Early Childhood Specialization Tests: Study Guide Core Academic Competencies
Early Childhood Specialization Tests: Study Guide Core Academic Competencies
Early Childhood Specialization Tests: Study Guide Core Academic Competencies
Year 2020
Study Guide
Core Academic Competencies
(KG1 – Grade 2) Teachers
Table of Contents
Test Overview…………………………………………………………………….…….……Page 2
Educational Professions Licensure
In addition to the Early Childhood Pedagogy test, the Specialization Test is a requirement for teachers
teaching KG1 through Grade 2, the test is composed of 2 section:
• English or Arabic Literacy section, where the Arabic section is for teachers who teach most of
their classes in Arabic, whereas English literacy is for those who teach most of their classes in
• Numeracy section
The two sections are delivered separately and consecutively using different test codes.
Candidates will be required to pass both the Numeracy and Literacy tests. In case a candidate did not
pass one of the two tests, the candidate will have to repeat both tests.
The English Literacy and Numeracy tests are computer delivered with Adaptive test design.
The test is adaptive. Test content and difficulty is customized to the individual test taker. When a test
taker answers a question correctly, they will be given more difficult content; when they answer a
question incorrectly, they will be given easier content. This process of continuous adjustment delivers
optimized content for each test taker throughout the exam, maximizing their opportunity to perform at
their best and providing a more accurate measure of their ability. Test takers should do their best to
answer each question correctly; answering more difficult questions correctly reflects higher ability and
therefore higher score. Once a question is answered, and the next question given, they will not be able
to go back and change the answer.
For detailed information regarding Computer Adaptive Testing please visit “Understanding Computer
Adaptive Test ” section on the website
Numeracy Section
The Numeracy Section for teachers is one of the subsets of the Early childhood Specialization Test which is a
requirement for obtaining the teaching license for teachers who are teaching KG1 through grade 2.
Section Overview
Section specifications
II. Algebra
Candidates must:
2. Patterns
• have a comprehensive understanding of
operations and algebraic thinking Teachers must be able to:
• demonstrate the ability to make
connections between numerical operations • understand how to generate and analyze
and algebraic thinking patterns and relationships
• be able to utilize operations and algebraic • identify inherent features of patterns that
thinking to model and solve real-world are not explicit in the rule used to generate
problems and demonstrate fluency with them
operations, algebraic expressions, • use properties of operations to generate
equations and functions equivalent expressions
• demonstrate the ability to make
connections between multiplication, 3. Linear Expressions and Functions
division, ratios and rates of change in order
Teachers must be able to:
to have a comprehensive understanding
involving ratios and proportional reasoning • extend and apply properties of arithmetic
to algebraic expressions, equations, and
1. Operations and Algebraic Thinking inequalities
Teachers must be able to: • analyze and solve linear equations,
inequalities and systems of linear equations
• demonstrate the ability to apply operations • solve mathematical and real-world
and relationships between operations problems using numerical and algebraic
• apply strategies for writing and interpreting expressions and equations
numerical expressions • define, evaluate and compare functions,
• analyze properties of factors and multiples and use functions to model relationships
both numerical and algebraic between quantities
• demonstrate the ability to analyze and • identify or write expressions of number
apply properties of integers, exponents, sentences to represent problem situations
square roots involving unknowns
• represent solutions to problems and
equations in algebraic and graphical form
• perform operations with numbers
expressed in scientific notation
• find the value of an expression when given
values of the variables
4. Rational Expressions and Functions 1. Geometry
IV. Statistics and Probability
Candidates must:
2. Measures of Central Tendency
• demonstrate the ability to model and solve
real-world problems using statistics and Teachers must be able to:
• demonstrate fluency in using data, • demonstrate knowledge of statistical
measures of central tendency and variability and measures
variability, and draw inferences from the • summarize and describe data distributions
data distributions • demonstrate knowledge of the use of
• apply knowledge of probability and random sampling to draw inferences about
statistics to understand how chance events a population
are used to make inferences • draw informal or comparative inferences
about two populations using data
1. Data distributions and measures of centrality and
Teachers must be able to:
3. Counting and Probability
• demonstrate the ability to represent,
analyze, and solve problems with data Teachers must be able to:
presented in various forms (like tables, bar
graphs, pictographs, line graphs and pie • use chance to investigate processes to
charts) evaluate probability models (situations)
• use information from data displays to • judge chances of outcomes as certain, more
answer questions that go beyond directly likely, equally likely, less likely, or
reading the data displayed (e.g., solve impossible in general terms
problems and perform computations using • given a random experiment determine the
the data, combine data from two or more chance of a certain outcome
sources, make inferences, and draw • solve basic problems of dependent and
conclusions based on the data) independent events
• utilize patterns of association in bivariate
data using scatter plots, linear models, and
two-way tables
Sample Questions
Answer Key
Question Answer
1 C
2 A
3 D
4 A
5 B
6 A
7 D
8 B
9 B
10 A
11 C
12 A
13 D
14 B
15 A
16 C
17 B
18 A
19 D
20 B
21 A
22 C
23 D
24 A
25 B
English Literacy Section
The Literacy Section for Teachers assesses the English reading and writing proficiency of UAE’s educators and
prospective educators. It is a computer‐based exam and has seven question types – Grammar, Vocabulary,
Sentence Builder, Paragraph Builder, Cloze Reading, Single-Question Reading, and Writing.
The Literacy Section is part of the Specialization test for teachers which is one of the Professional teacher’s
license requirements for those who are teaching from KG1 through grade 2.
Section Overview
Test specifications
I. Reading
Candidate must: environment. Vocabulary content is primarily based
on the English Vocabulary Project
• understand written information (www.englishprofile.org). The list has been
• understand and use a variety of reading screened to ensure that the words are culturally
and note-taking skills and strategies to
appropriate and useful in an academic context.
assist the reading process
Questions can be multiple-choice, drag and drop, or
1. Grammar re-ordering words to form a sentence.
Grammar items assess the test-taker’s ability to
Teachers must be able to:
select the correct word or words to complete a
sentence. Grammar content is primarily based on • Recognize and understand the meaning of
the English Grammar Profile Project high-frequency words and phrases
(www.englishprofile.org). Questions can include
multiple-choice, drag and drop, re-ordering words 3. Cloze Reading Passages
to form a sentence, and re-ordering sentences to In Cloze reading passage sections, test-takers see
form a paragraph. blanks in short (90 to 120-word) readings where
Teachers must be able to: level‐appropriate words have been removed. The
removed words are presented above the text and
use structural analysis to guess meaning test-takers drag the words to fill the blanks.
identify parts of a sentence, phrases and
clauses and their relation to meaning Teachers must be able to:
• recognize and decode grammatical
• use structural analysis to guess meaning
• identify parts of a sentence, phrases and
• recognize academic discourse patterns and
clauses and their relation to meaning
identify logical connectors
• recognize and decode grammatical
2. Vocabulary
Vocabulary items consist of short multiple-choice • recognize academic discourse patterns and
vocabulary questions which assess the extent to identify logical connectors Recognize and
which test-takers know the high‐frequency words understand the meaning of high-frequency
needed to function effectively in an English‐medium words and phrases
• use contextual clues and known vocabulary
to guess the meaning of unknown words
4. Single-Question Readings
5. Paragraph Builder
II. Writing
The Writing component of the exam consists of a
single writing task. The response is word‐processor
mediated, and test takers are expected to write
200‐250 words. The prompt is given in English.
candidates must:
Sample questions
Question 17:
Question 18:
Question 19:
Answer Key
18 Doctor: Take this medicine for a week and you'll start to feel better.
Patient: But I've used it before and it did not help at all.
Doctor: Are you sure? Most of my patients seem to like it.
Patient: Yes I am. Can you please prescribe another one?
Doctor: OK - let's try this one, and see if it helps you.
19 Essay