sample-based mean-variance portfolio. The reason for not reporting the results for the
multi-prior robust portfolio described in Garlappi, Uppal, and Wang (2007) is that they
show that the optimal robust portfolio is a weighted average of the mean-variance and
minimum-variance portfolios, the results for both of which are already being reported.
For instance, Benartzi and Thaler (2001) document that investors allocate their wealth across assets using the
naive 1/N rule. Huberman and Jiang (2006) find that participants tend to invest in only a small number of the
funds offered to them, and that they tend to allocate their contributions evenly across the funds that they use,
with this tendency weakening with the number of funds used.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
Table 2
List of datasets considered
# Dataset and source N Time period Abbreviation
1 Ten sector portfolios of the S&P 500 and 10 + 1 01/1981–12/2002 S&P Sectors
the US equity market portfolio
Source: Roberto Wessels
2 Ten industry portfolios and 10 + 1 07/1963–11/2004 Industry
the US equity market portfolio
Source: Ken French’s Web site
3 Eight country indexes and 8+1 01/1970–07/2001 International
the World Index
Source: MSCI
4 SMB and HML portfolios and 2+1 07/1963–11/2004 MKT/SMB/HML
the US equity market portfolio
Source: Ken French’s Web site
5 Twenty size- and book-to-market portfolios and 20 + 1 07/1963–11/2004 FF-1-factor
This table lists the various datasets analyzed; the number of risky assets N in each dataset, where the number
after the “+” indicates the number of factor portfolios available; and the time period spanned. Each dataset
contains monthly excess returns over the 90-day nominal US T-bill (from Ken French’s Web site). In the last
column is the abbreviation used to refer to the dataset in the tables evaluating the performance of the various
portfolio strategies. Note that as in Wang (2005), of the 25 size- and book-to-market-sorted portfolios, we
exclude the five portfolios containing the largest firms, because the market, SMB, and HML are almost a linear
combination of the 25 Fama-French portfolios. Note also that in Datasets #5, 6, and 7, the only difference is
in the factor portfolios that are available: in Dataset #5, it is the US equity MKT; in Dataset #6, they are the
MKT, SMB, and HML portfolios; and in Dataset #7, they are the MKT, SMB, HML, and UMD portfolios.
Because the results for the “FF-3-factor” dataset are almost identical to those for “FF-1-factor,” only the results
for “FF-1-factor” are reported.
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
(2003) performs best in terms of Sharpe ratio. But even this model delivers a
Sharpe ratio that is statistically superior to that of the 1/N strategy in only one
of the seven empirical datasets, a CEQ return that is not statistically superior to
that of the 1/N strategy in any of these datasets, and a turnover that is always
higher than that of the 1/N policy.
To understand better the reasons for the poor performance of the optimal
portfolio strategies relative to the 1/N benchmark, our second contribution
is to derive an analytical expression for the critical length of the estimation
window that is needed for the sample-based mean-variance strategy to achieve
a higher CEQ return than that of the 1/N strategy. This critical estimation-
window length is a function of the number of assets, the ex ante Sharpe ratio
of the mean-variance portfolio, and the Sharpe ratio of the 1/N policy. Based
Consider the following extreme two-asset example. Suppose that the true per annum mean and volatility of
returns for both assets are the same, 8% and 20%, respectively, and that the correlation is 0.99. In this case,
because the two assets are identical, the optimal mean-variance weights for the two assets would be 50%. If, on
the other hand, the mean return on the first asset is not known and is estimated to be 9% instead of 8%, then the
mean-variance model would recommend a weight of 635% in the first asset and −535% in the second. That is,
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
a result, “allocation mistakes” caused by using the 1/N weights can turn out
to be smaller than the error caused by using the weights from an optimizing
model with inputs that have been estimated with error. Although the “error-
maximizing” property of the mean-variance portfolio has been described in the
literature (Michaud, 1989; Best and Grauer, 1991), our contribution is to show
that because the effect of estimation error on the weights is so large, even the
models designed explicitly to reduce the effect of estimation error achieve only
modest success.
A second reason why the 1/N rule performs well in the datasets we consider
is that we are using it to allocate wealth across portfolios of stocks rather
than individual stocks. Because diversified portfolios have lower idiosyncratic
volatility than individual assets, the loss from naive as opposed to optimal
the optimization tries to exploit even the smallest difference in the two assets by taking extreme long and short
positions without taking into account that these differences in returns may be the result of estimation error. As
we describe in Section 3, the weights from mean-variance optimization when using actual data and more than
just two assets are even more extreme than the weights in the given example.
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
where the normalization by the absolute value of the sum of the portfolio
weights, |1N xt |, guarantees that the direction of the portfolio position is pre-
served in the few cases where the sum of the weights on the risky assets is
To facilitate the comparison across different strategies, we consider an in-
vestor whose preferences are fully described by the mean and variance of a
chosen portfolio, xt . At each time t, the decision-maker selects xt to maximize
expected utility9 :
max x μ − x x , (2)
xt t t 2 t t t
in which γ can be interpreted as the investor’s risk aversion. The solution
The constraint that the weights sum to 1 is incorporated implicitly by expressing the optimization problem in
terms of returns in excess of the risk-free rate.
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
integrating the conditional likelihood, f (R|μ, ), over μ and with respect
to a certain subjective prior, p(μ, ). In the literature, the Bayesian approach
to estimation error has been implemented in different ways. In the following
sections, we describe three common implementations we consider.
in which 0 < φ̂t < 1, ˆt = 1
M−N −2 s=t−M+1 (Rs − μ̂t )(Rs − μ̂t ) , and
t ≡ μ̂ min
t ŵt is the average excess return on the sample global minimum-
variance portfolio, ŵmint . These estimators “shrink” the sample mean toward
a common “grand mean,” μ. In our analysis, we use the estimator proposed
by Jorion (1985, 1986), who takes the grand mean, μ, to be the mean of the
minimum-variance portfolio, μmin . In addition to shrinking the estimate of the
mean, Jorion also accounts for estimation error in the covariance matrix via
traditional Bayesian-estimation methods.10
See also Jobson and Korkie (1980), Frost and Savarino (1986), and Dumas and Jacquillat (1990) for other
applications of shrinkage estimation in the context of portfolio selection.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
min w
t t wt , s.t. 1N wt = 1. (6)
To implement this policy, we use only the estimate of the covariance matrix
of asset returns (the sample covariance matrix) and completely ignore the
estimates of the expected returns.11 Also, although this strategy does not fall
into the general structure of mean-variance expected utility, its weights can be
thought of as a limiting case of Equation (3), if a mean-variance investor either
ignores expected returns or, equivalently, restricts expected returns so that they
are identical across all assets; that is, μt ∝ 1 N .
Note that expected returns, μt , do appear in the likelihood function needed to estimate t . However, under the
assumption of normally distributed asset returns, it is possible to show (Morrison, 1990) that for any estimator
of the covariance matrix, the MLE estimator of the mean is always the sample mean. This allows one to remove
the dependence on expected returns for constructing the MLE estimator of t .
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
in the covariance matrix of the residuals. They use this insight to construct an
estimator of expected returns that is more stable and reliable than estimators
obtained using traditional methods. MacKinlay and Pastor show that, in this
case, the covariance matrix of returns takes the following form12 :
= νμμ + σ2 I N , (7)
MacKinlay and Pastor (2000) express the restriction in terms of the covariance matrix of residuals instead of
returns. However, this does not affect the determination of the optimal portfolios.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
and Lakonishok (1999); and Ledoit and Wolf (2004a, 2004b)—that have been
developed to deal with the problems associated with estimating the covariance
Motivated by the desire to examine whether the out-of-sample portfolio per-
formance can be improved by ignoring expected returns (which are difficult to
estimate) but still taking into account the correlations between returns, we also
consider a new strategy that has not been considered in the existing literature.
This strategy, denoted by “g-min-c,” is a combination of the 1/N policy and the
constrained-minimum-variance strategy, and it can be interpreted as a simple
generalization of the shortsale-constrained minimum-variance portfolio. It is
obtained by imposing an additional constraint on the minimum-variance prob-
lem (6): w ≥ a1 N , with a ∈ [0, 1/N ]. Observe that the shortsale-constrained
in which xc and xd are two reference portfolios chosen by the investor. Working
directly with portfolio weights is intuitively appealing because it makes it easier
to select a specific target toward which one is shrinking a given portfolio. The
two mixture portfolios that we consider are described as follows.
1.6.1 The Kan and Zhou (2007) three-fund portfolio. In order to improve
on the models that use Bayes-Stein shrinkage estimators, Kan and Zhou (2007)
propose a “three-fund” (“mv-min”) portfolio rule, in which the role of the third
fund is to minimize “estimation risk.” The intuition underlying their model
is that because estimation risk cannot be diversified away by holding only a
combination of the tangency portfolio and the risk-free asset, an investor will
also benefit from holding some other risky-asset portfolio; that is, a third fund.
Kan and Zhou search for this optimal three-fund portfolio rule in the class of
portfolios that can be expressed as a combination of the sample-based mean-
variance portfolio and the minimum-variance portfolio. The nonnormalized
See Sections III.B and III.C of Jagannathan and Ma (2003) for an extensive discussion of the performance of
other models used for estimating the sample covariance matrix.
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
Garlappi, Uppal, and Wang (2007) consider an investor who is averse not just to risk but also to uncertainty, in
the sense of Knight (1921). They show that if returns on the N assets are estimated jointly, then the “robust”
portfolio is equivalent to a weighted average of the mean-variance portfolio and the minimum-variance portfolio,
where the weights depend on the amount of parameter uncertainty and the investor’s aversion to uncertainty. By
construction, therefore, the performance of such a portfolio lies between the performances of the sample-based
mean-variance portfolio and the minimum-variance portfolio. Because we report the performance for these two
extreme portfolios, we do not report separately the performance of robust portfolio strategies.
The insights from the results for the case of M = 60 are not very different from those for the case of M = 120,
and hence, in the interest of conserving space, are reported only in the separate appendix.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
k = μ̂k .
SR (12)
To test whether the Sharpe ratios of two strategies are statistically distin-
guishable, we also compute the p-value of the difference, using the approach
suggested by Jobson and Korkie (1981) after making the correction pointed out
in Memmel (2003).16
In order to assess the effect of estimation error on performance, we also
compute the in-sample Sharpe ratio for each strategy. This is computed by
using the entire time series of excess returns; that is, with the estimation
window M = T . Formally, the in-sample Sharpe ratio of strategy k is
Meank μ̂IS ŵ
SR k = = k k
, (13)
Stdk ŵ ˆ IS
k k k
in which μ̂IS
k and k are the in-sample mean and variance estimates, and ŵk
ˆ IS
is the portfolio obtained with these estimates.
Two, we calculate the certainty-equivalent (CEQ) return, defined as the risk-
free rate that an investor is willing to accept rather than adopting a particular
risky portfolio strategy. Formally, we compute the CEQ return of strategy k as
k = μ̂k − γ σ̂k2 ,
CEQ (14)
Specifically, given two portfolios i and n, with μ̂i , μ̂n , σ̂i , σ̂n , σ̂i,n as their estimated means, variances, and
covariances over a sample of size T − M, the test of the hypothesis H0 : μ̂i /σ̂i − μ̂n /σ̂n = 0 is obtained via the
test statistic ẑ JK , which is asymptotically distributed as a standard normal:
σ̂n μ̂i − σ̂i μ̂n 1 1 1 μ̂i μ̂n 2
ẑ JK = √ , with ϑ̂ = 2σ̂i2 σ̂n2 − 2σ̂i σ̂n σ̂i,n + μ̂i2 σ̂n2 + μ̂2n σ̂i2 − σ̂i,n .
ϑ̂ T − M 2 2 σ̂ σ̂
i n
Note that this statistic holds asymptotically under the assumption that returns are distributed independently and
identically (IID) over time with a normal distribution. This assumption is typically violated in the data. We
address this in Section 5, where we simulate a dataset with T = 24,000 monthly returns that are IID normal.
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
in which μ̂k and σ̂k2 are the mean and variance of out-of-sample excess returns
for strategy k, and γ is the risk aversion.17 The results we report are for the case
of γ = 1; results for other values of γ are discussed in the separate appendix
with robustness checks. To test whether the CEQ returns from two strategies
are statistically different, we also compute the p-value of the difference, relying
on the asymptotic properties of functional forms of the estimators for means
and variance.18
Three, to get a sense of the amount of trading required to implement each
portfolio strategy, we compute the portfolio turnover, defined as the average
sum of the absolute value of the trades across the N available assets:
ŵk, j,t+1 − ŵk, j,t + ,
in which ŵk, j,t is the portfolio weight in asset j at time t under strategy k; ŵk j ,t +
is the portfolio weight before rebalancing at t + 1; and ŵk, j,t+1 is the desired
portfolio weight at time t + 1, after rebalancing. For example, in the case of
the 1/N strategy, wk, j,t = wk, j,t+1 = 1/N , but wk, j,t + may be different due
to changes in asset prices between t and t + 1. The turnover quantity defined
above can be interpreted as the average percentage of wealth traded in each
period. For the 1/N benchmark strategy we report its absolute turnover, and for
all the other strategies their turnover relative to that of the benchmark strategy.
In addition to reporting the raw turnover for each strategy, we also report
an economic measure of this by reporting how proportional transactions costs
generated by this turnover affect the returns from a particular strategy.19 We
set the proportional transactions cost equal to 50 basis points per transaction
as assumed in Balduzzi and Lynch (1999), based on the studies of the cost per
transaction for individual stocks on the NYSE by Stoll and Whaley (1983),
Bhardwaj and Brooks (1992), and Lesmond, Ogden, and Trzcinka (1999).
Let Rk, p be the return from strategy k on the portfolio of N assets be-
fore rebalancing; that is, Rk, p = Nj=1 R j,t+1 ŵk, j,t . When the portfolio is
To be precise, the definition in Equation (14) refers to the level of expected utility of a mean-variance investor,
and it can be shown that this is approximately the CEQ of an investor with quadratic utility. Notwithstanding this
caveat, and following common practice, we interpret it as the certainty equivalent for strategy k.
If v denotes the vector of moments v = (μi , μn , σi2 , σn2 ), v̂ its empirical counterpart obtained from a sample of
size T − M, and f (v) = (μi − γ2 σi2 ) − (μn − γ2 σn2 ) the difference in the certainty equivalent of two strategies
i and n, then the asymptotic distribution of f (v) (Greene, 2002) is T ( f (v̂) − f (v)) → N (0, ∂∂vf ∂∂vf ), in
which ⎛ 2 ⎞
σi σi,n 0 0
⎜ σ σ2 0 0 ⎟
⎜ in n ⎟
=⎜ 2 ⎟ .
⎝ 0 0 2σi4 2σi,n ⎠
2 4
0 0 2σi,n 2σn
Note that while the turnover of each strategy is related to the transactions costs incurred in implementing that
strategy, it is important to realize that in the presence of transactions costs, it would not be optimal to implement
the same portfolio strategy.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
Because the 1/N strategy does not rely on data, its in-sample and out-of-sample Sharpe ratios are the same.
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
Table 3
Sharpe ratios for empirical data
S&P Industry Inter’l Mkt/ FF FF
sectors portfolios portfolios SMB/HML 1-factor 4-factor
Strategy N = 11 N = 11 N =9 N =3 N = 21 N = 24
For each of the empirical datasets listed in Table 2, this table reports the monthly Sharpe ratio for the 1/N
strategy, the in-sample Sharpe ratio of the mean-variance strategy, and the out-of-sample Sharpe ratios for the
strategies from the models of optimal asset allocation listed in Table 1. In parentheses is the p-value of the
difference between the Sharpe ratio of each strategy from that of the 1/N benchmark, which is computed using
the Jobson and Korkie (1981) methodology described in Section 2. The results for the “FF-3-factor” dataset are
not reported because they are very similar to those for the “FF-1-factor” dataset.
of this table (for the “FF-4-factor” dataset), the in-sample Sharpe ratio for the
mean-variance strategy is 0.5364, while that for the 1/N strategy is only 0.1753.
To assess the magnitude of the potential gains that can actually be realized
by an investor, it is necessary to analyze the out-of-sample performance of
the strategies from the optimizing models. The difference between the mean-
variance strategy’s in-sample and out-of-sample Sharpe ratios allows us to
gauge the severity of the estimation error. This comparison delivers striking
results. From the out-of-sample Sharpe ratio reported in the row titled “mv”
in Table 3, we see that for all the datasets, the sample-based mean-variance
strategy has a substantially lower Sharpe ratio out of sample than in-sample.
Moreover, the out-of-sample Sharpe ratio for the sample-based mean-variance
strategy is less than that for the 1/N strategy for all but one of the datasets,
with the exception being the “FF-4-factor” dataset (though the difference is
statistically insignificant). That is, the effect of estimation error is so large that
it erodes completely the gains from optimal diversification. For instance, for the
dataset “S&P Sectors,” the sample-based mean-variance portfolio has a Sharpe
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
ratio of only 0.0794 compared to its in-sample value of 0.3848, and 0.1876
for the 1/N strategy. Similarly, for the “International” dataset, the in-sample
Sharpe ratio for the mean-variance strategy is 0.2090, which drops to −0.0332
out of sample, while the Sharpe ratio of the 1/N strategy is 0.1277.
The comparisons of Sharpe ratios confirm the well-known perils of using
classical sample-based estimates of the moments of asset returns to implement
Markowitz’s mean-variance portfolios. Thus, our first observation is that out
of sample, the 1/N strategy typically outperforms the sample-based mean-
variance strategy if one were to make no adjustment at all for the presence of
estimation error.
But what about the out-of-sample performance of optimal-allocation strate-
gies that explicitly account for estimation error? Our second observation is
The factor that determines the shrinkage of expected returns toward the mean return on the minimum-variance
portfolio is φ̂ [see Equation (4)]. For the datasets we are considering, φ̂ ranges from a low of 0.32 for the
“FF-4-factor” dataset to a high of 0.66 for the “MKT/SMB/HML” dataset; thus, the Bayes-Stein strategy is still
relying too much on the estimated means, μ̂.
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
altogether but exploiting the information about correlations does lead to better
performance, relative to the out-of-sample mean-variance strategy “mv” in all
datasets but “FF-4-factor.” Ignoring mean returns is very successful in reducing
the extreme portfolio weights: the out-of-sample portfolio weights under the
minimum-variance strategy are much more reasonable than under the sample-
based mean-variance strategy. For example, in the “International” dataset, the
minimum-variance portfolio weight on the World index ranges from −140%
to +124% rather than ranging from −148195% to +116828% as it did for the
mean-variance strategy. Although the 1/N strategy has a higher Sharpe ratio
than the minimum-variance strategy for the datasets “S&P Sectors,” and “FF-
4-factor,” for the “Industry,” “International,” and “MKT/SMB/HML” datasets,
the minimum-variance strategy has a higher Sharpe ratio, but the difference
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
Table 4
Certainty-equivalent returns for empirical data
S&P Industry Inter’l Mkt/ FF FF
sectors portfolios portfolios SMB/HML 1-factor 4-factor
Strategy N = 11 N = 11 N =9 N =3 N = 21 N = 24
For each of the empirical datasets listed in Table 2, this table reports the monthly CEQ return for the 1/N strategy,
the in-sample CEQ return of the mean-variance strategy, and the out-of-sample CEQ returns for the strategies
from the models of optimal asset allocation listed in Table 1. In parentheses is the p-value of the difference
between the Sharpe ratio of each strategy from that of the 1/N benchmark, which is computed using the Jobson
and Korkie (1981) methodology described in Section 2. The results for the “FF-3-factor” dataset are not reported
because these are very similar to those for the “FF-1-factor” dataset.
to reduce the effect of the error in estimating the covariance matrix. The benefit
from combining constraints and shrinkage is also evident for the generalized
minimum-variance policy, “g-min-c,” which has a higher Sharpe ratio than 1/N
in all but two datasets, “S&P Sectors” and “FF-1-factor,” although the superior
performance is statistically significant for only the “FF-4-factor” dataset.22
Finally, the two mixture portfolios, “mv-min” and “ew-min,” described in
Sections 1.6.1 and 1.6.2, do not outperform 1/N in a statistically significant way.
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
Table 5
Portfolio turnovers for empirical data
S&P Industry Inter’l Mkt/ FF- FF-
sectors portfolios portfolios SMB/HML 1-factor 4-factor
Strategy N = 11 N = 11 N =9 N =3 N = 21 N = 24
For each of the empirical datasets listed in Table 2, the first line of this table reports the monthly turnover for the
1/N strategy, panel A reports the turnover for the strategies from each optimizing model relative to the turnover
of the 1/N model, and panel B reports the return-loss, which is the extra return a strategy needs to provide in
order that its Sharpe ratio equal that of the 1/N strategy in the presence of proportional transactions costs of 50
basis points. The results for the “FF-3-factor” dataset are not reported because these are very similar to those for
the “FF-1-factor” dataset.
strategy. In fact, in only two cases are the CEQ returns from optimizing models
statistically superior to the CEQ return from the 1/N model. This happens in
the “FF-1-factor” dataset, in which the constrained-mean-variance portfolio
“mv-c” has a CEQ return of 0.0090 and the “bs-c” strategy has a CEQ return
of 0.0088, while the 1/N strategy has a CEQ of 0.0073, with the p-values of
the differences being 0.03 and 0.05, respectively.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
From panel A of Table 5, we see that in all cases the turnover for the
portfolios from the optimizing models is much higher than for the benchmark
1/N strategy. Comparing the turnover across the various datasets, it is evident
that the turnover of the strategies from the optimizing models is smaller, relative
to the 1/N policy in the “MKT/SMB/HML” dataset than in the other datasets.
This is not surprising given the fact that two of the three assets in this dataset,
HML and SMB, are already actively managed portfolios and, as explained
above, because the number of assets in this dataset is small (N = 3), the
estimation problem is less severe. This is also confirmed by panel B of the table,
where for the “MKT/SMB/HML” dataset several strategies have a return-loss
that is slightly negative, implying that even in the presence of proportional
transactions costs, these strategies attain a higher Sharpe ratio than that of the
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
strategy. Our focus is on identifying the relation between the expected perfor-
mance (measured in terms of the CEQ of returns) of the strategies from the
various optimizing models and that of the 1/N strategy, as a function of: (i) the
number of assets, N ; (ii) the length of the estimation window, M; (iii) the
ex ante Sharpe ratio of the mean-variance strategy; and (iv) the Sharpe ratio of
the 1/N strategy.
As in Kan and Zhou (2007), we treat the portfolio weights as an estimator,
that is, as a function of the data. The optimal portfolio can therefore be deter-
mined by directly solving the problem of finding the weights that maximize
expected utility, instead of first estimating the moments on which these weights
depend, and then constructing the corresponding portfolio rules. Applying this
insight, we derive a measure of the expected loss incurred in using a particular
x̂ = f (R1 , R2 , . . . , R M ). (20)
We define the expected loss from using a particular estimator of the weight x̂
in which the expectation E[U (x̂)] represents the average utility realized by an
investor who “plays” the strategy x̂ infinitely many times.
When using the sample-based mean-variance portfolio policy, x̂mv , μ
1 M
and are estimated from their sample counterparts, μ̂ = M t=1 Rt and
ˆ = 1
M t=1 (Rt − μ̂)(Rt − μ̂) , and the expression for the optimal portfo-
1 ˆ −1
lio weight is x̂ = γ μ̂. Under the assumption that the distribution of returns
is jointly normal, μ̂ and ˆ are independent and are distributed as follows:
μ̂ ∼ N (μ, /M) and M ∼ W N (M − 1, ), in which W N (M − 1, ) de-
notes a Wishart distribution with M − 1 degrees of freedom and covariance
matrix .
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
k S∗2 − Sew
> 0, (24)
M M(M − 2)
where k= 2− < 1.
M − N −2 (M − N − 1)(M − N − 4)
3. If both μ and are unknown, the sample-based mean-variance strategy
has a lower expected loss than the 1/N strategy if:
k S∗2 − Sew
− h > 0, (26)
N M(M − 2)
where h= > 0. (27)
(M − N − 1)(M − N − 2)(M − N − 4)
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
From the inequality (23), we see that if μ is unknown but is known, then
the sample-based mean-variance strategy is more likely to outperform the 1/N
strategy if the number of periods over which the parameters are estimated, M, is
high and if the number of available assets, N , is low. Because k in Equation (25)
is increasing in M and decreasing in N , the inequality (24) shows that also for
the case where μ is known but is unknown, the sample-based mean-variance
policy is more likely to outperform the 1/N strategy as M increases and N
decreases. Finally, for the case in which both parameters are unknown, we note
that because h > 0, the left-hand side of Equation (26) is always smaller than
the left-hand side of Equation (24).
To illustrate the implications of Proposition 1 above, we compute the critical
value Mmv , as defined in Equation (22), for the three cases considered in the
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
12000 6000
10000 5000
8000 4000
6000 3000
2000 1000
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 1
Number of estimation months for mean-variance portfolio to outperform the 1/N benchmark
The six panels in this figure show the critical number of estimation months required for the sample-based mean-
variance strategy to outperform the 1/N rule on average, as a function of the number of assets, N . Each panel
is drawn for different levels of the Sharpe ratios for the ex ante mean-variance portfolio, S∗ , and the equally
weighted portfolio, Sew . Critical values are computed using the definition in Equation (22). The dashed-dotted
line reports the critical value of the estimation window for the case in which the means are known, but the
covariances are not. The dashed line refers to the case in which the covariances are known, but the means are
not. And the solid line refers to the case in which neither the means nor the covariances are known.
case considered in panel B, in which the Sharpe ratio of the 1/N portfolio
is only one-fourth that of the mean-variance portfolio, the critical length of
the estimation period does not decrease substantially—it is 270 months for 25
assets, 530 months for 50 assets, and 1060 months for 100 assets.
Reducing the ex ante Sharpe ratio of the mean-variance portfolio increases
the critical length of the estimation window required for it to outperform the
1/N benchmark; this explains, at least partly, the relatively good performance
of the optimal strategies for the “FF-1-factor” and “FF-4-factor” datasets, for
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
which the Sharpe ratio of the in-sample mean-variance policy is around 0.50,
which is much higher than in the other datasets. From panel C of Figure 1,
in which the Sharpe ratio of the mean-variance portfolio is 0.20 and that for
the 1/N portfolio is 0.10, we see that if there are 25 assets over which wealth
is to be allocated, then for the mean-variance strategy that relies on estimation
of both mean and covariances to outperform the 1/N rule on average, about
1000 months of data are needed. If the number of assets is 50, the length of the
estimation window increases to about 2000 months. Even in the more extreme
case considered in panel D, in which the 1/N rule has a Sharpe ratio that is
only one-quarter that of the mean-variance portfolio, with 50 assets the number
of estimation periods required for the sample-based mean-variance model to
outperform the 1/N policy is over 1500 months. This is even more striking in
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
factor model Ra,t = α + B Rb,t + t , where Ra,t is the excess asset returns
vector, α is the mispricing coefficients vector, B is the factor loadings matrix,
Rb,t is the vector of excess returns on the factor portfolios, Rb ∼ N (μb , b ),
and t is the vector of noise, ∼ N (0, ), which is independent with respect
to the factor portfolios.
For our simulations, we assume that the risk-free rate follows a normal
distribution, with an annual average of 2% and a standard deviation of 2%. We
assume that there is only one factor (K = 1), whose annual excess return has
an annual average of 8% and standard deviation of 16%. The mispricing α is
set to zero, and the factor loadings, B, are evenly spread between 0.5 and 1.5.
Finally, the variance-covariance matrix of noise, , is assumed to be diagonal,
with elements drawn from a uniform distribution with support [0.10, 0.30],
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
Table 6
Sharpe ratios for simulated data
N = 10 N = 25 N = 50
Strategy M = 120 M = 360 M = 6000 M = 120 M = 360 M = 6000 M = 120 M = 360 M = 6000
1/N 0.1356 0.1356 0.1356 0.1447 0.1447 0.1447 0.1466 0.1466 0.1466
mv (true) 0.1477 0.1477 0.1477 0.1477 0.1477 0.1477 0.1477 0.1477 0.1477
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) (0.15) (0.15) (0.15)
mv −0.0019 0.0077 0.1416 0.0027 0.0059 0.1353 0.0078 −0.0030 0.1212
(0.00) (0.00) (0.03) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
bs −0.0021 0.0087 0.1416 0.0031 0.0074 0.1363 0.0076 −0.0035 0.1229
(0.00) (0.00) (0.03) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
dm 0.0725 0.1475 0.1464 0.0133 0.1473 0.1457 0.0201 0.0380 0.1430
(σα = 1.0%) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.07) (0.29) (0.00) (0.00) (0.02)
min 0.1113 0.1181 0.1208 0.0804 0.0911 0.0956 0.0491 0.0676 0.0696
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
This table reports the monthly Sharpe ratio for the 1/N strategy, the in-sample Sharpe ratio of the mean-variance
strategy, and the out-of-sample Sharpe ratios for the strategies from the models of optimal asset allocation
listed in Table 1. In parentheses is the p-value of the difference between the Sharpe ratio of each strategy from
that of the 1/N benchmark, which is computed using the Jobson and Korkie (1981) methodology described
in Section 2. These quantities are computed for simulated data that are described in Section 5.1 for different
numbers of investable assets, N , and different lengths of the estimation window, M, measured in months.
not outperform the 1/N benchmark policy for the case of 50 assets even with
an estimation window of 6000 months.
Studying the policies with moment restrictions, we find that the minimum-
variance policy, “min,” does not beat 1/N for any of the cases considered. On
the other hand, the “mp” policy does quite well, and its performance is similar
to that of the 1/N policy. One reason why this policy performs well is that the
data are simulated assuming the market model with no unobservable factors,
which are ideal conditions for this policy.
The imposition of constraints improves the performance of the sample-based
mean-variance policy, “mv-c,” only for small estimation window lengths, but
worsens its performance for large estimation windows. The intuition for this
is that when the estimation window is long, the estimation error is smaller,
and therefore, constraints reduce performance. Consequently, the constrained
sample-based mean-variance policy does not outperform the 1/N benchmark
policy for any of the cases considered. Similarly, imposing shortsale constraints
on the Bayes-Stein policy improves the performance only for short estimation
windows, and thus, even with constraints this policy does not outperform the
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
In the interest of space, the table with the results for the case with idiosyncratic volatility of 75% is not reported
in the paper.
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
than some other value of risk aversion, say γ = {2, 3, 4, 5, 10}; and (viii) the
investor’s level of confidence in the asset-pricing model is σα = 1% per an-
num, rather than 2% or 0.5%. To check whether our results are sensitive to
these assumptions, we generate tables for the Sharpe ratio, CEQ returns, and
turnover for all policies and empirical datasets considered after relaxing each
of the assumptions aforementioned. In addition, based on each of these three
measures, we also report the rankings of the various strategies. Because of the
large number of tables for these robustness experiments, we have collected
the results for these experiments in a separate appendix titled “Implementation
Details and Robustness Checks,” which is available from the authors. The main
insight from these robustness checks is that the relative performance reported
in the paper for the various strategies is not very sensitive to any of these
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
7. Conclusions
We have compared the performance of 14 models of optimal asset allocation,
relative to that of the benchmark 1/N policy. This comparison is undertaken
using seven different empirical datasets as well as simulated data. We find that
the out-of-sample Sharpe ratio of the sample-based mean-variance strategy is
much lower than that of the 1/N strategy, indicating that the errors in estimating
means and covariances erode all the gains from optimal, relative to naive,
diversification. We also find that the various extensions to the sample-based
mean-variance model that have been proposed in the literature to deal with the
problem of estimation error typically do not outperform the 1/N benchmark for
the seven empirical datasets. In summary, we find that of the various optimizing
models in the literature, there is no single model that consistently delivers a
Sharpe ratio or a CEQ return that is higher than that of the 1/N portfolio, which
also has a very low turnover.
To understand the poor performance of the optimizing models, we derive
analytically the length of the estimation period needed before the sample-based
mean-variance strategy can be expected to achieve a higher certainty-equivalent
return than the 1/N benchmark. For parameters calibrated to US stock-market
data, we find that for a portfolio with only 25 assets, the estimation window
needed is more than 3000 months, and for a portfolio with 50 assets, it is more
than 6000 months, while typically these parameters are estimated using 60–120
months of data. Using simulated data, we show that the various extensions to
the sample-based mean-variance model that have been designed to deal with
estimation error reduce only moderately the estimation window needed for
these models to outperform the naive 1/N benchmark.
These findings have two important implications. First, while there has been
considerable progress in the design of optimal portfolios, more energy needs
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
Optimal Versus Naive Diversification
index for the period January 1970 to July 2001. Data are from MSCI (Morgan
Stanley Capital International).
As in Wang (2005), we exclude the five portfolios containing the largest firms because the market, SMB, and
HML are almost a linear combination of the 25 Fama-French portfolios.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 5 2009
xew = c 1 N , c ∈ R. (B4)
Note that the weights in the above expressions do not necessarily correspond
to 1/N , but the normalized weights do, independent of the choice of the scalar
c ∈ R . To clarify, if initial wealth is one dollar, then N c represents the fraction
invested globally in the risky assets, and 1 − N c is the fraction invested in the
risk-free asset.
Suppose the investor uses the rule (B4) for a generic c. The expected loss
from using such a rule instead of the one that relies on perfect knowledge of
the parameters is
L(x∗ , xew ) = U (x∗ ) − c1N μ + c2 1 N 1 N . (B5)
In order to fully isolate the cost of using the 1/N rule and avoid the effects
of market timing, we assume that the investor chooses c optimally; that is, in
such a way that the loss in Equation (B5) is minimized. Since the loss function
1 μ
is convex in c, the lowest possible loss is obtained by choosing c∗ = γ1 NN1 N ,
which delivers the following lowest bound on the loss from using the 1/N
portfolio rule:
∗ 1 −1 1 μ 1 2
L ew (x , x ) =
μ μ − N ≡ S∗ − Sew
, (B6)
2γ 1 N 1 N 2γ
(1 μ)2
in which Sew = 1N1 is the squared Sharpe ratio of the 1/N portfolio. Com-
paring Equations (B1), (B2), and (B3) to Equation (B6) gives the result in the
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