The Finale: Multiple Choice: Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook

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The passage discusses human reproductive anatomy and physiology, including structures of the male and female reproductive systems as well as early human development.

The uterine tube (fallopian tube) has a region called the ampulla.

The endometrium is the mucosa layer of the uterus.

350 Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook

45. Jane started taking estradiol and progesterone immediately after the start of
her menstrual period. What effect on ovulation should she expect?

46. Mary and Jim, fraternal twins, were enjoying a lunch together when she
revealed that she had just had a tubal ligation procedure. “Oh, my gosh,” he
said, “we do think alike. I just had a vasectomy.” How are these procedures
alike structurally and functionally?


47. Select the best answer or answers from the choices given.

1. Which of the following structures have a 5. All of the following are true of the
region called the ampulla? gonadotropins except that they are:
A. Ductus deferens A. secreted by the pituitary gland.
B. Uterine tube B. LH and FSH.
C. Ejaculatory duct C. hormones with important functions in
D. Lactiferous duct both males and females.
D. the sex hormones secreted by the
2. Seminal vesicle secretions have: gonads.
A. a low pH.
6. The approximate area between the anus
B. fructose. and clitoris in the female is the:
C. a high pH. A. peritoneum. C. vulva.
D. sperm-activating enzymes. B. perineum. D. labia.
3. If the uterine tube is a trumpet (“salpinx”), 7. A test to detect cancerous changes in cells
what part of it represents the wide, open of the uterus and cervix is:
end of the trumpet?
A. pyelogram. C. D&C.
A. Isthmus C. Infundibulum
B. Pap smear. D. laparoscopy.
B. Ampulla D. Flagellum
8. In humans, separation of the cells at the
4. The myometrium is the muscular layer of two-cell stage following fertilization may
the uterus, and the endometrium is the lead to the production of twins, which in
_________________ layer. this case, would be:
A. serosa C. submucosa A. of different sexes. C. fraternal.
B. adventitia D. mucosa B. identical. D. dizygotic.
Chapter 16 The Reproductive System 351

9. Human ova and sperm are similar in that: 15. The blastocyst:
A. about the same number of each is A. is the earliest stage at which differentia-
produced per month. tion is clearly evident.
B. they have the same degree of motility. B. is the stage at which implantation occurs.
C. they are about the same size. C. has a three-layered inner cell mass.
D. they have the same number of D. can detect “readiness” of uterine
chromosomes. endometrium.

10. Which of the following attach to the ovary? 16. Human chorionic gonadotropin is secreted
A. Fimbriae by the:

B. Mesosalpinx A. trophoblast.

C. Suspensory ligaments B. 5-month placenta.

D. Broad ligament C. chorion.

D. corpus luteum.
11. As a result of crossover:
A. maternal genes can end up on a paternal 17. The first major event in organogenesis is:
chromosome. A. gastrulation.
B. synapsis occurs. B. appearance of the notochord.
C. a tetrad is formed. C. neurulation.
D. no two spermatids have exactly the D. development of blood vessels in the
same genetic makeup. umbilical cord.

12. The first mitotic division in the zygote 18. Which of the following appears first in the
occurs as soon as: development of the nervous system?
A. male and female pronuclei fuse. A. Neural crest cells
B. male and female chromosomes are B. Neural folds
replicated. C. Neural plate
C. meiosis II in the oocyte nucleus is D. Neural tube
D. the second polar body is ejected. 19. Which of these digestive structures develops
from ectoderm?
13. The acrosomal reaction: A. Midgut
A. allows degradation of the corona radiata. B. Liver
B. involves release of hyaluronidase. C. Lining of the mouth and anus
C. occurs in the male urogenital tract. D. Lining of esophagus and pharynx
D. involves only one sperm, which
penetrates the oocyte membrane. 20. Mesodermal derivatives include:
A. somites.
14. Which contain cells that ultimately become
part of the embryo? B. mesenchyme.
A. Blastocyst C. Cytotrophoblast C. most of the intestinal wall.
B. Trophoblast D. Inner cell mass D. sweat glands.
352 Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook

21. On day 17 of a woman’s monthly cycle: 26. The notochord:

A. FSH levels are rising. A. develops from the primitive streak.
B. progesterone is being secreted. B. develops from mesoderm beneath the
C. the ovary is in the ovulatory phase. primitive streak.

D. the uterus is in the proliferative phase. C. becomes the vertebral column.

D. persists as the nucleus pulposis in the
22. A sudden decline in estrogen and proges- intervertebral discs.
terone levels:
A. causes spasms of the spiral arteries. 27. Amniotic fluid:

B. triggers ovulation. A. prevents fusion of embryonic parts.

C. ends inhibition of FSH release. B. contains cells and chemicals derived

from the embryo.
D. causes fluid retention.
C. is derived from embryonic endoderm.
23. A sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is D. helps maintain a constant temperature
more easily detected in males than females, for the developing fetus.
is treatable with penicillin, and can cause
lesions in the nervous and cardiovascular 28. Which of the following is a shunt to bypass
systems is: the fetal liver?
A. gonorrhea. C. syphilis. A. Ductus arteriosus
B. chlamydia. D. herpes. B. Ductus venosus

24. Which of the following are hormones asso- C. Ligamentum teres

ciated with lactation? D. Umbilical vein
A. Placental lactogen 29. The usual and most desirable presentation
B. Colostrum for birth is:
C. Prolactin A. vertex. C. nonvertex.
D. Oxytocin B. breech. D. head first.

25. The outer layer of the blastocyst, which

attaches to the uterine wall, is the:
A. yolk sac. C. amnion.
B. inner cell mass. D. trophoblast.

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