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ELE 3203 Communication Systems: Student Name ID Number

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ELE 3203

Communication systems

Lab 9: Frequency Modulation and Demodulation

Student Name ID Number

Faculty Name: Mr. Yacine Adane

Lab Instructor: Ms. Rajalakshmi

Submission Date: November 21, 2020

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

To understand the principle of frequency modulation (FM) and demodulation. Also, to

understand the waveforms of modulated and demodulated signals Moreover, design a

frequency modulator and demodulator using MATLAB “Simulink”.

Apparatus Required

A. Hardware Tools: Computer system

B. Software Tool: MATLAB 7.0 and above version.

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

In a communication system, it is often that one has to send a speech/video signal of lower

frequency content. It is very difficult to transmit the signal at a low frequency through the

medium. Hence the signal is modified to a high-frequency signal so that it can be sent

through the medium. When the signal is modified on the receiver’s end it can be sent through

the medium. As the receiver on receiving the signal applies demodulation techniques to get

the message signal. One such method is frequency modulation. Let the message signal be


We define a frequency modulated signal,

x ( t )=cos ⁡(2 π f c t+ k ∫ m ( t ) dt) ).

f c is the carrier frequency. K is constant.


Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW
Phase modulation (PM) and frequency modulation (FM) are special cases of angle-modulated

signaling. FM is a process in which the carrier frequency is varied by the amplitude of the

modulating signal (i.e., intelligence signal). Angle modulated signal can be expressed by the

following equation: s ( t ) =A c cos [ 2 π f c t+ θ ( t ) ]

For FM, the phase is proportional to the integral of message signal m(t), therefore

x ( t )=cos ⁡(2 π f c t + k ∫ m ( t ) dt) ).

Figure 2: Frequency modulation waveform

Frequency demodulator, also called frequency discriminator, is a circuit, which converts

instantaneous frequency variations to linear voltage changes. There are many types of circuits

used in communication systems such as FM to AM conversion, phase-shift discriminators

and phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency demodulator.


Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW
The following are required to draw the block diagram as shown in the Figure 4.

1. Message Signal Source

2. Blocks for viewing the signals – Scope
3. Trigonometric Function
4. Summer
5. Gain
6. Continuous
7. Matrix Multiply
8. Integrator

We can find these blocks in the following locations of Simulink Library:

Carrier, Message, Constant blocks

 Simulink –>DSP System Toolbox –> Sine wave


 Simulink –> Continuous–> Integrator

View Block

 Simulink –> Sink –> Scope

Product, summer, Trigonometric and Gain Block

 Simulink –> Math Operations–> Product

 Simulink –> Math Operations–> Summer
 Simulink –> Math Operations–> Gain
 Simulink –> Math Operations–> Trigonometric Function
 Simulink –> Math Operations–> Matrix Multiply

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW
The procedures can be summarized in a three main steps, which are:

1. Arrange the functional blocks “Simulink Model” for modulated and demodulation


Frequency Modulations:

Figure 4: Frequency Modulation Simulink Block diagram

o Parameters:

Message Signal: frequency = 10, Offset =90, Sample Time= 1/25000

Gain1= 150, Gain2= 2*pi, Constant= 300

Integrator= , Trigonometric Function is “Cos”

Frequency Demodulations:

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW
Create a Simulink block diagram for the Frequency demodulation with the help of Figure 6.

o Parameters:


Signal: frequ

e ncy = 10,

Offset =90,


Figure 6: Frequency Demodulation Block diagram Time=

Figure 5: Frequency Demodulation Simulink Block diagram


Gain1= 150, Gain2= 2*pi, Constant= 300

Integrator= , Trigonometric Function is “Cos”

Analog Filter Design “Butter”, Low-pass Filter, filter order 10, Passband edge

frequency 2*pi*10


Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW
1. Comment on your results and explain your scope results (modulation and


As we can see from figure 7, Frequency modulation as shown in layout 3, is much

different from Amplitude modulation. The modulated and demodulated signals in FM

have the same amplitude and it’s the same amplitude as the message signal which is 1.

The modulated signal in FM is dependent mostly on the message signal.

2. Upload your Simulink file.

Figure 7: FM Modulation, and Demodulation

3. Attach the Simulink Block diagram of FM Demodulation and the scope results


Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW
Figure 8: FM Demodulation
Figure 9: FM Modulation layout 3, and Demodulation layout 2

4. Explain your result. (Identify each block function)

 A Message Signal “DSP” source is a message signal, which is a sine wave that carries

information such as voice, music, and data.

 Gain (150) to increase the message signal’s power and amplitude.

 Summer to add the message signal and the carrier signal also the constant.

 Constant is the modulation index that shows how the carrier wave is being changed by

the information.
Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW
 After that, the output of the summer stage goes into the Integrator. outputs the value of

the integral of its input signal with respect to time.

 Gain (2*pi) to increase the power of the modulated frequency signal.

5. What is the purpose of using a VCO? Explain in detail.

Voltage-controlled oscillators are used in function generators, phase-locked loops

including frequency synthesizers used in communication equipment, and the

production of electronic music, to generate variable tones in synthesizers.

6. Write the advantages and disadvantages of Frequency Modulation.

Anything in the world has a pro and cons, this also applied to the frequency

modulation. To begin with, the advantages of the FM are it has less interface and

noise. Also, its power consumption is less as compared to AM.

7. List the applications where the frequency modulation is used.

- Frequency modulation can be used for the broadcasting of FM radio. This helps in

larger signal to noise ratio.

8. A 100 MHz carrier signal is frequency modulated by a sinusoidal signal of 75

kHz, such that the frequency deviation is f = 50 kHz. Find the approximate

bandwidth of the frequency modulated signal.

BW=2(B +f) = 2(75K+50K) = 250KHz

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW
9. A 100MHz carrier is frequency modulated by 10 KHz wave. For a frequency

deviation of 50 KHz, calculate the modulation index of the FM signal.

Given, fc = 100MHz, fm = 10 KHz, Δf = 500 KHz

Modulation index of FM signal is given by mf = Δf /f m

50 K
mf = =5
10 K

10. A sinusoidal modulating waveform of amplitude 5 V and a frequency of 2 KHz is

applied to FM generator, which has a frequency sensitivity of 40 Hz/volt.

Calculate the frequency deviation, modulation index, and bandwidth.


Am=5V, fm=2KHz, kf=40Hz/volt

- Knowing that the formula for Frequency deviation as Δf=(kf)(Am)

Δf=40×5=200Hz. Therefore, frequency deviation, Δf is 200Hz

- The formula for modulation index is β=Δf/fm


Here, the value of modulation index, β is 0.1, which is less than one. Hence, it is

Narrow Band FM.


Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW
To sum up, this experiment was to study the function of frequency modulation and

demodulation. As we know the modulated signal is the encoding of information in a carrier

wave by varying the instantaneous frequency of the wave.

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

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