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CHAPTER 2~ THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM A central station is supplying energy to a community through two substations. One substation feeds four distributing circuits; the other, six. The maximum daily recorded demands are: Power Station. . 12,000 kw, Substation A | 6000 kw | Substation 8 | 9000 kw Feedert [1700 | Feeder | 620 2 [1800 2/1500 3 | 2800 3 | 1000 4 600 4 | 2900 5 | 2200 6 | 3000 Calculate the diversity factor between (a) substations, (b) feeders on Substation A, (c) feeders on Substation B. Solution: (a) Between substation “12000 (b) Between Feeders on Substation A Diversity factor = 1700++1800+ 2800 + 600 6000 (c) Between Feeders on Substation 8 Diversity factor = 520+1500+ io onze ‘The dally load curve of a power system is given by the following data. 1S =1.2467 Time [12/3 [6 [8 [a0 [11 [12 |i [3 [4 [5s [6 [7 [9 [12 Load, kw x | 95 | 60 | 60| 150 | 475 | 180 | 175 | 150 | 200 | 250 | 310 | 170 | 140 | 160 | 105 10° Plot the load curve to scales of 1 cm = 2 hr, 1 cm = 50,000 kw. Determine the load factor. What is the daily load factor of the standby equipment that takes all the peak load over 200,000 kw? Solution: 60.000 KILOWATTS 1saq00-4 50,0004 2 24 6 8 © 2 4 6 8 0 2 TIME IN HRS3 ‘CHAPTER 2~ THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Note: Graph actually shown maybe not to scale. Need to redraw to scale oe F3 ram sn) (1o?}95+ 60X3)+ 3 (10° 60--603)+-5 (0° Yoo +150Y2)+-5(10?\is0+175X2) + Flto"}r75.+180\0) +2 G0" fas0.+175)0) +5 0" r75+150Y0) +5 (0150-20042) + Hl" J200+250K0)+ 5 00" Y250-+-s10}1)+-F(1o"}s10+170{0)+ + 10"\r70+ 1409) +4 (00"}140.-160X2)+-4 (10"}160+-105Y)=3412.5x10° whe 3412.5x10° 310,000%24 Daily load factor for the standby equipment Time 12|3/6/8/10/11|12/1|3/4 |5 5.786 |7|9| 12 Load kwx10"/o [olololo [o |o |olo|s0] 110/0 ololo 1 A =Hfo'Jo+s0y0)+L(0" 5041 royt)+F(00"}t 10+0)(0.7 Load factor 1.4587 - answer Daily Load factor = 14823%10_ 110,002,786 A daily load curve is defined as follows: = 0.4837 - answer Time [42 [2 [4 [6 [8 [10 [a2 [2 [4 [6 [8 [10 [12 Load, kw | 140 | 150 | 160 | 180 | 170 | 170 | 170 | 160 | 240 | 365 | 320 | 220 | 160 Plot the load curve to scales of 1 cm = 2 hr, 1 cm = 50 kw. Determine the load factor and energy produced. Solution: MLOWATTS 8CHAPTER 2~ THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Note: Graph actually shown maybe not to scale. Need to redraw to scale Energy Produced: Use Trapezoidal Rule = [adr PPI) +24) 24a) +29) He b-a=24hrs n= 140 +2(150)+ 2160) +2(180)+2(170)+2{170)+2(170) + 2{160)+2(240)+-2(365)+2(320)+-2(220)+-160 Energy produced = Al average tond= 212-2038 = 4910 KW — hr 204,58 Load factor = 0.56 =56% ‘Answers: Load factor = 0.56 = 56% Energy produced = 4910 kW-hr ‘An investigation of the way of transforming daily load curves into annual load duration curves may be made if one of the daily load curves described in these problems is considered to be duplicated every other day of the year. This untrue but simplifying assumption will eliminate need for a mass of load data and the reader will learn the principle. ‘The daily load curve of a power plant is given by these coordinates. Time 32[2 [4]6[8|10 [12 [2] 4] 6/8] 10] 12 Load kwxi0"|2 [25/3l4lelesl6s/slelslols [3 (a) Find the daily load factor. (b) All loads in excess of 4000 kw are carried by Unit No. 2, rated ‘at 6000 kw. Find its use factor. Solution: 10,000 8.000 E \ < 8.000 rT]. = ee |_-+ 6 J = 4000 =z L N 2,000 |] J y 2 2 4 6 8 © Ww 2 4 6 8 0 w TIME IN HRS. x =f Note: Graph actually shown maybe not to scale. Need to redraw to scale .CHAPTER 2—THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Energy Produced: Use Trapezoidal Rule A= [pled 2f (X2)+2f (xs) +-2F (eu) + Fn) b-a=24hrs N=12 2a(10? )[2+2(2.5)+2(3)+ 2(4)+2(6)+2(6.5)+2(6.5) Cneray produced = ual 2(5)+2(6)-+2(8)+2(9)+2(5)+3 | TA SOEW HF Average load = (2) Daily load factor _ Average load _ $333.33, Daily Load factor =r 0.5926 (b) Use factor tiie actor = Actual Eneray Output Rating of Equipment x Actual hrs operation Use factor = a8, 000) = 0.6465 (4000)(6 +1) +(4000+6000\(17) ‘The annual peak load on 2 15,000-kw power plant is 10,500 kw. Two substations are supplied by +this plant. Annual energy dispatched through Substation A is 27,500,000 kwhr with a peak at £8900 kw, while 16,500,000 kwhr are sent through B with a peak at 6650 kw. Neglect line losses. Find (a) diversity factor between substations and (b) capacity factor of the power plant. Solution: (2) Diversity Factor 8900+6650 “70,500 (b) Capacity Factor 27,500,000 + 16,500,000 ~~45,000%8760 .481 (answer) =0.335 (answer) ‘A power plant load is represented by an average daily load given by the following coordinates. Hour [Kw [Hour | Kw [Hour [Kw | Hour | Kw aam|220/7 | 300[1PM| 500 [7 | 900 2 [200[s [aio[2 [620 [8 | 870 3 |i90[/9 |seo[3 [670 [3 | @50 4 [aso[10 [sso[4 [760 [10 | 720 5 {aso[a1 [e10/5 | 1000/11 | 600 6 | 200/12m|60s{6 [930 [12 | 380CHAPTER 2~THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM ‘This is carried by one 1200-kw steam turbogenerating unit which has a steam demand represented by the equation kg steam per hr= 907.2 +4,99 kw Find (a) the load factor, (b) capacity factor, and (c) kg steam used per day Solution: Tabulation kg steam per hr= 907.2 +4.99 kw Hour | Kw _| Ke/hrsteam 1aM_| 220 | 2005.0 2 200 | 1905.2 3 190_| 1855.3 4 180_| 1805.4 5 180_| 1805.4 6 200 | 1905.2 7 300 | 2404.2 8 410 | 2953.1 9 560_| 3701.6 10 | 590_| 3851.3 a1__| 610_| 3951.1 12NN | 605 _| 3926.2 1pm _| S00 | 3402.2 2 620_| 4001.0 3 670_| 4250.2 4 760_| 4699.6 5 ‘4000 | 5897.2 6 930_| 5547.9 7 900 | 5398.2 8 870_| 5248.5 9 850 _| 5148.7 10 | 720 | 4500.0 a1 | 600 | 3901.2 12 MN | 380_| 2803.4CHAPTER 2~ THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Ri Litt Exo Boon Load -kiowatts SRSeRR FRR EE \ Feenee ee Time- hrs ‘Steam -ka per hr Energy Produced: Use Trapezoidal Rule Fede =P2Ep a) 24a) 2p lag) 4-2F bey) flr 380+2(220)+2(200)+-2(190)+-2(180)+-2(180) +2(200)+-2(300)+2(410)+2(560)+2(590) Energy produced = 24 | «.2(610)+-2(605)+2(500)+2(620)+2(670) | =13,045 kw—hr 224)! 760-2000) +-21930) +2900) +2870) +2(850)+2(720)+2(600)+380 13,045 Average load = =543.5 kW. Peak load = 1000 kw Capacity = 1000 kw (a) Load factor Average load oad facto Te oadCHAPTER 2~THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Load factor = 435 _9.5435 (answer) 1000 (b) Capacity factor Average load Capacity 543.5, 1200 Capacity factor: Capacity factor = .4529 (answer) (c)_kg steam used per day Steam used per day: Use Trapezoidal Rule Lp(a) +2f(x2)+ 20) + 2F Cy )+ £0 Steam used per day "2803.4+2(2005)+2(1805.2)+2(1855,3)+2(1805.4) +2(1805.4)+2(1905.2) + 2(2404 2) + 2(2953.1) 24 | +2(3701.6)+2(3851.3)+-2(39511)+2(39262) * 2(24)| +2(3402.2)+2(4001)+2(42505)+2(4692.6) +2(6897.2)+ 2(5547.9) + 2(5398.2)+2(52485) +2(5148.7)+2(4500)+2(3901.2)+2803.4 }=86867 g/day (answer) A distributing transformer supplies a group of general power customers having a connected load of 186 kw. Demand factor = 0.75. If the load factor for the group will average 45% and energy sells at 3 % cents per kw hr, what will be the monthly (30 day) income from energy delivered ‘through this transformer? Assume average motor efficiency 75%. Solution: Max. Demand = Demand Factor x Connected Load / Motor Efficiency Max, Demand = 0.75 x 186 kw / 0.75 = 186 kw Average Load = Load Factor x Max, Demand Average Load = 0.45 x 186 kw = 83.7 kw Monthly Eneray Produced = 83.7 kw x 30 x 24 hrs = 60,264 kwhr Monthly Income = 0.035 x 60,264 = $2,109.24 — answer. An electrical feeder line serves four distribution transformers which have the following connected loads.CHAPTER 2~THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM No. No.2 No.3. No.4 Residence 10 kw | Residence 20 kw _| Commercial 15 kw | Power 32 kw Residence 20 kw | Residence 25 kw | Commercial 5 kw_| Residence 24 kw Residence 25 kw | Residence 28 kw _| Power 4 kw Residence 35 kw ‘Commercial 35 kw | Commercial 15 kw | Residence 18 kw Commercial 25 kw Using tabulated factors, find peak load on the feeder. Solution: Use Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 (Morse) Transformer No. 1 Residence 10 kw 10kwx05=5kw Residence 20 kw 20kwx0.5= 10 kw Residence 25 kw 25 kWx0.5= 12.5 kw Total for Residence Lighting =27.5kw Transformer No. 2 Residence 20 kw 20kwx0.5= 10 kw Residence 25 kw 25 kwx0.5=12.5 kw Residence 28 kw 28kwx0.5= 14 kw Total for Residence Lighting 365 kw ‘Commercial 35 kw 35 kwx0.6= 21 kw Total for Commercial Lighting = 21 kw ‘Transformer 3 Commercial 15 kw 15 kwx0.6= 9 kw Commercial 5 kw 5 kwx0u Power 4 kw (4 4 /0.72)(0.75 Commercial 15 kw 15 kwx0.6= 9 kw Commercial 25 kw 25 kwx0.6= 15 kw Total for Commercial Lighting and Power = 40.17 kw Transformer 4 Power 32 kw (32 kw/0.72)(0.55) = 24.44 kw Total for Power = 24,44 kw Residence 24 kw Residence 35 kw 35 kwx0.5=17.5 kw Residence 18 kw 18kwx05=9kw Total for Residential Lighting = 38.5 kw Tabulation: Total Diversity | Total (Commercial and | Diversity | Simultaneous, (Residence), kw | factor Power), kw factor kw Transformer | 27.5 35 7.86 4 Transformer | 365 35 a 15 aad 2 Transformer 40.17 15 26.78 3 Transformer | 385 35 24.44 15 2723 410. 11, CHAPTER 2~THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Diversity factor is 1.3, Peok load on feeder ~186+2443+26.78+27.29 13 = 66.43 kw - answer A certain distributing transformer has connected load as follows: Residence No. 1, % kw; No. 2, 2 % kw; No. 3, 500 w; No. 4, 3 kw, Restaurant, 5 kw lighting and 11 kw motors. Store, 15 kw lighting and 3.7 kw motors. Efficiency of motors, 70%. Calculate the maximum expected demand on the transformer. Solution: Use Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 (Morse) Residence Lighting Residence No. 1 0.75 kw x0.60 =0.45 kw Residence No. 2 25 kwx 0.50 Residence No. 3 O.5kw x 0.60 Residence No. 4 3 kwx0.50 Total Residential Load ‘Commercial Lighting and Power Service Restaurant Lighting 5 kwx0.70 Motor (11 kw/0.70)(0.65) Store Lighting 15 kw x0.70 Motor (3.7 kw/0.70)(0.75) Total Commercial and Power Service load = 28.18kw Diversity factor for residence lighting = 3.5 Diversity factor for commercial and power service = 1.5 35k, 28.18kw Maximum Expected Demand = 35 15 =19.79 kw (answer) A power plant is said to have a use factor of 48.59% and a capacity factor of 42.4%, How many hr did it operate during the year? Solution: Use factor = 0.485 Capacity factor = 0.424 sagen Actual Energy Output, ‘Rating of Equipment x Actual hrs operation Average load Rating of Equipment Average load x8760 hrs Rating of Equipment x Actual hrs operation 8760 hrs ‘Actual hrs operation Capacity factor =: Use factor = Use factor =Copacity factor12, 13, @ CHAPTER 2—THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM 0.485=0.424 —_S700hs_ “Actual hrs operation, Hirs it operate during the year = actual hrs operation = 7658 hrs A central station has annual factors as follows: Load 58.5%, capacity 40.9%, use 45.2%. The reserve carried over and above the peak load is 8900 kw. Find (a) installed capacity, (b) annual ‘energy production, (c) hr per year not in service. Solution: Load factor = 0.585 Capacity factor = 0.409 Use factor = 0.452 Reserve = Installed Capacity ~ Peak Load = 8900 kw ; ‘Average load Cenacle Jactor = ced capacity ny __Average load Installed copacity = Average load pacity = Cpacity factor factor = Averoa® load ‘ood Peak load Peak load = Avera9¢ load load factor Then reserve = Average load _ Average load Capacity factor Load factor Average load Average load 0.409 0.585 Average load = 12,099 kw (2) Installed capacity 89 Average load Capacity factor (b) Annual energy production ‘Annual energy producto ‘Annual energy productio Hr per yr not in service Installed capacit werage load x 8760 hr 2,099 x 8760 = 105,987,240 kwhr —— Actual Energy Output Installed capacity x Actual hrs operation ase, 105,987,240 29,582 Actual hrs operation Actual hrs of operation per yr= 7927 hrs Hr per yr not in service = 8760 -7927 = 833 hrs ‘The daily load curve of a certain region is given by the following data. ‘AM. | 1200 | 2:00 | 3:00 | 4:00 | 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 1:00 12:00 1230 kw | 220 | 200 | 190 | 180 | 180 | 200 | 300 | 410 | 560 | 590 610 605, 490 ma [00 [330 [200 [300 [400 [500 [50 [600 | 700 [800 | 300 7600 00) [00 Kw [500 [590 | 620 | 670 | 760 | 1000 | 960 | 930 | 900 | #70 | 850 600 [380 10faLOWATTS CHAPTER 2~ THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Itis proposed to carry this load with a new Diesel engine power station. A certain line of engines is offered in the following sizes, depending on the number of cylinders: 360 kw, 480 kw, 600 kw, 720 kw, 960 kw. Plot the load curve and fit it with selection from the engine line mentioned so that there will be a good balance between capacity factor and number of units installed. (a) Determine the capacity factor of the plant. (b) Tabulate an “operating schedule.” (c) Determine the use factor of each uni Solution: Unit 1 = 480 kW Unit 2= 720 kW Hdd =23°br Altra )*f05)] 11CHAPTER 2—THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Energy produced = (280+ 220)0)+ 1220+ 200)t)+ 4 (200+-190}t)+-1 90+180}()+4 (180 +-180)1)+-1('80+200}t) +} (000+ a00}1)+ 500+ 410) + (410+-s60Xt) +5 (560-+-s90}t)+-+ (390+ 610}t}+ 3 (610+-605)0) +4 (0s +a00{ 1) +4 4904s) +4(s00+s90{ 1) +4 (5004 soot) +4 cao 670Xi)+ z 2)*2 2)*2 2)*2 2)*2 (or 740) +-L(60 100} (.00 + 560{ 4) +660 s30{) + E1630 900)0)« Bie wie 00+ 8701) ++ (670-850) ++ (850-+720{t)++ 720-6001) + 5 (600+ 380)1) =13026.25 kW-hr Average load = Average load ___ $42.76 Equipment rating #0720 b. Tabulation of operating schedule 12:00 MID. No. 1 is operating 8:15 A.M. Start No. 2; Stop No. 1 3:45 P.M. Start No. 1 10:00 P.M. Stop No. 1 12:00 MID Start No. 1; Stop No. 2 ©. Use factor of each unit Energy output which would have occurred if the ma ‘or equipment had been operatir at its full rating throughout its actual hours of service during the period Unit 1 is operating in 8.25 hrs + 6.25 hrs = 14.5 hrs Unit 2 is operating in 15.75 hrs a. Capacity factor: = 0.4923 - answer For Unit No. 2 Time kW 12:00 MID. 380) 1:00 AM 20 2:00 AM 200. 190) 180) 180) 200 300. 410 480. 0 40 | 280, 240) 2CHAPTER 2—THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM 6:00 PM. 210 7:00 PM. 180, 8:00 PM. 150) 9:00 PM. 130) 10:00 PM o ‘Actual energy output = energy produced = 4 (280+-220(1)++(220+200)0)+-$(a00+290})+ $(o90+280\3)+- (080-180) +4 280+200)4)+H(200+300)4)+ 4(300+410)a)+-4(410-+a80V0.25)+2(0+ 400.25) +} 40+-280)0)+ $ (280+ 240)05)+ 5(240+210)(0:)+ (20+ 280) +3 (280-1500) +}(050+130)0)+-3 (230-0) =294875 kw —fr Equipment Energy output = (480)(14.5) = 6960 kW-hr , . Actual energy output Unit no use FOr ting of equipment hrs of operation Unit no. 1 use factor= ae =0.4237 (answer) For Unit No. 2 Time ew, 8:15 AM 480 9:00 AM 560) 10:00 AM 590, “11:00 AM 610 12:00 NN. 605 12:30 PM 490 1.00 PM 500 1:30 PM [530 r 620 670. 720 720. | 720 720. 720 720 720 720 720. 600) 12:00 PM 380. B14, CHAPTER 2—THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM ‘Actual energy output = energy produced = + Fl4a0+ s6oya 75}+ $(560+580)1)+3(590+ 610X)+-5(610+605\3)+5 (605+ 4900.5) +} (490--500\a.5)+-3(600+ s90}0.5)+->(s90+-620\0.5)+- = (620-+670K2) +5 (670+ 7200.75) +(720)(6.25)+ (720° 600)1)++(600--380)(1)=10,215 kW —hr Equipment Energy output = (720)(15.75) = 11,340 kW-hr Actual energy output Rating of equipment xhrs of operation 10,215 11,340 ‘The load shown in Fig. 2-11 goes to peak of 24,000 kw. It is to be carried by one 10,000-kw unit and two 7500-kw units. Work out 2 use scheme similar to Fig. 2-10 which will be best from the standpoint of number of paralleling operations and plant use factor. What is the resulting daily load factor for each unit? Unit no. 2 use factor= Unit no. 2 use factor = 90 (answer) Solution: Tabulation: Time Kw 12:00 MID_ 6963 5419 3871 3097 3097 2323, 3484 6581 10,839 9:00 AM 14,710 10:00 AM. 17,807 11:00 AM. 17,419 12:00 NN 17,419 1:00 PM. 12,774 2:00 PM. 17,807 3:00 PM. 18,194 20,129 24,000 | 20,129 18,196 17,032 14,323 10,065 6963 12:00 MID 5807 14CHAPTER 2~ THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Unit 1 = 7500 kW Unit 2 = 7500 kw Unit 3 = 10,000 kW 25000 2000-4 00-4 20000-] 18000-] a 16000-4 14900 = 5 “| | Load - kilowatts oxo a oo @ me | Time - hrs [rae =F3 65.) #06] Energy produced = $ (6268+ s¢19))+$(s419-+3872K3)+3(3871+3097K0)+(3097-+3097)3)+- (3097+ 2323K0) + $laa23+ 3484) +> (3488 + ese1a)+ $(6s814-10,839X2)+-5(0,839% 14,710\2) + + (24,710+17,807)1)+ $lareor+ w7Ans\a+5 074194 17,419X4)+ $7a19+22,770)2) 4 (12,7744-27,807))+-3 (7,807 +18,194)Q)+$(8194+20,129)3)+ $20,294 24,000%1) + 3 (24,000 2029Xa)+ (20,1294 1,196)3)+$(08,96+ 17,032\1)+ $07,022+34,323)0) 4 (14,323+10,068)(1)+ Foooss+ 6968\1)+ 5 (6968+-5807\1)=292,0705, kW—hr Operating Schedule (answer) 12:00 MID No. 1is operating 7:15 AM. Start No. 2 9:05 AM Start No. 3 12:45PM Stop No.3 1:15 PM Start No. 3 8:45 PM. ‘Stop No. 3 10:45PM Stop No.2 15CHAPTER 2—THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Plant use factor = —___Actual energy output _ Rating of equiment xhrs of operation Hours of Operation: Unit No. 1 =24 hrs Unit No. 2= 15.5 hrs Unit No. 3= 11.2 hrs 292,070 Plant use factor = <> __ 7500%24 +7500%15.5+10,000x11.2 Plant use factor = 0.716 (answer) Resulting daily load factor for each unit. UNIT NO. 1 Tabulation: Time kw 12:00 MID 6968 5419 3871 3097 [3097 [2323 [3484 6581 7500, 7500 7500 7500 11:00 AM. 7500 12:00 NN 7500 1:00 PM 7500 2:00 PM. 7500 3:00 PM. 7500 7500 5:00 PM. 7500 6:00 PM 7500 7:00 PM. 7500 8:00 PM 7500 9:00 PM. 7500 10:00 PM. 7500 10:45 PM 7500 11:00 PM_ 6968. 12:00 MID. 5807 16(CHAPTER 2—THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Energy produced = H(eae+ sei9\a)+5 (6419 +3871)1)+ $(e871+3097\2)+ 2 2097~3097\:) +2 (2087+2823)1) + es2a+a4eaya)+ (anes 6582a)+-$(65814+-7500K0.25)+(7500)05.5) + + (7500--6968)(0.25)++(6968-+ 5807)1)=154,271.6 kW—hr ‘Average load = Unit no. 1 Load Factor = 6428 / 7500 = 0.857 (answer) UNIT NO. 2 Tabulation: Time kw 12:00 MID. 0 1:00 AM 0 2:00 AM 0 3:00 AM 0 oO 0 0 0 0 3339 7210 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 5274 7500 "7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 6823 i 2565 10:45 PM o 11:00 PM 0 12:00 MID. 0 v7CHAPTER 2~THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Energy produced = Haase r210\s)+2(va10+-7500{ 5 )+(ysooka 7)+2(7s00+ 5274025) 4 (5274+7500)(0.25) + (7500\7.s)+=(s00+-6823X0.25)+-+(6823+2565\0) + 2.2565 +0)0.75)= 100,527.2kW—hr Average load = seer a189kW Unit no. 2 Load Factor = 4189 / 7500 = 0.5585 (answer) UNIT NO. 3 Tabulation: Time ew 12:00 MID 0 1:00 AM 0 2:00 AM 0 3:00 AM To 4:00 AM 0 5:00 AM 0 6:00 AM 0 7:00 AM 0 7:15 AM 0 8:00 AM 0 9:00 AM 0 9:05 AM 0 10:00 AM. 2,807 11:00 AM, 2,419 12:00 NN 2,419 72:45 PM 0 1:00 PM 0 1:15 PM 0 2,807 3,194 5,129 9,000 5,129 3,196 2,032 0 0 0 0 0 12:00 MID 0 1815, 16. (CHAPTER 2—THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM Energy produced = 4 2807-+2419)2)+2 a419+2419)0)+2 (2419 +-0(0.75) +4(o+2007)075)+-4 as07+-3194\a)+4(s1944+5129)4) +4 (6129 + 90004) $(2000 +5129) +2(s129--3196)1) + (196+ 2032)(2)+-5 (2032+ 0f0.75)=35,821.3 kW —hr Average load = 1493 kW 35,821.3 4 Unit no. 3 Load Factor = 1493 / 10000 = 0.1493 (answer) ‘A 50,000-kw steam plant delivers an annual output of 238,000,000 kw hr with a peak load of 42,860 kw. (a) What is the annual load factor? (b) What is the capacity factor? Solution: kwhr output 8760 hr 238,000,000 8760 Average load =: Average load = = 27,169 kw (a) Annual Load Factor ‘Average load Peak road 27169 42,360 (b) Capacity Factor __ Average load Copacly Joctor = ated capacity 21,169 50,000 ‘The load shown by data of Prob. 13 is carried by one steam turbogenerator having the following steam characteristic: Total steam = 907.2 + 4.99 kw kg per hr, where P = kw / Generator efficiency = 96%. Steam costs 67¢ per 500 kg to produce. What is the cost of the steam supplied ‘to this unit per day of 24 hr? What is the cost of steam used per kw hr? toad factor =: 6339 toad factor =: Capacity factor = = 0.5434 107.2 + 4.99 kw kg per hr, where P= kw / Generator efficiency = 96%. Hour [Kw _| Kg/hrsteam 1:00 AM_| 220 | 2050.7 2:00 | 200 | 1946.8 3:00 190 | 1894.8 4:00 120_| 1802.8 5:00 180_| 1842.8 19‘CHAPTER 2~ THE VARIABLE LOAD PROBLEM 200 _ | 1946.8 300_| 24666 410_| 3038.3 9:00 | 560_| 38180. 10:00 590_| 3974.0 11:00 610 | 4077.9 12:00 NN | 605 | 4052.0 12:30 PM | 490_| 3454.2 1:00 500_| 3506.2 1:30 590_| 3974.0 2:00 [620 | 41239 670_| 4389.8 [760 [4957.6 | 1000 | 6105.1 960 | 5897.2 930 | 5741.3 900_| 55853 870_| 5429.4 E 850 | 5325.4 1000 | 720 | 4649.7 11:00 600 | 4026.0 12:00 MN | 380 | 2882.4 a HH e Prat oad (aren = occ enoy) LI ratte ero ee smh pote 20
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100% (1)
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Part I. Multiple Choice Questions: Prepared By: Engr. Jose R. Francisco, PME
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