Running Head: Leadership Assignment 1
Running Head: Leadership Assignment 1
Running Head: Leadership Assignment 1
Leadership Assignment
Amazon CEO: Jeff Bezos
Breanna N. Mefford
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According to the article, Jeff Bezos Biography, “Entrepreneur and e-commerce pioneer Jeff
Bezos was born on January 12, 1964, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Bezos had an early love of
computers and studied computer science and electrical engineering at Princeton University. After
graduation, he worked on Wall Street, and in 1990 he became the youngest senior vice president
at the investment firm D.E. Shaw. Four years later, he quit his lucrative job to open,
a virtual bookstore that became one of the internet's biggest success stories. In 2013, Bezos
purchased The Washington Post in a $250 million deal (Biography Editors, 2018).” Jeff Bezos
started at an early age in his parents’ garage, turning it into his little work lab putting together
electrical contraptions together and using it around the house. During his high school years, he
started his first business, the Dream Institute, an educational summer camp for fourth, fifth and
sixth graders. He ended up graduating from Princeton University, were he was summa cum laude
in 1986. Bezos opened, named after the meandering South American River, on
July 16, 1995, from a small two-bedroom house with the help from friends testing the initial beta
when he was finished. From the start he was passionate, and his vision with that passion and
drive allowed him to start one of the most successful companies in the world. The initial success
of the company was meteoric. With no press promotion, sold books across the
United States and in 45 foreign countries within 30 days. In two months, sales reached $20,000 a
week, growing faster than Bezos and his start-up team had envisioned. According to the
biography, “ went public in 1997, leading many market analysts to question
whether the company could hold its own when traditional retailers launched their e-commerce
sites. Two years later, the start-up not only kept up but also outpaced competitors, becoming an
e-commerce leader (Biography Editors, 2018).” In 2006, Amazon launched its video on demand
service; initially known as Amazon Unbox on TiVo, it was eventually rebranded as Amazon
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Instant Video. Bezos also released the Kindle in 2007, a handheld digital book reader that
allowed users to buy, download, read and store their book selections, the first of its kind at the
It’s not hard to see the success Jeff has accumulated from the start. His passion and leadership
has helped innovate high tech devices, as well as easy access to new and improved means of
entertainment we can have through the Kindle and all the books, games and other apps you can
attain through that device. Amazon is not only a large conglomerate of books but with the help of
Amazon-Prime, is a quick and easy site to purchase just about anything you need for everyday
life, whether it’s books for college, movies for entertainment, or supplies required to run a
Kevin Baldacci states that “The latest results from the American Customer Satisfaction Index
reveals as the reigning and undisputed champ in both Internet retailing and across
the entire department in overall customer satisfaction. Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos perhaps more
than any business leader has taken the philosophy of truly caring for the customer and ushered it
into the digital era (Baldacci, 2013).” The seven lessons Baldacci illustrates are:
Jeff’s lessons should be a guide to all businesses trying to achieve success in all markets.
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Jeff Bezos has demonstrated many types of leadership qualities. From task-oriented
leadership. He has a mixture of leadership styles that benefited Jeff into the successful leader he
is today. He has achieved the tasks they were put in front of him, as well as set the trend in
technology with the production of the Kindle. The people he has surrounded himself with and
developed a relationship with shows his people-oriented mindset, which I believe allows the full
development of an overall team relationship. Having that team relationship can lead to not only
completed goals and tasks but the perfect harmony in completing those tasks with excellent
quality and timing. Jeff’s team-oriented skills are just as high as his people-oriented and are
considered similar. Team-oriented leadership emphasizes team building and a common purpose
among team members, which Jeff has clearly shown since 1995 with Amazon. Jeff and his team
have been successful in becoming the number 1 e-commerce website in the world. His charisma
has allowed his followers to show their passion alongside Jeff and making Amazon one "of the
“Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world. But in 1995, when the company launched,
it was an online book retailer. At the time, no one would have guessed that the small company
selling books on the Internet would evolve into the world’s largest online retailer, selling
everything from paperbacks to refrigerators (John, 2013).” Amazon is considered one of the best
companies to work for. Being that successful and having a company everyone wants to be a part
of already shows how much of a charismatic leader he is. According to the blog, “Be unmovable,
but willing to give,” which Jeff asks in return, “how can you be stubborn and flexible at the same
time (John, 2013)?” Jeff states the answer is simple. You must stay focused on your business
plans and goals but be willing to make changes if necessary. A business leader that cannot be
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stubborn will abandon plans instead of seeing them through. I can see that statement being right,
but stubbornness in your ways can also leave no room for further growth. If you’re so set in your
usual leadership style, how can you continue to develop your skills for yourself, and your
followers around you? It makes it very difficult to do so, because, in the end, everyone must
grow and grow together to achieve the perfect harmony in which all success and visions come
together for the greater good, whether it be some task of reaching your quota for the quarter, or
something more significant, such as a new development in technology that can change the very
Jeff does mention that lack of flexibility can lead to overlooking solutions to problems. I
agree on that statement because without the flexibility to learn new skills in how you lead, how
your followers respond to your leadership, and just being open to new and improve opportunities
that can form that bond you have with your team, who in return can conquer tasks big or small,
in their path. Jeff has stated in the blog that Amazon became a leader by paying attention to the
trends in their industry and adjusting accordingly. To find success, you need to stay true to the
company’s goals but be willing to adapt as the industry involves. Its great advice and I commend
it. If your passion and vision keeps you on the right path and enables you to grow and evolve,
then that must be the right way. Jeff Bezos has said that having a team too large can hinder your
success. Other companies see that delegating work to a large organization is beneficial regarding
saving time and money. If you allow creativity in a team them perhaps, the team should be
smaller than most, if you can achieve your goals, big or small. “Recognize true misalignment
issues early and escalate them immediately,” he writes. “Sometimes teams have different
objectives and fundamentally different views. They are not aligned. No amount of discussion, no
number of meetings will resolve that deep misalignment. Without escalation, the default dispute
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resolution mechanism for this scenario is exhaustion. Whoever has more stamina carries the
It is hard to argue with Jeff, considering Amazon has jumped up 28% in quarter three from last
year, netting sales at $29.1 billion. Jeff now owns the Washington Post, confirming that his
leadership skills, passion, and vision is succeeding. Using the web and social media has also
influenced others to achieve their goals, giving back to everyone who is willing to listen and
follow him. He believes that a leader needs to be able to identify the key players who can make a
project succeed and then offer the resources to help them succeed. Too many so-called leaders
don’t seem to see the value in who you have at your disposal but throw anyone out there without
any resources or training and expect them to get results. I have seen it first-hand that those
leadership skills fail from the start. I currently work at a company who have supervisors who
lack knowledge, motivation, and people skills to even be in the position they are in, and I believe
because of that we have moral issues, as well as productivity issues at times. Having a small
team of talented individuals who can work well together, tend to work well together, increases
the chances of identifying ideas that can help the organization innovate and evolve.
Companies tend to get stale in their production or overall business, so experimenting can
breed innovation towards setting a company apart from the industry. Bezos encourages Amazon
employees to experiment constantly and even tests promising ideas with the knowledge that they
can fail at any time. The only way that can be successful is through trust. Trust from leader to
follower and back, developing team unity. Those innovations from his followers have produced
new features like Gold Box, Prime, and things like free shipping on orders over $25, and even
one-day shipping for just $3.99. Those ideas weren’t a guaranteed success, but the trust he had
with his followers allowed him to take that chance of it failing. In the process, Bezos grew the
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company and developed his relationship with his followers. His philosophy with customers and
how all you need to do is listen to them is right on. In reaching your goals, especially in any
retail or sales conglomerate, you must meet the needs of the customer. Satisfying the customer
needs not only helps sales for the time but can lead to future sales due to returning customers, as
well as penitential new ones from word of mouth of those customers that were satisfied with
their experience, leading to company growth. With Jeff behind the wheel at Amazon, sales and
revenue should continue to grow. Eliminating risks can help, but Bezos believes that you should
identify them and not just reduce them but eliminate them. Bezos has built the company through
trust, charisma, compassion, and innovation from his passion and vision. Having that success is
"What Jeff Bezos has done and is likely to do is perhaps the most remarkable achievement I've
seen," Warren Buffett told me last year, after I asked him, open-ended, to name the most
impressive business mind in his almost eight decades of market-watching. "Because he's taken
two very major industries, and simultaneously, and sort of under the nose simultaneously, of
competitors, he's become in effect the leader and is redefining them and succeeding at really big
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Baldacci, K. (2013, June 10). 7 Customer Service Lessons from Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.
Bornus, D. (2017). The Money and Politics of Criminal Justice Policy. Corrections Today, 79(2),
Jeff Bezos. (2018, September 14). Biography. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
John, J. (2013, July 16). Leadership Lessons from Jeff Bezos. Retrieved November 18, 2018,
Lane, R. (2018) Bezos Unbound. (cover story). Forbes, 201(7), 74-85. Retrieved November 16,
Lashinsky, A. (2017, April 14). What Makes Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Such a Visionary Leader.
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