CHAPTER 4 Amplitude Modulator and Demodulator Circuits

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Amplitude Modulator and Demodulator Circuits

Modulator circuits have been created that vary the carrier amplitude in response

to the modulating information signal. At low and high power levels, circuits will generate

AM, DSB, and SSB. The square of the input signals determines the shape of a square-

law equation. A square-law answer is best approximated by a diode. Bipolar and field-

effect transistors (FETs) can be biased to provide a square-law response as well. The

answer of a FET is nearly perfect square-law, while diodes and bipolar transistors with

higher-order components only approximate the square-law operation.

Third-, fourth-, and higher-order harmonics, also known as intermodulation

components, are generated by diodes and transistors whose function is not a pure

square-law function and are easy to filter out. Since it uses a transistor instead of a

diode, this better variant of the circuit has benefit. A diode and a nonlinear system, the

emitter-base junction is a diode. Modulation happens in the same way as before, except

that the base current regulates a greater collector current, amplifying the circuit.

Because of the emitter-base intersection, there is rectification. In the tuned circuit, this

results in greater half-sine current pulses. The output is a classic AM wave.

An exceptional amplitude modulator is a differential amplifier modulator. The

modulator in high-level AM changes the voltage and power in the transmitter's final RF
amplifier cycle. As a consequence, the RF amplifier has a high efficiency and overall

high-quality output. The collector modulator of a high-level modulator circuit is a high-

power class C amplifier, and the output stage of the transmitter is a high-level modulator

circuit. Class C amplifiers only operate for a portion of the input signal's positive half-

cycle. The tuned circuit oscillates (rings) at the desired output frequency as a result of

the collector current pulses. The requirement for a modulation transformer to link the

audio amplifier to the class C amplifier in the transmitter is a significant drawback of

collector modulators. The larger and more powerful the transformer, the higher the


Demodulators, also known as detectors, are circuits that embrace modulated

signals and extract the modulating information. In every radio receiver, the demodulator

circuit is the most important circuit. Demodulator circuits may also be used as basic

radio receivers of their own. The diode detector is the most basic and effective

amplitude demodulator. The envelope, which is the original modulating information, is

recovered by rectifying the AM signal with a diode and then filtering it with a capacitor.

The envelope of the AM signal, which is the original modulating signal, is recovered by

the diode detector, which is also known as an envelope detector.

Synchronous detectors turn the AM signal off and on using an internal clock

signal at the receiver's carrier level, providing rectification close to that of a typical diode

detector. A balanced modulator produces a DSB signal by removing the carrier

frequency and leaving only the total and difference frequencies at the output. Filters or

phase-shifting circuitry may be used to remove one of the sidebands from the output of
a balanced modulator, resulting in an SSB signal. Differential amplifiers are used in

another popular balanced modulator circuit.

The famous 1496/1596 IC balanced modulator is an example of a circuit that can

operate at carrier frequencies up to about 100 MHz and achieve carrier suppression of

50 to 65 dB. The IC's inputs and outputs have pin numbers that correspond to a regular

14-pin dual in-line module (DIP) IC. A 10-lead metal can and a variety of surface-mount

kits are also available for the unit. The analog multiplier is another kind of IC that can be

used as a balanced modulator. DSB signals are often produced using analog

multipliers. The main distinction between an IC balanced modulator and an analog

multiplier is that the former is a switching circuit.

The filter method is the simplest and most commonly used method of producing

SSB signals. The carrier signal is produced by a crystal oscillator and is also applied to

the balanced modulator. A double-sideband (DSB) signal is generated by the balanced

modulator. By passing the DSB signal through a highly selective band pass filter that

selects either the upper or lower sideband, an SSB signal is generated. Since it is used

to retrieve the modulating signal rather than produce a carrier that will relay it, the

balanced modulator is called a commodity detector.

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