2021 Climate Transition Plan Disclosure
2021 Climate Transition Plan Disclosure
2021 Climate Transition Plan Disclosure
2021 Climate Transition Plan Disclosure
March 2022 1
Of the
1 In 2021, 13,100+ organizations disclosed to CDP and our analysis found
that only one-third of these (4,002) reported developing a low-carbon
transition plan1. Moreover organizations have a significant way to go as
13k+ less than 1% (135) reported on all 24 key indicators (available in the CDP
Climate Change questionnaire) of a credible climate transition plan.
organizations that About 4,800 organizations disclosed how climate-related risks and
disclosed, only opportunities influenced their strategy, but only about half of these companies
also reported that they have developed a low-carbon transition plan.
(4,002) claimed to
have developed
3 Financial services, power and fossil fuels were the three industries
with the highest rates of climate transition plan disclosure, with 5% of
organizations in each of these industries reporting on the 24 key climate
a low-carbon transition plan indicators. Whereas the transportation services and apparel
transition plan industries had the lowest disclosure rates with less than 0.3% disclosing.
In reality, only
4 While almost all organizations disclosed emissions reduction targets, less
than 35% are credible or validated by the Science Based Targets initiative
(SBTi). Only 6% of all reporting organizations, disclosed details of a net-
(less than 1%)
5 Disclosure of climate transition-related financial planning details was
strong (71%). However, this varied significantly across industries; and high-
emitting industries (such as fossil fuels and transportation services)
reported on all
consistently underperformed.
24 key indicators
of a climate
transition plan as
identified by CDP 6 No G20 country had more than 4% of organization's headquartered in
its jurisdiction disclose on the 24 key indicators of a credible climate
transition plan.
1 ‘Low carbon transition plan’ and ‘Climate Transition plan’ are used interchangeably in this report and in the Climate Change Questionnaire
2 Disclosure rate = Total number of disclosures in the 100% disclosure threshold as a proportion of total disclosure (across all thresholds), per country
This report provides an overview of the current state of climate transition plan relevant information
disclosed through CDP's 2021 Climate Change Questionnaire. The data analyzed in this report
spans over 13,000 corporates in 13 industries and 117 countries.
This report is not an assessment of an organization’s transition towards a 1.5°C world – instead, it is an evaluation
of whether organizations are disclosing sufficient (and relevant) information that will enable stakeholders (investors,
buyers, policy makers, regulators, etc.) to ascertain whether an organization’s climate transition plan is ambitious and
if it demonstrates strategic shifts towards a low carbon economy.
In our discussion paper on climate transition plans, we identified the following key elements that constitute a credible
climate transition plan.
These elements can be identified via disclosure on 24 key climate transition-focused indicators in the 2021 Climate
Change questionnaire (see Appendix). The CDP Climate Change questionnaire collects data on these indicators and
this is the basis on which CDP has established full climate transition plan disclosure – please refer to CDP’s Technical
Note on Climate Transition Plans for more detail.
A climate transition plan is a time-bound action plan that clearly outlines how an organization will achieve its strategy to pivot
its existing assets, operations and entire business model towards a trajectory that aligns with the latest and most ambitious
climate science recommendations, i.e., halving greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 and reaching net-zero by 2050 at
the latest, thereby limiting global warming to 1.5°C.
Environmental disclosure alone is not enough – it needs to lead to accountability and transformation; hence, the
relevance of climate transition plans, as part of a business’s overall strategy.
A climate transition plan should outline how an organization plans to align with a 1.5°C world.
CDP asks all disclosing companies if climate-related risks and opportunities influenced their
organization’s strategy. In 2021, one-third of disclosing organizations (4,002) reported that
they have developed a low-carbon transition plan.
Further in the questionnaire, we ask where and how climate-related risks and opportunities have influenced their
strategy. About 4,800 organizations disclosed this (or that evaluation was in progress) in their supply chain and/
or value chain, products and services, operations, and investment in research & development (R&D). However,
only about half of these organizations also reported that they have developed a low-carbon transition plan.
This suggests that many organizations have not yet developed a climate transition plan that will demonstrate to
investors, customers and other stakeholders how they plan to realize their strategy to mitigate climate risks and realize
opportunities of aligning with a 1.5°C world.
About 50% of organizations in the power industry and 45% of organizations in the financial industry reported
developing a climate transition plan and disclosed details of climate’s influence on their strategy, while only about 26%
of organizations in the manufacturing and retail industries reported such details.
Figure 1. 2021 disclosure to all 24 climate transition plan indicators – by disclosure threshold
0-19% 20-79% 80-99% 100%
Along its sustainability journey, an organization will typically set
emissions reduction targets, commit to monitoring its progress on
climate, and reduce its exposure to climate-related risks. Further to
of organizations
these actions, a climate transition plan serves as a strategic planning
disclosed on all 24 key
instrument that helps organizations align their various climate actions.
climate transition plan
Only 1% of all organizations disclosed on all 24 key climate transition plan
indicators, which highlights that most organizations can significantly improve
disclosure of their climate transition plans. Additionally, 84% of all disclosing
organizations responded to less than 80% of the key indicators which signals that
of organizations better disclosure is required to enhance reporting quality, and to assist data users in
responded to less interpreting climate transition plan credibility. As it stands, the key issue is a lack of
than 80% of the key adequate reporting on these indicators; however with the guidance being developed
indicators by CDP on climate transition plans and their importance, we expect to see an increase
in disclosure of credible climate transition plans. This is important as stakeholders
(investors, customers and employees) expect organizations to demonstrate how
they plan on tackling the climate crisis and therefore those organizations that are not
creating credible climate transition plans will get left behind.
Figure 2. Sectoral breakdown across disclosure threshold - climate transition plan indicators
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Apparel 375
Hospitality 74
Infrastructure 503
Manufacturing 5103
Materials 1226
Power 216
Retail 611
Services 2360
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
Number of organizations
Figure 3 shows the percentage of organizations that disclose to all applicable key
indicators within each element of a climate transition plan. More than 70% of
organizations disclosed sufficient details on financial planning, governance, and
More than policy indicators. While disclosure is relatively strong in these areas, fewer than 20%
of organizations disclosed sufficient detail on the transition-related elements of
targets and risks & opportunities. The following section will first analyze the drivers
behind poor disclosure against targets. As financial planning is important, due to
of organizations stakeholder demand for financial planning evidence, further analysis of this disclosure
disclosed sufficient is also below3.
details on financial
planning, governance,
and policy indicators
Figure 3. 2021 disclosure to the climate transition plan elements
– by percentage threshold
Scope 1, 2, 3
Account & Verification
Value chain
Financial planning
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
3 CDP conducted stakeholder research into key elements of a credible climate transition plan of which, financial planning was the second most prevalent element -
Climate Transition Plan Discussion Paper
Disclosure rates for targets were significantly lower than any other climate
transition plan element. We analyzed disclosure against absolute emissions
reduction targets, targets set to reduce the emissions intensity of an organization’s
disclosed an absolute activities, and net-zero target(s). Only 741 organizations disclosed an absolute or
or intensity target intensity target AND a net-zero target, amounting to 6% of the total sample.
AND a net-zero target,
amounting to 6% of the Despite disclosure of absolute or intensity targets across nearly the entire sample,
total sample we know that disclosure of targets alone does not signal ambition of these
organizations, or alignment with a 1.5°C world. Of the organizations that disclosed
at least one type of emissions reduction target, only 4,510 (less than 35%)
disclosed credible targets that meet CDP’s criteria (which is, to cover at least 70%
of emissions set between 5-15 years - or have been validated by SBTi). To date, only
1,164 organizations have set SBTs validated by SBTi, which we consider to be the
gold standard for ambitious and credible target-setting.
organizations (less
than 35%) disclosed
credible targets Though there is considerable discussion around ‘net-zero’ transition plans,
short-term emissions reduction targets are fundamental in achieving a 1.5°C
world. Only 6% of organizations fully disclosed details of their net-zero targets,
drastically lower than disclosure of absolute or intensity targets. It is important
to acknowledge the context within which organizations can set net-zero targets.
Net-zero standards and validated targets are not readily available for all industries,
although considerable progress has been made to increase the accessibility of
of organizations fully validated net-zero target(s). In 2021, SBTi launched its net-zero standard that gives
disclosed details of organizations a blueprint on how to bring their net-zero plans in line with science and
their net-zero targets allows for validation of targets.
As part of its strategy to achieve a 1.5°C world, an organization should outline time-bound financial
planning details required to make its transition. Stakeholder demand is rapidly increasing for
transparent and granular reporting on capital expenditure (CAPEX) and other financial planning
details. The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) recommends organizations
disclose financial planning information amongst guidance to disclose the impacts of climate-related
risks and opportunities on the organization’s business and strategy.
In alignment with the TCFD, CDP asks all disclosing organizations to report on where and how climate-related risks
and opportunities influenced their financial planning. To satisfy the minimum criteria for financial planning disclosure,
an organization must have reported on at least one area of its financial planning (such as CAPEX, revenues, assets,
etc.) and provided an explanation for how it has been influenced by climate issues. Disclosure was strong with 86% of
organizations across all industries reporting on this indicator.
CDP asks organizations in high-impact industries to disclose additional information around financial planning.
Specifically, we ask all organizations within energy intensive industries to disclose five-year CAPEX plans broken down
by power source, and by products and services. We also ask certain high-emitting industries to disclose investments in
low-carbon R&D over the last three years. These disclosures provide insight into an organization’s ambition in securing
low-carbon revenue streams or realizing the potential of emerging technologies to facilitate a transition to a low-carbon
economy. These two data points tell different stories but are equally important to the formulation of robust and credible
climate transition plans.
Disclosure of CAPEX in the energy intensive industries4
Of the 184 disclosing organizations within the electric utilities industry, 75% of organizations disclosed details of
their CAPEX plans for power generation and 68% disclosed details of CAPEX plans for products & services. The fossil
fuel industry had particularly poor disclosure with only 43% disclosing CAPEX plans for power generation and
only 14% disclosing details of their CAPEX plans for products and services. This weak disclosure amongst fossil
fuels organizations signals a need for better information on plans for low-carbon revenue streams, and the growth (or
decline) of certain energy sources.
Investment in low carbon R&D had the poorest disclosure out of all financial planning indicators, with only 45% of
applicable organizations disclosing all details of their investment in low-carbon R&D. Power and infrastructure had
relatively strong disclosure against this average, with 66% and 59% of organizations disclosing respectively. Notable
industries with weak disclosure were transportation services (41%) and manufacturing (37%). This relatively weak
disclosure indicates a lack of transparency, but also raises concerns about investment in technologies and innovations
that could facilitate the low-carbon transition. This is particularly relevant for transportation services and manufacturing
as they are vital players in allowing consumers to transition via their products and services. A broader portfolio of low-
carbon products and services empowers consumers to leverage their buying power necessary for the transition.
Taking this into account, there are still some industries that performed moderately well when requested to disclose to
these additional indicators. These were manufacturing with 68%, infrastructure with 66% and power with 62% of
organizations disclosing sufficiently.
Some of the poorest performing industries were transportation services with only 45%, and fossil fuels with only
54% of organizations disclosing sufficiently to all applicable financial planning indicators. Over a quarter of
organizations in transportation services (27%) failed to disclose any critical details of CAPEX plans, investment in
low-carbon R&D and climate-related risks and opportunities influencing financial planning. Similarly, 10% of fossil
fuel organizations failed to disclose on any financial planning indicators, with 37% only disclosing on half of the
applicable indicators. In total, 47% of organizations in the fossil fuels industry failed to disclose sufficiently on the
applicable financial planning indicators. The gap in this disclosure for these industries is concerning as they will be
critical to propelling the low-carbon transition and will require substantial capital to achieve it.
4 According to the CDP-ACS system organizations with activities in energy utility networks, nuclear power generation, renewable power generation, thermal power generation and waste power
generation are allocated a industry specific Electric Utilities Questionnaire
To better understand climate transition plan disclosure performance across various industries,
CDP analyzed overall industrial disclosures.
Across 13 industries, financial services, power & fossil fuels were the front runners with 5% of all organizations
in each of these industries disclosing on the 24 key transition plan indicators. However, with a 5% disclosure rate
(relative to other industry disclosures), there are still significant gaps within all industries. When scrutinizing the lowest
disclosure rates, the transportation services and apparel industries had the poorest disclosure on the 24 key indicators
of a credible climate transition plan with less than 0.3% of organizations disclosing.
Major players in high-emitting industries, such as oil & gas, are not changing their business models fast enough. This
risks making global targets unachievable unless they change now. To negate the risk of not meeting our global climate
ambitions, more pressure needs to be applied to organizations in the fossil fuels and power industries in relation to climate
transition plan disclosure. Of the 135 organizations who reported through all indicators, 14% of these were within
the fossil fuel and power industries. With global energy demand expected to rise (by population and economic growth
particularly in developing economies), it is vital that there is an increase in disclosure as enhanced disclosure could help
mitigate the transition being derailed in an attempt to meet increased energy demand.
of organization in the financial
of 135 organizations who The lowest disclosure
services, power and fossil fuel reported to all indicators raters were in the
industries disclosed on the 24 key were in the fossil fuel transportation services
climate transition plan indicators and power industries and apparel industries.
CDP receives disclosures from organizations across 117 countries. When evaluated for disclosure to
all key indicators of a climate transition plan, Japan and the UK were the geographic leaders: with 19
Japanese organizations and 16 UK organizations disclosing to all key indicators.
Globally, Singapore, the Netherlands & Spain had the highest disclosure rates to all key indicators – however with an
average of 4% of all organizations in these countries disclosing to all the key indicators, more work is needed.
Please see Figure 4, below, for a regional breakdown of disclosure performance to all 24 climate transition plan indicators.
Figure 4. Disclosure performance to all 24 climate transition plan indicators – by country (Top 20)
Number of organizations
50% 1407
986 1000
30% 867
Organizations from five countries (China; Japan; Taiwan, China; UK; USA) represented over half of those that disclosed
to at least 80% of the indicators. Japan performed the best with 38% of all Japanese organizations within the ‘>80%
disclosure’ threshold. On the other hand, China performed the worst, with 8% of organizations within this threshold.
This is important to note as, despite China accounting for the second highest disclosures by any country, the bulk of
these disclosures do not contain key information within the 24 climate transition plan indicators. Additionally, despite
having the highest number of organizations from any country disclosing, the USA had the second lowest performance
(11%) when assessed for the proportion of organizations within the '>80% disclosure’ threshold.
G20 narrative
No G20 country had more than 4% of organizations headquartered in its jurisdiction disclose to all the key
indicators of a credible climate transition plan. According to The Climate Transparency 2021 Report the G20 is
responsible for approximately 75% of GHG emissions. To prevent the global temperature rising above 1.5°C, the G20
therefore has an important role to play by committing to emissions reduction targets, and demonstrating its strategy to
achieve these ambitions, via credible climate transition plans. Of the G20 countries, Spain (4%), France (3%) and Japan
(2%) had the highest proportion of organizations that disclosed on all the key indicators – with Indonesia, Saudi Arabia,
Argentina and Macao, China having the lowest proportion of disclosure. Please see the Appendix for total regional
disclosure (and threshold breakdown).
Given the UK Government will be making climate transition plans for listed organizations and financial institutions
mandatory by 2023, a marked increase in UK climate transition plan disclosure is expected. In 2021, 17% of all UK
organizations disclosed to at least 80% of the key indicators. Of these 188 organizations, 16 disclosed to all key
indicators. Most UK organizations (82%) disclosed to some (<80% threshold) of the key indicators.
CDP recognizes that climate transition plans will be a vital mechanism for
transition to a net-zero carbon economy. This is why transition planning features
in the new CDP 2021–2025 strategy, placing transparency and accountability at
its heart and incentivizing the disclosure of climate transition plans.
(C-EU9.5a) Break down, by source, your total Understanding total planned CAPEX for power generation
planned CAPEX in your current CAPEX plan for and products & services in the next 5 years reflects the
power generation. ambition of the disclosing organization to align its business
trajectory towards a 1.5°C aligned path. This also signals its
Financial (C-EU9.5b) Break down, by source, your total flexibility to continue the current technology/product portfolio
Planning planned CAPEX and your current CAPEX plan at lower financial returns in a transition period to low-carbon
for products and services. technologies.
(C-CE9.6a/C-CG9.6a/C-CH9.6a/C-CN9.6a/C- Actions being taken by high intensity industries are key in the
CO9.6a/C-EU9.6a/C-MM9.6a/C-OG9.6a/C- transition to a low-carbon economy. Specifically, the level
RE9.6a/C-ST9.6a/C-TO9.6a/C-TS9.6a) Provide of investments in low-carbon R&D provides an indication
details of your organization’s investments in of which future earning capacity of core business might be
low-carbon R&D for your industry activities affected, and the extent to which future resilience to climate-
over the last three years. related issues can be incorporated in businesses.
Industry > 80% threshold 79 - 20% threshold <20% threshold Total count
Hospitality 16 50 8 74
5 The total count does not equal 13,120 – this is because 6 outlier organizations (these organizations were in Corporate Tags and International Bodies industries) have been removed from the total sam-
Appendix 3: Total disclosure (and threshold breakdown) - by country
Afghanistan 1 1 Denmark 20 57 15 92
Argentina 1 37 24 62 Ecuador 17 2 19
Austria 19 51 10 80 El Salvador 3 3
Bahamas 1 1 Estonia 2 1 3
Bahrain 1 1 Fiji 1 1
Bermuda 3 5 1 9 Greece 4 16 3 23
Croatia 3 1 4 Kazakhstan 2 2
Cyprus 1 2 3 Kenya 5 2 7
Czechia 2 12 9 23 Kuwait 1 3 4
>80% 79 - 20% < 20% >80% 79 - 20% < 20%
Country Total Country Total
threshold threshold threshold threshold threshold threshold
Liberia 1 1 Serbia 3 1 4
Lithuania 2 9 11 Singapore 8 48 15 71
Luxembourg 5 12 3 20 Slovakia 1 4 3 8
Madagascar 2 2 Slovenia 1 11 4 16
Malaysia 2 54 19 75
South Africa 36 34 3 73
Malta 1 2 3
Spain 53 177 45 275
Marshall Islands 1 1
Sri Lanka 6 6
Mauritius 3 1 4
Sweden 42 123 33 198
Mexico 16 264 64 344
Switzerland 33 95 17 145
Monaco 1 1
Thailand 15 40 9 64
Mongolia 1 1
Trinidad and Tobago 1 3 4
Morocco 1 1 2 4
Tunisia 2 2
Mozambique 1 1 2
Turkey 39 56 23 118
Netherlands 26 96 14 136
Tuvalu 1 1
New Zealand 12 17 29
Uganda 2 2
Nigeria 10 2 12
Norway 35 35 5 75 Ukraine 5 5
Poland 2 79 28 109
Uruguay 4 6 10
Venezuela (Bolivarian
Portugal 15 15 6 36 Republic of)
1 1
Romania 2 16 11 29
Russian Federation 15 31 5 51
Emma Jenkins
Transition Plans Manager
[email protected]
Sylvester Bamkole
Senior Climate Analyst –
Disclosure Content
[email protected]
Scott Twigg
Campaign Project Officer
[email protected]
Tom Coleman
Manager – Climate Change
CDP is a global non-profit that runs the world’s environmental disclosure system for companies, cities, states and regions. Founded in 2000 and
working with more than 590 investors with over $110 trillion in assets, CDP pioneered using capital markets and corporate procurement to motivate
companies to disclose their environmental impacts, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. Over
14,000 organizations around the world disclosed data through CDP in 2021, including more than 13,000 companies worth over 64% of global market
capitalization, and over 1,100 cities, states and regions. Fully TCFD aligned, CDP holds the largest environmental database in the world, and CDP
scores are widely used to drive investment and procurement decisions towards a zero carbon, sustainable and resilient economy. CDP is a founding
member of the Science Based Targets initiative, We Mean Business Coalition, The Investor Agenda and the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative.
Visit cdp.net or follow us @CDP to find out more.
February 2022