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Health Care Analysis Using Machine Learning
TCMAPY528 Machine Learning
Objective: The goal of this project was to create and build a machine learning-
based discharge roster for a patient.
Stress Detection Based on Social Media Blogs

TCMAPY465 Objective: The main objective of this project is to create an Effective Machine Learning
Detection system for stress detection among individuals and taking
necessary precautions to prevent the users from committing suicide.
Constrained Voting Extreme Learning Machine and its Application

TCMAPY466 Objective: The main objective of this application is to investigate a specific Machine Learning
problem of whether it is valuable or not to use Extreme Learning machines for
getting insights from complex patterns in data instead of using deep learning
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis on Amazon Ear Phone Sales

TCMAPY467 Objective: The main objective of this project is to present an aspect and Machine Learning
description system based sentimental analysis for amazon sales data on
different manufactures including boat, Samsung etc..,
Detecting Fake Accounts on social media- Instagram

TCMAPY468 Objective: The main goal of this project is predicting the account is fake or not Machine Learning
by analyzing the data. The dataset from Kaggle and performing Machine
Learning models like Support Vector Machine and Neural Networks are used
for better accuracy.
A Study of Machine Learning Techniques on Clustering, Classification
and Regression
TCMAPY470 Machine Learning
Objective: The main objective of this application is to give a brief introduction
about the machine learning algorithms on various techniques like
classification, regression and clustering.
Hybrid Machine Learning Classification Technique for Improve Accuracy
of Heart Disease
TCMAPY471 Machine Learning
Objective: The main Objective of this project is to classify heart disease using
Hybrid classification technique which gives high accuracy.
Dynamic Churn Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms - Predict
TCMAPY472 your customer through customer behavior Machine Learning

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]

Objective: The main objective of this Project is to create an effective system for
customer churn prediction and taking necessary precautions to prevent users
from changing one network to another network
Machine Learning Based Flood Prediction

TCMAPY473 Objective: The main objective of this project is to create an effective system for Machine Learning
flood prediction and taking necessary precautions to save the human beings from
the floods.
Detection of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in SDN using Machine
learning techniques
TCMAPY476 Machine Learning
Objective: The main objective of this project is to create an Effective Detection
system for stress detection among individuals and taking necessary precautions
to prevent the users from committing suicide.
Detecting the Security Level of Various Cryptosystems Using Machine
Learning Models
TCMAPY476 Machine Learning
Objective: The aim of the project is to automate the detection of security levels
of various cryptosystems using machine learning.
Multi class Prediction Model for Student Grade Prediction Using
Machine Learning
TCMAPY482 Machine Learning
Objective: The main objective of this application is to propose a way to handle
imbalanced datasets for enhancing the performance of predicting student
Accurate Newspaper Article Classification Using Multi-Class Support
Vector Machine
TCMAPY486 Objective: The main objective of this project is to present a comparison Machine Learning
between some powerful machine learning algorithms for news article
classification data which includes the categories like politics, entertainment,
sports, etc.,
Accurate short text classification using Bi-LSTM

TCMAPY487 Objective: The Main objective of this project is to compare the performance of Machine Learning
the models (accuracies) like Bi-LSTM, LSTM, RNN, BERT and SVM and
proposes that our Bi-LSTM models outperforms all the other models in terms of
Feature Selection and Ensemble Learning Techniques in One-Class
Classifiers: An Empirical Study of Two-Class Imbalanced Datasets on
Vehicle Insurance Data
TCMAPY489 Machine Learning
Objective: The research objectives of this project is to understand the
performance of OCC classifiers and examine the level of performance
improvement when feature selection is considered for pre-processing the
training data in the majority class and ensemble learning is employed.

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]

Accurate Feature Elimination approach in Ensemble Learning on NSL-

KDD dataset
TCMAPY490 Machine Learning
Objective: The aim of this project is to gain insights by studying and comparing
different concept learning algorithms against ensemble learning techniques.

Efficient Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease Using Machine Learning

Algorithms with Relief and LASSO Feature Selection Techniques
TCMAPY499 Machine Learning
Objective: The main objective of this project is detected whether a patient have
any chance to get a heart stroke or not using machine learning classification
A Survey on Machine Learning Techniques for the Diagnosis of Liver
TCMAPY500 Machine Learning
Objective: The objective of this paper is to give a survey and comparative
analysis of the entire machine learning techniques for diagnosis and prediction
of liver disease in the medical area.
A Novel Machine Learning Based Screening Method for High-Risk
Covid-19 Patients Based on Simple Blood Exams
TCMAPY505 Machine Learning
Objective: The main objective of this project is to detect the risk severity of the
covid patient based on their blood samples by using machine learning
Fake Reviews Detection Using Supervised Machine Learning

TCMAPY506 Objective: The objective of this project is to create an Effective Detection Machine Learning
system for Fake reviews from the text in order to get rid from fake reviews
while purchasing a product.
An Enhanced Ensemble Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer A Pursuit of
Machine Intelligence Towards Sustainable Health
TCMAPY507 Machine Learning
Objective: The main objective of this application is to classify the cervical
cancer disease (i. e. Whether the person is having cancer disease or not) using
machine learning algorithms.
Alzheimer’s Disease Detection Using Deep Learning
TCMAPY508 Machine Learning
Objective: The main objective of this application is to detect the Alzheimer’s
diseases using deep learning models.
Sentimental Analysis of Placement Data for Job Classification by Students
Using Naive Bayes in Comparison with Support of Vector Machine
TCMAPY509 Machine Learning
Objective: The main objective of this application is to classify the job class by
comparing different machine learning algorithms.

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]

Improvement in Automated Diagnosis of Soft Tissues Tumors Using

Machine Learning
TCMAPY510 Machine Learning
Objective: The primary goal of this project is to determine the type of treatment
required for a patient attacked with soft tissue tumors. We used classification
techniques to figure this out.
Anemia Estimation for Patients Using a ML Model

TCPGPY397 Objective: The main objective of this project is to create an Effective Detection Machine Learning
system for Anemia among individuals and taking necessary treatment in order
to get rid from anemia.
Deep Learning for Plant Species Classification
TCMAPY301 Deep Learning
Objective: The main objective of this to classify the different plant species
using Convolution Neural Network (CNN) of deep learning.
Deep Learning Techniques for Garbage Classification
TCMAPY469 Deep Learning
Objective: The main objective of this to classify the images of types of using
the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) of deep learning.
Sentiment Classification from Text Using Deep Learning Algorithm
TCMAPY475 Deep Learning
Objective: The main objective of this project is to classify the sentimental
emotions from text, using BERT algorithm.
Covid-19-Preventions-Control-System and Unconstrained Face-Mask
and Face-Hand Detection Framework
TCMAPY477 Deep Learning
Objective: The main objective of this project is to identify a person is wearing
a mask or not properly wearing a mask or face hand interaction. To achieve
this process, we implementing the deep learning techniques.
Identification of acute illness and facial cues of illness

TCMAPY479 Objective: The main objective of the project is to detect who has affected for Deep Learning
facial cues and who are not affected for facial cues by which user can select the
model to classify images with best Accuracy.
Detection & Classification of Pneumonia in Chest X-Ray Images Using
Deep Learning Techniques
TCMAPY481 Deep Learning
Objective: The main objective of this to classify the chest X-ray images as
either they are infected with pneumonia or not using Convolution Neural
Network (CNN) of deep learning and along with transfer learning methods.
Identification of Plant Nutrient Deficiencies Using Convolutional Neural
TCMAPY484 Networks Deep Learning

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]

Objective: The main objective of this project is classifying the nutrition

deficiencies of plants using deep learning and machine learning algorithms.

Automatic Vacant Parking Places Management System Using Vehicle

TCMAPY491 Deep Learning
Objective: The main objective of this application is to propose a system for
vehicles detection and their corresponding mapping into the parking spots of a
parking lot.
Enhancing Accuracy in Detecting Vehicles Using Sift Over SVM, CNN,
Yolo, SSD
TCMAPY492 Deep Learning
Objective: The main objective of this project to augment the accuracy and
detecting the vehicles using scalar invariant feature transform (SIFT) in SVM,
CNN, YOLO, SSD for image dataset.
Face Recognition Using Computer Vision and CNN Algorithm

TCMAPY493 Objective: The main objective of this project is to recognize the faces of a Deep Learning
person using the CNN algorithm of deep learning along with computer vision.

Automatically Identifying & Counting Animals Using Camera Trap

Image Using DL
TCMAPY494 Deep Learning
Objective: The main objective of this process is to detects and count the
number of animals for future estimation to save animals.
Facial Expression Classification Using Wavelet Based CNN

TCMAPY495 Objective: The main objective of this project is to recognize the facial Deep Learning
expressions of a person using the CNN algorithm of deep learning along with
applying wavelet transforms.
Brain Disease Classification Along with Age Estimation from MRI

TCMAPY496 Objective: The main objective of this to predict the brain MRI scanned images Deep Learning
either they are normal or effected with disease along with the age estimations
using deep learning and machine learning algorithms.
Currency Classification System using Deep Learning
TCMAPY498 Deep Learning
Objective: The main objective of this project is to classify the currency image
using the CNN algorithm of deep learning along with MobileNet model.
Detection of Plant Disease Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning
TCMAPY502 Algorithms Deep Learning

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]

Objective: The main objective of this to detect and classify the plant disease
using the machine learning (SVM, Random Forest) and deep learning (CNN,
RNN, ResNet) algorithms.

Deep Learning Yolo Based Weed Detection

TCMAPY503 Deep Learning
Objective: The main objective of this to detect the weed from the crop using the
Yolo algorithm of deep learning.
Iris Based Human Identity Recognition with Deep Learning Methods

TCMAPY504 Objective: The main objective of this to classify the eye and segment the iris Deep Learning
from the classified eye using the CNN based transfer learning model of deep
Object Detection Using Yolo Model
TCMAPY513 Deep Learning
Objective: The main goal of this project is to detect multiple objects in a single
frame using Yolo (You Only look once) model.
Cyber security and artificial intelligence for cloud-based internet of
transportation system
TCPGJA580 Cloud Computing
Objective: The main aim of this project is “To develop Intelligent Internet of
Transportation Systems with respect to Autonomous Vehicles (AV) as well as
the security and privacy concerns of such systems.
Web Accessibility of Educational Information in College and Providing
Communication Between Students

TCMAPY512 Cloud Computing

Objective: In this application, an application for the purpose of
communication between the students, faculties and admin with the help of
python technology and we will store this application in the amazon cloud.

Dual access control and sharing control using Amazon web services

TCPGPY398 Objective: The main aim of this project is to provide privacy or security for Cloud Computing
uploaded data. Dual access for data owners by data owner permission using
Efficient Revocable Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption for
Cloud Storage

TCPGPY399 Cloud Computing

Objective: The objective of this project is to secure the confidential data in
cloud by using Encryption technique ABE (Attribute Based Encryption). It is
used to encrypt data. By using ABE Technique data will convert into some
random data with the help of keys, only data will be decrypted.

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]

A Lightweight Policy Update Scheme for Outsourced Personal Health

Records Sharing
TCPGPY401 Cloud Computing
Objective: The objective of this project is to secure the patient’s confidential
data in cloud by using Encryption technique. Transfer that data to the patients
securely to the patient. Patient will decrypt the data using key.
Research On Logistics Information Blockchain Data Query Algorithm
Based on Searchable Encryption
TCMAPY501 Block Chain
Objective: The aim of this process is to solve the problems of inefficiency, key
abuse and inflexibility of access control policy for data privacy protection and
sharing based on block chain.
Smart Tender/Contract Management System Using Blockchain

TCMAPY488 Objective: The main objective of this project is to ensure the complete tender Block Chain
management process is secure and efficient we make use of block chain
technology to solve tender management issues.
TABE-DAC Efficient Traceable Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme

TCMAPY464 Objective: The main objective of this project is to solve the problems of Block Chain
inefficiency, key abuse and inflexibility of access control policy for data privacy
protection and sharing based on blockchain. .
Online Bed Booking for Quarantine
TCMAPY463 Block Chain
Objective: The main objective of this project is to book beds online in
quarantine situations and to reduce the death rates in the city.

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]



A Novel Hybrid Feature Selection Algorithm for Hierarchical
TCMAJA648 Data Mining
Objective: The main objective of this project is “implementing a hybrid feature
selection for hierarchical classification using different datasets”
A Comprehensive Unsupervised Framework for Chronic Kidney Disease
TCMAJA649 Data Mining
Objective: The main objective of this project is “Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction
by using k-means algorithm”
Clustering Algorithms: An Application for Adsorption Kinetic Curves
TCMAJA650 Data Mining
Objective: The main objective of this project is “To generating Adsorption Kinetic
Curves by using k-means clustering
Weighted Frequent Itemset Mining Using Weighted Subtrees: WST-
TCMAJA651 Data Mining
Objective: The main objective of this project is “implementing a FP-Growth for a
small dataset and large dataset then finding the Frequent Item
Incremental Association Rule Mining with a Fast Incremental Updating
Frequent Pattern Growth Algorithm
TCMAJA652 Data Mining
Objective: The main objective of this project is “To find frequents itemset by using
database for reducing the item selection”
Cryptanalysis of an Anonymous and Traceable Group Data Sharing in
Cloud Computing Cloud
Objective: The main objective of this project is “To implement a group sharing
protocol by using cryptography”
Accountable and Revocable Large Universe Decentralized Multi-
Authority Attribute-Based Encryption for Cloud-Aided IoT (cloud) Cloud
Objective: The main objective of this project is “Data sharing as multiple
authentication and rejection on a group, it can improve the security for file sharing
A Cloud Secure Storage Mechanism Based on Data Dispersion and
Encryption Cloud
Objective: The main objective of this project is “to calculate the upload and
download speed for files, analyzing cloud band width”
TCMAJA656 A Higher-Level Security Scheme for Key Access on Cloud Computing Computing

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]
2021-2022: JAVA TITLES

Objective: The main objective of this project is “Implementing Shamir’s secret

sharing algorithm in cloud computing”
A Lightweight Policy Update Scheme for Outsourced Personal Health
Records Sharing Cloud
Objective: The main objective of this project is “Implementing a secure access
control scheme with lightweight access policy update for outsourced PHRs
Efficient Revocable Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption for
Cloud Storage
Objective: The main objective of this project is “Secure file key generation by using Computing
the elliptic curves cryptography in efficient revocable multi-authority attribute-
based encryption scheme for cloud storage
Online Student Authentication and Proctoring System Based on
Multimodal Biometrics Technology
Objective: The main objective of this project is “implementing Online Student Computing
Authentication and Proctoring System Based on Multimodal Biometrics like as face
The Cloud we Share: Access Control on Symmetrically Encrypted Data in
Untrusted Clouds
Objective: The main objective of this project is “implementing both (ABE and SSE) Computing
of these cryptographic techniques need to be adapted to cloud-based environments
to create a hybrid encryption scheme based on ABE and SSE.
CSEF: Cloud-Based Secure and Efficient Framework for Smart Medical
System Using ECC
Objective: The main objective of this project is “To maintain, for security and Computing
privacy, to create a secure and efficient authentication framework based on Elliptic
Curve Cryptography (ECC) for cloud-assisted SMS
A Distributed Method for Fast Mining Frequent Patterns from Big Data
Big Data
TCMAJA662 Objective: The main objective of this project is “To improve performance, we
propose a set of algorithms based on FP growth to find FPs that can provide faster
and scalable service in distributed computing environments
Improved heuristic job scheduling method to enhance throughput for
big data analytics
TCMAJA663 Big Data
Objective: The main objective of this project is to improve heuristic job scheduling
method, called the Densest-Job-Set-First (DJSF) method.
A Comparative Study of Class Rebalancing Methods for Security Bug
Report Classification Big Data
Objective: The main objective of this project is to provide guidelines for selecting
appropriate class rebalancing methods and classifications for SBR prediction

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]
2021-2022: JAVA TITLES

Effective use of Big Data in Precision Agriculture

TCMAJA665 Big Data
Objective: The main objective of this project is to improve agricultural production
by using the data mining tool with legacy farm data for future forecasting”
WB-CPI: Weather Based Crop Prediction in India Using Big Data
TCMAJA666 Big Data
Objective: The main objective of this project is “Assessment that will help improve
the agricultural economy”.
Big Data-Driven Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Smart
TCMAJA667 Big Data
Objective: The main objective of this project is “implementing a novel Big Data-
driven solution that employs machine learning, deep learning and parallel
computing techniques”
KNN-SC: Novel Spectral Clustering Algorithm Using k-Nearest Neighbors

TCMAJA668 Objective: The main objective of this project is “implementing a robust spectral Big Data
clustering algorithm known as KNN-SC that can discover exact clusters by
decreasing the influence of noise points”
A Practical Framework for Secure Document Retrieval in Encrypted
Cloud File Systems
Objective: A new encrypted document retrieval system was created to reduce Computing
the data owner's workload and improve the security level of the entire system
and to be integrated into the proxy server system”
Enhancing Security of Health Information Using Modular Encryption
Standard in Mobile Cloud Computing
TCPGJA592 Objective: The main objective of this project is to "show that performance Computing
analysis is better than other commonly used algorithms against health
information security in the MCC environment in terms of measures that
guarantee better performance and support quality security".
Maximizing User Service Satisfaction for Delay-Sensitive IoT
Applications in Edge Computing
Objective: The main objective of this project is “Implementing the proposed Computing
algorithms that are promising in reducing service delays and increasing
customer satisfaction”
Platform Profit Maximization on Service Provisioning in Mobile Edge
TCPGJA594 Objective: The main objective of this project is “to maximize the platform Computing
profit subject to budget constraint and stringent delay requirements for task

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]
2021-2022: JAVA TITLES

TODG: Distributed Task Offloading with Delay Guarantees for Edge

Objective: The main objective of this project is “Problem in Task Off Computing
Controlling the Problem of Delay-Controlled Long-Term Random
Optimization in Unknown Advanced Statistics”
Reliability-Enhanced Task Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing
Objective: The main objective of this project is “The task is to show the Computing
balance of reducing the bandwidth usage of IoT applications while
increasing the reliability level of these IoT applications during offloading”
Cyber Threat Predictive Analytics for Improving Cyber Supply Chain
Security Cyber
Objective: The main objective of this project is “To provide recommended
relevant controls to tackle cyber threats”
SABADT: Hybrid Intrusion Detection Approach for Cyber Attacks
Identification in WLAN
Objective: The main objective of this project is “to reduce the deficiencies in Security
present IDSs for WLANs and build a more effective system which can detect
unknown and complex attack variants dynamically.”
An Opportunistic Approach for Cloud Service based IoT Routing
Framework Administering Data, Transaction, and Identity Security
Objective: The main objective of this project is "Evaluation with simulations Security
on both datasets against attack resilience and routing capability-based
performance metrics compared to standard protocols”
On the Security of Verifiable Searchable Encryption Schemes
Objective: The main objective of this project is "show that the plans against Security
the insider keyword-guessing attack are unsafe
Identity-based Cloud Storage Auditing for Data Sharing with Access
Control of Sensitive Information
Objective: The main objective of this project is “Sanitizer is used to sanitize Security
data blocks related to the sensitive information of the file and to make the
signatures of these data blocks valid for the sanitized file”
A Reliability Guaranteed Solution for Data Storing and Sharing

TCPGJA602 Objective: The main objective of this project is "The data sharing process is Blockchain
handled by a smart contract and escalating parties involved to promote

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]
2021-2022: JAVA TITLES

Blockchain-Assisted Collaborative Service Recommendation Scheme

with Data Sharing
TCPGJA603 Objective: The main objective of this project is to adopt ciphertext-policy Blockchain
attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) algorithm for encrypting data, which
ensures data privacy and identifies secure data sharing
Privacy-Preserving Mechanism in Smart Home Using Blockchain

Objective: The main objective of this project is "to implement authentication

TCPGJA604 Blockchain
scheme that combines attribute-based access control with smart contracts
and edge computing to create a secure framework for IoT devices in smart
home systems
Research on Logistics Information Blockchain Data Query Algorithm
Based on Searchable Encryption
TCPGJA605 Blockchain
Objective: The main objective of this project is to improve security for
logistic information, by implementing the block chain and cryptography
technics in logistic management system”
TABE-DAC: Efficient Traceable Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme with
Dynamic Access Control Based on Blockchain
TCPGJA606 Blockchain
Objective: the main objective of this project is "Identify dynamic access
control that has the potential to update the data control approach for data

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]



Black Meter – A Taxi Meter

TCMAAN313 Objective: An auto rickshaw or taxis are vehicles for hire, and it is one of the chief Application
modes of transport in India. A large number of people use these vehicles for their
daily transportation and every time they pay extra amount as fare because there is
no check on the reading of meter available.
Go Grocery app
Objective: Grocery Delivery App Development Company can help you get the right
grocery app that will find a service or agent who can grocery shop on your behalf, Application
exactly according to the grocery list you provide to them and deliver the groceries
to your doorstep.

Give away Your Items

Objective: When someone is relocating or redecorating their houses, there will be a
TCMAAN314 lot of stuff that goes into the trash, mostly because these things cannot be Application
accommodated in the house. So, there is an app idea, a platform to give away your
used products online. It can be furniture, gadgets, or even clothes. You can give it
away to charity or any other people in need.
Goods-transporter app

TCMAAN323 Objective: Many people want to deliver goods to places in short-time, but it is Application
difficult to find the right services at the right time. While, on the other hand, there
are vehicles return empty after unloading their goods. In such cases this app can
provide information about the vehicles that are available to transport the goods.
DIY Encouragement App

TCMAAN312 Objective: Basically, DIY means that, instead of hiring a professional to do a Application
particular task or, instead of buying goods from a store or an artisan you’re
choosing to do that task or create those products yourself with no direct help from
an expert.
E-Ayurveda Recommended Solution for All Disease

TCMAAN315 Objective: Ayurveda -literally meaning the science of life is a comprehensive system Application
of health care based on mainly experiential knowledge which passed from family to
family or from teacher to student. The glimpses of therapeutic measures mentioned
in Veda were expanded in Ayurveda with eight specialties.
Covid-19 Quarantine

TCMAAN317 Objective: Governments and health authorities use quarantines to stop the spread of Application
contagious diseases. Quarantines are also for people or groups who do not have
symptoms but were exposed to the disease. The quarantine keeps them away from
others so they do not unknowingly infect anyone.
COVID-19 Online Test Results & availability booking of Hospitals based
Mobile App
TCMAAN318 Application
Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted hospitals around the world.
Many hospitals have scaled back or postponed non-emergency care. This has
medical consequences for the people served by the hospitals, and it has financial

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]


consequences for the hospitals. Health and social systems across the globe are
struggling to cope.
Kisan Salah: An App on Farming

TCMAAN324 Objective: The estimation of crop based on the soil is essential nowadays for Application
increasing the yield. A soil-based crop selection and fertilizer management system
has developed and a normalized approach to characterize the composition of bare
soil, metalloids, and mesological parameters.
Smart Parking

TCMAAN325 Objective: Growing population in metro cities is leading to huge vehicle density, the Application
problems for car parking has become an unending question. To avoid roadside
parking and associated traffic problems centralized car parking systems are
Startup Assistant
Objective: Startup assistance app to help startups and new entrepreneurs find
answers to common questions related to starting a new business, finding clients,
getting investment, business tips, and everything else.
My Personal Chef

TCMAAN327 Objective: Cooking is an endeavor unique to humans. It is mainly considered an art Application
requiring culinary intuition acquired through practice. The preparation of food is a
complex and subjective process that makes it challenging to determine underlying
rules for automation.
O-dhaan: Organ sharing app

TCMAAN328 Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop an organ management Application
information system to assist in the management of organ donor records and control
the distribution of organ in various parts of the country basing on the hospital
Public Transport App

TCMAAN329 Objective: Here a methodology based on combination of GPS is discussed to help Application
the people who utilize the public transportation for traveling. The user is provided
with the information about the current location of nearest buses approaching the
Medical Pharmacy

Objective: Nowadays, there are many inventions of technology, websites and mobile
TCMAAN330 Application
applications that are able to solve real-life problems people were once facing. The
scope for this development of mobile application is focusing on medical field in
which the purpose is to help people looking for medicine in the nearest pharmacy
from their current location.
Traffic Challan: Challan Collection &management-based Android App

TCMAAN331 Objective: Traffic Squad is an app which helps the police as well as the police by Application
means of time and efficiency. With the increasing importance of corruption has
become major factor to be considered as a result the number of vehicles and the
rapid development of population are growing in our everyday life.

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]


Happy life: Suicide Control App

TCMAAN332 Objective: A suicide control app that will provide humanitarian assistance to those Application
people who need to talk to someone to get convinced against such actions.

Invest in Idea
Objective: The objective of this project is sharing the new thoughts and ideas to
TCMAAN333 people. There is the lot of useful things behind this app. human brain can think in Application
different way with the others. Those ideas can share with the people is a helpful
thing to everyone

My AR Corban Print
Objective: A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including
TCMAAN334 carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions. Carbon emissions AR
affect the planet significantly, as they are the greenhouse gas with the highest levels
of emissions in the atmosphere. This, of course, causes global warming and
ultimately, climate change. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when
fossil fuels, coal, natural gas, and oil are burned
Real-Time Translation App AR
TCMAAN335 Objective: We present a mobile augmented reality (AR) translation system, using a AR
smartphone's camera and touchscreen that requires the user to simply tap on the
word of interest once in order to produce a translation, presented as an AR overlay.
Food Freshness Checker
TCMAAN320 Objective: The objectives of this application is mobile device is to make an ML that ML
can detect food spoilage. Smart system which can detect the freshness of household
food like dairy items, meat, and fruits

Website : www.takeoffprojects.com Phone : 09030333433, 08776681444

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/message/O7ETXXRHVAUJI1 Email : [email protected]

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