Longman Academic Writing Series 3

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The passages discuss various topics such as eye care professionals, memory techniques, and the spread of the English language.

Optometrists and ophthalmologists both provide eye exams and prescribe corrective lenses, but ophthalmologists have more medical training and can perform surgery. Optometrists require a Doctor of Optometry degree while ophthalmologists need medical school and residency training.

Paying attention, speaking out loud, and regularly practicing or reviewing material are mentioned as ways to support memory in both the short and long term.


In Chapter 7, you learned about cause/effect paragraphs. Chapter 8 is about

paragraphs that analyze similarities and dilierences. Comparison I contrast is a
commonly used technique. For example, you compare and contrast courses and
teachers when you decide which classes to take. You compare and contrast products
and prices when you shop. In college classes, you will often have to compare and
contrast. A professor in a political science class might ask you to write about the
similarities and differences between two world leaders. In a literature class, you might
have to compare two poems or two characters in a play. At the end of Chapter 8, you
will write your own comparison / contrast paragraph.


The writing model compares and contrasts the schools of 50 years ago and the schools
of today.
Read the model. Then answer the questions.

.. . . ., . .., . . .. . . .
/ Writing Model
e 2 • • • • • . • 3 • • • • • • • 4 . • . • . . • 5 • • • • • • • 6 �· •

Changes in Education for the 21st Century

1 To understand 21st century education, it is useful to examine the similarities and

differences between the schools of 50 years ago and the schools of today. 2 First, we should look
at what students studied then and now. 3 In the mid-20th century , students studied the

basics-reading, writing, math, and science. 4 In the 21st century , students continue to study
these traditional academic subjects. s However, In addition, they learn a wide array of computer
skills and "the 4Cs" -critical thlnklng, communication, collaboration, and creativity. e The next
similarities and differences lie In the past and current methods of teaching and learning. 7 In the

past , students obtained knowledge mostly from teachers and required textbooks, aToday , they
still learn through the guidance of teachers and by reading course texts, but the Web has become
a major source of learning. e In addition to face-to-face courses, students often take classes and

do research onllne. 10 Unlike students in the 20th century, today's students may also desig:n their
own self-directed topics of study based on their interests ·and real-world experiences. 11 Finally,

people need to investigate the purpose of education in the 1950s and 1960s In contrast to today_
12 In 201h century schools, one of the main goals was lo help students obtain a highly paid job. 13
In the 21st century, the goal is the same. 14 However. 50 years ago, economies were local.
1sSchools educated workers who tended to stay in one place and remain with one employer for


L T periods of time, even for their entire work. life. 1s In contrast, workers in the 21st century are part
I a fast-paced global economy. 11 Employees need to be able to adapt quickly and move from

job to job. ,s Therefore, schools must prepare students to be adaptable and continue learning

throughout their careers. 10 In summary, education In the 21st century Is flm1ly rooted in the basics

of traditional education from the 1950s and 1960s; however, modem education has expanded

what students learn. how they learn it, and why.

Questions about the Model

1. Underline the topic sentence. What is U,e topic? What is the contro.lling idea?
2. Underline the three main points of the paragraph. What kind of information does
the writer present in order to explain each of the main points?
3. Underline the conclusion. How many sentences does the conclusion have?
4. Circle three transition signals that the writer uses to make the paragraph coherent.

/Noticing Vocabulary: Antonyms

Antonyms (words that mean the opposite) are an important vocabulary tool when you
are writing comparison/ contrast pa.ragraphs. Knowing antonyms is also an excellent
way for you to expand your knowledge of English vocabulary and improve your
writing overaII.

The writing model on page 172 contains these antonyms.

similarities " differences

then ,;c now

past " current

You can find artonyms In a dictlorwy or tt,esaitus. � are generally listed

diredly below the� of a word.

In Chapter 4, you learned that it is important to pay close attention so that you can
select the right synonyms (words with the same or almost the same meaning). The
same is true for antonyms. For example, a thesaurus is likely to have these three
antonyms for past: cu.rrent, present, and future. While c11rrellt and present are antonyms
for past .in "Changes in Education for the 21st Century," future is not. Be careful when
selecting an antonym in a dictionary or thesaurus. Be sure to choose the antonym that
fits your meaning.

Comparison I Contrast Paragraphs 173

PRACTICE 1 Identifying and Finding Antonyms

O Work with a partner. Match the words in Column A with their antonyms in
Column B.

G 1. wide a. move
F 2. mostly b. boredom
E 3. required c. global
B 4. interest d. modem
C 5. local e. optional
A 6. remain f. seldom
D 7. traditional ;. narrow

0 Work with a partner. For each word from the model, find two-antonyms.
Write them. Use a dictiona,y or thesaurus as needed.

1. adaptable inflexible
interrupt, delay, STOP CEASE END
2. continue
end, quit REDUCE, NARROW,





Like the paragraphs in previous cllapters of thls book, comparison / contrast

paragraphs have a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a conclusion. A
comparison/ contrast paragraph can focus on similarities and/or differences between
two people, two animals, two places, or two things. Your decision to emphasize
similarities, differences, or beth will depend on your topic.


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Writing ropic Sentences

Read each paragraph. Circle the topic sentence that best presents the topic
and controlling idea. Then write it on the line.


Starting Out
c. There are similarities between the first day at a new school and the first day at a new job.

________________ One similarity between the first

day at a new school and the first day at a new job is the feeling of nervousness

and anxiety that comes from the unknown. Students have to find classrooms, the

cafeteria, and other important places on campus. They a.re afraid that they will get

lost and be late, and they think that everyone will notice their mistakes. Likewise,

new employees must become familiar with their surroundings. They feel just

as confused and insecure as new students until they leam their way around.

Another feeling that new students and employees usually have in common is the

fear of failure. Students wonder if they will be able to meet the demands of their

classes. New employees also worry about their assigned wotr <load. Both groups

are concerned about making a good impression on an instructor or a boss and

figuring how to use the books, computers, and other materials they will need

to succeed. Finally, there is the feeling of being alone. Students worry about not

having friends at their new schooL Similarly, new employees are often uncertain

about who they will work with, eat lunch with, or talk to during break time. In

conclusion, the feelings of students on their fist day at a new s¢ool and feelings

of employees on their first day at a new job a.re remarkably similar.

a. There are similarities and differences between the first day at a new school and
the first day at a new job.
b. There are three major differences between the first day at a new school a.n d the
first day at a new job.
c. There are similarities between the first day at a new school and the first day at
a new job.
d. The.re are feelings of loneliness for students on their first day at a new school
and for employees at a new job.
(co11li1111ed 011 next page)
Comparlspn / Contrast Paragraphs 177

Pil>.Cll»H 2

Choosing an Eye Care Professional

_______________ Optometrists and ophthalmologists

offer many of the same services. Like optometrists, ophthalmologists give eye

exams to find out if their patients have 20/20 vision. If not, the two kinds of eye

doctors prescribe glasses or contact lenses to correct the problem. In addition,

both optometrists and ophthalmologists diagnose and treat injuries an.di common

diseases of the eye. However, there are mfferences between optometrists and

ophthalmologists that are related to their education and training. Optometrists

usually receive a Doctor of Optometry (0.0.) degree after four years of study
at the undergraduate level and four years of graduate school. In contrast,
ophthalmologists complete lour years of undergraduate study, four years of
medical school, and a one-year internship before they receive the Docto:r of
Medicine (M.D.) degree. They then finish at least three years of residency training.

Because they are medical doctors, ophthalmologists can prescribe more kinds of
medicine and do more in-depth treatment than optometrists. Most importantly,

optometrists cannot perform surgery, but ophthalmologists can. In short, both

optometrists and ophthalmologists can provide

the eye care that most people need; however,
only ophthalmologists have the training to
treat certain eye problems, especially problems

that require surgery.

a. Both optometrists and ophthalmologists are qualified eye doctors, but they are
not the same.
b. Optometrists cannot perform eye surgery, but ophthalmologists can.
c. Optometrists and ophthalmologists are two very different kinds of eye doctors.
d. lt is very difficult to see the difference between optometrists and





In conclusion, there are differences between short-term memory and long-term
memory, but paying attention, speaking out loud and regularly practicing are some
ways that can support our memory.

end with special punctuation


for academic English

English language movies appear in theaters worldwide. English is commonly
used on the Internet, too.

British English has become an international language. Similarly, American

English is now heard in locations around the globe.

Just as English is the language spoken in Britain and the United States,
English is the language spoken in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

More than 350 million people speak English as their first language. Likewise, millions of people speak
English as an additional language.

Knowing a second language is useful not only for travel but also for employment.
Like Latin, the Greek language is the origin of many English words.

Loan words such as mosquito, patio, and plaza have the same spelling in English and Spanish.

Both word knowledge and cultural experience play a role in language learning.

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