3.2. Optical Sources - LASER - FOC - PNP - February 2022 - New
3.2. Optical Sources - LASER - FOC - PNP - February 2022 - New
3.2. Optical Sources - LASER - FOC - PNP - February 2022 - New
LASER Diodes
(Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation)
A21 / B21
B12 E2 E1
exp 1
B21 kT
• Resonator (Cavity)
– Mirrors forming an optical resonator
Laser oscillation
• Oscillations occur in the laser cavity over a small range of frequencies where the
cavity gain is sufficient to overcome the various losses.
• Hence the device is not a perfectly monochromatic source but emits over a narrow
spectral band.
• The central frequency of this spectral is
determined by the mean energy level
difference of the stimulated emission
• Unlike the longitudinal modes which contribute only a single spot of light to
the laser output, transverse modes may give rise to a pattern of spots at the
output. The greatest degree of coherence, together with the highest level of
spectral purity is only obtained from a laser which operates in the TEM00 (the
lowest) mode as all parts of the propagating wave front are in phase.
• Higher order transverse modes only occur when the width of the cavity is
sufficient for them oscillate. Consequently, they may be eliminated by
suitable narrowing of the laser cavity.
Semiconductor Laser Diode structure
• Electrons are injected into the device from the
n-type side-a current-controlled device.
• Diode laser commonly takes the form of a
rectangular parallel piped >100mm to 1mm.
• The junction is a plane within the structure.
• Two of the sides perpendicular to the junction are
purposely roughened so as to reduce their
• The other two sides are made optically flat and
parallel, by either cleaving or polishing.
• These two surfaces form the mirrors for the laser
• The reflectivity of the air-semiconductor interface
is high enough that no other mirrors are needed.
• One of the reflecting surfaces may be coated to
increase the reflectivity and to enhance laser
• Light traveling in the plane of the junction is
amplified more than light perpendicular to it and
the laser emission is parallel to the plane of the
Laser Diode optical output power vs. current characteristics
• Lasing threshold is minimum current that must
• occur for stimulated emission.
• Any current produced below threshold will
result in spontaneous emission only.
• At currents below threshold LDs operate as
• LDs need more current to operate and more
current means more complex drive circuitry
with higher heat dissipation.
• Laser diodes are much more temperature
sensitive than LEDs.
A- LED Operation
B- LASER Operation
C- LASER Operation
Quantum efficiency of Laser Diode
The External Differential Efficiency of laser diode is defined as
dPo / hf e dPo
dI / e dI ( Eg )
where Eg hf hc
Quantum efficiency of Laser Diode
The External Quantum Efficiency EQE of laser diode is defined as
Po / hf e Po
I /e I ( Eg )
Quantum efficiency of Laser Diode
Since emitted power changes linearly when the injection current I is greater
than the threshold current Ith, then we have
I th
External power efficiency EPE of the device in converting electrical input to
optical output is given by
Opticaloutput power
Electricalinput power
Po Po Po e 1 Eg
EPE 100
P I V IEg V e
Laser Structures
Structure and refractive index profile of laser:
(a) Homojunction, (b) single Heterojunction, and (c) double Heterojunction
Such lasers are termed as gain-guided lasers because the optical intensity distribution in
the lateral direction is determined by the gain profile produced by carrier density
Index-guided laser
The active region is surrounded by materials with lower refractive indices in both the
vertical (y) and lateral (x) transverse directions the active region is buried in lower
refractive indices layers on all sides as shown in Fig. For this reason, these lasers are
called buried-heterostructure lasers.
Single Mode Laser
• Single mode laser is mostly based on the index-guided
structure that supports only the fundamental transverse
mode and the fundamental longitudinal mode.
• In order to make single mode laser we have four
1- Reducing the length of the cavity to the point where
the frequency separation of the adjacent modes is
larger than the laser transition line width. This is hard to
handle for fabrication and results in low output power.
2- Structures with built-in frequency selective grating
3- Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting laser (VCSEL)
4- Tunable laser diodes.
Single Mode Solid State Lasers
• For single-mode operation
– single transverse mode and
– single longitudinal mode.
• Single transverse mode: by reducing the aperture of the
resonant cavity to <0.4 mm, such that only TEM00 mode is
• Single longitudinal mode: by reducing the length of cavity
until the frequency separation of the adjacent modes given by
v c / 2nL is larger than the laser transition linewidth.
• Only single mode that falls within the transition linewidth can
oscillate within the cavity
Distributed Feed-Back (DFB) Laser
•In DFB laser, there is a corrugated layer, called the guiding layer (grating), next to
the active layer as shown in Fig.
•These corrugations in the refractive index act as optical feedback over the length
of the cavity by producing partial reflections.
•The optical feedback is distributed over the cavity length.
•The left and right traveling waves couple coherently to setup mode if their
frequency is related to the corrugation periodicity Λ.
•If q is an allowed DFB lasing mode then B (q 1)
q B
where q is a mode integer q = 0, 1, 2, … and L is the effective length of the
diffraction grating.
The relative threshold gain for higher modes is so large that only the q = 0 mode
effectively lases.
(a) DBR laser, (b) details of Bragg reflection
•The condition for in-phase interference is 2 q B
where n is the refractive index of corrugated material and
q = 1, 2, … is an integer called diffraction order.
•The DBR has high reflectance around Bragg wavelength λB and low
reflectance away from λB. Due to this only that particular Fabry–
Perot cavity mode, within the optical gain curve , which is close to
λB, can and exist in the output.
Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs)
• Multilayer mirrors are fabricated on
the top and bottom of the quantum
well gain region to give feedback.
• Dielectric mirrors made from
alternating high and low refractive
indices form the reflectors at the
ends of the cavity.
• This is quarter wave thick multilayer
structure having 20-30 layers, which
works as DBR.
• The active layer is generally very
thin (less than 0.1 μm) and is likely
to be MQW for improved threshold
• The emitted beam has circular cross-
section. The height of vertical cavity
is in the range of microns, therefore
such a laser is also called as
Laser Characteristics
Temperature dependence Mode hopping Dynamic response
Active medium
Associated hazards:
1. Laser Beam: eye injury, burns, skin cancer (UV), fire hazard
2. Active medium: toxic chemicals or gases
• (organic dyes, BeO in Ar lasers, HF, HeCd, HeHg, HeSe)
3. Excitation source: high voltage, water cooling
Human Eye
- laser beam can be focused by cornea and the lens
to a very tight spot on the retina
400-1400 nm
<400, >1400 nm
Retinal damage
<400, >1400 nm
Burns, cataracts
Eye Injury
Skin Burns
• CO2 laser reflected from a metal surface
Types of laser eye exposure
Laser hazard classes
• Classification by wavelength and output power, according to their
ability to produce damage
• Be informed
UCB laser safety
LBL laser safety