Configuring and Extending Applications
Configuring and Extending Applications
Configuring and Extending Applications
Part Number F24357-02
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Oracle Applications Cloud
Conguring and Extending Applications
Preface i
1 Overview 1
Overview of Conguration ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Congurations and Extensions .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Personalization .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Context Layers ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Business Process Models ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
3 Page Modication 51
Overview of Page Modication ................................................................................................................................................ 51
Overview of Using Page Composer ......................................................................................................................................... 51
Modify Page Content Using Page Composer ....................................................................................................................... 54
Congure the Global Page Template ..................................................................................................................................... 62
Saved Search Management ...................................................................................................................................................... 63
Infolet Management .................................................................................................................................................................. 66
Congure Infotiles on a Page .................................................................................................................................................. 70
New Page Creation ...................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Oracle Applications Cloud
Conguring and Extending Applications
5 Theme Management 89
Overview of Conguring Themes and Home Page Seings ............................................................................................ 89
Create Themes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 90
Manage Themes .......................................................................................................................................................................... 91
Appearance Seings for Changing the Look and Feel of the Application ..................................................................... 92
Change the Logo and Color Schemes of the Application ................................................................................................. 98
FAQs for Theme Management .............................................................................................................................................. 102
6 Flexelds 105
Overview of Flexelds .............................................................................................................................................................. 105
Overview of Flexeld Conguration ..................................................................................................................................... 105
Flexeld Components .............................................................................................................................................................. 107
Flexelds at Runtime ............................................................................................................................................................... 108
Flexeld Modication Using Page Composer .................................................................................................................... 109
How Flexelds Work with Oracle Application Cloud Architecture ................................................................................. 109
Flexeld Management ............................................................................................................................................................... 111
Flexeld Deployment ................................................................................................................................................................ 128
Value Sets ................................................................................................................................................................................... 134
Descriptive Flexelds ................................................................................................................................................................ 150
Extensible Flexelds ................................................................................................................................................................. 158
Key Flexelds ............................................................................................................................................................................. 182
Oracle Applications Cloud
Conguring and Extending Applications
This preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application.
Use help icons to access help in the application. If you don't see any help icons on your page, click your user image
or name in the global header and select Show Help Icons. Not all pages have help icons. You can also access the Oracle
Help Center to nd guides and videos.
Watch: This video tutorial shows you how to nd and use help.
You can also read about it instead.
Additional Resources
• Community: Use Oracle Cloud Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the partner
community, and other users.
The following table explains the text conventions used in this guide.
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates user interface elements, navigation paths, or values you enter or select.
monospace Monospace type indicates le, folder, and directory names, code examples, commands, and URLs.
Oracle Applications Cloud Preface
Conguring and Extending Applications
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website.
Videos included in this guide are provided as a media alternative for text-based help topics also available in this guide.
Contacting Oracle
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
1 Overview
Overview of Conguration
Oracle applications by default provide robust functionality, tailored to support most of the business requirement an
organization could have. But you can still make changes to your application to best t your specic business or personal
Types of Changes
You can make 2 types of changes, based on who's making the change and for whom.
• Congurations: These are changes made by administrators, and these changes aect many users. For example,
you hide a page entry in the springboard for specic job roles, or create a new page for all users.
• Personalization: These are changes made by individual users, and they aect only the users that made them.
For example, you change the column width of a table for yourself.
Here's a visual representation of how changes are categorized.
Personalization Configuration
An administrator can't make personalizations for any specic user other than themselves. Personalizations are also
limited to certain types of changes such as springboard and infolet personalizations, and resizing columns and tables.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
The application is built using a common data model. So, when you make an application change in one area, that change
is available to all objects in the application. For example, if you add an aribute to an object, you can easily add that
aribute to these related artifacts:
Generally, you use the same tools and processes to congure all applications. For more information on conguring
business intelligence, see the Creating and Editing Analytics and Reports guides relevant to your products.
Related Topics
• Overview of Conguration Life Cycle
Modifying the UI
To modify the UI, use:
• The User Interface Text tool to edit text that appears on multiple pages. For example, you can change the
term, "buyer" to "customer" if that is your preferred term, and the change aects all pages where the term is
• The Appearance work area to change the look and feel of the application pages.
• The Announcements work area to create, edit, and delete announcements displayed on the home page.
• Page Composer to congure application pages for other users. For example, you can:
◦ Add elds
◦ Add validation
◦ Change default content
◦ Rearrange regions
◦ Add external content
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
◦ Save queries
Tip: In Page Composer, you can make changes using the WYSIWYG view. However, in some cases, you can
also use the Source view.
Conguring Navigation
Use the Structure work area to congure the Navigator and springboard. On the Navigator, select Conguration >
Managing Help
Many pages have help icons that you click to open help windows. From there, you can add your own content to the
window, for example your company policies or best practices. You can also use the Manage Help Content task in the
Setup and Maintenance work area to view and edit all of the help that anyone added.
Note: You must have the appropriate job roles to add and edit help.
Related Topics
• How You Manage Dierent Types of Help
• Overview of Flexelds
Note: The following tables present only the key tasks for application changes, not all tasks.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
Page Modications
This table shows some types of modications that you can make to pages, and the corresponding tools to use. You can
modify only certain pages in Page Composer.
Branding Modications
This table shows some types of modications that you can make to use your own branding logo, and the corresponding
tools to use.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
Change report layouts Layout editor in the BI application or external applications such as Microsoft Word
Object Modications
This table shows some types of modications that you can make to objects, and the corresponding tools to use.
Add a business object page to the Setup and Maintenance work area
Navigator menu
Security Modications
This table shows a security modication that you can make to objects, and the corresponding tool to use.
Add data security to a custom object Setup and Maintenance work area
Create report layout Layout editor in the BI application or external applications such as Microsoft Word
Change report layouts Layout editor in the BI application or external applications such as Microsoft Word
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
Related Topics
• Overview of Flexelds
• How You Manage Dierent Types of Help
Personalization refers to the changes that every user of the application can make to certain artifacts in the user interface
Note: Personalization changes remain for a user each time the user signs in to the application.
Personalization includes:
• Changes based on how you use the UI, such as changing the width of a column in a table
• Changes that you select to save, such as search parameters
• Changes you make to the springboard and infolets
Context Layers
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
Available Layers
Dierent application families have dierent context layers. Every application has these layers:
• Site: Changes made in this layer aect all users of the application.
• User: Changes made in this layer aect just one specic user. But, you can't use this layer to make changes for
other users. Personalizations are stored in this layer, and users can make personalizations only for themselves.
An administrator can't make a personalization for another user.
You can congure dierent layers that are available for dierent application families:
◦ Site
◦ External or Internal
◦ Job Role
◦ Site
◦ Country
◦ Organization
◦ Time Card Layout
• Others
◦ Site
Layer Rules
Layers exist in a hierarchy. The lower a level is in the hierarchy, the more specic its context is. Layers at lower levels
exist within the scope of the layers above them. This means that the value is set for a context layer within the scope of
the context value for the layers above it. Let's say you're conguring a page for the developer job role. When you select
Job Role as the context level and set the value as Developer, you must also specify a value for the External or Internal
An object or a page can have multiple congurations at the same time. But this is possible only when at least one of
these conditions are met:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
When a user requests an object or page, congurations at the lowest layer applicable to them are given precedence.
Let's say you added three columns to the table. You then congured these columns for each context layer as follows:
1. At the Site layer, you added three columns to the Sales table, namely, Promotion Name, Sales Points and
Partner Name.
2. For the external developer, the Sales Points column is hidden.
3. For the internal sales role, the Sales Points column isn't hidden.
Liam, who's an internal salesperson, personalizes this page for himself and hides the Sales Points column.
Users Columns
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
Here's a visual representation of these congurations in dierent context layers and values.
Site Layer
Adds three new columns to the Sales table
Internal External
Sales Points column is Sales Points column is
not hidden hidden
Hides Sales
User Layer
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
• Make sure you have the role you're trying to make changes for. If you don't, your security administrator can
help you with that.
• Create and activate a sandbox.
◦ If you're using the Unied Sandboxes feature, which you get by default, select Page Composer as a
conguration tool when you create your sandbox. Also, set the context layer as Job Role with the value,
Sales Representative.
◦ If you have opted out of the Unied Sandboxes feature and are using Classic Sandboxes, you set the
context layer as Job Role with the value, Sales Representative in Page Composer before you make your
Once all these conditions are met, you can remove the Export buon from your page. When you make this change, the
conguration engine in Oracle Metadata Services generates an XML, and then stores it in the Oracle Metadata Services
repository. So, the original le for the page remains untouched.
When a sales representative requests access to the Sales home page, the conguration engine checks the repository for
XML les that satisfy these two conditions:
• Does the le match the requested artifact, in this case, the Sales home page?
• Does the le match the active context, in this case, the Sales Representative job role?
The conguration engine also looks for additional XML les with personalizations made by the specic sales
representative who requested access to the Sales home page. But for now, let's assume our sales representative hasn't
made any personalizations. Once the conguration engine nds an XML le that satises both these conditions, that
XML le is then layered over the base artifact. In this scenario, the XML le removes the Export buon from your sales
representative's page.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
Checks for
XML file
Generates and
stores XML file
XML file
Configuration Oracle Metadata Configuration
Engine Services Repository Engine
Home Page Returns page with new
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
To hide page entry B, Liam goes to the springboard and clicks the Personalize Springboard icon. She then deselects
page entry B and clicks OK. When she does this, an XML le is generated for Liam's user layer with this change.
The next time Liam opens her home page, the conguration engine retrieves three XML les:
• The le for the changes you made at the Site layer
• The le for the changes you made at the Job Role layer
• The le for the personalization changes Liam made
The les are always applied in the order of their decreasing scope. The le for the context with the largest scope is
applied rst, and the le for the context with the most specic scope is applied last. In this scenario, this is what happens
when each le is applied.
• The rst le adds page entries A and B to the springboard for everyone.
• The second le adds page entry C since Liam is a recruiter.
• The third le removes B from the springboard since Liam chose to hide it.
When a dierent recruiter accesses this page, only the XML les for the Site and Job Role layer are applied. This user
has A, B, and C on the springboard.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
Here are two diagrams that show you how this personalization ow works. In the rst image, you as an administrator
add page entries A and B to the home page at the Site layer. You add page entry C at the Job Role layer for recruiters.
The image also shows Liam hiding B.
1 2
Hides B
Engine You
(1) Generates and
stores XML file Site (3) Generates and
(+A and B) stores XML file User
for your User layer
(2) Generates and (-B)
stores XML file Recruiter
Oracle Metadata
Services Repository
The next image shows Liam and another recruiter accessing the same home page. The numbers and leers show the
sequence of the steps.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
1 1
Requests Requests
home page home page
4 4
Liam Another
Configuration recruiter
XML file Checks for XML file(s)
Site XML file found
3 Layers
XML file
Layers a
XML file
XML file
Oracle Metadata b
Layers Services Repository
XML file
5 5
Returns home page with Returns home page with
A and C Home Page A, B, and C
Related Topics
• Autoprovisioning
• How do I provision roles to users
• How can I personalize the page entries on my home page
• Personalize Infolets
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
• Edit the Job Role layer and select Sales Representative as the value for that layer
• Include the Country layer and select France as the value
While modifying pages in Page Composer, you see changes that apply to sales representatives in France, based on:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Conguring and Extending Applications Overview
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Note: Changes you make in one sandbox aren't available in another one.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
5. Congurations are migrated from the test environment to the production environment.
Administrator 3
Publishes all
changes to mainline
Test Environment
Migrate changes
to production
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Note: If you have multiple users working on the same sandbox, then conicts may arise within a sandbox.
Hence, users must adhere to the prescribed guidelines to avoid such conicts.
After you complete your application changes, others can review and approve your changes, and then publish to the test
Note that a exeld sandbox is for testing only and can't be published. Instead, you can deploy a exeld to the test
environment using the exeld UI. To test a exeld conguration before deploying it to the test environment, deploy
it to a exeld sandbox. The changes that you deploy to a sandbox are isolated from the test environment. Users who
make the exeld sandbox active in their session can only see these changes. After you're satised with the changes in
the sandbox, you can deploy the changes to the test environment.
You can also use the Manage Congurations dialog box to:
1. Click your user image or name in the global header, and select Manage Congurations from the
Administration menu.
2. Use the Search text eld on the Manage Congurations dialog box to search for the page, page fragment, or
task ow.
You can view the application changes for a user in the Current Context column on the Manage Congurations dialog
box. On this dialog box, you can change the page, page fragment, or task ow for which you're viewing application
changes using the Search eld.
Developers too may be assigned to specic roles and can view only those application changes that are permied for
the specic roles. However, administrators can view all application changes made at the site level, and for any user, in
the All Layers column on the Manage Congurations page. To view application changes made by more than one user,
administrators can select multiple users.
Page-Level Changes
To diagnose issues pertaining to application changes, determine whether changes have been applied to a page. Use the
Manage Congurations dialog box to determine if page-level changes exist. If a page modication causes problems,
such as a user interface component disappears from a page, you can export the application changes and examine the
document le.
Related Topics
• Overview of Context Layers
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Overview of Sandboxes
You use sandboxes to make application changes and test them without impacting other users in the environment.
Wherever possible, make changes to the application in a sandbox rather than making direct changes in the mainline
environment. Sandboxes set apart untested conguration changes from the mainline environment. So you can test your
changes in the sandbox and then publish it. After publishing, your changes become available in the mainline metadata
or other sandboxes after they're refreshed. So everyone can then see your changes in the environment. Mainline
metadata is the primary branch of metadata a sandbox is published to.
Unied Sandboxes
You can either use the Unied Sandboxes UI, which is the default feature you get, or opt out of it using the Oerings
work area to get Classic Sandboxes.
With Unied Sandboxes, you can refresh your sandboxes to bring in the latest changes from the mainline metadata
to your sandboxes, and do many other new and versatile sandbox activities. You get a consistent sandbox experience
across all conguration tools and a more robust user interface with this feature.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
◦ Move only new changes from the source environment to the target environment.
Sandbox Usage
You typically use sandboxes for either of these purposes:
• Test-Only: You can make application changes using test-only sandboxes, which you don't want to publish to
the mainline code.
• Publish: Once satised with the application changes made in the test-only sandbox, you can replicate these
changes in a sandbox that you want to publish. And then publish your changes to the mainline code. This
sandbox type is also known as the integration sandbox, because teams working in parallel use this sandbox as
the nal staging point before publication to the mainline code.
Note: Before each patch or upgrade, publish or delete your sandboxes. If you haven't yet completed your
work, restart with a new sandbox.
Unied Sandboxes
Enable or Disable the Unied Sandboxes Feature
You get to use Unied Sandboxes by default. But if you want to use Classic Sandboxes instead of the default sandboxes,
opt out of the Unied Sandboxes feature.
Before you start, consider these points:
• Make sure you totally understand what it means to opt in to or opt out of the feature and what impact that
would have.
◦ When you use Application Composer in your Unied Sandbox, an object can only be edited in any one
sandbox in the environment at a time.
◦ You can't deploy your exelds to a sandbox after you opt in to Unied Sandboxes. You must deploy
them directly to the mainline environment.
• You must publish or delete any sandboxes that are open right now. Use the Manage Sandboxes dialog box
to do these tasks. You can open this dialog box by clicking your user image or name in the global header and
selecting Manage Sandboxes. Once you opt in to Unied Sandboxes, you can no longer see the published
Classic Sandboxes.
In the Oerings work area, enable or disable the Unied Sandboxes feature:
• Oering: Any with the Application Extensions functional area
• Functional Area: Application Extensions
• Feature: Unied Sandboxes
• Opt In Task: Click Continue if you're sure about enabling or disabling this feature.
Related Topics
• Congure Oerings
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
sandbox. If you plan to use Page Composer in your sandbox and edit pages at a layer other than Site, you need to create
a sandbox just for that layer, and activate only Page Composer in it.
Note: You can create up to 20 sandboxes. But, you can increase this limit using the Maximum Number of
Sandboxes prole option. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Applications Core
Administrator Prole Values task in the Application Extensions functional area.
Note: If you want to use other tools along with Page Composer in your sandbox, don't change
the context layer for Page Composer, even though you can. That's because all tools except Page
Composer support only a single context layer, Site. So if you change the context layer for Page
Composer from Site to any other layer, all other tools that you might have selected earlier will be
7. Click Create to just create the sandbox, or Create and Enter to enter or activate the sandbox after creating it.
Here are a few things to know about activating tools in your sandbox.
• If you try to use a conguration tool in a sandbox without activating the tool in it, you get a message prompting
you to activate the tool. You can add more tools to your sandbox later also.
• To create and manage saved searches and make UI adjustments (for example, change a table's column width)
just for yourself, you must leave your sandbox before making these changes. But if you want to make these
changes for others too, then make the changes with Page Composer open, in which case you also must be in a
Related Topics
• Set Prole Option Values
• Considerations for Managing Flexelds
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
You must resolve all conicts agged in the merge log so that you can publish your sandbox. To review the merge log,
on the Sandbox Detail: <Sandbox Name> page, click the Merge Log tab. The log displays details about the sandbox
merge statuses. Let's understand what these statuses mean and how we can resolve the sandbox merge conicts based
on their statuses.
Automatically Merged Content Auto Merge Dierent users changed These changes are merged
dierent aributes of the automatically.
same le using dierent
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Changes in business objects and their Application Composer and Congure Business Objects
related elds
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Note: Flexelds and setup tasks, apart from the ones listed in the table, aren't supported in Unied
Sandboxes. So changes in these artifacts aren't merged when Sandbox2 is refreshed.
And here's a list of changes made in Sandbox2 that can't merge with the mainline environment when the same le is
changed in both sandboxes. To bring back those changes, you can create another sandbox, make the changes in it, and
publish that sandbox.
Related Topics
• Considerations for Deploying a Flexeld to a Sandbox
• The Tools drop-down buon on the sandbox bar above the global header
• The Active Tools section of the Sandbox Detail: <Sandbox Name> page
In this list, you may notice that some tools are available, while others, for example, Lookups and Messages are grayed
out. You can click the available tools to open them directly from the Sandboxes UI.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Tool Name Can Open Using the Sandboxes UI? Regular Navigation
Appearance Yes
Click Navigator > Appearance.
Structure Yes
Click Navigator > Structure.
Lookups No
In the Setup and Maintenance work area,
use the lookup tasks, such as:
Messages No
In the Setup and Maintenance work area,
use the messages tasks, such as:
• Manage Messages
• Manage Messages for General
Data Security No
Click Navigator > Security Console, and
then click the Administrator tab, and click
Manage Database Resources.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Related Topics
• Update Existing Setup Data
Application Composer displays and enforces object locks across all unied sandboxes. You can only edit a locked object
in the sandbox that holds the lock. For example if the Service Request object is modied in Sandbox A, only Sandbox
A holds the lock and anyone using Sandbox A can modify Service Request. Any other sandbox displays a gray lock on
Service Request in Application Composer, and prevents users from modifying it.
The lock status of objects changes each time you publish or delete a sandbox, or when a new object lock is established.
Collapse and then expand Application Composer's object tree to update the lock status of all objects. Any action that
causes the object tree to be refreshed will update the lock status, including when you exit and reenter a sandbox, or
refresh a sandbox. If an object is locked and that lock is not yet visible in the current sandbox, a new lock is not allowed
to be placed on that object and an error message appears while saving the changes.
For more information on how object locking works in unied sandboxes, see the FAQs on Object Locking.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
To publish a sandbox:
1. Click Navigator > Conguration > Sandboxes.
2. On the Sandboxes page, click the name of the sandbox you want to publish.
3. Click Publish.
Note: The Publish buon might be disabled for your sandbox because of various reasons. For
example, you haven't yet made any changes in your sandbox, or the Control Publish Sandbox
Action in Production Environment prole option (FND_ALLOW_PUBLISH_SANDBOX) is set to No.
4. Click Continue to Publish. The sandbox is published to the mainline metadata.
5. Click Done.
Related Topics
• Set Prole Option Values
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Related Topics
• Set Prole Option Values
Why doesn't the page I am editing with Page Composer work with the sandbox
Let's see why you might get errors about the page not supporting the context layer of the active sandbox, and how you
can resolve them.
• Maybe the context layer of your sandbox isn't a layer that your page supports. Context layers vary based on the
category you select for the sandbox. For example, the Customer Relationship Management category supports
certain layers that apply to certain pages, and the Human Capital Management category supports other layers
and pages. You can activate a sandbox with the appropriate layer and try editing the page again.
• You might not have a role that gives you access to what the sandbox layer covers. For example, if the Internal
context layer requires a role with back-end access, you can edit pages at that layer only if you have the role. For
more information, contact your security administrator.
Why are the lookup, message, and data security changes appearing in my Unied
Sandbox even though I haven't yet refreshed my sandbox?
Lookups, messages, and data security records are values stored in tables. These records aren't copied to your sandbox
until you make changes in these artifacts in your sandbox. But what if another user changes these artifacts in a dierent
sandbox and publishes it before you make changes in your sandbox? In that case, the other user's changes show up in
your sandbox as soon as you make changes to these artifacts, even before you refresh your sandbox.
Related Topics
• Considerations for Managing Flexelds
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
You can create a new object workow for a locked object in the sandbox that holds the lock. However, an object locked
in a dierent sandbox is disabled for selection in Application Composer's list of available objects while creating an object
workow. Hover over the name of the disabled object in the list to identify which sandbox has a lock on that object.
Classic Sandboxes
How You Manage Congurations in Classic Sandboxes
You can apply dierent types of congurations to an application. For example, you can apply changes to an
application's metadata stored in the metadata services repository or changes related to data security of the application.
All such congurations are stored in sandboxes and are validated before applying them to an application.
Once you're ready to make sandbox changes available in the mainline metadata, either publish the metadata or data
security sandbox, or deploy the exeld. You can download only metadata and data security sandboxes as a sandbox
le for import to another application instance.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
The following table lists the dierences among the types of sandboxes.
To make application changes, you must rst create a sandbox and then use tools, such as Page Composer to make
the changes. These changes remain within the sandbox and don't aect the mainline metadata. You must test and
validate your changes in the sandbox. After testing, you can publish your sandbox to make the changes available in the
production environment for other users.
Don't make application changes directly in the mainline metadata. Make all application changes in the sandbox rst.
When you make changes to an application in a sandbox, you isolate the changes from the mainline metadata. After
completing the changes in the sandbox, verify them. When you're ready to save the changes, publish the metadata or
security-enabled sandbox to the mainline metadata.
When you create a sandbox, you can see the information pertaining to only the existing application changes in the
current mainline metadata. For example, suppose you make an application change in a sandbox and publish it. Then,
on creating another sandbox for the next change, you will see the previous change in the new sandbox because that
change exists in the current mainline metadata.
Flexeld sandboxes are for testing only and can't be published. Make exeld congurations that are stored in a
database. Then, deploy those congurations to a sandbox to see the resulting deployment artifacts in a sandbox
environment. Flexelds are deployed directly to the mainline metadata using the exeld user interface.
You can use several conguration tools to make application changes. For example, you can modify objects and pages
using Page Composer, which uses sandboxes. Oracle Business Process Composer and Oracle SOA Composer are
also tools used for making application changes, but they don't use sandboxes. They have their own mechanisms for
handling application changes.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
any page changes or data security in the exeld sandbox can't reach the mainline metadata. If you're entitled to do so,
manage exeld-enabled sandboxes in the Sandboxes UI.
Related Topics
• Considerations for Deploying a Flexeld to a Sandbox
Application changes in the sandboxes that are published are merged back to the mainline metadata. This gure
illustrates the two types of sandboxes and their relationship to the mainline metadata.
Mainline Code
Sandbox intended
for publishing
Merge to
changes and Publish
Create Sandbox
validate within sandbox
Sandbox intended
for testing
Do not publish
Create Sandbox changes and
(testing only)
validate within
Sandbox intended
for testing
changes and Do not publish
Create Sandbox
validate within (testing only)
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
• Two or more users are working in Navigator menus that are shared across applications. Whenever a conict
arises among users, the application displays concurrency warning messages.
• Any number of test-only sandboxes can operate concurrently. That is, multiple users can use multiple
sandboxes concurrently for testing if these sandboxes will never be published. Sandboxes that are used
for testing only, and that aren't published, cause no conicts with each other. Be aware, however, that all
modications will be lost when the sandboxes are deleted.
• For sandboxes that aren't for test-only and will be published, users can use multiple concurrent sandboxes only
if they operate on mutually exclusive artifacts. For example, you can have:
◦ One sandbox that contains a page that a user is modifying to add a task ow
◦ Another sandbox that contains a dierent page from a dierent application
However, some objects might still share underlying artifacts, and thus it's not always obvious if two objects
are truly mutually exclusive. Thus, proceed with caution when using multiple concurrent sandboxes that will
be published. It's still possible that a conict could occur, which would require the deletion of one or more
• Suppose the users update an artifact in both, the mainline metadata and in one sandbox, or in two dierent
sandboxes. Now, when you publish the sandbox, the application detects such conicts and you get an error
message. At this point, cancel publishing the sandbox to avoid overwriting previous changes.
Note: For a sandbox that contains congurations pertaining to ADF Business Components, sign out and sign
in again after switching in or out of this sandbox. This process ensures avoiding any inconsistencies between
the runtime caches and the ADF Business Components denitions.
1. Click your user image or name in the global header, and select Manage Sandboxes from the Administration
2. Use the Manage Sandboxes dialog box to create a sandbox.
3. Click Save and Close.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
4. On the Manage Sandboxes dialog box, select the new sandbox or an existing one, and click Set as Active. The
sandbox is designated as the active sandbox.
5. Close the Manage Sandboxes dialog box.
Once a sandbox is active for your session, the sandbox name is displayed on the sandbox bar above the global
Overview of Migration
You can move your congurations from the test environment, which is the source, to the production environment,
which is the target. You use the Migration page to create a migration set and export it from the source environment,
and then import it into the target environment. A conguration set is a JAR le that contains all your congurations
across all product families, such as Oracle Metadata Services repository, JEDI, CRM, and BI. Changes you export from
the source environment can't be merged with any changes you manually make in the target environment. As such, it's
very important that you never congure the target environment directly.
To move your congurations, you can either use Unied Migration, which you get by default or Classic Migration. To
use Classic Migration, you need to opt out of the Unied Sandboxes feature using the Oerings work area. Both the
appearance and behavior of your Migration page changes when you use Classic Migration.
Unied Migration
Here are the things you can do in a Unied Migration:
• You can register the target environment in the source environment.
• You have the option to migrate only new changes if both environments are synchronized.
• Your migration set is automatically sent to the target environment for import, if the target is registered and
• Your migration set is imported into a sandbox instance before it's applied to the target environment. You can
preview your congurations in this sandbox instance before applying them to the mainline.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Classic Migration
Here are a few things to know if you choose to use Classic Migration:
• You always need to migrate all congurations in the source environment.
• You have to manually download the conguration set from the source environment, and manually upload it
into the target.
• You can't preview congurations in the target environment before applying them.
Here's a diagram that shows what you can do with Classic and Unied Migrations.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
What It Includes
The conguration set includes, but isn't limited to these changes:
• Application changes done using Application Composer. However, not all changes made using Application
Composer are migrated.
• Changes made to application artifacts using these tools:
◦ Page Composer
◦ Appearance
◦ Structure
◦ User Interface Text
◦ Page Integration
• Changes in these artifacts of the Applications Core Setup application:
◦ Messages
◦ Lookups
◦ Data security, but not the ones created by the HCM Proles UI
◦ Descriptive, extensible, and key exelds, and value sets
◦ Aachment categories and metadata
◦ Deep links
• Changes in Reports and Analytics, such as regeneration of SOAP services, including user-dened aributes
• Changes done using the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects task
• Changes in functional security seings made in Application Composer, including functional privileges that
control access to custom objects. However, not all security changes are migrated.
Note: If you migrate any functional security associated with roles in the source to a target instance,
and the corresponding role doesn't exist in the target instance, an error occurs on import. To avoid
these errors, you can selectively create these roles in the target environment when you import your
conguration set.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
◦ Job sets
◦ Job schedules
◦ Incompatibilities
◦ Work shifts
◦ Work assignments
◦ Work assignment schedules
◦ Job request parameters
• Changes in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) artifacts, such as congurations done using SOA Composer
• Changes done using Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, including but not limited to these features:
◦ Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
◦ Oracle Business Intelligence Delivers
◦ Business Intelligence Composer
◦ Dashboard Builder
◦ Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
Note: You can move congurations done using business intelligence tools only if the Business
Intelligence in Conguration Set Migration Disabled prole option is set to No.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
• Security Console changes, including these changes made directly in the Security Console:
◦ Enterprise roles
◦ New duty roles
◦ Role hierarchy changes
You must manually update the target environment with any Security Console changes.
Related Topics
• Import and Export Custom Objects
Note: If you make changes to the production environment in emergency situations, you must make the same
changes to the test environment. Making the changes to the test environment ensures that these changes are
included in the next conguration migration.
• Don't make any changes in the source environment during the export process.
• You delete any temporary les on the server from previous migrations. If there are temporary les on the
server, click the Delete buon next to your previous import and export records.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
4. Do the following tasks to send the new and updated social network denitions to the social network server:
a. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, open the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects task.
b. As part of the applying congurations process, some objects are created or updated. If the Enabled value
of such an object is anything other than No, trigger the process of sending its denition to the social
network server. You can do this by disabling the object and enabling it again with its original status. For
example, if the Enabled value is Manual, then you can do these tasks:
i. Disable the object.
ii. Enable the object, and select the value, Manual.
iii. Click OK and save the changes.
c. On the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects page, click Synchronize to synchronize a selected object,
or click Synchronize All to synchronize all objects at the same time.
5. Manually migrate all business processes created in the source environment to the target environment.
6. If a new theme was created and applied in the source environment, and you want to use that theme in the
target environment, then go to the Appearance work area and manually apply that theme.
7. After applying congurations, do functional testing to verify the changes. Suppose testing exposes problems
with the congurations, such as importing more than what you intended, or the changes weren't what you
expected. In such cases, restore your environment to its pre-migration conguration.
a. Open the conguration set in the Incoming tab or infotile of the Migration page.
b. Click Restore to revert to the state before the conguration set was applied.
8. Finally, broadcast information to the users that they must sign out and sign in to view the most recent changes.
◦ Reports that were submied by Oracle Enterprise Scheduler to Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher and
were scheduled to execute during the process, might fail.
◦ The Reports and Analytics pane might not be displayed.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
◦ Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher reports might not be displayed on Oracle Business Intelligence
Presentation Services analyses or dashboard pages.
◦ Users might not be able to access these Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition features:
• Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
• Oracle Business Intelligence Delivers
• Business Intelligence Composer
• Oracle Business Intelligence Interactive Dashboards
• When you restore your environment to an earlier conguration, you lose all personalizations you made after
the previous migration.
Related Topics
• Import and Export Custom Objects
• Migrate your changes from the test environment to the target environment without manually downloading and
uploading the migration set le.
• Move only new changes from the source environment to the target environment. This type of migration is
called delta migration. However, only sandbox-aware modules support delta migration. All other modules move
all changes every time they're migrated, even in delta migrations.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
can nd this prole option in the Manage Administrator Prole Values task in the Setup and Maintenance
work area.
• You must have the following privileges to access the Migration page:
◦ Manage Outgoing Conguration Set
◦ Manage Incoming Conguration Set
Contact your security administrator for details.
• You should never make changes in the target or production environment while applying congurations.
Note: If you make changes to the production environment in emergency situations, you must make
the same changes to the test environment. Making the changes to the test environment ensures
that these changes are included in the next conguration migration.
• Don't make any changes in the source environment during the export process.
• Delete any temporary les on the server from previous migrations. If there are temporary les on the server,
click the Delete buon next to your previous import and export records.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Note: The Industry solution extensions module is for Oracle's internal use only and has no impact
on migration.
7. Click Save and Close.
8. Click the Refresh icon periodically to see the current status of the set creation. You can click the Log icon to
review the process log, which provides more details about the congurations that are being compressed. If an
error or exception occurs during this process, the log gives you information about the congurations that failed
to compress. The process runs asynchronously, so you can close the page and return to it later.
9. Eventually, the status changes to Ready for Download, which means that the migration set is complete. You can
click Content Read Me to download the Readme le listing all the congurations you exported.
10. If you have registered the target environment, you don't need to download your migration set. In such cases,
you can directly apply the migration set.
11. If you didn't register the target environment, do these tasks:
◦ Click the Download icon to download your migration set. Ensure that the downloaded le is a JAR le.
◦ After you download the le on your local le system, click Delete to remove the temporary les from the
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
11. Periodically, click the Refresh icon to view the current status of the apply action. The migration set is
successfully applied to the target environment when the status changes to Applied and Deleted. You can review
the process log, if required.
The process runs asynchronously, so you can close the page and return to it. If problems occur during an Apply
action, log a service request using My Oracle Support at hps://
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
• Lookups can be migrated with both conguration migration, and setup data migration. However, once you use
one of these methods, you should use the same method for all subsequent lookup migrations. Don't use both
methods to migrate lookups between the same set of environments.
• During migration, data security privileges aren't automatically revoked in the target environment. For example,
say a specic privilege is granted in the target environment, but the corresponding privilege doesn't exist in
the source environment. During import, the privilege in the target environment isn't automatically revoked. To
address this issue manually, add such a privilege to the source environment and revoke it. The revoke action
is picked up as a conguration instance during the conguration import process and applied to the target
• You can create reports directly in the target environment. But, ensure that you create the reports and reference
them to subject areas that were created in the source environment. Don't create the subject areas directly in the
target environment.
• You can't initiate a migration if you're in an active sandbox.
• While an upload or restore activity processes Presentation Services changes, these things can happen:
◦ Reports that were submied by Oracle Enterprise Scheduler to Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher and
were scheduled to execute during the process might fail.
◦ The Reports and Analytics pane might not be displayed.
◦ Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher reports might not be displayed on Oracle Business Intelligence
Presentation Services analyses or dashboard pages.
◦ Users might not be able to access these Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition features:
• Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
• Oracle Business Intelligence Delivers
• Business Intelligence Composer
• Oracle Business Intelligence Interactive Dashboards
• When you restore your environment to an earlier conguration, you lose all personalizations you made after
the previous migration.
Related Topics
• Manage Themes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
• Pages
• Workows
• Groovy scripts
• Triggers
• Lookups
• Aachments
• Data security
• Strings
• Web services
Note: Though visible, these web services won't be functional because their connections aren't
However, if any of these artifacts have any dependency on non-sandbox aware artifacts, they don't show up in your
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Conguration Management
Considerations for Exporting and Moving Congurations
Congurations are stored in XML les. You can use these XML les to export congurations for the following reasons:
• To move congurations and extensions to another environment, such as the production environment.
• To diagnose issues noticed in the test environment.
• To send les to your help desk for further diagnosing.
The following table lists the tools to use to export and move congurations and extensions.
Move only descriptive exeld Setup and Maintenance work area. Moves congurations for a specied module.
congurations to another application
environment. To move congurations for all modules, use Conguration Set Migration.
Move only extensible exeld Setup and Maintenance work area. Moves congurations for a specied module.
congurations to another application
environment. To move congurations for all modules, use Conguration Set Migration.
Move only value set congurations to Setup and Maintenance work area. Moves congurations for a specied module.
another application environment.
To move congurations for all modules, use Conguration Set Migration.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Move only lookups to application Setup and Maintenance work area. Move application standard lookups, application common
environment. lookups, or both.
Move only data security policies to Setup and Maintenance work area.
another application environment.
It doesn't move Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management roles.
Downloading Congurations
You can download all congurations of a page for all layers using the Download Conguration for All Layers link in
the Manage Congurations dialog box. To open Manage Congurations dialog box, click your user name in the global
header, and select Manage Congurations. The le you download contains all the conguration XML les for the page.
However, you can't upload this le anywhere.
• Objects
• Fields
• Pages
• Business intelligence (BI) changes
Business logic changes such as Groovy scripts and triggers aren't included in the conguration set report.
Related Topics
• Guidelines for Moving Related Common Reference Objects
• Overview of Context Layers
• Export Setup Data Using Oering or Functional Area
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
1. Click your user image or name in the global header, and on the Seings and Actions menu, select Manage
2. In the Search eld, enter the le path to your page and click the Search icon.
3. Click Download Conguration for All Layers.
If you don't know the le path, then follow these steps:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration Life Cycle
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
3 Page Modication
Let's look at some of the things that you can do using other tools:
• Change the UI text using tools, such as User Interface Text.
• Change the look and feel of the application using the Appearance page.
• Open an infolet page and modify it using Page Composer.
• Create and manage pages for hosting third-party applications using Page Integration page.
Note: You can't use Page Composer to congure your home page. Instead, you can use other tools such as,
Structure and Appearance for home page congurations.
Related Topics
• Congure Home Page Navigation
• Overview of Conguring Home Page and Navigation
• Overview of Conguring Themes and Home Page Seings
• Dene Home Page Appearance
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
• Conguration Workow
• Overview of Context Layers
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Design View
In Design view, you see one region that shows a WYSIWYG rendering of the page and its content. Work with
components directly and access their properties from the toolbar in the chrome of the individual component.
Source View
In Source view, you see two regions:
• Selection pane, showing a WYSIWYG rendering of the page and its content
• Source pane, showing a hierarchical ordering of the page components, including some components that
otherwise don't appear on the page. You can select and congure such components in Source view.
Tip: Controls on individual components are inactive in Source view, but you can click an individual
component to select it.
Tab Description
Parameters Seings that control component aspects that are specic, or often unique to the component.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Tab Description
For example, on a page containing a map, a component might have a parameter that provides
a choice between units of measurement.
Display Options
Includes these seings that aect the chrome of a component:
For example, display options on image layout components specify the image source URL and
its optional link target.
Child Components The list of all components contained within and under the control of the parent component,
including controls to order the child components.
Style Seings that aect the look and feel of the component chrome or the component contents.
For example, font, color, and dimension. These seings override corresponding values from a
Content Style parent object, such as a component, page, and application, providing an opportunity to ne-
tune appearance.
Some style properties might be disabled at the component level if other page or application
elements (such as the skin) don't support modication to the property.
Events Events and event handlers associated with all components on the current page.
For example, when you select a check box within the current context, it's an event. The code
that drives the result of an event, such as making another component visible is an event
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Part of a shared task ow Do appear on all pages that include the shared task ow
Caution: When shared task ows include embedded logic that uses data from the page, the logic can override
the application changes that you make in Page Composer.
Tip: Alternatively, use the Add Box icons (Add Box Above, Add Box Below, Add Box Left, and Add
Box Right) to insert a box component. Then select the component as the parent component.
3. Click the Add Content buon associated with the parent component.
The Resource Catalog appears.
Add Components
In Design view:
1. Open the Resource Catalog.
2. In the Resource Catalog, nd the component that you want to add.
3. Click the Add icon associated with the component.
4. Cut and paste, or drag and drop the component to place it.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
In Source View:
1. Select the container component in the selection pane.
2. In the Source view toolbar, click Add Content.
3. In the Resource Catalog, nd the component you want to add.
4. Click the Add icon associated with the component.
Note: If you added an HTML markup with references to an external CSS as your component, ensure that:
• The CSS has Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in its server.
• Your link tag has crossorigin aribute specied.
If the component is a child component, then deselecting the Show Component property hides only the child
If the component is a parent component, then deselecting the Show Component property of the parent component
hides the parent and all child components it contains. So, when you hide a parent component, you automatically hide all
child components.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
What's the condition? Check box 2 is selected Determines what the occurrence, or event,
What action or event must happen?
Determines the component that triggers
the event.
Determines what expression to write.
What happens when the condition is met? Buon "B" appears. Determines the eect of the action.
What happens when the event happens? Show the component: Buon B
(The implication is that buon B is hidden
until the event occurs.)
What property determines whether a The Show Component property Determines the property the code aects.
component is visible?
So the logic is: If 2 is checked, then the Show Component property of B is activated.
You place the expression on the component that receives the action.
After you think through the logic and nd the correct expression, add it to the property. You can add an expression
using the expression builder for the Show Component property only on dashboard pages; not on work area pages. Also,
only administrators can perform this task.
To open the EL Editor and add an expression to a property for a dashboard page:
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Modify Pages
You can modify your user interface (UI) components by updating their properties. For example, you can change eld
labels, hide components, or make a check box required.
When you use Page composer, you always begin in Design view. You can use Design view to add content and make
layout changes. But not in all pages. For these other pages, you must use Source view to make content and layout
Note: Any changes you make apply only to the page that you're on. These changes also apply to all or specic
groups of users. But that depends on the context layer you choose when you make your changes.
Modify UI Components
1. Click your user image or name in the global header and select Edit Pages.
2. Select the context layer in which you want to make your changes. For instance, you could make changes for
only specic job roles.
Note: When you modify a UI component for a specic job role, that job role must be assigned to you
for you to test the application change in the sandbox. Your security administrator can either assign
the job role to you directly, or make the job role self-requestable for you to add it yourself from the
resource directory.
3. By default, you start in the Design view, which lets you navigate to the component you want to modify.
To use Source view, you must select Source from the View menu. This menu isn't displayed by
default. To display the View menu, set the Source View for Page Composer Enabled prole option
4. When you have found your UI component, click the Select buon on top of the page.
5. Hover over the UI component until a border appears around it, and then click it.
6. Select Edit Component.
7. Update the component's properties to make your changes.
Each component has its own set of properties, which may include some of the properties in this table. In Design
view, you only get the main properties. To get all properties, you have to use Source view.
Property Description
Description Text used by screen readers, for information in addition to what is provided in the Short
Desc property.
Label Display text for the component, for example, the eld prompt or the single prompt for a
group of check boxes.
Read only Whether users can edit the component, for example, if a check box can be selected or not.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Property Description
Required Whether users must enter something for the component before saving the page.
Short Desc Text that appears when users hover or focus on the component, for example, hover over a
eld label or click in the text box.
Show Required Whether an asterisk is displayed to indicate that the component is required.
8. If you want to modify more components, click Add Content to return to Design view. You can now repeat steps
4 to 7 to modify more components.
9. Click Close to save.
If available, click Save and Label instead to also label your changes. If you do this, you can revert to this
conguration at any point in the future. Labels are saved with a prex of composer_. For example, if you enter
myLabel, then the label is composer_myLabel.
Related Topics
• Examples of Working with Context Layers
• Overview of Conguring Home Page and Navigation
• Role Provisioning and Deprovisioning
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
What changes are you going to Hide the Incentive Management tab and the Projects tab from the Worklist: Notications and
make? Approvals page
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Modify Tabs
Do the following:
1. From the Navigator menu, select Tools > Worklist.
2. Click your user image or name in the global header, and select Edit Pages in the Seings and Actions menu.
3. Select Site layer as the context layer, which aects all users.
4. In the View menu at the top of the page, make sure that the Design view is selected, which lets you navigate to
the component you want to modify.
5. Click the Select tab.
6. Hover over any tab on the page, and click when the cursor turns to a magnier and a blue outline appears
around the tab.
7. Select Edit Parent Component.
8. In the Component Properties dialog box, click the Children tab.
9. Deselect Incentive Compensation and Projects to hide these tabs from the page.
10. Click OK.
11. Close Page Composer.
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Activate a sandbox.
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.
To which user role you want to make Hiring managers, Sherry Callaway and Terrance Whitaker
the changes visible?
Note: Create a role just for testing application changes. Call it DEVCUST_
TEST_ROLE. When you're sure that the application change works, change the
security to the appropriate role.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
1. Create a privilege.
3. Assign DEVCUST_TEST_ROLE to Terrance and Sherry.
Note: Make sure that Terrance and Sherry have access to the page before you make any changes.
4. Open the page, having the Reports link that you want to modify, in Page Composer, and select the Reports link
5. Click the Edit icon. This opens the Component Properties dialog box.
6. Click the Display Options tab.
7. Click the Edit icon next to the Show Component property, and select Expression Builder....
8. Add an expression to verify whether the user has the appropriate privilege. Use this sample code:
9. Save the property changes, and close Page Composer.
After you change the show component property, whenever users open this page, the application evaluates
the expression. Since Sherry and Terrance have the privilege, the Show Component property evaluates to be
selected. Hence, Sherry and Terrance can see the Reports link while all other users can't.
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Tip: When you move your cursor over the global page template, the areas that you can edit display a blue
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
5. Change component properties, as appropriate. For example, if you added the Text component, enter the text
that you want to display.
Note: If you added an HTML markup with references to an external CSS as your component,
ensure that:
◦ The CSS has Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in its server.
◦ Your link tag has crossorigin aribute specied.
6. After completing your changes, click Close. When prompted, click Save to save your changes.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
3. If prompted to select a context layer, select the site layer to open the search page in Page Composer.
4. From the View menu, select Design.
5. Create and edit saved searches.
Note: The steps for creating and editing saved searches are the same regardless of whether you're
working on saved searches for yourself or for all users.
6. Save your changes and close Page Composer.
7. After testing your changes, publish the sandbox to make your changes available to all users.
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
• What gets saved when I create a saved search for searches with multiple criteria
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Related Topics
• Create Watchlist Items
• What gets saved when I create a saved search for searches with multiple criteria
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
You can't overwrite predened saved searches by using their names, but you can create a copy with a unique
6. Click Set as Default if you want the saved search to be automatically selected whenever you open this page.
7. Click OK.
Your saved search can be limited to the current page, or in some cases available in other searches for the same object.
◦ Default: The saved search is automatically selected whenever you open this page.
◦ Show in Saved Search List: The saved search is available for you to select and run on this page. You can
still nd hidden saved searches in the Manage Saved Searches dialog box.
Note: Changes you make to predened saved searches apply only to you, unless you're editing the
saved search within Page Composer.
4. The Active seing identies the saved search that's currently selected on the page. You can designate a
dierent active saved search to have that saved search automatically selected as soon as you click OK in this
dialog box.
5. For user-dened saved searches only, you can also rename or delete the saved search.
6. Click OK.
Related Topics
• Use Filters with Keyword Searches
Infolet Management
Overview of Conguring Infolets
Watch video
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
You can congure infolets that aggregate key information for a specic area, for example, social networking or personal
prole. Your users use the page control icons on the home page with the panel or banner layout to open the infolets. Or,
if it's a home page with news feed layout, they use the infolets tabs in the Analytics section.
If your users don't nd infolet icons on the home page, you can enable them by clicking the Home Conguration tab in
the Structure work area. Let's look at some tasks you can do to congure infolets.
• Create infolets.
• Add content to infolets. For example, you can add a task ow or a performance tile report, and if an infolet
contains a performance tile report, then you can add a link to a detailed report in the same infolet.
Note: In the context of infolets, report can mean analysis.
• Edit infolets. For example, edit infolet content and add, change, or remove link to detailed report.
• Delete infolets.
Related Topics
• Personalize Infolets
• Congure Home Page Navigation
Create Infolets
Use infolet pages to create infolets. For some product-specic infolet pages, you can't create infolets.
1. Activate a sandbox.
2. Open an infolet page.
3. Click your user image or name in the global header, and on the Seings and Actions menu, select Edit Pages.
4. Select a context layer. The infolet page opens in Page Composer.
5. Click the Infolet Repository icon, and select Create Infolet.
Note: If you can't nd the Create Infolet menu item, it means you can't create infolets for
this page.
6. Enter a title for the infolet and set its views.
◦ Specify the dimensions for the front view.
◦ Enable or disable the back view.
◦ Enable or disable the expanded view, and specify its dimensions. The dimensions of the front and the
back views must be the same, but the expanded view must be bigger because it displays more details.
7. Click Save and Close.
8. Add content to the infolet views and link a detailed report to the infolet.
9. Preview the infolet's front view, drill down to the detailed report, and then preview the back and the expanded
10. After you made changes, click Close to leave Page Composer.
11. Test your changes and publish the sandbox to make the new infolet available to your users.
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Manage Infolets
On the infolet page, use the options available on each infolet to manage it. You can add and edit infolet content and
delete infolets. You can't add a business intelligence dashboard to an infolet because a dashboard report is generally
bigger than an infolet.
Note: To open infolet's back view, click the Back View icon on the boom right corner of the
infolet. And to open expanded view, click the Expanded View icon on the boom right corner of the
infolet's back view.
2. Click Add Content on the infolet. You can nd this buon on any of the infolet's views, but only if you don't
have any existing content in that view.
3. Search and select a performance tile or a task ow, and click Add. You can browse the business intelligence (BI)
catalog to nd the analytics and reports that you want to add.
4. Close the Add Content dialog box.
Note: To edit the infolet content of the back or expanded view, open the view and use the Actions
icon on that view.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
1. Click the Actions icon on the top right corner of the infolet, and select Link Detailed Report.
2. On the Detailed Report page, click Add Content.
3. Search and select a report, and click Add to add it to the infolet.
4. Close the Add Content dialog box.
5. Click Done.
◦ To edit, click Edit Report and make changes to the detailed report.
◦ To remove, click Remove Report.
3. Click Done.
Delete Infolets
To delete an infolet, click the Actions icon on the top right corner of the infolet, and select Delete.
Caution: You can't easily retrieve an infolet once you delete it. But if you have accidentally deleted any infolet,
don't worry. Contact My Oracle Support at hps://
Related Topics
• Personalize Infolets
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Related Topics
• Congure Home Page Navigation
How can I rename an icon for an infolet page in the page control on the home page?
You can rename an icon for an infolet page using the Home Conguration page of the Structure work area. To open this
page, select Conguration > Structure from the Navigator menu, and then click the Home Conguration tab.
Related Topics
• Congure Home Page Navigation
What's the dierence between a performance tile report and a detailed report added
to the infolets content?
Performance tile report shows data in the small infolet format. When you add a performance tile report to an infolet,
users can see only the summary information about the subject maer. But this report doesn't provide detailed
To provide detailed information about the subject maer on the same infolet, add a link to a detailed report. Users can
click this link to gather more information.
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Activate a sandbox.
Note: You can move your new pages to other groups later using the Structure page.
◦ Enter the application URL that you want to host on this page.
◦ Alternatively, you can create a secure web page URL:
In a secure web page, the application validates the secure token and uses it to authenticate web services
within the end-user context. Using this mode of modied access, a partner can directly perform an action
or display information to the specic user without any additional authentication.
8. Click Save and Close.
New pages are secure. Your security administrator must assign the privileges shown on the Page Integration
Overview page to users such that they can access these pages.
If you have only one page in a group, then that page icon appears at the top level (not in any group) on the springboard.
However, such page icons appear in their respective categories on the Navigator menu.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Edit and Reorder Groups and Page Entries for Navigation
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Activate a sandbox.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
1. On the Page Integration Wizard: New Pages page, click the name link for the page containing the tab that you
want to edit.
2. On the Edit Page page, click Add Tab.
3. On the Create Tab page, enter a tab name.
4. Search and select an icon for the page.
5. From the list of application roles, select the role to whom you want to grant access to the page. This list
contains only custom roles because you can't modify predened roles.
6. In the Web Page eld:
◦ Enter the application URL that you want to host on this page.
◦ Alternatively, you can create a secure web page URL:
1. Click the Page Integration Wizard: Existing Pages icon on the left region of the Page Integration Wizard: New
Pages page.
2. Click Add Tab to Existing Page.
3. In the Select Page dialog box, select a page to add a new tab to.
4. Follow steps 2 to 7 in the procedure for adding tabs to new pages.
1. On the Page Integration Wizard: New Pages page, click the name link for the page containing the tab that you
want to edit.
2. On the Edit Page page, click the name link for the page tab that you want to edit.
3. On the Edit Tab page, make the required changes.
4. Click Save and Close.
You can make the following changes to a page tab:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Conguring and Extending Applications Page Modication
Renaming Categories
All pages that you create using the Page Integration Wizard: New Pages page are grouped in a single category. To
rename the category for all pages, click Rename Category on the Page Integration Wizard: New Pages page.
Navigating to Pages
On the Page Integration Wizard: New Pages page, click the icon for the page that you want to navigate to, and view its
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Congure Links for Page Entries
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
• Application Composer
• User Interface Text
• Page Composer
This table presents the navigation and oering availability options associated with the tools you can use to modify user
interface text.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
Simultaneously replace Comprehensive. User Interface Text Change the word "Employee"
multiple occurrences of a to "Associate" on every page
word or phrase that appear The changes aects multiple associated with Employee Self
on multiple pages in multiple pages throughout your Service, Benets, and Payroll.
contexts application. You can edit the
embedded help (for example,
hints) using this method.
Simultaneously replace Comprehensive. User Interface Text Change the word "Employee"
multiple occurrences of a word to "Associate" in every
or phrase that appear in parts The change aects multiple message associated with
of messages in the message messages throughout your Employee Self Service,
dictionary application. Benets, and Payroll.
Simultaneously replace Comprehensive. User Interface Text Change the word "Employee"
multiple occurrences of the to "Associate" and
singular and plural forms of a The change aects multiple "Employees" to "Associates".
word or phrase that appear in pages and multiple messages
messages and on pages throughout your application.
Replace a word or phrase that Targeted: A page Page Composer Change the word "Customer"
appears on a specic page to "Account" on two specic
The change aects user pages.
interface text on a specic
page or page fragment.
Replace a word or phrase that Targeted: A message Manage Messages task Change the word "Recruit" to
appears in a specic message "Potential Employee", but only
in the message dictionary The change aects part of in two specic messages. All
a specic message in the other messages continue to
message dictionary. use the word "Recruit".
Simultaneously replace a word Targeted: A business object User Interface Text Change the label of the
or phrase associated with a opportunity business object,
specic object wherever the The change aects a specic from "Opportunity" to "Deal".
object appears component of a specic You want the change to aect
message in the message the business object wherever
dictionary. it appears.
Replace words or phrases that Targeted: Navigator menu User Interface Text Change the menu
appear in menus and menu item text item label from "Total
items Compensation Statements"
to "Compensation Package
Regardless of the tool you use to make changes, all application changes are wrien in a single override bundle. Hence,
the latest application changes overwrites the previous ones.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
Note: If you replace text using plain text as the input value, it supersedes any changes that use the override
bundle. For example, if you enter a direct string in Page Composer, then Page Composer writes these changes
in a le (not string resource) containing page modications. Hence, such changes overwrite the changes in the
override bundle.
Related Topics
• Guidelines for Page Modication
• Tools for Congurations and Extensions
You can use this tool to modify or translate your text. You can also export your strings to make your changes oine, if
you opt in for User Interface Text Update.
How to Opt In
In the Oerings work area, enable the User Interface Text Update feature:
• Oering: Any with the Application Extensions functional area
• Functional Area: Application Extensions
• Feature: User Interface Text Update
• Opt In Task: Click Continue if you're sure about enabling this feature.
Note: If you want to disable this feature, you can opt out by repeating this same ow.
Related Topics
• Congure Oerings
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
Note: You must activate a sandbox to use the User Interface Text tool.
To use the User Interface Text tool, on the Navigator, select Conguration > User Interface Text. Then, click Search
and Replace to search and replace texts in bulk. The User Interface Text tool searches text on pages and in messages in
the message dictionary. The search includes user assistance only if the user assistance text is in the message dictionary.
The modication functionality for this tool doesn't extend to text in service oriented architecture (SOA) processes.
Note: You can't perform partial word searches, nor can you use wildcard characters as part of the search text.
The following table lists the sample values that you can use as a guide while entering search text.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
^Flex$ exelds No
Use ^string$ in the search
Flexelds eld to say this string must
match the complete eld.
A exeld is a...
The application treats your
A Flexeld is a... search text value as the entire
value of the strings it searches.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
After you enter the search text and replacement text, click Preview Changes. The tool looks for exact whole word
Caution: Some tab names on the Preview Text Changes page are followed by an asterisk (*) (for example,
the Messages tab). For these tabs, once you save the text changes, these changes are applied to the mainline
metadata. You can't undo your changes after you preview and save them, even though you're currently in a
sandbox. The changes will still remain even if you delete the sandbox.
Each row on the Messages tab includes an indicator. This indicator identies when the search text appears in a
message subcomponent, not necessarily in the message body displayed in the row. You can expand the row and
view subordinate rows that display the message subcomponent containing the match and the preview, in context as
previously described.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
• Select Exclude to eliminate the row from the batch update and maintain the existing text.
• Modify the replacement text to ne-tune the change for the specic match in the row. The row remains part of
the batch update, even if the actual update diers from the other rows.
In the Global Menu Label Text tab, you can't update a secure JSON Web Token (JWT).
If you have multiple languages in your application and you want to make similar text changes in those languages:
1. Change your language preference
2. Search and replace text
3. Validate your changes
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Modify Text
1. On the Navigator, select Conguration > User Interface Text.
2. In the Find eld, enter the word or phrase you want to search for.
3. In the Replace eld, enter your replacement word or phrase.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
4. You can specify additional search parameters such as Match Case or Match Complete Word or Phrase.
5. Select the language in which you want to modify your text.
6. Select the application components you want to modify your text for.
7. Click Search. The search results are grouped into dierent tabs based on the application components you
Caution: Tabs marked with an asterisk (*) have live changes that are saved directly to the
mainline metadata. You can't undo these changes once you save them. Make sure you review
changes carefully before replacing your strings.
8. Preview and adjust changes in your search results.
Here are a few things you can do:
◦ Exclude specic strings you don't want to change by selecting Exclude for those particular rows.
For results in the User Interface Text component, you can select options in the Exclude menu for
advanced string selection. Your options are:
• None: Don't exclude any result.
• All: Exclude all results.
• None (Page): Don't exclude any result on the page.
• All (Page): Exclude all results on the page.
You can also choose how many results you want to display on a page for this component.
◦ Manually tune your replacement text for specic strings.
For instance, let's say you have a string that says "Generate a bill". If you replace "bill" with "invoice",
this string becomes "Generate a invoice", which is incorrect. You can tune your replacement text for this
string to say "Generate an invoice" by manually editing the text in the replacement text box.
◦ For the User Interface Text component, you can click Export All to export your search results to view in
a .csv le.
◦ Query your search results in the User Interface Text component to nd specic strings.
9. Click Replace Strings. If you have live changes in your results, you will get a warning message. Click Yes if you
have reviewed these changes carefully and want to proceed.
10. Test your changes in the sandbox.
11. Publish your changes to merge them with the mainline metadata.
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
• Publish Unied Sandboxes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
You can use several conguration tools to update or add strings. For example, you can use lookups to add translations,
or you can use the User Interface Text tool to update all strings and enter their translations.
Related Topics
• Translation of Flexeld and Value Set Congurations
Caution: Some tab names on the Preview Text Changes page are followed by an asterisk
(*) (for example, the Messages tab). For these tabs, once you save the preview text changes,
these changes are applied to the mainline metadata. You can't undo your changes after you
preview and save them, even though you're currently in a sandbox. The changes still remain,
even if you delete the sandbox.
7. Save your text changes.
Note: Repeat steps 4 to 7 for any text changes required in other installed languages.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
8. Test and verify all messages and pages aected by the text changes. Be sure to test across all applications.
9. Publish Sandbox1.
Your replacement text for the existing string is now available to all users.
Related Topics
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
Caution: Some tab names on the Preview Text Changes page are followed by an asterisk
(*) (for example, the Messages tab). For these tabs, once you save the preview text changes,
these changes are applied to the mainline metadata. You can't undo your changes after you
preview and save them, even though you're currently in a sandbox. The changes still remain,
even if you delete the sandbox.
7. Save your text changes.
8. Test and verify all messages and pages aected by the text changes. While testing, you must sign in with
French as the language and use sandbox2.
9. Publish Sandbox2.
Your replacement text for the newly added string is now available to all users.
Related Topics
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Before you export your strings for translation, make sure you meet these conditions:
• Create and activate a sandbox.
• Opt in for the User Interface Text Update feature.
Export Strings
1. Click Navigator > Conguration > User Interface Text.
2. Click the Export tab.
3. Select the source language for the text you want to export for translation.
4. Click Export, and download the le with all the modied strings that have been published as well as those that
are in the current sandbox.
Translate Strings
1. Extract the .zip le you downloaded, and open the .xlf le inside it using a text editor of your choice.
2. Locate the strings you want to edit. You can nd these strings inside <source> and </source>.
3. Replace the <target/> tag following the </source> tag with the translation you need. The translated string
should be inside <target> and </target>.
Let's look at an example of an English to Spanish translation.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
<source>All Receipts</Source>
<target>Todos los Recibos</target>
Related Topics
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
• Congure Oerings
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
Before you export your strings for translation, make sure you meet these conditions:
• Install both English and German languages in your application.
• Create and activate Sandbox3.
• Opt in for the User Interface Text Update feature.
Export Strings
1. Click Navigator > Conguration > User Interface Text
2. Click the Export tab.
3. Select American English as the source language for the text you want to export for translation.
4. Click Export.
Translate Strings
1. Extract the .zip le you downloaded. The .zip le name includes "en", which is the code for English Language.
2. Rename the .zip le to change the code from "en" to "de", which is the code for German language.
3. Open the .xlf le inside the .zip le using a text editor of your choice.
4. Locate the strings you want to edit. You can nd these strings inside <source> and </source>.
5. Replace the <target/> tag following the </source> tag with the translation you need. The translated string
should be inside <target> and </target>.
Note: After importing your strings, test your text changes in Sandbox3. Publish Sandbox3 to
apply your changes to the application.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Conguring and Extending Applications User Interface Text Modication
Related Topics
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
• Congure Oerings
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
5 Theme Management
• Set the default home page layout as Panel, Banner, or News Feed. The home page with the:
◦ Panel or banner layout contains a springboard with icons that you can use to open work areas.
Also, based on setup, the home page shows either company announcements or social networking
conversations. This information appears in a panel for the panel layout, and in a banner for the banner
◦ News feed layout mainly contains the Apps section and a series of updates with important information.
• Create and edit saved themes, which means themes that aren't predened. For example, you can change the
following look and feel aspects of your application pages:
◦ Logo
◦ Background image
◦ Panel image and style
◦ Size and style of the icons on the springboard
◦ Style of the cards, which appear on a page in a grid view. These cards display a summary of a single
record, with aributes on the front side and optional back side. You can specify whether all cards should
display with a dark-colored or a light-colored nish for users.
◦ Shape of buons, menus, and tabs
◦ Colors for the background, global region, headings, page links, and buons
Tip: While making changes on the Themes page, you can click Apply any time to preview your changes.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
Related Topics
• Dene Home Page Appearance
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Create Themes
Use the Themes tab of the Appearance work area to create themes.
Create Themes
Follow these steps:
1. On the Navigator, select Conguration > Appearance.
2. From the Themes list, select your base theme.
3. From the Default Home Page Layout list, select Panel, Banner, or News Feed.
◦ Panel or banner layout contains a springboard with icons that you can use to open work areas.
Also, based on setup, the home page shows either company announcements or social networking
conversations. This information appears in a panel for the panel layout, and in a banner for the banner
◦ News feed layout mainly contains the Apps section with icons to open work areas and a series of updates
with important information.
4. Congure the various appearance seings for your application, as required. For example, select a branding
logo, and specify color schemes.
5. On the Actions menu, select Save As.
6. Enter a theme name.
7. Optionally, deselect Apply this theme if you don't want to apply the theme to the application immediately.
8. Click OK. If you have selected the Apply this theme check box, then your theme is saved and set as the current
theme. If you haven't selected the check box, your theme isn't applied to the application. However, the theme is
saved, and you can apply it to your application later.
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
Manage Themes
Use the Themes page to manage your themes. To open the Themes page, on the Navigator, select Conguration >
You can edit saved themes, apply themes to your application pages, and delete saved themes. You can't edit or delete
predened themes.
Apply Themes
From the Themes list, select a theme, and click Apply. If the selected theme is a predened one, then save it as a new
theme, and then edit and apply the theme, as required.
Edit Themes
Follow these steps:
1. On the Navigator, select Conguration > Appearance.
2. From the Themes list, select your base theme.
3. Set the default layout of the home page, and congure the various appearance seings for your application, as
required. For example, select a branding logo and specify color schemes.
4. Click Apply. If the base theme you have selected is a:
◦ Predened theme, then enter a theme name, and click OK to create another theme with your
modications. This new theme is then applied to your application.
◦ Saved theme, then your theme changes are directly applied to your application.
Delete Themes
From the Themes list, select a saved theme that you want to delete, and then on the Actions menu, select Delete.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
General Seings
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
Global Region Background The background color of the Color palee Transparent
Color global header, which is the
uppermost region in the user
Global Text and Icon Color The color of the text that Color palee 2E444C
appear in general and with
icons in the global header.
This excludes the company
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
Gradient Type The gradient type for global • Top to boom Left to right
text and icon colors. This • Left to right
excludes the company logo. • Top left to boom right
This eld is available only if • Top right to boom left
you enabled color gradient.
Start Color and End Color The start and end colors of the Color palee 8CD3FF
gradient for global text and
icon colors.
This eld is available only if
you enabled color gradient.
Navigation Icons
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
Group Indicator Icon The color of the three dots Color palee FFFFFF
that appear on certain icons
on the home page to indicate
that these icons are group
Label Color The color of the label text of Color palee 2E444C
the navigation icons.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
Page Seings
Heading color The text color of the headers Color palee 333333
and subheaders of application
Link Color The color of the links that Color palee 0A6DAA
appear on the application
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
Card Style The style of cards displayed • Dark: Displays the cards Dark
on the application pages with a white or light
having a grid view. grey background color
and dark text.
• Light: Displays the
cards with a dark grey
background color and
light text.
Landing Page Icons for The icon color of the landing Color palee 309FDB
Employees pages for all work areas
related to employees, for
example Personal Information,
Benets, and Absences.
Buon Seings
Start Color and End Color The start and end colors of Color palee • Start Color: F1F3F3
the gradient for buons on all • End Color: E4E8EA
application pages.
This eld is available only if
you enabled color gradient.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
Corner Rounding The extent to which the • None: Removes corner Small
corners of the buons on rounding from all
all application pages are buons, which means
rounded. applies a rectangular
shape to all buons.
• Small: Applies a very
small curve to the
corners of all buons.
• Medium: Applies a
moderate curve to the
corners of all buons.
• Large: Applies a large
curve to the corners
of all buons, thereby
making a pill shape.
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
Note: When you select a Panel or Banner layout, the home page contains a springboard
with icons that you can use to open work areas. Also, based on setup, the home page shows
either company announcements or social networking conversations. This information
appears in a panel for the panel layout, and in a banner for the banner layout. When you
select the News feed layout, your home page mainly contains the Apps section and a series
of updates with important information.
4. From the Logo list, select File as the type of location where your logo is stored. Browse and select
5. Select the Congure bookmark icon for desktop check box, and from the Desktop Icon list, select File.
Browse and select MyDesktopIcon.png.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
6. Select the Congure shortcut icon for mobile check box, and from the Mobile Icon list, select File. Browse
and select MyMobileIcon.png.
7. From the Background Image list, select File as the type of location where your background image is stored.
Browse and select WatermarkOracle.png.
8. To specify the general appearance of the application, enter the values as shown in this table, or select the colors
from the color palee.
Field Value
Cover Image
Select File as the type of location where your cover image is stored. Browse and select
◦ Panel layout, this image appears on the main panel. The recommended image size is
344x622 px.
◦ Banner layout, this image appears on the banner. The recommended image size is
2600x290 px.
◦ News feed layout, this image appears in the Things to Finish section. The
recommended image size is 2600x290 px.
9. To specify the appearance of the navigation icons, enter the values as shown in this table, or select the colors
from the color palee.
Field Value
Size Small
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
Field Value
Background Color
This eld isn't displayed if you have selected None as the background shape.
10. To specify the appearance of the application pages, enter the values as shown in this table, or select the colors
from the color palee.
Field Value
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
11. To specify the appearance of the buons, enter the values as shown in this table, or select the colors from the
color palee.
Field Value
Tip: While making changes on the Themes page, you can click Apply any time to preview
your changes.
Related Topics
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
• Overview of Work Areas
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Conguring and Extending Applications Theme Management
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
6 Flexelds
Overview of Flexelds
A exeld is a set of placeholder elds associated with business objects and placed on the application pages to
contain additional data. You can use exelds to modify the business objects and meet enterprise data management
requirements without changing the data model or performing any database programming. Flexelds help you to
capture dierent data on the same database table and provide a means to modify the applications features.
For example, an airline manufacturer may require specic aributes for its orders that aren't predened. Using a
exeld for the order business object, you can create and congure the required aribute.
Types of Flexelds
Flexelds that you see on the application pages are predened. However, you can congure the exelds or modify
their properties. Users see these exelds as eld or information aributes on the UI pages. To manage exelds, use
any of the following tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area:
• Manage Descriptive Flexelds: Expand the forms on the application page to accommodate additional
information that is important and unique to your business. You can use a descriptive exeld to collect invoice
details on a page displaying invoices.
• Manage Extensible Flexelds: Establish one-to-many data relationships and make application data context-
sensitive. The exelds appear only when the contextual data conditions are fullled. Thus, extensible exelds
provide more exibility than the descriptive exelds.
• Manage Key Flexelds: Store information combining several values, such as a number combination. The key
exelds represent objects such as accounting codes and asset categories.
• Manage Value Sets: Use a group of values to validate the data entered in the exelds.
Note: You can manage value sets within the Manage Descriptive Flexelds or Manage Extensible
Flexelds tasks.
Related Topics
• Modules in Application Taxonomy
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
4. Dene the value sets before conguring the key exeld segments by going to the Manage Value Sets task.
5. Dene the key exeld structures and their segments, and dene structure instances for each structure.
a. Use the Manage Key Flexelds task or the Congure Flexeld icon buon directly on the page where
the exeld is highlighted.
b. Optionally, validate the exeld conguration.
c. Optionally, deploy the exeld to a sandbox for initial testing.
6. Deploy the exeld to the mainline metadata to display it on the application pages and to make it available for
integration with other tools such as Oracle Business Intelligence.
7. Perform the necessary steps to integrate the exeld into the technology stack.
Related Topics
• Overview of Context Layers
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Flexeld Components
A exeld is made up of several data entities that store and render information pertaining to exeld conguration.
Flexelds are made up of the following components:
• Segments
• Value Sets
• Contexts
• Structures
A segment is a eld within a exeld and represents a single table column of your database. When conguring a
exeld, dene the appearance and meaning of individual segments. Segments represent aributes of information.
Segments can appear globally wherever the exeld is implemented, or based on a structure or context. Each segment
captures a single atomic value and represents an aribute of information.
The characteristics of a segment vary based on the type of exeld in which it's used.
• In key exelds, a segment describes a characteristic of the entity. For example, a part number that contains
details about the type, color, and size of an item.
• In a descriptive or extensible exeld, a segment represents an information aribute on the application page.
For example, details about a device containing components, some of which are global while the remaining are
contextually dependent on the category of the device.
Value Sets
Users enter values into segments while using an application. A value set is a named group of values that validate the
content of a exeld segment. You congure a exeld segment with a value set to enforce entries of only valid values
for that segment.
Multiple segments within a exeld, or multiple exelds, can share a single value set.
Context-sensitive exeld segments are available to an application based on a context value. You dene contexts as
part of conguring a exeld. Users see global segments as well as any context-sensitive segments that apply to the
selected context value.
In descriptive exelds and extensible exelds, you can reuse the context-sensitive segments that are based on the
database columns, in multiple contexts.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Key exelds have structures. Each key exeld structure is a specic conguration of segments. Adding or removing
segments, or rearranging their order, produces a dierent structure. You can reuse the segments that are based on the
database columns, in multiple structures.
Note: You can translate all these exeld components to the preferred languages without changing the
language session of the application. To specify the translations in all the enabled language rows, use the
Translation Editor option on the respective edit pages. Once the updates are made, users can view the
translated text for the specic exeld components at runtime.
Related Topics
• Enter or Edit Translated Text
Flexelds at Runtime
Business objects have an associated descriptive or extensible exeld. Using these, you can create aributes for the
business object at run time. Some business objects have an associated key exeld for conguring exible multiple part
To locate exelds on a page, in the global header, select your user name and in the Seings and Actions menu, select
Highlight Flexelds. The page renders in a special mode, displaying the location of exelds, if any, on the page. Do
the following:
• Hover over the Information icon to view exeld details.
• Click the Congure Flexeld icon to manage the exeld using the Manage Flexelds task.
• Click the Add Context Value, Add Segment, or Edit Segment icons to add a context value or edit a global or
context-sensitive exeld segment. This applies to both descriptive and extensible exelds.
Note: You can't create aributes on all exelds. For example, some exelds are protected, and you either
can't edit their congurations at all, or can do only limited changes to them. Consult the product-specic
documentation to verify whether there are any restrictions on using the exeld.
All segments of a single exeld are grouped together by default. The layout and positions of the exeld segments
depend on where the application developer places the exeld on the page. Flexelds may also be presented in a
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
separate section of the page, in a table, or on their own page or a dialog box. You can use Oracle Composer to edit the
layout, position, or other display features of the exeld segments.
When you no longer want to view the exelds on a page, select Unhighlight Flexelds from the Administration menu.
Note: Flexeld segments can't be edited using their individual component elements. They can only be edited
from the properties panel of the <descriptiveFlexfield> element they belong to. To nd these components,
open the properties panel of the descriptive exeld, switch to the relevant tab, and search using the unique
identifying information. For instance, if you need to nd a context sensitive segment, open the properties
panel for the exeld, go to the Flexeld Context Segments tab, and search for the segment using its Context
Value and Segment Code.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The following gure illustrates that the exeld denition consists of all the metadata dened during conguration and
stored in the database.
Oracle Fusion
Applications Database
Entity Table
Enabled for
Flexfield Flexfield Definition
Define Flexfields
Create Tasks for Configure
Define Flexfields Flexfield
flexfield. Application flexfield.
for Application
Flexfield Deployment
on the entity display as
input fields in the user
Application developers create a exeld and register it so that it's available for conguration. Administrators and
implementation consultants congure segments and other properties of the available exelds. This information is
stored as additional exeld metadata in the database. Deploying the exeld generates ADF business components
based on the exeld metadata in the database.
The following aspects are important in understanding how exelds and Oracle Applications Cloud architecture work
• Integration
• Deployment
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The aributes that you add by conguring exelds are available throughout the Oracle Fusion Middleware technology
stack. You can use the exeld segment's Application Programming Interface (API) to identify segments and integrate
the exelds in the following:
The metadata for the exeld is stored in the application database as soon as you save your conguration changes.
Deploying the exeld generates the ADF business components so that the run time user interface reects the latest
exeld denition in the metadata.
Run Time
The latest denitions of a exeld reect on the user interface at run time only if the exeld is deployed. When the
user interface accesses a business object, the deployed exeld denition identies the aributes associated with the
captured values. On a page, if you add display congurations for a exeld using Oracle Composer, the same exeld
segments can appear dierently on dierent pages.
Flexeld congurations are preserved during patching and upgrading.
Flexeld Management
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The following gure shows the processes involved in making exelds available to users. The tasks in the Dene
Flexelds activity let administrators congure and deploy exelds. After you congure and deploy a exeld to a
sandbox, deploy it again to the mainline metadata so that it's available to the users.
Deploy to
Flexfield is
available to users
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Registering Flexelds
A exeld must be registered before it can be congured. Therefore, application development registers exelds so
that they are available to administrators and implementation consultants for conguration. The registration involves
reserving columns of entity tables for use in exelds. For more information about registering exelds, see Oracle
Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
Planning Flexelds
Before you begin planning exelds, determine what type is appropriate to your needs, and which business objects are
available for modifying exelds. All exelds consist of segments which represent aributes of an entity. The value a
user enters for an aribute is stored in a column of the entity table. Carefully plan exelds before conguring them.
Before conguring new segments for your exelds, be sure to plan their implementation carefully.
If you have determined that a business object supports exelds, and those exelds have been registered, you can
begin planning their conguration. Note the code name of the exeld you intend to congure so that you can nd it
easily in the Dene Flexeld activity. In some cases you can determine and congure how the exeld appears on the
page. See Oracle Applications Cloud Help for specic products to determine any restrictions on using product-specic
Conguring Flexelds
Administrators or implementors congure exelds so they meet the needs of the enterprise. Some exelds require
conguration to make an application operate correctly. You can congure exelds using the following methods:
• Use the manage exeld tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
• Use the Highlight Flexelds command in the Administration menu while viewing a run time page.
◦ Use the Congure Flexeld icon buon to manage all aspects of a exeld, such as change a segment's
sequence number or congure a exeld segment's business intelligence label.
◦ Use the Add Segment and Edit Segment icon buons to add and edit descriptive or extensible exeld
segments with simple congurations.
◦ Use the Add Context icon buon to add descriptive or extensible exeld context values.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Tip: You can create value sets while creating descriptive and extensible exeld segments. However, dene
value sets before conguring key exeld segments that use them, because you assign existing value sets
while conguring key exeld segments.
When creating table-validated, independent, dependent, or subset value sets while creating descriptive and extensible
exeld segments, you can optionally specify to display the description of the selected value next to the segment at run
time. You can assign sequence order numbers to global segments and to context-sensitive segments in each context.
Segment display is always in a xed order based on the segments' sequence numbers. You cannot enter a number for
one segment that is already in use for a dierent segment. Therefore, you may consider numbering the segments in
multiples, such as 4, 5, or 10, to make it easy to insert new aributes.
A exeld column is assigned to a new segment automatically, but you can change the assignment before saving the
segment. If you must set a specic column assignment for a segment, create that segment rst to ensure that the
intended column isn't automatically assigned to a dierent segment.
Deploying Flexelds
Once you have congured a exeld, you must deploy it to make the latest denition available to run time users. In the
Dene Flexelds tasks, you can deploy a exeld using either of the following commands:
• The Deploy Flexeld command deploys a exeld to the mainline metadata. This command is for general use
in a test or production environment.
• The Deploy to Sandbox command deploys a exeld to sandbox. This command is for conrming that the
exeld is correctly congured before deploying it to the mainline metadata.
• Add Context, Add Segment, and Edit Segment tools for extensible exelds, use the Save command to save
your changes. Then use the Deploy command to deploy the exeld to the mainline metadata
• Add Segment and Edit Segment tools for descriptive exelds, use the Save and Deploy command to save
your changes. Then deploy the exeld to the mainline metadata
Once deployed, the deployment status indicates the state of the currently congured exeld relative to the last
deployed denition.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
If the applications are running in dierent locales, you can provide dierent translations for translatable text, such as
prompts and descriptions. Enter translations using the locale that requires the translated text. In the global header,
click your user name and from the Seings and Actions menu, select Set Preferences. Then change the text to the
translated text for that locale.
Highlight Flexelds accesses the current exeld metadata denition. Use the highlighted exeld's Congure
Flexeld icon buon to manage exelds directly. Alternatively, note a highlighted exeld's name to search for it in
the tasks for managing exelds.
For more information about creating exelds and adding them to a UI page, see the Oracle Fusion Applications
Developer's Guide. For more information about modifying exeld segment appearance with Page Composer, see
guidance on modifying existing pages in the Oracle Applications Cloud Conguring and Extending Applications guide.
Display Properties
The following table summarizes display properties.
Property Description
Sequence The order the segment appears in relation to the other congured segments.
Prompt The string to be used for the segment's label in the user interface.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Property Description
Selected and deselected values If the display type is check box, the actual values to save. For example, Y and N or 0 and 1.
Display height The height of the eld as measured in visible number of lines when the display type is a text
Read only Whether the eld should display as read-only, not editable text.
Description help text The eld-level description help text to display for the eld. Use description help text to display
a eld-level description that expands on or claries the prompt provided for the eld.
If description help text is specied, a Help icon buon is displayed next to the eld in the run
time application. The description help text is displayed when the user hovers over the Help
icon buon.
Instruction help text The eld-level instruction help text to display for the eld.
Use instruction help text to provide directions on using the eld. If instruction help text is
specied, it's appears in an in-eld help note window when users move the cursor over the
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
You can congure as many range validated pairs as you want within the same exeld. Your application automatically
detects and applies range validation to the segment pairs that you dene, in sequence order. It must detect a low value
segment rst, and the next range validated segment that it detects must be a high value segment. These two segments
are assumed to be a matching pair. The low value and the high value can be equal.
You can also use Groovy validation to set additional restrictions or requirements for what values are allowed for certain
aributes of business objects. This is useful when you need to use the same value set to validate multiple segments, but
the exact validation requirement changes with each case. These validators can be dened at the global segment level,
or at the context level, based on your business needs. They have a validator code, validation expression, error message,
and description. After adding a new validator, click the Groovy Expression Builder icon to open the expression builder
window where you dene your validation expression. Groovy validation is done when a user tries to save their values to
an aribute that has a Groovy validator. If the value for this aribute fails validation against the Groovy expression, the
text dened in the Error Message column is displayed as an error message.
When you congure a descriptive exeld segment, you can specify a constant to use for seing the initial value. The
initial value can be an available parameter. For every planned segment, list the constant value or parameter, if any, to
use for the initial value.
Naming Conventions
Enter a unique code, name, and description for the segment. These properties are for internal use and not displayed to
end users. You can't change the code after the segment is created.
The Application Programming Interface (API) name is a name for the segment that isn't exposed to users. The API name
is used to identify the segment in various integration points including web services, rules, and business intelligence. Use
alphanumeric characters only with a leading character. For example, enter a code consisting of the characters A-Z, a-z,
0-9 with a non-numeric leading character. The use of spaces, underscores, multi-byte characters, and leading numeric
characters isn't permied. You can't change the API name after the segment has been created.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Caution: Do not change API names after they're created. Doing so could break integration points.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The following gure contains the representation of a check box, a drop-down list, a list of values, and a search enabled
list of values.
A. Check Box
B. Drop-down List
C. List of Values
The following gure contains the representation of a radio buon group, text area, text box, date and time, and rich text
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
This gure contains the representation of a color palee and a static URL eld.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
D Search Enabled List of Values The eld appears as a text eld with a
Search icon buon. The users can type
a value in the text eld or they can click
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
J Color
The eld displays a color palee for the
user to select a color at run time and
assign it to the segment. During setup,
this display type appears in the list for
selection only if:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
You can assign a value set to any number of exeld segments in the same or dierent exelds. Value set usage
information indicates which exelds use the value set.
The following aspects are important in understanding how exelds and value sets work together:
Note: Ensure that changes to a shared value set are compatible with all exeld segments that use the value
You can also dene global segments that are shown for all value sets. However, this would be quite unusual since it
would mean that you want to capture that aribute for all values for all value sets.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
When you deploy a exeld, the value sets assigned to the segments of the exeld provide users with the valid values
for the aributes represented by the segments.
If your segment's default type is Groovy, you can set the Groovy expression you need using the expression builder. To
open the expression builder, select Groovy Expression as your Default Type and click the Groovy Expression Builder
icon. But you should know that Groovy defaulting doesn't support derivation when a dependent parameter changes.
The expression is evaluated only at segment creation.
The following table maps these dierent combinations. Initial runtime action corresponds to the row for the aribute
value being created in the entity table. If the default value is read only, it can't subsequently be changed through the
user interface. If the default value isn't read only, users can modify it. However, if the segment value is a derived value, a
user-modied segment value is overwrien when the derivation value changes.
Default Type Default value Derivation value Initial runtime action Runtime action after
specied? specied? parameter changes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Default Type Default value Derivation value Initial runtime action Runtime action after
specied? specied? parameter changes
Parameter Yes Yes, and dierent from The default The changed
default value segment value is the parameter default
parameter's default value doesn't update
value segment value. Only
the changed derivation
value updates the
segment value.
Flexeld Usages
The exeld usage species the table with which the exeld and its segments are associated. A exeld can have
multiple usages. However, the rst table registered for a exeld indicates the master usage. Segments are based
on the master usage. Other usages of the same table for the same exeld use the same segment setup, though the
column names may have a dierentiating prex.
On the Manage Descriptive Flexelds and Manage Extensible Flexelds pages, click the Show Entity Usages icon for
a specic exeld to view its entity usage. On the Manage Value Sets page, you can view the exeld usages for a
selected value set.
Extensible Flexelds
For extensible exeld contexts, you can congure a dierent usage. The use of an extensible exeld context
determines the scenarios or user interfaces in which the segments of a context appear to users. For example, the
Supplier page displays an extensible exeld's supplier usage and the Buyer page for the same exeld displays the
buyer usage. Then, a context that is associated only with the supplier usage appears only on the Supplier page and not
on the Buyer page.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Value Sets
The use of value sets species the exelds having segments where the identied value set is assigned.
Related Topics
• Update Existing Setup Data
For information about registering exelds, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide. Some business
objects aren't designed to support exelds. For information about how to enable business objects with exeld
capability, see Geing Started with Flexelds in the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
To add aributes to these applications, you may use Application Composer. For more information, see the product-
specic documentation.
How can I enable exeld segments for Oracle Social Network Cloud Service?
When you manage Oracle Social Network Objects during setup and maintenance, search for the business object that
includes descriptive exelds. Select the aributes that are dened as exeld segments and enable them.
Flexeld Deployment
Overview of Flexeld Deployment
Deployment generates or refreshes the Application Development Framework (ADF) business component objects
that render the exeld in a user interface. The deployment process adds user-dened aributes to the Web Services
Description Language (WSDL) schemas exposed by Oracle ADF services and used by SOA composites. Flexelds are
deployed for the rst time during the application provisioning process. After you congure or change a exeld, you
must deploy it to make the latest denition available to users.
If a descriptive exeld is enabled for business intelligence, the deployment process redeploys the exeld's business
intelligence artifacts.
You can deploy a exeld to a sandbox for testing or to the mainline metadata for use in a test or production run time
environment. You can deploy extensible exelds as a background process.
After deployment, the user-dened aributes are available for incorporating into the SOA infrastructure, such as
business process and business rule integration. For example, you can now write business rules that depend on the user-
dened aributes. You must sign out and sign back in to Oracle Applications Cloud to see the changes you deployed at
run time.
• Deployment Status
• Initial Deployment Status
• Metadata Validations
• Metadata Synchronization
• Deployment as a Background Process
• Export of Artifacts from Flexeld MDS
Deployment Status
Every exeld has a deployment status. Check the deployment status of your exeld after patching. The following
table lists the dierent deployment statuses a exeld can have.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Edited The exeld metadata denition hasn't been deployed yet. Updates of the metadata denition
aren't applied in the run time environment yet.
Patched The exeld metadata denition has been modied through a patch or a data migration
action, but the exeld hasn't yet been deployed. So, the updated denition isn't reected in
the run time environment.
Deployed to Sandbox The current metadata for the exeld is deployed in ADF artifacts and available as a exeld-
enabled sandbox. The status of the sandbox is managed by the Manage Sandboxes dialog box
available in the Seings and Actions menu.
Deployed The current metadata for the exeld is deployed in ADF artifacts and available to users. No
changes have been made to the exeld after being deployed to the mainline metadata.
Note: Whenever a value set denition changes, the deployment status of a exeld that uses that value
set changes to edited. If the change results from a patch, the deployment status of the exeld changes to
Metadata Validation
Use the Validate Metadata command to view possible metadata errors before aempting to deploy the exeld.
Metadata validation is the initial phase of all exeld deployment commands. By successfully validating metadata
before running the deployment commands, you can avoid failures in the metadata validation phase of a deployment
aempt. The deployment process ends if an error occurs during the metadata validation phase. Metadata validation
results don't aect the deployment status of a exeld.
Metadata Synchronization
When an extensible or descriptive exeld is deployed, the deployment process regenerates the XML schema denition
(XSD). As a result, the user-dened aributes are available to web services and the SOA infrastructure.
After deploying a exeld conguration, you must synchronize the updated XML schema denition (XSD) les in the
MDS repositories for each SOA application.
Note: To synchronize the updated XSD les in the MDS repositories in Oracle Cloud implementations, log a
service request using My Oracle Support at hp://
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Note: When an application is provisioned, the provisioning framework aempts to deploy all exelds in that
If you deploy the exeld to a sandbox successfully, the status is Deployed to Sandbox. The latest exeld metadata
denition in the application matches with the metadata denition that generated ADF business components in a
sandbox MDS Repository. Whether the sandbox is active or not doesn't aect the deployment status. If the exeld was
deployed to a sandbox and hasn't been edited or redeployed to the mainline metadata since then, the status remains
Deployed to Sandbox independent of whether the sandbox is active, or who is viewing the status.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
If you deploy the exeld successfully to the mainline metadata, the status is Deployed. The latest exeld metadata
denition in the application matches the metadata denition that generated ADF business components in a mainline
MDS Repository. Change notications are sent when a exeld is deployed successfully to the mainline metadata.
If either type of deployment fails and that the current exeld denition isn't deployed, the status is Error. The
deployment error message gives details about the error. The latest exeld metadata denition in the application likely
diverges from the latest successfully deployed exeld denition.
If the exeld denition has been modied by a patch, the status is Patched. The latest exeld metadata denition in
the application diverges from the latest deployed exeld denition. If the exeld denition was Deployed before the
patch and then a patch was applied, the status changes to Patched. If the exeld denition was Edited before the patch
and then a patch was applied, the status remains at Edited to reect that there are still changes (outside of the patch)
that aren't yet in eect.
When a deployment aempt fails, you can access the Deployment Error Message for details.
The following gure shows the two types of deployment available in the Manage Flexeld tasks of the Dene Flexelds
activity. Deploying a exeld to a sandbox creates a sandbox MDS Repository for the sole purpose of testing exeld
behavior. The sandbox is only accessible to the administrator who activates and accesses it, not to users generally.
Deploying a exeld to the mainline metadata applies the exeld denition to the mainline MDS Repository where
it is available to end users. After deploying the exeld to the mainline metadata, modify the page where the exeld
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
segments appear. Modications done to the page in the sandbox MDS Repository cannot be published to the mainline
MDS Repository.
Deploy flexfield to
sandbox to
test flexfield.
Metadata in Yes
Flexfield Business
Oracle Fusion
Components in Metadata
Services (MDS) Flexfield-
Test in sandbox? Repository Sandbox enabled
Caution: Don't modify exeld segment display properties using Page Composer in a exeld-enabled
sandbox as these changes will be lost when deploying the exeld to the mainline metadata.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Related Topics
• How You Manage Congurations in Classic Sandboxes
When you deploy a exeld to sandbox, the process reads the metadata about the segments from the database,
generates exeld Application Development Framework (ADF) business component artifacts based on that denition,
and stores in the sandbox only the generated artifacts derived from the denition.
When you deploy a exeld sandbox, the process generates the name of the exeld sandbox, and that exeld
sandbox is set as your current active sandbox. When you next sign in to the application, you can see the updated
exeld congurations. The Oracle Applications Cloud global header displays your current session sandbox.
Note: Unlike a standalone sandbox created using the Manage Sandboxes dialog box, the sandbox deployed
for a exeld contains only the single exeld. You can manage exeld sandboxes, such as seing an
existing exeld sandbox as active or deleting it, using the Manage Sandboxes dialog box.
When you deploy a exeld to the mainline metadata after having deployed it to the sandbox, the sandbox-enabled
exeld is automatically deleted.
You also can use the Manage Sandboxes dialog box in the Administrator menu of the Setup and Maintenance work area
to activate and access a exeld-enabled sandbox.
Note: Whether you use the Dene Flexelds or Manage Sandboxes task ows to access a exeld-enabled
sandbox, you must sign out and sign back in before you can see the changes you deployed in the run time.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
You cannot publish the exeld from the sandbox to the mainline metadata. You must use the Dene Flexelds task
ow pages to deploy the exeld for access by users of the mainline metadata because the exeld conguration in the
mainline metadata is the single source of truth.
Related Topics
• How You Manage Congurations in Classic Sandboxes
Value Sets
Overview of Value Sets
A value set is a group of valid values that you assign to a exeld segment to control the values that are stored for
business object aributes.
A user enters a value for an aribute of a business object while using the application. The exeld validates the value
against the set of valid values that you congured as a value set and assigned to the segment.
For example, you can dene a required format, such as a ve-digit number, or a list of valid values, such as green, red,
and blue.
Flexeld segments are usually validated, and typically each segment in a given exeld uses a dierent value set. You
can assign a single value set to more than one segment, and you can share value sets among dierent exelds.
Note: Ensure that changes to a shared value set are compatible with all exelds segments using the value
The following types of validation are available for value sets:
• Format only, where users enter data instead of selecting values from a list
• Independent, a list of values consisting of valid values you specify
• Dependent, a list of values where a valid value derives from the independent value of another segment
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
• Subset, where the list of values is a subset of the values in an existing independent value set
• Table, where the values derive from a column in an application table and the list of values is limited by a
WHERE clause
A segment that uses a format only value set doesn't present a list of valid values to users. If required, you may add table
validated value sets to the list of available value sets available for conguration.
Note: For the Accounting Key Flexeld value sets, you must use independent validation only. If you use other
validations, you can't use the full chart of accounts functionality, such as data security, reporting, and account
hierarchy integration.
Value set security only works in conjunction with usage within exeld segments. You can specify that data security be
applied to the values in exeld segments that use a value set. Based on the roles provisioned to users, data security
policies determine which values of the exeld segment users can view or modify.
The application of value set security has the following conditions:
• At the value set level: The value set is the resource secured by data security policies. If a value set is secured,
every usage of it in any exeld is secured. Disabling security for individual usages of the same value set isn't
• Applies to independent, dependent, or table-validated value sets.
• Applies mainly when data is being created or updated, and to key exeld combinations tables for query
purposes. Value set security doesn't determine which descriptive exeld data is shown upon querying.
• Security conditions dened on value sets always use table aliases. When lters are used, table aliases are always
used by default. When predicates are dened for data security conditions, make sure that the predicates also
use table aliases.
For key exelds, the aributes in the view object corresponding to the account combination ID, structure instance
number (SIN), and data set number (DSN) can't be transient. They must exist in the database table. For key exelds,
the SIN segment is the discriminator aribute, and the account combination segment is the common aribute.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The following gure shows a value set used by a segment in a key exeld and the context segment of a descriptive
For most value sets, when you enter values into a exeld segment, you can enter only values that already exist in the
value set assigned to that segment.
Global and context-sensitive segment require a value set. You can assign a value set to a descriptive exeld context
segment. If you specify only context values, not value sets for contexts, the set of valid values is equal to the set of
context values.
You can edit only value sets that are not marked as protected. You can't edit or delete protected value sets. If the value
set type supports values (such as independent, dependent or subset value sets), then you can't add, edit, or delete
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Note: References to protected value sets aren't restricted. Value sets, protected or not, may be assigned
to any exeld segment. Likewise, other value sets may reference protected value sets; for example, an
unprotected dependent value set may reference a protected independent value set.
Related Topics
• Chart of Accounts Components
• What's the dierence between a lookup type and a value set
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
having rst dened an independent value set that you apply to another segment in the same exeld. Use a dependent
value set to limit the list of values for a given segment based on the value that the user has dened for a related
independent segment. The available values in a dependent list and the meaning of a given value depend on which value
was selected for the independently validated segment.
For example, you could dene an independent value set of the states in the USA with values such as CA, NY, and so on.
Then you dene a dependent value set of cities in the USA with values such as San Francisco and Los Angeles that are
valid for the independent value CA. Similarly, New York City and Albany are valid for the independent value NY. In the
UI, only the valid cities can be selected for a given state.
Because you dene a subset value set from an existing independent value set, you must dene the independent value
set rst. Users don't have to select a value for another segment rst to have access to the subset value set.
Independent, dependent, and subset value sets require a user-dened list of valid values. Use the Manage Values page
to create and manage a value set's valid values and the order in which they appear.
Tip: You can congure the Manage Value Sets page to capture additional aributes for each valid value by
adding context-sensitive segments in a new context for FND_VS_VALUES_B descriptive eld.
Table Validation
Typically, you use a table-validated set when the values you want to use are already maintained in an application table,
such as a table of supplier names. Specify the table column that contains the valid value. You can optionally specify the
description and ID columns, a WHERE clause to limit the values to use for your set, and an ORDER BY clause.
If you specify an ID column, then the exeld saves the ID value, instead of the value from the value column, in the
associated exeld segment. If the underlying table supports translations, you can enable the display of translated
text by basing the value set's value column on a translated aribute of the underlying table. You should also dene
an ID column that's based on an aribute that isn't language-dependent so that the value's invariant ID (an ID that
doesn't change) is saved in the transaction table. The run time displays the corresponding translated text from the value
column for the run time session's locale.
Table validation lets you enable a segment to depend on multiple prior segments in the same context structure. You
can't reference other exeld segments in the table-validated value set's WHERE clause. Which means, the WHERE
clause can't reference SEGMENT.segment_code or VALUESET.value_set_code.
Table-validated value sets have unique values across the table, irrespective of bind variables. The WHERE clause
fragment of the value set is considered if it doesn't have bind variables. If it has bind variables, the assumption is that
the values are unique in the value set. If you use table validated value sets for key exelds, then you can't use all
integration options supported for key exelds, such as:
• Data security
• Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI)
• Extended Spread Sheet Database (ESSbase)
• Tree or hierarchy integration
To use these integration options for key exelds, you must use independent value sets only.
In the case of format, independent, or dependent value sets, you can specify a range to limit which values are valid. You
can specify a range of values that are valid within a value set. You can also specify a range validated pair of segments
where one segment represents the low end of the range and another segment represents the high end of the range.
For example, you might specify a range for a format-only value set with format type Number where the user can enter
only values between 0 and 100.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
In the case of independent and dependent values, you can specify that data security be applied to the values in
segments that use a value set. Based on the roles provisioned to users, data security policies determine which values of
the exeld segment users can view or modify.
To enable security on a value set, specify a database resource, typically the code value for the value set. Using the
Manage Database Security Policies task, specify conditions, such as lters or SQL predicates, and policies that associate
roles with conditions. You can use a lter for simple conditions. For more complex conditions, use a SQL predicate.
Value set data security policies and conditions dier from data security conditions and policies for business objects in
the following ways:
• You can grant only read access to users. You can't specify any other action.
• When dening a condition that's based on a SQL predicate, use VALUE, VALUE_NUMBER, VALUE_DATE,
VALUE_TIMESTAMP, or VALUE_ID to reference the value from a dependent, independent, or subset value set.
For table value sets, use a table alias to dene the table, such as &TABLE_ALIAS category=70.
When you enable security on table-validated value sets, the security rule that's dened is absolute and not contingent
upon the bind variables (if any) that may be used by the WHERE clause of the value set. For example, suppose a table-
validated value set has a bind variable to further lter the value list to x, y and z from a list of x, y, z, xx, yy, zz. The data
security rule or lter wrien against the value set must not assume anything about the bind variables. Instead the whole
list of values must be available and you write the rule, for example, to permit x, or to permit y and z. By default in data
security, all values are denied and show only rows to which access has been provided.
When you change an existing value set, the deployment status for all aected exelds changes to Edited. You must
redeploy all exelds that use that value set to make the exelds reect the changes. In the UI pages for managing
value sets, the value set's usages show which exelds are aected by the value set changes.
If your application has more than one language installed, or there is any possibility that you might install one or
more additional languages for your application in the future, select Translatable. This doesn't require you to provide
translated values now, but you can't change this option if you decide to provide them later.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
List of Values
You can use one of the following types of lists to specify the valid values for a segment:
• Table column
• User-dened list. Also include a sub list.
• Dependent user-dened list
If the valid values exist in a table column, use a table value set to specify the list of values. To limit the valid values to a
subset of the values in the table, use a SQL WHERE clause. Table value sets also provide some advanced features, such
as enabling validation depending on other segments in the same structure.
Use an independent value set to specify a user-dened set of valid values. For example, you can use an independent
value set of Mon, Tue, Wed, and so forth to validate the day of the week. You can also specify a subset of an existing
independent value set as the valid values for a segment. For example, if you have an independent value set for the days
of the week, then a weekend subset can comprise entries for Saturday and Sunday.
Use a dependent value set when the available values in the list and the meaning of a given value depend on which
independent value was selected for a previously selected segment value. For example, the valid holidays depend on
which country you are in. A dependent value set is a collection of value subsets, with one subset for each value in a
corresponding independent value set.
For lists of values type value sets, you can additionally limit the valid values that an end user can select or enter
by specifying format, minimum value, and maximum value. For list of values type value sets, you can optionally
implement value set data security. If the applications are running in dierent locales, you might need to provide
dierent translations for the values and descriptions.
Plain Text
Use a format-only value set when you want to allow users to enter any value, as long as that value conforms to
formaing rules. For example, if you specify a maximum length of 3 and numeric-only, then end users can enter 456,
but not 4567 or 45A. You can also specify the minimum and maximum values, whether to align the text to either side,
and whether to zero-ll. With a format-only value set, no other types of validation are applied.
Value Ranges
You can use either a format-only, independent, or dependent value set to specify a range of values. For example, you
might create a format-only value set with Number as the format type where the end user can enter only the values
between 0 and 100. Or, you might create a format-only value set with Date as the format type where the end user can
enter only dates for a specic year, such as a range of 01-JAN-93 to 31-DEC-93. Because the minimum and maximum
values enforce these limits, you need not dene a value set that contains each of these individual numbers or dates.
Value Format
Flexeld segments commonly require some kind of format specication, regardless of validation type. Before creating a
value set, consider how you will specify the required format.
The following table shows options for validation type and value data type.
Option Description
Value subtype Text, Translated text, Numeric digits only, Time (20:08), Time (20:08:08).
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Option Description
An additional data type specication for the Character data type for the Dependent,
Independent, and Format validation types.
Maximum length Maximum number of characters or digits for Character data type.
Scale Maximum number of digits that can follow the decimal point.
Zero ll Automatic text alignment and zero-lling of entered numbers (aects values that include only
the digits 0-9).
Note: You cannot change the text value data type to a translated text value subtype after creating a value set.
If there is any chance you may need to translate displayed values into other languages, choose Translated
text. Selecting the Translated text subtype doesn't require you to provide translated values.
When enabling security on a value set, the data security resource name is an existing value set or one that you want to
create. The name typically matches the code value for the value set. You cannot edit the data security resource name
after you save your changes.
Related Topics
• What's the dierence between a lookup type and a value set
• :{CONTEXT.<context_code>;SEGMENT.<segment_code>}
• :{VALUESET.<value_set_code>}
• :{FLEXFIELD.<internal_code>}
• :{PARAMETER.<parameter_code>}
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Segment Code
This bind variable refers to the ID or value of a segment where <segment_code> identies the segment. Where referring
to the ID, the value set is ID-validated. Where referring to the value, the value set isn't ID-validated. The data type of the
bind value is the same as the data type of the segment's column.
For both descriptive and extensible exelds, the segment must be in the same context as the source segment. The
source segment contains the WHERE clause. For descriptive exelds, if the segment is global, then the source segment
must be global.
The segment must have a sequence number that's less than the sequence number of the target segment with this bind
variable. A matching segment must exist in the current exeld context.
This bind variable is useful when the set of valid values depends on the value in another segment. For example, the
values to select from a CITIES table might depend upon the selected country. If SEGMENT1 contains the country value,
then the WHERE clause for the CITIES table might be <country_code> = :{SEGMENT.SEGMENT1}.
Context Code
This bind variable, which is valid only for extensible exelds, refers to the ID (if the value set is ID-validated) or value
(if not ID-validated) of a segment that's in a dierent context than the target segment (the segment with the WHERE
• The <context_code> identies the context and must be in the same category or in an ancestor category. It can't
be a multiple-row context.
• The <segment_code> identies the segment. The data type of the bind value is the same as the data type of the
segment's column.
Note: The target segment should appear in the UI after the source segment to ensure the source segment
has a value. If the target segment's context is a single-row context, the source and target segments must be
on separate pages and the target page must follow the source page.
The framework of extensible exelds doesn't perform any additional validation related to mismatched values for
segments dened with cross context bind parameters. Administrators must populate the correct pair of segment values.
This bind variable is useful when the set of valid values depends on the value of a segment in another context. For
example, the values to select from a CERTIFICATION table for a segment in the Compliance and Certication context
might depend on the value of the country segment in the Manufacturing context.
This bind variable refers to the ID (if the value set is ID-validated) or value (if not ID-validated) of the segment that's
assigned to the value set that's identied by the value_set_code. The data type of the bind value is the same as the data
type of the segment's column.
The segment must have a sequence number that's less than the sequence number of the segment with this bind
variable. If more than one segment is assigned to the value set, the closest prior matching segment will be used to
resolve the bind expression. A matching segment must exist in the current exeld context.
This bind variable is useful when the set of valid values depends on the value in another segment and that segment
code can vary, such as when the value set is used for more than one context or exeld. For example, the values
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
to select from a CITIES table might depend upon the selected country. If the value set for the segment that
contains the country value is COUNTRIES, then the WHERE clause for the CITIES table might be <country_code> = :
This bind variable refers to an internal code of the exeld in which the value set is used, or to a validation date. The
internal_code must be one of the following:
• APPLICATION_ID - the application ID of the exeld in which this value set is used. The data type of
APPLICATION_ID and its resulting bind value is NUMBER.
• DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXFIELD_CODE - the identifying code of the exeld in which this value set is used. The data
type of DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXFIELD_CODE and its resulting bind value is VARCHAR2. Note that you use this string
for both descriptive and extensible exelds.
• CONTEXT_CODE - the context code of the exeld context in which this value set is used. The data type of
CONTEXT_CODE and its resulting bind value is VARCHAR2.
• SEGMENT_CODE - the identifying code of the exeld segment in which this value set is used. The data type of
SEGMENT_CODE and its resulting bind value is VARCHAR2.
• VALIDATION_DATE - the current database date. The data type of VALIDATION_DATE and its resulting bind
value is DATE.
Flexeld Parameters
This bind variable refers to the value of a exeld parameter where parameter_code identies the parameter. The data
type of the resulting bind value is the same as the parameter's data type.
Note: You can't assign a table value set to a context segment if the WHERE clause uses
VALUESET.value_set_code or SEGMENT.segment_code bind variables.
Property Value
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Property Value
ID column lookup_code
After completing this task, you should have created your customer satisfaction value set for the Incentive
Compensation page of your implementation project.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Related Topics
• Overview of Files for Import and Export
General Requirements
The rst line of the at le must contain the column names for the value set value data, including all mandatory
columns, and separated by the '|' (pipe) character. Each subsequent line should contain a row of data specied in the
same order as the column names, also separated by the '|' character.
The requirements for creating at les vary with the type of value sets:
• Independent value sets
• Dependent value sets
ValueSetCode VARCHAR2(60)
Value VARCHAR2(150)
• To upload values to a COLORS independent value set with the minimum columns, you can use the following
at le:
ValueSetCode | Value | EnabledFlag
COLORS | Red | Y
COLORS | Orange | Y
COLORS | Yellow | Y
• To upload values to a STATES independent value set with more (optional) columns, you can use the following
at le:
ValueSetCode | Value | Description | EnabledFlag
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
STATES | AK | Alaska | Y
STATES | CA | California | Y
STATES | WA | Washington | Y
Value VARCHAR2(150)
To upload values to a CITIES dependent value set (dependent on the STATES independent value set), you can use the
following at le:
ValueSetCode | IndependentValue | Value | EnabledFlag
CITIES | AK | Juneau | Y
CITIES | AK | Anchorage | Y
CITIES | CA | San Francisco | Y
CITIES | CA | Sacramento | Y
CITIES | CA | Los Angeles | Y
CITIES | CA | Oakland | Y
Translated Value VARCHAR2(150), for use in value sets that are translatable
Description VARCHAR2(240)
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Related Topics
• Overview of Files for Import and Export
You must create the at le containing the values data, and upload the at le to the content repository using the File
Import and Export page.
Flat File Name
Enter the name of the at le you uploaded using the File Import and Export page.
Select the user account containing the at le in the content repository to upload.
Related Topics
• Overview of Files for Import and Export
• Overview of Scheduled Processes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
You can dene translations for a dependent value set or an independent value set, if the value set is of type Character
with a subtype Translated text. You dene the translations by seing the current session to the locale for which you
want to dene the translation. Then use the Manage Value Sets task to enter the translated values and descriptions for
that locale.
You can dene translated values for a table value set for which multiple languages are supported and that the value
set's value column is based on a translated aribute of the underlying table. For more information about using
multilanguage support features, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
For example, Western-region employees may choose only California, Nevada, Oregon, and so on as valid values. They
cannot select non-Western-region states. Eastern-region employees may choose only New York, New Jersey, Virginia,
and so on as valid values, but cannot select non-Eastern-region states. Value set security is implemented using Oracle
Applications Cloud data security.
You can set the default value to be a constant, if appropriate to the data type of the value set assigned to the segment.
In addition to an initial default value, you can set a derivation value for updating the aribute's value every time the
parameter value changes. The parameter you select identies the entity object source aribute. Any changes in the
value of the source aribute during run time are reected in the value of the segment.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
If the display type of the segment is a check box, you can set whether the default value of the segment is checked or
Descriptive Flexelds
Overview of Descriptive Flexelds
Use descriptive exelds to add aributes to business object entities, and dene validation for them.
All the business object entities that you can use in the application are enabled for descriptive exelds. However,
conguring descriptive exelds is an optional task.
A descriptive exeld can have only one context segment to provide context sensitivity. The same underlying database
column can be used by dierent segments in dierent contexts.
For example, you can dene a Dimensions context that uses the following aributes:
You can also dene a Measurements context that uses the same columns for other aributes:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The following gure displays a descriptive exeld having one context segment called Category for which there are
three values: Resistor, Baery, and Capacitor. Additionally, the descriptive exeld comprises two global segments that
appear in each context, and three context-sensitive segments that only appear in the specic context.
Context Global sensitive
segment segments segments
Attributes: Category G1 G2 A3 A4 A5
Context: Context:
Resistor Capacitor
G1 G1
G2 G2
A3 A4
A4 A5
Application development determines the number of segments available for conguring. During implementation,
congure the exeld by determining the following:
Value Sets
For each global and context-sensitive segment, you congure the values permied for the segment. Based on it, the
values that end users enter are validated, including interdependent validation among the segments.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
There is only one context segment available for descriptive exelds. If you have more than one group of user-dened
aributes where you could use the context segment, you will have to pick one group over the others, based on your
company's needs and priorities, and add the other user-dened aributes as global segments.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
◦ Can you use an existing application table from which to obtain the list of valid values, or do you need to
create a list?
◦ If you are using an existing table, do you need to limit the list of values using a WHERE clause?
◦ Does the list of valid values depend on the value in another exeld segment?
◦ Is the list of valid values a subset of another exeld segment's list of values?
Related Topics
• Overview of Transactional Business Intelligence Conguration of Descriptive Flexelds
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Every descriptive exeld is registered to include a context segment, which you may choose to use or not.
You can assign sequence order numbers to global segments and to context-sensitive segments in each context.
Segment display is always in a xed order. You can't enter a number for a segment if that number is already in use for a
dierent segment.
Value sets are optional for context segments and follow specic guidelines:
• The value set that you specify for a context segment consists of a set of context codes.
• Each context code corresponds to a context that's appropriate for the descriptive exeld.
• The value set must be independent or table-validated.
• If table-validated, the WHERE clause must not use the VALUESET.value_set_code or SEGMENT.segment_code
bind variables.
• The value set must be of data type Character with the maximum length of values being stored no larger than
the context's column length.
• If you don't specify a value set for a context segment, the valid values for that context segment are derived
from the context codes. The denition of each context segment species the set of context-sensitive segments
that can be presented when that context code is selected by the end user.
• For reasons of data integrity, you can't delete an existing context. Instead, you can disable the associated
context value in its own value set by seing its end date to a date in the past.
• You can congure the individual global segments and context-sensitive segments in a descriptive exeld.
These segment types are dierentiated by their usage, but they're congured on application pages that use
most of the same properties.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
created automatically when you add the segments. You can enter the valid values, their descriptions, and the default
value or specify the formaing constraints for the value set, such as minimum and maximum values.
Depending on display type, the value set you create using the Add Segment icon buon is either an independent value
set or a format-only value set. The following table shows which type of value set is created depending on the segment
display component you select.
Tip: After you add a context value, refresh the page to see the new value.
Descriptive exeld usages allow for the same denition to be applied to multiple entities or application tables, such as
a USER table and a USER_HISTORY table. Descriptive exeld tables dene the placeholder entity where the exeld
segment values are stored once you have congured the descriptive exeld. When you congure a exeld, the
conguration applies to all its usages.
Some descriptive exelds provide parameters, which are aributes of the same or related entity objects. Parameters
are public arguments to a descriptive exeld. Parameters provide outside values in descriptive exeld validation.
You use parameters to set the initial value or derivation value of an aribute from external reference data, such as a
column value or a session variable, rather than from user input. Parameters can be referenced by the logic that derives
the default segment value, and by table-validated value set WHERE clauses.
A segment delimiter or separator visually separates segment values when the exeld is displayed as a string of
concatenated segments.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Initial Values
The SQL statement dening an initial value must be a valid statement that returns only one row and a value of the
correct type.
You can use two types of SQL statements:
• SQL statement with no binding. For example, select MIN(SALARY) from EMPLOYEES.
• SQL statement with bind variables. You can use these bind variables in the WHERE clause of the SQL
Business Intelligence
Selecting a global, context, or context-sensitive segment's BI Enabled check box species that the segment is available
for use in Oracle Business Intelligence.
When the exeld is imported into Oracle Business Intelligence, the label you selected from the BI Label drop-down list
equalizes the segment with segments in other contexts, and maps the segment to the logical object represented by the
After you deploy a business intelligence-enabled exeld, use the Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for
Transactional Business Intelligence process to import the exeld changes into the Oracle Business Intelligence
repository. Users can make use of the newly-generated aributes in business intelligence applications. For example, a
user can generate a report that includes aributes added by the descriptive exeld. For additional information about
logical objects and import, refer to the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Administrator's Guide.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
When you deploy a business intelligence-enabled descriptive exeld, the deployment process generates an additional
set of aened Application Development Framework (ADF) business components in addition to the usual ADF
business components and ADF faces run time artifacts that are generated during deployment. The aened business
components include aributes for business intelligence-enabled segments only. Flaening means each user-dened
column in each context shows up as an aribute in an Oracle Business Intelligence folder.
Flaened components include one aribute for the BI-enabled context-segment, and one aribute for each business
intelligence-enabled global segment. For BI-enabled context-sensitive segments, consider the following:
• If you assigned a label to the segment, the aened components include an additional single aribute
representing segments with that label.
• If you didn't assign a label, the aened components include a discrete aribute for each BI-enabled context-
sensitive segment in each context.
If you assign a label to any set of context-sensitive segments that serve the same purpose in dierent contexts, you
can consolidate or equalize the segments into a single aribute. This prevents duplication and the extra workload and
complexity that result from the aening process. For example, a United States context might have a Passport segment
and a Canada context might have Visa segment. If you assign the NationalID segment label to both the Passport and
Visa segments, they are equalized into the same NationalID aribute in the aened business component.
Non-labeled context-sensitive segments aren't equalized across context values, so the aened components include a
separate aribute for each context-sensitive segment for each context value. It may not be possible to equalize similarly
labeled segments if they have incompatible data types or value set types.
Assign a label to a global segment, context segment, or context-sensitive segment to map the corresponding aribute
in the aened components to a logical object in Oracle Business Intelligence. Using labels to map segments to BI
logical objects minimizes the steps for importing the exeld into Oracle Business Intelligence.
Note: Assigning a label to a context-sensitive segment serves to equalize the aribute across contexts, as well
as map the equalized aribute to business intelligence.
Managing Labels
You may assign a predened label (if available) to segments or create new labels for assignment, as needed. Specify
a code, name, and description to identify each label. In the BI Object Name eld, enter the name of the logical object
in Oracle Business Intelligence to which the segment label should map during import. Specifying the BI logical object
minimizes the steps for importing the exeld into Oracle Business Intelligence and helps to equalize context-sensitive
segments across contexts.
If no labels are assigned to a BI-enabled segment, or the BI Object Name on the assigned label doesn't exist in business
intelligence, you must manually map the segment to the desired logical object when importing into Oracle Business
In addition, context-sensitive segments without labels cannot be equalized across context values. The aened
components include a separate aribute for each non-labeled context-sensitive segment in each context.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
propagate the exeld object changes. When you import the metadata into the Oracle Business Intelligence repository,
you must do so as the FUSION_APPS_BI_APPID user.
To import exeld changes into the Oracle Business Intelligence repository in Oracle Cloud implementations, run the
Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence process. For additional information about
import, refer to the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Administrator's Guide.
Note: When you import a exeld into the Oracle Business Intelligence repository, you see both <name>_ and
<name>_c aributes for each segment, along with some other optional aributes. The <name> aribute contains
the value. The <name>_c aribute contains the code of the value set that the value comes from, and is used for
linking to the value dimension. You must import both aributes.
Extensible Flexelds
Overview of Extensible Flexelds
Extensible exelds are like descriptive exelds, with some additional features.
• You can add as many context-sensitive segments to the exeld as you need. You aren't restricted by the
number of columns predened and registered for the exeld.
• You can congure a one-to-many relationship between the entity and its extended aribute rows.
• You can congure aributes in groups to form a context so that the aributes in the context always appear
together in the user interface.
• You can use existing hierarchical categories so that entities inherit the contexts that are congured for their
parents. Contexts are reusable throughout categories.
• Application development has registered some extensible exelds to support view and edit privileges. For such
exelds, you can specify view and edit privileges at the context level to control who sees the aributes and
who can change the aributes' values.
When you congure a context for multiple rows per entity, the segments are displayed as a table.
Unlike descriptive exelds, the extension columns corresponding to extensible exelds segments are part of
extension tables, separate from the base application table. Unlike descriptive exeld contexts, the set of aributes in
an extensible exeld context remains constant and doesn't dier by context value. An extensible exeld describes an
application entity, with the run time ability to expand the database that implementation consultants can use to dene
the data structure that appears in the application. Extensible exelds support one-to-many relationships between
the entity and the extended aribute rows. To get a list of predened extensible exelds, use the Manage Extensible
Flexelds task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
• Security
• Protected Extensible Flexeld Data
Similar to the descriptive exelds, you can dene multiple usages for an extensible exeld, which enables several
application tables to share the same exeld.
For example, a exeld for shipping options can be used by both a Supplier table and a Buyer table. In addition, you can
associate a context with one, some, or all of the exeld's usages. Thus, with the shipping information example, you can
associate a warehouse context with the Supplier usage, a delivery location context with the Buyer usage, and a ship-via
context with all usages.
Usages include security information for applying no security to user access or enforcing view and edit privileges. Some
product-specic extensible exelds have specialized usage elds beyond those for security.
You can congure multiple extensible exeld contexts and group the contexts into categories. All extensible exelds
have at least one category. For some extensible exelds, you can congure a hierarchy of categories. A child category
in the hierarchy can inherit contexts from its parent category.
You can dene categories for extensible exelds, and you can associate any combination of contexts with a given
For example, the Electronics and Computers category hierarchy might include a Home Entertainment category, which
in turn might include an Audio category and a TV category, and so on. The Home Entertainment product might have
contexts that specify voltage, dimensions, inputs and outputs. Contexts are reusable within a given extensible exeld.
For example, the dimensions context could be assigned to any category that needs to include dimensional information.
Extensible exelds let you combine contexts into groups known as pages, which serve to connect the contexts so they
will always be presented together in the application user interface.
Each application page corresponds to one extensible exeld category, with a separate region of the page for each
associated context.
When you congure a exeld, you set the privileges for a context at the usage level by selecting actions for the view
and edit privileges of a context usage.
When an end user performs a search, the user interface displays only the aribute values of the contexts for which the
user has view privileges. The user can perform a search using all aributes for all contexts, regardless of view privileges.
If end users access a context through a web service, an exception is thrown if they perform an action for which they
don't have privileges.
All extensible exelds have a base data security resource. Some data security resources for extensible exelds
are precongured with actions that you can use to specify access privileges. If no action is precongured, a security
administrator can create actions and policies to support access control on the extensible exeld aributes.
Some extensible exelds have a translatable option; these exelds also have a translation data security resource.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
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If an extensible exeld is partially protected, then you can't edit the protected portions of the exeld's conguration.
For example:
• If an extensible exeld context is protected, you can't edit its:
◦ Context details
◦ Context segments
◦ Context usages
• If an extensible exeld page is protected, you can't:
◦ Edit the page details or delete the page
◦ Edit the contexts associated with the page
• There is no restriction on page references to protected contexts. The pages you create may contain any
context, whether protected or not.
• There is a restriction on category references to protected contexts. If a context is protected, you can't add it
to or delete it from any category.
Related Topics
• Update Existing Setup Data
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
• What is the data type: character, date, date and time, or number?
• Does the segment require any validation beyond data type and maximum length?
• Should a character type value be restricted to digits, or are alphabetic characters permied?
• Should alphabetic characters automatically be changed to uppercase?
• Should numeric values be zero-lled?
• How many digits can follow the radix separator of a numeric value? In base ten numeric systems, the radix
separator is a decimal point.
• Should the value be within a range?
• Should the value be selected from a list of valid values? If yes, consider the following questions:
◦ Can you use an existing application table from which to obtain the list of valid values, or do you have to
create a list?
◦ If you are using an existing table, do you have to limit the list of values using a WHERE clause?
◦ Does the list of valid values depend on the value in another exeld segment?
◦ Is the list of valid values a subset of another exeld segment's list of values?
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
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Plan Security
Determine what privileges to set for view and edit access to context aributes, such as providing all users with view
access but only managers with edit access.
If your security restrictions apply to several contexts, you can create generic actions. At a minimum, create the generic
actions for the base data security resource. If the exeld has a translatable option and you plan to use translatable
contexts, then also create the generic actions for the translation data security resource. For example, the Item exeld
supports the translatable option and has a data security resource ITEM_EFF_VL in addition to the base data security
resource ITEM_EFF_B. Then, create actions for both data security resources, such as EDIT_NONTRANS_ATTRS for
If your security restrictions are more ne-grained, such as having to secure each context with a dierent privilege, then
you can create more ne-grained actions.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
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For contexts that store multiple rows, you can uniquely identify each row by having the values in each row form a
unique key.
If exeld has a category hierarchy, then you can leverage the hierarchy to reuse contexts for similar entities, such as
similar items in a product catalog.
Set the context to translatable so that free-form text entered by end users is stored in the language of the user's locale,
and dierent translations of that text can be stored in other languages. Segments in the translated contexts should use
format-only value sets for storing free-form, user-entered text.
Set the context security to give an end user view or edit access to a context. The context's task ow and region appear
in the user interface only for users with view access. With edit access, an end user can edit the context's aribute values.
With no action specied for a usage, no special privileges are enforced through the context's conguration.
Dene logical pages to group contexts together in the user interface. For a given category, you may create one or more
logical pages. You may add one or more of the category's associated contexts to each of the category's logical pages.
A category is a grouping of related data items that can be considered to belong together. You can associate any
combination of contexts with a given category. Extensible exelds with more than 30 categories must be deployed as a
background process.
A category hierarchy logically organizes a set of categories. For example, the Electronics and Computers category
hierarchy might include a Computer category and a Home Entertainment category, which in turn might include an
Audio category and a TV category, and so on.
A category can be a child or sibling of an existing category. The hierarchy can be as simple or as complex as desired,
with any combination of zero or more sibling categories and zero or more child categories. If no category is dened, the
data items are grouped in a single predened default category.
Each category has associated contexts that store relevant information about a data item in that category. For example, a
Home Entertainment product has contexts that specify Voltage, Dimensions, Inputs and Outputs. Contexts are reusable
within a given extensible exeld. Then, the Dimensions context could be assigned to any category that needs to
include dimensional information.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
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If a hierarchy includes child categories, each child category inherits the contexts from its parent category; for example,
the Home Entertainment category inherits Voltage and Dimensions from the Electronics and Computers category.
Each extensible exeld is associated with a particular category hierarchy. Consider category hierarchies to be dening
framework for extensible exelds and their contexts. A category hierarchy species which contexts are valid for each
An extensible exeld can include multiple contexts which you dene to support a given category. These contexts can
be suitable for various purposes, but within a particular category, some contexts might be considered to be related to,
or dependent on, each other. You can combine these contexts into groups known as logical pages, and determine the
sequence in which the pages appear. This serves to connect the contexts so they will always be presented together and
in a particular order in the application user interface.
For example, the Home Entertainment category might have an Electrical Specications page that contains the Voltage,
Inputs and Outputs contexts, and a Physical Specications page that contains the Dimensions and Form Factor
Initial Values
The SQL statement dening an initial value must be a valid statement that returns only one row and a value of the
correct type.
You can use two types of SQL statements:
• SQL statement with no binding. For example, select MIN(SALARY) from EMPLOYEES.
• SQL statement with bind variables. You can use these bind variables in the WHERE clause of the SQL
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Tip: After you add a context value, refresh the page to see the new value.
Indexed Segments
You can designate an extensible exeld segment as indexed so that it's one of the selectively required aributes a
user can use in an aribute search. If you indicate in the Manage Extensible Flexeld UI page that a segment should
be indexed, the column representing the segment must be added to the database index. Commonly, a database
administrator (DBA) adds columns to the database index.
When an extensible exeld with indexed segments is deployed, search task ows are generated along with the other
exeld artifacts and specify the indexed aributes as selectively required. In the deployed extensible exeld's search
task ow, an end user must specify at least one of the indexed aributes in the search criteria. This prevents non-
selective searches, which could cause performance issues.
For example, if you index the memory and processor aributes and ensure that the corresponding columns in the
database are indexed, a user can search an item catalog for computers by entering processor or memory or both as a
search criteria. No search is performed if an end user enters an aribute that isn't indexed as a search criterion.
An extensible exeld's base data security resource typically has a name with an _B sux. The translation data security
resource is a view of a translation table that typically has a name with an _VL sux.
If a exeld supports the translatable option and has a translation data security resource, make sure that you create the
action for the appropriate data security resource.
• If you create a context-specic action for a nontranslatable context, add it to the base data security resource.
• If you create a context-specic action for a translatable context, add it to the translation data security resource.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
You can only deploy extensible exelds using the Manage Extensible Flexelds task. You can deploy extensible
exelds oine as a background process and continue working in the session without having to wait for the
deployment to complete. You can queue up several extensible exelds and deploy as a background process. The
exelds are deployed, one at a time, in the order that you deploy them to the queue. You must deploy extensible
exelds with more than 30 categories as a background process.
You can remove an extensible exeld from the deployment queue with the Cancel Background Deployment command.
When an extensible exeld is deployed in a background process, its oine status indicates that the exeld is in a
background deployment process. A exeld's oine status is cleared and it's deployment status updated when the
background deployment process has completed.
Note: The Oine Status column refreshes when you perform a new search in the Manage Extensible
Flexelds task.
After you deploy a business intelligence-enabled exeld, use the Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for
Transactional Business Intelligence process to import the exeld changes into the Oracle Business Intelligence
repository. Users can make use of the newly-generated aributes in business intelligence applications. For additional
information about logical objects and import, refer to the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Administrator's
When you deploy a business intelligence-enabled extensible exeld, the deployment process generates an additional
set of aened business components for use in business intelligence. The aened business components include
aributes for business intelligence-enabled segment instances only.
If you assigned a label to a segment, the aened components include a single aribute representing all segment
instances with that label. If you didn't assign a label, the aened components include a discrete aribute for each BI-
enabled segment instance in each structure.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Intelligence process. For additional information about import, refer to the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
Administrator's Guide.
Tip: When you import a exeld into the Oracle Business Intelligence repository, you see both <name>_ and
<name>_c aributes for each segment, along with some other optional aributes. The <name>_ aribute contains
the value. The <name>_c aribute contains the code of the value set that the value comes from, and is used for
linking to the value dimension. You must import both aributes.
If you add a Dimensions context to the Computers category, thirty segments are available. But if you need to add more
than thirty aributes, create another context and associate it to the same category. You could now add an Electronics
Aributes context to the same Computers category in which you create another thirty segments. You can continue
creating more contexts and adding them to the Computers category. In this way your laptop computer item can be
extended with as many aributes as you need, because it is mapped to a category and you can keep adding contexts to
that category.
A descriptive exeld on an items table with thirty columns reserved for segments can only have a single context. Once
you congure the columns for that one context, you cannot create any more segments.
You can view a exeld's category hierarchies by using either the Highlight Flexelds feature or the Manage Extensible
Flexelds task to nd and open the exeld for editing.
Disabling Categories
While conguring an extensible exeld, you can disable a category. The Enabled column in the Category table of the
Edit Extensible Flexeld page, indicates which categories are enabled.
Note: When you deploy an extensible exeld that has a disabled category, that category and its descendant
categories aren't deployed. Contexts and their segments are deployed only if they belong to at least one
enabled category.
Group similar aributes into contexts. The group is displayed together in a region. The region's header is the context
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
If a category hierarchy exists for the exeld, then you can leverage the hierarchy to reuse contexts for similar entities,
such as similar items in a product catalog.
The following gure shows the Item Extended Aributes exeld, which uses the category hierarchy feature to reuse
contexts. The exeld's Electronics and Computers category contains contexts for compliance and certication, voltage,
and materials and substances. The TV and Video subcategory and the Computer Products subcategory inherit the
Electronics and Computer contexts in addition to having their own contexts. The Materials and Substances context
belongs to both the Electronics and Computer Products category and the Tools, Auto, and Industrial Products category.
Computer Products
Compliance and
Computer Context Certification Context
TV and Video
Materials and Materials and
Substances Context Substances Context
The following table shows an example of category hierarchy for an extensible exeld. To store voltage information for
all electronic and computer items, associate a Voltage context with the Electronics and Computers category. Both the
TV and Video subcategory and the Computers subcategory then inherit the Voltage context from the parent Electronics
and Computers category.
Oce Products and Supplies PROD_ OFFICE_ PRODUCTS_ SUPPLIES Oce Products and Supplies
Tools, Auto, and Industrial PROD_ TOOLS_ AUTO_ INDUSTRIAL Tools, Automotive, and Industrial
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The following list shows an example plan for computer aributes for the Item Extended Aributes exeld. In this
example, the Electronics Information page is inherited from the parent Electronics and Computers category.
• Page: Electronics Information
• Minimum voltage
• Maximum voltage
• Current type
◦ Context: Materials and Substances, multiple rows
• Material
• Contain recyclate
• Percent unit mass
• Page: Computer Information
• Manufacturer
• CPU type
• Processor interface
• Processor class
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
• Processor speed
• Cores
The following gure shows a technical specications logical page in the user interface for the Electronics and
Computers category. It contains aributes in the context of Recovery and Recycling, Compliance and Certication,
Operating Conditions, and Materials and Substances. The Materials and Substances context is congured for multiple
rows. Your users can select all the materials and substances required to make a single product.
Use logical pages to determine how the contexts appear on the user interface. Use a context to store all the materials
and substances required to make a single product. You can congure a context to store multiple rows per entity. The
multiple rows are displayed in a table, like the Materials and Substances context.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The Technical Specications logical page contains the aributes for the four contexts.
• Recovery and Recycling
• Compliance and Certication
• Operating Conditions
• Materials and Substances
The following gure is an example, where the Furniture category is congured to include a Furniture Specications
logical page and an Assembly Instructions logical page. The two categories (Electronics and Computers and Furniture)
share the Materials and Substances context.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The following table shows the privileges for the three exeld contexts.
In this example, anyone can view the contexts' aributes, but the edit privileges are restricted as follows:
To sum up, in this entire example, the Materials and Substances context is secured by a generic action with a condition
applied to restrict access by category. Voltage and Compliance and Certication are secured by actions specic to each
• Use a vertical bar or pipe ( | ) as a delimiter between elds for both header and value rows.
• Set the le encoding to UTF-8 without the Byte Order Mark (BOM) as per the Oracle WebCenter Content
The following sections contain specic details about each le format.
You must have worked with exelds in Oracle Cloud applications.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Value Sets
To create a le containing value sets, include the headers listed in the following table:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
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Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Here's a sample le that contains the header values at the beginning of the le, followed by line entries of the three
value sets that are to be imported. For importing several value sets, add more line entries in a similar format.
To create a le containing the contexts, include the headers in the following table:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
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Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Here's a sample le that contains the header values at the beginning and lists three contexts to be imported. For
importing several contexts, add more entries in the same format.
0|FLEX_SN_EFF1|OBJ_TEST_4|Object test 44|Y|N|desc 44 3363|FLEX_SN_EFF1_USAGE2|flex_sn_sitems_view|||||
0|FLEX_SN_EFF1|OBJ_TEST_3|Object test 33|Y|N||FLEX_SN_EFF1_USAGE1|flex_sn_view|||||NEW_TEST11
0|FLEX_SN_EFF1|OBJ_TEST_3|Object test 33|Y|N|new desc aug 14|FLEX_SN_EFF1_USAGE2|flex_sn_sitems_edit|
Context Segment
To create a le containing context segments, include the headers in the following table:
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Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Here's a sample le that contains the header values at the beginning and lists a context segment to be imported. For
importing several context segments, add more entries in the same format.
Prompt|Short Prompt|Y|Y|N|TEST desc aug 14_3PM|
Related Topics
• Overview of Files for Import and Export
• Upload Files to WebCenter Content Server
The les containing the exeld details are available in the document repository of Oracle WebCenter Content.
Importing Flexelds
To import exelds:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
5. Enter the names of the separate les containing the value set, context, and context segment information. The
names here must match with the names of the les uploaded to the selected account.
6. Click Upload. The exeld details are imported.
Note: If the import fails, click the link to the log le on the conrmation dialog box and examine the
cause of failure.
Related Topics
• Import Flexelds, Lookups, or Prole Values Using Web Services
• Import Value Set Values Using Web Services
Key Flexelds
Overview of Key Flexelds
Key exelds provide a means to capture a key such as a part number, a job code, or an account code. A key exeld
consists of one or more segments, where each segment can have a meaning.
For example, a part number 10-PEN-BLA-450 might correspond to a black pen from supplier #450 sold by division #10
(oce supplies). Behind the scenes, the application uses a unique number, 13452, for this part, but the user always sees
the 10-PEN-BLA-450 part number.
Key exelds aren't optional. You must congure key exelds to ensure that your applications operate correctly. You
congure and maintain key exeld denitions with the Manage Key Flexelds task. To get a list of predened key
exelds, use the Manage Key Flexelds task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. For information about specic
key exelds, see the help for the product where the associated business component is implemented.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Flexeld metadata is stored in the exeld metadata tables. When you congure a key exeld, you dene metadata
about the key exeld covering aspects such as:
• Segments are in a structure
• Structures in the exeld
• Value sets in each segment
Based on the exeld metadata, actual part numbers are captured at run time as a combination of segment values
and stored in a combinations table. A combinations table contains all the segment columns for a exeld, a unique
ID column, and a structure instance number column. The structure instance number column dierentiates multiple
arrangements of the segment columns. For example, a part number containing multiple segments can be represented
by a key exeld. A part number key exeld has a corresponding combinations table. In that table, the exeld stores a
list of the complete codes, with each segment of the code in a column, with the corresponding unique ID and structure
instance number for the code. When users dene a new part number or maintain existing part numbers in the parts
catalog, they directly maintain rows in the combinations table.
The foreign key table contains a dierent business entity than the combinations table. For example, the business entity
in the foreign key table is order lines or invoice lines that contain foreign key references to parts for ordering. Any
number of foreign key tables can reference a particular entity represented by a key exeld.
Applications identify a particular segment for some purpose such as security or computations. Segment name or
segment order cannot reliably identify a segment because key exeld segments can be congured to appear in any
order with any prompts. A segment label functions as a tag for a segment.
For example, the requirement is to identify which segment in the accounting exeld contains balancing information
and which segment contains natural account information. A segment label determines which segment you are using for
natural account information. When you dene your accounting exeld, you must specify which segment labels apply
to which segments. Some labels must be unique, and cannot be applied to more than one segment in each structure.
Other labels are required, and must be applied to at least one segment in each structure.
A segment label helps a user searching for segments, such as the Cost Center label for all segments across key exelds
that store a value for the cost center.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
A key exeld structure denition includes the number of segments and their order.
In some applications, dierent users like to see dierent segment structures for the same exeld. A key exeld can
have multiple structures if registered to support more than one structure.
The exeld can display dierent elds for dierent users based on a data condition in your application data, such
as the value of another eld entered by the user or the user's role. For example, the correctly formaed local postal
address for customer service inquiries diers based on locale. A postal address key exeld could display dierent
segments and prompts for dierent users based on a location condition in your application data, such as the user's role
or a value entered by the user.
Each structure can have one or more segments. Thus a segment is a child of a structure. To store a particular segment,
such as Cost Center, in two dierent structures, you must dene the segment separately in each structure. Each
structure may have one or more structure instances. Each instance of a structure shares the same number and order of
segments, but diers in the values or value sets used in validating the segments.
The segments in a key exeld structure instance are segment instances. A segment instance is a segment with a
specic value set assigned to it. If a key exeld is registered with a tree structure, you can specify a tree code for a
segment instance.
A combination is a complete code, or combination of segment values that makes up the code, that uniquely identies
an object.
For example, each part number is a single combination, such as PAD-YEL-11x14 or 01-COM-876-7BG-LTN. In these
combinations, the hyphen is the segment separator. If you have ten parts, dene ten combinations. A valid combination
is an existing or new combination that can be used because it's currently active and doesn't violate cross-validation
or security rules. A combination has dierent segments depending on the exeld structure being used for that
combination. Any combination is associated with only one particular exeld structure.
Many applications refer to a key exeld combination by using the name of the entity or the key exeld itself. For
example, Assets uses the asset key exeld and refers to one of its combinations as an asset key or asset key exeld.
In another example, Oracle Fusion General Ledger refers to combinations of the accounting exeld as account or GL
Each key exeld has one corresponding table, known as the combinations table, where the exeld stores a list of the
complete codes, with one column for each segment of the code, together with the corresponding unique ID number (an
account combination ID) for that code. Then, other tables in the application have a column that stores just the unique
ID for the code. For example, you may have a part number code, such as PAD-YEL-11x14. The Parts combinations table
stores that code along with its ID, 57494. If your application lets you take orders for parts, you might then have an
Orders table that stores orders for parts. That Orders table would contain a single column that contains the part ID,
57494, instead of several columns for the complete code PAD-YEL-11x14. Typically, one combinations page maintains
the key exeld, where the key exeld is the representation of an entity in your application. Maintain individual
combinations, such as part numbers in the combinations page.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
If your key exeld or certain usages or references of the key exeld don't permit dynamic combination creation,
you may control whether dynamic combination creation is enabled for each structure instance. If enabled, a user can
enter a new combination of segment values using the exeld window from a foreign key page. For example, when
entering a transaction, a GL user can enter a new expense account combination for an account that doesn't yet exist.
Your application creates the new account by inserting the new combination into the combinations table behind the
scenes. Assuming that the new combination satises any existing cross-validation rules, the exeld inserts the new
combination into the combinations table, even though the combinations table isn't the underlying table for the foreign
key page.
Related Topics
• Update Existing Setup Data
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
page where the exeld appears. Plan how you deploy the exeld for test and production users and review the tools
and tasks available for managing exelds.
If you plan to use value sets, create them before conguring the key exeld. You cannot create value sets for key
exelds at the time that you add and congure key exeld segments.
If you plan to use value sets, create them before conguring the exeld. Plan your key exeld conguration to scale
to your enterprise needs. For example, if you expect to disable old cost centers and enable new ones frequently, plan
a larger maximum size for your cost center value set so that you can have more available values. A 3-character value
set with one thousand available values provides more room for changes than a 2-character value set with 100 available
Note the code name of the exeld you intend to congure so that you nd it easily in the tasks for managing key
exelds. In some cases you can congure how the exeld appears on the page. See product-specic documentation
to determine any restrictions on using product-specic key exelds.
To report on your data by certain criteria or sub-entities, such as account number or project or region, consider making
that sub-entity a distinct segment, rather than combining it with another sub-entity. You can categorize and report on
smaller discrete units of information.
Plan structures carefully and enable them for future needs. Don't change the number, order, and maximum length of
segments once you have acquired exeld data.
Structure Delimiters
A delimiter separates the segments when they appear to users. The delimiter value of a structure species the character
used to visually separate segment values when the key exeld is displayed as a string of concatenated segments in the
Identify the delimiter value of your key exeld carefully so that it doesn't conict with the exeld data. For example,
if your data frequently contains periods, such as in monetary or numeric values, don't use a period as your segment
separator. Any character you expect to appear frequently in your segment values or descriptions isn't a good choice for
the delimiter. If you change the conguration of a key exeld, such as the delimiter, the change aects the previously
stored key exelds with that structure.
Oracle Fusion data security enforces value set security.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Within key exelds, value set security applies to the selection of the individual segment values in the segment list of
values. When selecting a key exeld segment value from the combinations table, data security permits display of only
the combinations whose segment values you have access to. Applications development controls whether or not value
set security rules propagate to the foreign key table. By default they do.
• Combinations pages where the underlying entity objects use the combinations table itself
• Foreign key pages where the underlying entity objects contain a foreign key reference to the combinations
• Partial usage pages where some or all of the key exeld's segment columns are in a product table
The same key exeld can be used in dierent ways on dierent pages.
A page with a foreign key reference has a base table or view that contains a foreign key reference to a combinations
table with the actual exeld segment columns. This lets you manipulate rows containing account combination IDs
(account combination).
A page with partial usage of a key exeld presents segments that are dened on a product's transactional table in
addition to being dened on a combinations table. In the case of a partial usage page, only a part of the conguration is
likely to be visible. This enables the key exeld to act more like a descriptive exeld.
An account combination maintenance page or combinations page presents the combinations table. This enables
directly creating and maintaining account combinations. The combinations table contains all key exeld segment
columns and a unique ID column.
A typical application has only one combinations page. An application might not have a combinations page if it doesn't
support maintenance by administrators.
A page containing a search region enables users to select which aributes of the key exeld view object to use as
criteria to search for exeld metadata.
For example, you can congure seven segments for the Account key exeld. In a foreign key reference page, users
see the typical key exeld picker with all seven segments where they can search for combinations. In a partial usage
page using the same key exeld, users potentially could see only a single segment such as the Cost Center labeled
segment, or they might see multiple segments but displayed as individual segments rather than options for selecting
For more information about key exeld pages, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Enable segments to indicate that they are in use. A exeld doesn't display disabled segments in run time. To protect
the integrity of your data, disable a segment if you have already used it to enter data.
The dierences among structure instances include whether dynamic combination creation is permied. Likewise, at the
structure instance level, dierences among segment instances are based on the following:
• Value set
• Default type and default value
• Tree code
• Whether the segment is any of the following:
◦ Required
◦ Displayed
◦ Enabled for business intelligence
◦ Optional or required as a query criterion
For example, you can use one group of value sets for the US and another for France.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The following gure shows two structures instances for a part number structure.
Item Category
Type Item
Part Number
Structure Instance A1 Color
Item Global Items
Part Number:
Part Number Structure B Part Number Structure B
Structure Instance B1 Structure Instance B2
Segment Instances: Segment Instances:
APAC Value Sets US Value Sets
The structures dier in the number of segments and the segment separators used. The structure instances share all
the properties dened for that structure. However, the structure instances may vary if the properties are dened at the
structure instance or segment instance level. For example, the value set assigned to the segment instances.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Following deployment, the combination picker of the key exeld displays the query required aributes as selectively
required. A user must specify at least one of the query required aributes in the search criteria. This prevents
unnecessary searches that could cause performance issues.
For example, you mark the cost center and account aributes as query required and ensure that the corresponding
columns in the database are indexed. A user can search for combinations by entering cost center or account or both as
search criteria. No search is performed if a user doesn't enter at least one query required aribute as search criteria.
Tip: Index the Structure Instance Number column on your combinations table to improve run time
Dynamic Combinations
If a key exeld supports dynamic combination creation, you can select to enable this feature by selecting Dynamic
Combination Creation Allowed. As a result, users enter values at run time that produce new account combinations
for the exeld. If Dynamic Combination Creation Allowed isn't enabled, new valid combinations can only be entered
using the combinations table for the exeld.
You may dene a tree code for the value set assigned to the segment instance. When you assign the tree code to the
segment instance, tree hierarchy search operations are available on the segment values.
For a segment instance to be based on a tree, the following must be true.
• Application development registered the key exeld with a tree structure. The tree structure may be xed
across all segments in the exeld, or may vary across segments.
• A tree code for that tree structure exists.
• The tree code includes tree versions containing the values of the value set assigned to the segment instance.
• You assign the required tree code directly to the segment instance.
If these conditions are satised, you can assign the same or dierent tree codes to the dierent segment instances that
use the same value set.
Cross-Validation Rules
You can control the creation of new key exeld code combinations by dening cross-validation rules. A cross-
validation rule denes validation across segments and enforces whether a value of a particular segment can be
combined with specic values of other segments to form a new combination.
The following table compares segment validation to cross-segment validation:
Segment validation Controls the values you can enter for a particular segment
Cross-segment validation Controls the combinations of values that administrators and end users can create for key
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Note: You can use cross-validation rules for any key exeld that has cross-validation enabled. See the
documentation for your key exeld to determine if it supports cross validation.
Cross-validation rules prevent the creation of combinations with values that can't coexist in the same combination.
For example, your company requires that all revenue accounts must have a specic department. Therefore, account
combinations that have revenue account values, such as all values between 4000 and 5999, must have a corresponding
department value other than 000, which indicates no department is specied. You can dene cross-validation rules that
disallow creation of combinations with incompatible segments, such as 4100-000 or 5000-000.
Alternatively, suppose your accounting key exeld has an Organization segment with two possible values, 01 and 02.
You also have a Natural Account segment with many possible values, but company policy requires that Organization 01
uses the natural account values 001 to 499 and Organization 02 uses the natural account values 500 to 999. You can
create cross-validation rules to ensure that users cannot create a general ledger account with combinations of values
such as 02-342 or 01-750.
• Rule Denitions
• Enforcement
• Timing
Rule Denitions
The following table contains denitions used in cross-validation rules:
Error message Explains why the aempted combination violates the rule.
Start Date, End Date Indicates the period of time when the rule is in eect.
Condition lter Determines the conditions in which an enabled cross-validation rule should be evaluated.
Validation lter Determines the validation that the rule enforces when that condition is met.
When the event specied in the condition lter is applicable, the validation lter condition must be satised before
the combination can be created. If the event specied in the condition lter isn't applicable, then the combination is
considered to pass the rule and the rule won't be evaluated even if it is enabled.
Note: If you don't specify any statement in the condition lter, then the condition is always true and the rule is
always evaluated.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Cross-validation prevents creation of invalid combinations by administrators using maintenance pages and end users
using dynamic insertion in foreign key pages.
Enabled rules are enforced when there is an aempt to create a new combination of segment values. Disabled rules are
ignored. Deleting the rule has the same eect, but you can re-enable a disabled rule.
When users aempt to create a new combination, the key exeld evaluates any cross-validation rules that are enabled
and in eect.
Note: Cross-validation rules have no eect on combinations that already exist. The exeld treats any
existing invalid combinations that pre-date the rule as valid.
If you want to prevent users from using previously existing combinations that are no longer valid according to your
cross-validation rules, manually disable those combinations using the combinations page for that key exeld.
When dening a cross-validation rule, specify a start and end date to limit the time when the rule is in eect. The rule is
valid for the time including the From and To dates.
• Filters
• Rule Complexity
• Maintenance
A cross-validation rule includes a condition lter and a validation lter. The rule is evaluated using the following logical
order: If the condition lter is satised, then apply the validation lter.
The condition lter describes the event when the rule is evaluated. If the event specied in the condition lter isn't
applicable, then the rule isn't evaluated, even if enabled. When the event specied in the condition lter is applicable,
the validation lter condition must be satised before the combination can be created.
For example, your organization has determined that a certain company value called Operations can't use a specic cost
center called Marketing. You can dene a cross-validation rule to validate your combinations.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Rule Complexity
For optimal performance and ease of understanding, dene several simple validation rules instead of using one
complex rule. Simple validation rules let you provide a more specic error message and are easier to maintain over time.
Avoid rules that control validation across more than two segments, where possible. While you can dene cross-
validation rules that span two or more segments, it becomes dicult to interpret cross-validation error messages and
rectify invalid key exeld combinations.
To maintain consistent validation, review existing key exelds when you update your cross-validation rules. Regardless
of your current validation rules, you can use an existing key exeld combination if it's enabled. Therefore, to ensure
accurate validation, you must review your existing combinations and disable any combinations that don't match the
criteria of your new rules.
Tip: To keep this type of key exeld maintenance to a minimum, decide upon your cross-validation rules
when you rst set up your key exeld structure. Dene cross-validation rules before creating combinations
and before combinations are used in transactions.
To prevent users from using existing combinations that are no longer valid according to your cross-validation rules,
disable them using the combinations page.
Your organization has a cross-validation rule called Companies 131 and 151, which restricts account combinations for
those companies to department 40 and product 211. Account combinations for both companies should now include
department 30. To edit the cross-validation rule, perform these steps.
◦ Oering: Financials
◦ Functional Area: Financial Reporting Structures
◦ Task: Manage Cross-Validation Rules
2. Select the chart of accounts for your organization and select the Companies 131 and 151 cross-validation rule.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The following gure shows the section of the Edit Cross-Validation Rules page with the condition and validation lter
details for companies 131 and 151. A condition is dened for company values equal to 131 or 151, and the validation
species the department value equals 40 and the product value equals 211.
The following gure shows the Validation Filter window with three validations: department equals 40, department
equals 30, and product equals 211.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Save.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The following gure shows the details for the updated validation on the Edit Cross-Validation Rules page. The validation
species departments equal to 30 or 40, and the product equal to 211.
8. To update the error message, search for and select the Manage Messages for General Ledger task. Query the
error message name for the cross-validation rule and edit the message to include department 30.
Related Topics
• Update Existing Setup Data
After you deploy a business intelligence-enabled exeld, use the Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for
Transactional Business Intelligence process to import the exeld changes into the Oracle Business Intelligence
repository. Users can make use of the newly-generated aributes in business intelligence applications. For additional
information about logical objects and import, refer to the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Administrator's
When you deploy a business intelligence-enabled key exeld, the deployment process generates an additional set of
aened business components for use in business intelligence. The aened business components include aributes
for business intelligence-enabled segment instances only.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
If you assigned a label to a segment, the aened components include a single aribute representing all segment
instances with that label. If you didn't assign a label, the aened components include a discrete aribute for each BI-
enabled segment instance in each structure.
Non-labeled segments aren't equalized across context values, so the aened components include a separate
aribute for each segment for each structure. It may not be possible to equalize similarly labeled segments if they have
incompatible data types or value set types.
Assign a label to a segment to map the corresponding aribute in the aened components to a logical object in Oracle
Business Intelligence. Using labels to map segments to BI logical objects minimizes the steps for importing the exeld
into Oracle Business Intelligence. Assigning a label to a segment serves to equalize the aribute across structures, as
well as map the equalized aribute to business intelligence.
Managing Labels
You may assign a predened label (if available) to segments or create labels for assignment, as needed. Specify a code,
name, and description to identify each label. In the BI Object Name eld, enter the name of the logical object in Oracle
Business Intelligence to which the segment label should map during import. Specifying the BI logical object minimizes
the steps for importing the exeld into Oracle Business Intelligence and helps to equalize context-sensitive segments
across structures.
If no labels are assigned to a BI-enabled segment, or the BI Object Name on the assigned label doesn't exist in business
intelligence, you must manually map the segment to the required logical object when importing into Oracle Business
Intelligence. In addition, segments without labels cannot be equalized across structures. The aened components
include a separate aribute for each non-labeled segment in each structure.
To import exeld changes into the Oracle Business Intelligence repository in Oracle Cloud implementations, run the
Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence process. For additional information about
import, refer to the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Administrator's Guide.
Note: When you import a exeld into the Oracle Business Intelligence repository, you see both <name>_ and
<name>_c aributes for each segment, along with some other optional aributes. The <name>_ aribute contains
the value. The <name>_c aribute contains the code of the value set that the value comes from, and is used for
linking to the value dimension. You must import both aributes.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
When entering details for each expense, the user species an account to which the expense is charged.
The expense account eld is a foreign key reference to a account combination (EXPENSE_LINES.EXPENSE_ACCOUNT =
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
The following gure shows the origin in the account combinations table of the account specied by the user. The
account combination ID record stores the information of the key exeld segments used to assemble the expense
account based on the key exeld conguration.
Expenses Table
Expense Other Structure Code
Number Columns Instance Combination ID
1001 US 100345
1002 100565
Combination Details
Segment Value Description
The combinations page, which is the maintenance page for the key exeld, is for managing rows in the combinations
table. In this example, managing the combinations means adding or editing account numbers that adhere to the key
exeld metadata rules.
The following gure shows the account combination details for the example expense account reected in the exeld
conguration and the account combinations table.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Combination Details
Segment Value Description
If dynamic combination creation isn't enabled, then when entering an expense line, the user can only select an account
that already exists in the ACCOUNTS (combinations) table. If they require an account that doesn't exist, they must
consult with the appropriate application administrator who can add the account to the combinations table.
If dynamic combination creation is enabled, then when entering an expense line, the user can either select a preexisting
account, or type in a new account that is created dynamically on the y in the ACCOUNTS (combinations) table. Once
the new combination is created, the same user can refer to it on the expense line.
When managing employee information, the user species the cost center that the employee belongs to. The cost center
eld corresponds to a single, labeled segment of the Account Key Flexeld and has metadata dened such as the
allowable value set for that segment.
In the following gure, instead of specifying a cost center ID reference to an account, only the cost center segment is
used and the value is stored directly on the employee table.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Conguring and Extending Applications Flexelds
Combination Details
Segment Value Description
Related Topics
• Example of One Chart of Accounts Structure with Many Instances
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
Some of the key conguration tasks that you can do using the Structure work area are:
• Create, edit, and rename the Navigator menu items and springboard icons, which appear on the home page.
• Create a duplicate version of an existing predened page entry and edit the duplicate page entry to meet your
specic requirements.
• Change the visibility seings of the Navigator menu items and springboard icons, and reorder them.
• Change the visibility seings of the icons for infolet pages in the page control, which appear on the home page.
• Rename and reorder the icons for infolet pages in the page control.
While creating or editing a page entry or group, you can use the Springboard eld to specify whether to display them
on the springboard. So, not all page entries and groups may appear on the springboard. The Navigator menu may
have more page entries and groups than the springboard. If a page entry appears on both the Navigator menu and
springboard, then you can use either of them to open the page. For page entries that don't appear on the springboard,
use the Navigator menu to open those pages.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
Related Topics
• Sign In and Get Started
• Set Prole Option Values
• Overview of Sandboxes
Congure Navigation
Create Groups and Page Entries for Navigation
Watch video
Use the Navigation Conguration page to create groups and page entries for conguring the Navigator and
You can do either of the following:
• Create a group and then create a page entry in that group.
• Create a page entry in an existing group or at the top level (not in any group).
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
Related Topics
• Conguring the Navigator and Springboard
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
Use the Create Page Entry or Edit Page Entry page to link a page entry to any of the following link types:
You can determine the host and port details, which a dynamic URL starts with, from a lookup based on the
application name.
• A static URL of an external page (outside your application) where the host, port, or context root doesn't change.
Static URLs don't require lookups.
• A secure token URL of a partner application, to which secure tokens are added. Tokens contain identity and
security information about users, and can be used to authenticate them without additional authentication
requirements, for example, user name and password.
You had entered this application name while creating this third party application using the Setup and
Maintenance work area.
4. For secure access to the target application page from the page entry, provide the secured resource
name and the name of the policy store's application stripe. An example of a secured resource name is
oracle.apps.view.pageDefs.CaseList_Form_Attach_UIShellPagePageDef. When a user clicks the link, the
application checks the secured resource and the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) policy store.
Then, the application determines whether the user has the privilege to view the page.
You can get the application stripe from the jps.policystore.applicationid parameter in the application's
weblogic-application.xml le. Examples of application stripes are crm, fscm, and hcm.
5. If the page takes parameters, then you can enter a semicolon-delimited string of name=value pairs (for
example, org=m1;context=s1) in the Page Parameters List eld.
You can use expression language (EL) to specify the parameters. If the EL evaluates to an object, the toString
value of that object is passed as the value of the parameter. An application page may display or act dierently
based on the parameters that are passed in. For example, if you're opening a page from one group on the
springboard or Navigator, the parameter might be set to status=Open. Whereas, if you're opening the page from
another group, the parameter might be set to status=Closed.
Tip: If there is another page entry that links to the same application page, then you can enter the same details
for all elds, except parameters. On the Navigation Conguration page, open the existing page to view the
details, such as Focus View ID, Web Application, and Secured Resource Name. Then, ll in the elds for the
new page entry on the Create Page Entry or Edit Page Entry page.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
For example, suppose you want to link to a test version of an application. So, you use the dynamic URL link type.
When you move the application from test to production environment, just change the host and port details of the web
application registration. This change aects all page entries that contain dynamic links pointing to the web application.
As a prerequisite, use the Manage Third-Party Applications task to register the web application. The application
details that you enter using this setup task will be used while conguring dynamic URL links for page entries.
◦ From the Web Application list, select myApp. This list displays the application names that were added
using the Manage Third-Party Applications task. Once you select the application name, the full URL
that was added for this application in the setup task (for example, hp://example:9011/myApp/) is
automatically used as the start of the dynamic URL.
◦ Enter the destination for the web application, for example, /faces/Page1. This value is appended to the
full URL.
After linking a page entry to a dynamic URL, when you click the page entry, the target page opens in a new browser
window or tab.
Related Topics
• Create Pages for Hosting Third Party Applications
• Register a Third-Party Application
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
• For groups with associated quick actions, use the Quick Actions tab to create more quick actions or make
changes to the existing ones, such as rename, show or hide, and reorder them.
After completing your changes, verify and test the changes in the sandbox, and then publish the sandbox to make your
changes available to users.
Related Topics
• Conguring the Navigator and Springboard
• Quick Actions
• Congure Quick Actions
This table shows examples of how you can use EL Expressions to show or hide groups and page entries from the
Navigator menu or springboard for specic users.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
Here are a few things to keep in mind when you use EL expressions.
• Use an EL expression that can be evaluated from any page because the Navigator menu is used on all pages.
So, don't use product-specic EL expressions.
• Don't include spaces or double quotes in EL expressions.
• Don't copy EL expressions from a word document and paste directly in the expression editor. Doing so might
introduce hidden characters in your EL expression, causing formaing issues and unexpected action. Instead,
use a text editor or manually type the EL expression in the editor.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
Related Topics
• Manage Pages Hosting Third Party Applications
• Register a Third-Party Application
How can I display the missing springboard icons and Navigator menu items for the
Try these solutions:
• If the user can see the group or page entry in the Navigator, but not on the springboard, then enable the
oering associated with the group or page entry.
• If the user can't see the group or page entry in both the springboard and the Navigator, then assign the
required security privileges to the user.
• Check whether the group or page entry is hidden from the springboard or Navigator using the Structure work
area. Use this work area to view the visibility seings of the group or page entry, and if it is hidden, change
these seings to display it.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
Related Topics
• Congure Oerings
• Overview of Conguring Oerings
Tip: If you're already in an active sandbox, then the Edit buon doesn't appear in the Structure
work area.
If prompted, select a context layer to determine the scope of users that your changes aect. After you complete your
changes, you can preview and test the changes, and then publish the sandbox to make your changes available to users.
Dene Seings
You can rename icons for infolet pages and other congurable pages in the page control, change their visibility seings,
and reorder them. On the Home Conguration page, you can:
• Click the infolet name or any other congurable page name to rename it.
• Click the Visible eld for an infolet or any other congurable page to change its visibility seing. You can show
or hide the icon for these pages in the page control on the home page. You can select one of the following
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
Note: Only specic congurable pages, such as Quick Actions, are available for you to set as the
default home view. When you click the Default View eld for such pages, you get the options to
select Yes, No, or EL Expression. These options aren't available for other pages that you can't set as
the default home view.
• Use the Move Up and Move Down icons to adjust the relative positions of the icons for the infolet pages or
other congurable pages in the page control on the home page.
You can use prole options to dene seings for the lmstrip, which you can nd above all pages:
• To enable users to use the lmstrip, set the Springboard Strip Enabled prole option (FND_USE_FILMSTRIP)
to Yes.
• If the FND_USE_FILMSTRIP prole option is set to Yes, then you can display the lmstrip as expanded by
default. To do so, set the Springboard Strip Expanded prole option (FND_EXPAND_FILMSTRIP) to Yes. A
user can still collapse or expand the strip on any page, and when done, this prole option is set by default for
subsequent sessions of that user.
Related Topics
• Set Prole Option Values
• Overview of Sandboxes
• Create and Activate Unied Sandboxes
Dene Display Seings for Home Page with Panel or Banner Layout
If you selected the panel or banner layout on the Themes page, follow these steps to congure the display of
information in the various sections of your home page:
1. Click the Home Page Display tab.
2. Select one of these options to display on the home page:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
Dene Display Seings for Home Page with News Feed Layout
If you selected the news feed layout on the Themes page, follow these steps to congure the display of information in
the various sections of your home page:
1. Click the Home Page Display tab.
2. In the Name column of the table, click any section name to rename it.
3. Click the Visible eld for a section to change its visibility seing. You can show or hide the section on the home
Related Topics
• Manage Themes
• Overview of Conguring Themes and Home Page Seings
• Create Themes
• Overview of Sandboxes
Create an Announcement
1. From the Navigator, select Tools > Announcements.
2. Click Create.
3. Specify the details, such as subject, start date, and end date.
4. Select a category. If you select User-Dened, a text box appears, where you can provide additional details.
5. Select any of these options:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
Note: Make sure your image size is 776x437 px or larger to avoid image distortion.
6. Add the content in the text box. Add the content in the text box. You can format your text using the formaing
7. Click Save and Close.
Your changes on the Announcements page apply immediately to all users, even if you saved your changes while a
sandbox is active and not yet published.
◦ Panel or Banner: Select Announcements from the home panel options, and then click Apply.
◦ News feed: Select Yes for News and Announcements, and then click Apply.
Your default home page layout also determines how the home page displays the announcement.
• Panel or Banner: The home page displays only the announcement content, not the subject or image.
• News feed: The home page displays the entire announcement along with the subject and image in the News
and Announcements section.
Related Topics
• Overview of Conguring Themes and Home Page Seings
• Why can't I see announcements on the Home page
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Conguring and Extending Applications Conguration of Home Page and Navigation
Deep Links
You can use deep links to open pages without navigating through the menu structure. Deep links come in handy if
you have corporate internal portals and you want to enable direct navigation from the portals into the Oracle Fusion
Applications. For example, you can enable direct navigation to the My Team page. Use the Deep Links work area to view
a complete list of the available deep links.
You can simply copy a URL from the Deep Links page and paste it in your external portals as is. You don't even need to
know the URL format.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 8
Conguring and Extending Applications Help Content Management
Help Type How You See This Help How You Edit or Add to It
Fields and other UI elements Help text appears when you hover over or You can edit this text or add your own
click certain UI elements on the page. text to other UI elements using the Page
Composer or User Interface Text tool.
• If you add a lot of links in help windows, you might want to manage your help in a central place. You can use
the Manage Help Content task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to view and edit all of the help that
anyone added.
• If you create help in a test environment, you can migrate all added help by exporting and then importing a
conguration package.
• If you want people to search all added help, make sure that the Help search category is enabled for global
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 8
Conguring and Extending Applications Help Content Management
Related Topics
• Modify Text with User Interface Text Update
• Enable Global Search for Added Help
Related Topics
• Modify Pages
• Page Component Properties
• Modify Text with User Interface Text Update
Related Topics
• Set Up Help
• Give People Access to Create and Edit Help
Help Windows
Add Your Content to Help Windows
Watch video
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 8
Conguring and Extending Applications Help Content Management
The easiest way to add help is to start in the help window where you want the help link to appear. You can add links to
web pages, upload les, or create help pages in a text editor.
1. Go to the page where you want to add help and click the help icon. If you don't see any help icons, click your
user image or name in the global header and select Show Help Icons.
2. In the help window, click the Manage Help Content link.
3. In the Manage Help Content dialog box, click Create.
4. Select a help type:
◦ Text: Use a rich text or HTML editor to enter your help content. You can include images, videos, and links.
◦ File: Upload a le of any type. Your le opens when users click the link in the help window.
◦ URL: Enter the full URL to a website or a le of any type, for example a YouTube video.
5. Select a help security group if you need to restrict access to your help content. Only users with roles in the
security group will be able to see the help. The predened Secured group includes all internal employees and
contingent workers.
6. Set the status as Active if you want people to see your help in the help window. Or, you can inactivate your help
so that it doesn't appear until you activate it later.
7. Enter the title, which is the text of the link in the help window.
8. If your help type is File, enter a description which users might see after they click the link on the help window,
depending on their browser seing.
9. Select another language if your content isn't in American English. In help windows, users see added help in the
language they're using for the application.
10. Select a country if your help is targeted at a specic country. Based on what users set in the Territory eld for
their regional preferences, they see generic added help plus added help tagged for their country. There's no
impact on predened help.
11. If your help type is Text, enter your content in the text editor. Or you can click the Source Code Editing Mode
icon to switch to an HTML editor.
12. Save your work. Be aware that you won't be able to see the new link in the Manage Help Content dialog box or
the help window if you set it up for a language, country, or security group that doesn't apply to you.
13. To check your work, click your link in the help window.
Tip: Help that you add using the Text or File type has a unique URL. So, you can link to it from other help or
web pages. Updates to the application won't aect the URL or your help content.
Related Topics
• Create Groups to Limit Access to Added Help
Note: Make sure that your copied URL starts with https.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 8
Conguring and Extending Applications Help Content Management
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 8
Conguring and Extending Applications Help Content Management
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 8
Conguring and Extending Applications Help Content Management
Related Topics
• Update Existing Setup Data
For the Setup and Maintenance, Oerings, and New Features work areas, the page or section value tells you the object
that the help window is for. These values end with oering, functional area, feature, task, or task list. So for example, Set
Help Options task refers to the help window that you see for the Set Help Options task, on the Setup page.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 8
Conguring and Extending Applications Help Content Management
• Process Monitor section means that this help window is in a section that appears on multiple pages. You can
usually tell if you see something like a section or tab name without a page or window name in front of it.
Related Topics
• How Functional Setup Manager Components Work Together
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks
◦ Help Conguration
◦ Help Topic
Related Topics
• Export Setup Data Using Oering or Functional Area
• Export Setup Data Using Implementation Project
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 8
Conguring and Extending Applications Help Content Management
Oracle Applications Cloud Glossary
Configuring and Extending Applications
accounting flexfield
The structure that determines the chart of accounts, including the number and order of the individual segments, as well
as assigning the value sets to the segments.
The kind of access, such as view or edit, named in a security policy.
Application Developer Framework. A set of programming principles and rules for developing software applications.
A selection of data displayed in one or more views, such as a table or chart, to provide answers to business questions.
Business intelligence objects such as analyses and dashboards that provide meaningful data to help with decision
business object
A resource in an enterprise database, such as an invoice or purchase order.
The set of visual elements (for example, header; expand and edit icons) around the perimeter of a component or task
flow that enables users to act directly on the object.
A change to the predefined artifacts of the application. Configurations impact multiple users.
A grouping of flexfield segments to store related information.
context layer
A level that represents the scope of users impacted by configurations. For example, all users or only those who meet
specific criteria.
context segment
The flexfield segment used to store the context value. Each context value can be associated with a different set of
context-sensitive segments.
Oracle Applications Cloud Glossary
Configuring and Extending Applications
context-sensitive segment
A flexfield segment that may or may not appear depending upon a context. Context-sensitive segments are attributes
that apply to certain entity rows based on the value of the context segment.
A collection of analyses and other content that gives in-depth insight to help with business decisions.
A page that gives quick access to key tasks and summary information for a business process or object.
data security
The control of access and action a user can take against which data.
descriptive flexfield
Expandable fields used for capturing additional descriptive information or attributes about an entity, such as a customer
case. You may configure information collection and storage based on the context.
detailed report
A comprehensive report that provides detailed information about the subject matter. When you link a detailed report to
an infolet, users can click anywhere in the infolet area to drill down to that detailed report.
An organization having common control over one or more legal entities.
extensible flexfield
Expandable fields that you can use to capture multiple sets of information in a context or in multiple contexts. Some
extensible flexfields let you group contexts into categories.
A new artifact in addition to what's predefined in the application, for example a new business object or page.
Business practices or methods applicable to the functional areas that enable the fine-tuning of business functionality.
The single strip of icons that you can use to open other pages. The strip appears between the global header and the
page title.
A flexible data field that you can configure such that it contains one or more segments or stores additional information.
Each segment has a value and a meaning.
Oracle Applications Cloud Glossary
Configuring and Extending Applications
flexfield segment
An extensible data field that represents an attribute and captures a value corresponding to a predefined, single
extension column in the database. A segment appears globally or based on a context of other captured information.
global header
The uppermost region in the user interface that remains the same no matter which page you're on.
A small, interactive widget on the home page that provides key information and actions for a specific area, for example
social networking or your personal profile. Each infolet can have multiple views.
job role
A role, such as an accounts payable manager or application implementation consultant, that usually identifies and
aggregates the duties or responsibilities that make up the job.
key flexfield
Configurable flexfield comprising multiple parts or segments, each of which has a meaning either individually or in
combination with other segments. Examples of key flexfields are part numbers, asset category, and accounts in the
chart of accounts.
mainline metadata
The primary branch of metadata that a sandbox is published to. Once published, changes made in the sandbox become
available to all users.
The menu in the global header that you can use to open the work areas and dashboards that you have access to.
A comprehensive grouping of business functions, such as Sales or Product Management, that is delivered as a unit to
support one or more business processes.
Oracle Applications Cloud Glossary
Configuring and Extending Applications
panel tab
A tab that provides supplemental information or functionality for the page. Each panel tab is on the right side of the
page, has an icon as the tab label, and slides out when you open the tab.
performance tile
A single, summary measure value displayed prominently with, in some cases, a trend line.
A change that users make to control the look or behavior of the application. Personalizations impact only the user
making the change.
A grant of access to functions and data; a single, real world action on a single business object.
An output of select data in a predefined format that's optimized for printing.
Controls access to application functions and data.
run time
The type of activities that users perform while they are in a running application.
A testing environment that isolates untested code changes from the mainline environment so that these changes don't
affect the mainline metadata or other sandboxes.
scheduled process
A program that you run to process data and, in some cases, generate output as a report.
A segment is a single field within a flexfield and maps to a single table column in your database. When configuring a
flexfield, you define the appearance and meaning of individual segments.
Oracle Applications Cloud Glossary
Configuring and Extending Applications
site layer
Application changes made in this layer affect all users.
The grid of icons on the home page that you can use to open pages.
Information or data organized into a hierarchy with one or more root nodes connected to branches of nodes. A tree
must have a structure where each node corresponds to data from one or more data sources.
tree structure
A set of guidelines or a framework applied to create a tree, include data, version a tree, or access a tree.
value set
A predefined set to validate the values that a user enters in the application. The set may be hierarchical.
work area
A set of pages containing the tasks, searches, and other content you need to accomplish a business goal.
Oracle Applications Cloud Glossary
Configuring and Extending Applications