"Wi-Fi Technology": Computer-Science & Engineering
"Wi-Fi Technology": Computer-Science & Engineering
"Wi-Fi Technology": Computer-Science & Engineering
“Wi-Fi Technology”
Submitted to
Submitted by
Guide – Mrs.Roopa.R.Gaur
This is to certify that
Third year students of Bachelor of Technology ( Computer Science & Engineering ) have
satisfactorily completed Seminar on “Wi-Fi Technology” towards the partial fulfillment of
the award of B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering Degree as laid by the Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere for the academic year 2021-22.
Mrs.Roopa.R.Gaur Mr.Imran.Y.Inamdar
We take this opportunity to express our gratitude towards those who directly or
indirectly helped us in completion of Seminar.
First of all we would like to express deep sense of gratitude towards our Seminar Guide
Mrs.Roopa.R.Gaur for her valuable guidance and encouragement throughout Seminar.
Also thanking to our Seminar Coordinator Mrs.Roopa.R.Gaur, Head of Computer
Science and Engineering Department Mr.Imran.Y.Inamdar. Also thanking to Principal Prof.
Dr. B. Srinivasa Varma and Executive Director Prof. Mahesh B. Joshi.
We are also grateful to library department, computer lab for providing books, online
resource for Seminar.
Finally, we would like to thanks our parents, friends who helped me directly and
indirectly during completion of this Seminar.
2 Introduction
Literature Survey (Minimum 10 Research Paper from Scopus, Else weir, IEEE etc.)
Case Study 1
Case Study 2
8 Conclusion
9 References
Annexure-Review Paper
10 -Photos Industry Visit
(Attach this format in Annexure)
Check List
Sr. Sign of
Tool Purpose Status Attached
No. Guide
Optimization Techniques /
9 (Specify the method)
Inventive problem solving
Software Used i.e.
10 Or
Design Codes used for
Non circuit branches
Note –
Sr. No. 1, 2, 3 are must to all branch students
Sr. No. 4 & 5 for design & analysis type
Sr. No. 6,7,8,9 for design, testing and fabrication