D.S. Makarov JQSRT-2011-60-GHz Oxygen Band
D.S. Makarov JQSRT-2011-60-GHz Oxygen Band
D.S. Makarov JQSRT-2011-60-GHz Oxygen Band
a r t i c l e in f o abstract
Article history: The 60-GHz band of atmospheric oxygen was studied in the temperature range of 281
Received 13 January 2011 to þ 60 1C at atmospheric pressure by means of a resonator spectrometer with
Received in revised form absorption-variation sensitivity of 0.002 dB/km. The experimental data obtained have
24 February 2011
sufficient signal-to-noise ratio to take second-order mixing into account, increasing the
Accepted 26 February 2011
accuracy of the millimeter-wave propagation model (MPM). A refined set of mixing
Available online 3 March 2011
coefficients for the model is derived from the new data and presented. The fidelity of
Keywords: the new model to the spectrometer data is generally better than 2% between 54 and
Microwave spectroscopy 65 GHz.
Collisional coupling
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Absorption model
Molecular oxygen
0022-4073/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.S. Makarov et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 112 (2011) 1420–1428 1421
in pressure was suggested in [6], and, later, a more measured in the experiment. It is important to decrease
thorough description with extension to second-order resonance-curve width because a wider response curve
was given in [7]. implies greater measurement errors.
Extensive laboratory studies resulted in the develop- With resonator length of 39.4 cm, intermode dist-
ment of an accurate millimeter-wave propagation model ance calculated as c/2L is equal to 380.71 MHz. That allows
(MPM) [8] and its further improvement in [9]. The most about 100 points (eigen-frequencies of the resonator) for
recent update includes line central frequencies and half- absorption measurements in the frequency range between
widths measured in [10] and line amplitudes from the 45 and 85 GHz. While running the measurements, gas
HITRAN database [11]. MPM uses a first-order mixing temperature and humidity, as well as the resonator mirror
model for millimeter-wave oxygen spectra, where mixing temperatures, were recorded to take into account their
coefficients are derived by the method given in [12]. fluctuations in experimental data processing as discussed
The present study continues our series of papers (see in [10].
[13] and references therein) related to the microwave The band absorption profile was recorded at var-
spectrum of molecular oxygen in the atmosphere. In [10] ious temperature values in the range of 245–334 K. Gas
it was shown that the experimental record of the band losses, total resonator losses and baseline signal,
systematically deviates from the first-order MPM predic- recorded at 303 K, are shown in Fig. 1 as a typical
tion. The objective of this study is to develop a second- example. Several absorption profiles obtained at var-
order 60-GHz absorption-band model based on precise ious temperatures are shown in Fig. 2, demonstrating
experimental profiles, to increase modeling accuracy for variation of the band profile with temperature within
atmospheric applications. the studied range.
We decided to use outdoor atmospheric air as a sample
2. Experiment for the experiment. This air contains water vapor which
gives additional absorption in the millimeter- and submilli-
The band absorption profile was recorded by means meter-wave range. Also, at low temperatures moist air
of a resonator spectrometer with fast digital freque- causes hoar-frost on the resonator parts, so the air should
ncy scanning [14]. To allow measurements over a wide be dehydrated before being directed into the climatic
temperature range, the resonator was setup in the climate chamber. For dehydration, the outdoor air, pumped by
chamber equipped with cooling and heating elements, an air compressor, was led through a pipe immersed in
described in [13]. As in [13,14], gas temperature was
measured by a set of temperature sensors with the
measurement accuracy 0.1 1C; gas pressure was measured
by means of a calibrated pressure meter (600–800 mmHg
range), providing measurement accuracy 70.5 mmHg.
The absorption coefficient of the gas sample in the
chamber is obtained at the frequency points correspond-
ing to eigen-frequencies of the resonator, and its value is
calculated from the directly measured Fabry–Perot reso-
nance width:
aðfk Þ ¼ ðDf Df0 Þ ð1Þ
where a is the absorption coefficient, fk is the k-th
resonator eigen-frequency, Df and Df0 are Fabry–Perot Fig. 1. Loss profiles at 303 K: total losses (dash line), baseline (dotted
resonance widths measured in air and in pure nitrogen line) and gas losses (solid line).
(having negligibly small absorption in the millimeter-
wave range), respectively.
In comparison to experiments in [13], the resonator
length L was decreased to 39.4 cm to avoid noticeable
increase of diffraction losses at lower frequencies [15]. For
resonator length of 39.4 cm and mirror diameter 14 cm,
one-pass losses (the total relative losses of radiat
ion energy during one traversal of the resonator) due to
diffraction at 45 GHz (the lowest frequency where
absorption was measured) are not greater than 10 5.
Since both baseline losses in the chamber filled by pure
nitrogen and the total losses in the chamber filled with air
are measured, diffraction losses are not considered in
experimental data processing because they are canceled
by subtraction of the baseline from the total resonator
losses [14]. However, lower diffraction losses lead to a
narrower resonance–response curve, which is directly Fig. 2. Absorption profiles in air at several temperatures.
1422 D.S. Makarov et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 112 (2011) 1420–1428
expression [7]:
3. Data treatment
Fig. 4. Experiment-minus-model residual error using first-order mixing
Considering line mixing to second-order in pressure, models from [10] (gray line) and this work at 300 K (solid black line).
the absorption profile is described by the following Dotted line: theoretical contribution of second-order mixing.
D.S. Makarov et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 112 (2011) 1420–1428 1423
first-order mixing effect. The first residual (gray) is In each iteration of the estimation algorithm, r is
derived from earlier experimental data [10], the second estimated by using the gi and dni values derived in the
one (black) is derived from the latest data with lower previous iteration to calculate abias
k (on the first iteration,
noise level. Because the introduction of second-order the second-order coefficients are set to zero). The vector y
mixing coefficients makes the estimation problem non- of first-order coefficients is given by y ¼ K r þb. Then
linear, we used an iterative algorithm to derive both new second-order mixing coefficients are calculated using
first- and second-order mixing coefficients from the the r obtained in the current iteration, considering intra-
new experimental data. branch mixing only. These iterations were repeated until
If we consider the n strongest lines (current model the calculated mixing coefficients converged to consistent
uses n ¼19) in each branch of the oxygen fine-structure values from iteration to iteration.
spectrum, then the dimensions of the line-space matrix w Note that the previously measured [10] broadenings gi ,
are 6n 6n, with two series of lines (N þ and N ) at the as well as the coefficients yi, gi and dni calculated in the
positive frequencies ni , two series at ni , and two series at present work, are pressure-independent by definition and
n0 ¼ 0 [16]. Negative-frequency lines correspond to the Eq. (2) allows one to process the band profile recorded at
second term within the brackets of Eq. (2). The overlap of any particular pressure. The pressure value was measured
the positive-frequency lines with the zero- and negative- and used as a parameter in the model profile (2), which
frequencies is minimal and therefore can be modeled well makes possible precise quantitative characterization of
by a first-order treatment, which results in a small, pressure-dependent effects
though not negligible, bias value bi to be included in yi Rather than using a fixed value of b, we found that
[6,12]. The bi have values of approximately 0.014 bar 1 convergence improved if b=m, where m is the number of
for an effective (i.e., post-mixing) non-resonant broad- measurement points, was set to a relatively high value
ening coefficient g0 ¼ 0:56 GHz=bar (bar¼ 105 Pa). near unity for the first seven iterations and then gradually
Now we define an intra-branch collisional-relaxation lowered to an asymptotic value, e.g.:
matrix, which is an n n submatrix of w, and assume that (
1:05 m, Z r7
it applies identically to all six sets of lines in w. As b¼ ð7Þ
discussed in [12], to calculate mixing coefficients we need ð0:05 þ 27Z Þ m, 7 r Z r 20
to specify only half of this submatrix, as the other half is
where Z is the iteration number.
related by the constraint of detailed balancing. The
The Twomey–Tikhonov method provides a solution
diagonal elements are equal to the line-broadening coef-
that fits the measurements within a certain residual-
ficients, which were measured in [10]. Conceptually, we
error level, but it is not a unique solution. With
can arrange the elements of the upper-right off-diagonal
b ¼ 0:05m, the b I term in the denominator of Eq. (4)
triangle of the intra-branch submatrix as a vector r. This
dominates all but about four or five of the eigenvalues
vector is estimated by the Twomey–Tikhonov method,
of the denominator matrix. Hence there are effectively
which implies minimization of the quantity
X about four to five degrees of freedom in r, although it
e2k þ qb ð3Þ contains n(n-1)/2 ¼171 elements for n ¼19. It is there-
k fore important to distinguish between the uncertainty
where ek is the difference between measured and calcu- of the calculated absorption, and uncertainties in the
lated absorption at frequency fk, q ¼ r> H r is a quadratic values of the model’s coefficients. The coefficients are
measure of structure in the collisional-relaxation matrix, adjusted to fit measurements, and underestimation of
and b is a Lagrange multiplier which can be chosen to some coefficients can be counterbalanced by excess
balance between minimal residuals and minimal relaxa- values in other coefficients when absorption is calcu-
tion-matrix structure [12]. Superscript > denotes the lated. However, we consider the set of mixing coeffi-
transpose. Very small b can reduce residuals, but the cients finally obtained here as providing the best
derived mixing coefficients then do not have a smooth fidelity of the model to the whole set of experimen-
dependence on the quantum number N, which conflicts tal profiles as well as corresponding to theoretical
with theoretical assumptions. Methods for selecting the principles.
most suitable value of b are discussed in detail in [12,10]. As in [10], an error-model function was used to pre-
The solution for r is [12] whiten the data, decreasing the weight of points in the
center of the band where measurement errors were
r ¼ H1 K> V> ðVKH1 K> V> þ b IÞ1 A ð4Þ higher. This is discussed in the following section. We
also accounted for other isotopologues of O2 by multi-
plying the calculated absorption by 1.0053 [10]. Unlike
Ak ¼ ðameas
k abias
k Þ=sk ð5Þ the procedure in [10], we do not use any previous
version of y as a baseline here, because gi and dni are
where a k is the absorption measured at frequency fk,
calculated from r, not from an incremental change to it.
k is the absorption calculated by setting Yi ¼ bi P in
Eq. (2), and the pre-whitening factor sk is discussed
below; matrices H and K are defined in [12] and 4. Discussion
P @aðfk Þ
Vki ¼ ð6Þ In Fig. 5, experiment-minus-model residuals for the
sk @Yi
absorption profile treated by the model including both
1424 D.S. Makarov et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 112 (2011) 1420–1428
first- and second-order mixing, in comparison to residuals calculated mixing parameters, but should result in better
for a model based on only first-order mixing [10], are general agreement between model profile and measure-
shown for several temperatures by the black and gray ments. Because measurement errors are expected to grow
lines, respectively. In this figure, residuals shown by the along with the gas absorption, we use the band absorp-
solid black lines were calculated with the pre-whitening tion profile as a base for the error model. To define
factor sk set to unity. The dotted lines will be discussed parameters of the model, three pairs of band-profile
later. Systematic discrepancies between the extended records were compared. Each pair consisted of records
model and experiment are still noticeable, especially at observed at close temperatures (252 and 253 K, 300 and
lower temperatures, where the mixing effect should be 303 K, 324 and 327 K). If we take the absolute value of
stronger. These discrepancies are similar for records differences between the residual errors of two records,
repeated at the same experimental conditions, so they the regular part of the residuals will cancel, and the
are not caused by random experimental errors. Never- frequency range where noise increases will be evident
theless, in general, the extended model gives smaller (in this case, the residuals between recorded profiles and
residuals in the temperature range considered. In parti- the absorption model of [10] were taken by reason of the
cular, residuals decreased in the frequency bands from 53 latter’s independence from the current recorded profiles).
to 56 GHz and from 63 to 66 GHz. The lower of these two In Fig. 6 the dots show absolute values of the difference
bands is of special importance because it is widely used between residuals, and the solid line is the noise-model
for atmospheric sensing (see, e.g., [17]). function:
One notices that the residuals have some features near
the center of the band which look like strong noise peaks. Eexp ðf Þ ¼ maxðs,0:015 ðaðf Þ12:0ÞÞ ð8Þ
Two reasons leading to appearance of the features are
with s ¼ 0:01 dB/km; aðf Þ in dB/km is calculated at each
possible. The first is a general increase of the measure-
temperature. At temperatures higher than 310 K, this
ment error due to the growth of the resonator response-
noise model reduces to the constant level of s. Then the
curve width with increase of the radiation losses in the
data are pre-whitened by the factor
gas. The second reason is the aforementioned possible
deviation of the oxygen concentration due to dehydration sk ¼ Eexp ðfk Þ=s ð9Þ
of the air used for the experiment, which should be more
noticeable in the range of maximum absorption. Use of the noise model leads to an increase of the
Since absorption measurement errors are greater in residual in the center of the band but at the same time
the center of the band, it is possible to decrease the decreases the residual in the ranges from 53 to 56 GHz
weight of these points in the data treatment using an and from 63 to 66 GHz, at temperatures below 0 1C, which
error model. It gives additional degree of freedom for will be useful for many applications.
Fig. 5. Experiment-minus-model residual errors at several temperatures, for second-order mixing models fitted to each temperature (black lines), the
model of [10] (gray lines), and the model using coefficients from Table 1 (dotted lines).
D.S. Makarov et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 112 (2011) 1420–1428 1425
Table 1
First- and second-order mixing parameters.
N y0, bar 1 y1, bar 1 g0, bar 2 g1, bar 2 dn0 , GHz bar2 dn1 , GHz bar2
Value from [13].
experimental data by means of the new second-order and 65 GHz, the residuals using coefficients from
mixing model are in general better than those of MPM. Table 1 are on the order of 2% or less of the measured
Modeling the temperature dependence of the coeffi- absorption at each frequency.
cients with an analytic function Eq. (10) leads to We would like to point out some possible experimental
increased residuals generally, since the function does improvements which could further improve the accuracy of
not reproduce each temperature exactly. But since the band absorption-profile modeling. (We do not discuss
measurement errors in the center of the band are most here improvement of the spectrometer sensitivity, which
likely related to the fluctuation of the oxygen concen- obviously leads to that goal but it is not easily attainable.)
tration, they should be considered as statistical, not The first would be to use artificial air having a known
systematic. Fitting an analytical temperature depen- concentration of oxygen and nitrogen instead of outdoor air.
dence to the mixing coefficients is a form of averaging, This would avoid the trouble with oxygen concentration
which is known to reduce the statistical errors. Hence, mentioned in the experimental section. The second
even if the accuracy of reproducing the experimental improvement could be direct measurement of temperature
profiles seems to be reduced, there is a reason to dependence of individual line-broadening coefficients. That
believe that it actually is beneficial. One also notices can be done at low pressures using a spectrometer with
that the modeled second-order mixing still leaves some radio-acoustic detection [10] additionally equipped with a
systematic residuals at the band wings. This might be temperature-regulated thermostat for the absorption cell.
due to limitations of the model, such as neglecting of
mixing between the N þ and N branches, or to under- 5. Comparison with other work
estimated temperature dependence of the lines’
collisional parameters, as discussed in the previous Line mixing has the proportionately greatest effect on the
paragraph. However, as shown in Fig. 9, between 54 wings of a band. Therefore, measurements at frequencies
D.S. Makarov et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 112 (2011) 1420–1428 1427
higher than those from which the new model was derived absorption has been scaled upward by a factor of 4.774,
are a stringent test of its accuracy. At frequencies far from the ignoring possible differences in broadening and mixing
main resonances, absorption in dry air is dominated by the coefficients between air and pure O2. The calculation
collision-induced absorption by nitrogen, so measurements included the contribution from a weak 16O18O line at
of pure oxygen provide a better test of an oxygen-band 234 GHz. We used a half-width value of 2.8 GHz/bar for this
model. Fig. 10 shows a comparison to the pure-oxygen line, taken from [19], although it is 68% larger than another
measurements from Fig. 11 of [19]. The air model’s predicted recent measurement of that line [20]. The ‘‘total’’ curve also
includes O2–O2 collision-induced absorption, based on the
work in [21]. Absorption due to the submillimeter rotational
lines of O2 is barely significant in the plotted frequency
range; however, it is included in the total also.
Although we would not vouch for the accuracy of the
model at three atmospheres, it is in fair agreement with
the data in Fig. 10. It is worth mentioning that the
contribution of the non-resonant or Debye component
of the oxygen spectrum in Fig. 10 is 0.065 km 1; the total
absorption is less than this value as a consequence of the
mixing-coefficient biases bi, which account for mixing
between the resonant and non-resonant branches. This
effect is confirmed by the measurements of [19], which
also are below the Debye value over most of this
frequency range.
6. Conclusions
Fig. 9. Residuals between recorded profiles and second-order model using coefficients from Table 1, relative to the measured absorption value, at three
temperatures: 245 K (solid line), 288 K (dashed line) and 334 K (dotted line). The highest, the lowest and the central temperature of the measured
temperature range are chosen for the figure.
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