Elec 260 Tutorial - June 2, 2010 Topics To Be Covered:: Cartesian Polar Exponential
Elec 260 Tutorial - June 2, 2010 Topics To Be Covered:: Cartesian Polar Exponential
Elec 260 Tutorial - June 2, 2010 Topics To Be Covered:: Cartesian Polar Exponential
Topics to be covered:
Example: If z 7 2 j z * 7 2 j
Look at the figure to the right!
It explains why z * z and
arg z * arg z
Other properties:
z1 z2
zz * z z1* z2*
z1 z1*
z1 z2 z z *
* * *
1 2
z2 z2
Useful to express the real and imaginary
parts of any complex no. as:
1 1
Re( z ) ( z z * ) Im( z ) ( z z* )
2 2j
Euler relation: e cos j sin If you add each member of the equations...
e j e j
and so: cos
Whenever you decide to make a change of variable, the following things should be considered:
Example: I x(2 t ) dt
1. Express the new variable in terms of the
old variable
2. Express the old variable in terms of the
t 2
new variable
3.Differentiate to express the d( ) in terms
dt d
of the new variable in terms of the old d( )
4. See how the limits of integration
t 2 0
(summation, interval) are changed with
t 10 8
respect to the new variable
The integral we now have to compute is:
8 0
I x( )(d )
x ( ) d
Given 2 points x1 , y1 and x2 , y2 , find the equation of the line that connects them.
Find the equation of the line that connects A(-1, 7) and B(0,2).
1. Line equation: y mx n
y B y A 5
2. m 5
xB y A 1
3. We pick B(0,2) and replace x by 0, y by 2 and m by -5 in the line equation.
We get: 2 ( 5) 0 n n .
4. The line equation is: y 5 x 2
y (t ) x(t ) h(t ) x( )h(t )d
1 for 1 0
1 for 0 1
2 3 for 1 1.5
0 elsewhere
first time reverse h(τ
Example i.e. reflect its graph about the vertical axis
shift the graph by – t add t to
the time axis values
when you start drawing both graphs in always label all graphs you plot
the same figure, using different colors
might be helpful draw the “fixed” one first
when you start analyzing the different write the case condition as you see it from
cases, you should search for “places” the time axis
(values of t) where the graphs of the take some time to study the time axis, when
function changes (jumps or likewise) you consider a case
The direction in which you do the “sliding” of the graph of h(t ) along the time axis should
not make a difference in the result. However, since the direction of the time axis is from left to
right, this is the way you should do it.
COMPLEX NUMBERS Euler’s formula
2. Show that z1 z2* + z1* z2 ≤ 2 z1 z2 , for any two complex no. z1 and z2.
Let z1 = r1e jθ1 and z2 = r2 e jθ 2 .
Let’s begin by evaluating the right-hand side term, it looks somewhat simpler.
z1 z2 = r1e jθ1 ⋅ r2 e jθ 2 = r1r2 ⋅ e jθ1 e jθ2 = r1r2 ⋅ e j (θ1 +θ2 ) = r1r2 . (Please check the table above, last entry)
Next we evaluate the left-hand side term. For this, we write: z1* = r1e − jθ1 and z2* = r2 e − jθ 2 .
z1 z2* + z1* z2 = r1e jθ1 ⋅ r2 e − jθ2 + r1e − jθ1 ⋅ r2 e jθ2 = r1r2 e jθ1 − jθ2 + r1r2 e − jθ1 + jθ 2 = r1r2 e j (θ1 −θ 2 ) + e − j (θ1 −θ 2 ) )
= r1r2 e j (θ1 −θ 2 ) + e − j (θ1 −θ 2 )
We can think of ( θ1 − θ 2 ) from the exponents above as of a single variable, say ω.
So we have to evaluate e jω + e − jω .
Euler’s relation: e jω = cos ω + j sin ω , leads to e − jω = cos ω − j sin ω .
Adding these equations member by member, we get: e jω + e − jω = 2 cos ω
By taking the magnitude of both sides, we obtain: e jω + e − jω = 2 cos ω = 2 ⋅ cos ω .
Since cosine is a function bounded by 1, this leads us to conclude that e jω + e − jω ≤ 2 .
Thus, we have just shown that z1 z2* + z1* z2 ≤ 2 r1r2 = z1 z2 .
∞ 0
Use a convenient change of variable to get from ∫
f (10 − 2τ )dτ ….to…. ∫ f ( λ )d λ .
2 −∞
The change of variable we choose is λ = 10 − 2τ .
10 − λ
We express the old variable in terms of the new variable: τ = .
Differentiating, we obtain: dτ = − d λ .
Let us now see how the limits of integration change, with respect to the new variable:
• τ = 5 ⇒ λ = 10 − 2 ⋅ 5 = 0
• τ = ∞ ⇒ λ = 10 − 2 ⋅ ∞ = −∞
⎛ 1 ⎞
We can now write the new integral: ∫
f (λ ) ⎜ − d λ ⎟ .
⎝ 2 ⎠
If we “pull” the minus sign from inside the integral out, it will result in swapping (and not changing the sign
of!) the limits of integration, and we obtain: ∫ f (λ ) d λ .
2 −∞
Given a system with input x(t ) and output y (t ) , described by y(t) = x(t − 2) + x(4 − t).
Determine whether the system is linear.
A system is linear ⇔ if input x1 (t ) produces output y1 (t ) and
input x2 (t ) produces output y2 (t ) ,
then input a1 x1 (t ) + a2 x2 (t ) produces the output a1 y1 (t ) + a2 y2 (t )
Let y1 (t ) denote the system response to input x1(t) and y2(t) denote the system response to x2(t).
Therefore, we have:
y1 ( t ) = x1 ( t − 2 ) + x1 ( 4 − t )
y2 ( t ) = x2 ( t − 2 ) + x2 ( 4 − t )
Given the graph shown in the figure, find the equations
of all lines and write
x(τ ) = ⎨
The first line, connecting (-1,0) and (0,1), is a time shifted version of x(τ) = τ, more specifically its equation is
x(τ) = τ +1.
The equation of the third line, connecting (1,2) and (2,0) can be found in the following way:
⎧τ + 1 for − 1 < τ ≤ 0
⎪2 for 0 < τ ≤ 1
x(τ ) = ⎨
⎪ −2τ + 4 for 1 < τ ≤ 2
⎪⎩ 0 otherwise
If h(t ) = sin t [u (t + π ) − u (t − π )]
has the graph shown in the figure to
on the right-hand side,
plot and label h( −τ ) and h (t − τ )