School Forms Checking Report: Report Code: SFCR1 Tayug National High School 300363 6th District
School Forms Checking Report: Report Code: SFCR1 Tayug National High School 300363 6th District
School Forms Checking Report: Report Code: SFCR1 Tayug National High School 300363 6th District
School Total 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table 2. Learner Records with Inconsistency/ies or Errors
No. of Records per Nature of Error* DCC Observation/ Comment or Technical Assistance Provided
Section Name of Adviser With Incomplete With
Level Supporting Inconsistency/Erro Total
Documents r
Grade 8
* Do not include Temporarily Enrolled Learners as defined in Deped Order No. 3, s.2018
**%Accuracy refers to the percentage of correct/consistent records over total records examined or reviewed.
Report Code: SFCR1 Annex 1a
Table 3. For Transferred In/Moved In
Transfer of SF10 (formerly Form 137)
0 0 0
*** Do not include PEPT/PVT or ALS-A&E Certificate holders.
Table 4. For Transferred In/Moved in Learners Without SF10 (formerly Form 137)
Section Name of Adviser LRN Name of Learner Name of Originating School School ID Division/ Region
Grade Level
Grade 8
Type of Checking Committee: _√__ School Checking Committee (SCC) ____Division Checking Committee(DCC)
Prepared by:
________________ All fields below are solely for the use of the Division Checking Committee (DCC)_________________
School Head/SCC Chair Date Completed (School Level)