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SC Common Reporting (Comrep) Portal User Manual

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SC Common Reporting (ComRep) Portal

User Manual

1. Introduction
1.1 Overview of ComRep portal: brief overview and explanation on
ComRep objectives, features and user roles …………………………………………………………………. 3

2. Get Started
2.1 Browser requirement……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
2.2 Access the ComRep Portal………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
2.3 First time Sign-In…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
2.4 Password criteria…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
2.5 Forget password……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
2.6 Access locked………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

3. User assignment

3.1 Example of user assignment…………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

3.2 User’s role summary………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
4. Submission process flow…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10

5. Understanding ComRep User Interface

5.1 Main page……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

5.2 Edit entity details…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
5.3 User management…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
5.4 Filing management…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12

Functionality and portal navigation by user roles

6. Super Admin.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
7. Maker.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20
8. Approver.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
9. Viewer.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 27

10. FAQ: Brief explanation on some frequently asked questions………………………………………….. 30

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview of ComRep Portal

ComRep Portal is a unified digital information reporting and disclosure

system for Malaysian Capital Market. It is a web-based system for reports
submission in the form of XBRL instance documents to promote efficient
data capture, dissemination and market transparency.

2. Get started

2.1 Minimum system requirement

2.1.1 Browser: Latest release (or 1 version early) of IE, Firefox and Chrome
2.1.2 JavaScript: Must be enabled in the browser in order for the site to

2.2 Accessing the ComRep Portal

2.2.1 Follow the link below to launch the ComRep Portal.

2.2.2 Enter the username and password provided and click ‘Sign-In’ to

2.3 First time Sign-In

A newly registered user will receive an email from

[email protected] containing a username and a temporary

2.3.1 Enter the username and temporary password provided to continue

2.3.2 You will be directed to a new page for you to change password
2.3.3 You will be redirected back to the Sign-In page upon successfully
changing your password
2.3.4 Enter the username and new password to continue.

2.4 Password criteria

Please ensure the password is following these criteria:

2.4.1 Password must be between 8-14 characters

2.4.2 Password should at least contain:
a. 1 Alphabet
b. 1 Upper Case Alphabet
c. 1 Lower Case Alphabet
d. 1 Numeric (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
e. Special Character (.,!@#$%^*()_+|~-)

2.5 Forget password

You can reset your password through ComRep portal.

2.5.1 Click ‘Forgot Password’ on the Sign-In page

2.5.2 Enter your username and click ‘Submit’
2.5.3 You will receive an email with a temporary password
2.5.4 Enter the username and temporary password provided to continue
2.5.5 You will be directed to a new page for you to change password
2.5.6 You will be redirected back to the Login page upon successfully
changing your password
2.5.7 Enter the username and new password to continue.

2.6 Access locked
User who entered wrong credential into the portal more than 3 times will
be locked.

2.6.1 Click the ‘Unlock’ on the Sign-In page

2.6.2 Enter your username and click ‘Submit’
2.6.3 You will receive an email with a temporary password
2.6.4 Enter the username and temporary password provided to continue
2.6.5 You will be directed to a new page for you to change password
2.6.6 You will be redirected back to the Login page upon successfully
changing your password
2.6.7 Enter the username and new password to continue.

3. User assignment

3.1 User roles

There are four types of user roles in the ComRep Portal. SC shall provide one
Super Admin access for each entity and the Super Admin shall manage its
user based on the roles and access required.

User can be assigned with multiple roles, ie: user can be assigned with Admin,
Maker and Approver roles. However, adequate control must be put in place
to ensure completeness, true and accuracy of data/information submitted to

The user roles are briefly described below:

3.1.1 Super Admin

Add new user and edit existing users. Admin is responsible to
manage user roles and update entity details
3.1.2 Maker
Prepare and upload the final reports (XBRL instance document) after
the necessary verification process outside of ComRep portal
3.1.3 Approver
Approve/reject the report uploaded by Maker to the SC. The
approver person can be the CEO or a person authorised by the CEO.
In any case, the CEO remains ultimately responsible and will be held
accountable for the completeness, true and accuracy of
data/information submitted to SC
3.1.4 Viewer
View reports details and history. Viewer is not accountable for any
submission of reports to the SC.

3.2 Summary of user roles

4. Submission process flow

Submission of reports involved user with Entity Maker and Entity Approver role. The
submission flow is as follows:

5. Understanding ComRep User Interface

5.1 Main page

This page provides summary of all related filings and announcement from SC
on ComRep Portal.

5.2 Edit entity details

This page is to view and edit the entities details limited to the entities that
has been assigned to the user.

5.3 User management

This page is to view, add and edit the users for ComRep Portals.

5.4 Filing management

The filing management includes four subpages:

5.4.1 Filing Calendar

This page is to view the reports that need to be submitted to SC

5.4.2 Upload filing
This page is to upload and submit the filings to the system

5.4.3 Validation summary

This page provide summary of the XBRL validation status of the filing
submitted to the system

5.4.4 Filing history

The page provide summary of the filings history of the successfully
validated filing

6. Super Admin - Functionality and portal navigation

6.1 Edit entity details

You are required to ensure the entity details are up-to-date. To update the
field, please follow the steps below:

6.1.1 Enter the username and password provided at the Sign-In page
6.1.2 Click on the ‘Edit Entity Details’

a. Entity Name: A list of Entity(ies) that has been assigned by SC

which includes Company and Trustee
b. Entity Code: ROC number
c. Reporting Level: Type of entity
d. Active : Company operation status
e. Action: Click edit/view to respective entity

6.1.3 Select ‘Edit’ to update the required field

by SC

super admin
to fill

Fields Notes
Entity Name Entity Full Registered Name
Entity Short Name Entity Short Name
Contact Officer
Contact Officer Email Officer in charge details
Contact Officer Phone
Registered Address
Postal Code Entity operation address
Website Entity website address
Entity Incorporation Date Entity operation date
Financial Year End Entity Financial Reporting Date
Active Entity Operation Status

6.1.4 Please update the ‘Entity Name Details’ if there is a change in the
Entity name.

a. Previous Name: Entity Previous Name

b. Effective Date: Date of entity previous name apply
c. End Date: Date of entity previous name cease
d. Click on Add to update information

6.2 User management

You are required to assign roles to the new user added into ComRep. To
proceed, please follow the steps below:

6.2.1 Click on the ‘User Management’

a. Roles: User Roles

b. User Name: User email address
c. Full Name: User full name
d. Active: Status of User
e. Action

6.2.2 Click Edit to:

a. Add a new role for existing user
b. Add/remove the reporting entities

6.2.3 Click View to view user roles details

6.2.4 Click Delete to remove user from the list

6.2.5 Click Add to add new user to ComRep and complete the following

No Field Notes
1 Roles Select 1 role only - (Maker, Checker, Viewer)
2 Email Email require for log in - Individual/Group email
3 User Name Auto copy from Email
4 Full Name Full name of user
5 Address Current entity address of user
6 Job Designation Current job designation of user
7 Date of birth Require user information
8 Gender Require user information
9 Phone number Contact phone of user
10 User Identity number Require user information
11 Expiry Date Require if user under contract base
12 Active Status of user

6.3 Assigning reports

Select the relevant reports to be assigned to the user. Click Submit to save
the information.

7. Maker - Functionality and portal navigation

7.1 Sign-In to ComRep portal

7.1.1 Follow the link: https://xbrl.seccom.com.my/Login/Login

7.1.2 Enter the username and password provided to proceed

7.2 View assigned report

7.2.1 Click ‘Filing Managemen’ and select ‘View Filing Calendar’ to view
report that has been assigned by Super Admin

7.2.2 Filter the Roles, Year and Month to view the result

7.3 Upload report

7.3.1 Click Filing Management and select Upload Filing

7.3.2 Choose the final report from desired folder (after the necessary
verification) for uploading into the ComRep portal. All reports
submitted to SC will be in the form of XBRL instance documents (xml

7.3.3 You can upload supporting documents in zip/pdf with maximum file
size limited to 4MB, if required

7.3.4 In the case of resubmission, you are required to provide comments in

the ‘Comments for Filling’ field to proceed

7.3.5 Click ‘Upload’ to submit. A confirmation window will appear, click ‘Yes’
and you will be directed to the ‘Validation Summary’ window

7.3.6 You have to make sure the Validation Status change to ‘Validation
Successful’ upon uploading the report. Successful report will be
directed to Approver for approval

7.3.7 In the case of ‘Validation Failed’, maker needs to re-upload the

corrected report (instance document)

7.3.8 A notification via email on uploading status will be sent to you and the
assigned ‘Approver’

7.4 View report status

7.4.1 Click ‘Filing Management’ and select ‘Filing History’. You are able to
view report status by clicking on the specific status under column
‘Approval Status’

7.4.2 Choose ‘Click View’ of the related report to view the submission

8. Approver - Functionality and portal navigation

8.1 Sign-In to ComRep portal

8.1.1 Follow the link: https://xbrl.seccom.com.my/Login/Login

8.1.2 Enter the username and password provided to proceed

8.2 Approve report

8.2.1 Click Filing Management and select ‘Approve/Reject Pending Filings’

8.2.2 Click ‘Approve/Reject’ under View Filing column

8.2.3 You will be directed to the approver screen. Click ‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’
button to authorise the report. You need to provide comments if you
wish to reject the report

8.2.4 You can view online the information reported by selecting the desired
dropdown under ‘Select Statement’

8.2.5 Once approve, Approver can view status of the approved report by
view Filing History under Filing Management. Approver can see
progress of the report by select View Progress

8.2.6 Approver needs to ensure the report is successfully transmitted to

Securities Commission as shown below

8.2.7 Once report approved, Maker and Approver will received email
notification to notify that report has been authorised by Approver

9. Viewer - Functionality and portal navigation

9.1 Sign-In to ComRep portal

9.1.1 Follow the link: https://xbrl.seccom.com.my/Login/Login

9.1.2 Enter the username and password provided to proceed

9.2 View report

9.2.1 Viewer can view report being assigned by Super Admin in View Filing

9.2.2 Select Roles, Year, Month then click submit to view what report that
has been assigned

9.3 View filing history

9.3.1 Viewer can view history of the successful filings by click View Filing

9.3.2 Each component of the reports can be viewed by select statement

10. FAQ

10.1 General

10.1.1 What is ComRep portal and who can access it?

 ComRep Portal is a web platform for regulatees of SC to submit
their XBRL filings to the SC. Only authorised users are able to
access the portal

10.1.2 Does ComRep portal works in mobile devices browser?

 No

10.1.3 I put in xbrl.seccom.com.my into my browser address bar but I can’t

get to the page, why?
 ComRep portal is secured encrypted website. Please ensure the
URL to include ‘https’ NOT ‘http’. Please use the following correct
link to access the portal: https://xbrl.seccom.com.my/

10.1.4 I have the wrong credentials more than 3 times and the page
prompted ‘User is locked’. What do I do?
 User need to change the password before able to access the
portal again. Please follow the step under Locked User in the
Accessing ComRep portal section as above.

10.2 User roles

10.2.1 I am authorised user for ComRep portal with role Entity Admin. What
does it means?
 User role determine the features and layouts of ComRep portal
the user has access to. For example, user with Entity Admin role
will have access to edit entity details and manage users. For
more details on other user roles, please go to User Roles and
Permission under Overview of ComRep Portal section.

10.2.2 Does one user can have multiple roles?

 Yes, it is possible to have multiple roles. However, a user cannot
have both user role of Maker and Approver of a same report and
entity. This is to ensure a report is not submitted and approved
by the same user. For more details on other user roles, please go

to User Roles and Permission under Overview of ComRep Portal

10.3 Report submission

10.3.1 I am user with Entity Maker role, how do I know what reports I need
to submit?
 User with Entity Maker role can check the list of reports that has
been assigned by going to the Filing Calendar page under Filing

10.3.2 Can I submit the completed report in Excel format in ComRep portal?
 No, the report must be in XBRL instance format. ComRep will
only accept and validate XBRL instance documents.

10.3.3 Can I upload multiple XBRL instance documents at a time?

 No, currently only one XBRL instance document can be
submitted at a time.


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