Types of Diode1
Types of Diode1
Types of Diode1
By dinsefa mensur
There are many different types of diodes that are available for use in electronics design. Different
semiconductor diode types can be used to perform different functions as a result of the properties
of these different diode types.
Semiconductor diodes can be used for many applications. The basic application is obviously to
rectify waveforms. This can be used within power supplies or within radio detectors. Signal
diodes can also be used for many other functions within circuits where the "one way" effect of a
diode may be required.
Diodes are not just used as rectifiers, as various other types of diode can be used in many other
applications. Some other different types of diodes include: light emitting diodes, photo-diodes,
laser diodes and more as detailed in the list below.
Many of the different types of diodes mentioned below have further pages providing in-depth
information about them including their structures, method of operation, how they may be used in
circuits, and precautions and tips for using them in electronics design.
Types of diodes
It is sometimes useful to summarise the different diode types that are available. Some of the
categories may overlap, but the various definitions may help to narrow the field down and
provide an overview of the different diode types that are available.
Avalanche diode: The avalanche diode by its very nature is operated in reverse bias. It
uses the avalanche effect for its operation. In general the avalanche diode is used for
photo-detection where the avalanche process enables high levels of sensitivity to be
obtained, even if there are higher levels of associated noise.
Laser diode: This type of diode is not the same as the ordinary light emitting diode
because it produces coherent light. Laser diodes are widely used in many applications
from DVD and CD drives to laser light pointers for presentations. Although laser diodes
are much cheaper than other forms of laser generator, they are considerably more
expensive than LEDs. They also have a limited life.
Light emitting diodes: The light emitting diode or LED is one of the most popular types
of diode. When forward biased with current flowing through the junction, light is
produced. The diodes use component semiconductors, and can produce a variety of
colours, although the original colour was red. There are also very many new LED
developments that are changing the way displays can be used and manufactured. High
output LEDs and OLEDs are two examples. See related articles list in left hand
Photodiode: The photo-diode is used for detecting light. It is found that when light
strikes a PN junction it can create electrons and holes. Typically photo-diodes are
operated under reverse bias conditions where even small amounts of current flow
resulting from the light can be easily detected. Photo-diodes can also be used to generate
electricity. For some applications, PIN diodes work very well as photodetectors. See
related articles list in left hand margin.
PIN diode: This type of diode is typified by its construction. It has the standard P type
and N-type areas, but between them there is an area of Intrinsic semiconductor which has
no doping. The area of the intrinsic semiconductor has the effect of increasing the area of
the depletion region which can be useful for switching applications as well as for use in
photodiodes, etc.
Point contact diode: This type of diode is one of the most basic forms of diode in terms
of its construction but it performs in the same way as a PN junction diode. This type of
diode consists of a piece of N-type semiconductor, onto which a sharp point of a specific
type of metal wire (group III metal) is placed. As this physical junction is formed, some
of the metal from the wire migrates into the semiconductor and produces a PN junction.
Point contact diodes have a very low level of capacitance because the resulting junction is
very small. As such this type of diode is ideal for many radio frequency (RF)
applications. The downside of the small junction is that they cannot carry high levels of
current but they have the advantage that they are very cheap to manufacture, although
their performance is not particularly repeatable.
PN Junction: The standard PN junction may be thought of as the normal or standard
type of diode in use today. These diodes can come as small signal types for use in radio
frequency, or other low current applications which may be termed as signal diodes. Other
types may be intended for high current and high voltage applications and are normally
termed rectifier diodes.
Rectifier diode: This definition refers to diodes that are used in power supplies for
rectifying alternating power inputs. The diodes are generally PN junction diodes,
although Schottky diodes may be used if low voltage drops are needed. They are able to
rectify current levels that may range from an amp upwards.
Schottky diodes: This type of diode has a lower forward voltage drop than ordinary
silicon PN junction diodes. At low currents the drop may be somewhere between 0.15
and 0.4 volts as opposed to 0.6 volts for a silicon diode. To achieve this performance they
are constructed in a different way to normal diodes having a metal to semiconductor
contact. They are widely used as clamping diodes, in RF applications, and also for
rectifier applications.
Signal diode: This for of diode is used for small signal applications where small values
of current are drawn. Diodes with the description of signal diode are generally the
standard PN junction diode types.
Step recovery diode: A form of microwave diode used for generating and shaping
pulses at very high frequencies. These diodes rely on a very fast turn off characteristic of
the diode for their operation.
Tunnel diode: Although not widely used today, the tunnel diode was used for
microwave applications where its performance exceeded that of other devices of the day
Varactor diode or varicap diode: This type of diode is used in many radio frequency
(RF) applications. The diode has a reverse bias placed upon it and this varies the width of
the depletion layer according to the voltage placed across the diode. In this configuration
the varactor or varicap diode acts like a capacitor with the depletion region being the
insulating dielectric and the capacitor plates formed by the extent of the conduction
regions. The capacitance can be varied by changing the bias on the diode as this will vary
the width of the depletion region which will accordingly change the capacitance.
Zener diode: The Zener diode is a very useful type of diode as it provides a stable
reference voltage. As a result it is used in vast quantities. It is run under reverse bias
conditions and it is found that when a certain voltage is reached it breaks down. If the
current is limited through a resistor, it enables a stable voltage to be produced. This type
of diode is therefore widely used to provide a reference voltage in power supplies. Two
types of reverse breakdown are apparent in these diodes: Zener breakdown and Impact
Ionisation. However the name Zener diode is used for the reference diodes regardless of
the form of breakdown that is employed.
Semiconductor diodes are widely used throughout all areas of the electronics industry from
electronics design through to production and repair. The semiconductor diode is very versatile,
and there are very many variants and different types of diode that enable all the variety of
different applications to be met. The different diode types of types of diodes include those for
small signal applications, high current and voltage as well as different types of diodes for light
emission and detection as well as types for low forward voltage drops, and types to give variable
capacitance. In addition to this there are a number of diode types that are used for microwave
applications. From this it can be seen that the semiconductor diode is a particularly versatile form
of electronics component that can be used in many areas of electronics.