Detailed Lesson Plan in English II
Detailed Lesson Plan in English II
Detailed Lesson Plan in English II
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. State the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement.
2. Sustain interest in studying Subject-Verb Agreement
3. Construct their own sentence using correct Subject Verb
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activity
* Prayer (Student’s will pray)
Class, let us all stand and put
ourselves in the presence of
the Lord as we pray.
* Greetings Good morning, maam.
Good morning, class.
Nobody is absent maam.
* Checking of Attendance
Is there any absentfor
Very good! Perfect
S-Form (singular):
Sings, Dances, Writes, Eats
Give some more examples. S-form (singular)
Notices, Smell, Looks, Repeats
Base Form (plural)
Very good.. Now we will move on Notice, Smell, Look, Repeaat
with the lesson regarding the rules
on the Subject-Verb Agreement.
1. Singular subjects take singular
verbs. Plural subjects take verbs.
Ivy is ignorance, imitation is
suicide (singular)
We recognize our own rejected
thoughts. (plural) Miley Cyrus attends the Academy
Awards. (singular)
Now, give me your own example. Percy and Annabeth are one of
the characters of The Lightning
Thief. (plural)
4. A compound subject joined by The actress and the model are going
and takes a plural verb. When they to have a movie together. (separate)
referred to as one unit, it takes
singular verb.
The writter and the lecturer of great John, along with the students
renown was a speaker at Harvard. thinks of pursuing a science career.
(One unit)
There is a good chance of
Now, give your own example. thunderstorm in Metro Manila
Very good class! Now let us first
Hannah is one of the office workers
have some fun.
who still attends classes.
E. Application:
Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. John, along with the students
( think, thinks) of pursuing a science
2. There ( is, are) a good chance of
thunderstorm in Metro Manila
3. Hannah is one of the office
workers who still ( attend, attends )
F. Generalization
Singular subjects take singular
verbs. Plural subjects take verbs
The verb agrees only to its subject.
Intervening words do not affect the
number of the subject.
Some, all, most , any are singular
when they refer to quantity. They
are plural when they refer to a
A compound subject joined by and
takes a plural verb. When the
compound subject refers to one unit,
it takes singular verb.
G. Evaluation
If the sentence is grammatically
correct, say C . If there is an error in
subject-verb agreement, say the
correct form of the verb.
1. The date and the place of the
Girl’s Scout’s Jamboree has been
2. The photographs in the yearbook
are her work.
3. One of today’s English lessons
are not easy to comprehend.
4. The president, which his cabinet,
is going to the luncheon meeting.
5. Are you aware that the sale of (Students will say goodbye and will
then tickets have started? clean the room)
Answer Key:
1. Have
2. C
3. Is
4. C
5. Has
H. Assignment
Now, was the topic clear class?
Any question about the topic?
Well, that is for you to find out.
Yes, here’s what you are going to
Put your answer on your notebook.
Prepared By:
Jessa Mae G. Bauzon