Howen VSS Web API V1.7R1 en 20210723

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Howen VSS Web API

Howen VSS Web API


Version Description Date

V1.0 Initial Document 2020.7.29

 Add description of real-time message subscription interface
V1.1 2020.9.21
 Added web video integration interface description
 Add device supports specifying feetId;
 Add the definition of video request flv http url in Chapter 4;
V1.2  Add the error code 10043 2020.11.27
 Add 2.11 device control web api
 Add web player sdk description
 Add the description of the location object in the alarm message in
the device event message push
V1.5R1 2021.2.6
 Add DMS/ADAS alarm subtype description
 Added description of alarm details parameters
 Add the description of fast-forward and double-speed parameters
to the device video playback URL (supported version: in VSS1.2
and newer)
 Add 2.8: Query device GPS and detailed status data by ‘page’
V1.5R2 (supported version: VSS1.5 and newer) 2021.3.5
 Add 2.10: Query historical alarm details by ‘page’ (supported
version: VSS1.5 and newer
 Chapter 4 add: add the web URL of the server alarm video
playback. (supported version: VSS1.2 and newer)
 Add: Integration guideline (Chapter 1)
 Add: the cookie parameter sent in seconds in the api login
interface (3.1)
 Add: descriptions of cookie related fields has been added in the
V1.5R3 interface of 3.8/3.10 2021.3.19
 Modify: Equipment alarm event type, upgrade the DMS/ADAS
sub-type to the first-level type, the definition of the corresponding
first-level type has been added in the equipment event code table
 Modify: The interface address and request method for querying
device GPS and detailed status data by page have changed (the
original address and request method are still retained)
 Add: more alarm details parameters in "Query historical alarms by
V1.6R1 page" 2021.4.6
 Add: interface of obtain device list
 Add: interface of download videos in device side
 Add: device intercom integration page
 Modify: description of location in video file search
 Add: the flow chart of Websocket signaling interaction in the
[integration guideline chapter]
 Modify: Classify the new/modify/delete/device list query
interfaces and put them in the device information management
V1.6R2  Add the interface to obtain the online status of multiple devices 2021.4.16
 Add the interface for querying the current GPS status of the device
 Add the interface for querying alarm evidence
 Modify the definition of websocket interface: the login interface
does not contain subscription operations, and a separate
subscription instruction is added;
Howen VSS Web API

 Web page embedding method in video integration, support for

mobile browser

 3.11 Video file query interface, add a new function: search center
video files
V1.7R1 2021.7.23
 5.5 Server alarm small video playback web page URL, added:
playback server recording clip
Howen VSS Web API

1. Integration Guideline

1.1. API Type

 http communication interface

The following functions can be achieved through this type of interface:
1. Interface login. Before using all types of APIs, you need to get a license token through this login interface.
2. Obtain historical business data of the VSS platform, such as GPS, alarm events, video records, Video
evidence, current state of the vehicle etc.;
3. Synchronize basic operating data, such as synchronizing MDVR device information.
4. Remotely issue control commands to MDVR equipment
 websocket communication interface
Through this type of interface, you can subscribe to VSS real-time business data, such as GPS, alarms, online
and offline. When VSS receives information such as gps/alarms reported by MDVR, it can be distributed to
subscribers immediately.
 Javascript SDK
You can integrate the javascript sdk provided by VSS in your web client to, quickly realize video preview and video
playback on MDVR and VSS servers.
 Web embed
You can directly use the iframe method to embed the VSS web player page in the web page, to quickly realize the
video preview and video playback functions on the MDVR and VSS servers.

1.2. Common Integration Architecture

 Architecture 1: Forward data to the FMS client through the FMS backend

 Architecture 2: FMS client directly requests data from VSS (cross-domain)

Howen VSS Web API

Note: With this solution, because the browser and VSS Web Server prohibit cross-domain access by default, you need
to contact VSS technical support to open the Nginx proxy service. Note: Websocket doesn’t have this issue

1.3. Websocket API Signaling interaction process

1. Before the Websocket client connects to the websokcet server, it must obtain the session token and pid
parameters through the login interface in the http api.
2. Initiate a connection to the websocket server and establish a websocket communication link
3. Client initiates a login instruction to the web server, action=80000
4. Client initiates a message subscription instruction to the web server, action=80001, after completing the message
subscription, it waits for the server to actively push gps/alarms and other messages to the client

2. Transmission Protocol

This interface includes two transmission protocol: HTTP Post and WebSocket.

2.1. Transmission Protocol: HTTP

The interface service: HTTP is provided by the VSS platform and follows the HTTP standard
protocol (RFC2626)
Howen VSS Web API

The default server port: 9966

2.1.1. Get/Post Request Method

1. The Post method support two different data formats.

(1) For sheet submission, shall be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".

Within "HTTP Message Body": para1=value1&para2=value2

(2) JSON

Within "HTTP Message Body" as below:




2. For Get method, the request parameters are involved in the URL, as

2.1.2. Common Request Parameters

Howen VSS Web API
The request parameters include "Common parameters" and "Private parameters"

Common parameters show as below

Name Type Necessary Details

Interface access token, all *non-login interface*

must carry this parameter, and the value of this
token string 64 yes
parameter is returned after the interface is
successfully logged in.

The parameters must be carried, if it is the

browser cross-domain access. It will be return
the relevant JavaScript execution code, after
callback string 32 no VSS detects this parameters.
(Callback value can only include the letter,
number, underline and etc.)

2.1.3. Interface response

JSON type

For the domain access ,the JSON data returned in the Message Body. MIME
type: Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
JSON data follow the "RFC 4627"

2.1.4. Common response parameters

Name Type Necessary Details

Interfaces return to interfaces. For details,

status Int yes
please refer to Return Code Table

The returned business data object. For details,

data yes it will depend on the definition of each

Common Format as below:

Howen VSS Web API

"status": 10000,
"msg": "Success",
"data": {

2.1.5. Character Set

Both the request data and the returned data adopts UTF-8

2.1.6. HTTPS

The https server default port is 443 port, and the other request format is the same as http.

2.2 Transfer Protocol: WebSocket

The "WebSocket" service is provided by the VSS platform. ws Port: 36300,wss port :36301 ;

All type of the message subscription and the real-time message pushing interfaces adopt the "WebSocket"
protocol (RFC6455). In addition, the transmission data adopts JSON format. (The messages described in
this document mainly refer to device GPS message, Alarm message, Online /Offline message and so
Howen VSS Web API

3. HTTP Interface Definition

3.1. API Access Login in

Interface address:

Request method: HTTP Post/Get

Private request parameters:

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details Example Value

username string yes User name admin

password string yes 3392e4fccc7d748b04a7046b897d75as
md5 string

JSON format example:


Request succeed return data example:

"status": 10000, // Return status code, refer to return code table
"msg": "Success", // Indication message
"data": { //Return data
"token": "3df52ffe70314f69e7ecad41350eb78e" //token for api request
467b1" //pid, used to subscribe to WebSocket request for real-time messages


Descriptions of Return parameters

Parameter Type Length Necessar Description
token string Yes The http interface token
obtained after successful login.
Needs to carry this token in
subsequent api interfaces.
Howen VSS Web API
Token validity period: 30
minutes, if there is no interface
interaction within 30 minutes,
the token will expire
pid string Yes Websocket interface token

Return cookie parameter description

Parameter Type Length Necessar Description
JSESSIONID string 40 Yes Example value:

Some interfaces need to use the

session mechanism (rely on
cookies), and this parameter
needs to be carried in the cookie
field in the http request header:


Others return data example:

"status": 10003, // Status code, refer to the return code table
"msg": "Server error", //Indication
"data": null

3.2. API Login Out

Interface address:

Request method: HTTP Post/Get

Private Request parameters:

Howen VSS Web API

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details Example Value

username string yes User name admin

token string yes Token

Request succeed return data example:

"status": 10000, // Return status code, refer to return code table
"msg": "Success", //Return Indication
"data": null

Others return data example:

"status": 10003,
"msg": "Server Error",
"data": null

3.3. Interface of Device information management

Device information management interface, used for real-time synchronization and management of device information
between the external platform and the VSS platform.

3.3.1. New Equipment

Interface address:

Request method: HTTP Post/Get

Private Request parameters:

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details Example value

deviceID string 64 yes Device ID Fleet001

deviceName string 64 yes Device Name

Device Type code.

details, please refer
deviceType string yes Hero-ME41-04
to Device Type
Howen VSS Web API

Channel Names Set.

Channels need to be
separate by
channelName String 256 no ch1;ch2;ch3;ch4

fleetId String 255 No Fleet ID, if it is empty, fleet001

means it belongs to Note: The account

default fleet must obtain this

fleet ID authority

Json format example of requres:


Request succeed return data example:

"status": 10000,
"msg": "Success",
"data": null

Others return data example:

"status": 10003,
"msg": "Server error", //Indication
"data": null

3.3.2. Modify Equipment

Interface address:

Request method: HTTP Post/Get

Howen VSS Web API
Private Request parameters:

Parameters Type Length Necessary details Example value

deviceID string 64 yes Device ID v001

deviceName string 64 yes Device Name

Channel Names Set.

Channels need to be
separate by
channelName String 256 no ch1;ch2;ch3;ch4

Device Type code.

details, please refer to
deviceType string yes Hero-ME41-04
Device Type code

~Json format example of requres:


Request succeed return data example:

"status": 10000,
"msg": "Success",
"data": null

Others return data example:

"status": 10003,
"msg": "Server error", //Indication
"data": null

3.3.3. Delete Equipment

Interface address:
Howen VSS Web API
Request method: HTTP Post/Get

Private Request parameters:

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details Example Value

deviceID string 64 yes Device ID Fleet001

Json format example of requres:


Request succeed return data example:

"status": 10000,
"msg": "Success",
"data": null

Others return data example:

"status": 10003,
"msg": "Server error", //Indication
"data": null

3.3.4. Obtain device list by page

interface address:

Request method: http Post/Get
Private request parameters:
Parameters Type Len Necess Details Example Value
gth ary

pageNum number Yes Page number, set to -1 2

when querying all
pageCount number Yes Number per page, set 20
to -1 when querying all
Howen VSS Web API
isOnline string No Check whether the 1
device is online.
1- means only get
online devices
0- means to obtain
offline devices.
If it is empty, query all
keyword string No Search for the
keyword. Search by
device id or device
Json format example of requres:


Returned parameter by page:

Parameters Type Necessary Details Example Value

totalCount number Yes Total number of

pageCount number Yes Number of records
per page
fromCount number Yes The starting record
number of the
current page
toCount number Yes The last record
number of the
current page
totalNum number Yes total pages
pageNum number Yes The current page
number, starting
from 1
Howen VSS Web API

Return the attribute parameter table of each device:

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details Example Value

deviceno number Yes Device ID, unique

devicename number Yes Device name
devicetype number No Device type
fleetid String Yes Fleet id
createtime String Yes Device creat time
videoencodernumber number Yes Number of video
channels of the
speakernumber String Yes Number of device
intercom channels
accessmode number Yes The online status
of the device.
Refer: Device
status table
lastonlinetime String Yes Last online time
lastofflinetime String Yes Last offline time

longitude String Yes The longitude of

the last positioning
latitude String Yes The latitude of last
dayUsed number Yes Data cost today,
unit: Byte
monthUsed number Yes Data cost this
month, unit: Byte

The format of the data returned after the request is successful:

"status": 10000,
"msg": "Success",
"data": {
"totalCount": 1985,
"pageCount": 100,
"fromCount": 1,
"toCount": 100,
"totalNum": 20,
"pageNum": 1,
"dataList": [
"guid": "B5A41067-6FB24946-9D4C7E3F-140A115E",
Howen VSS Web API
"deviceno": "00000000",
"devicename": "00000000",
"devicetype": "Hero-ME41-02",
"channelname": "ch1;ch2",
"sim": "",
"fleetid": "4A4FE94D-F98A4CDC-B040ED9E-1790838C",
"remarks": "",
"createtime": "2021-03-18 11:25",
"modifytime": "2021-03-18 11:25",
"videoencodernumber": 2,
"speakernumber": 1,
"inputnumber": 2,
"outputnumber": 2,
"accessmode": -1,
"addressinternet": null,
"userid": null,
"username": null,
"lastonlinetime": "2021-04-01 11:49",
"lastofflinetime": "2021-04-02 00:47",
"roleid": null,
"lastStatusJson": "",
"longitude": 113.946854,
"latitude": 22.557869,
"altitude": 0.0,
"speed": "0",
"precision": "0",
"direct": "0",
"satellites": "0",
"mode": "1",
"dtu": "2021-04-02 00:46:57",
"todaymileage": 0.00,
"totalmileage": 0.00,
"flowLimitDay": -1,
"flowLimitMonth": -1,
"flowSettlementDay": 1,
"dayUsed": 29928,
"monthUsed": 202239064


Examples of returned data in other cases

"status": 10003,
"msg": "Server Error",
Howen VSS Web API
"data": null

3.4. Get OnlineStatus of single Device

Interface address:

Request method: HTTP Post/Get

Private Request parameters:

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details Example Value

deviceID string 64 yes Device ID Fleet001

Json format example of requres:


Private response parameters:

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details

deviceID string 64 yes Device ID Fleet001

queryTime String yes Query Time

Device online status code.

details, please refer to
accessMode Int yes
Device status code

lastOnlineTime String no Last online time

lastOfflineTime String no Last offline time

Request succeed return data example:

Howen VSS Web API

"status": 10000,
"msg": "Success",
"queryTime":"2020-07-06 12:12:12",
"accessMode": -1,
"lastOnlineTime":"2020-07-06 12:12:12",
"lastOfflineTime":"2020-07-06 14:12:12"

Others return data example:

"status": 10003, "msg": "Server Error",
"data": null

3.5. Get the online status of multiple devices

Interface Address:
Request Method:http Post/Get
Private request parameters:
Parameters Type Lens Necessary Description Example
deviceID string 64 Yes Device number, separated 99990001,99990002
by commas
json format example of Request:

Private request parameters:

Parameters Type Lens Necessary Description Example
deviceID string 64 Yes Device number Fleet001
queryTime String Yes Query time
accessMode number Yes Device online status code
Refer:Device status
lastOnlineTime String No Last online time
lastOfflineTime String No Last offline time

Request returned data successfully

"status": 10000,
"msg": "Success",
"data": [
"queryTime":"2020-07-06 12:12:12",
"accessMode": -1,
"lastOnlineTime":"2020-07-06 12:12:12",
"lastOfflineTime":"2020-07-06 14:12:12"
Howen VSS Web API

Reture of Other conditions:

"status": 10003,
"msg": "server error",
"data": null

3.6. Get the current GPS status of the device

This interface is used to obtain the last GPS and status information reported by the device.
Interface Address:
Request Method: http post + json
Private request parameters:
Parameters Type Len Necess Description Example
s ary
token String Yes Token returned
after successful
deviceID string Yes Device number, 300330,99990001
multiple devices
are separated by

json example of Request


Private response parameters:

The returned GPS status object parameters are as follows:
Parameters Type Lens Necessary Description Example
satellites number Yes Satelite number
direct number Yes The direction of the
vehicle, 0-360 degrees.
The true north direction is
0 degrees, increasing
speed number Yes Speed, unit km/h
altitude number No Altitude, unit meter
longitude String Yes longitude
latitude String Yes latitude
precision number precision,unit : meter
createtime String Gps time
accState number 1-Acc on
0- Acc off
speed String speed
recordState number Channel recording status.
Bit0 represents the first
videoMaskState number Video occlusion status
Bit0 represents the first
videoLostState number Video loss status.
Bit0 represents the first
ioState number io status.
Bit0 represents the first
oilVolume Number Fuel amount
tempeAndHumidity Array Temperature and
Object humidity sensor data
Howen VSS Web API
isLater Number Whether to retransmit
reportTime String Time to report to the 2021-03-02 11:19:38

The data format returned by the request is as follows:

"status": 10000,
"msg": "Success",

"data": [
"guid": "D02B567A-3ACD4C80-A1FC05C6-38F8BB29",
"deviceguid": "10001",
"deviceName": "10001",
"longitude": 113.946609,
"latitude": 22.5581837,
"altitude": 52.0,
"createtime": "2021-03-02 11:19:38",
"speed": "0",
"precision": "1",
"direct": "36",
"satellites": "3",
"mode": "1",
"urgency": "0",
"stateJson": "{\"mileage\":...}", //all State raw data json
"overSpeed": "0",
"accState": "1",
"lowSpeed": "0",
"recordState": "255",
"ioState": "1",
"oilVolume": 0.0,
"videoMaskState": "0",
"videoLostState": "252",
"tempeAndHumidity": [
"isLater": 0,
"reportTime": "2021-03-02 11:19:39",


Examples of returned data in other cases

"status": 10003,
"msg": "Server Error",
"data": null

3.7. Query Device GPS Track by Page

This interface is used to query the historical GPS track of the device
Howen VSS Web API
Interface address:

Request method: HTTP Post/Get

Private Request parameters:

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details

Page number. Set to -1

pageNum number yes 2
when querying all

Number per page. Set to -

pageCount number yes 20
1 when querying all

deviceID string yes Device ID 300330

beginTime string
yes Begin time 23

endTime string
yes End time 23

Json format example of requres:

"beginTime":"2017-01-23 12:12:12",
"endTime":"2017-01-23 12:12:12"

Private response parameters:

In the return JSON data object, include all GPS location object and Mileage object array.

Location object parameters show as below:

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details

satellites number yes Number of satellites

Howen VSS Web API

Vehicle direction,0- 360

degrees. The
direct number yes north is 0
degree, increasing

speed number yes Speed. Unit: km/h

altitude number yes Altitude. Unit: meter

longitude String yes Longitude

latitude String yes Latitude

precision number Accuracy. Unit: meter

dtu String GPS time

Mileage object parameters show as below:

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details

Total mileage today. Unit:

todayDay number yes
10 meters

Total mileage. Unit: 10

total number yes meters

Request succeed return data example:

Howen VSS Web API
"status": 10000, // Return status code, refer to return code table
"msg": "Success", //Return indication
"deviceID": "300331",
"location": {
"satellites": "0",
"direct": "-45",
"speed": "2",
"altitude": "221",
"longitude": "114.113586",
"latitude": "22.5336876",
"precision": "50",
"dtu": "2018-03-13 11:30:06",
"mode": "1"
"mileage": {
"todayDay": "100",
"total": "20000"

Others return data example:

"status": 10003,
"msg": "Server Error",
"data": null

3.8. Query device GPS and detailed status data by page

This interface is used to query the historical GPS track and corresponding status data of the device
Interface address:
Request method: http post + json

Private request parameters:

Parameter Type Leng Necessary Details Example

th value
token String yes Token returned
after successful
Howen VSS Web API
pageNum number yes Page number, set to 2
-1 when querying
pageCount number yes Number per page, 20
set to -1 when
querying all
deviceGuid string yes Device ID, 300330,
Multiple devices 99990001
are separated by
beginTime string yes Begin Time 2017-01-23
endTime string yes End Time 2017-01-23
Request json example:
"beginTime":"2021-03-30 00:00:00",
"endTime":"2021-04-01 09:00:00",

Private response parameters:

In the returned json data object, the parameters are included in the following table:
Parameter by pages:
Parameter Type Necessary Details Example value
totalCount number yes Total number of
pageCount number yes Number of records
per page
fromCount number yes The starting record
number of the
current page
toCount number yes The last record
number of the
current page
totalNum number yes Total pages
Howen VSS Web API
pageNum number yes The current page
number, starting
from 1
The business data is as follows:

Parameter Type Length Necessary Details Example value

satellites number yes Number of satellites
direct number yes The direction of the
vehicle, 0-360
The north direction
is 0 degrees,
increasing clockwise
speed number yes Speed in km/h

altitude number No Altitude, in meters

longitude String yes longitude
latitude String yes latitude
precision number Precision in meters
createtime String Gps time

accState number 2-Acc on

1- Acc off
speed String speed
recordState number Channel recording
Bit0 represents the
first channel, and so
videoMaskState number Video cover status
Bit0 represents the
first channel, and so
videoLostState number Video loss status.
Bit0 represents the
first channel, and so
ioState number io status.
Bit0 represents the
first channel, and so
Howen VSS Web API
oilVolume Number Fuel volume
tempeAndHumidity Array Temperature and
object humidity sensor data
isLater Number Whether to
retransmit data or not
reportTime String Time of reporting to 2021-03-
02 11:19:38
the platform
The format of the data returned after the request is successful is as follows:

"status": 10000,
"msg": "Success",
"data": {
"totalCount": 1985,
"pageCount": 100,
"fromCount": 1,
"toCount": 100,
"totalNum": 20,
"pageNum": 1,
"dataList": [
"guid": "D02B567A-3ACD4C80-A1FC05C6-38F8BB29",
"deviceguid": "10001",
"deviceName": "10001",
"longitude": 113.946609,
"latitude": 22.5581837,
"altitude": 52.0,
"createtime": "2021-03-02 11:19:38",
"speed": "0",
"precision": "1",
"direct": "36",
"satellites": "3",
"mode": "1",
"urgency": "0",
"stateJson": "{\"mileage\":...}", //status raw data
"overSpeed": "0",
"accState": "1",
"lowSpeed": "0",
"recordState": "255",
"ioState": "1",
"oilVolume": 0.0,
"videoMaskState": "0",
"videoLostState": "252"
"tempeAndHumidity": [
Howen VSS Web API
"isLater": 0,
"reportTime": "2021-03-02 11:19:39",


Examples of returned data in other cases
"status": 10003,
"msg": "server error",
"data": null

3.9. Query History Alarm by Page

Interface address:

Request method: HTTP Post/Get

Private Request parameters:

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details

Page number. Set to

pageNum number yes 2
-1 when querying all

Number per page. Set to -

pageCount number yes 1 when querying all 20

deviceID string yes Device ID 300330


beginTime string yes Begin time 23



endTime string yes End time 23

Howen VSS Web API

Alarm event type.

Blank mean all type.

alarmType String no For details, please 1

refer to Alarm Event C

Json format example of requres:

"beginTime":"2017-01-23 12:12:12",

Private response parameters:

In the return JSON data object, include the Paging parameters and Alarm object array.

Paging parameters show as below:

Howen VSS Web API

Parameters Type Necessary Details

totalCount number yes Total number of records

pageCount number yes Number of records per page

Starting record number in

fromCount number yes
current page

End record number in current page

toCount number yes

totalNum number yes Total page number

The current page number,

pageNum number yes
starting from 1

Alarm object parameters show as below:

Parameters Type Necessary Details

guid string Alarm ID

deviceID string Device ID

Alarm event type. For

alarmtype number details, please refer to Alarm Event C


alarmvalue string Alarm details parameters value: Contains {"num":"sd1",

detailed alarm related parameters and alarm "st":"0"}。

For parameter details, please refer to the

code table section;

createtime string Time when Alarm event generated

Alarm status.1 mean start, 0 mean end

alarmState number

AlarmGps String
GPS coordinates when the alarm occurs

Speed String The speed of the vehicle at the time the
warning occurred
Islater Number
Whether to retransmit dataor not

repoerTime String Time for reporting to the platform
Howen VSS Web API
Request succeed return data example:

"status": 10000, // Return status code, refer to return code table

"msg": "Success", //Return

"totalCount": 12, //Total count

"pageCount":10, //count on each page,-1 mean check all
"fromCount": 11, //Count starting from current page
"toCount": 12, // Count ending to current page
"totalNum": 2, //Total page count
"pageNum":2, //Current page number
"guid": "70814723-2B214A29-98057730-91654774",
"deviceguid": "333555(333555)",
"alarmtype": "5",
"alarmvalue": "io:1; ",
] "createtime": "2021-04-01 09:00:00",
} "alarmGps": "113.946564,22.5582962",
} "speed": "0",
"takeuptime": null,
"alarmState": 1,
"reportTime": "2021-04-01 08:59:55",
"isLater": 0,
"takeupUser": null,

Others return data example:

"status": 10003,
"msg": "Server Error",
"data": null

3.10.Query Device Online/Offline Record by Page

Interface address:

Request method: HTTP Post/Get

Private Request parameters:

Howen VSS Web API

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details

Page number, set to -1

pageNum number yes 2
when query all

Number of per

pageCount number yes page, set to -1 when query 20


deviceID string yes Device ID 300330


beginTime string yes Begin time 23



endTime string yes End time 23


Json format example of requres:

"beginTime":"2017-01-23 12:12:12",

Private response parameters:

In the return JSON data object, include the paging parameters and online/offline object array.

Paging parameters show as below:

Parameters Type Necessary Details

totalCount number yes Total number of records

pageCount number yes Records number per page

Starting record number in

fromCount number yes
current page
Howen VSS Web API

End record number in current page

toCount number yes

totalNum number yes Total number of pages

The current page number,

pageNum number yes
starting from 1

Online/offline object array show as below:

Parameters Type Necessary Details

guid string Record

deviceID string Device ID

createtime string Alarm event

Online/Offline status. For

accessmode number details, please refer to Device Online

Status Table

Request succeed return data example:

"status": 10000, // Return status code, refer to return code table
"msg": "Success", //Return info

"totalCount": 12, //Total count
"pageCount":10, //count on each page,-1 mean check all
"fromCount": 11, //Count starting from current page
"toCount": 12, // Count ending to current page
"totalNum": 2, //Total page count
"pageNum":2, //Current page number
"accessmode":"-1", "createtime":"2020-08-04

Others return data example:

Howen VSS Web API

"status": 10003,
"msg": "Server Error",
"data": null
Howen VSS Web API

3.11. Records Searching

Interface address:

Request method: HTTP Post/Get

Private Request parameters:

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details

deviceID string 64 yes Device ID Fleet001


startTime String 19 yes Starting time 20



endTime String 19 yes End time 20


The recording channel

range, separated by
channelList String 32 no 1;2;3
semicolons. The channel
number starts from 1.

1-Ordinary video, 2- Alarm

fileType Int yes video, 3-Normal picture, 4- 1

Alarm picture

Video storage location.

location Int yes 1
2-Automatic Download Server
4-Alarm small video server
(including hftp small video and
platform alarm triggered small
5-Server recording files
scheme string no Video download address https
protocol type.
It can only be http or https,
default http

Example of Request JSON format:

Howen VSS Web API

"startTime":"2017-12-20 00:00:00",
"endTime":"2017-12-20 21:00:00",

Private response parameters:

In the return JSON array object: Files and array element object parameters show as below:

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details

deviceID string 64 yes Device ID Fleet001

Channel number start from 1.

channel Int yes

duration Int no Time. Unit: second

size Int no Files size. Unit: Byte

1-Ordinary video, 2- Alarm

type Int yes video, 3-Normal picture, 4-

Alarm picture

start String 20 yes Document starting time

stop String 20 yes Document end time

path String 256 no Files full path

alarmType Number no Alarm type. refer to: alarm

event code table

downUrl String 255 no Video download address.

Currently only supports
downloading of files such as
small videos and pictures of
server-side alarms

Request succeed return data example:

Howen VSS Web API

"status": 10000, // Return status code, refer to return code table

"msg": "Success", //Return indication

"data": {
"files": [
"deviceID": "300330",
"channel": "1",
"duration": "296",
"size": "97991535",
"type": "1",
"start": "2017-12-20 00:00:00",
"stop": "2017-12-20 00:04:56",
"path": "/0000_00870000_5_1513728000_1513728296_0_97991535.h264"
"deviceID": "300330",
"channel": "2",
"duration": "296",
"size": "9943402",
"type": "1",
"start": "2017-12-20 00:00:00",
"stop": "2017-12-20 00:04:56",
"path": "/0001_00870200_5_1513728000_1513728296_0_9943402.h264"
"alarmTyp": 132,
"deviceID": "300330",
"channel": "2",
"duration": "296",
"size": "9943402",
"type": "1",
"start": "2017-12-20 00:00:00",
"stop": "2017-12-20 00:04:56",
"path": "/0001_00870200_5_1513728000_1513728296_0_9943402.h264"
Howen VSS Web API
Others return data example:

"status": 10003,
"msg": "Server Error",
"data": null

3.12. Search Alarm Evidence

Interface Address:
Request method:http Post/Get
Private request parameters:
Example value
Parameters Type Length Necessary Details
conditionName string 64 Yes Device keyword, which V00001
can be device number or
device name
startTime String 19 Yes Query range start time 2017-12-20 00:00:00
endTime String 19 Yes Query range end time 2017-12-20 23:59:59
alarmType String No Alarm event type, blank 1
means all types. Refer :
Event of alarm
scheme string No Request to provide https
evidence to download the
Url protocol type.
Could be http or https,
default is http
Json format example of Request:
"startTime":"2017-12-20 00:00:00",
"endTime":"2017-12-20 21:00:00",

Private response parameters:

Return an array of alarm objects, the parameters of alarm objects are as follows:
Example value
Parameters Type Length Necessary Details
deviceID string 64 Yes device ID Fleet001
alarmType Number Yes Alarm type. Refer :
Alarm of event
alarmGuid string 64 Yes Unique id of alarm
alarmGps string GPS coordinates when 113.946564,22.5582962
the alarm occurs
alarmTime string Yes Alarm occurrence time 2017-01-23 12:12:12
alarmFile Object Yes The array of evidence
array files corresponding to
the alarm
alarmFile Object array:

fileType number Yes 1-Ordinary video, 2-

Alarm video, 3-Normal
picture, 4-Alarm picture
filePath String 256 Yes Path of evidence file
channel number Channel number,
starting from 1
fileThumbnail string 256 Evidence thumbnail
fileStartTime string Yes Starting time 2017-01-23 12:12:12
Howen VSS Web API
fileStopTime string Yes End Time 2017-01-23 12:12:12
downUrl String 1024 Video download address

Request returned data successfully

"status": 10000,
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"deviceID": "8888881",
"alarmGuid": "91BAE324-0B6747A7-BAD0ECED-3EAA4BE0",
"alarmType": "132",
"alarmGps": "113.946548,22.5582657",
"alarmTime": "2021-04-23 13:37:55",
"alarmFile": [
"fileGuid": "FB07E391-4FCD44C3-92FEB1BF-475D7188",
"fileType": "2",
"filePath": "C:/Program Files
"downTaskType": "3",
"channel": 0,
"fileThumbnail": "C:/Program Files
"fileStartTime": "2021-04-23 13:37:49",
"fileStopTime": "2021-04-23 13:38:00",
"alarmType": "132",
"fileGuid": "1EB9CA53-B175429E-857BD752-288F3F9D",
"fileType": "4",
"filePath": "C:/Program Files
"downTaskType": "3",
"channel": 0,
"fileThumbnail": "C:/Program Files
"fileStartTime": "2021-04-23 13:37:55",
"fileStopTime": "2021-04-23 13:37:55",
"alarmType": "132",


Other conditions
"status": 10003,
"msg": "Server Error",
"data": null

3.13. Device control

Interface address:

Howen VSS Web API
Request method: HTTP Post

Private Request parameters: Json

Parameters Type Length Necessary Details

deviceID string 64 yes Device ID dev00001

action number yes 2--Restore factory settings
4--Image capture
5--Restore the oil circuit
6--cut off the oil circuit
7--Restore circuit
8--cut off the circuit
9--G-Sensor Calibration
Detailed parameters of image capture command

64 1;3;5;6
channelList string Channel list, pass; split, start
from 1. Only valid for snapshot

Request a json format example:

"channelList": "1;4;5;6"

Request returned data successfully

"status": 10000,
"msg": "Success",
"data": null

Examples of returned data in other cases

"status": 10003,
"msg": "Server error", //remind information
"data": null
Howen VSS Web API
3.14. Devide video download in Web
Howen VSS Web API

3.14.1. Add video download task

The client requests the management center to create a web video download task through this interface.

(1) http interface address:

(2) Request method: http post

(3) Json format parameters of Request

Parameters Type Le Necessary Details Example value


token The same as

username String 32 no Download user admin

resStartTime string 64 yes The start time of 2021-02-23

the task start 12:12:11
time range.
resEndTime string yes The deadline of
the task start
time range
deviceNo string yes Device number,
can be empty
channel Numb yes Channel number,
er starting from 1
resDeviceFilen String The path of the
ame video file on the
If this field has a
value, it will be
according to the
file, otherwise it
will be
Howen VSS Web API
according to the
time range by
fileFormat String yes File format,
 mp4
 Avi
Currently only
supports mp4

Json format example of requres:

"username": "",

"deviceNo": "girlfriend",

"channel": "1",

"resStartTime": "2021-04-06 00:00:00",

"resEndTime": "2021-04-06 00:02:00",

"resDeviceFileName": "",

"fileFormat": "mp4",

"token": "f02cfa1cd21138ac89f7f1a32f8339be",

"lang": "zh_CN"

Request returned data successfully


"status": 10000, //return code,refer to Error code for HTTP interface

"msg": "success", /return message


Howen VSS Web API



Returned data object parameters:
Parameters Type Leng Necessary Details Example value

taskId String 32 yes The task UUID

generated by the
fileServerHost String 128 yes Video file server
Format :http://ip:p
ort,or: https
resWebPath string 256 yes The web address
of the final video
file, which
compose a
complete video
address with
repeat Numb yes 0-represents a
er new task
1- represents a
task that is
repeated and has
2- Represents
the repeated task
Regardless of
whether it is
Howen VSS Web API
repeated, it
should be
successfully, it
should be
displayed in the
task list that is
downloaded, and
the download
progress should
be retrieved.

Examples of returned data in other cases


"status": 10003, //status code, refer to Error code for HTTP interface

"msg": "Server Error", //remind information

"data": null

3.14.2. Video download progress acquisition interface

The client obtains the web video download progress from the management center through this

(4) http interface address:

(5) Request method: http post

(6) Json format parameters of request

Parameters Type Lengt Necessar Details Example value

h y

taskId String 128 yes Task UUID
resWebPath string 256 yes The web address
of the final video
Howen VSS Web API

Returned data after requesting successfully


"status": 10000, //Return code, refer to Error code for HTTP interface

"msg": "success", /Return message





Returned data object parameters:
Parameters Type Leng Necessary Details Example value

taskId String 128 yes Task UUID

downState numb 128 yes Download status.
er 0-not started
1- is downloading
-1-Pause state
-9-Abnormal stop
When the status is
0/-1/-9, the user
can choose to
progress string 256 yes The download
Integer from 0-
Howen VSS Web API

Examples of returned data in other cases


"status": 10003, // status code,refer to Error code for HTTP interface

"msg": "Server Error", //remind information

"data": null

3.14.3. Video download task management (stop/resume/delete)

The client uses this interface to manage tasks, including stopping tasks, continuing to download
(restore), and delete.

(7) http interface address:

(8) Request method: http post

(9) Request json format parameters

Parameters Type Lengt Necessar Details Example value

h y

username string 32 yes Download user 1

taskId string 128 Task ID

action Numb yes 1 means delete
er task, delete task
will delete the
video file.
0 means stop the
1 means resume
resWebPath string 256 yes The web address
of the final video
Howen VSS Web API
Json format example of requres:


Request returned data successfully


"status": 10000, //Return code,refer to Error code for HTTP interface

"msg": "success", /returned messages

"data": null

Examples of returned data in other cases


"status": 10003, //Return code,refer to Error code for HTTP interface

"msg": "Server Error", //remind information

"data": null

3.14.4. Query video download task list

Interface address:

Request method: http post

Request parameter
Parameters Type Len Necess Details Example value
gth ary

pageNum int yes Page number, 2

query all -1
pageCount int yes Number per page, 20
query all -1
token varchar yes token

taskState Int Task status.

Howen VSS Web API
1- Unfinished
2- The download
is complete
Empty means
search out all
taskStartTim string 64 yes The start time of 2021-02-23 12:12:11
e the task start time
range. Format:
taskEndTime string Deadline of the
task start time
deviceNo string yes Device number,
could be empty
username String 32 yes Download user
scheme String 32 User browser
protocol scheme. It
can only be http or

Request returned data successfully


"status": 10000, //return code,refer to Error code for HTTP interface

"msg": "success", /return information

"data": {

"totalCount": 11, //total number

"pageCount": -1, //total number per page, -1 means query all=

"fromCount": 0, //Start number of current page

"toCount": -2, //End of the current page

"totalNum": -11, //total pages

"pageNum": -1, //Current page number

"dataList": [
Howen VSS Web API


"deviceNo":"20198002", //device id

"channel":1, //channel number, start from 1

"createTime":"2020-11-01 12:22:11",//Task
creation time

"resSTime":"2020-11-01 13:22:11", //Recording start


"resETime":"2020-11-01 13:42:11",//Recording end time




"taskState":1 //1-not finished,2-finished

downUrl composition:

1 filePath is a string (filePathBase64) after the base64 of the file path. The path supports
full absolute path and web absolute path;

2 token,should be md5(privatekey+filePathBase64)

Examples of returned data in other cases


"status": 10003, //status code,refer to Error code for HTTP interface

Howen VSS Web API
"msg": "Server Error", //remind information

"data": null

4. Websocket real time information Interface

Before starting webSocket subscription for real-time business messages, it must also log in through
the HTTP login interface, which requires to obtain the PID parameter and token parameter returned by
the server from the login interface and use them for webSocket subscription requests.

Subscribe to real-time information including device online or offline, alerts/events, GPS status, and

4.1. ws login and subscribe real-time message

Interface Address: ws://
Request way: websocket, short as ‘ws’
Request direction: ws clinet->ws server
Private request parameter:
Json Object/Attribute Type Length Required Description Example value
action number Yes Ws message type, 80000
Message type,
login and
subscription type
is 80,000, see: ws
message type
Payload object:
payload.username string 64 Yes User name admin string 128 Yes b9c7f86sdeg6f7e4
payload.token string 64 Yes The token abtained 0db6acgf92d0a2bd
after a succseeful API s5702d92ef906631
Json format example:
Howen VSS Web API
Request successfully and return data

Return data example in the other situation

"msg":"Invalid username"

4.2. ws subscribe to real-time message

interface address:ws://
Request method:websocket,also named as ws
Request direction:ws client->ws server
Private request parameters:
Json Object Type Lens Required Description Example
action number Yes ws message type, 80001
subscription type is
80001, refer : ws
message tyoe table
Payload Object:Empty
Json format example:

4.3. Heartbreak message

Interface address: ws://
Request direction: ws client->ws server
Client should send the heartbreak message to server per 1 minute to make sure channel active.
Howen VSS Web API
Private request parameter:
Json Object/Attribute Type Length Required Description Example Value
action number Yes Ws message type,
login and
subscription type is
80009, see: ws
message type table
Payload Object:
payload.username string 64 Yes User name admin
payload.token string 64 Yes The token obtained 0db6acgf92d0a2bd
after a successful API s5702d92ef906631
Json format example:
Request successfully and return data

4.4. Push device status information

Request way : websocket
Request direction: ws server->ws client
Request parameter:
Json Object/Attribute Type length Required Description Example value
action number Yes Ws message type, push 80000
status message
Yes80003, see: WS
message type table
Payload object definition
payload.deviceID string 128 Yes Device id 99990001
payload.location positioning information object
location.mode Number 8 Yes Location type 1
Howen VSS Web API
0—invalid positioning
5—base station
location.dtu String 24 Yes GPS positioning time 2018-01-11
11:35:02 Number 8 Yes Vehicle direction ,

location.speed Number Yes Speed, unit: KM/H
location.altitude String Yes
location.precision Number Yes Positioning
location.longitude String Yes longitude 114.106476
location.latitude String Yes latitude 22.5767326
payload.module Module state object Number
Mobile Network
module status, (0:the
ormal,3:not exist)

module.location Number Positioning module

Strange,3:Not exist)
module.record String Channel recording 0xf
video status
hexadecimal string
with each bit
representing the
recording state of the
channel, starting at
0.For example: Bit0
corresponds to the first
video, and so on
payload.basic Object
basic.key Number 1 acc on; 0 acc off Stores an array of state objects
storage.index Number Disk serial number
storage.status Number Disk
1:Recording, 2:Free,
Howen VSS Web API
3:Strange, 4:Disk is
full Number Total storage(MB) Number The rest of
payload.mileage Mileage object
mileage.todayDay Number On the day of the
mileage Number Total mileage
Json Format example:

"action": "80003",

"payload": {

"deviceID": "300341", //Device name

"location": { //Positioning information

"mode": "1", //Positioning type,1 is GPS

"dtu": "2018-01-11 11:35:02", //Device time

"direct": "59", //Direction 0~359°

"satellites": "0", //Satelite number

"speed": "17", //Speed, unit: KM/H

"altitude": "21", //Altitude(meter)

"precision": "50",//Positioning precision(meter)

"longitude": "114.106476",//Longitude

"latitude": "22.5767326"//Latitude


"module": { //State of the module

"mobile": "1",

"location": "1",

"wifi": "1",

"gsensor": "1",

"record": "0xf" //Channel recording state, BIT0 corresponds to the first video,
and so on



"key":"1", //1 acc on; 0 acc off

"storage" : [ //Stores an array of state abjects

Howen VSS Web API
"index" : "0", //Serial number

"status" : "1", //Disk status

"total" : "60906", //Total storage(MB)

"free" : "0" //the rest of the storage(MB)


"mileage": { //mileage information

"todayDay": "0", //On the day of the mileage(meter)

"total": "0" //Total mileage(meter)


4.5. Push Device online/offline info

Request way: websocket
Request direction: ws server->ws client
Request parameter:
Json object/attribute Type length Required Description Example value
action number Yes Ws message type, 80000
online/offline message
Yes80005, see: ws
message type table
Payload object definition
payload.deviceID string 128 Yes Device id 99990001
payload.accessMode Number Yes Device onlinenetwork
type, see: device
network status table
Json example:

"action": "80005",

"payload": {

"deviceID": "300342", //Device name

"accessMode": 5 Device online network type

4.6. Device event message push (Alarm message)

Request way: websocket
Howen VSS Web API
Request direction: ws server->ws client
Request parameter:
Json object/attribute Type length Required Description Example value
ws message type, event
message push
action number Yes 80004
Yes80004, see ws
message type table
Payload object definition
String 64 Yes Device id 99990001
payload.alarmID E2E7495A-
string 48 Yes Event uuid
attribute B77AB878-
payload.payload event details object
Occurrence device 2016-01-11
payload.dtu String 24 Yes
time 11:35:02
Type, see event code
ec Number 16 Yes
St String 24 Yes start time
et String 24 Yes end time
Alarm detailed
parameters. Contains
detailed alarm related
det Object No parameters and alarm
You can refer to the
code table.
payload.location Object (location message object)
Location type
location.mode Number 8 Yes 1
5—base station
location.dtu String 24 Yes GPS locating time
11:35:02 Number 8 Yes direction,0~359°

location.speed Number Yes speed,unit: KM/H

location.altitude String Yes Altitude (meter)
Location accuracy
location.precision Number Yes
Howen VSS Web API
location.longitude String Yes Longitude 114.106476
location.latitude String Yes Latitude 22.5767326

Json example:

"action": "80004",

"payload": {

"deviceID": "300342", //device id

"alarmID": "60D27AA2-E2E7495A-B77AB878-D58861F2", //event id

"payload": {

"det": { //detail

"ch": "1" //Triggered channel, starting from 1


"dtu": "2018-01-12 09:34:20", //Device time

"ec": "1", //Event message type

"et": "2018-01-12 09:34:30", //end time

"st": "2018-01-12 09:34:20"



"dtu":"2021-01-25 17:31:59",








Howen VSS Web API

5. Web video integration(Webpage embedding

5.1. Device real-time video preview URL
External platforms can load the VIDEO preview HTTP URL provided by VSS through iframe in their own Web
pages, and pass relevant parameters through URL to quickly complete the development of video preview function.
This page supports multiple channels playing at the same time.
 Real time preview http URL address
Format example is as follows:

The parameters are defined as follows:

(1) token, required parameter ,Yes the string of tokens returned after successful login through the HTTP API

login interface

(2) deviceId, required parameter,the device ID which needed to play video

(3) chs, required parameter,channel list,each channel number is separated by an underscore”_”

(4) stream, required parameter,Stream code,1 represents the main-stream,0 represents the first sub-stream

(5) wnum, optional parameter , Default window number (Required is one of 1/4/6/9/16) , when less than the

number of channels, the number of channels shall prevail.

(6) panel,optional parameter,whether to display the window layout panel. 1.display(default), 0 not display.

Note: if needs to control multiple screens by yourself, you can open one channel at a time, and make a

configuration wnmu=1,panel=0。

(7) buffer, optional parameter, video buffer time, in milliseconds, default 2000. For mobile app, it is
recommended to set to 0
Note: If needs to control multiple channels, you can open one channel at a time and set wnmu=1,panel=0

 Real time preview https URL address

All of them are the same except that the port is different (using the default port of 443),as follows:

5.2. Web URL for device to listen

 Device to monitor the http URL address
The format example is as follows:
The parameters are defined as follows:

(1) Token parameter,the string of tokens returned after successful login through the HTTP API login interface

(2) deviceId parameter,the device ID of the device which needs to play

Howen VSS Web API
(3) chs parameter,channel number,starting at 1, the listener can carry only one channel number

 https URL address

 All of them are the same except that the port is different (using the default port of 443),as follows:

5.3. URL of device intercom webpage

Web intercom can only be used normally under https. VSS is a self-signed certificate by default,
and the browser will prompt an access warning. It is recommended to install a certificate issued
by a certificate authority.

 Device intercom https URL address

 The format example is as follows:
The parameters are defined as follows:
(1)The token parameter is the token string returned after successful login through the http
api login interface
(2)deviceId parameter ,the device ID of the device tht needs to play

5.4. Web URL for Device playback video

This page supports simultaneous playback of multiple videos
 Device video replay HTTP URL address
The format example is as follows:

The parameters are defined as follows:

(4) token, required parameter,The string of tokens returned after successful login through the HTTP API login


(5) deviceId, required parameter,the device ID of the device which needs to play

(6) chs, required parameter,A list of channels, with each channel number separated by an underscore "_"

(7) st, required parameter,Video start time. Format YYYYMMDDHHIISS

(8) et, required parameter,Video end time

(8) wnum, optional parameter , Default window number (Required is one of 1/4/6/9/16) , when less than the

number of channels, the number of channels shall prevail.

(9) panel , optional parameter , Whether to display the window layout panel.1, displayed (default), 0 not

(10) Speed, fast-forwarding parameter, could be 2/4/8/16
(11) buffer, optional parameter, video buffer time, in milliseconds, default 2000. For mobile app, it is
recommended to set to 0
Howen VSS Web API

 https URL Addrerss

All of them are the same except that the port is different (using the default port of 443),as follows:

5.5. Web URL of playback of small alarm video and Server Recording clips
The small alarm video in server refers to the small video clip generated by the alarm linkage, which is
finally stored on the VSS server. This webpage can only play one server video file, and does not
support multiple channel play at the same time.
Server video clips: The video server actively grabs the real-time video of the device and saves it on the
VSS server. The video is sliced and stored by time. This interface supports playing a certain clips of
video. The video path can be obtained using the http video file search interface.
 Server video playback http URL address
The parameters are defined as follows:
(1) The token parameter is the token string returned after successful login through the
http api login interface
(2) deviceId parameter, the device id of the device to be played
(3) chs parameter, channel list, each channel number is separated by underscore "_"
(4) The fpath parameter, the full path of the server video file obtained through the http
video search interface, needs to be passed in after base64 encoding

 https URL address

Except that the port is different (using the default port 443), everything else is the same.

5.6. Web URL for Server to playback of regularly downloaded video

Server video refers to the video downloaded from the device by VSS on a regular basis. This page can only play a
server video file, and does not support multiple images.
 Video replay HTTP server URL
The format example is as follows:
The parameters are defined as follows: :

(1) Token parameter,the string of tokens returned after successful login through the HTTP API login interface

(2) deviceId parameter, the device ID of the device which needs to play

(3) chs parameter, A list of channels, with each channel number separated by an underscore "_"

(4) fpath parameter , the full path of the server video file obtained through the HTTP video search interface,
Howen VSS Web API
need to be encoded by base64 and then write.
 https URL address
All of them are the same except that the port is different (using the default port of 443)

5.7. Video Request HTTP URL

The Vss platform provides a streaming media request service based on the flv over http standard
protocol for H.264 video access, and the audio uses AAC encoding. Third-party platforms can request
playback through common open source players such as flvjs and vlc.
1) Device real-time video request url
Service port 33122, service type flag is "live"
The url needs to carry the following parameters, and each parameter is separated by underscore:
 token, Token obtained after logging in through the http web api login interface
 deviceId,Device ID
 channel, Channel number, starting from 1.
 stream, The requested stream type, 1 represents the main stream, 0 represents the sub stream
Request the first channel sub-stream audio and video stream with the device id of 666888:

2) Device video playback request url

Server port 33122, service type flag is ”replay”
Url needs to carry the following parameters, and each parameter is separated by underscore:
 token, Token obtained after logging in through the http web api login interface
 deviceId,Device ID
 channel, Channel number, starting from 1.
 startDateTime, Request recording start time , format: yyyyMMddHHmmss , for example
20201015123040, which means 2020-10-15 12:30:40
 endDateTime,Request recording end time, same format as above
Howen VSS Web API

6. Web video SDK (Javascript sdk)

Third-party platforms can realize online playback of various audio and video data by integrating
VSS's open JavaScript player SDK.
SDK api document address: http://vssServerIp:9966/vss/apiPage/api_vss.html
SDK Demo address: http://vssServerIp:9966/vss/apiPage/api_demo_player.html
Howen VSS Web API
Howen VSS Web API

7. Code sheet
7.1. Error code for HTTP interface
Error code Description
10000 Operation successful

10001 Account or password error

10002 Verification code error

10003 Server error

10004 Not logged in

10005 Please fill in the mandatory parameter

10006 Device not exist

10007 Operation failed

10008 Vehicle not exist

10009 Fleet not exist

10010 Driver not exist

10011 Role not exist

10012 Account not exist

10013 Server not exist

10014 Area not exist

10015 Vehicle not in the area

10016 Account already existed

10017 Account not activated

10018 No authority

10019 Auto download plan not exist

10020 Alarm auto download plan not exist

10021 File Information of alarm auto download file not exist

10022 File information of auto download not exist

10023 Access token error

10024 Record not exist

10025 No record

10026 Illegal parameter

10027 Original password error

10028 Fail to update configuration of server

10029 Device already exist

10030 Quantity of intercom channel cannot be more than 32.

10031 Quantity of output channel cannot be more than 32.

10032 Quantity of input channel cannot be more than 32.

Howen VSS Web API
10033 Quantity of audio coding channel cannot be more than 32.

10034 The number of audio coding channel does not match the number of channel name.

10043 Device is offline

7.2. Device online status

Value Description

-1 Offline

0 Unknown

1 Ethernet


3 2G

4 3G

5 4G

6 5G

7 WIFI+3/4/5G, connected to mobile network agent via Wi-Fi

8 CABLE+3/4/5G, connected to mobile network agent via Ethernet

7.3. Type of data frame

Value Description

0 Invalid

1 Main Stream(H264)

2 Virtual stream(H264)

3 Audio frame(G726 contains 2 bytes special header)

4 Serial port data frame

File data frame( Media data length and other information are all 0, indicating
that the file transmission is complete and the video playback is complete)

6 Status data frame(Valid when played back)

7 Alarm data frame(Valid when played back)

7.4. Type of service

Value Description

3 Storage

Flow media
Howen VSS Web API
7.5. Device status
Value Description

-1 Offline

0 Unknown

1 Online via Ethernet

2 Online via WIFI

3 Online via 2G mobile network

4 Online via 3G mobile network

5 Online via 4G mobile network

6 Online via 5G mobile network

7 Online via WIFI+3/4/5G, connected to mobile network agent via Wi-Fi

8 Online via CABLE+3/4/5G, connected to mobile network agent via CABLE

7.6. Type of file

Value Description

0 Unknown

1 Ordinary video

2 Alarm video

3 Ordinary captured file

4 Alarm captured file

5 Update file

6 Log file

7 Configuration file

8 Black box

7.7. PTZ movement code

Value Description

0 Unknown

1 Up

2 Down

3 Left

4 Right

5 Upper left

6 Lower left

7 Upper right
Howen VSS Web API
8 Lower right

9 Jump to preset position

10 Set preset position

11 Clear preset position

12 Big aperture

13 Small aperture

14 Zoom out

15 Zoom in

16 Focus near

17 Focus far

18 Auto pan

19 Start wiper

20 Stop wiper

21 Cruise on

22 Cruise off

23 Light on

24 Light off

7.8. Type of device

Value Description

Hero-ME41-04 Howen device, Hero-ME41-04

Hero-ME40-04 Howen device, Hero-ME40-04

Hero-ME34-04 Howen device, Hero-ME34-04

Hero-ME32-04 Howen device, Hero-ME32-04

Hero-ME31-04 Howen device, Hero-ME31-04

Hero-ME34-08 Howen device, Hero-ME34-08

Hero-ME31-08 Howen device, Hero-ME31-08

Hero-MA80-08 Howen device, Hero-MA80-08

Hero-ME41-02 Howen device, Hero-ME41-02

7.9. Event of alarm

Value Description

0 Unknown

1 Video lost

2 Motion detection

3 Video overshadowed
Howen VSS Web API
4 Alarm input triggered

5 Alarm of emergency

6 Alarm of low speed

7 Alarm of high speed

8 Alarm of low temperature

9 Alarm of high temperature

10 Alarm of humidity

11 Park overtime

12 Alarm of vibration

13 Electronic fence

14 Electronic route

15 Exception of open or close door

16 Storage abnormal

17 Fatigue driving

18 Exceptional volume of gas

19 Illegal ignition

20 Location module abnormal

21 Front panel open

22 RFID tagged


24 Rapid acceleration

25 Rapid deceleration

26 Low speed pre-alarm

27 High speed pre-alarm

28 Voltage alarm

29 Population statistics

30 DMS/ADAS alarm (Active safety alarm)

Forward collision warning
Lane departure warning
Front vehicle distance is too close warning
Pedestrian collision warning
Frequent lane change alarm
Road marking violation alarm
Harsh acceleration
Harsh breaking
Howen VSS Web API
Road sign recognition incident
FCW Forward relative velocity collision
HMW Forward absolute velocity collision
LDW_L Left lane departure
LDW_R Right lane departure
VB Low-speed forward collision alarm
Fatigue driving alarm
Calling alarm
Smoking alarm
Distracted driving alarm
Driver abnormal alarm
Driver change event
Eyes closing
Camera cover alarm
glance right and left
Not wearing a seat belt
No driver
Drinking water
Driver changing
Driver returns
Infrared sunglasses
Driver authentication succeeded
Driver authentication failed
No face detected

7.10. DMS/ADAS alarm subtype

The definition of the subtype is encapsulated in the alarm details det object in the DMS/ADAS alarm message.
Example of det object format:

tp: subtype,descriptions as below:

Remarks: 1 to 21 are ADAS types; 33 to 83 are DMS types;
Howen VSS Web API
Value Description
1 Forward collision alarm
2 Lane departure warning
3 Car distance too near
4 Pedestrian collision alarm
5 Frequent lane change alarm
6 Road sign violation alarm
7 Harsh acceleration
8 Harsh braking
16 Road sign recognition event
17 FCW: forward collision warning
18 HMW: Headway monitoring warning
19 LDW_L: left lane departure warning
20 LDW_R: right lane departure warning
21 VB: low-speed forward collision warning
33 Fatigue driving alarm
34 Phone call alarm
35 Smoking alarm
36 Distracted driving alarm
37 Driver abnormal alarm
49 Driver Changed
65 Eye closed
66 Yawning
67 Camera cover
68 Distracted Driving
69 Seat belt not fastened
70 No driver
71 Drinking water
72 Driver shift
73 Driver back
80 Infrared sunglasses
81 Driver ID identified successfully
82 Driver ID identified failed
83 Cannot detect human face

7.11.Alarm details type:

video loss, motion detection, video blind, input trigger, emergency alarm
content filed name description
channel ch trigger channel, starting from 1

Input trigger
Content Field Description
Channel ch Triggered channel, starting from 1
Howen VSS Web API
Number num 0- MDVR box open.
1- Emergency/ Panic
2- F-door
3- M- door
4- B-door
5- Near light
6- Far light
9- R-Turn (right turn)
10- L-Turn (left turn)
11- Braking,
12- Reverse
13- Reservered 1
14- F-door close
15- M-Door Close
16- B-door close
17- Talk (start the intercom)
18- Raise up
19- Airtight
20- Load

low speed alarm, over speed alarm, low speed warning, high speed warning, harsh acceleration, harsh
braking, low temperature alarm, high temperature alarm
content filed name description
trigger threshold vt conditional value, if >90 is over speed, then the trigger threshold is
time threshold tt if > 90 over 5 second is over speed, then the time threshold is 5
maximum value max Maximum value during the alarm
minimum value min Minimum value during the alarm
average avg Average value during the alarm
current value cur Current value when reporting
Previous second Pre The value of one second before

Overtime parking
content filed name Description
trigger value vt
parking time st second

vibration alarm / Acceleration Alarm

content field name Description
trigger vt conditional value, if >90 is over speed, then the trigger threshold is
threshold 90
time threshold tt if > 90 over 5 second is over speed, then the time threshold is 5
maximum max Maximum value during the alarm
Howen VSS Web API
minimum min Minimum value in a period
current value avg Average value in a period
current value cur Current value when reporting
direction dt 1—X direction, 2—Y direction, 3—Z direction, 4—impact, 5—tilt
Previous Pre The value of one second before

Electronic fencing, Electronic route

content field name description
numbering num fencing or route numbering
status st 0—enter, 1—leave 2- fence over-speed
Keep field Resv At present, resV has value only when St is equal to 2, 1 means the
beginning of overspeed, 0 means the end of overspeed

abnormal open/ close door

content field name description
Channel Ch Triggered channel of inputs, starting from 1
numbering num 2—front door, 3—mid door, 4—back door
status st 0—close, 1—open

storage abnormal
content filed name description
numbering num For example: sd1, sd2, hdd1, hdd2
status st 0—loss, 1—broken, 2— cannot overwrite, 3—Write block fail, 4—
disk broken

People counting
content filed name description
Front door onbus Up0 The number of onbus people, <0 means invalid
people number
Front door offbus Dw0 The number of offbus people, <0 means invalid
people number
Back door onbus Up1 The number of onbus people, <0 means invalid
people number
back door offbus Dw1 The number of offbus people, <0 means invalid
people number
longitude lon
latitude lat
Pat 0-real time 1-stored and forward (data was resent after network
time tm Format: “ yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss”
Va Current onbus people number byte is valid or not (device calculated),
0-invalid , 1-valid
Cur the current number of people onbus
Howen VSS Web API

Active Safety (DMS & ADAS )

content field name description
fatigue level de Refer to alarm type

fuel level abnormal alarm

content field name description
trigger threshold vt
oil tank capacity to unit : Litre
balance fuel fr unit : Litre

Swipe Card (RFID/NFC/ Magnetic Card reader etc)

Content Field name Description
Swipe card type tp 1-Driver, 2-Student, 3-invalid card
Swipe card info cn Card number, etc.
Onboard/offboard up 1— Onboard (check-in), 2—Offboard (check out), else—invalid
if for Driver swipe card: 1-login, 2-log out. Other-invalid
History ht 1—Historical data 2—Realtime data, Else—invalid

Content Field name Description
High/low voltage dt 1—low voltage 2—high voltage

Fatigue detection (buit-in DMS)

(Only for firmware with built-in fatigue function)
Content Field name Description
Fatigue detection appDefinedCo 1133Fatigue alarm(close eye, shake head, Overlooking the mobile
de phone and etc) Message type table

Value Description

The client will request login verification after successful connection, and automatically
start subscription after successful connection
Subscribe to real-time messages
The server pushes device status information to the client
The server pushes device alarm event to the client
The server pushes device online/offline information to the client
Howen VSS Web API
The client sends heartbeat information to server at regular intervals

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