Materials Today: Proceedings: Latha M.S, Pratibha K
Materials Today: Proceedings: Latha M.S, Pratibha K
Materials Today: Proceedings: Latha M.S, Pratibha K
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Grid slab consists of ribs spaced at regular interval in perpendicular directions which are monolithic with
Received 23 June 2020 slab. These grid slabs are generally used for architectural purpose for large spans such as public assembly
Received in revised form 20 December 2020 halls, show rooms, auditoriums, were to avoid internal columns in the structure. The square voided pat-
Accepted 21 December 2020
tern is used in present study. In the present study 12 stories structure of symmetric and asymmetric for
Available online xxxx
regular, plan irregular and vertical irregular structure for both conventional slab and grid slab is consid-
ered, analyzed and compared for both gravity load and lateral load conditions as per IS codes. The struc-
tures are analyzed using ETABS software. For regular and plan irregular structures static analysis is done
Grid slab
Conventional slab
as per IS code 1893:2002(Part 1) and for vertical irregular structures dynamic analysis is done for both
Symmetric conventional and grid slab structure as per IS code 1893:2002(Part 1). And compared the results of con-
Asymmetric ventional slab and grid slab for parameters of deflection, storey shear, displacement and storey stiffness.
Regular Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Plan irregular Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Regional Congress on
Vertical irregular Membrane Technology 2020 (RCOM 2020) and Regional Conference Environmental Engineering (RCEnvE
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Regional Congress on Membrane Technology 2020 (RCOM 2020) and Regional Conference
Environmental Engineering (RCEnvE 2020).
Please cite this article as: L. M.S and P. K, Analysis and comparison of conventional slab and grid slab for symmetric and asymmetric structures, Materials
Today: Proceedings,
L. M.S and P. K Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
building and design is done for both gravity and lateral (earth
quake and wind) loads and this is compared with the flat slab.
The flat slab with and without drop panel is considered and the
structural analysis has done in zone 4 and zone 3. They have com-
pared various parameter like drift, displacement, time period, fre-
quency, base shear with the flat slabs with and without drop
panels. And they have concluded that flat slab possess maximum
deflection and displacement in both the zones.
Sudhir Singh Bhaduria (2017)[3]
The authors described the comparative analysis and design of
flat slab and grid slab system with conventional slab system, they
have done comparison of parameter like quantity of concrete,
quantity of steel, cost of the structure, bending moment, shear
Fig.1. Example of grid slab (Ref.8). force and displacement of flat slab system and grid slab system
with conventional slab system. In this paper, slab system design
and analysis for G + 10 building for seismic zone III and having
One-way: one way slabs are supported by beams on two oppo-
medium soil condition by using STAAD Pro V8i and these slab sys-
site sides and load carrying along the one direction.
tem analysed for different plan area or grid size/ spacing of the col-
Two-way: two way slabs are supported by beams on four sides
umn. They finally concluded that the flat slab is most economical
and load carrying along the both direction.
for all span consider in the analysis. In flat slab system it is founded
from the study that maximum displacement, maximum force and
One way slab
maximum bending moment in , y and z direction is minimum
When a slabs is supported by beams or parallel walls on two
but in case of grid slab system maximum displacement, maximum
opposite sides the slab is known as one way slab. The load in one
force and maximum bending moment is found to be maximum.
way slab is always carried out along one direction. As per IS codes,
The quantity of steel and concrete required for flat slab system is
in one way slab the ratio of the longer span is equal to the shorter
minimum but for the grid slab system is maximum.
span is equal or greater than 2.
Two way slab
The authors has worked on dynamic analysis of special moment
The slab which is supported by beams are walls on all four sides
resisting frame building with flat slab and grid slab. Most of the
is known as two way slab the loads are carried out along both
popular form of concrete structures uses a flat concrete slab as
shorter and longer directions. as per IS codes the ratio of longer
the floor system. This type of flat slab system is very simple to con-
span to shorter span is always less than 2.
struct, and it is efficient that it requires the minimum building
Literature Review
height for a given number of stories. But, earthquake experience
Till date there are several researchers carried out studies on
has proved that this form of construction is vulnerable to failure,
conventional slab and grid slab system in structural buildings
when not designed and detailed properly, in which the thin con-
and some of the studies are as follows:
crete slab fractures around the supporting columns and drops
Mahesh Bakale (2017)[1]
downward, leading potentially to a complete progressive collapse
The authors described the study of seismic behavior of different
of a building as one floor cascades down onto the floors below.
types of slab systems in various seismic zones, considering the
varying number of stories. They have done with the four types of
slab system i.e. conventional beam slab system, Flat plate system,
Table 2
Flat slab with drop system, and ribbed slab system for regular and
Deflection of slab.
irregular structures has done. The seismic behavior of these slab
systems is studied by modelling G + 6, G + 9 & G + 12 multi-story Deflection of slab in EQX in mm Conventional slab Grid slab
structure in ETABS software. They analysed and compared the Symmetric regular structure 12.9 11.7
results of story displacement and story shear. Symmetric plan irregular structure 20.3 21.6
Asymmetric plan irregular structure 20.2 21.2
Chintha Santhosh, (2016)[2]
Symmetric vertical irregular structure 22 23.3
The authors described the analysis and design of multi-storeys Asymmetric vertical irregular structure 22.2 22.9
building with Grid slab using ETABS software. They analysed G + 5
Table 1
Specifications of the structural members for different models.
L. M.S and P. K Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 3
Displacement of structure.
Displacement of slab in mm EQX Conventional slab EQX Grid slab RS Conventional slab RS Grid slab
Symmetric regular structure 27.8 32.2 – –
Symmetric plan irregular structure 46.7 52.6 – –
Asymmetric plan irregular structure 46.7 52.3 – –
Symmetric vertical irregular structure 58.8 61.1 61.6 65.6
Asymmetric vertical irregular structure 58.6 62.1 60.1 63.5
Table 4
Storey stiffness of structure.
Storey stiffness of structure in N EQX Conventional slab EQX Grid slab RS Conventional slab RS Grid slab
Symmetric regular structure 1,225,973 862496.1 – –
Symmetric plan irregular structure 537787.2 432723.1 – –
Asymmetric plan irregular structure 591455.8 474,297 – –
Symmetric vertical irregular structure 139929.3 96960.73 143288.8 100903.8
Asymmetric vertical irregular structure 472146.8 372399.8 470168.2 384752.3
Table 5
Storey Shear of Structure.
Storey shear of structure in EQX in KN EQX Conventional slab EQX Grid slab RS Conventional slab RS Grid slab
Symmetric regular structure 1906.68 1302.26 – –
Symmetric plan irregular structure 1134.24 914.13 – –
Asymmetric plan irregular structure 1264.93 1015.01 – –
Symmetric vertical irregular structure 601.44 454.91 996.34 757.81
Asymmetric vertical irregular structure 946.11 705.29 1555.5 1177.07
S. A. Halkude (2015)[5] overall stiffness of the building thus, reducing the sway problem
The authors described by investigating various parameters in the structure. As building is in irregular the behaviour in both
involved, a solution for optimum structural configuration can be directions is not similar.
found for the grid floor. And they includes the parametric investi- Amit A. Sathwane (2015)[8]
gation in terms of flexural actions such as bending moments and The authors described the analysis and design of flat slab and
shear force. Spacing of grid beam is one of the important parame- grid slab and their cost comparison. And they determined the most
ters considered for investigations, along with depth of grid beam & economical slab between flat slab with drop, Flat slab without drop
depth of periphery beam. In this paper stiffness method is used for and grid slab. Analysis of the flat slab and grid slab has been done
analysis which is less time consuming as compare to other analysis both manually by IS 456–2000 and by using software also. Flat slab
methods, where spacing of grid beams i.e. (l/b) is varied for hall and grid slab has been analysed by STAAD PRO. Rates have been
size (L/B) with constant ratio. taken according to N.M.C. C.S.R and they have compared maximum
Navjot Kaur Bhatia,(2016)[6] moments obtained manually and by software for flab slab and grid
The authors described the response of flat slabs & grid Slabs sys- floor, It is observed that the flat slab with drop is more economical
tems in conventional RCC buildings and they performed the than flat slab without drop and grid slabs. Concrete required in grid
dynamic analysis for seismic and wind loading of multi-storeyed slab is more as compared to flat slab with drop and flat slab with-
RCC buildings with flat slab & grid slab (10, 20, 30Storey) having out drop.
square, hexagonal orthogonal geometry, using response spectrum J. Prasad., (2005)[9]
analysis, considered different earthquake Zones as per the IS code The authors described the optimum dimensions of waffle slab
of practice IS 1893–2002 part-I: criteria for earthquake resistant for medium size floors and they elaborates the results obtained
structure (Zone II, III, IV, V). and they compared seismic behaviour from the analytical study carried out on waffle slab medium size
of multi-storeyed RCC building with flat slab and grid slab for dif- floor system with a view to achieve the optimum dimensions of
ferent earthquake intensities in terms of various responses such as, rib spacing, its depth and width. The waffle slab has been consid-
base shear, story displacements, story drift, axial force, time period. ered as monolithically connected to band beams, they found that
And they the relationship between earthquake intensities and the number of grid beams required for the optimum dimension.
responses. Analysis and design of the structure is carried out by
STAAD pro.
CH.Rajkumar (2017)[7] 2. Summary of literature review
The authors described the analysis and design of multi-storey
building using ETABS, in this paper they analysed for G + 5 building Considerable research has been conducted on the behaviour of
is considered and analysis and design is done for both gravity and regular and irregular structures with conventional slab and grid
lateral loads. In this paper they also observed that the results are slab for different parameters like base shear, Story displacements,
more conservative in static analysis as compared to the dynamic story drift, axial force, time period. The above papers are summa-
method resulting uneconomical structure. The parameters like rized brief, in almost all the considered papers the comparison of
story drift, lateral displacement and time period are considered. flat slab, grid slab and conventional slab for different zones, differ-
Because of the box effect of modular type scheme, it is increasing ent height of the structures and for different type of irregularities
L. M.S and P. K Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
like plan irregularity and vertical irregularity, and also for different
length of the span and thickness of the slab as per Indian standards
by using ETABS and STAAD PRO software has been done. In litera-
ture papers, the structures are modelled and analysed for the dif-
ferent method of analysis like equivalent static analysis,
nonlinear static analysis, response spectrum method and time his-
tory method. An overlook on all the papers it proves that the reg-
ular structures with conventional slab and grid slab gives better
results. From the study it is clear that structures with large spans
can provide grid slab. From all these literature papers by consider-
ing the valuable information, in this present work analysis and
comparison of conventional slab and grid slab for regular and irreg-
ular, symmetric and asymmetric structures has done. From the
above reviews, it can be seen that there is not enough study on
the grid slab and conventional slabs with irregulates.
3. Objectives
The main objectives of this project is know the behaviour of the Fig.2. Plan irregularities (Ref.11).
structure under different parameters:
4. Methodology
Plan Irregularities.
Vertical Irregularities.
In plan irregular buildings there are of five types they are:
Torsion Irregularity.
Re-entrant Corners.
Diaphragm Discontinuity.
Out-of-Plane Offsets.
Non-parallel Systems.
In vertical irregular buildings there are also five types they are:
Stiffness Irregularity.
Soft Storey.
Extreme Soft Storey.
Mass Irregularity.
Vertical Geometric Irregularity.
In-Plane Discontinuity in Vertical Elements Resisting Lateral
Discontinuity in Capacity - Weak Storey.
B. Modelling
A regular, plan irregular and vertical irregular of 12 stories
structures for symmetric and asymmetric modelling is carried
out in ETABS software. Fig.4. Conventional slab.
L. M.S and P. K Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig.7. MODEL 3.
L. M.S and P. K Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig.9. MODEL 7.
Fig.8. MODEL 5.
L. M.S and P. K Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig.12. MODEL 4.
Fig.11. MODEL 2.
L. M.S and P. K Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig.14. MODEL8.
Fig.13. MODEL 6.
6. Conclusion
Fig.18. Plot of stiffness of structure.
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