Law of Crime (Also Equivalence) (311) : Old BSL / LLB

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q;r - 007

Seat Number

'"2 5 7 9 *

Law of Crime (Also Old BSL / LLB Equivalence) (311)
P. Pages: 4
Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

Instructions to Candidates:
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used for writing
paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All questions are compulsory.

1. Define crime, discuss the importance of mens rea to constitute the crime. 16


Discuss in detail the various stages of crime, which stages of crime are punishable
with reference to I. P. C's previsions.

2. "Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea" Explain. 16


Explain the various theories of punishment.

3. Discuss in detail the general exception provided in Indian Penal Code. 16


Define Abetment discuss the provisions dealing with abetment in Indian Penal Code.

4. Define Murder, distinguish it with culpable homicide. 16


Define cheating, distinguish it with criminal breach of trust.

5. Write short notes on any four. 16

1) House breaking.

2) Common object

:~)--Right of private Defence

q;r - 007 1 P.T.O

CR - 007

4) Defamation

5) Theft

6) Criminal conspiral,Y

6. Explain and answer the following with reason any four. 20

a) A holds l down and fraudulently takes l's money 2r1dJewels from l's clothes
without l's consent what offence A has committed.

b) X sees l drop his purse with money in it, X picks up the purse with the intention
of restoring it to l. but after wards use it for his own. What offence X has

c) 'A' a carrier is entrusted by 'B' with property to be carried by truck, A dishonestly

misappropriates the property, what offence A has committed.

d) X voluntarily burns a valuable security belonging to Y intending to carse

wrongloss to Y, what offence X committed.

e) A build a wall across a path along which l has a right to pass, by which l is
prevented from passing. What offence A has committed.

f) A threatens to publish a defamatory libel concerning B unless 13 gives him

10,000 Rs. He thus induces 'B' to give money, what offence A has committed.


CR - 007 2
q;:r - 007
Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

1. ):I~1qGffiqdh5Qj'iP4ict>I~lqlq 'iPIM~"l<l.
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5. 3jj8lct>~(13icf;~WT<::limi1Ii1.

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2. 16

3. 16

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5. fVrr Iffi:r q;'jOliillti) <lR. 16

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31) A lOTzmM~tffiiTClT'Z' <ZlHil1c'ildlt);'1 ~'Z' <m3ill'(&1II1l:fl'Z' niR1qw'l~Uor.

CR A ;'\ c5rumT 31QmJ~,

<!) 'X' ;'\ 'lTfk) ili Z n i:R1 ~ qJil5Gqsil X ;'\ lJTfcnc;1Wf aO<lliAl 3<:a~lI;j ~ q{g;j(f'( m6\
"d1'R8UofrCR 'X' ;'jeriJurilT 31QmJ~,

w} 'A' lOTjll~ldll'l<jdl ~ 3l'f!'8' ;'\NR'!T~m~ ;jO<lI'HI6) l1lf[1:rmT~ffi, 'A' 0)«11 111~ljlJicll

3ll1T"llfUTdl3lQjq'(~ CR 'A' ;'j c5rumT 1Ji'T ~.

~} 'A' lOTZ <m Jll0<lliAl ~ mrr'ditr<1r :mfUT~ 'Z' nJlTlT<lTrl 31fumR3C'mClXi'ilCRm1 'A';'\
cmurm 1Ji'T~,

Q5) 'A' 8 m:m\l wrctr ac,r fcp 'A' ;'j NR'!T 10,000 ~ Rm ~ CR '8' <m 'fiQtll 3lJffP'HAWffifi 3Jllffi9
mmc: 'dltfr, Z1T['1' A' ;'j 8 m i:R1auum lfc[ITlilic'\ CR 'A' ;'j cmurm 1Ji'T ilifTT.


cr-:r - 007 4

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