MEDORRHINUMThe Gonorrhśal Virus

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by William BOERICKE, M.D.

Presented by Médi-T
The Gonorrhśal Virus
A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed
gonorrhśa. For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Chronic rheumatism. Great disturbance and
irritability of nervous system. Pains intolerable; tensive; nerves quiver and tingle. Children dwarfed
and stunted. Chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Nose dirty, tonsils enlarged, thick yellow
mucus from nostrils; lips thickened from mouth breathing. State of collapse and trembling all over.
History of sycosis. Often restores a gonorrhśal discharge. Intensity of all sensations. Śdema of
limbs; dropsy of serous sacs. Disseminated sclerosis.
Mind.--Weak memory. Loses the thread of conversation. Cannot speak without weeping. Time
passes too slowly (Cannab ind; Arg n). Is in a great hurry. Hopeless of recovery. Difficult
concentration. Fears going insane (Mancinella). Sensibility exalted. Nervous, restless. Fear in the
dark and of some one behind her. Melancholy, with suicidal thoughts.
Head.--Burning pain in brain; worse, occiput. Head heavy and drawn backward. Headache from
jarring of cars, exhaustion, or hard work. Weight and pressure in vertex. Hair dry, crispy. Itching of
scalp; dandruff.
Eyes.--Feels as if she stared at everything. Eyeballs ache. Feels as if sticks in eyes. Lids irritated.
Ears.--Partial deafness, pulsation in ears. Quick, darting pains in right ear.
Nose.--Intense itching. Coldness of tip. Posterior nares obstructed. Chronic nasal and pharyngeal
Face.--Pallor, acne, blotches of reddish color. Small boils break out during menses.
Mouth.--Tongue coated brown and thick, blistered; canker sores. Blisters on inner surface of lips
and cheeks.
Stomach.--Coppery taste and eructations of sulphuretted hydrogen. Ravenous hunger soon after
eating. Very thirsty. Cravings for liquor, salt, sweets, etc, warm drinks. Pernicious vomiting of
Abdomen.--Violent pain in liver and spleen. Rests more comfortably lying on abdomen.
Stool.--Can pass stool only by leaning very far back. Painful lump sensation on posterior surface of
sphincter. Oozing of fetid moisture. Intense itching of anus.
Urine.--Painful tenesmus when urinating. Nocturnal enuresis. Renal colic (Berb; Ocim; Pareir).
Urine flows very slowly.
Female.--Intense pruritus. Menses offensive, profuse, dark, clotted; stains difficult to wash out,
urinates frequently at that time. Sensitive spot near os uteri. Leucorrhśa thin, acrid, excoriating,
fishy odor. Sycotic warts on genitals. Ovarian pain, worse left side, or from ovary to ovary. Sterility.
Metrorrhagia. Intense menstrual colic. Breasts cold, sore, and sensitive.
Male.--Nocturnal emissions, followed by great weakness. Impotence. Gleet; whole urethra feels
sore. Urethritis. Enlarged and painful prostate with frequent urging and painful urination.
Respiratory.--Much oppression of breathing. Hoarse while reading. Pain and soreness through
chest and mammć. Incessant, dry, night cough. Asthma. Incipient consumption. Larynx feels sore.
Dyspnśa; cannot exhale (Samb). Cough; better lying on stomach.
Extremities.--Pain in back, with burning heat. Legs heavy; ache all night; cannot keep them still
(Zinc). Ankles easily turn when walking. Burning of hands feet. Finger-joints enlarged, puffy. Gouty
concretions. Heels and balls of feet tender (Thuja). Soreness of soles. Restless; better, clutching
Skin.--Yellow. Intense and incessant itching; worse night and when thinking of it. Fiery red rash
about anus in babies. Copper-colored spots. Favus. Tumors and abnormal growth.
Fever.--Wants to be fanned all the time. Chills up and down back; coldness of legs, hands, and
forearms. Flashes of heat in face and neck. Night-sweat and hectic.
Sleep.--Dreams she is drinking (Ars; Phos). Sleeps in knee-chest position.
Modalities.--Worse, when thinking of ailment, from daylight to sunset, heat, inland. Better, at the
seashore, lying on stomach, damp weather (Caust).
Relationship.--Compare: (Lactation: Galega; Lactuca). Sulph; Syphil; Zinc.
Dose.--The very highest potencies only of service. Must not be repeated often.

Πότε χρησιμοποιείται το Medorrhinum στην ομοιοπαθητική

Aπό το βακτήριο Neisseria gonorrhoeae της γονόρροιας
Ένα ισχυρό ομοιοπαθητικό φάρμακο, που συχνά ενδείκνυται για χρόνιες παθήσεις που οφείλονται
στην βλεννόρροια, δηλαδή για τις γυναίκες με χρόνιες πυελικές διαταραχές, με χρόνιους
ρευματισμούς, με μεγάλη διαταραχή και ευερεθιστότητα του νευρικού συστήματος, με πόνους
αφόρητους και  ένταση και νεύρα, για την υπανάπτυξη στα παιδιά, για τις χρόνιες καταρροϊκές
παθήσεις στα παιδιά, για ρινίτιδες, αμυγδαλές πρησμένες, παχιά κίτρινη βλέννα από τα ρουθούνια,
για την αναπνοή από το στόμα, για την κατάρρευση, τον τρόμο και τη θυλακίτιδα ή  σύκωση, για το
οίδημα των άκρων, την υδρωπικία, την σκλήρυνση κατά πλάκας και τον καρκίνο.

Χρήσεις Medorrhinum
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις της μνήμης: Αδύναμη μνήμη. Χάνει το νήμα της
συζήτησης. Δεν μπορεί να μιλήσει. Δύσκολη συγκέντρωση. Φοβίες. Ευαισθησία. Νευρικότητα,
ανησυχία. Φόβος στο σκοτάδι. Μελαγχολία, με σκέψεις αυτοκτονίας.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις του κρανίου και του εγκεφάλου: Πονοκέφαλος. Το
κεφάλι είναι βαρύ. Εξάντληση. Μαλλιά ξηρά. Κνησμός του τριχωτού της κεφαλής. Πιτυρίδα.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις ματιών: Πόνος στα μάτια. Ερεθισμός βλεφάρων. 
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις αυτιών: Μερική κώφωση. Εμβοές στα αυτιά. Πόνος στο
δεξί αυτί.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις μύτης: Έντονη φαγούρα. Ψυχρότητα της άκρης της μύτης.
Η οπίσθια ρουθούνια παρεμποδίζεται. Χρόνια ρινική και του φάρυγγα catarrhs.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις του προσώπου: Ωχρότητα, ακμή, κηλίδες κοκκινωπού
χρώματος. Εξάψεις κατά τη διάρκεια των εμμήνων.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις στόματος: Επίχρισμα γλώσσας καφέ και παχύ. Φουσκάλες
στην εσωτερική επιφάνεια των χειλιών και τα μάγουλα.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις του στομάχου: Ερυγές και ρεψίματα. Λαιμαργία αμέσως
μετά το φαγητό. Πολύ δίψα. Πόθος για υγρά, αλάτι, γλυκά και ζεστά ροφήματα. Κακοήθεις έμετοι
της κύησης.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις κοιλιάς: Έντονος πόνος στο συκώτι και τη σπλήνα. 
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις πρωκτού:  Οδυνηρή αίσθηση στην επιφάνεια του
σφιγκτήρα. Δύσοσμη υγρασία του πρωκτού. Έντονος κνησμός του πρωκτού.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις ουροποιητικού: Επώδυνος τεινεσμός κατά την ούρηση.
Νυχτερινή ενούρηση. Κολικός του νεφρού. Αργή ροή ούρων.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για γυναικολογικές παθήσεις: Έντονος κνησμός των γεννητικών
οργάνων. Έμμηνα  άφθονα, σκοτεινά, με θρόμβους. Λευκόρροια με οσμή ψαριού. Κονδυλώματα
στα γεννητικά όργανα. Πόνος ωοθηκών, κυρίως, στην αριστερή πλευρά. Στειρότητα. Μητρορραγία.
Έντονοι κολικοί εμμήνων. Στήθη κρύα, με πόνο, και ευαίσθητα.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για ανδρικές παθήσεις: Νυχτερινές ονειρώξεις και μεγάλη αδυναμία.
Ανικανότητα. Πόνος στην ουρήθρα. Ουρηθρίτιδα. Διευρυμένος και επώδυνος προστάτης με
επώδυνη ούρηση.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για αναπνευστικές παθήσεις: Δύσπνοια. Βραχνή φωνή κατά την
ανάγνωση. Πόνος μέσα από το στήθος και στους μαστούς. Αδιάκοπος, ξηρός βήχας τη νύχτα.
Άσθμα. Πόνος στο λάρυγγα. Δύσκολη εκπνοή. Βήχας από ΓΟΠ.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις των άκρων: Πόνος στην πλάτη και κάψιμο. Πόδια βαριά.
Πόδια που πονούν όλη τη νύχτα. Κάψιμο των χεριών και ποδιών. Πρησμένες αρθρώσεις και
δάχτυλα. Ουρική αρθρίτιδα. Πόνος στις πατούσες. Σύνδρομο ανήσυχων ποδιών.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις του δέρματος: Ίκτερος. Έντονη και αδιάκοπη φαγούρα. Η
φαγούρα είναι χειρότερη νύχτα. Κόκκινο εξάνθημα γύρω από τον πρωκτό σε μωρά. Χρωματιστές
χάλκινες κηλίδες. Καρκίνος δέρματος.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις με πυρετό: Ρίγη. Ψυχρότητα των ποδιών και χεριών.
Θερμότητα στο πρόσωπο και το λαιμό. Νυχτερινοί ιδρώτες.
Medorrhinum θεραπεία για παθήσεις ύπνου: Όνειρα σεξουαλικά. Ύπνος σε θέση γόνατο-
Παρασκευάζεται από έκκριμα της γονόρροιας. Είναι κατάλληλο για άτομα γενικά
υπερσεξουαλικά, του πάθους και των άκρων. Τους αρέσει ιδιαίτερα η θάλασσα, η οποία και
βελτιώνει τη συμπτωματολογία τους. Βελτίωση κατά τις βραδυνές ώρες. Επιθυμία για ξινά
Διαβάστε, επίσης,
Θεραπεία ασθενειών με τα άλατα ιστών
Χρήσιμες ιατρικές συνταγές με καλαμπόκι
Χρήσιμες ιατρικές συνταγές με θρούμπι
Χρήσιμες ιατρικές συνταγές με μαϊντανό
Χρήσιμες ιατρικές συνταγές με πεύκο
Ζαμπούκος ο μαύρος
Ομοιοπαθητικά φάρμακα για την κατάθλιψη
Σταματήστε να κάνετε χημειοθεραπεία
Ομοιοπαθητικά φάρμακα για την κατάθλιψη
Ομοιοπαθητικά φάρμακα για την δυσμηνόρροια
Δυσκοιλιότητα και ομοιοπαθητική
Ομοιοπαθητική για τις αρθρίτιδες
Εναλλακτικές θεραπείες για την αμυγδαλίτιδα
Ομοιοπαθητική για τον αλκοολισμό
Το σύνδρομο της χρόνιας κόπωσης
Ιατρικές συνταγές με γαϊδουράγκαθο
Αιμορροΐδες και ομοιοπαθητική
Ομοιοπαθητική για τη διακοπή καπνίσματος
Χρήσιμες ιατρικές συνταγές για την Αχιλλαία
Το πλεμονόχορτο
Αντιμετώπιση ημικρανιών
Οι εναλλακτικές θεραπείες στο άσθμα
Το μαύρο φιδόχορτο
Αντιστρές εναλλακτικές θεραπείες
Ομοιοπαθητική και αϋπνία
Εναλλακτικές θεραπείες για τον καρκίνο
Aνθοϊάματα Μπαχ
Haematoxylum campechianum
Το θαλασσινό αλάτι στην ομοιοπαθητική
Ομοιοπαθητική και εμβόλια
Lycopodium Clavatum
Marsdenia cundurango
Prunus padus
Scrophularia nodosa
Θεραπεία του καρκίνου με Iscador
Λευκή μελιά
Lachesis mutus
Τα ομοιοπαθητικά φάρμακα για τις ημικρανίες
Γνωρίστε τα ομοιοπαθητικά φάρμακα
Σύγχρονα φάρμακα φτιαγμένα από τη φύση
Θεραπείες της ομοιοπαθητικής
Οι εναλλακτικές θεραπείες στο άσθμα
Η φλεγμονώδης νόσος της πυέλου
Η καλύτερη προστασία στο σεξ
Το αίμα στο σπέρμα
Ποια είναι τα σεξουαλικώς μεταδιδόμενα νοσήματα;
Τι είναι η πυουρία
Πονάτε κατά την σεξουαλική επαφή;
Μήπως έχετε πόνο στην εκσπερμάτιση;
Όταν μυρίζουν τα γεννητικά όργανα
Λοιμώξεις γεννητικών οργάνων γυναίκας
Κολπικές πλύσεις για τις κολπίτιδες
Οξεία επιδιδυμίτιδα
Εργαστηριακός έλεγχος για σεξουαλικώς μεταδιδόμενα νοσήματα
 Medorrhinum: another surprising homeopathic remedy
Published Tuesday 08 May 2018
Homeopaths seem prone to getting a few things badly wrong (evidently, if not they would not be
homeopaths!). Gonorrhoea is not a viral condition as some of them seem to assume, for instance; it
is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. But never mind, we should not be pedantic.
Anyway, I wasn’t going to write about gonorrhoea (but I will come back to it at the end of this blog)
nor its homeopathic treatment. Today, I want to tell you a little bit about a specific homeopathic
remedy with amazing qualities.

According to this website, Medorrhinum is a powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated

for chronic ailments… For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Chronic Rheumatism. Great
disturbance and irritability of nervous system. Pains intolerable, tensive; nerves quiver and tingle.
Children dwarfed and stunted. Chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Nose dirty, tonsils
enlarged, thick yellow mucus from nostrils; lips thickened from mouth breathing. State of collapse
and Trembling all over. History of sycosis. Often restores a gonorrhoeal discharge. Intensity of all
sensations. Oedema of limbs; dropsy of serous sacs. Disseminated sclerosis.
Another website advocates Medorrhinum particularly for children: One of the many uses of this
remedy is in the inherited complaints of children. The physician of long and active experience meets
many obstinate cases in children. The infant soon emaciates and becomes marasmic, or a child
becomes asthmatic, or suffers with vicious catarrh of nose or eyelids, or has ringworm on the scalp
or face, or is dwarfed… This remedy will cure, or begin the recovery.

And the US ‘National Center for Homeopathy‘ recommends Medorrhinum for all of the following
Clonic spasms.
Eyes, inflammation of.
Headache, neuralgic.
Liver, abscess of.
Ovaries, pains in.
Pelvic cellulitis.
Psoriasis palmaris.
Renal colic.
Shoulder, pains in.
Do I really need to mention that none of these claims are supported by evidence?
I am sure that, by now, you are keen to learn what Medorrhinum is made from. It is prepared from
the urethral discharge of a male patient suffering from gonorrhoea.
No, I kid you not!
For once, we can all consider ourselves lucky that homeopaths tend to dilute their remedies until all
of the original substance has disappeared!

Introduced by Swan.
Provings by Swan, Ren Dell, C. H. Allen, Finch, Norton, Frost, Farrington, Cleveland, Laura
Morgan, Berridge, Wilder, Higgins, Ostrom, Nichols, Peace, Sawyer, Carr. Bigler. Macdonald, in
Great Britain, and Noegerath and Lydston, in American, have published fatal cases, and the effects
of the poison. The symptoms produced by the virus in acute cases have been included in the
pathogenesis, just as the toxic symptoms of
Arsenic, Mercurius,
and Plumbum are included in the pathogenesis. The potentizing of the virus has
developed latent dynamic forces, which is just as effective in homeopathic practice, prescribed
strictly on its symptomatological basis as any other remedy. If the symptoms of the patient call for
this remedy it should be prescribed with the same confidence as any other in the Materia Medica,
entirely irrespective of the sycotic history in the case. Like every other nosode, it should be
prescribed according to its strict indications, just as we prescribe Arsenic, or
Sulphur, irrespective of its origin or the diagnosis.
We append the following graphic description on the effects of
For women, with chronic ovaritis, salpingitis, pelvic cellulitis, fibroids, cysts, and other morbid
growths of the uterus and ovaries, especially if symptoms point to malignancy, with or without
sycotic origin.
When thinking of it (
Helon., Ox. ac.).
heat, covering. stretching out.
leaning head forward. thunderstorm.
least movement. sweets.
salt bathing. early morning (three to four A. M.).
common to this remedy and all sycotics.
in the mountains. in the sun.
armth of bed. entering a warm room.
from warmth, even when cold to the touch.
from daylight to sunset (rev. of
syph., which is worse from sunset to sunrise)p.
in many cases where improvement reaches a certain stage, and then stops, Medorrhinum has
removed the obstruction and the case progressed to a cure.
Indisposed to work or make mental effort.
desire for rest and dread of change.
noise, confusion, disorderliness of surroundings distressing.
depression and much anxiety, especially after sleep.
irritable if the room is not light enough to make everything distinct.
craving for stimulants, but cannot endure the effects, for they cause a wild, crazy feeling in brain
after the first sleep.
same effect from using eyes.
Vertigo when stooping.
several times during day sudden attacks, seemingly in vertex, with danger of falling.
things did not seem to go round, but there was a sensation and fear of falling, only slightly better
lying down, worse on movement.
always woke with it. as if intoxicated.
walks zigzag. in occiput extending to vertex, with sensation of enlargement of occiput .
Sensation as of three points of tension in head, in centre of each hemisphere and cerebellum.
as if large cords were drawn to each from every part of lobes and cerebellum.
extremely painful, caused a disposition to run wildly through streets tearing hair.
seemed as if tensive pains would break, when suddenly they relaxed and a bubbling sensation
passed from centres to circumferences.
when reached, the tensive pains began again.
Swelling in region of left submaxillary gland, the size of a goose egg.
whiskers over tumor came out.
softened in centre, at times sharp, shooting pains.
on being opened discharge a large quantity of thin, bloody pus.
was opened several times, finally the aperture formed raised embankment-like edges.
the pus burrowed until arrested by clavicle, where it formed an enormous swelling (better after
Thuja 3m.).
the tumors left fistulous openings which were a long time in healing.
Sensation of an abscess on left chest between pectoralis major and minor where they form anterior
boundary of axillary space, hard and sensitive to touch, drawing pains in every direction, worse
motion of arm.
great heat extending about three inches from spot and through to back of shoulder, no redness and
very slight swelling.
Takes cold at the slightest exposure, begins in the head and goes down on the lungs.
severe burning in the base of the tongue extending down the bronchi as if he had inhaled hot steam.
worse in the morning, a raw feeling extending from throat to lungs as if the mucous membrane was
scraped with a knife.
worse by breathing cold air, sensation as if the lungs were stuffed with cotton.
The ulcers were all over prepuce , and as they improved the warts began to grow all over glans,
back of corona, inside of prepuce and frenum.
enormous seed warts. the head of penis was two or three times natural size.
the warts were very moist, and secreted a yellowish, stinking fluid, and bled very easily, and the
odor was very perceptible in a room with him.
but his general health was much improved.
during eight months mostly suppressed by drugs and injections.
for past two months flow persists, watery, transparent, but acrid and abundant, mixed with creamy
liquid, stains linen yellow brown.
pain at end of penis during urination.
since third month of infection had heavy, drawing, wandering pains in right arm, right hip and left
calf, worse damp weather.
urine stains clothes a dirty brown, discharges extremely slow, sometimes it takes half an hour to
empty bladder, leaving him in a weak condition.
during urination, painful rectal tenesmus .
chilliness when bladder is too full, better by urination.
if he urinates after getting warm in bed, has to urinate every hour rest of night.
faint, indefinite sense of chilliness, followed by frequent calls to urinate, urine being hot, copious
and followed by spinal chill and incontinence of urine on getting cold.
six months later there came for several months successive crops of vesicle on prepuce , very sore to
touch, which soon opened at the tip, and left a little ulcerlike sore lasting a few days.
a round, clean cut, sharp edged elevation with depression, however not filled with pus as in genuine
chancre .
Extremely sensitive, swollen bunions, worse on left foot, puffed, very red, feet hot.
in the centre there is a spot as if blood had collected, which is very sore.
itching very annoying must remove shoes to rub them, which relieves for the time.
very sensitive to pressure.
flesh feels as if cracked open.
in the evening, after being on the feet all day, almost unendurable.
worse on warm days. feet swollen and tenderp.
Slept well but woke at an early hour with a frightened sensation as if something dreadful had
the weight on the head was heavy, and great heat in it.
could not rest in bed.
felt as if she must do something to rid her mind of this fearful torture.
for two hours was in this state of mind.
she struggled against it.
fought with what seemed to be the adversary.
scolded herself for her weakness.
all to no purpose, and grew weak with the effort.
she cannot describe the mental agony she enduredp.
Chills up and down back.
several times a day 10 A. M., some chattering and shivering.
at 1030 A. M., fever with thirst, began in fingers and toes.
from 1030 to 1230, thirst during chill, none during fever.
from 10 to 11 A. M., cold feet and legs, from 10 to 12, nervous during fever, moving fingers.
at 11 A. M., beginning with great coldness of fingers and toes.
at 2 P. M., feet cold first, after chill excessive languor.
at 5 P. M., followed by fever and slight sweat (after getting wet).
repeated next day, but slighter.
Chill came first at night, afterwards at various hours.
for instance, on two consecutive days at 2 P. M., then two days at 3, 4, 5 and 6 each, then at 7 P. M.,
where it remained for two weeks.
chill commenced in small of back, running up and down, lasted about an hour, and as it ceased,
profuse and frequent urination appeared and continued during fever.
congestion of chest simulating pneumonia during fever, causing great alarm.
great renal distress during paroxysm .
thirst during fever for hot drinks.
fever continued for six or eight hours.
profuse sweat after fever.
great nervousness during paroxysm , was sure he would die.
intolerance of noise. irritablefont.
Right neuralgia in temple in eye.
headache in temple. as of a worm crawling in ear.
soreness of concha. quick, darting pains in ear.
fever-blisters near corner of upper lip.
neuralgia of upper and lower jaws.
hard swelling in upper jaw.
as of a tumor in side of abdomen.
tensive pain in side of abdomen.
darting pain from centre of ovarian region to lower edge of liver.
cutting in lower abdomen, running into spermatic cord.
testes very tender, distinct bubbling sensation in kidney.
sensation of three bubbles in renal region.
heavy, drawing, wandering pains in arm and hip.
tense pain passing diagonally in ovary.
small chancres on edges of labia.
pain in upper part of lung.
pain in right shoulder as though it came from left.
darting pain from centre of lung to lower edge of liver.
cold pain in lung. sharp stitching pain in bottom of lung.
lung cold. sharp pain along edge of sternum.
mild heat spreading over right side.
pain in bottom of lung.
sensation of enlarged gland in side of neck.
pain under scapula. throbbing and thumping in region of suprarenal capsule, seeming to come from
just below fifth rib.
creeping chills in region of kidney.
rheumatic pain in shoulder and arm.
severe pain from abscess of liver, extending to shoulder and down elbow.
crampy pain in first and second fingers of hand.
dropping of leg. cramp in leg.
between knee and thigh.
soreness of great toe.
pain, swelling and inflammation of great toe.
pain like rheumatism along nape, whole side, hip, upper leg. Left neuralgia in temple and eye.
aching over eye. pain in parietal bone.
tensive pains in side of head.
ptosis of outer end of upper lid.
pulling pain in lower lid.
itching, aching or burning pain in ear.
ringhole in ear sore. soreness of outer wing of nostril.
crawling in nostril. fever sore on lower lip near commissure.
swelling in region of submaxillary gland.
mild cramp in calf. hot swelling on side of anus.
heavy drawing, wandering pains in calf.
great deal of pain in ovary.
ovary seemed enlarged.
soreness and nervous pain in a spot on side of uterus.
swelling of breast. oppression worse on side.
sharp pain in bottom of lung.
aching in back of lung.
an old sore spot in top of lung aroused.
fatigue of lung. walking in sun, lung becomes excessively hot.
pain in upper chest. aching in lung under scapula.
sharp pain in edge of sternum and lung.
lung very painful, feels drawn towards right side.
side of chest from top of lung to waist hot as fire.
bottom of lung sore to pressure.
dull, heavy pain at top of lung.
intense boring below scapula.
sore spot size of
silver dollar begins at top of lung, extends through to lower part of back.
after having slept on side, soreness of heart.
great pain in cardiac plexus, extending to arm.
intense pain in side of chest.
pain from sore spot below scapula to heart.
dull pain in heart, with pain in arm.
burning in arm. sensation of an abscess in chest.
great soreness of muscles of lower chest.
ribs sore to touch. occasional creeping sensation in region of kidney.
pain in region of kidney darting over hip.
rheumatic pain in top of shoulder.
itching eruption on shoulder.
pain commencing under scapula, running down arm to little finger.
forearm and hand numb.
pain in arm and sensation in hand as is swollen.
numbness down arm. numb pain in arm.
sensation of a boil coming on back of hand.
pains across middle knuckles of hand.
middle finger swollen.
sharp pain over hip. numbness of leg.
pain in knee when walking.
trembling in leg. contraction of muscle under knee and in calf.
knotting of muscle in calf.
sudden intense pain in ankle, back of joint.
sore swelling under foot.
pains like rheumatism in lower leg.
leg swollen near knee.
numb sensation in arm, hand and leg.
leg goes to sleep. itching sometimes confined to side.
Of falling. as if intoxicated.
as if occiput was enlarged.
head as if tightening.
as of a tight band across forehead.
as if front half of brain would come through forehead.
as if skin was drawn tight.
as if she would go crazy.
as of three points of tension in head, as if large cords were drawn to each.
as if tensive pains would break.
as if head had been struck.
as if occipital protuberances were enlarged.
as if eyes were pulling out of head.
as if she stared at everything.
as if eyes protruded. as a sand under lids.
as of sticks in eyes, lids and inner canthi .
as of a cool wind blowing in eyes.
as if upper lid had a cartilage in it.
as if a tube went through head.
as if parchment was drawn over ear.
as of a worm crawling in right ear, as if it commenced boring in anterior wall of auditory canal.
as if mucous membrane of nose was hypertrophied.
as of a
crawling in left nostril.
mouth as if burnt. throat as if scraped.
as of a paper of pins in pit of stomach that seemed to force themselves through flesh.
as if heart palpitated in pit of stomach.
as if a lump in stomach.
cramps in stomach as from wind.
sensation in liver as if caused by icy cold insects with claws.
as of a heavy weight in lower abdomen.
as of a tumor in right side of abdomen.
pressure as of a hard, biconvex body in abdomen.
beating as of a pulse in abdomen.
as if there was a large lump on posterior surface of sphincter ani.
as of passage of calculus in ureter.
after urinating, a feeling as if something more remained in urethra.
as if a sac was distended in left ovary and if pressed would burst.
pain in left groin as if leg pushed something.
left ovary as if enlarged.
as if she must press ovary.
cutting as if with knives in pelvis region pain as if menses were coming on.
choking as if epiglottis was closed.
as if lining of larynx and pharynx was torn off.
larynx as if ulcerated.
as of a lump in larynx.
as if thorax was too full.
as if larynx would be torn to pieces.
as if bronchial tubes were enlarged.
as if lining membrane was a loose fold of tissue.
chest as if painfully contracted.
lung as if beaten or bruised.
as if her breath was fanning a blistered sore in lung.
as if there was a cavity extending from side to side in chest, filled with burning air, which dilated in
puffs in all directions.
pain in right shoulder as though it came from left straight through.
left lung as if collapsed or paralyzed.
as if lung was drawn up in hand and let loose.
left lung as if drawn toward right side as if something had grown to sore spot in front of chest and
was drawing back.
heart as if large. as of a cavity where heart ought to be.
pain as if radiating in different parts of left side of chest.
as if heart was swollen.
as of an abscess on left chest.
between pectoralis major an minor.
as of an enlarged gland in right side of neck, under upper part of sternocleido-mastoid .
pains in shoulders as if bones would be crushed.
as of water dropping out of a bottle in lumbar region.
pricking in left little finger as if asleep.
left hand as if swollen.
as if a boil was coming on back of hand.
left leg as if paralyzed.
creeping chills in region of right kidney, as if caused by icy cold insects with claws.
as if she would faint.
as of creeping things throughout body.
as if she would have nightmare.
as if contents of lower part of chest and abdomen seemed to press upon each other.
as of a foreign substance in right eye, then in left.
as if blood was boiling hot in veins.
as if she had taken a severe cold.
sore all over as if bruised.
as if all bones were out of joint.
Pain in forehead. in temples.
over eyes. in centre of brain.
in left parietal bone.
circling through head and around crown.
in back of head. in right eye.
in eyes. up Eustachian tube and out of both ears.
in renal region. at end of penis.
in left ovary. in lower abdomen.
in upper part of right lung.
in right shoulder. in left upper chest through to shoulders.
from upper lung to sore spot below left scapula.
in heart and lungs. in heart from sore spot below left scapula to heart.
in left arm. through chest and mammae.
in nape and between scapulae, running on to either side, shoulder and down to lumbar region.
in back between scapulae.
under right scapula. straight through from left to right shoulder.
in region of left kidney.
in lumbar portion of spine.
in back of hip, running around abdomen and down limbs.
in sacrum and coccyx. commencing under left scapula, running down arm to little finger.
in left arm. when bending middle finger of left hand.
in both legs, from hips down to knees.
in left knee. of right great toe.
from waist downwards.
Itching. of scalp. in nose.
of eyebrows. over left eye.
of ears. in occiput . in cerebellum and medulla.
in base of brain. in eyeballs.
in left ear. in cartilage of ear.
across kidneys. in sacrum and down back of legs to feet.
in back part of left lung.
in left lung under scapula.
in bones of arm. in hip joints and knees.
in lower limbs. of vagina and labia.
of eruption on left shoulder.
in side of elbow joints.
of hands. at roots of and between fingers.
in soles. between toes.
of eruption around waist.
all over body. of eruption on limbs.
from knees up, on forearms and around waist.
A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed
gonorrhoea. For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Chronic Rheumatism. Great disturbance
and irritability of nervous system. Pains intolerable, tensive ; nerves quiver and tingle. Children
dwarfed and stunted. Chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Nose dirty, tonsils enlarged, thick
yellow mucus from nostrils; lips thickened from mouth breathing. State of collapse and Trembling
all over. History of sycosis. Often restores a gonorrhoeal discharge. Intensity of all sensations.
Oedema of limbs; dropsy of serous sacs. Disseminated sclerosis.
Stiff, puffy, achy, sore and rheumatic Dwarfish
Many pains SYCOTIC TAINT, poor reaction
Joints feel loose
Profuse, acrid discharges; causing itching (Tell)
Fishy odors
Small, very sore aphthae, blisters, etc
Burnings Burning at root of tongue
Formication ; internal
Numbness Tremor
Sour children
Loss of power in joints
Memory weak, can't concentrate; forgets words, names; can't finish sentences
Mental confusion
Wild feeling
Things seem strange Tells it over again
Hurried; and anxious; and irritable; and sensitive
Forgetful; of names; of her errand
Apprehensive; anticipates events
Persistent ideas or alternating states, or erratic
Impulsive, abrupt or rude
Many ideas; but uncertain of execution; non-commital
Sensitive, nervous and hurried Feels far off, unreal; some one behind her
Sad, tearful and fearful Dismal out-look (Cimi---- ); better weeping
Vertigo; worse in vertex
Head tight; tense pains; pulls hair
Occiput pains to behind eyes
Tousled heads Coryza with loss of taste and smell
Post-nasal discharge
Face, grayish, greasy, greenish; yellow at edge of hair Red spiderlets on face [right]
Acne on face; worse after menses
Water tastes like perfume
Exhaled breath feels hot
Craves stimulants
Morning nausea
Vomiting of pregnancy Heavy lower abdomen or
Grinding colic; must brace feet
Leans back to force a stool; then shivers
Cholera infantum
Fiery red, moist, violently itching anus Scalding ammoniacal urine
Air hunger
Cough, better lying on face Sore, oozing or icy nipples
Cutting, crawling, burning above [left] scapula
Fingertips burn and crack
Heavy legs
Tender, itching ball and soles Sleeps in knee-chest position A short nap seems a long one, but better

Cold skin, but blood feels hot (


Burning heat, with sweat; wants to uncover, but is chilled thereby

Burning feet
Sweat easy; toward morning
Hay fever
Body smells badly to her; can't wash it off (

Teeth soft, crumbly

Aphthae under tongue
Burning in epigastrium
Flatulence with numbness
Dark fluid from rectum
Drawing in ovaries, better pressure
Sycotic sterility
Profuse, dark, clotted, foul menses (

Blistering leucorrhoea (

Pruritus, better rubbing

Lungs feel stuffed with cotton
Can't exhale
Asthma; sycotic; infantile
Sensation as of a cavity in chest or heart
Heat in spine
Spine sore and tender
Arms hairy
Hot palms
Bites nails
Leg cramps, better stretching leg
Itching soreness
Sycotic red node
Deep red spots
Glinicum. Nosode of Gonorrhoea. Attenuations of the Virus.
Medorrh. is one of the most important of the nosodes. The constitutional nature of the gonorrhoea
poison has within recent years been recognised in the old school as well as the new. Noegerath of
New York and Angus Macdonald in this country have pointed out a causal connection between post-
partum pelvic cellulitis and latent gonorrhoea in the husband. Macdonald published several fatal
cases. The effects of the poison, constitutional or acute, may be taken as data for homoeopathic
always brighter in evening, agg. in early morning hours. With Medorrh. there is intense nervous
sensibility, especially to touch of garment or a lock of hair by any one not en rapport. Sensibility is
exalted almost to clairvoyance. As if in a dream. Starting at slightest sound. Tremor.
spasms. There is a state of collapse and a desire to be fanned. Among the Peculiar Sensations are As
of sticks in eyes, lids, and inner, canthi .
as if cold wind blowing in eyes.
as if upper lid had a cartilage in it. As if something crawling in ear and nose. Lump in stomach.
Tumour right side of abdomen. As if left lung collapsed or paralysed. As if an abscess between left
pectoralis major and minor muscles. As if blood was boiling hot in veins. As if all bones were out of
The pains seem to tighten the whole body, especially the thighs. There is scarcely a spot on the body
that is not full of pain. Obstinate rheumatism. Sequelae of acute rheumatism. D. C. McLaren relates
in Hahn. Advoc. (quoted Amer. Hom., xxii. 408) a case which illustrates the power and sphere of
this nosode. A young French Canadian of delicate constitution, after working in a factory all winter,
began coughing in spring and running down in health. He returned home and came under
McLaren's care in May. The cough persisted and prostration increased, in spite of carefully selected
remedies, and the patient took to his bed. It was then observed by McLaren that the cough and
general condition was amel. from lying on the face. This, coupled with a knowledge of there being a
syphilitic taint in the boy's parentage, suggested Medorrh., which was given. The next day a profuse
gonorrhoeal discharge appeared, and the cough and all threatening symptoms promptly disappeared.
Exposure to contagion had occurred several weeks before, but from lack of vitality the disease
could not find its usual expression and was endangering the patient's life. Ernest Nyssens ("La
Sycose de Hahnemann," Jour. Belge d'Hom, vi. 244) quotes some important observations by old-
school authorities on constitutional gonorrhoea. Wertheim in a case of gonorrhoeal cystitis watched
the entrance of the gonococcus into the blood stream. With the gonococcus taken from the blood of
this patient he made cultures to the fifth generation. A youth who had never had venereal disease
volunteered for inoculation with this. The subacute urethritis which resulted was so grave, and, in
spite of all, became complicated so cruelly with cystitis, epididymitis, prostatitis, synovitis, and
pleuro-pneumonia, that Wertheim asked whether the gonococcus did not redouble its virulence by
passing into the blood. Louis Jullien and Louis Sibut (from whose paper Nyssens quotes the above)
witnessed the following case in Saint Lazare hospital Louisa M., 17, entered the hospital June 8th
with urethro-vaginitis, and was treated with tampons (tiges) of Ichthyol dissolved in
(1 to 5). The urethritis ran a normal course till July 6th, when this condition was reported
The patient has had sufferings in the abdomen for a week, but has made no complaint. However,
they became so acute the previous night that an injection of
was given. Rectal temperature 100.2. Tongue saburral. Right side abdominal pain. In spite of rigid
contraction of the recti muscles there seemed to be a swelling deep down, but the observers were
not certain it was not a swelling of the muscles themselves. Intestinal functions normal.
The rheumatic symptoms are of extreme intensity, and Medorrh. will cure many cases where the
symptoms correspond. I have cured many cases of dysmenia with it, following Burnett. Burnett
cured with Medorrh. 1m ($51$) A patient who had fits at every menstrual period, the fits coming on
in the early morning. (2) A man who had clonic spasms, the legs suddenly shot up from the bed. (3)
A case of right wrist rheumatism. (4) Polypi having their origin in a chronic suppurating discharge.
(He regards Medorrh. as "the mother of pus and catarrhs"). (5) Masturbation in children. (6)
Albuminuria when the urine contains some mucus as well. (7) Sycotic asthma, agg. 2 to 4 a.m. (8)
Psoriasis palmaris. Gilbert (Trans. Amer. Inst., 1895, quoted H. R., xi. 71) traces rickets to
hereditary gonorrhoea.
there are often in these cases glandular enlargements, and the patient is amel. at seaside. In such
cases he gives Medorrh. (When there is syphilitic paresis and the patient is amel. in the mountains,
he gives
Syph.). In acute bowel troubles in rickety children he finds Medorrh. of great value.
Thomas Wildes (H. P., xii. 70) considers that favus and scald-head and ophthalmia tarsi simplex
(margins scaly, scurfy , often angry red, falling of lashes) are due to suppressed gonorrhoea in one
or both parents. The red, angry condition of skin may extend from face or scalp, down neck and
back to perineum and genitals. ($51$) Girl, 11, had been treated by many physicians with salves and
ointments to the general impairment of her health. Face mottled with a profusion of red scurfy
sores, eyelids involved and nearly denuded of lashes.
hairy scalp one diffuse mass of thick yellow scabs, from beneath which oozed a highly offensive
mixture of ichor and sebum. Passing down neck, back, perineum and involving genitals and pubes
was a fiery red band as broad as the child's hand, oozing a pale yellow serum which caused the
clothing to stick to the body. Wildes told the mother he could cure the case, but it would certainly
get worse the first three months. This was not objected to. Medorrh. c.m. (Swan) was given, one
dose on the tongue. The external appearance grew rapidly worse, but appetite, sleep, and general
health steadily improved, and in nine months she was completely well. (2) Child, 6, since infancy
horribly disfigured with tinea capitis. Scalp a mass of dense scabs exuding fetid ichor , the only
semblance of hair being a few distorted stumps ending in withered roots. One dose cured in a few
months, and at the time of Wildes' writing patient was a healthy and extremely talented young lady
and the possessor of a luxuriant head of chestnut hair. Wildes thinks that suppression of favus when
derived from gonorrhoea in the father leads to hydrocephalus, capillary bronchitis, severe teething
diarrhoeas, cholera infantum, &c.
if derived from the grandfather, suppression leads to consumption and lingering diseases. Fiery red
rash developing about the anus in babies a few days old.
constipation with hard, dry stools.
when the nurses say "baby's water scalds it terribly," the indications for Medorrh. are clear. Wildes
regards the latent gonorrhoeal taint as the true explanation of many of the disease-manifestations
included by Hahnemann under Psora. Burnett in a way confirms this, as he traces gout to a sycotic
origin. Wildes regards Medorrh. too dangerous a remedy to give in acute cases whether of
gonorrhoea, rheumatism, or scarlatina , on account of the intensity of the aggravation it is liable to
Medorrh. is the remedy in single doses, but it is rarely if ever to be given in the acute stages of a
disease. In general motion agg., rest amel. Lying on face or stomach amel. cough. Stretching out
agg. Leaning head forward agg. Leaning far back amel. constipation can only pass stool so. (I cured
with Medorrh. 200 a most aggravated case of constipation on this indication. The patient said he
was obliged to lean far back on the seat or he could not get rid of the stool. He was passing urine
containing long white mucous shreds. Many years before he had had gonorrhoea.) There is great
sensitiveness to draught of air.
takes cold easily. At the same time there is great desire to be fanned. agg. In the sun.
by warmth of bed. entering a warm room (cough). Salt-water bathing amel. sore throat and cold in
head. Damp weather amel. pain in limbs. Craving for ice. Chronic rheumatism of joints is agg.
inland, amel. near sea. The early morning agg. (especially 3 to 4 a.m.) is a leading characteristic of
Medorrh. and all sycotics.
The physician of long and active experience meets many obstinate cases in children. The infant
soon emaciates and becomes marasmic, or a child becomes asthmatic, or suffers with vicious
catarrh of nose or eyelids, or has ringworm on the scalp or face, or is dwarfed.
This remedy will cure, or begin the recovery. The woman married several years desires to become a
mother. She was healthy when she married, but now she has ovarian pains, menstrual troubles, she
has lost all sexual response, is growing pale and waxy, and becoming violently sensitive and
Rheumatic symptoms in every part of the body. Some symptoms are worse in the daytime. The
usual comparison with
Syphilinum, which reads,
"Med. in daytime and
Syph. at night," does not hold good as a sweeping statement. It is true that many
Syph. pains are worse nights.
It is true that some sycotic and Medorrhinum symptoms are worse daytimes. It is also true that
many sycotic symptoms are violent day and night. It is also true that the mental symptoms of Med
are most violent at night. It will not do to be too sweeping with circumstances of this nosode.
The rheumatic inflammations are worse from motion, but where swelling is not present these
patients act like
Rhus patients.
they are sensitive to cold, suffer from aching and torturesome pains, and find relief only in motion -
Rhus. Most sycotic patients suffer from cold, some are sensitive to heat.
Sore, bruised and lame, as if he had taken a deep cold and was coming down with a fever. The pains
come on with a feeling of general tension. Obstinate cases of rheumatism. Losing flesh. Walks
stooped, becoming clumsy. Stumbles. Looks as if he were going into quick consumption . Intense
nervous sensibility, respecting touch of garment or a lock of hair by any one not en rapport
Trembling and quivering; growing steadily weaker. Intense formication all over the body. Starts
from the slightest noise. Feels faint and wants to be fanned, Wants open air. Cold and pulseless,
with cold sweat.
Oedema of the limbs with great soreness and dropsy of serous sacs. Externally sensitive to cold
damp weather. Subject to neuralgias Stitching, tearing pains. The pains are ameliorated by heat.
Drawing pains in back and limbs. The patient is extremely sensitive to pain. The remedy should
never be used low.
Makes mistakes in writing, of spelling, and words. Time move too slowly.
everybody moves too slowly. He is in a constant hurry, in such a hurry that he gets out of breath.
She is in such a hurry that she feels faint. Confusion of mind, dazed.
fear of sensation. loses the idea when speaking. Great difficulty in stating her symptoms, loses
herself and must be asked over again.
Thinks some one is behind her; hears whispering. Sees faces that peer at her from behind the
furniture (
Phos). Everything seems unreal (

Sharp pains come and go suddenly. No part of head is free from pain. Pain aggravated from light,
and on coughing. Burning pains deep in, as if in brain. Extreme tension of scalp. Band across
forehead. Pain in occiput and nape, aggravated on motion. Intense itching of scalp. Herpetic
eruptions on scalp.
ringworm. Copious dandruff. Hair dry and crispy.
Blurred vision, and black or brown spots in the field of vision. Objects look double, or small. Sees
imaginary objects. Eyes feel drawn. Tension in the muscles. Pain in eyes on turning them. Sensation
of sand in eyes. Sensation of sticks. inflammation of conjunctiva with ulceration of the cornea.
Blepharitis with much swelling. Lids stuck together in the morning. Margins red and excoriated .
Ptosis. Smarting of lids. Eyelashes fall out. Swelling under eyes, as in Bright's disease.
Imagines he hears voices or people in conversation, At first the hearing is very acute. Pain along
Eustachian tubes into ears. Crawling in ears. Itching in ears. Stitching pains in ears.
Mucus, white or yellow. A middle aged man was cured of an obstinate nasal discharge by Med very
high and a discharge from the urethra which had been suppressed many years before came back and
acted like a chronic gleet, and finally subsided without other treatment.
Bleeding from the nose, and bloody nasal discharge. Nose sensitive to inhaled air. Itching and
crawling in nose.
The greenish yellow, waxy, sickly face of the sycotic patient looks like that of the
Arsenic patient, but strange to say,
Arsenicdoes not otherwise correspond to the symptoms, but may be mistaken for it. The skin shines,
and is often covered by blotches and there are fever blisters about the mouth. Herpes on the face.
Epithelioma of wing of nose, or on lip. Rheumatic pains and stiffness of face. Swelling of the
submaxillary glands.
The taste is perverted, and the tongue is foul and white at base. The mouth is full of canker sores.
Ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue.
The breath is foul. Stringy mucus in mouth and throat. Mouth dry and feels burnt. Catarrh of throat,
and thick white mucus is constantly drawn from posterior nares .
Unquenchable thirst. Craves stimulants, tobacco, sweets, green fruit, ice, sour things, oranges, ale,
salt. Nausea after eating, and after drinking water. Vomiting of mucus and bile, Sour and bitter
vomiting. Violent retching. Vomiting without nausea.
Gnawing in stomach, not relieved by eating or drinking. Trembling in stomach. Clawing in
stomach, aggravated by drawing up the knees. Sinking in stomach. Agonizing pains in stomach.
Liver Terrible pains in liver.
Grasping pains in liver and spleen. It has cured ascites . Pulsation felt in abdomen. Pain and
swelling of the inguinal glands.
A young man who had been in good flesh and health took gonorrhoea. He was treated by injection.
Soon he began to lose flesh. He suffered from pain in the groin, which compelled him to walk bent.
He became pale and waxy; stiff and lame all over, and was very sensitive to cold.
Took cold frequently, which seemed never to get quite well. After Med. very high the discharge
returned, and he seemed quite well. Pain in spermatic cords.
Infants This remedy has cured many cases of marasmus in infants that had inherited sycosis from a
Can pass stool only by leaning far back when straining at stool. Inactivity of the rectum. Round
balls, and hard lumpy stool. Oozing of moisture at the anus, smelling like fishbrine.
Sensitive to cold, with tenderness of the soles. In albuminous urine with hyaline casts when the
patient is waxy and there is oedema of feet and ankles, and the soles so tender he can scarcely walk
on them, the skin of soles is bluish and hot.
also when the swollen legs are so sore he cannot have them touched, or endure the pressure to
ascertain whether the swelling will or will not pit on pressure.
In the above conditions Med will act promptly if there has been gonorrhoeal history. Inflammation
of bladder,
gland or kidneys. Copious mucus in urine. Renal colic. Parenchymatic inflammation of the kidneys.
Copious pale urine. Frequent urination at night. Loses urine in bed. Inactivity of the bladder and
feeble stream of urine. It has cured many cases of polyuria.
Prolonged gleety discharge with rheumatic symptoms and declining health. For gonorrhoeal
rheumatism it is a most important remedy. It controls the rheumatic symptoms and restores the
It has cured induration of testes, and pain in the spermatic cords. Pain in left spermatic cord, left
sciatic nerve and lumbago from every exposure to a draft in one who suffered from gonorrhoea
several years ago and was cured by Med. 10 M at long intervals.
Chronic pain in ovarian region. Sterility. Painful menstruation. Obstinate leucorrhoea . Enlarged
ovaries. Violent itching of vulva and vagina. Profuse menses . Drawing in sacrum as if menses
would come on, Cutting like knives in whole pelvic region.
Burning in scrotum and hips during menses .
Suffocation and short breath on slight exertion. Asthma in children of sycotic parents (
Nat. s.). Spasms of the glottis with clucking in the larynx.
air expelled with difficulty, but inhaled with ease. Several cases of asthma have been cured by this
remedy. Dryness of the larynx causes spasms and cough on falling asleep.
Most obstinate catarrh of air passages with copious viscid expectoration has been cured by this
remedy. Cannot cough deep enough to reach the phlegm (
Caust). Thecough is ameliorated by lying on the abdomen, is aggravated at night. The expectoration.
is yellow, white or green, viscid , difficult to raise. Cough worse in a warm room.
Many of the patients that need this remedy look sick, pale, and walk stooped as if about to go into
phthisis . Dry cough, with rattling in chest. Great heat, even burning in chest. Many pains in chest.
Rheumatic, sharp pains through chest on exposure to damp cold air.
When patients who have suffered from gonorrhoea seem to be taking on a phtisical complex of
symptoms and the paucity of individualizing symptoms makes the remedy doubtful, this remedy
will bring better reaction, and sometimes be the remedy for many months.
Intense pain in chest on coughing. Sensation of coldness in chest and mammae. Stitching pain in
chest. The chest is sore to touch, and aggravated by the motion of breathing.
The heart manifests all the symptoms usual to rheumatic constitutions. Dyspnea; fluttering heart;
palpitation. The pains are acute, cutting, stitching; aggravated by motion. Burning in heart,
extending to left arm.
It is generally a lumbago, or it is a lumbo-sacral pain, and often extends into the lower limbs. Crural
or sciatic pains. Drawing in nape and back. Pain across the back, from left to right shoulders. Great
heat in the upper part of spine. Stiffness in the back on rising, or beginning to move. Pains all
aggravated in cold damp weather. Tender spine, Soreness in region of kidneys.
Limbs Chronic rheumatic pains in limbs in cold damp weather.
The limbs are lame and stiff. Stitching pains all over the body, and in limbs. Sharp pains. The
patient is extremely sensitive to pain, and feels pain as sharp and stitching. Some of the pains come
on during motion, and some are better from continued motion. Cold extremities. Burning palms and
soles, Trembling of the limbs. Rheumatic pains in shoulders aggravated from motion.
Numbness of arms and hands, worse left. Trembling hands and arms. Burning palms, wants them
fanned. Right hand cold, then left. Cold hands. Heat and numbness of back of hands.
Trembling weakness and numbness of lower limbs. Awkwardness of legs, they do not go where
they are willed to go. Numbness of thighs. Must stretch the lower limbs constantly. Drawing pains
and tension in legs. Rheumatic pains. Stiffness and soreness in flesh and periosteum . Shooting up
the legs during a thunderstorm.
Restlessness in legs, must move them constantly. Aching, drawing in legs and thighs, in sciatic and
crural nerves, ameliorated by continued motion. Legs numb and heavy, like wood. Legs cold up to
the knees.
Contraction of muscles of posterior part of thigh down to knee. Cramps in soles and calves. Weak
ankles. Burning feet, wants them uncovered and fanned. Legs swollen to knees, and pit upon
pressure. Sore bruised legs, ankles and soles. Soles sore and bruised, look blue. He cannot walk on
the soles. Swelling and itching of the soles. It cures the tenderness in the soles so common in
chronic gonorrhoeal rheumatism. Tenderness of soles so that be had to walk on his knees. Cold
sweaty feet.
Since writing the above I have experimented more with the so-called nosodes and have had
seemingly very good results from this remedy as well as
Syphilinumin intractable cases of chronic rheumatism. The most characteristic difference between
them is that with Medorrhinum the pains are worse in the day-time, and with
Syphilinum in the night.
There are, no doubt, great curative powers residing in these two disease poisons and they should not
be discarded simply because they are the products of disease.
In regard to the other nosodes, I have, within two years past, seen more remarkable effects from

Mucous membranes
Cellular tissue Lungs
Small joints
Left ovary

For persons suffering from gout, rheumatism, neuralgia and diseases of the spinal cord and its
membranes even organic lesions ending in paralysis which can be traced to a sycotic origin.
Bears the same relation in deep-seated sycotic chronic affections of spinal and sympathetic nervous
system that
Psorinum does to deep-seated affections of skin and mucous membranes.
Children, pale, rachitic; dwarfed and stunted in growth (Bar. c.); mentally, dull and weak.
Great heat and soreness, with enlargement of lymphatic glands all over body.
Spinal curvatures or more or less pronounced traces of rachitis.
Consumptive languor; fatigue; great general depression of vitality.
Trembling all over (subjective), intense nervousness and profound exhaustion.
State of collapse, wants to be fanned all the time (Cerbo v.); craves fresh air; skin cold, yet throws
off the covers (

Sec.); cold, and bathed with cold perspiration (Ver.).

Insatiate craving for liquor, which before she hated (A. S. A. R.), for salt (
Cal., Nat.); for sweets ( Sulph.,
Tub.); for beer, ice, acids, oranges, green fruits, coffee grounds.
Nocturnal enuresis ; passes enormous quantity of ammoniacal, high-colored urine in bed every
night; worse by overwork or overplay, extremes of heat or cold; when with a history of sycosis the
best selected remedy has failed to cure.
Intensely restless and fidgety legs and feet.
Burning of hands and feet, wants them not only uncovered, but fanned (

Right knee painful, swollen. At same time synovitis of left wrist, dorsal aspect, the tendons attacked
being the extensor proprius of thumb and index. Temperature normal. July 10.

H.C. Allen
Kent Lectures


WORSE, when thinking of ailment, From daylight to sunset, heat, inland.
Damp; cold
3-4 AM
After urinating
Close room
Before storms

At the seashore; lying on the face or stomach; damp weather (

Nux); by leaning far back (constipation, can only pass stool in this position).
In summer, 1875, I had an obstinate case of acute articular rheumatism in a man aet. 60, from June
11th to September 5th; he suffered excruciating agony from neuralgia .
After a desperate battle for life the first week of September, he was relieved, and arose from his bed
a wreck.
It was expected that time and out-door life and the best hygienic measures would restore him.
But weeks and months passed without change, he walked the streets leaning on a cane, bent over,
muffled in wraps to his ears, and looking like an old man about to fall into the grave.
His wife consulted me on other matters, and said "her husband was as well as could be expected
considering his age; she believed he would not do anything more, as he regarded his feeble state due
to his age."
However, he came next day, and I gave him three doses of Medorrhinum, to be taken every
morning; within ten days he returned feeling well and looking well.
I then gave him one dose to be taken after some time; this was the prescription he has required.
Within the month, after the Medorrhinum, he dropped his cane and muffler, walked the street erect
with a firm step a perfectly well man, having increased in weight from 140 to 212 poundsp

BETTER, at the seashore, lying on stomach, damp weather (

Bending backward
Stretching out
Fresh air
Being fanned
Hard rubbing
Sunset (


Position etc
Aggravation from daylight to sunset; always brighter in evening.
Morning soreness and crawling in left nostril; bad taste; tongue thickly coated; foul breath; gleety
discharge; soreness of heart; small sharp pains in soles when first attempting to step on them; early
At 10 A. M. chill, chattering, shivering.
At 1030 A. M. headache worse ; fever with thirst.
At 11 A. M. pain in region of suprarenal capsules.
From 10 to 11 A. M. cold feet and legs.
From 10 A. M. to 12 nervous during fever, moving fingers.
From 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. fever and malaise worse.
From 1030 A. M. to 1230 P. M. thirst during chill.
At 11 A. M. chill, beginning with great coldness of fingers and toes; fever, preceded by cold feet.
At 2 P. M. feet cold first, after chill excessive languor.
At 5 P. M. chill, followed by fever and slight sweat; next day same, but slighter.
From midnight to 3 A. M. fever, with nervous restlessness.
Day frequent and intense erections.
Afternoon fever.
After 5 or 6 P. M. cannot retain urine more than an hour.
At 6 P. M. became wide awake until 12 P. M.
Evening sharp pain through temples; itching worse.
Night headache; aching in cartilage of ear; intense and frequent erections; cannot retain urine;
dryness, soreness and choking very severe; incessant dry cough; cough worse, causing retching;
sensation of a boil coming on back of hand; aching in legs; cramp in soles and calves; restless sleep;
rapid pulse; sweatsp

H.C. Allen

Compare Pic. ac.,
Gels.,inability to walk, legs tire and give out; priapism; Camph., Secale, Tab., Ver. (in collapse, skin
cold, covered with cold sweat, throws off all covering); Amb., Anac., Cal., Can. i., Con., Cup., Stram.,
. (as if in a dream)p
Compare: (Lactation:
Galega; Lactuca.) Sulph.; Syphil.;


Compare Pic ac. (inability to walk right; priapism);

Camph. and Sec. (collapse, skin cold yet throws off all covering); Verat. (collapse with cold sweat);
Syph. (reverse aggravation)





Antidoted by
Nux vom., nervous and general symptoms and the aggravations from an overdose or too frequent
Ipecac (dry cough).
Antidoted by
Ipec. (dry cough); Compatible
Sulph. (especially when stool drives out of bed).

Aloe, Sulph.,

Tuber. (especially early morning diarrhea, stool driving out of bed).

sunset to sunrise); as if in a dream,
Ambr., Anac., Calc., Can. i., Con., Cup., Rhe., Stram., Val., Ver., . amel. By leaning back, Lac c. Fish-brine
Sanic. Key
H.C. Allen


Great weakness of memoryfont
Dullness of memory and desire to procrastinate, because business seemed so lasting, or as if it never
could be accomplishedfont
Entirely forgot what she had read, even previous linefont
Forgetfulness of names, later of words and initial lettersfont
Cannot remember names; has to ask name of her most intimate friend; forgets her ownfont
Cannot spell right; wonders how the word "how" is spelled.
Reads a letter and thinks the words look queer and are spelled wrong.
Time moves too slowlyfont
Dazed feeling; a far off sensation, as though things done today occurred a week agofont
Momentary loss of thought, caused by sensation of tightness in brain.
Loses constantly the thread of her talkfont
In conversation he would occasionally stop, and on resuming make remark that he could not think
what word he wanted to usefont
Seems to herself to make wrong statements, because she does not know what to say next, begins all
right but does not know how to finish; weight on vertex, which seems to affect mindfont
Great difficulty in stating her symptoms, loses herself and has to be asked over againfont
Difficulty in concentrating his thoughts or mind on abstract subjects.
Could not read or use mind at all from pain in head.
Thinks some one is behind her, hears whispering; sees faces that peer at her from behind bed and
Persons come in, look at her, whisper, and say "come."
One night saw large people in room; large rats running; felt a delicate hand smoothing her head
from front to backfont
Fears he is going to diefont
Is sure that she is worse, knows she is not going to live, cannot see any improvement, even when it
is pointed out; has no fear of death, speaks calmly about it; and gives directions as to the disposition
of her affairs.
Sensation as if all life was unreal, like a dreamfont
Wild and desperate feeling, as of incipient insanityfont
Cannot speak without cryingfont
Tendency to suicide, gets up in night and takes his pistol, but his wife prevents him.
Is in a great hurry; when doing anything is such a hurry that she gets fatiguedfont
Strange exhilaration of spirits.
Alternation of happiness and gloominess.
Spirits in the depths, weighed down with heavy, solid gloom better by torrents of tears.
Is always anticipating; feels most matters sensitively before they occur and generally correctlyfont
Anticipates deathfont
Dread of saying the wrong thing when she has headachefont
Everything startles her, news coming to her seems to touch her heart before she hears it.
Woke at an early hour with a frightened sensation, as if something dreadful had happened; heavy
weight and great heat in head; could not rest in bed; felt as if she must do something to rid her mind
of this torturefont
Fear of the darkfont
Feeling as if he had committed the unpardonable sin and was going to hell.
A word or look of seeming harshness puts her in despondency for hours.
Usually depressed; easily tired; disinclined to any exertion, and yet often unable to keep still;
forgetful; unable to think connectedly; mind wanders from subject, even in reading; cannot think at
all if hurried.
Always wakens tired in the morning; hates to do anything that must be done, even nice things; gets
nervous and excited about ridding and driving as soon as the time is fixed.
Constant state of anguish.
Always a feeling of impending danger, but knows not what.
There is no cause for such feelings, as she is not obliged to do anything when disinclined; is so
situated that nothing need cause her trouble.
Inability to think continuously, to talk or to listen to talking when weary; vacant feeling in head.
Forgetful, cannot remember the least thing any length of time; writes everything down of any
importance; cannot trust herself to remember it; great irritability and disgust with life.
The impatience, excitement, wild feelings; the unreal, dazed conditions; the gloom and fear in the
dark; the difficulty of speaking without tears, are marked evidence of functional derangement of the
nervous system.
Medorrhinum is forgetful of names, words, etc., but instead of forgetting occurrences, during
certain periods of time, like
it forgets what it is reading, even to the last line read; it cannot concentrate its attention;
thinks words spelled wrong and have no meaning, etc.
Medorrhinum develops a peculiar sensitivity especially in relation to occurrences affecting itself.
It feels the evil coming to it, and the bad news before it arrives, of course it is selfish, and it is easily
hurt by a harsh word.
It is also introspective, self-accusative, remorseful.
Time moves slowly to it, therefore it is hurried.
We find a dazed condition from the loss of the thread of thought, which annoys and causes a dread
of saying the wrong thing, and a difficulty in stating symptoms.
It is always anticipating, fearing evil will happen, loss of reason or suicide.
It fears it has committed the unpardonable sin, and cares little for the result, because of the seething,
restless, uneasy, unbalanced nerves.
Feeling of desperation; did not care if he went to heaven or hell.
Cross through day, exhilarated at night, wants to playfont
Irritated at little thingsfont
Nerve trembling, with worry.
Very impatientfont
Reading and writing make her nervous and enrage her.
Great selfishness.
Time moves so slowly that things done an hour ago appear to have occurred a year since; asked the
time of day, and in five minutes insisted that half an hour had elapsed and could not believe it had
not till she had seen the watchp
Weak memory
Loses the thread of conversation
Cannot speak without weeping
Time passes too slowly (

.) Is in a great hurry
Hopeless of recovery
Difficult concentration
Fears going insane (
Mancinella.) Sensibility exalted
Nervous, restless
Fear in the dark and of someone behind her
Melancholy, with suicidal thoughts.
Forgetfulness of names; later of words and initial letters.
Time moves too slowly.
Dazed feeling; a far-off sensation, as though things done to-day occurred a week ago.
Loses constantly the thread of her talk.
Seems to herself to make wrong statements, because she does not know what to say next, begins all
right but does not know how to finish; weight on vertex, which seems to affect the mind.
Difficulty in concentrating his thoughts on abstract subjects.
Could not read or use mind at all from pain in head.
Thinks some one is behind her, hears whispering; sees faces that peer at her from behind bed and
One night saw large people in room; large rats running; felt a delicate hand smoothing her head
from front to back.
Is sure she is going to die.
Sensation as if all life were unreal, like a dream.
Wild and desperate feeling, as of incipient insanity.
Cannot speak without crying.
Is in a great hurry; when doing anything is in such a hurry that she gets fatigued.
Spirits in the depths, weighed down with heavy, solid gloom, amel. by torrents of tears.
Is always anticipating; feels most matters sensitively before they occur and generally correctly.
Dread of saying the wrong thing when she has headache.
Fear of the dark.
Feeling as if he had committed the unpardonable sin and was going to hell.
Irritated at little things.
Very impatient.
Forgetful of facts, figures and names; of what he has read.
aversions, dislikes; being touched;
aversions, dislikes; aversion to mental work;
death; presentiment of death;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; creatures and animals;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; creatures and animals; creeping; rats, mice,
insects, etc.;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; creatures and animals; rats;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; creatures and animals; rats; running across the
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; environment and surroundings; strange; familiar
things seem strange;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; environment and surroundings; unreal, everything
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; hand; felt a delicate hand, smoothing the head;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; hears sounds; voices;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; about self; body; health, hypochondria ; will
become insane;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people;
faces; wherever eyes turn, or looking out from corners;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people;
sees people;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people;
some one is behind;
as if in a dream;
symptoms follow intense emotions; anticipation;
symptoms follow intense emotions; bad news;
excitement; when anticipating events;
excitement; from mental work;
excitement; while reading;
excitement; over things of little importance;
excitement; while writing;
mental exertion;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; evening;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; alternating with other states of sadness;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; conceited;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; ecstatic; exhilaration;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; ecstatic; exhilaration; night;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; impatience;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; impatience; about things of little importance;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; irritability;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; irritability; while reading;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; mood; alternating mood;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; remorse;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; excessively religious (see anxiety, despair, fear);
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; selfishness;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; sensitive, oversensitive;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; sensitive, oversensitive; to noise;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; despair; religious (of salvation etc.);
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; wants to injure self; suicidal disposition;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; wants to injure self; suicidal disposition; by
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression; weeping;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting);
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); when spoken
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); when telling of
intellectual faculties; bright, intelligent, clear; clairvoyance;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; difficulty concentrating;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; confusion;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; confusion; as to own identity;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; dull, sluggish;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; dull, sluggish; children;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; imbecility;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; mistakes; in spelling;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; mistakes; in time;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; mistakes; in time; confuses present with past;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; vanishing of thoughts;
insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety;
insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; anticipating an engagement;
insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; of conscience (as if guilty of a crime);
insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; about salvation;
insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; if a time is set;
insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; that someone is behind;
insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of something creeping out of every corner;
insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; dark;
insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of death;
insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled;
insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled; from noise;
insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled; during sleep; starting from sleep;
memory; forgetful; own name (see confusion);
memory; forgetful; of words while speaking;
memory; weakness of memory;
memory; weakness of memory; for proper names;
memory; weakness of memory; for what was read;
memory; weakness of memory; for what has been said;
memory; weakness of memory; for what was about to say;
memory; weakness of memory; for what has just thought;
memory; weakness of memory; for words;
perception; everything seems unreal;
perception; time; time passes too slowly;
restlessness, nervousness;
restlessness, nervousness; night;
talking, conversation; speech; confused;
thinking of complaints;
unconsciousness; transient;
wildness; wild feeling in head;
work; impossible to work;
work; work drives crazy, from impotence of mind;

H.C. Allen
Kent Lectures
Reversed & reworded Kent repertory
Medorrhinum Popularity:
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Materia Medica Sources for Medorrhinum

The Gonorrhoeal Virus Med.

Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Medorrhinum in traditional
homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Have you ever used Medorrhinum?
Filter Medorrhinum symptoms:


A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed
gonorrhoea. For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Chronic Rheumatism. Great disturbance
and irritability of nervous system. Pains intolerable, tensive ; nerves quiver and tingle. Children
dwarfed and stunted. Chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Nose dirty, tonsils enlarged, thick
yellow mucus from nostrils; lips thickened from mouth breathing. State of collapse and Trembling
all over. History of sycosis. Often restores a gonorrhoeal discharge. Intensity of all sensations.
Oedema of limbs; dropsy of serous sacs. Disseminated sclerosis.


WORSE, when thinking of ailment, From daylight to sunset, heat, inland.

BETTER, at the seashore, lying on stomach, damp weather (


Compare: (Lactation:
Galega; Lactuca.) Sulph.; Syphil.;


Great weakness of memoryfont
Dullness of memory and desire to procrastinate, because business seemed so lasting, or as if it never
could be accomplishedfont
Entirely forgot what she had read, even previous linefont
Forgetfulness of names, later of words and initial lettersfont
Cannot remember names; has to ask name of her most intimate friend; forgets her ownfont
Cannot spell right; wonders how the word "how" is spelled.
Reads a letter and thinks the words look queer and are spelled wrong.
Time moves too slowlyfont
Dazed feeling; a far off sensation, as though things done today occurred a week agofont
Momentary loss of thought, caused by sensation of tightness in brain.
Loses constantly the thread of her talkfont
In conversation he would occasionally stop, and on resuming make remark that he could not think
what word he wanted to usefont
Seems to herself to make wrong statements, because she does not know what to say next, begins all
right but does not know how to finish; weight on vertex, which seems to affect mindfont
Great difficulty in stating her symptoms, loses herself and has to be asked over againfont
Difficulty in concentrating his thoughts or mind on abstract subjects.
Could not read or use mind at all from pain in head.
Thinks some one is behind her, hears whispering; sees faces that peer at her from behind bed and
Persons come in, look at her, whisper, and say "come."
One night saw large people in room; large rats running; felt a delicate hand smoothing her head
from front to backfont
Fears he is going to diefont
Is sure that she is worse, knows she is not going to live, cannot see any improvement, even when it
is pointed out; has no fear of death, speaks calmly about it; and gives directions as to the disposition
of her affairs.
Sensation as if all life was unreal, like a dreamfont
Wild and desperate feeling, as of incipient insanityfont
Cannot speak without cryingfont
Tendency to suicide, gets up in night and takes his pistol, but his wife prevents him.
Is in a great hurry; when doing anything is such a hurry that she gets fatiguedfont
Strange exhilaration of spirits.
Alternation of happiness and gloominess.
Spirits in the depths, weighed down with heavy, solid gloom better by torrents of tears.
Is always anticipating; feels most matters sensitively before they occur and generally correctlyfont
Anticipates deathfont
Dread of saying the wrong thing when she has headachefont
Everything startles her, news coming to her seems to touch her heart before she hears it.
Woke at an early hour with a frightened sensation, as if something dreadful had happened; heavy
weight and great heat in head; could not rest in bed; felt as if she must do something to rid her mind
of this torturefont
Fear of the darkfont
Feeling as if he had committed the unpardonable sin and was going to hell.
A word or look of seeming harshness puts her in despondency for hours.
Usually depressed; easily tired; disinclined to any exertion, and yet often unable to keep still;
forgetful; unable to think connectedly; mind wanders from subject, even in reading; cannot think at
all if hurried.
Always wakens tired in the morning; hates to do anything that must be done, even nice things; gets
nervous and excited about ridding and driving as soon as the time is fixed.
Constant state of anguish.
Always a feeling of impending danger, but knows not what.
There is no cause for such feelings, as she is not obliged to do anything when disinclined; is so
situated that nothing need cause her trouble.
Inability to think continuously, to talk or to listen to talking when weary; vacant feeling in head.
Forgetful, cannot remember the least thing any length of time; writes everything down of any
importance; cannot trust herself to remember it; great irritability and disgust with life.
The impatience, excitement, wild feelings; the unreal, dazed conditions; the gloom and fear in the
dark; the difficulty of speaking without tears, are marked evidence of functional derangement of the
nervous system.
Medorrhinum is forgetful of names, words, etc., but instead of forgetting occurrences, during
certain periods of time, like
it forgets what it is reading, even to the last line read; it cannot concentrate its attention;
thinks words spelled wrong and have no meaning, etc.
Medorrhinum develops a peculiar sensitivity especially in relation to occurrences affecting itself.
It feels the evil coming to it, and the bad news before it arrives, of course it is selfish, and it is easily
hurt by a harsh word.
It is also introspective, self-accusative, remorseful.
Time moves slowly to it, therefore it is hurried.
We find a dazed condition from the loss of the thread of thought, which annoys and causes a dread
of saying the wrong thing, and a difficulty in stating symptoms.
It is always anticipating, fearing evil will happen, loss of reason or suicide.
It fears it has committed the unpardonable sin, and cares little for the result, because of the seething,
restless, uneasy, unbalanced nerves.
Feeling of desperation; did not care if he went to heaven or hell.
Cross through day, exhilarated at night, wants to playfont
Irritated at little thingsfont
Nerve trembling, with worry.
Very impatientfont
Reading and writing make her nervous and enrage her.
Great selfishness.
Time moves so slowly that things done an hour ago appear to have occurred a year since; asked the
time of day, and in five minutes insisted that half an hour had elapsed and could not believe it had
not till she had seen the watchp
Weak memory
Loses the thread of conversation
Cannot speak without weeping
Time passes too slowly (

.) Is in a great hurry
Hopeless of recovery
Difficult concentration
Fears going insane (
Mancinella.) Sensibility exalted
Nervous, restless
Fear in the dark and of someone behind her
Melancholy, with suicidal thoughts.
Forgetfulness of names; later of words and initial letters.
Time moves too slowly.
Dazed feeling; a far-off sensation, as though things done to-day occurred a week ago.
Loses constantly the thread of her talk.
Seems to herself to make wrong statements, because she does not know what to say next, begins all
right but does not know how to finish; weight on vertex, which seems to affect the mind.
Difficulty in concentrating his thoughts on abstract subjects.
Could not read or use mind at all from pain in head.
Thinks some one is behind her, hears whispering; sees faces that peer at her from behind bed and
One night saw large people in room; large rats running; felt a delicate hand smoothing her head
from front to back.
Is sure she is going to die.
Sensation as if all life were unreal, like a dream.
Wild and desperate feeling, as of incipient insanity.
Cannot speak without crying.
Is in a great hurry; when doing anything is in such a hurry that she gets fatigued.
Spirits in the depths, weighed down with heavy, solid gloom, amel. by torrents of tears.
Is always anticipating; feels most matters sensitively before they occur and generally correctly.
Dread of saying the wrong thing when she has headache.
Fear of the dark.
Feeling as if he had committed the unpardonable sin and was going to hell.
Irritated at little things.
Very impatient.
Forgetful of facts, figures and names; of what he has read.
aversions, dislikes; being touched;
aversions, dislikes; aversion to mental work;
death; presentiment of death;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; creatures and animals;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; creatures and animals; creeping; rats, mice,
insects, etc.;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; creatures and animals; rats;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; creatures and animals; rats; running across the
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; environment and surroundings; strange; familiar
things seem strange;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; environment and surroundings; unreal, everything
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; hand; felt a delicate hand, smoothing the head;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; hears sounds; voices;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; about self; body; health, hypochondria ; will
become insane;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people;
faces; wherever eyes turn, or looking out from corners;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people;
sees people;
delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people;
some one is behind;
as if in a dream;
symptoms follow intense emotions; anticipation;
symptoms follow intense emotions; bad news;
excitement; when anticipating events;
excitement; from mental work;
excitement; while reading;
excitement; over things of little importance;
excitement; while writing;
mental exertion;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; evening;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; alternating with other states of sadness;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; conceited;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; ecstatic; exhilaration;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; ecstatic; exhilaration; night;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; impatience;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; impatience; about things of little importance;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; irritability;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; irritability; while reading;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; mood; alternating mood;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; remorse;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; excessively religious (see anxiety, despair, fear);
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; selfishness;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; sensitive, oversensitive;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; sensitive, oversensitive; to noise;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; despair; religious (of salvation etc.);
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; wants to injure self; suicidal disposition;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; wants to injure self; suicidal disposition; by
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression; weeping;
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting);
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); when spoken
emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); when telling of
intellectual faculties; bright, intelligent, clear; clairvoyance;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; difficulty concentrating;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; confusion;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; confusion; as to own identity;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; dull, sluggish;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; dull, sluggish; children;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; imbecility;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; mistakes; in spelling;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; mistakes; in time;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; mistakes; in time; confuses present with past;
intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; vanishing of thoughts;
insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety;
insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; anticipating an engagement;
insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; of conscience (as if guilty of a crime);
insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; about salvation;
insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; if a time is set;
insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; that someone is behind;
insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of something creeping out of every corner;
insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; dark;
insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of death;
insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled;
insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled; from noise;
insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled; during sleep; starting from sleep;
memory; forgetful; own name (see confusion);
memory; forgetful; of words while speaking;
memory; weakness of memory;
memory; weakness of memory; for proper names;
memory; weakness of memory; for what was read;
memory; weakness of memory; for what has been said;
memory; weakness of memory; for what was about to say;
memory; weakness of memory; for what has just thought;
memory; weakness of memory; for words;
perception; everything seems unreal;
perception; time; time passes too slowly;
restlessness, nervousness;
restlessness, nervousness; night;
talking, conversation; speech; confused;
thinking of complaints;
unconsciousness; transient;
wildness; wild feeling in head;
work; impossible to work;
work; work drives crazy, from impotence of mind;

H.C. Allen
Kent Lectures
Reversed & reworded Kent repertory


Brain seems weary; slightest sound annoys and fatigues her.
Neuralgia first in left temple and parietal bone, then in right, next day in left eye.
Heat and throbbing in temporal region both sides.
Brain exceedingly tender and all mental work irksome.
Intense cerebral suffering, causing continual rubbing of head in pillow, rolling from side to side.
Sensation of tightness and contraction, extending from eyes and meeting in brain; extends down
whole length of spine.
Aching and exhausted feeling in cerebellum and medulla, with a subjective tenderness of spine
from cerebellum to kidneys.
Burning glow in cerebellum and down spine.
Head feels heavy and is drawn backwards.
Simmering in head, does not know whether it is heard or felt.
Sensation as if occipital protuberances were enlarged.
Eyes and Sight
When eyes were shut, felt as if pulling out of head to one side or other; when open all things
seemed to flicker.
A blur over things; numberless black, sometimes brown spots dancing over her book; sees objects
double; things look very small; sees imaginary objects.
Feeling as if she stared at everything, as if eyes protrudedfont
Aching in eyeballs, pressure and heat in vertex, a tendency to shut eyesfont
Continuous watering of eyes, great heat and sensation of sand under lidsfont
Ptosis of outer end of both upper lids, particularly left, requiring exertion to open themfont
Swelling of upper lids; soreness and smarting of edgesfont
Decided tendency to irritation of edges of lidsfont
Hardness of upper lid as if it had a cartilage in it.
Eyebrows itch; brows and lashes fall off.
Swelling under eyes.
Sometimes cannot raise lid of right eye after being asleep; cough when tired or nervous.
Miss X., 23, had chronic blepharitis since eleven.
Her suffering was intense.
Light, especially gas-light, was intolerable, and this prevented her from going into society.
She could not read in the evening, and in the morning the lids would be closed, and she suffered
much on getting them separated.
There was much discharge.
Before coming under me she had been under strict homeopathic treatment all the time.
Medorrhinum was given in high potency, single doses repeated as the effect of each wore off, and
she was entirely cured.
Ears and Hearing
Nearly total deafness of both ears, with very little noise; had to use a trumpet.
Partial or transient deafness; pulsation in earsfont
Child hard of hearing for six daysfont
Singular sensation of deafness from one ear to the other, as if a tube went through head, while yet
there was an over acuteness of hearing.
Is sure he hears people in conversation, but on carefully watching, finds that sounds have reference
to arterial pulsation, but where he cannot discover.
When whistling, the sound in ears is double, with peculiar vibration as when two persons whistle
Noises seemingly in mastoid cells, frying and hissing.
After sleeping feels as though parchment was drawn over ear, on which she was lying.
Sensation of a worm about an inch long crawling in right ear, and as if it commenced boring in
anterior wall of auditory canal.
Aching in cartilage of ear when lying on it at night.
Soreness to touch of right concha.
Ringhole in left ear more and almost gatheredp
Nose and Smell
Intense itching in nose, internally near point, had to rub all the time.
Very great burning in both nostrils when breathing through them.
Coldness of end of nose.
Entire loss of smell for several days.
Soreness of outer wing (inside) of left nostril.
Nose constantly running.
Nasal catarrh, with continual running down throat.
Sensation of action in bones; obstruction at root of nose as if mucous membrane was hypertrophied.
Nose goes to sleep.
Nose inflamed, swollen.
Catarrh of posterior nares .
Posterior nares obstructed, better by hawking thick, greyish mucus, followed by bloody mucus.
Soreness and crawling feeling as of a
in left nostril in morning.
Nose stopped up, cannot breathe through it in the morning; snuffles in children not relieved by the
other remediesp
Head heavy and drawn backward
Weight and pressure in vertex
Brain seems weary; slightest sound annoys and fatigues her.
Intense cerebral suffering, causing continual rubbing of head in pillow, rolling from side to side.
Head feels heavy and is drawn backwards.
Wandering neuralgia of head, worse in cold damp weather.
bores head in pillow;
sensation of head bubbling; boiling sensation;
constriction, tension (see also pulling, pressing);
constriction, tension (see also pulling, pressing); like band or hoop;
constriction, tension (see also pulling, pressing); stooping;
constriction, tension (see also pulling, pressing); forehead;
constriction, tension (see also pulling, pressing); foreas from a band;
pulled; backward;
expanded sensation (see swollen); enlarged sensation; back of head (occiput );
hot; back of head (occiput );
hot; top of head (vertex);
movements of rolling head;
movements of sideways;
pulsating; temples;
Tensive pains in head, with a wild sensation as if she would go crazy, with a sensation as if she
would do something desperate in spite of herself; afraid to be alone.
Severe pain at the base of the brain, running to the vertex, in two cases suffering from retroflexion.
Frontal headache; with nausea; feeling of a tight band across forehead, worse leaning head forward;
as if front half of brain would come through foreas if skin was drawn tight; with fluent coryza , with
pressure back of eyes, as if they would be forced out; extending over brain to neck.
Wakes with headache over eyes and in temples; worse from sunlight.
Headache in right temple; a good deal of aching over left eye Nocturnal enuresis .
Neuralgic headache in left temple and around middle part of cranium, at times terribly severe, with
sensation of great weight and pressure in vertex; has lasted twenty-four hours and is gradually
increasing in violence.
Pain in centre of brain; in evening sharp pain through temples pains commence and cease suddenly.
Pain in left parietal bone when the wind blows on it.
Pain circling through head and around crown.
Terrible pains all through head in every direction, with continuous and violent vomiting, followed
by aching in sacrum and down back of legs to feet.
Constant headache, worse while coughing; light (through the eyes) seems to hurt it.
Intense headache for three days, with inflammation of eye.
Headache and diarrhea from motion of ears.
Headache with menses .
Dull headache in a broad ring around head.
Dull pain in cerebellum.
Intense burning pain in head, worse in cerebellum.
Tensive pain in left side of head as far back as parietal eminence and to middle of crown.
Tensive pains in head as if she would go crazy; could not read or use mind.
Aching in occiput and medulla; pain sharp on motion; drowsy.
Aching pain in base of brain, with swelling of cords of neck.
Severe pain in back of head as though it had been struck; pain spread over to front, with severe
neuralgic pain in left eye; headache lasted all night; eye bloodshot.
Pain in back of head and in right eye.
Neuralgic pain in eyeballs; when pressing eyelids together; worse when rolling themfont
Feeling of pain and irritation, and sensation of sticks in eyes, lids and especially inner canthi ,
redness and dryness of lids, congestion of sclerotic and sensation of a cool wind blowing in eyes,
especially inner canthifont
Pulling pain in left lower lid from outer canthus ; could see lid twitch between these pointsfont
Pain passes up Eustachian tube and out of both ears with a tickling sensation.
Itching, aching, or boring pain in left ear.
Quick, darting pains in right ear, from without inward, pains followed each other in close
Heavy fluent coryza , with hard headache all day in frontal region, worse 1030 A. M.
Burning pain in brain; worse, occiput
Headache from jarring of ears, exhaustion, or hard work
Frontal headache with nausea; feeling of a tight band across forehead, agg. leaning head forward; as
if skin were drawn tight; with fluent coryza ; with pressure back of eyes, as if they would be forced
out; extending over brain to neck.
Wakes with headache over eyes and in temples; agg. from sunlight.
Pain in centre of brain; in evening sharp pain through temples; pains commence and cease suddenly.
Pain in l. parietal bone when the wind blows on it.
Pain circling through head and around crown.
Terrible pains all through head in every direction, with continuous and violent vomiting, followed
by aching in sacrum and down backs of legs to feet.
Constant headache agg. while coughing; light (through the eyes) seems to hurt it.
Intense headache for three days, with inflammation of eye.
Dull pain in cerebellum.
Intense burning pain in head, agg. in cerebellum.
Tensive pains in head as if she would go crazy; could not read or use mind.
Aching pain in base of brain, with swelling of cords of neck.
Pain in back of head and in r. eye.
heaviness (see pain; pressing);
movements of rocks head from side to side to relieve pain;
pain, headache;
pain, headache; on coughing;
pain, headache; in women; during period;
pain, headache; certain movements; rolling head from side to side;
pain, headache; from certain movements; from stooping;
pain, headache; travelling; travelling by train or underground;
pain, headache; aching deep in brain;
pain, headache; in forehead;
pain, headache; in foremorning;
pain, headache; in foreabove eyes;
pain, headache; back of head (occiput );
pain, headache; sides; left;
pain, headache; temples;
pain, headache; temples; morning; on waking;
pain, headache; as from blows to the head;
pain, headache; burning;
pain, headache; burning; back of head (occiput );
pain, headache; cutting, darting, stabbing; back of head (occiput );
pain, headache; cutting, darting, stabbing; temples;
pain, headache; dull pain; back of head (occiput );
pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); forepressing outward;
pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); forepressing outward; as though brain would come
pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); top of head (vertex);
pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure;

Intense itching of scalpfont
Great quantities of dandruff.
Hair lustreless, dry and crispy.
Dryness and electrical condition of hair; it will not remain brushed.
Great deal of fugitive itching in scalp.
Sharp itching of scalp, whiskers and eyebrows.
Intense itching of scalp; quantities of dandruffp
Hair dry, crispy
Itching of scalp; dandruff.
Hair lustreless, dry and crispy; electrical.
Intense itching of scalp; quantities of dandruff.
hair; dryness;
hair; lustreless;
skin and scalp; powdery flaking skin;
skin and scalp; itching;

H.C. Allen
Kent Lectures
Reversed & reworded Kent repertory


Feels as If she stared at everything
Eyeballs ache
Feels as if sticks in eyes
Lids irritated.
When eyes were shut, felt as if pulling out of head to one side or other; when open all things
seemed to flicker.
A blur over things; numberless black, sometimes brown spots dancing over her book; sees objects
double; things look very small; sees imaginary objects.
Neuralgic pain in eyeballs when pressing eyelids together; agg. when rolling them.
Feeling of pain and irritation, and sensations of sticks in eyes, lids, and esp. inner canthi , redness
and dryness of lids, congestion of sclerotics and sensation of a cool wind blowing in eyes, esp. inner
canthi .
Ptosis of outer end of both upper lids, particularly L, requiring exertion to open them. Decided
tendency to irritation of edges of lids.
Hardness of upper lid, as if it had a cartilage in it.
Swelling under eyes.
s Flickering before the eyes.
eye; lids; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed);
eye; lids; desire to close;
eye; lids; stuck together; morning;
eye; coldness;
eye; coldness; as if cold air blew in;
eye; discoloration; redness; lids; spots; edges of;
eye; dryness;
eye; hair falling from eye-lashes;
eye; hardness; lids (see thickening);
eye; eye feels hot;
eye; eye feels hot; lids;
eye; inflammation; with gonorrhoea;
eye; inflammation; heat;
eye; inflammation; wounds; lids;
eye; pain;
eye; pain; right;
eye; pain; on movement of eyes;
eye; pain; on movement of sideways;
eye; pain; aching;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; margins of lids;
eye; pain; pulling;
eye; pain; pulling; outward;
eye; pain; as from something in eye;
eye; pain; as from something in eye; like sand in eye;
eye; pain; pressing;
eye; pain; pressing; as if being pulled out;
eye; pain; pressing; as if being pulled out; when shut;
eye; pain; sore, bruised, tender; as from a splinter;
eye; pain; tearing;
eye; paralysis; lids; upper;
eye; intolerance of light (photophobia ); gaslight;
eye; protrusion; sensation of;
eye; staring;
eye; staring; sensation as though staring;
eye; swellings; lids; under the lids;
eye; swellings; lids; upper lids;

vision; blurred;
vision; colours and shapes in front of colours; black; spots;
vision; colours and shapes in front of colours; dark; spots;
vision; objects seem distorted; objects seem small;
vision; double vision;
vision; flickering;

Kent Lectures
Reversed & reworded Kent repertory


Nearly total deafness of both ears, with very little noise; had to use a trumpet.
Partial or transient deafness; pulsation in ears.
Singular sensation of deafness from one ear to the other, as if a tube went through head, while yet
there was an over-acuteness of hearing.
When whistling, the sound in ears is double, with peculiar vibration as when two persons whistle
Quick, darting pains in r. ear, from without inward; pains followed each other in quick succession.
Ringhole in l. ear sore and almost gathered.
Partial deafness, pulsation in ears
Quick, darting pains in right ear.
s Impaired hearing and total deafness.
ear; itching; like insects crawling on skin; ear canal;
ear; itching; in ear;
ear; noises in ear; hissing;
ear; pain;
ear; pain; lying on ear;
ear; pain; extending to other parts; extending inward;
ear; pain; boring pain in ear; left;
ear; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; right;
ear; pulsation;
ear; skin; ulceration; lobe, in piercing for earrings;
ear; sensation of worms;
ear; sensation of worms; lobe, in hole for earrings;

hearing; illusions of where sound comes from;
hearing; impaired;
hearing; impaired; like leaf or cloth over ear;
hearing; lost, deafness;

Kent Lectures
Reversed & reworded Kent repertory


Great pallor; yellowness of face, particularly around eyes, as if occurring from a bruise (greenish
yellow); yellow band across forehead close to hairfont
Greenish, shining appearance of skin.
Blotches on face.
Flushes of heat in face and neck.
Fevers blisters near corner of right upper lip, small but very sore.
Enormous fever sore on lower lip near left commissure.
Sweat of on upper lip.
Neuralgia of right upper and lower jaws, extending to templefont
Face covered with acne; dry herpes; freckles.
Tendency to stiffness in jaws and tonguefont
Rigidity of muscles of face, especially of lower lip, drawing it up tight to teeth; jaws stiff, unable to
open them; deglutition nearly impossible; throat filled with salivafont
Swelling of submaxillary glands.
Sensation of constriction and aching in throat and jaws when wearyp
Teeth and Gums
Teeth have serrated edges, or are chalky and easily decay (
Syphilinum; teeth are cupped, decay at edges of gums and break off)font
Sore teeth, particularly eyeteeth; feel sore and soft.
Yellowness of teeth.
Hard swelling on right upper jaw, as if in socket of a tooth gone since four years; intense neuralgic
pains extending to whole head, causing sleeplessness; severe pains all over head, with external
Pale gumsfont
Taste and Tongue
Taste coppery on rising; disagreeable; bad in morning.
Tongue coated brown and thick; thickly in morning, with bad taste; white at base, the rest red;
white, with papillae showing through.
Tongue blistered.
Small sores, pustules (canker sores) on edge, tip and under tongue, very painful; also inside lips and
in throatp
Pallor, acne, blotches of redding color
Small boils break out during menses .
Blotches on skin.
Fever blisters near corner of r. upper lip, small but very sore.
Enormous fever sore on lower lip near l. commissure.
Neuralgia of r. upper and lower jaws, extending to temple.
Face covered with acne; dry herpes; freckles.
Tendency to stiffness in jaws and tongue.
heat; hot flashes;
lips; discoloration; pale;
lips; out-breaks on lips;
lips; out-breaks on lips; cold sores, herpes; around lips;
pain; closing eyes;
perspiration; during sleep;
skin; discoloration; earthy;
skin; discoloration; greenish (see iron deficiency anaemia (greenish-yellow discoloration));
skin; discoloration; pale;
skin; discoloration; sallow;
skin; discoloration; sickly colour;
skin; discoloration; yellow;
skin; greasy;
skin; out-breaks on skin;
skin; out-breaks on skin; acne;
skin; out-breaks on skin; cold sores, herpes; around mouth;
skin; out-breaks on skin; cold sores, herpes; corners of mouth;
skin; shiny skin;
skin; shiny skin; waxy;
stiffness, muscles; lower jaw;
swelling; under eyes;
swelling; submaxillary gland (gland under jaw, by throat);

H.C. Allen
Reversed & reworded Kent repertory


Intense itching
Coldness of tip
Posterior nares obstructed
Chronic nasal and pharyngeal catarrhs.
Intense itching in nose, internally near point, had to rub all the time.
Very great burning in both nostrils when breathing through them.
Coldness of end of nose.
Entire loss of smell for several days.
Nose goes to sleep.
Epistaxis .
Nose inflamed, swollen.
Posterior nares obstructed, amel. by hawking thick, greyish mucus, followed by bloody mucus.
Soreness and crawling feeling, as of a
in l. nostril in morning.
This remedy cures obstinate nasal catarrh, also post nasal obstruction with loss of smell.
sensitive to breathing in air;
nose bleed;
catarrh; post nasal (see discharge);
coldness; tip of nose;
discharge from grey;
discharge from thick;
discharge from behind nostrils (see catarrh);
itching; inside;
itching; inside; left;
pain; burning, smarting;
pain; burning, smarting; on breathing in;
pain; rawness; wings, inner surface;
pain; sore, bruised; inside;
pain; sore, bruised; inside; left;
pain; sore, bruised; wings; left;
smell; lost sense of smell;

running or blocked nose (coryza );
running or blocked nose (coryza ); blocked;
running or blocked nose (coryza ); blocked; behind nostrils;
running or blocked nose (coryza ); blocked; at root;
running or blocked nose (coryza ); running, wet;
running or blocked nose (coryza ); running, wet; late morning; 10 a.m.;

Kent Lectures
Reversed & reworded Kent repertory


Foul breath in morning.
Foul breath in morning.
lining; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed);
odour (halitosis, bad breath); putrid; morning;
pain; as if burnt;
pain; sore;

Blisters on inner surface of lips and cheeks, skin peeling off in patchesfont
Blisters on inner surface of lips and cheeks.
Small sores, pustules (canker sores) on edge, tip, and under tongue, very painful; also inside lips
and in throat.
Blisters on inner surface of lips and cheeks, skin peeling off in patches.

Gums and teeth

Teeth have serrated edges, or are chalky and easily decay.
Sore teeth, particularly eye teeth; feel sore and soft.
Yellowness of teeth.
The teeth are always sensitive when chewing.
discoloration; gums; pale;
swelling; gums; hard, painful, in socket of a tooth that has been out for years;
teeth; decay, hollow;
teeth; decay, hollow; rapid;
teeth; crumbling;
teeth; discoloured; yellow;
teeth; pain; sore, bruised;
teeth; serrated;
teeth; feel soft;
Dryness of feels burnt.
Excitement of submaxillary glands, pouring out saliva profusely.
Stringy mucus comes out of mouth during sleepp
Stringy mucus comes out of mouth during sleep.
saliva; mucus, slime; ropy (see also saliva);
saliva; mucus, slime; thick and sticky;
saliva; thick and sticky;

Very sore mouth, ulcers on tongue and in buccal cavity, like blisterfont
Tongue coated brown and thick, blistered; canker sores
Tongue blistered.
biting self; tongue; night in sleep;
bleeding; tongue;
discoloration; tongue; brown;
discoloration; tongue; white; root;
growths, blisters, swellings; blisters; tongue;
growths, blisters, swellings; pus-filled pimples; tongue;
growths, blisters, swellings; pus-filled pimples; tongue; tip;
growths, blisters, swellings; pus-filled pimples; tongue; under;
tongue; stiff tongue;
tongue; trembling;

Taste coppery on rising; disagreeable; bad in morning.
Tongue coated brown and thick; thickly in morning, with bad taste white at base, the rest red; white,
with papillae showing through.
taste; bad;
taste; bad; morning;
taste; metallic;

H.C. Allen

Sharp pain in bottom of l. lung.
Singular sensation through chest, bounded by a line drawn across lower end of sternum and another
about middle; as if there was a cavity extending from side to side, filled with burning air, which
dilated in puffs in all directions and could be felt impinging on walls of cavity.
Pain in r. shoulder as though it came from l. straight through.
Constricted sensation at bottom of both lungs; dull, heavy pain at top of l. lung.
Coughing gives great pain in chest, as if it was painfully contracted.
Incipient consumption .
Pain and soreness through chest and mammae.
Sensation of an abscess between pectoralis major and minor.
Great soreness to pressure of muscles of lower l. chest front and back, soreness when moving l.
coldness; right;
coldness; breast;
coldness; breast; nipple;
sensation of emptiness; heart;
fullness; heart;
heart; palpitations;
heart; palpitations; from exertion;
heart; palpitations; on movement; slightest;
heat; on walking in the sun, heat on left side, right cold;
heat; walking; in the sun;
heat; around heart;
lungs; tuberculosis;
lungs; tuberculosis; acute;
lungs; tuberculosis; like flowers;
lungs; tuberculosis; early stages;
lungs; tuberculosis; full of mucus;
lungs; tuberculosis; damp weather or sea air;
movements in and of fluttering;
oppressed feeling;
oppressed feeling; afternoon; 5 p.m.;
oppressed feeling; heart;
pain; breast;
pain; sides;
pain; boring;
pain; boring; during chill;
pain; burning;
pain; burning; heart;
pain; bursting; heart;
pain; cold pain in chest, on coughing;
pain; cutting (sudden sharp pain); heart;
pain; pulling; sides; left;
pain; sore, bruised;
pain; sore, bruised; touch;
pain; sore, bruised; breast;
pain; sore, bruised; breast; nipples;
pain; sore, bruised; short ribs;
pain; sore, bruised; short ribs; left;
pain; sore, bruised; heart;
pain; sore, bruised; heart; while lying on left side;
pain; stitching, sudden, sharp;
pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; lower part; right;
pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; sides;
pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; heart;

Palpitation after slight exertion.
Feeling of a cavity where heart ought to be.
Pain in heart acute, sharp, quick; dull; quick.
Intense pain in heart, seemed to radiate in different parts of l. side of agg. from least movement.
Burning in heart, went through to back and down into l. arm.

Chest sore to touch, at times burning extends over cold seems to agg. it; a piece of ice seems to cool
it for an instant, then it is hotter; lung feels as if beaten or bruised.
With heat in chest, heart felt very hot, beat very fast and felt large, accompanied by a bursting
Desire to breathe deep; wakes gasping for breath.
Difficulty in breathing, with momentary faintness; very marked stuffed feeling in chest made her
gasp for breath.
Great oppression of breathing every afternoon about 5 P. M.; sense of constriction.
Has to fill lungs, but no power to eject air.
Faint suffocative sensation when sitting up in bed, as if thorax was full.
Spasm of glottis, with clucking in throat, air expelled with difficulty, but inhaled with ease.
Breath hot, feels so even when breathing through nose.
After a deep inspiration singular piping and croaking in bronchiap
Much oppression of breathing
Hoarse while reading
Pain and soreness through chest and mammae
Incessant, dry, night cough
Incipient consumption
Larynx feels sore
Dyspnoea ; cannot exhale (
Samb.) Cough; better lying on stomach.
Hoarseness, esp. while reading, with occasional loss of voice.
Choking caused by a weakness or spasm of epiglottis, could not tell which; larynx stopped so that
no air could enter, only amel. by lying on face and protruding tongue.
Dryness of glottis, very annoying, with pain during deglutition ; great hoarseness.
Soreness in larynx, as if ulcerated.
Tenacious mucus in larynx.
Sensation of a lump in larynx; severe pain on deglutition .
Bronchial catarrh spreading into larynx, swelling of tonsils and glands of throat extended also into
ears, causing transient deafness.
Great oppression of breathing every afternoon about 5 p.m.; sense of constriction.
Has to fill lungs, but no power to eject air.
Breath hot, feels so even when breathing through the nose.
Cough from tickling under upper part of sternum.
Incessant dry cough, agg. at night; wakes just as she is falling asleep; agg. from sweet things.
Terrible, painful cough, as if larynx would be torn to pieces and as if mucous membrane was torn
off, with profuse discharge of viscid greyish mucus, mixed with blood.
Cough agg. on lying down, amel. lying on stomach.
Expectoration yellow white, albuminous, or little green, bitter balls; ropy, difficult to raise; as if
flecked with infinitesimal dark spots.
is difficult.
respiration; asthma attack;
respiration; asthma attack; cold, damp weather;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea);
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); night;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); breathing out;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); wants to be fanned;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); while lying; lying on the back;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); while lying; lying on the left side;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); while lying; lying on knees and elbows;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); lying down; lying on knees and elbows;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); waking with difficulty breathing;
respiration; gasping;
respiration; hot breath;

Outer chest
Pain and soreness through chest and mammae.
Great soreness to pressure of muscles of lower left chest front and back, soreness when moving of
left shoulder-bladep

Reversed & reworded Kent repertory
H.C. Allen
Kent Lectures

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