Service Manual: Allison Transmission
Service Manual: Allison Transmission
Service Manual: Allison Transmission
Allison Transmission
M D 3 0 6 0 , M D 306OP, MD 3060PR, MD 3060R
M D 3 0 6 6 , M D 3066P, MD 3066PR, MD 3066R
MD 3070PT
M D 3 5 6 0 , M D 356OP, MD 3560PR, MD 3560R
B 300, B 3OOP, B 3 0 0 P R , B 300R
B 400, B 4OOP, B 400PR, B 400R
1998 December
Alllson ll?ansmlss10n
Division of General Motors Corporation
P.O. Box 894 Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-0894
Shift Selector or Diagnostic Data Reader/Tool (DDR) button and display names are printed in bold capital letters
(UP (?) arrow, DOWN (J) arrow, DISPLAY MODE, MONITOR, SELECT, etc.).
The actual message displayed (text and/or letters) is printed within double quotation marks (“O L”, “O K”, etc.).
This publication is revised periodically to include improvements,
new models, special tools, and procedures. A revision is indicated
by letter suflix to the publication number. Check with your Allison
Transmission service outlet for the currently applicable publica-
tion. Additional copies of this publication may be purchased from
authorized Allison Transmission service outlets. Look in your tele-
phone directory under the heading of Transmissions - Truck,
Tractor, etc.
is used when an operating procedure, practice, etc.,
is essential to highlight.
Copyright © 1998 General Motors Corp. 111
This manual contains the following warnings -
l If you leave the vehicle and the engine is running, the vehicle can move
suddenly and you or others could be injured. If you must leave the engine
running, do not leave the vehicle until you: Put the transmission in
N (Neutral)...and - Apply the parking brake and emergency brakes and
make sure they are properly engaged...and - Chock the wheels and take any
other steps necessary to keep the vehicle from moving.
l Avoid contact with the hot fluid or the sump when draining transmission fluid.
Direct contact with the hot fluid or the hot sump may result in bodily injury.
l While conducting a stall check, the vehicle must be positively prevented from
moving. Apply the parking brake and service brake, and chock the wheels
securely. Warn personnel to keep clear of the vehicle and its travel path.
Failure to do so can cause serious injury.
l Use appropriate safety equipment such as safety glasses, safety shoes, and
l Do not burn discarded Teflon® seals; toxic gases are produced by burning
l Never dry bearings by spinning them with compressed air. A spinning bearing
can disintegrate, allowing halls or rollers to become lethal flying projectiles.
Also, spinning a bearing without lubrication can damage the bearing.
l Transmission dry weights are as follows: MD/B 300/B 400 - 245 kg (535 lb),
MDR/B 300R/B 400R - 275 kg (610 lb), MDP/B 300P/B 400P - 260 kg
(575 lb), MDPR/B 300PR/B 400PR - 300 kg (655 lb), MD 3070PT - 530 kg
(1170 lb). Use proper tools and lifting equipment when installing or removing a
transmission from the repair stand.
l The transfer case module assembly weighs approximately 270 kg (595 lb).
l The control module assembly weighs approximately 25 kg (56 lb). Handle
carefully to avoid personnel injury or control module damage. The control
module assembly used in an MD 3070PT weighs approximately 29 kg (65 lb).
l The retarder module assembly weighs approximately 64 kg (141 lb). Use care
to prevent injury to personnel while handling the retarder module assembly.
l Piston springs are highly compressed. Be extremely careful during removal
and installation. Personal injury can occur if the spring force is not controlled.
l Transmissions installed in overhaul stands must be positioned vertically
before installing control module. Failure to do so could result in personal
Vlll Copyright © 1998 General Motors Corn.
a. Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32 h. Assembly of the Channel Plate . . . . . . 5-47
b. Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-33 i. Assembly of the Main Valve Body . . . 5-47
5-15. TRANSFER CASE MODULE j Assembly of C6 Control Valve Body . . 5-47
a. Disassembly of Transfer Case k. Assembly of the Stationary Clutch
Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-33 Solenoid Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-48
b. Disassembly of C6 Clutch . . . . . . . . . . 5-35 1. Assembly of the Rotating Clutch
C. Assembly of C6 Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36
Solenoid Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-48
m. Installation of the Wiring Harness
d. Disassembly of C7 Clutch . . . . . . . . . . 5-36
Assembly and Cover Plate . . . . . . . . 5-48
e. Assembly of C7 Clutch Housing . . . . . 5-37
f. Disassembly of Oil Pump. . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37
g. Assembly of Oil Pump. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37
h. Disassembly of P4 Carrier . . . . . . . . . . 5-37 6-1. SCOPE
i. Assembly of P4 Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38 a. Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-l
b. Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-l
j Disassembly of Drive, Idler, and
Driven Gears. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38 c. Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-l
k. Assembly of Drive, Idler, and d. General Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-l
Driven Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38 e. Foldouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-l
1. Disassembly of the Front Output 6-2. ASSEMBLY OF TRANSMISSION
Housing and Front Output Shaft . . . 5-38
a. Assembly of C3/C4 Clutch. . . . . . . . . . . 6-l
m. Assembly of the Front Output
b. Installation of the Rotating
Housing and Front Output Shaft. . . . 5-39
Clutch Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-l
n. Disassembly of the Rear Output
C. Installation of the Front Support/
Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-39
Charging Pump Module . . . . . . . . . . . 6-l
0 . Assembly of the Rear Output
d. Installation of the P1 Planetary
Housing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-39
Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
P Output Housing Bearing Preload
e. Installation of the P2 Planetary
Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40
Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
q. Disassembly of C7 Control Valve
f. Installation of the C5 Clutch Pack . . . . . 6-2
Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40
r. Assembly of C7 Control Valve g. Installation of the Main Shaft. . . . . . . . . 6-2
Body Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40 h. Main Shaft Selective Shim
Measurement For Models
S. Assembly of Transfer Case Module . . 5-41
With Retarder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
5-16. CONTROL VALVE MODULE i. Main Shaft Selective Shim
a. Removal of Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 Measurement For Models Equipped
b. Removal of Electrical Components With Rear Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
and Sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 j Selective Shim Measurement For
c. Disassembly of the Rotating Clutch MD 3070PT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Solenoid Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-45 k. Installation of Retarder Module
d. Disassembly of the Stationary Clutch (Units Built Prior To 1/98) . . . . . . . . .6-6
Solenoid Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-45 1. Installation of Retarder Module
e. Disassembly of C6 Control Valve (Units Built Starting 1/98). . . . . . . . . .6-6
Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-45 m. Installation of Rear Cover Module. . . . . 6-7
f. Disassembly of the Main Valve n. Installation of Transfer Case
Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-46 Adapter Housing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
g. Disassembly of the Channel Plate. . . . 5-47 o. Installation of Transfer Case Module. . . 6-7
1. Model MD 3060/B 300 Transmission
2. Model MD 3060R/B 300R Transmission (Prior To January 1, 1998)
3. Model MD 3060PR/B 300PR Transmission (Beginning January 1, 1998)
4. Model MD 3066/B 400PR Transmission
5. Model MD 3560PR Transmission
6. Model MD 3070PT Transmission
7. Torque Converter Module
8,A. Converter Housing Module, Without PTO Provision
8,B. Torque Converter Housing Module, With PTO Provision
9,A. Front Support and Oil Pump Module
9,B. Rotating Clutch Module
10,A. Main Housing Module
10,B. Main Shaft Module (MD 3060)
ll,A. Main Shaft Module (MD 3560)
ll,B. Main Shaft Module (MD 3070PT)
12,A. Pl Planetary Module
12,B. P2 Planetary Module
13,A. Retarder and P3 Planetary Module (Prior To 1/98)
13,B. Retarder and P3 Planetary Module (Starting 1/98)
13,C. Rear Cover and P3 Planetary Module
14,A. Transfer Case, Special Tools
14,B. Transfer Case, Special Disassembly/Assembly Instructions
15. Front Main Transfer Case
16. Rear Main Transfer Case
17,A. Control Valve Module (Prior To S/N 6510032369)
17,B. Control Valve Module (S/N 6510032369 To S/N 6510096670)
17,C. Control Valve Module (Starting With S/N 6510096671)
18,A. Output Flange and Yoke
18,B. Transfer Case Adapter Housing
19,A. Oil Cooler
19,B Support Equipment
20. MD/B 300/B 400 - Neutral
c. Maintenance Information. Each task described a. Transmission Nameplate. The nameplate (Fig-
in this manual has been successfully completed by ure l-8) is located on the right side of the transmis-
service organizations and individuals. Not every sion. The nameplate used prior to April 14, 1998, is
service organization or individual possesses the imprinted with the transmission serial number, part
required special tooling, training, or experience to number (assembly number), and model number. Use
perform all described tasks. However, any task may be all three numbers when ordering replacement parts or
performed if the following conditions are met: requesting service information. The nameplate used
beginning April 14, 1998, is imprinted with the trans-
1. The organization or individual has the required mission model, serial number, date code, TransID
knowledge of the task through: number, and groups. Use all of these numbers when
ordering replacement parts or requesting service infor-
l Formal instruction at Allison Transmission
Division (ATD) or a Distributor training
facility. b. Parts Catalog. Replacement parts are listed in
l On-the-job instruction by an ATD or Parts Catalog PC2150EN. Do not order by the item
Distributor representative. numbers used on exploded views in this manual. Use
the Parts Catalog to determine the correct part number.
l Experience in performing the task.
Order all replacement parts from your distributor.
2. The work environment is suitable to prevent Check the Yellow Pages for your nearest authorized
contamination or damage to transmission parts service outlet. Listings are under Transmission - Truck,
or assemblies. Tractor, Etc.
NOTE: Inch Series Threads S
.,R.v#Y I--L n__:_ IL____J
NOTE: Inch Series Thread
Figure 1-3. Model MD(R) / B 300(R) / B 400(R)Transmission (Prior To 1/98)- Left-Front View
.- I-----.. NAMEPLATE
NOTE: Inch Series Threads
NOTE: Inch Series Threads - MAIN-PRESSURE TAP
NOTE: inch Series Threads
Figure 1-4. Model MD(R) / B 300(R) / B 400(R)Transmission (Prior To 1/98) - Right-Rear View
NOTE: Metric series threads
NOTE: Inch series threads
Figure 1-5. Model MD(R) / B 300(R) / B 400(R)Transmission (Beginning 1/98) - Left-Rear View
a. Major Modules. The MD, B 300, and B 400
Series transmissions contain the following major
1 YE” x x x x x x J
l Input Module
Prior to 4/l&98
l Main Housing and Gear Module
l Control Module
l Output Module
Indianapolis, Indiana, US
OI-xxx 02-xxx 05-XXX 08-XxX b. Unique Features. Features unique to the MD,
15-XxX 18-XxXx B 300, and B 400 Series transmissions are:
24-XxX 25-XxX
34-XxX 38-XxX . Four, five, or six forward speed configurations
GRO”PS 50-xXx 70-xXx (Mechanically, every MD, B 300, and B 400
RESERVED FOR transmission model is a six speed transmission.
Model XXXXX Options are available to convert it to a four or
s/N X X X X X X X X X X five speed model.) The MD 3070PT has a
- DATE TRANS ID - transfer case and seven forward speeds.
Beginning 4/l/&3
NUMBER vo5116.ot
l Lockup clutch with torsional damper
Figure 1-8. Transmission Nameplate l Integral retarder (optional)
2. Lever Shift Selector Begin by pressing the 1-8. PRESERVATION AND STORAGE
DISPLAY MODE button. Diagnostics will be
displayed immediately, if no oil level sensor a. Storage (New Transmissions, Before Installa-
(OLS) is present. Press the DISPLAY MODE tion). New transmissions are filled with transmission
button a second time to enter Diagnostic Mode fluid and drained before shipment. The residual fluid
when an OLS is present. The display will list in the transmission provides adequate protection to
the diagnostic codes logged positions (dl, d2, safely store the transmission without further treatment
d3, etc.). for one full year if stored indoors, in conditions of nor-
mal climate, and with all shipping plugs installed.
d. Diagnostic Codes. Diagnostic codes can be dis-
played on the display portion of the shift selector or on
the Diagnostic Data Reader/Tool (DDR or Pro-Link®).
A diagnostic code is either active or historical. An ac-
tive code is any code that is current in the ECU deci-
sion-making process. Historical codes are codes that
are retained in the ECU memory and will not necessar-
ily affect the ECU decision-making process. Active
codes are indicated on the shift selector by the MODE
ON indicator.
e. Displaying Diagnostic Codes. Press and release
the MODE button to sequentially display the logged
diagnostic codes.
MD 3060
Range MD 3560** MD 3070PT** B 300/B 400**
MD 3066**
First 3.49:1 4.59:1 6.93:1 3.49:1
Second 1.86:1 2.25:1 4.18:1 1.86:1
Third 1.41:1 1.54:1 2.24:1 1.41:1
Fourth l.00:l l.00:1 1.69:1 1.00: 1
Fifth 0.75:1 0.75:1 1.20:1 0.75:1
Sixth 0.65:1 0.65:1 0.90:1 0.65:1
Seventh N/A N/A 0.78:1 N/A
Reverse -5.03:1 -5.00:1 -6.03:1 -5.03:1
Fluid type . . . . . . . MIL-L-2104, MIL-L-46167, DEXRON®-III, C-4 (Refer to Section 2,
Preventive Maintenance, for fluid recommendations.)
Filters, main
and cooler. . . . . . . Dual integral, replaceable cartridge type
Cooler . . . . . . . . . . Remote mounted, optional integral
The WTEC II full-function pushbutton and lever
shift selectors can display two characters at one
time. One character is displayed under the
SELECT label and one under the MONITOR label.
2-3. IMPORTANCE OF The WTEC III full-function pushbutton and lever
PROPER FLUID LEVEL selectors display one character at a time.
The ECU may delay the fluid level check until the
following conditions are met: 7. An Invalid for Display condition is reported
when “O L” is displayed, followed by “- -”
l The fluid temperature is above 60°C (140°F) or and a number display. The displayed number is
below 104°C (220°F). a fault code, and indicates improper conditions
l The transmission is in neutral. or a system malfunction. Example (WTEC II
l The vehicle has been stationary for approxi- selector): “O L,- -,70” - indicates an Invalid
mately two minutes to allow the fluid to settle. for Display condition and fault code 70. (For a
l The engine is at idle. WTEC III selector, the display would be
The delayed fluid level display signal for a WTEC II
selector is a flashing indicator under the SELECT 8. Invalid for Display is activated when condi-
display and a countdown from 8 to 1 under the tions do not allow the fluid level to be checked.
MONITOR display. For a WTEC III selector, the Review the following codes and conditions,
delayed fluid level display is a countdown from 8 to and correct as necessary. If these conditions
1 in the display window. cannot be corrected, contact the nearest distrib-
utor or dealer in your area. (Check the tele-
phone directory for the Allison Transmission
4. Correct fluid level is reported when “O L” is
service outlet nearest you.)
displayed (“O L” indicates the Oil Level Check
Mode), followed by “O K”. The “O K” display
Code Cause of Code
indicates the fluid level is within the “O K”
zone. The sensor display and the transmission “O L--5 0” - Engine speed (rpm) too low
dipstick may not agree exactly because the oil “O L--5 9” - Engine speed (rpm) too high
level sensor compensates for fluid temperature. “O L --6 5” _ N (Neutral) must be selected
Example (WTEC II selector): “O L O K” - in- “O L--7 0” - Sump fluid temperature too low
dicates correct fluid level. (For a WTEC III se-
“O L --7 9” - Sump fluid temperature too high
lector, the display would be “o,L,o,K ”)
“O L--8 9” – Output shaft rotation
5. Low fluid level is reported when “O L” is dis- “O L--9 5” - Sensor failure
played, followed by “L O” and a number. “L
O” indicates a low fluid level and the number
of quarts of fluid the transmission requires. NOTE:
Confirm a low fluid level condition by making
Report sensor failure to a distributor or dealer in
a manual fluid level check. Example (WTEC II
your area. (Check the telephone directory for an
selector): “O, L, L, O, 0, 2” - indicates 2 addi-
Allison Transmission distributor or dealer nearest
tional quarts of fluid will bring the fluid level
within the middle of the “O K” zone. (For a you.)
WTEC III selector, the display would be
“o,L,L,o,2”) 9. To exit the oil level display mode (WTEC II
6. High fluid level is reported when “O L” is
displayed, followed by “H I”. “H I” indicates l Pushbutton shift selector - press the
high fluid level and the number of quarts the R (Reverse), N (Neutral), or D (Drive)
transmission is overfilled. Example (WTEC II pushbutton.
selector): “O L, H I, 0 1” - indicates 1 quart l Lever shift selector - press the DISPLAY
of fluid past the full level. (For a WTEC III MODE pushbutton two times or move the
selector, the display would be “o,L,H,I,l .”) lever.
j 1 D%~;/Aqj!j~Ej~;
4 INCH DEEP SUMP 101.6 mm 63.5 mm 45.7 mm
(4.00 in.) (2.50 in.) (1.80 in.)
2 INCH SHALLOW SUMP 101.6 m m 73.7 m m 50.6 m m
a. Preparation. Clean all dirt from around the end 14.06 in.1 f” 0,
of the fluid fill tube before removing the dipstick. Do I7lNCH 1 STANDARD**
not allow dirt or foreign matter to enter the transmis- ‘Reference only dimension. Actual dimension determined by installation.
sion. Dirt or foreign matter in the hydraulic system “MD 3070PT has 7.00 in. oil sump.
may clog passages and cause undue transmission part
wear or sticking valves. Figure 2-1. Fluid Dipstick Markings
3. With the engine running, remove the dipstick 3. When choosing the optimum viscosity grade of
from the tube and wipe clean. fluid to use, duty cycle, preheat capabilities,
Table 2-1. Transmission Fluid Operating b. Fluid Analysis. Transmission protection and fluid
Temperature Requirements change intervals can be optimized by monitoring fluid
(Ambient Temperature Below Which Preheat Is Required) oxidation according to the tests and limits shown in
Table 2-3. Consult your local telephone directory for
Viscosity Grade Celsius Fahrenheit fluid analysis firms. To ensure consistent and accurate
OW-20* -30 -22 fluid analysis, use only one fluid analysis firm. Refer
DEXRON®-III -27 -17 to the Technician’s Guide for Automatic Transmission
SAE 10W -20 -4 Fluid, GN2055, for additional information,
SAE 15W-40 -15 5
SAE 30 0 32 Table 2-3. Fluid Oxidation Measurement Limits
SAE 40 10 50 Test Limit
* “Arctic” as defined by MIL-L-46167B Viscosity ±25% change from new fluid
Carbonyl Absorbance +0.3 A*/O. 1 mm change from
2-11. FLUID AND FILTER new fluid
CHANGE INTERVAL Total Acid Number +3.0 change from new fluid
Solids 2% by volume maximum
* A= Absorbance Units
Transmission Fluid and Filter Change Interval 1. At each fluid change, examine the drained fluid
MD Series After the first 8000 km (5000 for evidence of dirt or water. A normal amount
B 300/B 400 miles); thereafter, 40 000 km of condensation will appear in the fluid during
(On-highway) (25,000 miles) or 18 months* operation.
MD Series After first 500 hours; 2. Obvious water contamination of the transmis-
(Off-highway) thereafter, 1000 hours max, sion fluid requires inspecting and pressure test-
or 18 months* ing the cooler (heat exchanger) for leaks between
* Whichever occurs first. the water and fluid areas. Transmission fluid in
5. Install filter 1 and cover 4 assemblies into the 3. When reinstalling parts on units prior to
filter compartment. Index each filter/cover as- S/N 6510069120, lubricate and install an
sembly to the holes in the channel plate/sump. o-ring 2 on each cover 4. Install a square cut
Push the filter/cover assemblies in by hand to seal 3 on each cover 4. Lubricate filter o-ring
seat the seals. and install filters 1 onto covers 4.
6. Install six bolts 5 into each cover 4 and tighten 4. When reinstalling parts on units beginning with
them to 51-61 N•m (38-45 lb ft). S/N 6510069120, lubricate and install new
o-rings 6 and 7 on cover 5. Lubricate o-ring in-
c. Replace Filters - MD 3070PT side filter 1 and push filter onto cover 5. Install
Transmission (Figure 2-3) new gasket and align holes with those in cover 5.
V05556 J MAIN V05557
d. Refill Transmission
1. For all models except the MD 3070, and if re-
moved, inspect drain plug assembly 11
(Figure 2-2) and replace o-ring 9 or plug 10 as
required. For an MD 3070, remove and inspect
drain plug assemblies 8 and 11 (Figure 2-3)
and replace o-rings or plugs as required.
Whenever metallic particles larger than those nor-
mally found in filters are present on plug 10, the
transfer case must be disassembled to find and re- 2-14. BREATHER
pair the source of the contamination.
a. Location and Purpose. The breather is located
on top of the transmission converter housing. It serves
2. Tighten drain plugs to 25-32 N•m (18-24 lb ft) to prevent air pressure buildup within the transmission
after inspection is completed. and must be kept clean and open.
Transmission Main Press. Range Clutch Conv. Out Lube LU Clutch T-Case Main
Model/Test Engine Clutches Spec. Press. Spec.* Press. Spec Press* Qec Press. Spec. Press. Spec.
Type rpm Range Applied kPa / [psi] kPa / [psi] kPa/[psi] kPa/[psi] kPa / [psi]* kPa / [psi]
All (except 580-620 Neutral C5 1400-2000 0-40 (C5) -
MD 3070) [203-2901 [O-5.8]
- Idle
Reverse C3 C5 1400-2000 0-40 (C3 & C5) 3.5 min.
1203-2901 [O-5.8] [0.5 min.]
IC Cl c5 1300-1970 0-70 (C 1) 3.5 min.
[189-2861 [o-101 [0.5 min.]
0-40 (C5)
2C C1 C4 1300-1970 0-70 (C 1) 3.5 min.
[ 189-2861 @-101 [0.5 min.]
O-40 (C4)
MD 3070 Neutral C5 1400-2000 0-40 (C5) - 1400-2000
- Idle [203-2901 [O-5.8] [203-2901
Reverse C3 C5 1400-2000 040 (C3 & C5) 3.5 min. 1400-2000
[203-2901 [O-5.8] [0.5 min.] [203-2901
LOC C3 C6 1300-1970 0-40 (C3 & C6) 3.5 min. 130&1970
[203-2901 [O-5.8] [0.5 min.] 1203-2901
1c C1 c5 1300-1970 0-70 (Cl) 3.5 min. 1300-1970
[ 189-2861 w-101 [0.5 min.] [203-2901
0-40 (C5)
* Subtract clutch pressure from main pressure; the difference must fall within the specifications given (unless a pressure range is supplied).
Table 2-6. Main Pressure and Clutch Pressure Specifications (cont’d)
(Sump Fluid Temperature Same as in Table 2-5)
fiansmission Main Press. Range Clutch Conv. Out Lube LU Clutch r-Case Main
Model/Test Engine Clutches Spec. Press. Spec.* Press. Spec press* SPec Press. Spec. Press. Spec.
Type rpm Range Applied kPa / [psi] kPa / [psi] kPa/[psi] kPa/[psi] kPa / [psi]* kPa / [psi]
All (except 2080-2120 Neutral C5 1825-1965 0-40 (C5) 310-410 150-190
MD 3070) [265-2851 [O-5.8] [45-60] [22-281
- High Speed
Reverse C3 c5 1825-1965 0-40 (C3 & C5) 310-410 150-190
[265-2851 [O-5.8] [45-60] [22-281
1c Cl c5 1550-1690 0-70 (Cl) 310-410 150-190
1225-2451 w-101 [45-60] 122-281
040 (C5)
2C C1 C4 1550-1690 0-70 (Cl) 310-410 150-190
[225-2451 [o-101 [45-60] [22-281
0-40 (C4)
2L C1 C4 LU 111o1o-1240 0-70 (C 1) 310-410 150-190 0-60
[160-1801 [0-10] [45-601 [22-281 [0-8.7]
0-40 (C4)
3L C1 C3 LU 1100-1240 0-70 (Cl) 31WlO 150-190 0-60
[160-1801 w-101 [45-60] [22-281 [O-8.7]
040 (C3)
4L C1 C2 LU 1100-1240 0-70 (C 1) 310-410 150-190 0-60
[160-1801 w-101 [45-60] [22-281 [O-8.7]
0-70 (C2)
5L C2 C3 LU 1 loo-1240 0-70 (C2) 310-410 150-190 0-60
[160-1803 w-101 [45-601 [22-281 [O-8.71
040 (C3)
6L C2 C4 LU 1 loo-1240 0-70 (C2) 310-410 150-190 0-60
[160-1803 [O-10] [45-601 [22-281 [O-8.7]
0-40 (C4)
’ Subtract clutch pressure from main pressure; the difference must fall within the specifications given (unless a pressure range is supplied).
Table 2-6. Main Pressure and Clutch Pressure Specifications (co&d)
(Sump Fluid Temperature Same as in Table 2-5)
Transmission Main Press. Range Clutch Conv. Out Lube LU Clutch T-Case Mair
Model/Test Engine Clutches Spec. Press. Spec.* Press. Spec press* Qec Press. Spec. Press. Spec.
Type rpm Range Applied kPa / [psi] kPa / [psi] kPa/[psi] kPa/[psi] kPa / [psi]* kPa / [psi]
MD 3070 2080-2120 N e u t r a l C5 1825-1965 040 (C5) 310-410 150-190 1440-1700
- High Speed [265-2851 [O-5.8] [45-601 [22-281 [209-2471
Reverse C3 C5 1825-1965 0-40 (C3 & C5) 310-410 150-190 1440-1700
[265-2851 [O-5.8] [45-601 [22-281 [209-2471
LOC C3 C6 1550-1690 o-40 (C3 & C6) 310-410 150-190 1440-1700
[225-2451 [O-5.8] [45-601 [22-281 [209-2471
1c Cl c5 1550-1690 0-70 (C1) 310-410 150-190 1440-1700
[225-2451 w-101 [45-601 [22-281 [209-2471
0-40 (C5)
2C Cl C4 1550-1690 0-70 (Cl) 310-410 150-190 1440-1700
[225-2451 w-101 r45-601 [22-281 [209-2471
0-40 (C4)
2L Cl C4 LU 1100-1240 0-70 (C 1) 310-410 150-190 0-60 1440-1700
[ 160-1801 P-lo1 [45-601 [22-281 [0-8.7] [209-2471
0-40 (C4)
3L Cl C3 LU 1100-1240 0-70 (Cl) 31OAlO 150-190 0-60 1440-1700
[16&180] ro-101 [45-601 [22-281 [O--8.7] [209-2471
0-40 (C3)
4L Cl C2 LU 1100-1240 0-70 (Cl & C2) 310-410 150-190 0-60 1440-1700
[160-1801 N-101 [45-601 [22-281 [0-8.7] [ 209-2471
5L C2 C3 LU 1100-1240 0-70 (C2) 31OAlO 150-190 0-60 1440-1700
[ 160-1801 [0-10] [45-601 [22-281 [0-8.7] [209-2471
o-40 (C3)
6L C2 C4 LU 1100-1240 0-70 (C2) 310-410 150-190 0-60 1440-1700
[160-1801 w-101 [45-601 [22-281 [O-8.7] [209-2471
0-40 (C4)
C Subtract clutch pressure from main pressure; the difference must fall within the specifications given (unless a pressure range is supplied).
2-16. TRANSMISSION STALL TEST 7. Start the engine and let the transmission sump
warm to normal operating temperature - 71-93°C
a. Purpose (160-200°F).
1. Stall testing is performed to determine whether 8. Perform a hot check of the transmission fluid
a power complaint is due to an engine problem level and adjust as necessary.
or transmission malfunction. 9. Turn all engine accessories “OFF.”
2. Stall speed is the maximum engine rpm attain- 10. Notify everyone to stay clear of the vehicle.
able when the engine is at full throttle and
when the torque converter turbine is not mov-
ing, or “stalled.”
3. During a stall test, compare actual engine
speed at full throttle stall with established
vehicle manufacturer’s specifications.
Engine stall point data can be obtained from the
vehicle manufacturer or from the equipment dealer
or distributor.
4. Stall tests are used as troubleshooting proce- l For vehicles with engines equipped with smoke
dures only - do not perform them as general controls, skip to Paragraph e.
checks or maintenance. l For vehicles with engines not equipped with
smoke controls, go to the next NOTE.
b. Stall Testing Preparation
1. Make sure the fuel control linkage goes to full
throttle and does not stick when released. NOTE:
2. Check the engine air induction system and ex- l If Pro-Link® (J 38538) diagnostic tool is not
haust system for restrictions. available, proceed with Paragraph c.
l If Pro-Link® (J 38538) diagnostic tool is available,
3. Perform a cold check of the transmission fluid skip Paragraph c, and proceed with Paragraph d.
level and adjust as necessary.
4. Install an accurate tachometer (do not rely on c. Stall Test Procedures - Without Pro-Link®
the vehicle tachometer). 1. Apply the vehicle parking and service brakes.
5. Install a temperature gauge with the probe in
2. Shift to D (Drive).
the transmission converter-out (to cooler) line.
3. Slowly accelerate to full throttle.
4. Place the shift selector in fourth range (for a 3. With the transmission remaining in N (Neu-
pushbutton selector use D (Drive) and the ar- tral), run the engine at 1200-1500 rpm for two
row keys to select fourth). minutes to cool the fluid.
5. Once fourth range is attained, slowly acceler- 4. At the end of two minutes, record the con-
ate to full throttle. verter-out fluid temperature. Converter-out
fluid temperature should return to within the
6. When the Pro-Link® tachometer levels off,
normal operating temperature range.
record maximum rpm attained.
7. Slowly release the throttle. g. Stall Test Results
Most fluid leaks can be located and repaired by visu- 2. Operate the vehicle under normal operating
ally finding the leak and replacing or repairing the nec- conditions as directed in the kit.
essary parts. On some occasions, a fluid leak may be 3. Direct the black light toward the suspected
difficult to locate or repair. The following procedure area. The dyed fluid will appear as a brightly
may help in locating and repairing most leaks. colored path leading to the source.
d. Possible Points of Fluid Leaks
a. Finding the Leak
and Their Causes
1. Identify the fluid. Determine whether it is en- 1. Transmission mating su$aces:
gine oil, automatic transmission fluid, or hy-
draulic fluid from a specific vehicle system. l Attaching bolts not correctly tightened
l Improperly installed or damaged gasket
2. Operate the vehicle to reach normal operating
temperature and park the vehicle. After a few l Mounting face damaged
minutes look for dripping fluid to identify the 2. Housing leak:
approximate location of the leak.
l Filler pipe or plug seal damaged or missing
3. Visually check around the suspected area. In-
l Filler pipe bracket dislocated
spect all gasket mating surfaces for leaks. A
mirror is useful for finding leaks in areas that l Oil cooler connector fittings loose or
are hard to reach. damaged
4. If the leak still cannot be found, it may be neces- l Output shaft seals worn or damaged
sary to clean the suspected area with a degreaser, l Pressure port plugs loose
steam, or spray solvent. Completely clean and l Porous casting
dry the area. Operate the vehicle for several miles
at normal operating temperature and varying 3. Leak at converter end:
speeds. After operating, visually check the sus- l Converter seal damaged
pected leak area. If the leak is not located, use the l Seal lip cut (check converter hub for damage)
powder or black light and dye methods. l Garter spring missing from seal
b. Powder Method l Converter leak in weld area or o-ring seal
1. Clean the suspected area. l Porous casting
2. Apply an aerosol-type white powder, such as 4. Fluid comes out vent or fill tube:
foot powder, to the suspected area. l Over-filled - incorrect dipstick
3. Operate the vehicle under normal operating l Plugged vent
conditions. l Water or coolant in fluid - fluid will
appear milky
4. Visually inspect the suspected area and trace
the leak path over the white powder surface to l Incorrect electronic fluid level indication
the source. l Drain-back holes plugged
Figure 2-5. Output Flange and Oil Seal - MD 3000/B 300/B 400
P/N 29535534 P/N 29535692
pws) 4-2b
2. Install oil seals 4 using J 38547 and J 35921-1.
Oil Cooler Manifold 4-2c(4)
3. Install rear output yoke 5 and front output
yoke 3 by using a slide hammer or a similar Input and Output Speed 4-2c(9) or (10);
tool. Sensors 4-2c(11) or (12)
4. Apply sealant on both sides of flat washers 2. Scavenge Rump 4-2c(13)
Install flat washers 7.
Control Valve Module 4-2d
5. Install output nuts 1; tighten the nuts to 610-
815 N•m (450-600 lb ft).
,- J 35926
5-12h, q; 5-13e, f;
* We believe this source and its tools to be reliable. These tools may be available from other manufacturers. General Motors does not endorse, indicate any
preference for, or assume any responsibility for the products or tools from these firms, or for any such items that may be available from other sources.
** Kent-Moore Tool Division, 29784 Little Mack, Roseville, Michigan 48066
2. Dry all parts, except bearing assemblies, with 1. Inspect bearings for rough rotation. Replace a
compressed air. To prevent rust, lubricate bearing if its rotation is still rough after clean-
steam-cleaned parts as soon as they are dry. ing and lubrication.
2. Inspect bearings for scored, pitted, scratched,
3. Clean fluid passages by working a piece of soft
cracked, or chipped races, and for excessive
wire through the passages and flushing them
roller or ball wear. Replace the bearing if any
with mineral spirits. Dry the passages with
defects are found.
compressed air.
3. Inspect a defective bearing’s bore and mating
4. Examine parts, especially fluid passages, after shaft for grooved, burred, or galled conditions
cleaning to make certain they are entirely that indicate the bearing has been turning in the
clean. Re-clean parts if necessary. bore or on the shaft. If the damage cannot be
repaired with crocus cloth, replace the defec-
c. Cleaning Bearings
tive part.
1. Bearings that have been in service should be
4. When removing a bearing, do not apply pres-
thoroughly cleaned in volatile mineral spirits.
sure across the balls. This can cause brinelling
2. Soak particularly dirty bearings or ones filled and bearing failure.
with hardened grease in mineral spirits before 5. If a bearing must be removed or installed with-
trying to clean them. out the proper tool, press only on the race
which is adjacent to the mounting surface. If a
press is not available, carefully seat the bearing
with a drift and hammer.
f. Inspecting Cast Parts
and Machined Surfaces
1. Inspect bores for wear, scratches, grooves, and
dirt. Remove scratches and burrs with crocus
cloth. Clean the part. Replace parts that are
3. Before inspection, lubricate the bearings with deeply scratched or grooved.
transmission fluid.
2. Inspect all fluid passages for obstructions. If an
d. Keeping Bearings Clean. Ball or roller bearing obstruction is found, remove it with com-
failures are usually caused by dirt or grit in the bear- pressed air, or by working a soft wire back and
ing. Keep bearings clean during removal and installa- forth through the passage and flushing it out
tion. Observe the following rules to ensure maximum with mineral spirits.
bearing life:
3. Inspect mounting faces for nicks, burrs,
l Do not unwrap new bearings until they are scratches, and foreign matter. Remove any de-
to be installed. fects with crocus cloth or a soft stone. Clean
g. Inspecting Bushings and Thrust Washers 7. Inspect piston sealring grooves for nicks, burrs,
dents, or displaced metal that could damage
1. Inspect bushings for scores, burrs, sharp edges, the seal. Remove raised metal, sharp edges,
and evidence of overheating. Remove scores burrs, or nicks with a soft stone and crocus
with crocus cloth. Remove burrs and sharp cloth. Thoroughly clean all residue from the
edges with a scraper or knife blade. Before piston before assembly.
3. For retarder models beginning 1/98, disconnect 2. PTOs, if present, must either have the output
the transmission external harness from the driveline disconnected or be removed from the
transmission feedthrough harness, the input transmission.
speed sensor, the output speed sensor, the re-
tarder temperature sensor, the retarder valve 3. Securely support the transmission with a hoist,
body connector, and the PTO connector, if jack, or other suitable removal equipment.
present (see Figure 3-6). Disconnect the ta-
chograph drive, if used. Cover the harness con- 4. Remove all bolts, nuts, washers, spacers, and
nectors to keep out dirt. supports that attach the transmission to the
vehicle and to the engine.
Refer to Spring Data Table 7-2 for spring identifica-
tion and specifications.
MD 3070PT - V05562
For MD 3070PT transmission models, do not re- l For models without PTO, proceed to Step (1).
move yokes now. Removal is covered in Section 5-14 . For models with PTO, skip Step (1) and proceed
as part of transfer case disassembly. to Step (2).
6. Bend down edges of locktab 10, if present. Re- 1. Remove bolt 6 (Foldout 8,A), retainer 5, input
move two bolts 9 and locktab 10 or two speed sensor assembly 3, and o-ring 4 from the
bolts 31 and two washers 30, retainer plug 11, converter housing module. Skip to next NOTE.
o-ring 13, and two o-rings 12 or one bolt 29, 2. Remove bolt 22 (Foldout 8,B), retainer 21,
retainer plug 28, and o-ring 27. Discard lock- input speed sensor assembly 19, and o-ring 20
tab 10 and bolts 9. from the converter housing module.
7. Remove flange 14 or yoke 15.
8. Inspect the journal sealing area. Minimum di- l For models without retarder, proceed to Step (3).
ameter allowable is 89.78 mm (3.535 inch).
l For models with retarder (built prior to 1/98),
9. If present, remove four bolts 6 and parking skip Step (3) and proceed to Step (4).
brake assembly 5. l For models with retarder (built starting 1/98),
skip Steps (3) and (4) and proceed to Step (5).
10. If present, remove bolt 25 and harness l For MD 3070PT, proceed to f.
bracket 26.
The control module or filters may contain residual
transmission fluid.
Figure 4-4. Scavenge Pump Removal 2. For a four-inch sump, remove seven bolts 3
and twenty-five bolts 4 retaining control mod-
ule 1 to the main housing module, including
the bolts retaining the filter covers.
3. Loosen control module 1 by applying pressure
at the reinforced tabs or use jack bolts. Insert
jack bolts into the control module bolt holes
that bottom against the main housing module.
4. Remove control module assembly 1 and
gasket 2.
h. Removal of Torque Converter Module
(Figure 4-7)
1. Remove any brackets installed to prevent
torque converter movement.
l For units prior to S/N 6510165560, proceed to
Figure 4-5. Transfer Case Module Removal
Step (2).
4. Attach a hoist, making sure that lifting attach- l For units beginning with S/N 6510165560, skip
ments are placed so that the transfer case is Steps (2) and (3) and proceed to Step (4).
properly balanced. Raise the transfer case to
the mounting face of the repair stand.
2. Remove retaining ring 1 using snapring pliers
5. Secure the transfer case holding fixture to the (Figure 4-7, View A).
repair stand.
3. Thread an M6 bolt into converter end plug 2
6. Remove gasket 4 and selective shim 1. The se- and remove plug 2 and o-ring 3. Skip Steps (4)
lective shim is located inside shaft adapter 5. and (5) and proceed to Step (6).
Three converter housing retaining bolts 3 are re-
moved from inside converter housing 1. After loos-
ening the bolts, use mechanical fingers or a similar
Figure 4-6. Control Module Removal
tool to remove these bolts.
4. Keep the torque converter cover from turning
by using a heel bar, two bolts and a screwdriver
(Figure 4-7, View C). 1. Remove twenty bolts 3 that retain converter
housing 1 to main housing module 4.
5. Remove threaded plug 7 and o-ring 8 using a
¾ inch Allen socket. 2. Lift straight up on converter housing module 1,
6. Hold the turbine and turbine shaft stationary by or remove it using the same sling used for re-
using one of the methods listed below: moving the converter module.
l Insert a screwdriver into the vanes on the
3. Remove main housing gasket 2 from converter
rotating clutch module (Figure 4-7,
housing 1, or from main housing module 4.
View B).
l If the control module is in place, remove the
plug(s), if present, from the fill tube hole or NOTE:
from cooler ports before applying lockup
air pressure. Apply air pressure through the l Proceed to Step j. for units with retarder built
lockup pressure tap (Figure 4-7, View D) prior to 1/98.
and use a heel bar, screwdriver, and bolts. l Proceed to Step k. for units with retarder built
Insert the heel bar into a torque converter starting 1/98.
housing bolt hole. Insert two bolts into the
VIEW D E05568.01
2. Remove gasket 2.
3. Remove P3 carrier assembly 1 (Foldout 18) by
sliding it up over the main shaft.
m. Removal of Rear Cover Module
(Figure 4-11)
1. Remove nineteen bolts 3.
2. If used, remove the rear support bracket. Figure 4-11. Rear Cover Module Removal
Figure 4-16. Rotating Clutch Module Removal Figure 4-17. C3/C4 Clutch Module Removal
Refer to Sections 3 and 7 for general overhaul infor- 7. Remove bearing assembly 19, if replacement is
mation as follows: necessary, and star washer 20.
5-3. TORQUE CONVERTER MODULE 13. Remove and inspect stator race 25, thirteen
springs 26, and rollers 27.
a. Disassembly (Foldout 7)
14. From converter cover assembly 7, remove
1. Before disassembling the torque converter, twenty (or thirty) bolts 15 retaining lockup
note balance marks or mark a line across the clutch backplate 14 to converter cover 8.
converter cover to the pump assembly with a
scribe. These marks will ensure correct assem- 15. Remove lockup clutch backplate 14. Measure
bly of the torque converter and reduce balance the thickness of the backplate wear surface.
problems. Minimum thickness allowed is 8.58 mm
(0.338 inch).
2. Place converter assembly 4 on a flat surface
with the oil pump drive tangs downward. Sup- 16. Remove lockup clutch/damper 13 from con-
port the converter assembly on wooden blocks verter cover 8. Measure the thickness across
that keep the oil pump drive tangs from con- the lockup clutch friction surfaces. Minimum
tacting the workbench. thickness allowed is 8.05 mm (0.317 inch).
3. Remove thirty-six nuts 5 from the OD of Check for distortion of the lockup clutch fric-
torque converter cover assembly 6. tion surfaces. Maximum distortion allowed is
0.51 mm (0.020 inch). Check spline wear be-
4. Carefully separate cover assembly 6 from tween the turbine and the lockup clutch
pump assembly 32, avoiding damage to their damper. Maximum movement allowed is
sealing surfaces. 0.38 mm (0.015 inch).
1. Install stator race 25 into stator and cam as- 13. Install sealring 16 onto turbine 18 and install
sembly 28. turbine 18 into converter cover assembly 6,
aligning the balance marks, if present.
2. Install thirteen springs 26 and rollers 27 into
14. Install stator assembly 21 onto turbine 18.
stator and cam assembly 28. Be sure springs
and rollers are installed in the cam pockets as 15. Install selective shim 29, removed in Paragraph
shown in Figure 5-l. Lube the rollers. 5-3a(9), and thrust bearing 30 onto the stator.
3. Install thrust washer 24 (Foldout 7) and thrust 16. Be sure all thirty-six bolts 35 are installed into
plate 23 onto stator 28. converter pump 34 flange. If removed, install
4. Install retaining ring 22. thrust washer 33 into converter pump assembly
32. Stake thrust washer 33 into the converter.
5. Lube star washer 20, and install it on the stator. Stake at six equally-spaced locations.
17. Install sealring 31 onto converter cover 8. With go back to Paragraph 5-3a and disassemble the
balance marks or scribe mark aligned, place converter and install the correct shim at
converter pump assembly 32 over the top of Step b(15). Repeat Steps b(16)-b(23). If
converter cover assembly 6. dimension C equals the “NO STEP”
dimension, clearance is correct, go on to
18. Install four nuts 5, evenly spaced, onto four bolts Step (24).
35. Tighten the nuts to 30-35 N•m (22-26 lb ft).
19. Using a depth micrometer, measure from the 24. Install the remaining thirty-two nuts 5 onto
top of the converter hub to the thrust surface of converter pump bolts 34. Tighten all the nuts to
turbine assembly 18. This is dimension A (Fig- 30-35 N•m (22-26 lb ft).
ure 5-2).
20. Insert tool J 38548 into the converter cover and 5-4. TORQUE CONVERTER
place on a flat surface. Repeat the same mea-
surement as in Step (19). This is dimension B.
(Models Without PTO Provision)
21. Subtract dimension B from dimension A to get
dimension C. a. Disassembly (Foldout 8,A)
22. Refer to Table 5-l for correct shim selection.
1. If not previously removed, remove input
23. If dimension C does not equal the “NO STEP” speed sensor retaining bolt 6, sensor retaining
dimension of 0.08-0.35 mm (0.003-0.014 inch), bracket 5, input speed sensor assembly 3, and
For transmission models starting with S/N 6510024410,
a NEW staked bushing is used along with a NEW
gear set. You must use a NEW bushing with the
NEW gear set. The later bushing cannot be used
with the earlier gear set. Refer to Figure 5-5.
17.93 mm (0.706 in.) V01660.01 0.13 mm (0.005 in.) V02518.02
Figure 5-4a. Measuring Gear-Cavity Depth Figure 5-5. Measuring Gear Side Clearance
In The Pump Housing In The Pump Housing
Figure 5-7. Measuring Driven Gear Clearance 3. Install front support sleeve 20 using a press,
In The Pump Housing and tools J 38565 and J 35921-1.
21. If damaged, remove bearing 22 from front sup- 4. Install stiffening plate 13, if present, and wear
port assembly 15 using tool J 24171-A. plate 14 (Foldout 9,A). Secure with ten bolts 12.
Tighten the bolts to 51-61 N•m (38-45 lb ft).
22. Measure the OD of front support sleeve 20.
Minimum allowable OD is 98.83 mm 5. Install bearing 22 using a press and tools
(3.891 inch). If worn or damaged, remove front J 35922-2 and J 8092. Press bearing 22 flush to
support sleeve 20 from front support 21. 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) below the surface.
‘IN “\\E
GROUND SLEEVE 7 r~;~&.f;;~ MAX ,D -/ArPlN 17
16or17 1 51.10 mm(2.012 in.) 7/-
PIN 17
98.83 mm (3.891 in.)
16 or 17
Numbers in this illustration coincide
with callout numbers on foldout 9,A
1. Remove retaining ring 43. 12. Remove C1 retaining ring 32 and C1 clutch
pack - two backplates 29, six friction plates
2. Remove PI sun gear assembly 40. 30, and five steel reaction plates 31.
3. Inspect and measure the ID of sun gear 1 3 . Measure the thickness of each friction plate 30.
bushing 42. Maximum ID permitted is Minimum thickness allowed is 2.21 mm
68.22 mm (2.685 inch). Remove the bushing if (0.087 inch). Measure the oil groove depth and
replacement is necessary. cone of each friction plate. Minimum allowable
groove depth is 0.20 mm (0.008 inch). Maxi-
4. Remove C2 retaining ring 39. mum cone permitted is 0.40 mm (0.016 inch).
5. Remove C2 backplate 38. 14. Measure the thickness and cone of each steel
reaction plate 31. Minimum thickness allowed
6. Measure the wear surface thickness of C2
is 2.41 mm (0.095 inch). Maximum allowable
backplate 38. Minimum thickness allowed is
cone is 0.40 mm (0.016 inch).
6.25 mm (0.246 inch). Check flatness of the
backplate. Maximum allowable distortion is 15. Measure the wear surface thickness of the C1
0.45 mm (0.018 inch). backplates 29. Minimum thickness permitted is
6.25 mm (0.246 inch). Check flatness of the
7. Remove C2 clutch pack - six friction plates backplates. Maximum distortion allowed is
37 and six steel reaction plates 36. 0.15 mm (0.006 inch).
8. Measure the thickness of each friction plate 37. 16. Remove thrust bearing 15 from hub assembly 12.
Minimum thickness permitted is 2.21 mm
(0.087 inch). Measure the oil groove depth and 17. Remove retaining ring 16 and turbine shaft as-
cone of each friction plate. Minimum groove sembly 5 or 8.
depth permitted is 0.20 mm (0.008 inch). Max- 18. Inspect bushing 7 inside the end of turbine
imum cone allowed is 0.40 mm (0.016 inch). shaft 5 or 8. Measure the ID of the turbine
shaft bushing. Maximum ID allowed is
9. Measure the thickness and cone of each steel
20.19 mm (0.795 inch).
reaction plate 36. Minimum allowable thick-
ness is 2.41 mm (0.095 inch). Maximum cone 19. Remove three rotating sealrings 10.
permitted is 0.40 mm (0.016 inch).
20. Remove o-ring 4 from turbine shaft assembly 5
10. Remove C2 drive hub 35, including two thrust or 8.
bearings 34. Inspect the splines of the C2 drive
hub. Maximum spline wear permitted is
0.38 mm (0.015 inch).
J 35923-4
J 28467.347
11. To assemble the C3 backplate, when wear 5. Remove selective shim 1, if not previously re-
plates must be replaced, use six rivets 6 to fas- moved.
ten three wear plates 5 to C3 backplate 4. Use 6. Remove thrust bearing 2, if not previously re-
tool J 39354 to cold-form the rivets. Insert the moved.
rivet so the pre-formed head is below the active
surface of the wear plate. Use the cold-forming 7. Remove P3 sun gear 8 from main shaft 9.
5-12 and 5-13 and proceed to Paragraph 5-14. 11. Remove retarder control valve 94 from retarder
control body 88.
5. Slide pinion gear 18, thrust washers 17 and 20, 1. If removed, install check ball and retainer as-
and two bearings 19 from the side of P3 plane- semblies 29.
tary carrier 12. Repeat the procedure with three 2. If removed, install bearing cup 27 using bear-
remaining pinion gears. ing tool J 35922-3.
6. Measure the thickness of eight thrust washers 3. Install inner sealring 26 onto C5 clutch piston 24.
17 and 20. Minimum thickness permitted is
1.39 mm (0.054 inch). 4. Install outer sealring 25 onto C5 clutch piston
24. Lube sealrings on the piston and seal bore
e. Disassembly of Retarder Stator Assembly
areas in the retarder stator.
1. Remove o-ring 30 from stator assembly 21.
Align the tang on the back of the C5 clutch piston
with the notch for the piston tang in the retarder
stator before installing C5 clutch piston 24 into re-
tarder stator28.
l For units prior to S/N 6510064183, do Step (10),
skip Steps (11-14), and go to Step (15).
l For units beginning with S/N 6510064183, skip
Step (10) and go to Step (11).
Figure 5-16. P3 Carrier Turning Torque Effective S/N 6510044372, a different retarder valve
Check - Retarder Equipped Models spring, separator plate, retarder housing, stator,
and rotor are used. The later parts are not inter-
changeable with the earlier parts. If the parts are
interchanged, retarder capacity will be affected.
Delay bending the retainer tangs on the retainer nut Refer to SIL 28-WT-94, Rev. A.
and the installing of output oil seal 55 until final as-
sembly of the transmission.
11. Thread the J 42048 spring compressor tool into
the accumulator port as far as it will go and
still allow the handle to be aligned with the re-
NOTE: tarder valve bore. Rotate the tool counterclock-
wise to provide clear access to the retarder
Effective S/N 6510021203, a different valve plug is
valve bore.
used which does not require a signal valve. The later
valve plug is not interchangeable with the earlier 12. Install pin 44 into retarder valve 45 and insert
housing. Refer to SIL 31-WT-94. into the valve bore. Install spring 46, o-ring 47,
and plug 48. Spring 46 must remain uncom-
pressed until tool J 42048 is used to safely
9. For transmissions prior to S/N 6510021203, install compress it.
o-ring 43, signal valve 42, plug 41, and retaining
ring 40. For transmissions after S/N 6510021203, 13. Align tool J 42048 with the retarder valve bore
install valve plug 41 and retaining ring 40. and rotate the tool handle clockwise to contact
i. Installation of Wiring Harness Assembly 9. Install gasket 76, channel plate 75, gasket 74,
solenoid separator plate 73, and gasket 72.
1. If temperature sensor 68 and/or wiring harness
assembly 60 were repaired or replaced, care- 10. Install wiring harness cover 70 and four bolts 71.
fully install the temperature sensor assembly Tighten bolts to 24-29 N•m (18-21 lb ft).
into the retarder housing. Install a new o-ring 69
on the temperature sensor. Install the nut retain- 11. Install retarder control body assembly 78 and
ing the harness connector to the retarder hous- nine bolts 77 that retain it to retarder housing
ing. Tighten the nut to 10-13 N•m (7-10 lb ft). assembly 35. Tighten bolts to 24-29 N•m
(18-21 lb ft).
2. Install temperature sensor retainer 58 and
retainer bolt 59. Tighten bolt to 24-29 N•m NOTE:
(18-21 lb ft).
l For models with retarder built prior to January,
1998, proceed to Paragraph 5-16.
j. Assembly and Installation of Retarder
Control Body Assembly l For models with retarder built January, 1998 or
later, proceed to Step k of this paragraph.
1. Install retarder control valve 94, spring 92,
valve plug 89, o-ring 91, and retaining ring 90
k. Disassembly of Retarder Valve Body (Units
into retarder control body 88.
Built Starting 1/98) (Foldout 1 3 , B )
2. Install o-ring 87 and pressure tap plug 86. 1. Remove three bolts 91 and six bolts 92 that re-
Tighten plug to 10-13 N•m (7-10 lb ft). tain retarder control body assembly 67 to re-
tarder housing assembly 35 and remove control
3. If solenoid wiring harness 80 was repaired or body assembly 67.
replaced, install the nut retaining the harness
connector to solenoid cover 81. Tighten the nut 2. Remove separator plate gasket 64, solenoid
to 2.8-3.4 N•m (25-30 lb in.). separator plate 65, and separator plate
gasket 66.
4. If replaced, connect solenoid 82 to harness 80.
3. Remove plug 82, o-ring 83, valve 84, and
spring 85.
5. Lube o-rings and install gasket 95 and
solenoid 82 into solenoid mounting bore of the 4. Remove plug 80, o-ring 79, spring 78, and
retarder control body 88. valve 77.
40 14 S'a 122 li6 2580 2i4 338 362 "F
-40 -10 20 50 80 110 140 170 200 "C
Figure 5-17. Retarder Temperature Sensor Resistance vs. Temperature (Units Built Starting 1/98)
13. Remove bearing cup 46 using bearing tool 3. Remove outer sealring 25 from C5 clutch pis-
J 3940. ton 24.
5. Remove bearing cup 27 using bearing tool 3. If removed, install output shaft assembly 7 into
J 3940. P3 planetary carrier 12.
o. Assembly of Retarder Stator (Foldout 13,B) 4. Install spacer 14 and retaining ring 15.
1. If removed, install bearing cup 27 using bear-
ing tool J 35922-3. 5. Install two bearings 19 into the center of pinion
gear 18. Install thrust washers 17 and 20 in P3
2. Install inner sealring 26 onto C5 clutch planetary carrier 12. Align thrust washer tangs
piston 24. with the slots in the carrier, and retain with
them oil-soluble grease. Slide the pinion gear
3. Install outer sealring 25 onto C5 clutch
and bearing sets into the side of the P3 plane-
piston 24. Lube sealrings on the piston and seal
tary carrier between the thrust washers. Repeat
bore areas in the retarder stator.
the procedure with the three remaining pinion
Align the tang on the back of the C5 clutch piston 6. Install four pinion spindles 16 so the lower step
with the notch for the piston tang in the retarder is positioned for proper installation of indexing
stator before installing C5 clutch piston 24 into re- ring 11.
tarder stator 28.
7. Install indexing ring 11. Install retaining
4. Install C5 clutch piston 24 into retarder ring 10.
stator 28.
8. If components were replaced, check pinion end
play. Pinion end play should not exceed
0.942 mm (0.037 inch). Check all four pinion
5. Align the tab on spring retainer 23 with the 3. Install sealrings 30 and 33 onto rotor 32. Install
notch in stator housing 28. Compress retainer the rotor assembly over the output shaft.
and spring assembly 23 using piston spring
4. Install gasket 31 between stator assembly 21
compressor J 35923-2. Install retaining ring 22
and retarder housing 52. Place the retarder
so that the ends clear the tab in the spring re-
housing over the output shaft and align the
tainer and slowly release the spring force. Re-
holes of the housing with the holes of the stator
move the compressor tool.
assembly. Install two bolts 34 and bolt 59.
6. Install o-ring seal 29 on retarder stator 28. Tighten the bolts to 51-61 N•m (38-45 lb ft).
8. Support retarder housing 52 so that turning 17. Install plug 48, o-ring 49, plug 50, and
torque of P3 carrier assembly 6 can be checked washer 51. Tighten plug 48 to 60-67 N•m
after installation of bearing retainer nut 62 (44-49 lb ft). Tighten plug 50 to 60-67 N•m
(Figure 5-15). Maximum allowable drag is (44-49 lb ft).
3 N•m (26 lb in.).
r. Assembly and Installation of Retarder
Control Body Assembly
1. Install and lube o-ring 70 on connector 69.
Delay bending the retainer tangs on the retainer nut Thread connector assembly 71, attached to
and the installing of output oil seal 63 until final as- connector 69, through the bore at the top of
sembly of the transmission. valve body 86 and partially insert
connector 69, l e a v i n g r o o m t o i n s t a l l
9. Install flow valve plug 45 and retaining ring 44. solenoid 74.
10. Thread the J 42048 spring compressor tool into 2. Install and lube o-rings 75 and 76 on
the accumulator port as far as it will go and solenoid 74. Connect connector assembly 72 to
still allow the handle to be aligned with the re- solenoid 74. Place solenoid 74 into position in
tarder valve bore. Rotate the tool counterclock- the valve bore just below connector 69. Rotate
wise to provide clear access to the retarder and wiggle the solenoid while pushing down to
valve bore. seat the o-rings in their bores and to align the
solenoid groove with the hole for retaining
11. Install pin 53 into retarder valve 54 and insert pin 81.
into the valve bore. Install spring 55, o-ring 56,
and plug 57. Spring 55 must remain uncom- 3. Install retaining pin 81. Rotate the solenoid to
pressed until tool J 42048 is used to safely be below the valve body mounting face. Be
compress it. sure the wires connecting to the solenoid are
3. Install 10 mm (0.39inch) roll pin 11 (P/N11512348) 2. Place P3 carrier assembly 5 on the work table
to a height of 2.20-2.80 mm (0.087-0.110 inch) (with the output shaft up) and place rear cover
above the carrier shaft. 28 or 41 over the output shaft.
4. If removed, press bushing 7 inside the end of 3. Using installer J 35921-1 and not exceeding 10
output shaft 8 using installer J 35922-l and 230 N (2300 lbs) of force, press roller bearing
drive handle J 8092. 35 into rear cover 28 or 41, while rotating the
cover assembly.
5. If removed, install output shaft assembly 6 into
P3 planetary carrier 12. 4. Install locknut retainer 36.
6. Install spacer 14 and retaining ring 15.
7. Install two bearings 19 into the center of pinion
gear 18. Install thrust washers 17 and 20 in P3
planetary carrier 12. Align the thrust washer
tangs with the slot in the carrier and retain
them with oil-soluble grease. Slide the pinion
gear and bearing sets into the side of the P3
planetary carrier between the thrust washers.
Repeat the procedure with the three remaining
pinion gears.
8. Install four pinion spindles 16 so the lower step If later model output speed signal wheel
is positioned for proper installation of indexing P/N 29510781 was installed in Paragraph 5-13e(11),
ring 10. proceed with Step (5). Part number will be
shown on side of wheel in recessed numbers.
If earlier model output speed signal wheel
P/N 29506608 was installed in Paragraph 5-13e(11),
skip Step (5) and go to Step (6). Part number is
not shown on this part but there is a 3.0 mm x
0.8 mm raised identification feature on one end
near the gear teeth.
b. Assembly (Foldout 18, B) 11. Install C5 spring retainer 16, aligning the notch
in the housing with the tab on the retainer.
1. If removed, press bushing 7 inside carrier 5,
using installer J 38569 and drive handle 12. Place adapter housing 20 on the base of tool
J 8092. J 35923-4 with input side up.
2. Install two bearings 10 into the center of pinion 13. Install J 35923-2 along with its washer, bear-
gear 9. Install thrust washers 8 and 11 in P3 ing, and handle. Tighten the handle to com-
planetary carrier 5. Align the thrust washer press spring retainer assembly 16. Make sure
tangs with the slot in the carrier and retain that spring retainer tab indexes with the notch
them with oil-soluble grease. Slide the pinion in the housing.
gear and bearing sets into the side of the P3
planetary carrier between the thrust washers. 14. Install retaining ring 15.
Repeat the procedure with the three remaining
pinion gears. 15. Release spring force and remove tools
J 35923-2 and J 35923-4.
3. Install four pinion spindles 7 so the lower step
is positioned for proper installation of indexing
(Foldouts 14,15,16)
. .
a. Disassembly of Transfer Case Module
1. If not previously done, install transfer case as- Refer to Foldout 14,B for Steps (12) through (14).
sembly 1 on the transmission overhaul stand.
Position the transfer case so that the front out-
put is upward. Begin the transfer case disas- 12. Remove fifteen bolts 17, fastening the rear
sembly by loosening yoke nut 42 installed on transfer case 8 to the front transfer case 7.
front output housing 49. Loosen the nut by in-
stalling a large reaction tool (for leverage) and 13. Thread an eye bolt in the center of rear transfer
case 8, to lift it.
an impact wrench. Leave the nut installed on
the front output shaft. 14. Use a soft face mallet to separate the rear and
front transfer cases. Pry points at opposite ends
2. Remove fifteen bolts 45. Remove front output
of the case halves are also provided to accom-
housing 49 by lifting with a chain hoist and eye
plish separation.
bolts in output yoke 44. Remove gasket 50.
15. Lift and remove the rear transfer case; removal
3. Remove C7 clutch housing assembly 58.
of the rear transfer case exposes drive gear 19
4. Rotate the fixture so that the rear output end is (Foldout 15), idler gear 39, driven gear 80, and
upward. control valve body 29 (Foldout 16). Remove
gasket 16 (Foldout 15) and replace it during as-
16. Remove the output speed sensor and solenoid
Refer to Foldout 16 for Steps (5) through (11).
wiring harness connectors. Remove two bolts
46 and output speed sensor 45 (Foldout 16).
5. Loosen rear output yoke nut 81 by following
the same procedure explained in Step (1). 17. Remove control valve assembly 29 after re-
Leave the nut installed on the rear output shaft. moving six bolts 41 holding the control valve
body on the transfer case.
6. Remove six bolts 75 and nine bolts 82. Re-
move rear output housing 74 by lifting with a 18. Remove driven gear 80, idler gear 39, and
chain hoist and eye bolts. Remove gasket 73. drive gear 19 (Foldout 15).
7. Remove P4 carrier assembly 57. 19. Rotate the remaining assembly, front output
end upward.
8. Remove fifteen bolts 23 and two bolts 24. Re-
move C6 clutch housing assembly 17. Remove 20. Remove eight bolts 4, and then remove lube
C6 housing gasket 22. Note where the different charging pump 5.
length bolts were removed so that reassembly 21. Remove shim pack A. Shim pack A is critical
will be correct. to drive gear end play; keep the shim pack in-
9. Remove five bolts 50, holding rear idler cover tact for assembly.
49 on the transfer case. Remove rear idler 22. Remove eight b o l t s 71 a n d m a n i f o l d
cover 49, gasket 47, and o-ring 48. Use small assembly 72.
pry bars at locations provided in order to re-
move the cover. 23. Remove shim pack C and keep it intact for as-
sembly. Shim pack C is used to set up driven
10. Remove controls cover 43 after removing ten gear end play.
bolts 44. Remove gasket 42. Removing the
controls cover provides access to the control 24. Remove five bolts 22, then remove front idler
valve body 29 and its wiring. cover 23, o-ring 24, shim pack B (keeping it
26. Remove the suction hose fitting (not shown) 2. Remove C6 clutch hub 7 by lifting it out along
from the transfer case. The fitting is sealed with five C6 clutch friction plates 10, four C6
with an o-ring, and provides a pilot for the clutch steel reaction plates 11, and backplate 9.
screen which filters the fluid returning to the One steel reaction plate 11 will remain in C6
main transmission sump from the transfer case clutch housing 19. Inspect clutch hub splines
sump. Replace the filter screen during the over- for wear and damage. Replace hub if it is dam-
haul. aged.
27. Inspect bearing races 17, 37, and 78 on front 3 . Remove the remaining steel reaction plate 11
transfer case 14 for wear and damage; like- from C6 clutch housing 19.
wise, inspect bearing races 21, 41, and 82 on 4. Separate backplate 9, five friction plates 10,
rear transfer case 2 (Foldout 16). and five reaction plates 11.
28. If the bearing races must be replaced, drive 5. Inspect friction plates 10 for wear, damage,
them out by using a hammer and a drift. and the following specifications: minimum al-
lowable thickness: 3.68 mm (0.145 inch), max-
29. During the race installation, temporarily install imum cone permitted: 0.4 mm (0.016 inch),
the lube charging pump or the manifold with and minimum allowable oil groove depth:
the appropriate shim pack to locate the race in 0.20 mm (0.008 inch); if any of the above
the housing. Since the race does not have an specifications are not met, replace the part.
actual seat in the housing, locating the race
correctly is essential for proper gear end play. 6. Inspect steel reaction plates 11 for wear, dam-
age, and the following specifications: mini-
30. Reinstall the races in the housing. For the drive mum thickness allowed: 2.41 mm (0.095 inch),
and driven gear races, use special tools maximum allowable cone 0 . 4 0 m m
J 38568-l and J 35921-1. For the idler gear (0.016 inch); if any of the above specifications
race, use J 38568-2 and J 8092. is not met, replace the part.
7. Inspect backplate 9 for burrs, wear, damage,
31 Remove two lube passage plugs 33 (Foldout
15); removal of the lube plugs provides access flatness, and the following specifications: mini-
to orifice plugs 34. mum thickness 7.9 mm (0.311 inch), and max-
imum cone 0.40 mm (0.016 inch).
32. Remove two orifice plugs 34. Inspect lube ori-
8. Remove retaining ring 12 after using tool
fices for obstructions. Remove any obstruc-
J 38573 to compress the C6 piston return
spring assembly.
33. Install orifice plugs 34, and lube passage 9. Release the piston spring force, remove the
plugs 33. Tighten the orifice plugs to 12-14 N•m special tool and check sealring bores in hous-
(9-10 lb ft). Tighten lube passage plugs to ing 19 for wear, nicks, and other damage. Re-
24-29 N•m (18-21 lb ft). move spring retainer assembly 13.
34. Remove lube passage plug 25 (Foldout 16) and 10. Remove piston 14 by firmly striking the hous-
orifice plug 26. Inspect lube orifice for obstruc- ing against a flat surface. Remove sealrings 15
tions and remove any that are found. and 16 from piston 14.
12. Measure the C6 clutch housing bushing 21 by 10. Install C6 clutch hub 7 hub into the C6
using a telescope gauge and an outside mi- housing.
crometer. The maximum allowable ID is 11. Install five reaction plates 11, and five friction
36.18 mm (1.424 inch). If bushing 21 is worn
plates 10 alternately, starting with a reaction
or damaged, remove it from the C6 housing.
plate 11, and finishing with a friction plate 10.
c. Assembly of C6 Clutch (Foldout 16)
12. Install backplate 9.
1. Inspect C6 clutch housing 19 for groove wear.
Maximum allowable groove wear is 2.29 mm 13. Install retaining ring 6.
(0.090 inch). d. Disassembly of C7 Clutch (Foldout 15)
2. If removed, install bushing 21 using tools 1. Removing retaining ring 60.
J 38569 and J 8092.
2. Remove the C7 clutch hub 59 along with C7
clutch pack. The C7 clutch pack consists of
backplate 61, five friction plates 62, and five
Bearing 8 must be replaced in any MD 3070 prior to steel reaction plates 63 stacked in an altemat-
S/N 6510072173. See SIL 29-WT-96. ing order.
11. Install retaining ring 60 into C7 clutch h. Disassembly of P4 Carrier (Foldout 16)
housing 67.
1. Remove P4 sun gear 63 by lifting it out of the
f. Disassembly of Oil Pump (Foldout 15) P4 carrier assembly 56.
1. Remove pressure relief valve plug 8. 2. Remove one setscrew 58 by using an Allen
wrench or socket.
2. Remove spring 7, and then remove pressure re-
lief valve 6. 3. Push spindle 59 out from the P4 carrier.
4. Apply a generous amount of lube to the inside 2. If removed, install bearing 18 on drive gear 39
bore of each pinion gear. Install needle bear- using tool J 38579-l and press. Repeat the
ings 60 into each of three pinions 61. Use the same procedure to install bearing 20 on drive
spindle to make sure that the needle bearings gear 39, or bearings 79 and 81 on driven
are properly aligned. gear 80.
5. Install pinion 61 and needle bearing 60 assem- 3. If removed, install bearing 38 on gear 39 using
bly into P4 carrier 57 with bottom thrust tool J 38579-2 and appropriate press. Repeat
washer 62 already in place. the same procedure to install bearing 40 on
gear 39.
6. Install upper thrust washer 62, aligning the
washer indexing tab with the notch in P4 car- 1. Disassembly of the Front Output Housing and
rier 57. Front Output Shaft (Foldout 15)
7. Inspect spindle 59 for wear and damage. Make 1. Remove front output yoke nut 42 and
sure that the fluid holes are free of obstruc- washer 43.
2. Press front output shaft 57 out of front output
8. Install spindle 59 into P4 carrier 57, aligning housing 49, and remove front output yoke 44.
the setscrew pilot on the spindle with the hole
3. Remove output seal 46 by using a hammer and
in the housing.
a chisel or tool J 24171-A. Be careful not to
9. Install one of three setscrews 58, and tighten to damage the seal bore area.
25-35 N•m (18-26 lb ft). Swage set screw
4. Remove output shaft bearing 47.
bore, using a chisel and a hammer.
10. Repeat Steps (6) through (9) to install the re- 5. Inspect bearing races 48 and 55 for pitting,
scoring, and damage. If the bearing race(s)
maining two pinion gears 61.
needs replacement, remove it by using a ham-
11. Install sun gear 63 into P4 carrier assembly 57. mer and a drift or a hammer and tool J 3940.
j. Disassembly of Drive, Idler, and Driven Gears 6. Remove shims 51, 52, or 53, and output bear-
(Foldout 15) ing spacer 54 from output shaft 57.
1. Inspect bearings 18, 20, 38,40, 79, and 81 per 7. If bearing 56 on output shaft 57 is damaged,
guidelines explained in Paragraph 3-5e. If any remove bearing 56. To remove bearing 56, in-
of bearings 18 and 20 installed on drive gear stall a split bearing puller on the bearing, and
8. Place output yoke 44 on a press table. 0. Assembly of the Rear Output Housing
(Foldout 16)
9. Position output housing 49 on the yoke.
1. Inspect rear output housing 74 for scoring and
10. Place bearing spacer 54 and shims 51, 52, or burrs.
53 on output shaft 57; the number of shims
could be one or more. 2. If removed, install bearing races 76 and 68 into
rear output housing 74 by using tool J 3940 or
11 Install output shaft 57 into front output a hammer and a drift.
housing 49 through bearing 47, output seal 46,
and into yoke 44. Once all the components are 3. Position bearing 77 into the output housing.
properly aligned, press shaft 57. Rotate hous-
ing 49 during this procedure to help the shaft 4. Install output seal 78 into the output housing
and its related components seat properly. by using tool J 38547 and J 35921-1.
12. Install output washer 43 and output nut 42. 5. Inspect output yoke 79 seal area for nicks, burrs,
and damage. Measure yoke seal surface; mini-
13. Perform the bearing preload procedure as ex- mum allowable seal journal OD is 76.20 mm
plained in Paragraph 5-15p which uses the (3.00 inch). If the yoke does not meet the re-
rear output housing as an example. quired specification, replace the yoke.
9. If removed, install new bearing 67 on output 12. If the indicator readings are not within the spec-
shaft 66. To install bearing 67, use tool ified limits, add or remove shims and check pre-
J 38579-2. Position the bearing and tool load again. End play must be 0.025-0.127 mm
J 38579-2 on the press table, and then carefully (0.001-0.005 inch).
press output shaft 66 into the bearing until it is
13. If the indicator readings are within the speci-
fully seated.
fied limits, coat both sides of washer 80 with
10. Install bearing spacer 69, and shims 70, 71, or sealant and install the washer. Repeat Step (5)
72 onto output shaft 66. from above.
11. Press rear output shaft 66 into the output hous- q. Disassembly of C7 Control Valve Body
ing passing through bearing 77, output seal 78, (Foldout 16)
and yoke 79, making sure that the output hous-
ing spins freely. 1. Begin C7 valve body disassembly by removing
pins 34 and 40 securing the C7 signal valve so-
12. Install washer 80 and output nut 81 but do not lenoid 35 and C7 control valve 31 in body 30.
tighten. Remove the pins by driving them out from the
13. Place P4 ring gear 65 in housing 74. top toward the bottom (machined face).
14. Install retaining ring 64. 2. Remove stop 33, spring 32, and valve 31 from
body 30.
15. Follow bearing preload procedure explained in
Paragraph 5-15p. 3. Remove solenoid 35 and o-rings 36 and 37.
p. Output Housing Bearing Preload Procedure 4. Remove solenoid regulator valve 38.
1. Install rear output housing 74 (Foldout 16) on
5. Check the valves and bores for wear, scoring,
the rear transfer case half 2.
and damage.
2. Remove output yoke nut 8 1.
r. Assembly of C7 Control Valve
3. Install washer 80 on the output shaft after coat- Body Assembly (Foldout 16)
ing both sides with sealant.
1. Insert solenoid regulator valve 38 in the bore of
4. Lube the threads on the output shaft. body 30 and inspect for smooth movement.
5. Install output nut 8 1 and tighten it to 610-815 N•m
2. Inspect solenoid filter screen for damage or de-
(450-600 lb ft).
6. Install a dial indicator to read up and down
3. Replace solenoid o-rings 36 and 37 during
shaft movements.
7. You may need to place a shim or a smooth
washer on the output shaft to get true readings. 4. Insert solenoid 35 into valve body 30.
8. Bottom the output shaft by applying downward 5. Insert valve 31, followed by spring 32 and
force while slightly rotating the output yoke. valve stop 33.
9. The shaft is bottomed when the dial indicator 6. Push in on stop 33 to compress spring 32 and
shows no more down movement. Zero the dial insert a small cylindrical punch through the top
indicator at this point. hole in body 30 to hold these parts in position.
60. Install idler cover 23, and tap it lightly for in-
66. Install four bolts 32 and tighten them to 5-8 N•m 77. Reconnect main wiring harness connector 31
(4-6 lb ft). to speed sensor 45 (Foldout 16) and solenoid
35, making sure that each connector locks in
67. Install a new o-ring 2 (Figure 5-19) on suction place.
hose fitting 3. Lube the o-ring.
78. Install a new control cover gasket 42.
68. Lube the metal boss of filter screen 1 and posi-
tion it in fitting 3. 79. Install control cover 43.
80. Install ten bolts 44, and tighten them to 24-29 N•m
69. Carefully thread the fitting into the transfer
(18-21 lb ft).
81. If not previously done, remove test fixtures
70. Tighten the jam nut on fitting 3 to 100-120 N•m which were installed during drive and driven
(74-89 lb ft). gear bearing preload.
71. Install C7 clutch assembly 58 (Foldout 15) into 82. Position P4 carrier assembly 56 on the transfer
the transfer case. case.
72. Install guide pins in two front output housing 83. Install two guide bolts to facilitate installation
bolt holes. of rear output housing 74.
73. Install a new output housing gasket 50. 84. Install a new gasket 73.
74. Position front output housing 49 on the transfer 85. Carefully install rear output housing assembly
case. 74 onto the transfer case.
91. Perform selective shim measurement before in- 2. Remove bolt 5 and two bolts 7. Remove suc-
stalling transfer case into the main transmis- tion housing 4, seal 6, suction filter assembly
sion as explained in Paragraph 6-21. 3, and gasket 2. Clean suction filter 3 and dis-
card it, if damaged.
3. If not previously removed, remove two filter
5-16. CONTROL VALVE MODULE covers 183 (Foldout 17,B), two gaskets 184,
(Foldouts I7,A; 17,B; and 17,C) two o-rings 185, two o-rings 186, and two fil-
ters 187.
4. Remove bolt 8 and two bolts 10. Remove suc-
tion housing 7, seal 9, suction filter
assembly 6, and gasket 5. Clean suction filter 6
and discard it, if damaged.
b. Removal of Electrical
Components and Sensors
Refer to Troubleshooting Manual TS2470EN
(WTEC II Controls) or TS2973EN (WTEC III
Controls) for inspection and repair procedures.
l For units prior to S/N 6510032369, proceed to
Step (1).
l For units with S/Ns between 6510032369 and
NOTE: 6510096670, skip Steps (1)-(4) and proceed to
Step (5).
The following SILs affect the control module and l For units beginning with S/N 6510096671, skip
should be consulted for detail service and parts in- Steps (1)-(8) and proceed to Step (9).
27-WT-93 - 1991-1992 Controls Differences and 1. Remove four bolts 9 (Foldout 17,A) and wiring
Serviceability harness cover plate 8.
9-WT-96 - Filter Cover Seal Change
7-WT-98 - TransID 2. Disconnect all connectors. Remove three
bolts 10 and internal harness assembly 11.
C6 control valve body is only in MD 3070PT trans-
Solenoid retention pins 61,81, and 125 must be re- mission models.
moved from the BOTTOM of the solenoid bodies.
Note the grooved end of pin for positive retention.
1. Remove five bolts 84 to remove C6 valve body
cover plate 85.
3. Remove three solenoid retention pins 61 from
bottom of solenoid body. 2. Remove C6 valve body cover plate 84.
J 35924 after turning handle counter-clockwise Figure 5-20. Use of Tool to Release Main-Pressure
to release spring force. Valve Spring Force
2. Remove drain plug 163 and o-ring 164 or drain 11. Install main regulator valve 118, spring 119,
plug 174 and o-ring 175. and stop 120.
3. Remove eight pressure tap plug assemblies 12. Install spring compressor J 35924 (Figure 5-20).
165 with o-ring 166 or nine plugs 171 with Compress spring 119, install valve retention
o-ring 172. pin 117, and remove J 35924 after turning han-
dle counter-clockwise until the tool clears pin
4. Remove o-rings from all plugs.
h. Assembly of the Channel Plate
13. Install lube regulator valve 114, spring 115,
1. Install new o-rings on all plugs. and stop 116.
2. Install eight pressure tap plugs 165 or nine plugs 14. Install valve retention pin 113.
171. Tighten plugs to 10-13 N•m (7-10 lb ft).
15. Install lockup relay valve 110, spring 111, and
stop 112.
16. Install valve retention pin 109.
A new, longer drain plug is available for improved
clamp load distribution and as a repair for channel 17. Install o-rings 127 and 128 on solenoid 126
plates with damaged threads. See SIL 5-WT-98 for and install solenoid.
18. Install solenoid retention pin 125 from bottom
of main valve body assembly.
3. Install drain plug 163 or 174. Tighten plug to
25-32 N•m (18-24 lb ft). 19. Install indexing pin 130, if removed.
4. If removed, install two pins 161 or 169. 20. Install main valve body assembly 108 and two
bolts 106 until finger tight.
5. Install gasket 158, separator plate 157, and
gasket 156. 21. Install solenoid separator plate 107.
1. Install converter regulator valve 144, 1. Insert interlock valve 102 in the bore and check
spring 145, and stop 146. it for free movement. After ensuring that
valve 102 moves freely, install spring 103.
2. Install valve retention pin 143.
2. Inspect solenoid filter screen 96, if present, for
3. Install C1 latching valve 140, spring 141, and debris and damage. Replace it if necessary.
stop 142.
3. Install new o-rings 100 and 101 on interlock
4. Install valve retention pin 139.
valve solenoid 99, and install the solenoid.
5. Install exhaust-back valve 136, spring 137, and
4. Insert regulator valve 89 in the bore and check
stop 138.
it for free movement. After ensuring that
6. Install valve retention pin 135. valve 89 moves freely, install spring 88.
7. Install C2 latch valve 132, spring 133, and 5. Install new o-rings 91 and 92 on regulator
stop 134. valve solenoid 90.
8. Install valve retention pin 131. 6. Install regulator valve solenoid 90 in its bore.
4. Install pressure switch assembly 48 and two 9. Install feedthrough harness assembly 14 (Fold-
bolts 52. Tighten bolts to 5-8 N•m (4-6 lb ft). out 17,B) and three bolts 13. Tighten bolts to
2-3 N•m (18-27 lb in.).
5. Install seal 46.
10. If present, install oil level assembly 156 and
6. Install rotating clutch solenoid body two bolts 155. Tighten bolts to l0-13 N•m
assembly 47 and three bolts 45. Tighten bolts (7-10 lb ft).
45 to 10-13 N•m (7-10 lb ft).
11. Reconnect all connectors.
7. Install oil level sensor assembly 148 and
two bolts 147. Tighten bolts to l0-13 N•m 12. Install wiring harness cover plate 12 and four
(7-10 lb ft). bolts 11. Tighten bolts finger tight.
All parts must be cleaned and lubricated before
Figure 6-1. P2 Planetary Module and
a. Assembly of C3/C4 Clutch C5 Clutch Installation
3. Mesh the P1 pinion gears with the P1 ring gear Figure 6-4. P1 Planetary Module Installation
inside the C3/C4 clutch assembly.
e. Installation of the P2 Planetary Module
(Figure 6-5)
1. Install P2 planetary module 1 - consisting of
the P2 carrier and the P3 ring gear.
2. Mesh the P2 pinions with the P2 ring gear dur-
ing installation.
f. Installation of the C5 Clutch Pack (Figure 6-5).
Install the C5 clutch pack in the main housing - eight
steel reaction plates 2 and seven friction plates 3,
stacked alternately, starting with a steel reaction plate.
Stack all plates so plate cone faces the same direction.
Steel plates mesh with the main housing and reaction
plates mesh with the P3 ring gear.
g. Installation of the Main Shaft (Figure 6-6). In- Figure 6-5. P2 Planetary Module and
stall main shaft 1 as assembled in Section 5, without C5 Clutch Installation
selective shim 2 and thrust bearing 3 (does not apply
to MD 3070PT models).
1. Place a straight edge across the retarder mount- 5. Measure dimension D, from top of the straight
ing surface of the main housing. edge to the retarder mounting gasket.
6. Measure dimension E, from top of the straight
2. Measure dimension A, from top of the straight
edge to the thrust bearing contact surface on
edge to the selective shim thrust surface on the
the P3 planetary carrier. Subtract dimension E
main shaft bearing spacer. from dimension D - the remainder is dimen-
3. Measure dimension B, thickness of straight sion F.
edge. Subtract dimension B from dimension A 7. Dimension G is the remainder of C minus F
- the remainder is dimension C. and determines the thickness of the selective
4. Place the retarder module output end down
(facing the bench top). Install an uncom- 8. Install the proper thickness selective shim and
pressed gasket on the retarder mounting sur- the thrust bearing.
- / l-
t t
0.244 in.
mm 29503231 6 NOTCHES
6.463 mm
29503232 7 NOTCHES
0.254 in. E00211.05
Figure 6-7. Main Shaft Selective Shim Measurement With Retarder Module - MD 3060/MD 3066/B 300/B 400
7 DIM. E1
;‘;;;-‘f; .z”
. . 29503220 3 NOTCHES
;;yz;; .Em
. . 29503221 4 NOTCHES
;;;z;; .I”
. . 29503222 5 NOTCHES
;;;z;i; .1”
. . 29503223 6 NOTCHES
6.194-6.463 mm
0.245-0.254 in. 29503224 7 NOTCHES
Figure 6-8. Main Shaft Selective Shim Measurement With Rear Cover Module
I 17
l Proceed to Step k. for units with retarder built
prior to 1/98.
• Proceed to Step 1. for units with retarder built
starting 1/98. BOLT(6),M12 x1.75xlWm
5. Retighten spanner nut 62 (Foldout 13,B) to n. Installation of Transfer Case Adapter Housing
74-88 N•m (55-65 lb ft). If only one tang is (Figure 6-13)
aligned with a bearing retainer nut slot, con- 1. Install a new adapter housing gasket 2.
tinue to torque the bearing retainer nut (but do
not exceed the tightening torque or drag torque 2. Inspect adapter housing 3 for cracks, nicks, or
limits) until two or more tangs can be bent up burrs. Remove the burrs and nicks with crocus
into slots on the bearing retainer nut. cloth or light stone.
3. Install adapter housing 3 by installing fifteen
NOTE: bolts 8 and three bolts 5. Torque to 90-110 N•m
(66-81 lb ft).
DO NOT reuse a tang once it has been bent. Replace
locknut retainer 61, if necessary. 4. Install three bolts 6, two bolts 7, and four bolts
4. Torque them to 51-61 N•m (38-45 lb ft).
6. Install output shaft oil seal 63 using tool o. Installation of Transfer Case Module
J 39928. (Figure 6-14)
1. Install a NEW gasket 4.
m. Installation of Rear Cover Module
(Figure 6-12) 2. Be sure that selective shim 1 is located inside
shaft adapter 5.
1. Install a NEW rear cover gasket 1 on main 3. Mount J 38572 on transfer case 3.
housing 4.
8. Torque bolts 2 and bolt 7 to 51-61 N•m 3. Lower converter housing 1 onto main
(38-45 lb ft). housing 4. If the transmission is PTO
equipped, rotate the PTO drive gear to align
p. Installation of the Converter Housing Module the gear tangs with the charging pump.
(Figure 6-15)
4. Install three bolts 3 into the inside of converter
1. Place transmission input end up. Install a new housing 1. Use mechanical fingers, or a similar
converter housing gasket 2 on main housing tool, when installing these bolts.
module 4.
5. Remove the two guide bolts and install the re-
maining seventeen bolts 3. Tighten all bolts to
62-72 N•m (46-53 lb ft).
Figure 6-14. Transfer Case Module Installation Figure 6-15. Converter Housing Module Installation
J 38548
VIEW C EO5623.01
Figure 6-16. Torque Converter Module Installation and Selective Shim Measurement
4. Ensure the torque converter is properly seated. 9. Install selective shim 5 with the shim step side
If PTO equipped, rotate the PTO gear to en- toward the turbine shaft. Install bolt 4, con-
gage the pump hub with the charging pump. verter bolt tightening tool J 38564, and retain-
Proceed with the selective shim measurement. ing ring 1 (Figure 6-16, View A).
5. Hold the turbine and turbine shaft stationary by 10. Prevent turbine shaft rotation as in Step (5).
using one of the methods listed below: Tighten bolt 4 to 100-120 N•m (74-89 lb ft).
l Insert a screwdriver into the vanes on the
11. If present, remove retaining ring 1 and tool
rotating clutch module (Figure 6-16,
J 38564. Install o-ring 3 on converter end
View B).
plug 2. Install the end plug. Aligning retaining
l If the control module is in place, remove the ring 1 so that the sharp edge faces outward, in-
plug(s), if present, from the fill tube hole or stall the retaining ring.
from cooler ports before applying lockup
air pressure. Apply air pressure through the 12. Install selective shim 5 with the shim step side
lockup pressure tap (Figure 4-7, View D) toward the turbine shaft. Install bolt 4 and con-
and use a heel bar, screwdriver, and bolts. verter bolt tightening tool J 38564 (Figure 6-17,
Insert the heel bar into a torque converter View A).
housing bolt hole. Insert two bolts into the
flexplate adapter bolt holes. Then place a 13. Prevent turbine shaft rotation as in Step (5).
Tighten bolt 4 to 100-120 N•m (74-89 lb ft).
screwdriver at an angle to prevent converter
rotation (Figure 6-16, View C). 14. Remove tool J 38564. Install o-ring 8 on
6. Install converter end play gauge J 38548 threaded converter end plug 7. Use a 3/4 inch
and tighten the attaching bolt to 27-34 N•m Allen socket to install end plug 7 and tighten it
(20-25 lb ft). to 50-60 N•m (37-44 lb ft).
l For units prior to S/N 6510165560, proceed to
Step (9).
l For units beginning with S/N 6510165560, skip
2. Install a new control module gasket 2 over the
Steps (9-11) and proceed to Step (12). dowel pins on control module 1.
l For models without retarder, proceed to Step (1).
l For models with retarder, skip Steps(l)-(5) and
proceed to Step (6).
1. Install two M10 guide bolts at rear of main hous-
ing where cooler housing attaches. Slide gasket 5
V05614 and cooler housing 7 onto the guide bolts. Be
sure the housing and gasket are properly aligned.
Figure 6-17. Control Module Installation
2. Install nine bolts 15 and nine washers 16 (two
3. Guide control module 1 onto the main housing will replace the guide bolts) which fasten the
using the dowel pins. Install one bolt 176 cooler housing to the main housing. Tighten
(Foldout 17,A) in the top center bolt hole. the bolts to 51-61 N•m (3845 lb ft).
3. Install plate assembly 27 with four lubed
NOTE: o-rings 28 in place. Push the plate assembly in
until the o-rings are seated in their mating
Main and lube filters are interchangeable. However,
bores in the cooler housing.
the filters for a two inch sump are a different length
than those for a four inch sump. The filters in the 4. Install two o-rings 26. Install two guide bolts at
seven inch sump are the same as in the two inch sump. rear of cooler housing where cover 23 attaches.
Slide gasket 22 and cover 23 into position over
the guide bolts.
NOTE: 5. Install two bolts 24 and seventeen bolts 25 (two
l For units prior to S/N 6510032369, proceed to will replace the guide bolts). Tighten the two
Step (4). bolts 24 to 90-110 N•m (66-81 lb ft) and the
l For units starting with S/N 6510032369, and seventeen bolts 25 to 51-61 N•m (38-45 lb ft).
later, skip Step (4) and go to Step (5). 6. Install two M10 guide bolts at rear of retarder
housing where cooler housing attaches. Slide
4. Install two square cut seals 179 (Foldout gasket 6 and cooler housing 7 onto the guide
17,A), two o-rings 180, two filters 181, and bolts. Be sure the housing and gasket are prop-
two filter covers 178. Install remaining erly aligned.
7. Install bolt 12, washer 11, six bolts 15 and six bolts 24 to 90-110 N•m (66-81 lb ft) and the
washers 16 which fasten the cooler housing to the seventeen bolts 25 to 51-61 N•m (38-45 lb ft).
retarder housing. Tighten the bolts to 51-61 N•m
(38-45 lb ft). Install three bolts 13 and three u. Installation of Speed Sensors
washers 14. Tighten the three bolts 13 to
l00-120 N•m (74-88 lb ft).
8. Install plate assembly 27 with four lubed l For models without retarder, proceed to Step (1).
o-rings 28 in place. Push the plate assembly in l For models with retarder (built prior to l/98),
until the o-rings are seated in their mating skip Step (1) and proceed to Step (2).
bores in the cooler housing.
l For models with retarder (built starting l/98),
9. Install two o-rings 26. Install two guide bolts at skip Steps (1) and (2) and proceed to Step (3).
rear of cooler housing where cover 23 attaches.
Slide gasket 22 and cover 23 into position over 1. Install output speed sensor assembly 29 (Fold-
the guide bolts. out 13,C), o-ring 30, retainer 31, and bolt 32
into the rear cover assembly 21. Tighten
10. Install two bolts 24 and seventeen bolts 25 (two bolt 32 to 24-29 N•m (18-21 lb ft). Skip to
will replace the guide bolts). Tighten the two next NOTE.
MD/B300/B400 MD 3070PT
* Individual Springs
** For the complete Spring Assembly
Table 7-2. Spring Data (cont'd)
Spring Approx. Free
Length Under Load
Color No. Wire Dia. OD Length
Foldout Ref. Spring Part No. Code Coils mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.) N (lb) min.
13,A 92 Retarder Control 29510495 Solid Silver 7.5 1.40 15.09 30.8 18.0 32.5-35.9
Medium, 36 psi (0.055) (0.594) (1.21) (0.71) (7.3-8.05)
13,A 92 Retarder Control 29510496 Solid Blue 8 1.14 14.59 36.0 18.0 19.8-21.9
High, 45 psi (0.045) (0.574) (1.42) (0.7 1) (4.5-4.9)
13,B 78 Retarder Control 29529300 White/ 8.52 1.27 13.46 33.02 16.51 34.22-37.86
Low, 54 psi Black Stripe (0.050) (0.530) (1.30) (0.650) (7.69-8.51)
13,B 78 Retarder Control 29529299 Yellow/ 9.25 1.04 12.19 37.8 16.51 23.44-25.94
Medium, 64 psi Red Stripe (0.04 1) (0.480) (1.49) (0.650) (5.27-5.83)
13,B 78 Retarder Control 29529298 Pink/ 8.23 0.94 12.19 31.47 16.51 9.39-10.37
High, 76 psi White Ends (0.037) (0.480) (1.24) (0.650) (2.1 l-2.33)
13$/l 8,B 23/l 6 C5 Retainer 29500867 No Code 11.5* 2.16* 16.00* 52.1** 33.0 3034-3498*‘”
(0.085) (0.630) (2.05) (1.30) (682.1-786.4)
16 13 C6 Spring Retainer 29501191 No 10 1.84 12.70 35.10 26.20 2109-
Code 2331**
Assembly (0.072) (0.500) (1.382) (1.032)
17,A 53,79, Solenoid Regulator 29502195 No Code 4 0.67 11.05 t 6.5 3.45 3.2-4.2
88,103 (0.026) (0.435) (0.26) (0.14) (0.72-0.94)
17,B 60,75 Solenoid Regulator 29502195 No Code 4 0.67 11.05 t 6.5 3.45 3.2-4.2
84,109 (0.026) (0.435) (0.26) (0.14) (0.72-0.94)
17,C 61,76 Solenoid Regulator 29502195 No Code 4 0.67 11.05 t 6.5 3.45 3.2-4.2
89,110 (0.026) (0.435) (0.26) (0.14) (0.72-0.94)
17+4/l 7,B 65/96 Accumulator Relay 29507455 Silver 12.8 1.28 11.68 43.6 20.0 47.3-52.3
17,C 97 (0.050) (0.460) (1.72) (0.79) (10.6-11.8)
17,A/17,B 73/103 Overdrive 23049332 Orange 12 0.76 7.75 26.6 12.5 12.4-15.2
17,C 104 (0.030) (0.305) (1.05) (0.49) (2.79-3.42)
* Individual Springs
-4 ** For the complete Spring Assembly
L t OD at larger end
Table 7-2. Spring Data (cont’d)
Spring Approx. Free
Length Under Load
Color No. Wire Dia. OD Length
Foldout Ref. Spring Part No. Code Coils mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.) N (lb) min.
17,A/17,B 111/119 Lockup Relay 23049326 No Code 10 1.37 14.10 42.1 17.0 49.2-60.2
17,C 120 (0.054) (0.555) (1.66) (0.67) (11.06-13.53)
17,A/17,B 5/123 Lube Regulator 23049327 Red 13 1.22 11.10 46.3 23.5 46.5-51.3
17,C 124 (0.048) (0.437) (1.82) (0.93) (10.5-11.5)
17,A/17,B 119/127 Main Regulator 29500963 Lt. Blue 15 2.87 22.0 98.5 54.6 305-337
17,C 128 (0.113) (0.866) (3.88) (2.15) (68.G75.8)
17,A/17,B 123/131 Control Main 23049325 Orange 10 1.83 14.8 44.6 24.2 131-145
8-1. OWNER ASSISTANCE Step Two - If your problem cannot be readily re-
solved at the distributor level without additional assis-
The satisfaction and goodwill of the owners of Allison tance, contact the Allison Transmission Regional
transmissions are of primary concern to Allison Trans- Office responsible for your local distributor (see
mission Division (ATD), its distributors, and their maps in Warranty Manual). You will be assisted by a
dealers. member of the Regional Service Manager’s staff.
As an owner of an Allison transmission, you have ser- For prompt assistance, please have the following infor-
vice locations throughout the world eager to meet your mation available.
parts and service needs with:
Name and location of authorized distributor
l Expert service by trained personnel or dealer
l Emergency service 24 hours a day in many Type and make of equipment
Transmission model number, serial number,
l Complete parts support
and assembly number - if equipped with
l Sales teams to help determine your trans- electronic controls, also provide the ECU
mission requirements assembly number
Normally, any situation that arises in connection with Step Three - If you contacted a regional office and
the sale, operation, or service of your transmission will you are still not satisfied, present the entire matter in
be handled by the distributor or dealer in your area. writing or by phone to the Home Office:
(Check the telephone directory for the Allison Trans-
mission service outlet nearest you.) Manager Warranty Administration - PF9
Allison Transmission
We recognize, however, that despite the best intentions P. O. Box 894
of all concerned, misunderstandings may occur. To Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-0894
further assure your complete satisfaction, we have de- Phone: (317) 242-3538
veloped the following three-step procedure in the
event you have a problem that has not been handled The inclusion of all pertinent information will assist
satisfactorily. the Home Office in expediting the matter. If an addi-
tional review by the Home Office of all the facts in-
Step One - Discuss your problem with a member volved indicates that some further action can be taken,
of management from the distributorship or dealer- the Regional Office will be advised.
ship. Complaints are frequently the result of a break-
down in communication and can be quickly resolved When contacting the Regional or Home Office, please
by a member of management. If you have already dis- keep in mind that ultimately your problem will likely
cussed the problem with the Sales or Service Manager, be resolved at the distributorship or dealership - us-
contact the General Manager. All ATD dealers are as- ing their facilities, equipment, and personnel. There-
sociated with an ATD distributor. If your problems fore, we suggest you follow the above steps, in se-
originate with a dealer, explain the matter to a distribu- quence, when experiencing a problem.
torship member of management with whom the dealer
has his service agreement. The dealer will provide his Your purchase of an Allison Transmission product is
ATD distributor’s name, address, and telephone num- greatly appreciated, and it is our sincere desire to as-
ber on request. sure complete satisfaction.
8-2. SERVICE LITERATURE maximum performance and service life from your
transmission, you may order publications from:
Additional service literature is available. This service SGI, Inc.
literature provides fully illustrated instructions for Attn: Allison Literature Fulfillment Desk
operation, maintenance, service, overhaul, and parts 8350 Allison Avenue
support for your transmission. To ensure that you get Indianapolis, IN 46268
Toll Free: 888-666-5799
International: 317-47l-4995