Mitsubishi DLP Update Instructions
Mitsubishi DLP Update Instructions
Mitsubishi DLP Update Instructions
Quick Instructions (text only) are shown below, Detailed Instructions are shown on the following pages.
Quick Instructions
A. Reformat a USB Mass Storage Device (128MB minimum, FAT32)
(If you require assistance with this step, please click HERE.)
B. Download, then extract the software update file to the USB Mass Storage Device.
(If you require assistance with this step, please click HERE.)
1. Plug the USB Mass Storage device into your computers USB port.
2. Open “My Computer”. This will open a window showing all current drives on your computer.
3. Right-click on the drive letter associated with the USB Mass Storage device. Select “Format...”.
4. A formatting dialog box will appear; under the “File system” option, make sure that “FAT32” is se-
lected, then click on the “Start” button. All other options are user definable and do not matter.
5. You will receive a warning message; click on the “OK” button.
6. After a few moments, you will receive a message stating that the formatting is complete. Click on the
“OK” button.
7. Close the formatting dialog box by clicking on the “Close” button. Re-formatting is complete.
Step 5
1. Double-click on the software update file link; Depending on the internet browser in use, you will be
prompted to open or save the file. Select “Open”. Then click on “OK” if using Firefox. A downloading
progress box will appear, again based on your internet browser.
2. A message box (based on your computer’s un-zipping utility application) will appear. Select “Extract”.
3. High-light the drive letter location for your USB Mass Storage device (it is normally referred to as a
“Removable Disk”), then select “Extract”.
4. An extraction progress box will appear; when it has completed, a window will open showing the contents
of the USB Mass Storage device.
5. You may remove the USB Mass Storage device from the USB port at this time. Some operating systems
such as Windows 98 or Windows 2000 may require that you stop the USB Mass Storage device prior to
removal from the USB port. Downloading and Extracting is complete.
Figure 1
6. While the TV is still on, remove the USB Mass Storage device from the TV, then disconnect the TV power
cord from the wall socket. Wait at least 1 minute before plugging the TV back in to the wall socket. The
TV is now ready for normal use.