Basis Effect of Non-Payment Mode of Payment Assignability Interest

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Basis Tax is from law. Debt is from private

Effect of Non-payment Can leads to imprisonment. Does not lead to
Mode of Payment Tax is generally payable in Debt can be paid in kind
money. (dacion en pago ).
Assignability Tax arises from law. Debt arises from private
Interest Tax draws interest only Debt draws interest when it
when the taxpayer is is so stipulated by the
delinquent. contracting parties or when
the debtor incurs a legal
Authority Tax arises from law. Debt arises from private
Prescription Tax is not subject to set-off. Debt can be subject to set-

Definition Tax is a levy of government. Toll is a charge for the use
of other’s property.
Basis It is a demand of It is a demand of ownership.
Amount The amount of tax depends The amount of toll is
upon the needs of the dependent upon the value
government. of the property leased.
Authority Government and private Private entities.

Purpose Tax emanates from taxation Tax emanates from taxation
power. power.
Basis Tax has a broader subject License has a detailed
than license. subject than tax.
Amount Tax is imposed upon any License is imposed to
object such as persons, regulate the exercise of a
properties, or privileges to privilege such as
raise revenue. commencement of a
business or a profession.
Time of Payment Post-activity imposition. Pre-activity imposition.
Effect of Non-payment Taxes are imposed after the License is imposed before
commencement of a engagement in those
business or profession. activity.

Definition Tax is a sum of money  A penalty is a punitive
demanded by a government measure that the law
for its support or for imposes for the
specific facilities or services, performance of an act that
levied upon incomes, is proscribed, or for the
property, sales, etc.  failure to perform a
required act. 
Purpose Tax is an amount imposed Penalty is an amount
for the support of the imposed to discourage an
government. act.
Authority Tax arises from law. Penalty arises both from
law or contracts.

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