Shine Jesus Shine: Key - A - Tempo - 4/4 - Time - 112
Shine Jesus Shine: Key - A - Tempo - 4/4 - Time - 112
Shine Jesus Shine: Key - A - Tempo - 4/4 - Time - 112
Graham Kendrick
Key - A | Tempo - 4/4 | Time - 112
1 1sus 1 5/1
Lord the light of Your love is shining
1 1sus 1 5/1
In the midst of the darkness shining
4 5/4 3m 6m
Jesus Light of the world shine up - on us
4 5/4 3m 6m
Set us free by the truth You now bring us
b7 5sus 5 b7 5sus 5
Shine on me shine on me
1 5/1 1 4
Shine Je - sus shine
1/3 2m 2m/1 5sus 5
Fill this land with the Father’s glory
1 5/1 1 4
Blaze Spir - it blaze
1/3 2m 2m/1 b7 5sus 5
Set our hearts on fire
1 5/1 1 4
Flow riv - er flow
1/3 2m 2m/1 5sus 5
Flood the na - tions with grace and mercy
1 5/1 1 4
Send forth Your word
1/3 2m 57 1
Lord and let there be light
| 1 4/1 | 5/1 4/1 |
1 1sus 1 5/1
Lord I come to Your awesome presence
1 1sus 1 5/1
From the shadows in - to Your radiance
4 5/4 3m 6m
By the blood I may enter Your brightness
4 5/4 3m 6m
Search me try me con - sume all my darkness
b7 5sus 5 b7 5sus 5
Shine on me shine on me
1 1sus 1 5/1
As we gaze on Your kingly brightness
1 1sus 1 5/1
So our faces dis - play Your likeness
4 5/4 3m 6m
Ever changing from glory to glory
4 5/4 3m 6m
Mirrored here may our lives tell Your story
b7 5sus 5 b7 5sus 5
Shine on me shine on me
| 1 4/1 | 1 |
CCLI Song # 30426
© 1987 Make W ay Music
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