FPM Brochure2022

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Contact Informa on

Prof. A.V. Shukla Dr Manoj Pareek

Chairperson Coordinator
Centre for Research Studies Centre for Research Studies
[email protected] [email protected]
0120-6843000 - 010 Extn.-315 0120-6843000 - 010 Extn.- 428

Mr. Shivendra Singh

Centre for Research Studies
[email protected]
0120-6843000 - 010 Extn.-316 INFORMATION
Fellow Programme in
Management (FPM)
Contact Details
For any query please contact:
Executive Fellow Programme in
Office of Centre for Research Studies Management (EFPM)
Birla Institute of Management Technology (Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD Govt. of India)
Plot No. 5, Knowledge Park – II,
Institutional Area, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Tel: +91-120-6843000 - 010

Birla Institute of Management Technology

Plot No. 5, Knowledge Park – II,
Institutional Area, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Tel: +91-120- 6843000 - 010
Developing ethical leaders with • To be the preferred choice for students, faculty and recruiters. BIMTECH Knowledge Centre
entrepreneurial and global
mindset striving for sustainability

To create and disseminate knowledge in global context.
To imbibe entrepreneurial culture through curriculum, pedagogy, research and mentoring.
THE BIMTECH Knowledge Centre is an essential
and inclusive growth. •

To equip students for global business leadership.
To develop faculty as global thought leaders.
KNOWLEDGE component of BIMTECH’s research and
education effort. The combination of carefully
• To ingrain ethics, sustainability and inclusive growth in all its activities. RESOURCES selected traditional and digital resources and
supported by exceptionally fast response
service provides BIMTECH community with a
library that is worthy of this world class
ABOUT THE INSTITUTE The enthusiasm and commitment of talented
Librar y staff and the support of top
The Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH) was established in 1988 under the aegis of the Birla Academy of Art and Culture. The
management make the Library a most lively
Institute is supported by the B.K. Birla Group of Companies.
place on the campus providing a friendly
Late Dr. (Smt.) Sarala Birla, Chairperson of Birla Academy and Sri. B K Birla, Chairperson of the B K Birla Group of companies are the founders environment that enables learning and
of this business school. The Institute is governed by an eminent Board of Governors mostly drawn from the top echelons of industry, academia advancement of knowledge. It extends
and regulator. research and publication assistance to
The fully residential campus of BIMTECH is located in the National Capital Region (NCR). Its ambience is predominantly green. It has an postgraduate students and research scholars.
enviable infrastructure fully connected with Wi-Fi facility. Seven top data bases assist in research.

Over 60 faculty members with brilliant academic and industry track record engage the students and research scholars. Their efforts are BIMTECH’s Knowledge Centre is well
supplemented by inputs from guest faculty serving the industry in senior positions working in areas like manufacturing, marketing, finance, equipped with precious Books, Textbooks,
operations and strategy. Presently, 14 bright, full time research fellows and 29 part time scholars are carrying out research on industry relevant Reference Books, Periodicals and Journals.The
issues. students/researchers can freely access these
The academic pursuits of students are fully supported by a modern, well stocked library and seven state-of-the-art data bases. BIMTECH has books and references. It is supported by a large
international academic tie ups with several leading European, American, Asian and African centres of management education under which there well ventilated two floored reading-room,
is a regular exchange of students and faculty. which has a separate section for research

The Library is enriched with digital facilities

and computer systems. Free access to them is
made available to the students, ex-students,
research workers, faculty, staff and visitors.The
library frequently displays and exhibits various
books, particularly new arrivals.

LIBRARY at a Glance BIMTECH Publica ons:

1. Business Perspec ves
2. South Asian Journal of Management Cases
3. Shodh Gyaan

Newsle er:
1. Vri ant

The library is having below men oned e-resources:
1. Standard Site License for Harvard Business School Content
2. The Case Centre
3. Scopus
4. ACE Equity
Print Resources 5. CMIE Industry Outlook
6. Indiastat
Books : 84410 7. Emerald –ejournal Collec on
Print Periodicals: 152 8. Passport GMID (Euromonitor)
(Na onal 129 & Interna onal 23) 9. EBSCOhost

CENTRE FOR T he Centre for Research Studies conducts doctoral programme as well as research
seminars, conferences and workshops. It has been one of the earliest centres of its
kind in private business school in the country. The Centre has influenced policy and
structure of many organizations through its research output. The Centre offers a Fellow
10. Proquest
11. Turni n-An plagiarism so ware
12. DELNET (Ins tu onal Membership)
13. Na onal Digital library (Ins tu onal Membership)
RESEARCH Programme / Executive Fellow Programme in Management under the aegis of AICTE. This
programme is run on the pattern of that offered in leading IIMs.
Electronic / Digital Resources
Online Database 17
14. Atlas.
15. TickerPlant
• Equip students with skills of effective learning.
Online Journals (Full Text):
Non-book Material (CDs /DVDs):
16. NPTEL (The Na onal Programme on Technology
Enhanced Learning)
• Equip students with skills to design doctoral research. 17. Shodhganga
• Equip students with skills to conduct doctoral research. E-photographs: 39700
• Equip students with ability to produce publishable research outputs.

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Areas of Research
Building on the strength of BIMTECH faculty, currently
FPM/EFPM is offered in following business disciplines:

• Business Communication
• Economics
• Finance, Insurance and Risk Management
• Information Technology
• Marketing& Retail
• OB & HR
• Operations and Decision Science
• Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Candidates are expected to enroll in one of

the broad area stated above prior to
commencement of the programme. They may be
allowed to change the area till the end of the
course work. Once the thesis proposal is
approved, any change in area is generally not

Executive Fellow Programme in FPM / EFPM Eligibility Criteria

The Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM) at
BIMTECH approved by All India Council for Technical Education
BIMTECH looks for candidates with a consistently good
academic record, professional accomplishments and a
strong urge to contribute to the movement of knowledge
(Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) is a doctoral level programme creation and dissemination in the field of management. A
designed to gratify the erudition needs of working business candidate for FPM/EFPM should have:
executives. EFPM scholars are required to attend classes only on
Fellow Programme in
Saturdays and Sundays during the course work. It prepares • A master’s degree or equivalent in any discipline with
Management (FPM) executives for careers in management teaching research in at least 60% marks or equivalent grade point average
Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) is a full time doctoral level management practice and consulting helps the executive in their recognized by AICTE /AIU with a Bachelor’s degree
programme with those admitted getting a scholarship. The Institute current management roles. It helps the executive maximize his/her /equivalent qualification after completing higher
has introduced this programme, which is approved by All India effectiveness as an educator or practitioner. The EFPM is designed to secondary schooling (10+2) or
Council for Technical Education (Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India), enhance the research and consulting skills of the executive. The • Five year integrated Masters Degree Programme in any
with an objective to groom talented young researchers to be Programme is also expected to increase the executives’ discipline with at least 60% marks, obtained after
innovative thinkers and real world solution providers seeking understanding of research methodology and techniques applicable in completing higher secondary schooling (10+2) or
opportunities in academics or industry. The FPM effectively draws business. equivalent or
from the research strengths of faculty members at BIMTECH who
have cutting-edge research competence. This programme is both Best Thesis Award • Qualified CA/CS/ICWA with minimum 50% marks
Every year the best thesis is awarded the Jagdish N Sheth Award, along with B.Com Degree
academically rigorous as well as highly relevant to the needs of
today's globalised business. which comprises a cash award of Rs. 50,000. Application is invited
from candidates who have submitted the thesis during the year of Experience and Age Requirements
In addition to training future researchers in the domain of business the award (July to June). The applications are considered by a In addition to the academic qualification, candidates
education, this programme also serves to boost research capability committee which goes through the thesis and interacts with the applying for EFPM need to have a minimum of 5 years of
and invigorate motivation and creativity. FPM scholars are expected candidates to decide the best thesis. managerial/executive/teaching experience. The maximum
to be involved as research/teaching assistants and strive to be co- age limit is 50 years for EFPM candidates and the
authors with faculty members making it a win-win proposition for maximum age limit is 45 years for FPM candidates
the scholars as well as the mentors.
Selection Process for FPM / EFPM:
The research focus of FPM programme leads to state-of-the-art The selection process will consist of presentation
research insights. This contributes both to the research scholars (offline/online) by the applicants on their research
getting new knowledge and to the institute in bringing the new proposal, subsequently followed by interview(s).
knowledge to the classroom. Leading Business schools around the The applicants are selected on merit.
globe, without exception, have this feature in their curriculum.
Interested candidates may contact office of the Centre for
FPM is aligned to our mission of creating and disseminating
Research Studies (CRS) for further inquiry. Information
knowledge in global context which suitably places our fellows as
Bulletin of the program along with admission form is
future faculty and industrial researchers. It embodies our assurance
available online. Payment of application is Rs. 2000/-
of being a class apart; being innovative. Ultimately, it enables us to
(non refundable) through the online portal.
have a superior impact on academia as well as industry. Those
admitted in this programme are provided scholarships.

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Semester Course Code Course Name Credits
Semester I FPM3101 Basics of Literature Review (Module) 1
FPM3102 Philosophy and Theory of Research (Core) 4
Domain Course 1 (Elective) 3
FPM3103 Quantitative Research Methods (Core) 4
FPM3104 General Management – Case Writing (Core) 3
Semester II Domain Course 2 (Elective) 3
FPM3106 Writing Research Paper (Core) 3
FPM3107 Qualitative Research Methods(Core) 4
FPM3108 Scale Development and Testing (Module) 1
Semester III FPM3109 Course of Independent Study (Seminar) 3
FPM3110 Methods of Choice (one qualitative method or 3
one quantitative or mixed method) (Seminar)*
Additional Credit Courses 2 or 3 for
FPM Scholars ONLY of 3 or 4 credits each.**
Total Credits 32 Progression in FPM/EFPM
* Scholars need to select either one quantitative method or one qualitative method for in-depth self-study and make presentations.
** Courses offered under ‘Additional Credits’ will be compulsory for the FPM scholars but optional for EFPM scholars.As such classes for these courses
shall be held on weekdays and may have credit between 1-4. An FPM scholar will be required to complete courses offered under the category of
‘Additional Credits’ during the Semester III of the course work. In case an EFPM scholar wishes to take up these courses, she/he will be free to choose the
course/s that she/he wishes to take up. However, the scholar will have to attend the courses of their choice, on the days when the courses are scheduled.
Flow Chart
Programme Component Minimum Time Maximum Time Research
Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) Application Proposal Interview
PGP-level courses (if required) 3 PGP terms (9 months) 18 months
Fellow Programme-level courses 3 FPM Semesters (18 months) 4 FPM Semesters (24 months)
Successful Proposal Defense Within 3 months after Examinations Within 6 months after
& Seminars Examinations & Seminars
Thesis Submission After 2 years 6 months of 3 years 6 months of completion
completion of course work of course work* Examination / Enrollment/
Course Work Joining
Executive Fellow Programme in Management Seminars
Fellow Programme-level courses 3 FPM Semesters (18 months) 4 FPM Semesters (24 months)
Successful Proposal Defense Within 3 months after Examinations & Within 6 months after
Seminars Examinations & Seminars
Thesis Pre-Thesis
Thesis Submission After 2 years 6 month of completion 4 years 6 month of completion
Proposal Research Submission
of course work of course work*
Colloquium Work Colloquim
* Any further extension may be granted by the Director/Dean (Research)/ Chairperson (Doctoral Programmes) upon request of the candidate.

Award of Thesis Thesis

Fellowship Evaluation Submission

Phase - I
Phase - II

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Proles of Supervisors
FEE & EXPENSES Dr. H Chaturvedi
Dr. Gokulananda Patel
Area Head (Operations & Decision Sciences)
FEE AND EXPENSES (FPM SCHOLARS) Professor of Strategy Professor - Operations

has more than three decades of experience in teaching, He obtained Master's degree in Applied Mathematics
Tui on Fee (waived) Rs. 65,000/- p.a. research and administration. He has been involved in from NIT, Rourkela and M.Phil in the same subject
formulation of policies, planning, regulation and control from Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, Ph.D. in
Accommoda on Payable on actual basis - subject to availability of Management and other disciplines of technical Operations Research from Sambalpur University and
education. He contributed in especially application of completed one year Faculty Development Programme
Course Material Cost Rs. 1,500/- quality concepts in Management Education. Under his in Management from Indian Institute of Management,
leadership, BIMTECH has grown by leaps and bounds Ahmedabad. He is actively engaged in research since
since 1999. He linked BIMTECH with 20 B’Schools of 1980 and has published more than 80 papers in both
Security Deposit (Refundable) Rs. 20,000/- USA, Canada, UK, France, Poland, Austria, Hungary and National and International Journals and taught for more
Tanzania. Because of its multifaceted growth, the than 30 years in P.G. courses. His specialization and
Scholarship • 1st Year – Rs. 35,000/- • 2nd Year – Rs. 37,500/- • 3rd & 4th Year – Rs. 40,000/- Institute has been consistently ranked among top 15 research interests are Mathematical Modeling,
Per month Business Schools in the country by reputed magazines Performance Measurement and e-Governance. So far
like Business Today, Outlook and The Telegraph. he has guided seven candidates for Ph.D and more
BIMTECH setup a state private university under his than twenty for M.Phil Degree.
One Time Research Grant for purchase of Laptop, So ware, A ending Doctoral Consor um and/or Conference,
leadership at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India,which will
Seminar at Na onal and Interna onal level – upto Rs. 1,80,000/- starts its programs from July, 2012. He was Editor-in-
Chief of four reputed refereed journals –Business
Perspectives, Journal of Insurance & Risk Management,
FEE AND EXPENSES (EFPM SCHOLARS) South Asian Business Review, and Indian Retail Review.
He is member of governing bodies of several institutions
Tui on Fee: Rs. 65,000/- p.a. (for Indian Scholars) of higher learning across the country, including AIMA.
Dr Chaturvedi has been conferred Honorary
Dr. Manosi Chaudhuri
Accommoda on On actual basis depending upon the type of room, if available* Professorship was on him by St. Stevan University of
Area Head (OB/HR)
Hungary in 2007, He often appears on TV and his views
Associate Professor - HR
are published by several financial news papers
Course Material Cost Rs. 1,500/- periodically.
is presently Associate Professor and Head,
Security Deposit (Refundable) Rs. 20,000/- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource
Dr. Arunaditya Sahay Management at Birla Institute of Management
*only on weekends when classes are held. Dean (Research) Technology, (BIMTECH), Greater Noida, India. A dual
gold medalist during her Masters in Psychology and
Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship has been a D. Phil. as a UGC Senior Research Fellow in the
• A er 4 semesters, the tui on fee will increase by Rs. 10,000 every year. In case of inordinate delay in comple ng the course
hard core business executive, an innovator and a Department of Psychology from University of
work, admission in the programme may be cancelled. Allahabad, her research interests include Occupational
corporate entrepreneur. He turned into an academician
• Rs. 100/- per day will be charged as late fee a er the due date for the next 15 days; therea er the late fee will be increased of repute in the later part of his career becoming a Stress and Health, Employee Engagement,
to Rs. 200/- per day. Dues should be cleared within six months from the due date, otherwise his/her candidature will be champion of both the corporate and academic world. Management of Organizational Change and
recommended to be terminated. Starting his career as an academician; he turned to the Organization Development. Prior to her assignment
• Rs. 1500/- per paper will be charged for re-examina on. Re-examina on will be allowed only twice in each paper. corporate world early in life. Wading through both public with BIMTECH, Dr. Chaudhuri was actively engaged in
and private sectors¸ he made to the top to become the academic research and teaching at the University of
• The ins tute reserves the right to charge any other fees from the students or increase the above fees if necessary. Chairman and Managing Director of a large public Allahabad, Allahabad and G.B. Pant Social Science
Due no ce shall be given, while making such changes. Enterprise. During this period, he won many National Institute, Allahabad in the areas of Organizational
and International Awards and remained engaged in Behaviour and Human Resource Management and
teaching and research. He studied in many institutions Development. As a Research Officer at G.B. Pant Social
of repute like Technical University, Czechoslovakia,
Science Institute, she has undertaken projects for
Henley, The management College, UK, and University of
evaluation related to social and community
California. So far as industry is concerned, he was
trained in industries like Moravske Zelezarny,
Czechoslovakia, George Fischer and Ruti
Machinenfabrik, Switzerland, Aston Martin Ford, UK and During her tenure with BIMTECH since 2004,
Yamaha Motors, Japan. Returning to academics, he Dr. Chaudhuri has initiated and adroitly convened three
joined Management Development Institute, where he national level conferences under the banner of ‘The
bagged the best researcher award. He has written three India HR Summit’. She has attended and presented
books in the area of Strategy and Entrepreneurship and papers at many national and international conferences.
a case book besides publishing 72 papers and cases. He She has conducted Management Development
was invited by US Govt. to be trained in University of Programmes in the areas of Emotional Intelligence,
California, USA as Resource Professor for Leadership, Motivation, Team Building and Human
Entrepreneurship. Seven of his research scholars have Resource Management for leading organizations like
already got their doctoral degree and six scholars are NTPC, THDC, Power Grid, EdCIL, NBCC, Jindal Steel
pursuing their doctoral thesis under him. While in the and Power Limited (JSPL), Jindal Power Limited (JPL),
industry, he was on the boards of many academic IFFCO, UCO Bank, Amar Ujala and NIESBUD. She has
institutions including IITs and IIMs, in academics, he is also developed and elucidated these themes with the
on the boards of companies both in private and public help of a case, based on a popular movie.
Besides being in the Task Force of Govt. of India. One of her recent assignments was with Jindal
He has completed many research / consultancy
Shadeed Iron and Steel in Oman where she conducted
assignments including those from UNEP, European
MDPs on Team Building and Executive Development.
Union, Government of India and AICTE. His present
She has also been involved in Consultancy
interests are Corporate & Business Strategy, Innovation,
Entrepreneurship, Technology Management, Intellectual Assignments with NSPCL and in Aditya Birla UltraTech.
Property Rights, Corporate Governance, Corporate
Social Responsibility and Sustainability.

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Proles of Supervisors Proles of Supervisors

Dr. Jagdish Shettigar Dr. Rahul Singh
Area Head (Economics) Associate Professor – Strategic Management
Professor - Economics
Dr Singh teaches and research in Strategic
Doctorate in Economics from IIT-Delhi, Dr. Shettigar has Management, Emerging Market, Cross Cultural Dr. L Ramani Dr. Meena Bhatia
been working as Professor in Economics at BIMTECH Management and Sustainability issues. He has taught Associate Professor - Finance Associate Professor - Finance
since September, 2007. Prior to joining BIMTECH, at Indian Institute of Finance and Devi Ahilya University,
Dr. Shettigar had more than three and a half decades of Indore; and is visiting professor at FH Joanneum holds Ph. D degree in business management
University Austria and KEDGE Business School. Dr Meena Bhatia has over 18 years of experience which
experience in varied fields such as teaching, research form VMOU KOTA. He completed Master’s
and industry. He also got exposure to working of the Have offered seminars in several international business includes both corporate and academic experience. Her
programme in management at the Institute of
government as he was a member of the Prime schools. He has published in many journals including teaching interests range from financial accounting,
Management Technology, Ghaziabad. He has
Minister's Economic Advisory Council and National top ones like Journal of Business Research, Journal of management accounting, corporate finance, management
been with financial services sector for about
Security Advisory Board during the period between Brand Management, International Journal of Emerging control system, Securities Analysis and portfolio
8 years and then moved to academics in
1999 to 2004. While serving as an Independent Director Market, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing management. She has taught graduate and post graduate
in boards of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd., and 1996. He has been in academics for last 16
Science, Journal of Applied Economic Research, Vision programmes at IIFT, IMT, Bombay Stock Exchange Institute
Indian Renewable Energy Development Authority he got years. He has been associated with
- Journal of Business Perspectives, International Journal and many other B Schools in NCR region. Besides this she
exposure to corporate governance. He was also a prestigious B Schools of NCR in the past. He
of Cross Cultural Competence and Management, Asia has also taught at University of Bradford, UK.
member of MOU-Task force constituted by the has presented papers in various international
Pacific Journal of Finance and Banking, Journal of Her research interest and contribution include topics covering
Department of Public Enterprises from 2011 to 2014 conferences and has chaired sessions in
and, currently in the Panel of Experts. His areas of Insurance and Risk Management. He has also been financial markets, disclosures and financial reporting. She has
conferences. He teaches International
interests are Government's economic policies editor of 2 journals and reviewer of several international presented her research work at internationally acclaimed
journals. He has been involved in research and Finance, Financial Services & Corporate
especially, in terms of industrial development, foreign institutions such as, Harvard University (Boston USA), IIM
investment, international trade, capital markets, public consultancy with organisations including Bank for (Ahmadabad), IIM (Lucknow), IMI (Delhi), Fore School of
finance, monetary policy and corporate affairs. He takes International Settlement, European Union and USAID Management, etc.
special interests in corporate social responsibility. and received large funding for various research proejcts. Dr. Abhijit K Chattoraj
At national level, he has worked with few government Professor and Chairperson Dr Bhatia has publications in national and international
and financial regulators of India including drafting the Centre for Insurance & Risk Management journals including South Asian Journal of Management,
vision document of 3 states of India. International Journal of Social Sciences and Management,
Before joining BIMTECH, Dr. Abhijit K. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics,
Chattoraj taught and headed Amity Business Management Accountant (Journal of CMAs), etc. She is also
Dr. A K Dey Dr. A V Shukla School, Amity University, and Mumbai. Prior providing research guidance to an international PhD scholar.
Chairperson Chairperson (Centre for Research Studies) to that, he was associated with National
(Centre for Management Case Development) Professor of Marketing She is on the Editorial Board and on reviewers’ panel of South
Insurance Academy, Pune as a faculty
Professor - Operations & Decision Sciences member and also as a chairperson for PGDM Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases
is a professor in the area of Marketing. An Accredited (SAJBMC) published by Sage Publications and on the
Management Teacher by the All India Management and students’ welfare. He worked in a well-
is a Physicist and Management expert with M. Sc., known public sector insurance company for reviewers’ panel of Journal of Financial Reporting and
MBA & D. Phil degrees. He is a member of the Editorial Association he has authored three books: ‘Case Studies Accounting published by Emerald Publication. She has a PhD
& Case Problems in Management’, ‘Case Studies in more than 20 years in various capacities .He
Advisory Boards of three leading International in Finance, besides being AICWAI, CFA, MBA and B.Com
Management Research Journals and a regular reviewer Marketing Management’, and ‘They said it!’. A V Shukla has extensive experience in management
(Marketing & Insurance) teaching and (Hons) from Delhi University. She is a merit holder of Institute
of AOM annual meetings. A University Rank holder, is at present handling the subjects of Services
training. His forte lies in organising high end of Cost Accountants of India, and scholarship holder of
Dr. Dey has a blend of corporate, consultancy and Marketing and Customer Relationship Management. His
academic experience. After gaining 21 years of valuable management development programmes in Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst of India.
current research interests are in the area of e-tailing and
experience in Indian Corporate Sector and 12 years of employer branding. Earlier doctoral works under his Service and Brand Marketing, Health
consultancy, Dr. Dey turned to management education guidance include the development of a normalization insurance and other streams of General
in 2004. Currently he is a Professor of Supply Chain and technique towards streamlining recruitment processes, Insurance business. He has also organised
Operations Management at Birla Institute of consumer behavior specifically in the apparel and several MDP programmes for senior
Management Technology. In 2009 Star Group of tourism industries and rural retailing. He has organized insurance officials in several countries. He is
Industries and DNA, Mumbai had awarded Dr. Dey as several Faculty Development programs for
Most Innovative Professor of Management. co-author of highly acclaimed and Prof. M. Akbar
undergraduate teachers of commerce faculty and one appreciated books– “Basics of Health
Dr. Dey has conducted many training sessions, workshop for college teachers on career opportunities Advisor & Professor
seminars and workshops in India and aboard. He served Insurance”, “Health Insurance Claims Professor of Strategy
through competitive examinations. Professor Shukla has Management” and “Health Insurance
as a resource person at many Faculty Development
presented papers in National and International Operation”. As a consultant, he has played a
workshops. Conducted a course (2011) on Supply Chain Professor M. Akbar has Maters Degree in Statistics from
Management – an Indian Perspective at College of Conferences and has published research papers in
pioneering role in designing the bid document AMU Aligarh, M. Phil. and Ph.D. Degrees (Entrepreneurship)
Business, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI, refereed research journals. He has offered consultancy
of a Health insurance Scheme for from JNU New Delhi. Worked in research and academic
USA. He has many research papers published in in the area of recruitment and staff development and
training in marketing to some corporate and cooperative Government of Maharashtra –popularly organisations for last 35 years including, NIEPA Delhi, EDI-I
International Journals to his credit. known as Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandai Arogya
institutions. Ahmedabad , MDI Gurgaon, USM Penang, UMP Kuantan
Yojana (RGJAY). Dr. Chattoraj graduated in (both Malaysian Universities), and IIM Lucknow. I spent most
The interest areas of Dr. Dey: Teaching: Supply Chain Commerce from St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi,
Management, Operations Management, Operations of my career at IIM Lucknow. I am currently Advisor and
received his Degree in Master of Business Professor at BIMTECH. I have designed and taught six
Research, Research Methodology and Simulation &
Modeling Research: Higher Management Education, Administration from Birla Institute of Doctoral courses, Faculty advisor to 13 doctoral students and
Profit Maximization & Straddling, Lean Systems & Technology, Mesra, and Diploma from the 25 Dissertation guide and two dozen reviewer of theses.
Growth Strategies and Developing management cases. Chartered Insurance Institute, U.K. He is a Have about 55 papers of which 28 are published in
Fellow of Insurance Institute of India and also International/ National journals of high repute (A., B, D, C
holds Certificate in Health Insurance Fraud categories) – mostly in B &A categories and 6 research
Dr. Girish Jain Dr. Anuj Sharma from North American Training Group and grants and two books. Most of the research and teaching had
Area Head (Finance) Chairperson (CIB) Helpmate services. He also holds Post been in strategy, Entrepreneurship and Leadership areas. Had
Associate Professor - Finance Associate Professor Graduate Diploma in Human Resource been regular reviewer in International Journal of Emerging
Management form IGNOU, India. He received Markets, Journal of Entrepreneurship, British Food Journal,
He is a post graduate in commerce. He also holds MBA has done his Masters in International Business from his PhD in Health Insurance Marketing from and top conference reviewer like AIB, SMS, AOM and INDAM
(Finance) from Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Fellow of AMU, Aligarh and Ph.D in Management from Dr. B.R. Department of Management, University of etc. I have two best paper awards and 3 nominations in
Insurance Institute of India (non-life) and Ph. D. He has Ambedkar University, Agra. He has more than twelve Pune, India. International conferences. Co-authored 28 motivational
also qualified UGC – NET. He is having around two years of teaching experience in various management
Dr. Chattoraj has many research articles and courses and one the bestselling case at IVEY. Had also
decades of work experience which includes a brief stint institutes at post graduate level. He has written papers
papers in his name. He is also a keen considerable administrative experience, as Dean, Chairman
in financial service industry. He has presented several and management cases in various national and
researcher. He is a recognised PhD guide and and MD of IIL Incubator, Area Chair, MDP Chair, Chairman KV
papers in various conferences and published articles. He international journals. He has conducted more than 25
has several scholars under his guidance. and also consulted individually 25 companies/ organizations.
has taken several management development programs open and In-house MDPs for government and private
Delivered about a dozen key note speeches in large
in the area of finance and risk management. His areas of organizations like STC, MMTC, PEC HHEC, GPI etc. His He is a member of Research Advisory
conferences. Had been associated with policy and monitoring
interest include risk management, investment current area of interest is international marketing, Committee (RAC) of PhD scholars of
committees of Government of India.
management, valuation and corporate finance. international trade operations and sector specific Symbiosis International University, Pune and
exports strategies. Amity University, Mumbai.

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Proles of members of Thesis Supervisory Committee Proles of members of Thesis Supervisory Committee

Dr. Gagan Katiyar Dr. Pooja Misra Dr. Pankaj Priya Dr. Vineeta Dutta
Associate Professor – Marketing Chairperson (Centre for Retail) Area Head (Marketing and Retail) Associate Professor, Strategic Management
Associate Professor - Economics Associate Professor - Marketing & Retail Mgmt.
He is a PhD in Business Administration and an MBA in is currently working as Associate Professor and Lead
Marketing & Finance. He holds an additional diploma in Dr. Pooja Misra, Associate Professor, Economics Dr. Pankaj Priya’s teaching and research interests are Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Birla Institute
Exports Marketing, a Diploma in Information & Systems Assistant Professor has a work experience of 19 in the area of Private Label Programmes of Modern of Management Technology (BIMTECH) and has been
Management and a Masters Degree in Organic years+ in academics and the corporate industry. She Retailers, Sales & Distribution Management and in academics for over fifteen years now. She did her
Chemistry. He has worked for more than 16 years in has spent 12+ years in the Industry with Consumer Behavior in FMCG industry. He had been Doctorate in Business Administration subsequent to
Industry and academia. His areas of interest include organizations such as American Express, Standard in industry, managing hard core sales & distribution her post graduation in Organic Chemistry and Post
International Business, Marketing Research, Product Chartered Bank and Lazard Creditcapital. She shifted as well as product across consumer goods industry Graduate Diploma in Business Management.
Management, Marketing Communications and Channel to the academic world in 2008 and has completed her before shifting to academics in 2001. He was
Management. He has done several consulting Ph.D in Management from Gautam Buddha University awarded a P.hD in Marketing by Department of She made her foray into the area of Corporate Social
assignments in the area of Marketing and Marketing in the area of: Compensation Components and its Management Studies, IIT Delhi for his work on Responsibility in 2004 after being selected and
Communications for companies like Asian Paints, effect on Employee engagement and turnover intent. understanding the purchase behavior for private supported for a study of CSR by the British High
Johnson Matthey India, Power Finance Corporation, labels in India. He got recognition as a teacher in Commission. Since then she has been involved in
Henkel Adhesive India, UCO Bank, Federation of Indian Her research interests include Macroeconomic Marketing when he was awarded as the best researching, training and consulting in the area. She
Exporters Organization among others. He is also a dimensions of an economy, Corporate Strategies, teacher in Marketing Management by Dewang has organised several National and International
behavioral and a sales trainer. He has earlier been on the Compensation, Employee engagement and Current Mehta Foundation at the national level in 2009. He Conferences with organisations like The All India
panel of Symbiosis, Pune for their corporate sessions on trends in Business Environment. She has published has published over ten articles in various national Management Association, The Economic Times,
management for executives at King Fisher Airlines, several research papers and articles in international and international journals, co-edited one book on Global Reporting Initiative, National HRD Network and
WIPRO, EXL, Computer Science Corporation, Infosys, and national journals and has presented papers in Communications and reviewed another book on the like. She has a wide exposure and understanding
Dr. Reddy’s Lab and Hindalco Industries. He has also various national and international conferences. Retail Management, written chapter on of practices of CSR in India being the on-site assessor
been their faculty for open sessions on management Merchandising in a book published by Czech for FICCI’s Annual CSR Award since her association
organized in Delhi for many years. In addition to this, he University. He is a reviewer for Journal for Retailing with it in 2012. She also coordinates the Indian
has served as Academic Consultant for Mountbaten and Consumer Services (Elsevier Publications) and Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) Certified CSR
Institute (UK) for their establishment in India. He has International Journal of Emerging Markets (Emerald Professional course at BIMTECH.
also been appointed as the Brand Ambassador for Delhi Publications). He has supervised a report on
by Reliance Energy (BSES). stakeholder views on Impact of FDI on multi brand As a corporate trainer, some of the notable companies
retail in India, which was submitted to Government she has been associated with are Aditya Birla
Presently, he is an Associate Professor at Birla Institute of India in July 2010. He has been a resource person Cements, GCMMF (AMUL), NTPC, SAMTEL and SAIL.
of Management Technology and teaches Marketing and in the MDPs conducted by various organizations in She has also delivered CSR training to IAS officers
Marketing Communications. the area of marketing. and Management educators.

She was conferred the IPE Corporate Excellence

Award in 2013 for her contributions in the area of
Dr. Monika Jain Dr. Khanindra Ch. Das
Associate Professor – Economics Assistant Professor – Economics Area

Dr. Monika Jain iscurrently working as an Assistant Dr. Khanindra is Ph.D. from University of Madras
Professor in Economics at BIMTECH. She is a PhD from through Institute for Financial Management and Dr. Archana Shrivastava Dr. Krishna Akalamkam
the University of Rajasthan (2008) and UGC-NET Research (IFMR), Chennai. He holds M. Phil. (Applied Area Head - Business Communication Associate Professor - Marketing
qualified (1996). She holds her Master’s Degree in Economics) from Centre for Development Studies
Economics from the University of Rajasthan and has (Jawaharlal Nehru University); and M.A. (Economics) Archana Shrivastava joined Birla Institute of Dr. Krishna Akalamkam has over two decades of
graduated from Sophia College, Ajmer. She also holds a form University of Gauhati. He has published several Management technology in 2008. She is Assistant experience in industry, consulting and teaching. His
bright scholastic record and is recipient of National peer-reviewed papers in reputed international journals Professor in Business Communication Area. Worked main focus areas include marketing, marketing
Scholarship for Academic Achievements from the that include Australian Economic Review, Journal of at various universities and colleges, she holds 17 research and consumer behavior with a special focus
Ministry of Education, Government of India & is Global Information Technology Management, years of rich teaching and training experience. on consumer online shopping behavior and digital
University Merit Rank Holder during her graduation. Singapore Economic Review, Resources Policy, marketing. He has worked with leading research
International Journal of Emerging Markets, China Dr. Shrivastava earned her Ph.D. and M.A. in English agencies like AC Nielsen, Indian Market Research
Dr Monika has been engaged in teaching for the last Report, South Asian Survey, International Journal of literature from Dr Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar Bureau and Research International, a WPP group
Fifteen years at postgraduate level at various Commerce and Management (currently published as in M.P. She is trained to teach “Business English company. He handled a variety of assignments
Management Institutes in Bangalore, Delhi, Jaipur, Review of International Business and Strategy), Global Certificate Course” by British Council and is also an including communication research, new product
Ahmedabad and Greater Noida. Prior to BIMTECH, She Business Review, Margin: The Journal of Applied active member of ELTAI (English Language Teachers development, brand health, usage and attitudes,
has worked as an Associate Professor at Army Institute Economic Research, among others. He also reviewed Association of India). She is a Thomas certified pricing research, customer satisfaction measurement
of Management &Technology, IILM Greater Noida etc. papers for several international journals. He received professional and can perform Personal Profile and worked with several clients from different
She has also done Management Teachers Programme at Emerald Literati Awards (2016) and Junior Research Analysis (PPA) and Human Job Analysis (HJA). She industries. Some of the clients he has worked with
IIM- B (Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore). Fellowship (UGC, 2009). He contributed to Asia-Pacific has authored four Case Studies and many research include Nestle India Ltd., Hindustan Unilever, Reckitt
Trade and Investment Report (UN ESCAP, 2015). papers which got published in reputed Journals and Benckiser, Nokia, Radico Khaitan, Coca Cola, Mother
She has published several peer-reviewed papers in Case Centre. Dairy, Philips, ICI Paints and Dominos.
reputed international journals that include International He has taught Business Environment, Geo-politics and
Journal of Business and Economics (Category B in Risk Analysis, Econometric Methods, Fields of Specializations include Teaching, Training He has written and presented papers and cases at
ABDC index), Academy of Marketing Studies Journal Emerging Economies in the PG programme and and Research Business Communication, Soft Skills, international conferences. He has also conducted
(Category B in ABDC index), The Empirical Economics stream-specific courses such as Macroeconomics Business Etiquettes, Handling Interviews, MDPs for corporates and mentored entrepreneurs
Letters, International Journal of Scientific Technology and Monetary Policy and Foreign Exchange Rate Presentation Skills, Non Verbal, Audience Analysis, under Goldman Sachs “10,000 women entrepreneurs’
Research, IIM Calcutta Journal “Decision”, IUP Journal Theory in the FPM/EFPM Crisis Communication, Conflict management, initiative”. Krishna has done his bachelor’s degree in
of Managerial Economics. She has also reviewed papers programme at BIMTECH. Some of his research areas Negotiation Skills, Cross Culture Communication, Chemical Engineering from University College of
for several international journals. Her research interest include emerging economies, international Empathic Listening, English Literature & Grammar. Engineering, Andhra University and MBA as well as
lies in International Economics, Global Business connectivity, foreign direct investment, Ph.D from Faculty of Management Studies (FMS),
Environment, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics. internationalization and de-internationalization, University of Delhi.
international subsidiary performance and survival,
energy economics, and startups.

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Proles of members of Thesis Supervisory Committee Proles of members of Thesis Supervisory Committee

Dr. Itilekha Dash Dr Nimisha Singh Dr. Jaya Gupta Veenu Sharma
Assistant Professor - HR & OB Assistant Professor, Information Technology Associate Professor Fellow of BIMTECH
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Assistant Professor - Retail & Marketing
Itilekha Dash is working as an Assistant Professor in Dr. Nimisha Singh is Assistant Professor of Information Management
the area of HR & OB. She has more than 16 years of Technology at Birla Institute of Management Veenu Sharma joined Birla Institute of Management
work experience which includeds Industry and Technology (BIMTECH), India. She holds a degree of Dr. Jaya Gupta is an Associate Professor in Technology in 2012. She is Assistant Professor in Retail
Academics. She has graduated in the discipline of Bachelor of Applied Sciences from Delhi University, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource & Marketing Area. She had been in Industry for 5 years
Personnel Management and Industrial Relation (PM Master of Computer Applications from SNDT Management at Birla Institute of Management managing Business Development position before shifting
Technology, (BIMTECH), Greater Noida. She is an to academics. Worked in Industry and college, she holds
&IR) from Utkal University, Odisha in 1995. Her other University, Mumbai and FPM from BIMTECH.
MBA with specialization in Human Resource 12 years of rich teaching and training experience.
qualifications in the field of management are Ph.D and
Management and is UGC-NET qualified. She has a
Diploma in Training and Development from ISTD, New Her teaching and research interest are in the area of
PhD in the area of High Performance Work Practices Veenu Sharma earned her Fellow from BIRLA Institute of
Delhi. She has done certification course in HRD Audit Software Project Management, Cyber Security,
from Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida. She Management Technology, Greater Noida and M.Phil from
from TVRLS and a certified Instructional Designer. She Artificial Intelligence and Design Thinking. She has
is also holding certification in Talent Management by Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa. She has done her
has presented papers on various national and published in Journals of ABDC ranking, Ivey publication T.V. Rao Learning Sytems.
International conferences. Apart from teaching and and Emerald journal. She is also on the editorial board MBA in Insurance and Marketing from Institute of
research, she is passionately involved in conducting of South Asian Journal of Business and Management She has over 17 years of rich experience in Management Studies and Research, M.D. University,
the training programs for the corporate in the area of Cases- a Scopus Indexed Journal published by Sage management education, training and research. She Rohtak.
Emotional Intelligence, Team Building, Conflict and a regular reviewer of reputed international has conducted Management Development
management, Negotiation, Creativity, Empowerment. journals. She was the co-chair of Digital Innovations Programmes and training workshops at mid and Her current research and publishing is in the area of
Transformation and Society (DIGITS) 2018 Conference senior management levels in the area of Time Marketing Mix and Consumer Behaviour covering topics
jointly organized with Centre for DIGITS, Smith Management, work life balance, conflict related to Modern Retailers, Store operations and
Business School, University of Maryland, USA. She is management, stress management, performance Customer Relationship Management. She has
the faculty mentor for IBM Global Remote Mentorship management, human resource management, team participated and presented papers in various
Program mentoring students for AI and blockchain building and healthy mind and healthy body for conferences held in India. She has authored case studies
projects. She has been designated as EURAXESS India leading organizations such as NTPC, IIFCO, Power and research papers which got published in reputed
Grid, ISB Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women journals like Inderscience and The Case Centre (formerly
ambassador to promote European Commission’s
Entrepreneur project etc. ECCH,European Case Clearing House). She is a recipient
initiative on research and innovation.
Prior to her assignment with BIMTECH, Dr. Jaya was of BIMTECH –STOUGH, Young Scholar Award by
She has been selected as a Subject Matter Expert for actively engaged as a visiting faculty with Devi BIMTECH in the year 2014 and won Best Case Award by
“Project Management” by Quality Council of India Ahilya Vishwa Vidhyalaya, Indore. She has attended The Case Centre, UK in year 2017.
(QCI), for their eQuest eLearning platform for course and presented papers at many national and
design, content creation, lecture delivery (12 hours of international conferences at IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Veenu Sharma has more than 12 years of industry and
video lecture) and assessment. Indore etc. Her research interests include Positive academic experience to teach/train a variety of courses
Psychological Capital, Gen X and Y, Emotional including, Retail Concepts, Retail Store Management,
Intelligence, Employability skills and Talent Luxury Retailing, Consumer Behavior and Customer
Management. relationship Management. She has also been mentoring
Navin Shrivastava (PhD, MBA, LLM) Dr. Archana Singh and developing students in the area of developing
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor research papers and reports.
Academic Area: Operations and Decision Sciences
Dr Shrivastava is an academician and currently
associated with Birla Institute of Management Dr. Archana Singh is a PhD and M.Sc in Statistics from
Technology, (BIMTECH), Greater Noida. He holds a University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. She is a Six –Sigma
PhD, MBA , LL.M. and UGC (NET) qualifications green belt certified professional and also has done a
with strong interpersonal communication skills, certificate course in Lean Management.
having more than eighteen years of experience in She has more than 13 years of experience in Dr. Abha Rishi
Management teaching and consultancy. He has a academics and is actively involved in research and Faculty
rich experience of both government and private academic activities. She has taught in different Entrepreneurship and International Business.
sector. His doctoral work is in the area of Employer Programs of Management, Engineering, Computer
Branding. He has published papers in national and Applications, Commerce, Social Sciences and Life Dr. Abha Rishi is a faculty in the fields of Entrepreneurship and International Business. She has 23 years of experience in the field of international
international journals and edited books. He has been Sciences at University level. trade- in industry and academics. She is an EEC Honors from STVP, Stanford University. Her other qualifications in the field of International business
a regular reviewer to International Journal of Dr. Archana Singh is dedicated to enthusiastic and and management are a PhD, PGDIBO, MFT and MIB. She is a Fulbright Research Fellow from India at Rutgers University, Newark, USA for 2009-10.
Manpower (A category Journal) and Sage vibrant teaching as a means of creating and nurturing She is also a CRISP 2014 (Chevening Rolls Royce Science and Innovation Leadership Programme) scholar from Said Business School, University of
publications. He has also represented academia as a lifelong love of knowledge in students. Oxford. She has been selected for the 10 K Women Global Programme under the aegis of Goldman Sachs- London Business School, held in India with
an expert in a high powered national seminar on NEN. She was the Programme Director from BIMTECH for UP and Orissa for the BIMTECH ISB Goldman Sachs 10000 Women global project.
Internet Governance under the aegis of NSCS (GOI)
Presently she is also the Chairperson for the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development (CIED) at BIMTECH.
organized by VIF (Vivekananda International
Foundation). She has published and presented papers in various domestic and international forums. She has been selected as one of the semi- finalists in the GDN
Japanese Award for Outstanding Research in Development Work in 2011. She has traveled extensively in Russia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya,
He has been awarded for his distinguished services Colombia, Dubai and USA as part of her work and also for research. She was also the managing editor for the South Asian Business Review- a peer
by Birla Institute of Management Technology, reviewed journal from 2008 to 2012. Her areas of interest are International Retailing and Global Entrepreneurship. Her hobbies include reading and
Greater Noida, India in 2018. He has been felicitated quizzing. She has also won the Championship Winners Trophy in 2008 in the All India Women’s Quiz conducted by AIMA.
with Coal India scholarship for academic She has been conferred the Entrepreneurship Education Champion’s Award from the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE),
excellence. He has also conducted management along with NEN in partnership with Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), the British Council and Intel, in March 2015. On March 8,
development programmes at Government and Non- 2017, she was conferred the Accenture Inclusion & Diversity Recognition Award, for her work with the underprivilged in jails and villages.
Government Organization including leading PSUs,
Armed Forces, Postal dept etc. As an ardent
propounder of value driven organization, his areas of
interests are employer branding, building value
based organization culture, work ethics, rewards
and recognitions, corporate governance and
developmental HR.

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