Ares Magazine 09 - DeltaVee

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Robert J. Ryer
Ass •


CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: John 8oardman, John H BUl1ert"":d Dragonslayer Interview
Greg COSllkyan. Eroc Goldbe,g. B,ad E, He5sel, Ch"~lophe' John.
N'd Karp. Gerry Klug. David James RilCh..... Eric Smilh, Susan with Producer
Shwartl. Ch"s Wagnel. EDITORIAL STAFf: Trosh Ch"sten, R'ch HelBarwood MICHAEL E MOORE
D,Nardo. Carolyn Felde<. Dav'd McCo<khili. Deborah C, "'1ch,e. Paul
Stevens GRAPHIC PRODUcnON: Ted Koller. Ken Slec CIRCULA
Ch"sttne HelCher, MIChael George, Sandra Hudgson, Yvette
Middleton. JUd.,h O'tl', WHOlESAlE FUlFillMENT: The'esa Canto and the Stars ERIC SMITH
Img,). "'Cha,d Hom. LOIS Koen'9, An"" Lombardo, FINANCE
8eaff",e L, Img,,'. Mohamoo Mohamed, Oonagh NMI. Ba'bara SCIENCE fACT
Nola" WAREHOUSE, Samuel Small,J" Imgrl. Hen,v Sarnowsk, laHrainSpace JOHN BOARDMAN. Ph.D
PRODUCTION, Kennelh Hedges Img,)" 8roan Walls, CUSTOMER
SERVICE: Kalhy Tennyson Imgr!, Lynne T Prldham. Pele, SWlde,sb
M~go"~P,lI>r;"g:~Pr .... Framingham.M..sachu....... The Embracing DAVID J. SCHOW
G~_C~"rP,;"ting,ReI!e.OffM'. c.-<lonC~. Long
D,.Cutrll>fl: Frie<lrnon Die·Cune... NewYOfI<
ARES M.gI<O>e;o 00l>Yt0gll, © 1981 by S.....",Oo<>o Pul)l;coh"..... Inc, P,in1,""
in U,S.A. AI rig!lto 'nefV1I<l. AI edit",,,,, tnd II"n,,,.1 md """"klbe....,' I"
S..... "100<>0P_lOo<>o. Inc.. 257 PI1l< A_South. N....-y",~.N. Y, 10010 FACTS FOR FANTASY SUSAN SHWARTZ. Ph,D 13
ARES is " , , _ l>·monlh1y. One ~Hr 10<.........' out>oc:ril>tion...e tI8.00
PiN... _<'-k'''''''''''''IeY<>r<ler.oM¥ SCIENCE FOR
CU"'''''''''' shoukl pIKe theO- "'-. f", SPI p<o<!ucto '" ...._ril>1ion. wi'h Sim
oubo lId" F._t. O.UOeId liou"" flO o.UOeld Rood. AI""",ham. C_.
~" shoukl ",cleo- lIuougl> MOI;I'" SimulO1ion' Ply, L'd.. 1a Fonce<~
Su_. Mo<<lirioc. Vk,orio 3HIS. Au"',.... T•. lOll 909·791, C... NAD'AN MEDIA DAVID J. SCHOW 21
Ou.l""......shoukl"'cleo-ln",.,.gI>lnt.. not~ Gomeoo! C_. ]:221len..".,n
Dr,.". MisoM."9". Ont_ l4X 2GB. C..-. Tel, 1416l 62!i-()l31. JAPANESE BOOKS GREG COS TIKYAN elal. 23
ou._.ohouIdoonlKtPOOlliobbyCO,. 1·38. Y~. StBl>uk.·Ku. TokVO
ADVERTISING: a•.., '"'eis'aoo pe'blocl<&wM. POlIo, Con"C!: SPAD.257
P.,. A"e""e SOUlh. N....-YOIk. N, Y, 1001010. '"1*00«1. SPI ..,....,.. 11>0.1>-
solu.. ,;ghltO"!u",.n._ih<.dve"~t.Al!hough'"",,,,_.'ionol
_ioemento",ARES _""tconstitut•• n _ _ l","'01
tho",o<IU<"",_.. offe,e<l, SPI <loM."""'P' 'o.,:r""" theed...";...."",,,to


SUBMISSIONS: ARES wel<:ornn oul>miooions by "'1Obnhecl wril nd


~,ConlO<t:;ng Edit"" SPI .....,meo "",... pon.;I);~,. '''' ""'
""'_ific:o.... ooIi<:ited ENCLOSURES; CMi'l'~""P. <:<>Un.....nd ruin; F_<k""'d. ou_,;ptionl",m

Looking Ahead to Next Time

Ares nr. 10 will feature Return of the
Stainless Steel Rat. in which the immortal
Jim diGriz takes on a rabid computer and
its murderous programmer. Also featured I suppose that it's impossible for you not rating but did very well with those of you
will be a story by Harry Harrison to ac- to notice thaT the rules to this issue's game who are avid role-players, Predictable
company the game, Science for Science are printed as a separate booklet. The total enough. But where does the wide split in ac·
Fiction, Facts for Fantasy. reviews. and page count of the twin-booklet magaZine is ceptance leave us vis-a-vis printing material
52la 30% increase over the normal 40 pagesl nOI wanted by one group and highly desire·
much more.
This is due partly to the convenience of print- able toano\her? Redmond
When to Expect Nr. 10 ing all Ihe UniverselDe/taVee rules at once
Domestic Subscribers: If you have not It's also to allow you to buy the Basic Set of
received your copy of Ares nr. 10 by 9 Oc- Universe (which includes the role-playing
tober 1981, notify our Customer Service material but not the tactical combat system)
Department. Please include your Custo- and thereby ha've a complete Universe game
mer COde and issue of expiration, both of with no duplicate components
which should be found on this issue's We may very well follow this procedure
mailing label, just above your name. on all our Ares games in the future - Le., OSPl257parkAvenullSouth.
Foreign Subscribers: Add eight weeks to print the rules separately - which is not ex- New York, N. Y 10010
the above date to allow for the lymphatic actly innovative; it's the way Strategy & Tac- 12121673-4103
pace of international mail. tics magazine was configured over 10 years
a!=jo. I would think that this would be con-
On the Cover sidered a "plus" to most of you but do let me
John W. Pierard's representation of a know if I've presumed too much.
Dagger class ship from Delta Vee, the In tine with your indicated desires, we've SPI is iI member of the Hobby Indust/V of
Universe tactical space combat system, begun to include more game material in the America. Tha Adventure Games Diyision of
and a scene from Dragons/ayer. a Para- issue lsee The Sword and (he Stars article!. the HIA, and the Gama Manuhcturers
mount Pictures-Walt Disney prOduction. On thaI note ~ the "House of Kurin" cap- Association.
sule adventure in issue 7 got a bad overall
A Fantastic Game of Quest and Adventure
based upon the exciting new motion picture
from Paramount Pictures Corp.lWalt Disney Productions
A young sorcerer sets QUI upon a ptrilous journey to free a eludes a full color 17"x 22" map of Urland. 200 full-coloT
kingdom from the terror of carlh's last dragon. Along his playing pieces, easy-access rules. and Dragon lair displays.
route he acquires weapons, charms. and true companions plus compartment plastic (ray. SI5 al stores and game
toaid him in hisques!, Will he succeed or fall victim 10 ban· departments nationwide.
diU, the King's men, or the dragon itself? Dragonsla)'er is
designed (0 appeal to knowledgeable fantasy adventure Oragonslayer is licensed by Paramoonl Pictures Corp,/Walt Disnev Pro-
game players while allhe same time remaining accessible to dOClions. © 1981 Paramoonl Picloles Corp./Wall Disnev ProdOClions. All
new garners. This fast playing, self-contained adventure in- righlsreserved.

Dragonslayer Interview with

Producer Hal Harwood
by Michael E. Moore
It is forty feet long and has a wingspread through his rite of passage and who can't name appear in the lottery. The Princess
of 90 feet. It snarls and spits 3O-loot long really do it," Hal Barwood explained. "There Elspeth {played by Chloe Salamanl, the
flames from its mouth. It is called Vermithrax is a certain charm and relevance to the many king's young daughter, is innocent of her
Pejorative, and it is a dragon. a primal force situations that seem to hang in the air around father's plot and discovers to her horror that
of nature. It is the creature the young ap- suchacharacter. she has been kept out of it all. This absolutely
prentice Galen must attempt to destroy. "The story has its immedia1e inspiration destroys her, and so she offers herself as a
It is also the brainchild of Hal Barwood in The Sorcerer's Apprentice. We searched sacrifice to atone for what she regards as a
and Matthew Robbins, who wrote the script around quite a bit to come up with the grand very great sin
and acted. respectively, as producer and task this foolish young man should under- "Our film is about magic. Sword and
director of Dragonslayer; - a new Para- take. In our research we came across the sorcery fantasies of the Conan and Thongor
mount Productions Corporation and Walt story of St. George and the Dragon. Every- variety emphasize physical prowess and
Disney Productions fantasy motion picture. body's heard of it yet most people don't have skill at arms. Galen, our hero, is about the
Though the picture features Sir Ralph the faintest idea what the story is about. furthest thing from Conan you can come
Richardson as the master sorcerer Ulrich,
"In the St. George story, the king finds across. The kid can't even tie his shoe right,
Peter MacNicol as the young Galen, and
himself in a terrible quandry. He loves his much less cut somebody's head off. But he
Caitlin Clarke as the courageous Valerian, the learns"
true star of Dragons/ayer is the terrible beast, people and protects most of them from the
Vermithrax. British-born Brian Johnson dragon by periodically sacrificing virgins in a The setting for the film's story is also im-
headed up the mechanical effects during the lottery. As the story opens, he chooses the portant for setting up a believable atmo-
principal photography in England and Wales, lot with his daughter's name on it, and he's in sphere in which a tale of magic occurs, Bar-
and George Lucas' Industrial Light and a terrible dilemma. He wants to do right by wood explained. "We picked the 6th Cen-
Magic, Inc. (ILMI had an 8J-man team work his people, but he also loves his daughter tury, the dark ages in England, the inter-
on the special photographic effects for the Suddenly, St. George rides up and says, 'If regnum after the fall of Rome and the ebb of
film. The teamwork of Johnson and ILM you'll all just become Christians, I'll kill the Roman civilization out of Britain. We
lunder the supervision of Dennis Murenf thing, and that will solve your problem.' He thought it would be good to set our movie at
helped create a true monster well worthy of does, and they do, and he becomes a saint the leading edge of the rising tide of Chris-
testing young Galen's mettle. for converting the whole kingdom tiandom, when the old powers are leaving
"There is something irresistible in the "The Dragonslayer version is an evil and the new powers are coming in. Ancient
idea of a young magician who has not gone twist. The king has never let his daughter's magic - the closely held secret and guarded

Scenes from Dragonslayershowing the

elder sorcerer Ulrich, the young Galen
and Valerian, King Casiodorus and the
Princess Elspeth. and the dragon Ver'
mithrax; Dragons/ayer is a Paramount
Pictures - Walt Disney production
knowledge which is deep and powerful - is equinoxes. It's a social syStem which is in· deeper past. The notion that it is mona!' ,nen
replaced by something shallower, but much herently evil, and the people who perpetrate who have to help the gods out of their
more widespread and humane. Df8gonsl8yer the social syStem are the true villains." troubles makes a story that prickles the hairs
is elegiac as regards the last dragon, the last Barwood has strong feelings about the on my neck."
of magic. There is a oertain amount of regret use of magic and dragons as presented in Barwood admits to not having a co-
in saying good bye to thewhole phenomenon. fantasy books and films, and his special in- herent theory to how magic is supposed to
"There is a contrast we present in the terest is represented in Dragons/ayer. work. "I have come across books in the
film between magic and Christianity. It's "Dragons, although Ulrich would start to genre where magic is explained as another
clear in the &ctual battle magic wins, but it's squirm if you really pressed him on the point, kind of physics," he explains, "but I don't
also clear historically that Christianity owe their existence to wizards. Once in the look at it that way. Magic owes its powers to
ullimately conquers. In the subtext of the past. one wizard created dragons for reasons the understanding of a deeper meaning of
story, there is the dear implication that there no one under$tal"Kls - a wizard gone wrong the situation - you are tapping into some of
is something civiliZing about Christianity and - and let them loose upon the world. Ulrich the powers gods have.
SOmething useless about magic in spite of its is one of the last real magicians who "Yet there definitely is a problem in the
great powers. At the end 01 the mm, it's the understands his craft in a systematic way; his magic trade. To get the serious attention of
revisionists of history who have taken over as teacher and patron, Balisarius, was much people around you, you have to entertain
to who killed the dragon. more powerfUl yet. One reason why the old them with parlor tricks, or they're never g0-
"Our movie is definitely pre-medievaL man is willing to go up against the dragon, ing to understal"Kl when you're doing s0me-
No armor, no chivalry, no Ladies in wimples and also why he hestates, is that he knows thing really important al"Kl impressive. It hap.
patrolling the parapets of high castles with about the history of dragons. In the subtext, pens to everybody. We occasionally give
their veils blowing in the breezes... there's no we imply that creating the dragon is beyond people tours of IlM where the special effects
counly love. We leel that sort of material has him and, possibly, so too is getting rid of it. are done. They look at these absolutely
been used up over the years by various "It's always been a great regret of mine amazing things going on there and say,
historical costume melodramas. I lind very that dragons didn't actually fly through the 'That's nice.' So, you need something a little
little in such pieces to differentiate them from skies of eanh. It's the same kind of nostalgia SHOWBIZl Even magicians need that. You
the Western. Certain stories like Ivanhoe and you feel for blimps. There's something really have to go out there and leave 'em
The Master of Ballantrae work, but the prob- magnifICent about such things. Why aren't laughing.
lem is that you can wind up with The Black they teal? And isn't it a shame? "Of course, magic is hard to do even for
ShiekJofFaNvorth. "Magic is something else I feel that way those who do it well. There is a certain kind
"We wanted something quite different: about. I'm interested in the alternate worlds of naturalness we designed into the magic in
to convince viewers that dragons are ab- where all the various tests to being human Df8gonslByer, making it a mystic thing that is
solutely teal and inhabit a world which is ap. that we apply to the ordinary world apply,. deep, and that has to be tapped into. It's not
propriate to lheir existence. We wanted a but with a set of circumstances which make so much that you have the power, but lhat
much slranger landscape that is much less everything clearer. I'm interested paniClllarly you are somehow able to get into sympathy
civilized, where people have very strange in the kind of mythology you find in The Ring with some underlying power and act like an
values. The dragon is nol the villain 01 lhe of Nibelung, which is my choice as the amplifier. In the movie il you want to bring
piece; he's a force of nature that's run ram- greatest single fantasy that has ever been put down thunderbolts on the monster, you
pant. The villains are the people running the together. It is Wagner's 19th Century version can't have them crackle off your fingertips;
kingdom of Urland who, because they can't of the German and Norse myths, in which he you have to summon up a storm and, once
figure out how to kill the dragon, fry to buy it overlaid 19th Century humanism onto the old the storm is there with the power 10 generate
off by sacrificing a virgin on the solstices and and severe and S(f8ng8 Stories from our lightning, you can then direct it out of the
clouds onto the beast. We've tried to give a Barwood finds no strange conspiracy in a been invested in the situation so that when
certain kind of reality to"the magic, so that trend towards fantasy. Certainly the explo- you actually start play, you're full of all the
wielding it is a difficult process... and it sion in the technology for special effects craziness that goes on aboard theZnutar. It's
sometimes doesn't work." realized in Star Wars, and the resulting wave very engaging and very adroit and you can
The genesis of Dragonsl8yer goes back of science fiction films, made both writers actually play wihout first having to take a
over two years. Robbins and Barwood met realize that these same elements could be seminar. For the same reasons, my favorite
at the USC film school and have co-written adapted to fantasy, but neither man was SPI game is Creature That Ate Sheboyglln.
movies such as The SUgllriand Express, aware of the new boom about to hit the It's fun to cook up your own monster and set
MacAnhur, The Bingo Long Travelling All market. "I didn't find out about these films him loose."
Stars and Motor Kings, and Corvette Sum- until after we had written our screenplay," While he does enjoy boardgames, Bar-
mer. Both men have a strong interest in fan- Barwood said. "For instance, I was totally wood is far less interested in fantasy role-
tasy and science fiction. "My partner and I unaware of the actual concept of Dungeons playing. ''I'd rather write a role-playing
have been interested in fantasy and science and Dragons. I was amazed to discover it movie. My kids, on the other hand, seem
fiction and marvelous tales ever since we was such a widespread phenomenon. We very interested in studying the various D&D
were kids," explains Barwood. "I've read all got lucky, we thought, but it came like a manuals endlessly, picking up all those
the basic classics in the genres of fantasy thunderclap to. us. I was familiar with war pseudo-factoids. In Dragons/ayer we don't
and science fiction. You could pulp 'my games and played a lot of them ..I'm a game have a lot of fantasy elements - just the
library of paperbacks and publish the NY nut. I never played 0&0 and I probably never dragon and magic, and the fact that there is a
Times next week with it. I saw a billion will. I JUSt know my partner and I ~otveryex­ displaced setting in which it occurs. We
science fiction movies, which have now cited with our story and we dove into our don't have trolls, elves, dwarves, walking
wound up on my Betamax shelf as we gather typewriters, and when we emerged we trees, or finding out what happens by
them off the air. discovered this phenomenon. eavesdropping on the conversations of
"There is a certain tradition of the "However, we are not part of any con- birds. One of the problems with role-playing
marvelous in film, but such movies aren't scius trend. Recently there was a spate of games is that they devalue the currency too
done often. The Thief of Bagdad, The soap opera movies - Kramer vs. Kramer, much, and 0&0 is the worst offender. They
Wizard of Oz, King Kong... they are very The Great Santini, The Turning Point, Or- have four jillion things coexisting. For me,
respectable films. The combination of dinary People - but though these things oc- the imaginative world that produces Dracul8
costume and whatever other elements are cur in trends, I don't have an explanation for has nothing to do with the world that pro-
special ingredients, however, make it costly why they happen. I hope people won't go duces dragons, and to put them all together
and hard to do well. see Dragons/ayer because they think it's screws everything up. Nothing makes sense
"One of my favorite genres and the one I sword and sorcery or a particular kind of anymore. It would take someone very great
feel most like apologizing for is science fic- monster fantasy. It's none of those things ex- indeed to be able to put those elements
tion. The number of great science fiction actly. If you're a Procrustean, you can sort of together in a coherent manner. Fantasy role-
films can be counted on one hand. It'S ex- fit us into that bed, but you'll have to lop a playing games put me off because they are a
traordinarily difficult to create something toe or two off to get us in there." big mish-mosh."
from scratch amd make it seem arresting and Barwood readily admits he has a great There is one thing about both gaming
exciting and real." interest in simulation games. "I love 'em, as and the science fiction/fantasy genres that
Barwood also has strong feelings about much as I can stand 'em," he states. "I've Barwood finds most delightful. "Escapel
the process of making monsters charming, always been interested in games. There's One of the highest motives man has. The
such as the Drak Pack, a Saturday morning something of the thrill of the stories working world is too much with us; there's an opacity
cartoon series, in which a vampire, were- themselves out in the process of playing the to actual experience that's boring and baf-
wolf, and Frankenstein's monster are por- game. Every time you sit down to playa fling at the same time. Drama and literature
trayed as heroes. "I find that perverse to tell game - it doesn't matter what kind of game try to liven things up and make sense of life,
you the truth," he says. "Dragons are terrible it is - there is a shape and feel and drama to but realism (though I love it) has its limits. It's
creatures and ought to be thought of as it which is Very much like a lJood book or a much easier (and a lot more fun) to try to
such. Dragons are bad news. They snarl and wonderful movie. In a simulation game there understand the Human Condition if you're
smell bad, and if they blow fire over you, is even more emphasis on the storytelling creating a perilous realm somewhere rather
you're a dead (and roasted) duck. They're aspect of the gaming. There's something than modeling reality - where one day you
surprisingly resourceful and very hard to kill. uniQue about simulation games in that you step into the street, get hit by a car, and
Watch out for them and don't let them injure move all your men and then you resolve com- you're dead before you ever figure out what
your heroes. That's my advice to young bat, which sometimes doesn't work. In it all meant. So, if you're going to escape,
America." chess, you move a man into a square and the you might as well do a thorough job of it. I
He also dislikes the way many monsters enemy piece is gone. In a simulation game certainly don't want to be a trustee in the
are cheapened nowadays. "Sentimentalizing that doesn't alwavs happen. prison-garden of realistic fiction. Almost any
is one of the great bourgeois traits of the "Nor is it all skill that's involved. There's kind of story which makes a bigger leap is of
world, and has gone on for centuries and will the mystical element of chance that enters interest to me.
go on for more centuries. There's simply no the game via the roll of the die, but it doesn't "1 feel escapism is a truly noble impulse.
way around that. The point of Dragonsl8yer dominate the game, as in Yahtzee for exam- And I think it operates just as well when
is to go against that trend. We went back to ple. The chance factor also tends to lower you're sitting there with your little counters
the basics. We take the view that dragons the combatic temperature and make the planning a laser attack on the Pandora or
were real and that the last one was dispatch- game enjoyable even when you're getting reading Midsummer Night's Dream, or out-
ed ... and·right away there was confusion creamed. Somehow even when the monster witting Vermithrax in Dragonsl8ver."
about what happened. The moment magic is stomping Sheboygan into the ground and As to the future, Barwood says about
goes out of the world, it becomes a rumor in all your tanks are destroyed, it's still fun. planning a sequel, "I'm not planning
peoples' memories. Soon the horrible tales "I also find exciting the idea that sides anything. I'm totally exhausted. I've been
become sentimentalized. Suddenly history aren't exactly mirror images of each other. working on this film for two years. Even
becomes legend and then myth and finally There is such an imaginative Quality when though movies aren't going to solve the
silly cartoons. When you see a picture of you're sitting down playing a game. Your world's troubles, they are still awfully hard to
Pete's Dragon, it's as though you were look- brain sort of vaults into a storytelling mode make and they take a lot of work. I'm ready
ing at a beaSt which has gone through so and you begin participating in your own to go lie down.
many changes that people have forgotten it story as it unfolds. "One day my spirits will revive and I'll
was based on something real." "My introduction to wargames happen- wake up and look around and so will my part-
With the sudden spate of new fantasy ed about ten years ago. It was Kriegspiel by ner, and we'll figure out what comes next. If
movies released or about to open - £x~ Avalon Hill. My current favorite is Awful the movie turns out to be an enormous suc-
calibur. Cl8sh of the Titans, COfl8fl, Super- Green Things from Outer Space lTSRl. The cess, perhaps it will plan something for us."
men II, Knightriders, and Dragons/ayer - rules have a wonderful imagination that has

The Sword and the Stars

bV Just,n Leites end Eric Smith

The following two articles are contribu-
ptayer to aUact the home system of another
ptayer without prior warning. In EmpifBS a
ptayer had to first attack the periphery areas
tions by the designer of the game. Eric
of an enemy kingdom before he could cap-
Smith, and the senior playteslef, Justin
ture the enemys coon area. In Sword a
leites. who ran the inhouse testing of the player can go right for the jugular, and the
game during its development In both ar-
entire war can be resotved by the ~y of one
ticles a term in brackets alwavs refers to a or two Year Cards, with individual anacks
term used in Empires 01 the MiddJe Ages becoming much more exciting. The home
while a term without brackets refers to The systems are vital targets since they are
SwordllndtheStars. generally the systems that cootain players'
Playtnte"'l Not.. StarGates and because they guarantee a
ThsSwordan(/theScarsisa new, multi· player income each tum lthe home system
p1aver game of galactic empire building, bas- all the players used Empires strategies. After can never ravolll. The loss of the home
ed on SPl's game Empires of the Middle several games, however, we realized that system can often send a player into
Ages. Players begin play of the game with totally neN approaches were needed. The desperate poverty for centuries.
several stellar syStems (Areas! in their em· strategic problems that confront players in For players lad<ing in income, a raiding
pires. and through diplomacy Of conquest The Sword and the Stars are quite different ~.• Operation is a particularly useful method of
they attempt to enlarge their domains at the from those in Emt¥fBS. generating Resource Points (Goldl. AI-
expense of their neighbors. The major change in the game system is though many play testers and Empires
The game mechanics of both simula- the introduction of the StarGate. In Empires players frown on the raid as "ungentleman-
tions 8r8 similar. A player first draws an Event a player is allowed to attack only those areas Iy." a StarGate will help a player make an ex-
chit (Event cardl. which is either played im- that are adjacent to a part of his empire, tremetv profitable raid on such systems as
mediately or held for later use. The events whilQ in Sword a StarGate allows a player to LA'DAU or Fontain-Grelot lboth neutral but
will sometimes help, sometimes damage the anack any system on the game map. First, a profitable!. Since each system has a Re-
various empires, and may help an opposing player must have a star system with a Tech source Value as well as a Tech Level, the
player as well as the player who drew the Level of two or three lthree is the maximum most pr?fitable raiding systems are not
chit. A player is then allowed to play up to five in the gamel before he can utilize the Star- necessanly lhe most difficult ones to raid.
Year Cards, which .in Sword represent the Gate. Once it is in play, a player is Iree to use The Resource Value is then added to a die roll
passage of 4 earth years each. By playing the it toanack,.raid, govern or convert any other and the result is fo.und on a~table effecting in
cards, a player attempts to improve his do- system he desires; range has no effect. Use 0 to 5 Resource POints gained.
main. Each card allows the player to under- of a StarGate increases the COSI of an Opera- Another tactic which most novice
take one Operation IEndeavorl; these in- tion, but the ability to hit any system isa rna- players will not use is the Communications
c~ude: Conquest, capturing a system that is jor change in play. Operation. There are two possible results
81tMr independent or belongs to another One advantage of the StarGate is that it from such an operation. First. a Trade Con-
player; Raid (Pillage], attacking a system to eliminates the inevitability of war. In Empires, nection may be formed which may then be
gain income while lowering its Tech Level the only way to expand one's empire usually used to develop a Treaty; a player receives
[Social State]; Communicate [Diplomacy], involved attacking an adjacent player's areas extra Victory Points at the end of the game
attempting to set up trade and diplomatic and thus touching off war as a consequence. for developing Treaties with the systems he
connections with other star systems; Govern In Sword, a player can use a StarGate to owns. Second, a bloodless diplomatic con-
[Ruling], improving a player's system by conquer a neutral system on the other side of Quest of a system may occur, which neither
quelling unrest or raising its Tech Level; In- the map. Without the StarGates there would puts it in revolt nor reduces its Tech level.
tercept (Defensel, interfering with another be a greater tendency towards war, since the Communications is very cost effective in
player's Conquest Operation; GuardianWeb Swordmap is smaller than the Empires map. both time and money for a player with a high
[FortifICation), improving the defenses of a Another advantage to having a system Diplomatic Sector rating.
system; and in Sword only, StarGate. with a high Tech Level is that it allows a One feature of Sword that many players
building a transmiuer that improves in- player to bring his other systems up to a high will probably not use to full effect until they
tef'Stellartravel. Tech Level quickly. Unlike Empires where the are more thoroughly experienced with the
Each ptayer may play some or all of his various areas in a kingdom can be no higher game is the Confederation of Wor1ds. The
Year Cards in his turn. or save some to use than two levels above Social State norm, in fifteen systems in the center of the map
against other player's activities. The success Sword there is no limit. A player who is do- belong to a Holy Roman Empire of sorts. A
or failure of an Operation depends on the ing well in Sword will have many systems at session of the Confederation is called when
Sector Levels (Leader Staturesl of the Tech Level three. As a consequence, Guar- one player wishes to limit the success of
government 01 the player's empire. These dianWebs (Fortifications] are easier to build another player's Operation or when certain
Sectors are Military (Combatl, Administra- and thus rebellions are prevented or made triggering functions occur. The Confedera-
tive and Dipk>rnatic and function the same in less likely in those systems which are taxed. tion may vote to expel a player. in effect
both games. After a number of game-turns, A healthy treasury also makes it easier to de- alienating him from all the rest of the Con-
vK:tory is determined. fend against Outworlders (Magnatesl. a federation systems and systems owned by
group of beings who U!ke control of a system other players, thus increasing his difficulty in
All the ~aytesters for Sword were and begin to attack neighboring systems. achieving success in the game.
already familiar with the Empires game 1f war finally does arise, the cootrol of a The political pull within the Confedera-
system. Consequently, in the first few games StarGate is vitally important, for it allows a tion depends on the number of systems
within the organization a player controls as and chrome. The overall opinion was thut the discreet areas or. a hal:,siu,·map, the !>J:liral
well as his Diplomatic Seelor rating. Theout- game was great; they played it often, they Quadrant layout almost designed -:1sel:. I
come of a Confederation vote is determined never grew tired of it and they expected to made it such that the number of players in a
by a simple majority of votes. Once a player continue to play it indefinitely. Some of them game determines which part 01 the map is
is expelled from the Confederation, he may expressed unease when t told them that I used during play.
not take part in any further negotiations in was working on a science fiction version 01 I designed one scenario, called the Five
the Confederation until reinstated, a htghly the game, they were afraid that I would Empires Stalemate, and began testing the
infreQuent event in our games. change the system for the worse. game. As we tested, I began 10 rewrite the
Another uniqUE! aspect of the game is With my mind thoroughly steeped in the entire Emoire rules booklet section by sec-
that players may vote to end the game after a opinions of actual Empires players and after tion. I fed the new rules to my .testers as I
certain number of game turns have passed. my own appraisal, I sat down to design my finished them. Immediately It became 0b-
Most scenarios have two end times listed, game. My first basic design decision was to vious thaI the Confederation rules I wrote in
one is maximum limit and the other is the change very little of the original design. I the beginning would have to be expanded.
number of game turns played until voting decided to modify the existing mechanics 10 With the help of my testers we thrashed out
begins. A player who is far ahead in the game fit an inlerstellar situation, but to keep real 8 kind 01 lorum mechanic, or Holy Roman
can ohao vote an early end to play. This vote changes to a minimum. I wanted Empires Empire as they called it. We continued to
is open to all players, but Confederation playef'S to be able to get into Sword with a work on this rules section all through
members reeeMl more votes for each Con- minimum of effort and yet have a different development; indeed, the final additions to it
federation SyStem they control. experience, not just a rehash of the original. I were made efter the game had been turned
The Sword and the SUlrs offers players changed the names of mechanics which are into the art department. We were very happy
an interesting strategic overview of the dif· virtually identical in both games and with the rule for voting to end the game. I
ficulties inherent in building and maintaining modified the Raider and Magnate rules. I also have used a version of this idea in other
a galaxy·wide empire. Though it does have began to think about how I could create a games I have designed and dev'ek>ped, such
many similarities to Empires of the Middle diplomatic entity by modifying the existing as BUlge, Pea Ridge and The Alamo. In
Ages, it definitelY has its own subtle dif- Church mechanics. I created the Confedera- Sword, I continued to explore another way
ferences that give it a unique flavor. The Em- tion of Worlds and began to write rules. to keep the players in uncertainty as to when
pires game system has proven well able to the game would end.
spawn an offspring with a distinctive science SAMPU SYSTEM REGISTER During PIaYlesting I created the mYlhos
fiction character and interest. of the races and ideologies of the various star
Justin Leites sYStems and created the other scenarios,

with the help of Justin teites. Towards the
end of testing we began to work wry ha,d on
the Galactic Cycle campaign scenario. The
scenario was very wild and didn't resemble
Empires of the Middle Ages was releas-
the other scenarios at all. I couldn'l believe
ed in the spring of 1981 The r&aCtio.n of the
the strange empires which were being
public and game critics was immedIate and
created when the players had the freedom 10
enthusiastic. Unscheduled all night games of
Empires sprang up at Origins eo and other -+-"1-+-'''' do whal Ihey pleased. Once the mechanics
for this scenario were finished, I prepared the
conventions held during the summer. In
linal draft of the rules and lurned the game
August it was decided that a science fiction
over to the art department. We continued to
game using the Empires system should be
test the game until the last day before the
designed and the project was turned over to
game was sent off to the printer.

me. My only directives were to reduce the
As a designer I am very happy with the
number of card decks from two to one, way The Sword and the Stars has turned
reduce the number of counters from 6(X) to My second basic decision was to change
oUI. I hope you enjoy playing the game.
400, and reduce the map from full to half- drastically the way Empires played. I wanted
Eric Lee Smith
size. These changes would reduce the cost Sword to have new strateqies and a different
of the game considerably, thus allowing it to flavor. At this point I sat down with John SwonI_the StIlts
react! a larger market than the original Em- Butterfield, another SPI designer. John had
Inadvertently, a rule about lhe Draka
pires game. Significantly, the number of designed Freedom in the Gel8xy and was
was left out of the rules. Also included IS an
rules pages was not decreased; in fact, I was currently working on Universe and Voyege of
optional rule which will make the game more
given free license to expand the rules if I the Pandora; he is an encyclopedia for sci-
deemed it desirable. The final object of the ence fiction literature and game design. We
game would be to reduce the game's price brainstormed over the design 01 the Sword [21_381 tAdditionl When the Draka enter
while increasing the game's v.alue to the map and came to the concluson thaI It play, the Tech level of Harvest is immediate-
players should be a modified hex grid to allow the ly raised to 3. Should the level ever fall below
possibility of several types of movement. 3, it is increased by one at the beginning of
The first thing I did was to play Empires each Round until it again reaches 3. When
and study Its rules until I knew them back- John also recommended uSing circular Stel-
lar readouts as he had done in Freedom, the Draka leave play, the Tech level of
wards and forwards. Then I called several Harvest is immediately reduce to a level of
groups of gamers, who played Empires a lot. which I agreed was a good Idea. I thought
out the different possible movement systems minus 2.
to ask their opinion of that game. I asked
them what they liked best. and a dear con- and decided to allow OperatIons IEndeavorsl (_.4) INTERCEPTING BYSTARGATE
sensus was that they all liked the way the di- to be undertaken against adjacent star sYS-
tems and against others anywhere on the
plomacy and player interaction worked.
They also liked the simple economics, ran- mao by use 01 a StarGate to "lump" there. It A Player may Intercepl any Enemv RaId or
dom events and the Quality of the map and later turned out that this one addition to the Conquest Operation attempted anywhere on
physical components. The magnates and game system was an that was needed to alter the map so long as the Intercepting Player
raiders were considered essential and should play and strategy radically. ownsa StarGatewhich IS located on hIS Seat
not have been optional in their opinion. I then began to wOO on the scenarios. It System and the Sears Tech level is 2 or 3
was oovious that I had to reduce the length and his Military Sector level is 5 or 9. More
On the negative side, everyone agreed of the game and include at least one endless than one Player may interceptthesameOper-
that the scenarios were 100 long and that campaign game. I also reduced the ma\(- ation lsee 15.311. Imporunt: A Player who
some kingdoms had grossly inadeQuate Imum number of players from six to five uses a StarGate to Intercept may not expend
chances to win lchalk one up to historical since the Sword map would be half lhe SIze more Resources In the OperatIon than the
realisml. Some players were also uneasy of the Empires map. Once I had commUted combmed sum of his Military Sector level
with the more picayune historical limitations mvself to locating five separate empires In and the lech level of hIS Seat System. • •


Lasers in Space
by John Boardman, Ph.D.
Ever since the origin of science fiction dependently by N.G. Sasov and A.M. Pro- ammonia was chosen for the first maser
magazines in 1926, a popular weapon for khorov in the Soviet Union. because it has a fairly stable excited state at
spacemen has been the "disintegrator ray." 0.0001 electron volt above its ground state.
Small, hand-held models substituted for Townes and his research group put to-
This energy corresponds to the emitted fre-
pistols in the sort of space epic which was gether the first practical application of this
Quency of 23,870 Megahertz.
really juSt a flrwritten Western romance, principle at Columbia University in 1954. It
Since all the emitted photons have the
moved from the deserts of Arizona to those was called Microwave Amplification by
same frequency and are emitted by the same
of Mars and substituting greenskins fOf "red· Stimulated Emission of Radiation, or
process, the emerging beam is highly coher-
skins." Spaceships were armed with larger "maser." ThewC!ves used had a frequency of
ent and of one frequency only, or "mono-
versions of the same blasters, and battles 23,870 Megahertz - approximately 100
chromatic." This radiation can be concen-
took place as spaceships tried to evade their times the frequency of channel 13 on a televi-
trated into an extremely narrow beam, with
enemies' rayS and get their own aimed pro- sion. The wavelength was 1.25 centimeters.
an energy concentration which can be as
perly. Edmund "World-Wrecker" Hamilton Ammonia molecules were used to intensify
high as 1,OCO,OOO Megawatts per square cen-
carried this SOft of weapon to its ultimate the radiation by stimulated emission. In 19&>,
timeter. Since most of the energy input of a
limit in his 1947 novel The Star Kings; a ray the principle was extended to visible light;
laser goes to keeping its electrons in an ex-
mounted on the spaceship of the Galactic the resulting device was called a "laser" for
cited state, the laser is a device o! r~her low
Empire proved capable of destroying space Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission
efficiency - 2,% at best. However, though
itself. including an enemy battle fleet that oc- of Radiation.
the output energy is only a few percent of the
cupied that space. In order lor the laser effect to occur, input energy, it is very highly concentrated
The "disintegrator ray:' or simply "ray," most of the atoms in the amplifier must have and coherent. _
was badly overworked in the science fiction electrons in an eXCited state. Since the unex- There is even talk now of exotic forms of
of that era. Eventually fans began calling it cited, or "ground:' state, is more usual, lasers, such as a X-ray and a gamma-ray
"something you can't see that turns such a situation is called an "inverted popula- laser. The shorter electromagnetic radiation
something you can see into something you tion." As they are stimulated to give off is, the more energy it carries. The visible light
can't see." In Astounding Science Fiction for photons of the same frequency as the inci- laser is much more po.....erful than the maser,
August, 1939, an exiled German rocket ex- dent photons, the electrons in these atoms so it should seem that X-ray or gamma ray
pert named Willy Ley proved to the satisfac- fall to their ground state. Energy must there- lasers could carry more energy still. Re-
tion of most of the current science fiction fore be supplied to keep up the inverted search, much of it classified for military'
readers that it couldn't be done anyway. In population, and this excited state must be reasons, is now going on in this particular
order to pack a wallop such as the pulp fic- ~table enough to stay excited. For example, area of inquiry.
tion attributed to it, such a ray would have to
be made of coherent tight-beam radiation.
Some way would have to be found that
would take the originally random radiations
from the ray's source (usually "charges" in-
serted into the blaster-like shells such as are
loaded into a fieldpiece) and make them
coherent with one another. Ley wrote that
this would be impossible, and that space
warfare would probably take the form of
spaceships firing solid projectiles at each
other, much like contemporary battleships.
Considering the technological capabili-
ties of the time, ley was Quite correct, but a
1916 paper by Alben Einstein had already
pointed the way towards making rays of
coherent light a feasible weapon. Einstein
showed that if a solid substance is struck by
a photon of a particular frequency, an elec-
tron in it can give off another photon of the
same frequency, thus reinforcing the inci-
dent beam 01 photons with another photon
of the same energy. lThe energy of a photon,
or unit -of electromagnetic radiation,
depends only on its frequency.) To do this,
the solid substance must be energized; some
of this energy will appear as coherent emit-
ted photons of the same frequency as the in-
cident photons
It was not until the early 1950's that
practical applications of this suggestion were
Eo Excitation
Eo L.--D-e-ex..:l!ci-tat-;o-n----..J
sought. For one thing, it would cause the Elicitation and de-elicitation ofanatom
amplification :of weak radio signals, since the A photon stimulates an atom from its ground
solid would be stimulated to emit the same state of EO to its ellciled stateotE,. When the
signal in a'-more intense form. The theory 810m emits a photon, it falls back to its une~ Copyright it) Academic Press, 1981, Physics in tM
behind these ideas was worked out by cited,orground,slale. ModfJ(nWo,ld.
Charles Townes in the United States, and in-
An X-ray laser would first have to pump
energy into the atoms of the heavier ele- Partially
ments, and then stimulate the emission of Flash lamp
X-rays from these atoms as the electrons in
their lowest energy levels fall back to their / mirror
ground states. The main problem is that the
excited electrons in these heavy atoms give
up their excess energy so fast a pumped-
up X-ray laser might lose most of its energy
through spontaneous emission, before the
stimulated emission could be triggered.
The even more energetic, and far more Laser light
hypothetical, gamma-ray laser would have to
have the "pumping" done in the internal output
energy levels of the atomic nucleus. Unfor-
tunately, these transitions are even faster
than those which produce X-rays. While a Ruby
gamma ray laser is in principle feasible, a
great many technological developments cylinder
would have to occur before a working model
could ever be produced.
The first laser, designed in 1960 by
Charles Townes and Arthur Shawlow, used
a ruby crystal as the amplifying device. A
ruby is a crystal of aluminum oxide, with SChemetk: d'-grem of e ruby ....r.
small amounts of chromium which give the The IasllI" beam emerges from the end the'! hal Copyrighte Actdemic ""-. t98'1, PhyJiQin tM
crystal its characteristic deep red color. The been coeted 10form I partially reftecti~ mirror. Modem World.
energy levels within these chromium atoms
have a propertY that enables them to store
energy until the incident photons can cause
it to be released. White light is supplied to molecules into a nearly stable excited stelte. woman's hand. emerging from darkness,
"pump" up the chromium atoms until they If a photon of the right wavelength comes holding up a diamond necklace. One passer-
form an inverted population. Most of the fre- along, a natural maser emission occurs, and by attacked the image with her umbrella,
other hydroxyl molecules in the same sparse declaring it to be "the devil's work."
quencies in the white light are capable of
putting the ground-state electrons of the cloud of interstellar gas also begin emitting If the devil is involved in laser
chromium atoms into two high-energy photons of the same wavelength. Radio tele- technology, he is far more likely to be con-
bands. These bands are broad enough to scopes detect this emission as microwaves. sidering its military applications, the realiza-
store quite a wide range of electrons of It is also known from molecules of water. tion of the "disintegrator ray" of pulp-age
various energies, most of which eventually silicon monoxide, and even methyl alcohol, a science fiction. A tight, coherent, high-
drop to a narrow band 1.79 electron volts rather sophisticated molecule to expect to energy beam of photons would make an ex-
above the ground state. This energy cor- find in space. Some :nJ natural hydroxyl cellent weapon. The United States is now
responds to light of wavelength 693.4 nano- masers are known in space. Most of them spending about $200,000,000 a year in
meters, which the human eye detects as are in regions which produce virtually no visi- developing such a weapon; according to
"ruby red." ble light, but some are in the outer layers of testimony presented late last year to the
the bright, cool stars of the red giant class. Senate Commerce and Transportaion Com-
The laser can be aimed if the ruby crystal One of the first practical applications of mittee by 27 scientists and military
is formed into a cylinder whose ends are the ruby laser began in 1964. A detached specialists, the Soviet Union is spending
precisely parallel to each other. One end is retina in the eye can be "welded" by alaSElf' from three to five times as much. Referring
covered with a fully reflective mirror, and the to the choroid surface below it, thus restor- to lasers with power less than 20,000 watts,
other with a partially reflective mirror. A ing normal vision. Since then, lasers have the committee's report stated that "Iow-
high-energy discharge lamp in a helical form also been applied to brain surgery. Laser power laser research since 1960 has con-
winds around the cylinder, providing the beams are so tight that they can carry a great tributed more than any other field to improv-
energy that pumps the chromium atoms up many communications channels. A mirror, ing military hardware." Since the laser was
to their excited states. As soon as one elec- placed on the moon by American astronauts only invented in 1960, its military develop-
tron drops from the first excited state to the in 1969, is capable of reflecting a laser beam ment was obviously being considered from
ground state, the laser action is triggered. from earth, and fluctuations as small as 15 the very beginning.
Those photons which hit the mirrors are centimeters in the earth-moon distance can Whether high-powered military lasers
reflected back. and stimulate more emissions now be measured. The laser also has its uses are feasible depends on a number of techni-
of this same frequency of red light. A frac- in laboratories on earth, where they make cal questions. A recent MIT report expressed
tion of this radiation escapes through the possible the measure of distances to preci- some skepticism about the feasibilitv of high-
partially reflecting mirror, forming a narrow sions of 3 nanometers 13 billionths of a power laser warfare among satellites. Four
beam of coherent high-energy red light. The meterl, and thus make possible the more ac- problems have to be dealt with: the design of
rat~ of l,<XX>,<XX> Megawatts in each square curate measurement of physical constants. the lasers themselves, including an adequate
centimeter of beam sounds appealing as an The earth's gravitational field can now be source for the pumping energy; the optics
energy source, since this is approximately measured to a precision of one part in 100 needed to guide the beams to their targets;
ten 1imes the total electrical generating million. tracking devices needed to follow moving
capacitY of the United States. but the burst The coherence of laser light makes it targets; and the placing of the satellites in or-
only lasts for one millionth of one millionth of possible to project three-dimensional im- bit. One hundred tons of equipment would
asecondl ages. Information of the three-dimensional have to be lifted into orbit for each laser-
Humans are not the first to create this position of an object can be recorded on armed satellite, at an estimated cost of
effect for it has been observed that suitable film. A laser beam is then directed $12,<XX>,ooo,000 for each one. And the re-
stimulated emission is going" on in nature as through this film, and the image is projected cent experience of the US Armed Forces in-
well. Maser radiation has been detected by in space. The first really public application of dicates that such a cost estimate is never
radio telescopes, coming from hydroxyl "holography" took place in the window of likely to be in error through being too large.
molecules in interstellar space. The pumping Cartier, the famous jewelry firm, in 19n. Furthermore. a laser-armed satellite is
mechanism in this case is infrared radiation Crowds of usually unflappable New Yorkers vulnerable. It could be effectively blinded by
from nearby stars, which excites hydroxyl stopped traffic on Fifth Avenue to see a a laSElf' beam, from another satellite or from
the ground. Alternatively. if a spy gels hold isting network of long-distance transmission which beams solar energy to earth and other
of the codes. false instructiOfls could be sent lines. Several alternate target facilities might planets. The technology is taken for granted,
to it. Even though the United Stales broke be needed if tile rotation of the earth carried and the story concerns the transfer 01 the
the Japanese naval code during World War one such site away from the range of the station from human to robot control. When
II, no oneal Pearl Harbor would have tried to satellite. A synchronous-orbit satellite the executive robot seems to be malfunc-
instruct the Yamato 10 shell Yokohama. But would, 01 course, always be on lhe same tioning, the humans worry that the tight
one hard-working American agent in Mos- side of the earth as the target facility, but it beam will escape its target and cause
COW might be able to provide lhe information would have to be at such a great distance devastatioo on the surface of the earth. All,
thaI could lead to a Soviet satellite hilling that the beam would be unnecessarily spread however. ends well despite the robot's
Vladivostok with lasers. lOr, mutatis mutan- OUI. adherence to an infuriatingly rigorous Carte-
dis. Omaha.! Such a technology would make solar sian logic that causes him to create a private
laser weapons would be mOfe feasible energy available on a scale not feasible for religion about the function of the power sta·
it mounted on aircraft, or on the ground. ac- earth-bound solar power stations, and would tion. For a story written twenty years before
cording 10 the MIT repoft. But beller Hack- make it a major source of energy for human the invention of the laser. it is a remarkably
ing equipment than we now have would be use. If suitable guiding and tracking devices accurate forecast of a project that now
needed belore airplanes can usefully be fur- can be developed, solar power from an earth seems within the range of feasibility. • •
nished with laser weapons. Lasers fired from satellite could be made nearly as safe as The Nawre of Physics, Peter Brancazio.
the ground would be dependent upon good nuclear power, and with a much beller public New York: MacMillan, 1975.
weather, and a general of artillery might quite Image.
reasonably point out thai his time-tested In the April 1941 issue of Astounding Physics in the Modern World, Jerry B.
fieldpieces can operate in heavily overcast Science Ficrion appeared a short story, Marion, New York: Academic Press, 1981.
conditions. In any possible future war the Reason, by Isaac Asimov, then a 21-year-old Expforing the Cosmos, Louis Berman and
use of artillery-delivered smoke would fur- novice writer. The story takes place on a J.C. Evans. Boston: Little, Brown, 19130.
ther limit any effective use of laser weaponry. solar power station in orbit around the sun, New Scientisr, 1 and 8 January 1981.
Still, a sufficiently power/ullaser beam
can stop anything - ICBM, tactical missile,
airplane, satellite, or a platoon of religiou~
fanatics with Kalashnikovs. The Senate com-
mittee's recommendation was a doubling 01 u...1nSp.- equivalent of a battleship. Such a laser
the amount presently being spent on laser The long-loved "disintegrator beam" with a dispersion of 10 microntdians (a
weapon research and development. The pre- of space operas might be expected to fIgUre within reasonably possible projec-
sent Senate is even more indined than its become a reality someday, if laser tions of present-day capability) would
predecessor, lor which this report was made, technology keeps advancing. There are, deliver a beam 1 centimeter wide at a
to implement this reQuest. The committee however, certain problems with the laser target one kilometer away. In space,
chairman now having jurisdiction is Harrison asweapon, even in the vacuum of space. without a dispersing medium, such a
Schmitt, a former astronaut and conse- The laser has long been known as a beam would indeed carTY a great deal of
quently an enthusiast for a strong American cutting tool, its first such demonstration energy. Bombarding the earth from the
military posture in space occurring in 1968, when II carbon dioxide moon with such a beamwould be llnother
laser 54 meters long and with a 2.5 kilo- maner altogether. The beam would then
Another use of lasers in space has been wan beam was used to bum a hole in a
suggested, which is further from realization spread out to a width of 4 kilometers, and
quarter-inch steel plate. This demonstra- its effect would be negligible. (Pulsed
but of greater potential use to humanity. tion set off much contfOV1'lrsy over the la- lasers offer much larger energies, but for
Solar power as a solution to the energy short- ser as weapon of Wllr, though a 54-meter very $hort periods of time.!
age is usually thought of in terms of collec- tube would be a rather cumbersome thing
ting the rays of the sun as they fall on the To detennine the amount of power
to carry around a battlefield. Further that strikes at a specific distance, use the
earth's surface. But this method reQuires developments have made the power following equation: 4P/'lIT~2, where P is
good weather, and ignores the fact that the sources for lasers more compact; com-
big yellow thing up in the sky is shut oil an the power of a laser with dispersion e
pared to the propellants of bullets and aimed at a target at a distance of r. The
average of twelve hours a day. If the power shells, howtlver, a laser is still a device of
generated by the sun during the day is to be above formula gives you the poW9r per
low efficiency. unit area, and the width of the beam at
stored for use at night. the Storage facilities A laser also tends to spread out just the target is re. By comparison, when
will either lose a lot of the energy, take up a as a flashlight beam does. The dispersion
101 of space, or be Quite dangerous. !The
the sun is exactly overhead it illuminates
(angle of spreading) is much smaller, but the earth at a power per unit area of 1,387
people who object to nuclear fission plants it does exist. Laser dispersion is measured
are not going to take too kindly to the watts per SQuare meter.
in milliradians or microntdians rather than The accompanying table shows the
presence of large tanks of hydrogen at a in minutes or seconds of arc (1 second of amount of power per SQuare meter of a 20
solar power station. I Furthermore, solar cells arc is just under 5 microntdians). Over an kilowatt laser with a dispersion of 10
cover a lot of land that might be needed for extended distance, II laser beam can be- microradians (about 2 seconds of arc).
agriculture or as a scenic attraction. If there come quite dispersed.
is objection to ruining the terrain by strip- The width of the beam at the target ~to\ ,.1.,.~'~\~
~~~o""",~~~~,,'f' .~~'

mining, there would also be objection to can be obtained by multiplying its range
covering it with acres and acres of solar cells. by the dispersion in radians. For example, $'" \;"",0>
....,..,.O>~. \~.
A solar power station on a satellite a laser of dispersion 0.1 miCforadian aim. 1 0.01 2.6x 1~ t.8x ~
would eliminate most of these objections. In ad at a target 2 knometers away will have 10 0.10 2.6x1(ll 1.8x1O'
space, it would be exposed to the sun's rays a width at that target of 2,(XX) meters tOO 1.00 2.6x to' 1.8x 101
all the time il its orbit did not take it through times 0.0001 radian, or 0.2 meter (2() cen-
the earth's shadow. Neither safety nor 1.000 10.00 2.6xlO2 1.8x'lO-'
timeters). At larger distances, say be-
esthetics would be a consideration; if it ex- 10,000 100.00 2.6 x 100 1.8 x 10.3
tween long range space fleets, the spread
ploded no landscape would be devastated - of the energy of the beam could be over 100,000 1,000.00 2.6 x 10-2
t.8 x 10-1
not that it would be likely to explode. The so large an area that the damage, if any, 400,()()()2 4,000.00 1.0x 10·e
1.6 x 10. 3
energy could be sent down to Earth by a laser would be considerablv reduced. Not. .: 1. Thit; column representll the power
or microwave beam, though the beam would The most powerful continuous beam received by the tlrget as 1 muttiple of the tun',
have to be kept very tight, and aimed with an lasers under present-day consideration intensitY al felt on Earth'a surface (1387
extremely high degree of accuracy. The might be able to deliver 20 kilowatts of watt,/m2). 2. This figure is approximately the
beam would be locked on a target facilitY power, though such lasers would be very moon',distance from the earth. • •
which could convert the energy into elec-
trical energy and feed it into the already ex-
began to move continually and purposefully
Facts for was even supposed to have invented naviga-
tion and to protect all ports.
As 8 solar god, he watched oV'ef dawns
into Anetolia. the helIrtlend of the Byzantine
Empire. Imperial forces soon realized thet

Fantasy and, as a god of beginnings, over all human

Perhaps because his cult is said to have
been instituted by Romulus, the founder of
they could pro18C1 their eestern front only by
reconquering Armenia. In lOn, they sew
their chence.
In thet year the Seljuk Sultan Alp Arslen
Rome, or Numa Pompilius, his successor, I_ Mountain Lionl set out fOf Syria and at-
by ...... Shwllrlz, Ph.D. the Romans placed his rituals at the forefront tacked, along the way, several Byzantine
of all their religious observance - even towns. His lieutenant Afsin did the same
God"' .......... ahead of Jupiter. He was honored on the
first day of every month.
thing and took the fortress of Manzikert in
As most people know. Janus was the January of that year. Then the Sultan's forces
Roman god whose name provided the root His temple in' the Roman Forum had became snowed up in the Tzamandus Pass,
for the month of January. But he had many gates which were open in time of war and unable to move until the spring thaw.
other meanings in Roman mythology as welt. closed in the occasional time of peace - Alter he let Alp Arslan advance, the
To start with, not even the Romans once during Numa's reign, three times under Emperor Romanus IV Diogenes prepared to
knew the origin of his name. One 01 the most Augustus, and then under Nero, Marcus attack the Seljuk's rear in force. He assem-
inspired guesses suggested thaI its root form Aurelius, Commodus, Gordius Ill, and in the bled a huge army at Erzerum, some eight
was Jana, also used sometimes instead of Fourth Century. Given that Rome was miles from Manzikert. While historians argue
Diana tlor the goddess of the huntl. Because allegedly founded in the early Eighth Century on the size of this army lestimates range
jaf'IIJ derives from dius lthe same rOOI as the B.C., we can see that it was very seldom at from 2CXJ,OOO to one million men - and even

Indo-European Dyaus meaning Zeus, god of accounting for artistic exaggeration and
the lightningl. scholars tend to think that '_$#E~oIMyth<J1o{rf boasting, that's a big armyll, we kl'lOw it con-
Janus was a solar god before he was sisted of Byzantines, Russians, Khazars,
~ Alans, Uzes, Armenians, Germans, and Nor-
anything else.
For centuries, the Byzantine armies mans. The Emperor was accompanied by
His functions in Roman mythology and were the most powerful on eanh. Byzantium part of the Varangian guard lprincipally
pcMitics went wide. He was first of all the god had the reputation - and deservedly so - Scandinavians, with some English) and with
of doorwayS. whether of public gates or for hiring the best mercenaries, equipping cavalry of the Tagmata, aristocrats among
private doors. Since he was commonly and paying them well, and using them skill- the B'f-zantine regiment.
depicted with two faces, he could observe fully. All this came to an end in the Eleventh .Along with the army came a vast
the interior and exterior of a house or citY. Century. numb.Jf of engineers, laborers, and servants
His emblems were the key to open and dose The Empire's principal recruiting ground to opE;rate the siege-engines. So perhaps on-
tI doors and the rod to drive away interlopers. had been Armenia. After its rhematic, or pro- ly for:y percent of this force were actual
Since he was god of the gates, he vincial, armies were disbanded, however, combdtants. Of this number, only a fraction
became the god of departure and return, and Armenia fell into the possession of the Seljuk were Byzantines or regular army. The rest
therefore, the god of all communications. He Turks by 1067. From this point on, the Turks were poor in quality - ill-trained, ill-

for Science Action
both men, the object turned out to be a mere
Unpredicted irregularities in the motion
of Mercury were responsible for another
gravitation and accounted for the anomaly in
Mercury's motion. The objects which the
19th Century astronomers had seen against
the Sun's disk were almost certainly small
"phantom planet." A century after Sir Isaac sunspots.
Newton put forward his law of universal rhe only other place in the Solar System
by John Boardman, Ph.D. gravitation, Mercury's motion seemed not where there is "room" for another planet is
precisely to obey it. The French astronomer beyond Pluto. Unless someone is so for-
Urbain J.J. Leverrier, who had predicted tunate as actually to see it, such a planet
The Ph8ntom Pl8net8 Neptune's existence from irregularities in the could be found only from its gravitational ef-
The usual astronomy text will list the motion of Uranus, tried to do the same thing fects on known planets or on comets. Since
nina planets of the Solar System in their for Mercury, and in 1859 claimed that a comets are so much smaller. lhe effects on
known order outward from the Sun, from planet, or group of planets, closer than Mer· them would be more obvious. As far back as
Mercury to Pluto. Yet from time to time cury to the Sun was responsible. This planet the mid-19th Century, an 18-year-old Brazili-
others are reported, or their existence is in- was given the name "Vulcan," and efforts an military cadel named Sousa wrote a paper
ferred by their presumed effects on the were made to find it. Shortly afterwards, a suggesting a search for comets whose orbits
known planets. Only three times have these physician and amateur astronomer named would have been affected by a trans-Neptu-
reports resulled in the genuine discovery of a Lescarbault claimed to have seen Vulcan as it nian planet. This idea was later taken up by
full-fledged planet: Uranus in 1781, Neptune made a passage across the solar disk. After the flambouyant French astronomer Camille
in 1846, and Pluto in 1930. Sometimes the examining Lescarbault's rather primitve Flammarion 11842-1925).
object has been too small to be a planet in equipment and calculations, leverrier an- The discovery of Pluto in 1930 did not
good standing, and is determined to be a nounced that Vulcan had a mass about one satisfy everyone; it was considered too small
mere planetoid lor "asteroid"l; the first of three hundreths of the Earth's and went to have caused the observed effects on
these was Ceres in 1001, and the most recent around the Sun once every 19.7 days. When Uranus and Neptune, and there were still a
was the eccentric Chiron, which was found this was announced, an English astronomer few left-over comets whose orbits had ob-
in 1977 in an orbit between those of Saturn named Scott said that he had discovered this viously been perturbed by a planet, but not
and Uranus. planet in 1847, and that its mass was nearly by any of the known ones. Shortly. alter
Many other such reports have not held as big as Earth's. There followed over twenty Pluto was discovered, William Henry Pickei'-
up on further examination. In 1723, a Ger- years of controversy, mostly in the tone of "I ing predicted the existence of a tenth plane!.
man astronomer found an object in the Big saw it'" "No, you couldn't have!" larger than any other except Jupiter, with an
Dipper which he proclaimed to be a newly The controversy faded with the deaths orbital period of 656 years lcompared with
discovered planet, and which he named of the major participants, but was not finally 248 for Pluto!. at an average distance of 75.5
Sidus Ludovicianum in honor of his patron resolved until 1916. In that year, Albert Ein- times the Earth's distance from the Sun
Landgraf Ludwig V of Hesse·Darmstadt. Un- stein published his general theory of relativi- lcompared with 39.4 lor Pluto). In 1950, Karl
fortunately for the celestial reputations of ty. which modified Newton's law of universal Schuette announced that eight comets were
eQUipped troopI from the themes, a sign of ed. Soundaq WIll fon::ed to withdrIw. the t8ke rewnge by seiring tile Itittens, killing
the WtIV ttw1 Emperor ROl'T'IlInus' anti-militafy Byzantines pUrsuing wiklv, untl the Turb tNm, and thus causing the fem81es to go

predeceuors had aUowed the military counterattact8d. The Byzantine ~ Iookformates... 8nd, therefont, more kittens.
_tIlbUshrnent'to decline. For example, were wounded, and one was captured. Another story he teMs 8bout cats c0n-
before the benIe. the German contingent of By now Alp ArSan's army. though it still cerns burning buildings. When a house
the...., rootinied. and the rest of the army was smeI_ then the Bvzantine force. had catches fire, he S8YS, the most extr80fdiNlry
hid 10 be c:aIted out to pUt the GermeRs the advantge. The Suttan offertd peeot, thing happens. No one atten'lPts to put out
which could not be eccepted; Romenus the fire because the house does not matter.
In MIy of 1071. Alp Arsian. camped knew he would not agein be . . to"" so Whet metters is the cats. Everyone 8V8il8ble
before AIIcJpo, t.rd of RomarlUS' advance. large an army. He had to force the isIue. The stands in a row aboot the burning house, try-
Abendoning his pIens to take Damascus. he actual Battle of Manzikert t~ pIlIoe on 18 ing to protect the cats who attempt to slip in-
withchw. klIing unrelieble Iraqi auxillieries August. In it, Andfonikos Dukes, en enetny' to;t;8l"lddiein the flames.
and. veil number of horses. It looked like 8 of Romanus, spreed the rumor thet "- Among the Egyptians, when a cat des a
OWl. Emperor had been kiMed. The ByZ.8fltines fell ,...turat deeth in a household, everyone
This m8dI Emperor RCIlT'I8llUS Cl'II8f'COllo into chaos and penidted; Dukes withdfew shives his or her eyebrows. lWhen a dog
fident. He decided that insteed of trying to his r8I8N8 forces, wtldl might haYIt saWld dies, they shlNe theirentire bodies, inctuding
IW8tont the okt frontier defenses he could at· the dey; and the IIm1Ywas eut to shreds. The . the heeds.. Cats, after their deeths, must be

in force. He dMded his ton::e. sending Emperor himself, surrounded by "his Varan- embeImed, pI8ced in S8Cr8d receptacles, end
Frwa end Turts under • NonnIn com- gians, was uttimllltety lalcen prisoner by a 5eI. taken to the shrinesof Bubastis.
mender to ley W85te the . . . .,xmd Man- juk~. n,,~"c. ................
T_ _ -.n
likert. Heering of this rnr:N8. Alp AIU'l mov- The end hed come to the myth of
ed rapidty to intercept ROl'\"I8OUS. He had Byzantine military greIItn8lIS.
with him only 4,CO) of " rTI8Muts. but he . . - . ......... ...-; ....... 0.-.
summoned tM rest of ~ .,my from the V....... wwe whet the people of India
t.rt of his own a.ndI and recruited ten caIed " * l of the west. GeneraIy they ~
thous8nd 1'nOf1l"*" fT'omamong the Kurds. GnIIb 8l"ld Egyptians who dominlnl!ld the
nde between the Medit8mln8ltn end Indie,
ROl'TW'IUI. tIIming of the SultlW'l's call
to .-mi. -.t 2I).(XI) , . , to intere8pt him. but they alsO might haYIt to Rome,

~ the of the Bvuntine Im'IY goddess, but.-.other one of hit men c:dor. _ """'""""" uade end - . . . . , _
nnook M8nzjk., only • brief siege. as ful takIs - which rrev or InIY not be true I . tiona with'lndilIas well as Chi,....
the s.Ijuk ,.., ton:e begin to arrive on is typic8I with HerodotuII - shows how During the reign of AugustuS, IndMlsent
One of Alp Ars&.n', finest officers.
Egypt, Herodotus uys, ... in it mlNW
SlMW8I amblIssadors to him. One came from
C8yton (modem Sri Lankal to Cieudius, and
SoundIQ. detenId • IIrge Byzentine forag- enirrlets. It wouad Mve mcwe if it
dofnestjc: they kept coming until the reign of Const8n-
ing J*1Y. The EmpefOf dispatched the were not for lOme very sHinge feline tine the Gl'88t.
~~ Brv-nnius. who was in- customs. For ex8lTlpIe, when the fem8IeI Chinese records contain 8CCOUnts of
itiIIy rtIPUIIId unti his Ninforc:ernents Irriv- have kittens, they ~ the tornasts, who how peop6e liYed in Rome's eastern pro-

known whose orbits were consistent with comets as they pass near the Sun is affected Compared to animals, plants have very
perturbations from such a planet. Schuette bv other things than the gravitational attrac· slow reflexes. This makes the mechanism of
claimed that no other comets indicated per- tion of the Sun and the planets. As the com- the Venus fly-trap well worth study. Stephen
turbation bV an unknown planet, which sug- et warms up, it emits jets of gas which Williams and Barbara Pickard have recently
gests that this tenth planet is also the last. change its motion - changes that Brady had found that the trap closes because cells on
In 1972, J.l. Bradv claimed to have apparently attributed to the ageney of his the opposite sides of the trap's motor organs
found decisive evidence for the eICistence of PlanetX. eICpand at different rates. This reaction is
this tenlh planet, which he rather unoriginallv Although BradV's calculations have not regulated by minute electrical signals which
called "Planet X." He restricted his calcula- held up on examination, those of Schuette are triggered when an insect blunders into
tions to the effects such a planet would have still suggest that a tenth planet is out there. the trap.
on Halley's comet, which is now ap- Pickering, however, predicted its position to The Venus flv-trap seems to have
proaching the sun and will pass by it in be in the direction of the southern constella- developed something of an analog to the
February, 1986. But Brady's predictions were tion Indus, which is not conveniently located nerve cells of animals. Animals move their
quite dillerent from Pickering's and for examination by northern hemisphere muscles by such signals, triggered either by a
Schuette's. His Planet X had an orbital observatories. Getting observation time on a reflex from a local stimulus or, in more ad-
period of 464 years, and a mean distance southern hemisphere telescope, for such a vanced forms, directed also from a central
59.9 times that of the Earth from the Sun. systematic search as this, is very difficult. So controlling mechanism such as the brain.
Furthermore, the orbit of Brady's Planet X far, the last word on Planet X is a set of 1973 The independent development of such a
was tilled at 60 0 to those of the other calculations by D. Rawlins and M. Hammer- structure in a plant was quite unexpected.
planets, and the planet revolved around the ton, based on its presumed effects on Nep- That venerable hoax, the "man-eating tree of
sun in a sense opposite to that of the other
nine. And Planet X was supposed to be near-
ly as massive as Jupiter, though why an ob-
ject that size had never been S8flfI before was
Nothing remotely like a tenth planet was
seen in the region of the sky to which Brady's
tune's motion. They make this planet much
smaller than either Pickering or Brady had
suggested, indicating that it is SO faint that it
will not be found easily - if at all.
Motonws"'" Sky,
~rdIws 0/ rM SJder. ~ t..y;

Madagascar." may come a little doser to
reality; when humans begin to explore other
planets it might not be too good an idea to
Stand too dose to the larger vegetation until
its capabilities can be assessed.
The name "Venus fly-trap" sounds
mystifying if you have not ever seen one. But
calculations pointed. Other astronomers the name. a credit to Victorian euphemism,
calculated that a planet this size would have is quite justified by the appearance of the
had effects on the motions of the other Several different varieties of plants have hinged traps. This plant is deQdedly X-rated.
planets which simply were not observed. adapted to poor soil by evolving ways of sup- N.MSdMliJt,'~~
Moreover, ancierlt Chinese observations of plementing their dielS with insects. The
Halley's comet showed that Brady had been Venus fly-trap lDionBeB muscipu~) has hing- Bt.y TunecI_for_
using less precise figures for the ancient m0- ed traps which can dose on an unwary in-
tions of that body. Finally, the motion of sect, and hold it as the plant digests it. In recent years, various partS of the
vtnces, writ1et, b·t,peopewho t-.d their 1M>
counts on., ambassador's report from A.D.
W. In this report, the ~ sevs
end there . . no double pr;ea" - which
c:M1e • a QN81 surprise. One group of
the Romeos .... honeIt in their tr.-ctionI
At Ieesl: two thousend years before the
conqui.sllldofrls conquered Peru in 1532,
met8I was ..... in South America. IU with
the natives who !Ned by Ihe North American
peIe1s and threeda for detail, and a wax fun-
neI.weI added to d\a1: the metal could be
poured into the wax mokt.
Thea the mold was coated wHh an
emulsion of water and powdered chercoaI to
insure a smooth surface. The Aztecs called

.,.,..,... must h8w oome to Chine iUMIIf, GreM L.aIcBs, Perwi8ns first u.t mM8I in its this charcoal water teeu'.a; modern
forthe.-neKCOUntreportSthatinA.O.1e6 N1tMt state, withoot smelting. In Peru. goldsmiths use sodium or potassium sifiarte
l"the ninm.,... of the Yen-hSi period, Uing however, the,....... was not copper but gotd. and graphite instead.
the EmpIwor Hu....Hi·s reign'" the Ktng of T. The 8lIl1ieet PenMan metal artifacts Once the model was coated, it was
,,'-in IRomel An-hJn lthe Chinese fann of were 0fT\M1l!lntS cut out of gold d\a1: had covered with a shell of moist dey and crush-
Antoninus, Mercus Aureius' femi/y namel been beeten into Ret --.s. later Andean ed charcoal and Ieh to dry. Then the metal
....t ., embessy whK:h. offered them ivory, rnetaI-wofkers. howeYw, did not need to was poured in. After it SOIicified, the mold
~ hom. and the tortoise shell. thus restrict themsleves to gold alone. The was broken. Where the wax had initial/y
opening up trade. development of ",."., cytindrical furnaces been was the gold artifact wtlich was rtCNtI
m8dB of I8rTa-cOna wim a series of openings freed of excess metal and given its final
After the Pax Augusta in Rome• • may 8tong the sides, 8NIbIed them to smelt a pol"".
be imBgiMd, trede between East end vv.t Wlrietvofar.. "'MoI*f~.W.H."-end~.
flourished. One of the most velU11bte c0m- They charged the three-foot high mc;"&ft¥.......,In ...... WDrkl.·b¥~
modities was pepper. It a~rived in auch hutJJms with O«l and charcoal, then ignited T.E8Iby'.Jr.
aonoun" that the Emperor Yeepesian sec-
~ off an ar.. in the hean of Rome. This ~~h~~=:~~~n~~~~f~ A KnIght........ Dog
WiI CIhd the honetJ pipere"'. or pepper
sheds, and WIll for the exdusfve use of spice
culating as the ore heated. As the motten
metal settled at the bottom of the furnace. it
When Tristan left his lover Isolde in
England and sailed away to a pIaoe called
merchants. And when. in G. Alaric the was drained off by a tap. In order to insure Swales, he was very lonely. Duke Gilan of
Goth had to be bought off at the gates of efflc:ient ventilation, Andean smiths general- Swales, who was young, wealthy, and an
Rome, part of the price was three thousaod ty placed their furnIloeson hillsides. admirer of good knights. noticed Tristan's
pounds of pepper. Emperor Tiberius in the Though the ancient tradition of ham- . loneliness and tried to assuage it. One day he
FIr'II century A.D. grumb6ed that Romen mering obiecU into shape from plate gokI sent for his little dog, Petitcrieu, which was
ladies' passions for foreign war. were continued up into the times of the Incas. supposed to have come from Avak>n - that
IntnSfering all their money to foreigners. metalsmiths in Meso-America atso perfected magic kingdom to which Anhur woyid one
Pliny the Elder worried that importS from the method of lost-wax casting. An artist day be transported to await his future return.
Arabia. India. and China cost Rome wouidmakean8XllCtwaxmoldoftheobiect Servants spreeda rich purple fabric down
56O.CXXI.OO) sestere8S annualty - a problem he wished to cast. The wax came from the before DukeGitan and Tristan and placed the
in balance-of-payments that is, indeed, sting6ess bees of the rainforest and was mix- tiny dog upon it. Its breast fur wasc:omposed
noming to sneeze at. ed with gum or some otfier resin to give it of so many colors that from a distance it
n.AIIdMr .........LiDMl~ .......... _ resiliency. The model was decorated with looked white, txn its loins were green. One

world have been afflicted by several very Judgement of Jupirer, that in 1982 the other 16, none of whom was using an oral
destllJctive earthquakes. But, as the mech- planets will be aligned in a manner that will contraceptive or was living with another
anisms of earthquakes have become beuer cause widespread earthquakes. His "author- woman, each received a drop a day 01
understood, methods of forecasting these tities" ·include the 17th Century French oc- alcohol on the upper lip; for eight of the sub-
shocks may be developed. cultists who wrote under the collective jectS the alcohol was laden with sweat, while
Brian Brody and William Spence of the pseudonym Michael Nostradamus. but they the other eight. the control group, received
US Geological Survey have gone out on a also include articles by respectable scientists the alcohol onlv. None of the subjects knew
limb with the most detailed prediction yet. of our own time. What "Tilps" hadn't realiz- to which group she belonged.
Though numerous astrologers and occultists ed is that these articles wsre written as At the end of five months, all but one of
have tried to get into this act. Brody and parodies. or for April Fool issues of popular the women who received the sweat were
Spence are working from less dubious scientific journals. beginning their menstrual periods within one
assumptions, which have led them to predict ~ Sciwlrin. 1 .m 29 J-.ry 19I1; New Yon Post. day of the sweat dollOr. The average for
the biggest quake of the 20th Century will oc· ,........,"" them was 3.4 days, down from an initial 9.3
cur sometime around the 10th to lhe 15th of days. For the control group. the time interval
August in 1001. The afflicted region will be actually rose, fromS.O to 9.2 days.
Peru and nonhern Chile, with the center near ~Y_~I This seems to be the first attempt to in-
Uma. A second quak.e will follow the first by There are persistent rumors that if a vesligate this phenomenon. The hormones
':I1daVS. number of adult women live in the same or pherooomes involved still have to be iden-
The (egion of Peru and Chile is par- household for several months, their tified, and there is certainly room for specula·
ticularty subject to earthquakes. A tectonic menstrual cycles will come into synchroniza- tion as to what evolutionary advantage there
plate under the southeastern Pacific Ocean is tion. A research team at Sonoma State was in this synctuonization.
preSently being "recycled" back into the Hospital now has evidence that this actually " - SciwIrirr• • J-...y tSll1
earth's mantle as the currents in the mantle happens, and seems to have dis-
are pushing it towards and under South covered the means by which the svn-
America. Sueh situations, where an oceanic chronization is brought about. Some women -CIty
plate is being subducted under a continental are appar8fltly capable of triggering this pro- Many of the older science fiction stories
plate, produce many, and one cess by their sweat. were set in a futuristic "science city," a
seems to be fonhcoming now. The researchers. Michael Russell. metropolis devoted entirely to scientific
less scientific approaches are also be.- Genevieve Switz, and Kate Thompson, research and populated by its research work-
ing used. In January, the stock market worked for five months with 17 volunteers. ers and technicians. Indonesia, howsver. is
analyst Joe Granville branched out and One woman, who had allegedly previouslv beginning to turn this dream into a realitv,
predicted that los Angeles would be triggered this phenomenon, was instructed and is building such a city south of Serpong,
destroyed by an earthquake in Mav 1001. to use no underarm deodorant, or to even a suburb of Jakarta, the country's capital. It
And a British author who prudentlv uses Ihe wash there. Her sweal was absorbed in pads will be a National Center for Science,
pseudonym Richard A. Tilps predicts, in his which were then saturated with alcohol. The Research and Technologv, and will provide
lIide was red, the other Slffron. end the beI/y n. Hippodrome was
walazunt. Petm::riIu'sbedc.. howewr.188I'n- ___ """nd_lI-._ 1,3)) feet long end
origInIIty' designed tOl cheriot , . . . with •
daim, h8 had withdrawn it, daiming that his
IUPPOrt in the form of an oem had been galn-
ed to be I'T'IIde of no color at ell becIuae so ed under falae preI8nSeS.
many blues. Qreent. yellows. reds, and _ran. • ..,.,...,
~. ...... _
it aI80 witneelIed _
mock 11-.
Uti. So Harotd menagecI the trip in fOUf
purpIII.... inwrmixed in its fur, daya, errMng in london by 6 OCtober. The
n. wonderful dog wore • chIin gold
upon which hung • bell that r8r'IQ 10 aeerty
time of theCrusades. westenHtylejousts.
The Emperor, sitting in the royel box.
~ of his troops f ~ him more aIowty,
_ ;o;n;ng _ lOng bv 9 '" 10 0c-

end sweettv thet Tristan forgot ell rns sor· presided above the erene _ meny Roman tober. For five days after Harold reeched
rows. He put out hi, kend and the dog. .-nperOfS had done in the Circus MaximuI. London, he prepared to dee! with the Nor-
which neithel' ate nor dnlot. permitted him Like the Aomen circuses. the circus of rTWlS who were camped on the Hastings--
to ~ it; Petiterilu never berted or bit. Constantinop6e had pditicaI overtores. Out- ~ peninsula. His plan was to bkK:t
But when Gilen', Mr\I8nts toot the dog ing triu~ entries. the Emperor might h1e WlIiam'aannv in tend HatokI knew 'N8It, land
.,..,. TriI1:Ml was as sed as befOf$. eeptNes in the Hippodrome. or people might that had, in fact, been pen of his original
He knew that Gilan would ,....., pen take advantage of the Emperor's preeence to
with the dog unless Tristan performed some protest oppressive taxes; they might also The battlefront he would have to guard
1I'l8fV8I. Consequenttv. he freed Sweles from witness the execution of public officers who was no more than • thousand yards in
the terrifying rakb 01 the giant Urgen the Vile had been diaccMIred to be corrupt. The Hip"" length. His paan W8S to wait unt1lthe English
and cI8imed Petitcrieu as his only reward. podrome was sometimes taken over by winter forced Williem to tum around and IIliI
Gilen would have preferred, he Mid, to give riot.... During the Nike rebellkms of 532, the home. HOW8Wlr, Harold underestimated two
Tlisten hell his lands end his beeutiful SisW army trapped and killed 3O,OCO citizens who things: that Winiam could u.e the military
T riltan sent the magic dog to Isolde
had "most succeeded in ousting the ca-
ruters Justinien end Theodore. In 1185. the
offensive as qUK:ldy IS he did; and that he
could bring • force, eepecieIly • force of
who meMlAed al it greetIy end had mede for Emperof Andronicus I wei stowtv executed C8VIIry, 8Cl0lII the Channel that would be of
it a rich golden kennel. Sheneverjet it out 01 on the sands of the erenlI. sufficient strengttl to oppose him.
her sight. She cherished the little dog as a ~,II¥"'''''''.nn.~Ioob._ On 13 October, Harold "dug in" on
reminder of Tristan. but the bell around his Senlac ridge. The MId day he was deed with
neck brought her no 1oIace. Saving thet she 1lIntI- an arrow through his eye, and England had a
coukt not be happy when she was miserable, On 1 Octobef 1066, Herok:I Godwineson newking.
she broke it off the collar and it never rang left York after defeeting Harald Herdt-a and T1teEniflmaol~,EdwlnT""",
sweetly.n. his Norwegians and led his Hous8Carls 51. Manln', 11M
T,..". brGoafttlcl_ ' - - - " ,....,. '1170 (household guardl on a forced march from
York to lqndon. 'the reeson for this extraor-
TMHIppodICM'. dinarily swift journey so shortly after tile bat-
Modelled on Rome's Circus Maximus.
the Hippodrome of Constantinople lay
almost in the shadow of the dome of St.
Sophia and very near the imperial palace.
tle of Stamford Bridge was very simple -
William, Duke of Normandy, had landed and
was claiming the English throne. Although
King Harold had initially suppoqe.d this
one center for the various projeclS now scat- residence. The foot shapes differ from those TM Reception Committee
lered around the far-flung islands Ihal make of all living humans but one - the native in·
up Indonesia. The science city will house the habitants of the southwest Pacific island of For about 22 centuries, astronomers
National Slandards laboralory. the National New Caledonia. AnthropologislS have long have marked the regular return of Halley's
Dala Center, and research facilities in atomic known that the foot skeleton of the New cornel. which passes near the sun every 75.8
energy, geology, statistics, and even Caledonians resemble that of Neander- years. Halley was Ihe first to realize it was a
aerospace. Indonesia's second nuclear reac· Ihalers. Apparently there was some inter- periodic comet in 1682; he predicted Ihal il
tor will be located there, as will a permanent breeding between the two radically different would return in 1758, which it did, making its
exhibition on the hislory of science and stocks of Homo sapiens, or maybe the same first appearance jusl one week before the
technology. The science city is eKpeeted to fOOl shape developed separately end oflhal year. It has since relurned in 1835
be ready by 1985. The Neanderthalers use 01 the cave was and 1910. and will make its closest approach
N_Scientist,lJlnulrvl981 indicated by the remains of small clay balls, to the sun neKI in February, 1986.
obviously scooped from the cave floor and This will be Ihe occasion for a project
"'Todey I Am 8 M8nl" hurled at a targel at the wall. The target. 10 planned by the first international agency to
judge from a pair of deeply indented foot· develop a space program. The European
Almost every culture in lhe world has a prints at thewall, wasa young Neanderthaler Space Agency will send Spacecraft GiOllo to
"manhood" rilual, which marks a boy's who stood there for some lime. Some of the inlercept Halley's comel during its 1986
achievemenl of adult status. How far back clay balls had struck a wall projection that passage. No landing on the comet is plan-
Ihis goes was revealed by Professor Alberto looks a little like an animal; these were ned, but the spacecraft will measure the con-
Blanc in 1957, with the discovery of a cave in carefUlly scraped off. centration of gas and dust around the head
northern Italy. The local people called the Professor Blanc's analysis of Ihis of the comet, and try 10 gel photographs of
place Basua, or Witch Cave. Whether or not evidence suggests that, to show his initiation the nucleus. These photographs are eK-
this name implies in disloried form an in- into manhood, a youth was taken into a cave peeted to verify the beSt present ideas about
herited knowledge of its ritual use is where there was an image of a totem animal, the composition of a comet's nucleus, Ihe
arguable, but the ritual ilself is unmislakable. and subjecled to a bombardment of clay so-called "dirty snowbank" theory of F.l
If this guess is correct, then the local legend pellets by his elders. Presumably he would Whipple. The nucleus is probably composed
grew on very little material evidence, fail the test by flinching, since a man who of ice and other frozen gases, plus a small
because the cave was closed by a landslide cannot stand a barrage of clay pellets would amounl of dusl and rock. As the comet ap·
many thousands 01 years ago. and only un- not be a good companion in a hunting party proaches Ihe sun, the increasing temper-
covered recently. when a.wild bun or rhino charged. ature causes the gases to melt, to drift away
The clay floor of Ihe cave shows This presumption indicates thaI the from Ihe nucleus as a tail, and to glow.
numerous prints of naked feet. and the re- Neanderthalers had fairly complex rituals and This will be the first venlure of the Euro·
mains of torches used for illumination, but a social life in which they were embedded. pean Space Agency beyond the immediate
no tools and no garbage. This would indicate This qualifies them as being fully human vicinity ollheearth
that the cave was used for rilUal, not r". 'e. Agel. Bjorn Kunlln, 1'972 N_Scienrisr.8JI.....lrvl981


The Embracing After Tillyard and Althea were in-

jected with the drug, they were re-
leased into the labyrinth and no one
heard their names again.
by David J. Schow
"I love you - oh please. I can sense thrashed as they restrained her and the Ad- up like fibrous mesh. Stupidly, Tillyard at-
you're here with me. Please be with me. judicatOf smiled tolerantly. tempted to peer around the patches slowty
Make love tome. Now, quickly, love me." Sentence passed. dispositioo was in- scabbing over his eves, even as he felt his
"Yes," Tillyard managed slowly. His stantaneous. The medico of the COUrt ar- eyes die. He could still see Althea. but now
voice. dogged and ragged with disuse. SElf'V- ranged his leather cases on one of the broad she too faded to gray like a bad video image,
ad him reluctantly - but then. the speech tables. He took great care in the inspection becoming blurry and indistinct. At last she
part was important. His nose prickled; his of his ampules, hokting them against the was obIit8fated from view. There was the
eyes. though ~htIess. darted about. "Yes. I light and nodding professorily at each while palpable sensation of something thin and
want to make love to you so badly. It's been clucking absently to himself. Finally: 'Which nonporous cJ8awng to Tillyard's eves. like
so long; I've been so alone," His voice crack- first. my lord?" decals, but that was ridiculous - it was the
ed into 8 sob. "Touch me. Take me." He The Adjudicator, nonplussed by Althea's drug. And the drug was permanent.
stretched his left hand out into the darkness. aborted attack. cocked an eyebrow and said, And the picture of Althea he held in his
"love me." . "Him first. Force her to watch." mind was not the one he had just 1oggecI.
At the second of contact. Tillvafd jack- The last thing Tillyard had ever seen was Rather, he thought of how she looked just
; ad his right arm savagely around, putting his her face. The high, round cheekbones that after they had made love - her eyes dark
weight and the pistOfl force of his bicep enhanced the value 01 her smile. The con- and sparkling, the relaxed, contented at-
behind the strike. The blunt. bullet-shaped scientiously formed lips, cool and soft. The titude of her face. the neat row of upper
. stone in his fisl impacted where he knew 8 expressive contrail brows arching above eves teeth visible as she purred in a deliciously low
skull to be; the wet crunch was amplified by a dark liquid brown, so deep they seemed register. He could feel her body manufacture
the cathedral acoustics of the cavern. The black. Her features, the familiar topography the sound, as he felt all the important and
thing that had briefly touched his arm had of her face, were stressed now into anger, in- private sounds she made...
time for 8 single liQuid squeal before its reo to sorrow, into heartbroken loss and utter

flexes were severed. Tillyard knew how to frustration. But the spirit still burned there, in E MUSCLES IN Tillyard's knees suddenly
time the swing, how to place the blow to kill her eyes, even though it was the end. went to rubber and he crashed faee-first
instantly and properly. They slammed her against the wall and onto the courtroom floor. He fell down
The thing collapsed to the stone floor, vinyl gloves caught her throat in a choke- the funnelling rabbit-hole of his own mind,
its blood and brains rivllleting away into hold, forcing her to watch as per command. swimming in alien colors, tumbling, his feet
moist crannies of rock. Tillyard sensed where To watch TiUyard. striking his face, into unconsciousness.
the COfpse had fallen and straddled it. his He was efficiently immobilized by "Now her:' said the Adjudicator, and
legs registering the tingle of residual body another Stockboy. The burly mutant held Titlyard heard it before he passed out.
heat. He cast quickly around and. assured him fast as he struggJed - thecordsjumping Abruptly it seemed terribly important to
that he was alone (in this chamber of the redly out from his neck. Done now with his show Althea they could not best him with
labyrinth, at least, and fOf the time being), he frittering and spot-chedting, the medico of their drug, to say i Jove yOU' against its riptide
knelt and used the stone to puncture the the court approached. Tillyard noted clinical- of disorientation, and he tried to force the
chest of the creature on the floor. Its heart ly that the medico had some sort of spinal words out, past his inoperative vocal chords
was warm and slick. Tillyard slipped the defect that fOfCed him to walk with a crablike and numb lips. He marshalled his draining
heart into his b100dbag; he could eat it later. shuffle. body averted sideways, and that his strength and pushed - she had to hear it as
The cavern here was too open and danger- left hand seemed partially paralyzed. When he was going down; she had to. Now it was
ous, and he had toget to dose walls and nar- not in use, it drew up against his chest. like important. He pushed and felt the words
rC1'Ntunneis. the daw on a child's digging toy. leave his body. His mind floated for a sec-
All that was in his mind was her face. Across the room she was now silent, ond, giddy with victory...and having suc-
The last thing he had ever seen was her face. ftghting to stop the tears that came involun- ceeded, he let oblivion suck him down
A pair of burly Stockboys had whip- tarily at first and then coursed down her and away.
sawed her against the courtroom wall to face. Neither had dona anything of which to Althea watched Tillyard collapse in a
restrain her. She had always been more be ashamed;. that no one present in the court heap, as though all the bones had been with-
visceral in her reactions, while Tillyard - cared either way was more reason for emo- drawn from his body without ceremony. He
ever the artist, therefore removed from the tion now. Of all the truths that might have crumpled without a noise, and for a second
fantasy existence most people thought of as punctuated this moment. 01 all the declara- even the Stockboys holding her were stun-
the real world - had been defeated by his tions Tillyard wanted to hear but did not re- ned by the grotesque sight.
limitless capacity for rationalizing even the quire of her, nothing was heard. She had She wrested loose and managed to
outrageous. He came to his feet but could decided not to give the bastards any more. reach the huge courtroom doors before they
not move; his very senses were stunned by Tillyard felt a pang and tears generated in his battered her down with their truncheons.
the impact of the verdict. Across the room - own eves. Blood flowed copiously from a split and
they had not been permitted a single m0- He was watching her, cataloging the swelling eyebrow, and the medico sprinkled
ment together since their apprehension - beauties of her face as he was jabbed. He felt some powder into the wound before jam-
Althea was up and moving befOfe Tillyard the steel penetrate the crook of his arm; his ming her with the needle.
reacted. muscles were tight against the hold of the The officials of the court had no way of
Stockboy. The demon brew was, as he ex- perceMng the massive hallucinations that
pected, hot and burning. He imagined his

0 '"
accompanied the prime function of the drug,
flesh SCOfching and blackening with its the removal of sight. Almost like some sort
IlEfUClIO"l. TIUY,IJIO found woe even passage. Gritting his teeth, he did -ot take of bizarre compensation, the show it provicl-
in his loving admiration fOf her more his eves off her. Physically denied, they lock- ed was spectaCular.
basicexpression of humanity. She had ed onto each other with tines of sight and When she was gone, the Stocltboys, en
known instantly the verdict would doom them caring. The chemicals mingled daric.1y with masse, looked expectantly up to the bench,
both, while Titlyard's mind had to eliminate his blood and made the circuit of his heart like greyhounds awaiting a table scrap. The
loopholes first. convincing itself. He stood once. twice, and in the very distant back- Adjudicator pondefed a moment, then said,
trozen, thinking. She determined immediate. ground Tillyard could hear the natter of the "You may run her through the Stockboy bar-
Iy, so fast that perhaps it wason a subliminal court officials but ignored it, with tears racks once or twice before taking her to the
level of instinct or chemistry, that since they cascading freely down his face. He blinked labyrinth." The mutants looked to each other
were doomed, the removal of a single Ad· them away to focus on Althea, and for that and grinned.
judicator from the world could not damn moment they W9fe united. Neither said any- Threehundredandfive - no, six.
them any more seriously. She had leapt from thing about love; it was not necessary. In a place where there was no day. no
her berth in fury, twisting around the guards And then the gray blotches blossomed night, no time and no change whatsoever,
dogging her, and went for him on the dais. on Tillyard's corneas. They were like patches Tillyard had a number. Three hundred and
Of course, the Stockboys intercepted of ice, with crystalline borders that expanded six. How many he had killed. Killed and
her - that's what they were there for. She and began to bleed into each other. linking eaten.
Crouched like a neanderthal man within daws to shred. They fixed on motion to at-
a tight, secure niche of rock, THlyard wolfed taCk - theirs were keen, bestial senses
down the scraps from his b100dbag, the Ieft- . rather than human capacities enhanced by
overs from the creature he had baltered to mutation - and so Tillyard did not breathe,
death almost an hour before. A subjective did not twitch
hour, purely - in the labyrinth there was Rather than actually feeling the impact
no time. of the blow. Til1yard heard the fat paw whis-
It had been long ago, an eternity ago he tle through the air prior to the sudden strike
had come to consciousness sprawled on the that numbed his entire body to further sensa·
rock floor. Water, from somewhere above, tion. The pain had no time to localize.
palled onto his forehead in tortuous synco- TiUyard had been hit: he knew he was falling
pation bap bap bap. The water smelled like from his hiding place, but was aware of
chalk. He coughed and the convulsion sent nothing except the while veins of lightning
shockwaves slamming through his brain: the etched across his mind's eye, and the im-
afterburn of the drug was agonizing - so peralive to escape, to avoid conlacl...
agonizing thai at fir~t he did. not realize
something was feeding on hiS left arm.
Something with evil little rows of teeth had .........SflNG 4NO fliTTINGthe rock floor ~f the
torn the flesh and was busily lapping up • ~vern caused the roar of blood In his
Tillyard's blood with a cat-like sandpaper ears to subside. He heard thephlegma·
tongue. protected hIm Irom the things in the tic respiration of the beast as it advanced on
TiUyard did not need to see it. Hearing it labyrinth and their devilish form of Iow-grade him, could smell the oily repti1lian stink of it,
eat was too much. telempathy. They were not creatures of could feel its bulk cutting across the thick at·
HAahhhl" He lashed blindly OUt In the specifics, yet, for the total darkness of the mosptlere of the room. Agony lanced up his
dark and heard the Ihing scuttle angrily back. labyrinth, and using some balliing furrow of legs - tanding on his knees, he had manag-
Thought you were dead, mare, sorf)'.... It their mutant brIMS, they were able to detect ed to break something and could only flop
sounded too small to be a part of the genetic Tillyard's emanations. The love they forward onto his face. Hegroped forthe bone
trash periodically flushed away into the registered for the unnamed female blanked knife sheathed next to his bloodbag and
labyrinth, and so possibly was a denizen of out the more crucial message - that Tillyard found it had clattered away in the fall. One of
the harsh place, a native, living in the tunnels was a carnivore, intelligent, cunning, the Shuffler's taloned feet slapped the damp
befOfe there were Adjudicators and medicos physically stronger, The creatures absorbed stone inches away from his face.
and mutant Stockbovs, the dominant emotion and assumed the per- The. creature gathered Tillyard up into
Angry with himself now, Til1yard Could sona of the female as bail. Tltlyard reasoned its min-like forepaws, rearing back on its
only think that the first thing he had done in that names meant nothing. He exploited hiS hind legs and sweeping him up into the air.
the labyrinth was utter a primitive noise, take advantage ruthlessly; her face was In hIS TIUyard braced his arms against the thing'S
a violent action. The essence of irony - mind as he bludQeoned and killed. He hot snout. trying to push away in vain, lor
wielded in terms of punishment and sculpted thought only 01 her laughter as the ichorous next would come the scrabble of paws that
by the expert mind of an Adjudicator. blood of the creatures crept past his elbows, would open his gutS up and then the slow
"Since your favorite term for us in your drenching him, And he remer:nbered her leaking away of his lile into the darkness.
rabble-rousing is 'barbarian: and you will not name, hoping that somewhere In the laby- A foreign object blasting through with
desist, you will become as one with us, a rinth she had managed to be as canny. enormous fOfee almost ripped Tillyard's arm
savage, that you may perceive the dif- He belli to the trid::1e near his head and away - it seemed to be a pole or crude spear
ference. You wrongly believe us cruel and sniffed. The flow was dear: he drank first about four inches In diameter. By the sound,
primitive; this causes unrest and dissatisfac- and then rinsed the dry and flaking blood it had homed in on the Shuffler's throat and
tion. We will show you what cruel and Irom his arms. was imbedded well, but lhe creature did
primitive are. We wilt show you what it is to There was a disturbance. Mentally he nothing to indicate the injury was anything
be a barbarian." logged a heavy movement in the chamber more than an annoyance. II clutched its dIn-
Til1yard had a following in the arts, and below him and he froze like a pup on scent. ner. Tillvard, firmly. There was movement
that was both dangerous and frustrating listening. He recognized the wet slap-and· elsewhere in the room, but Tillyard was in·
Dangerous because it gave him an intelligent drag motions 01 one of the huge creatures he capable 01 discrimination.
audience; frustrating because it was an had indexed as Shufflers. They were dense Abruptly the Shuffler lurched sharply
audience that coold not be counter-propa- and massy, almost impossible to kill with forward, surprised or pushed from behind by
gandiZed - his followers would never buy a their reptilian plating and lusklike teeth. its new atlacker. It shrieked, hOI saliva splat-
sudden conversion of viewpoint. The judg' Their leaden movements were misleading - tering Til1yard. He felt the sickening vertigo
ment became necessary because It was a when angered or frenzied with hunger, they 01 its fall and reahzed he was sandwiched be-
personal coup for the Adjudicator; he had reared up on their hind legs, using teeth and tween lhe massive beaSt and lhe floor. The
decided to make Tillyard a myth-object air rushed. Tillyard gave vent to a shriek 01
lesson. They would remember what happen- his own, abrading his ragged vocal equip-
ed to Tillyard ment with his own absolute terror. It
And they would take a cue from what reverberated in the cavern but he never
would also happen to his overly vocal com- heardil.
panion, Althea. Yes. They would learn that HIS shoulderblades crunched onl0 the
association was as evil as provocation. The floor and the Shullier was on top of him. ItS
pair of dissenters was blinded in the pre- teeth sank Into hIS flesh, and Titlyard merel-
scribed fashion. They were consigned to the fullyblackedoul.
Iabyrinlh according to law, 10 survive, bar- The place to whIch he waited dreamIly
barically, forever. There was no time in the down was pleasant; his pain was filtered out
labyrinth. as he descended. He saw Althea's face, the
Tillyard licked the blood off his fingers. perfeeL timeless picture. again, He saw his
he had losl the last twO of his right hand own face as well, as he remembered II. Of
eight kills ago - number Two Hundred and course, he had no Inkltng 01 what hiS face
Ninety-Eight. might look like now, but It was a phYSIog-
For three hundred and six kilts he had nomy yet unmarred by the changes obVlOOS
been seatching for Althea, yet in all that time to his sense of touch, a lace WIthout the
had never once spoken her name, nor had he scrub of beard. or the scars_ or the cruSty pllS
spolc.en his own - two shreds of arffi()( that of hiS atrophied eyes. A needle, a small
fnM"~ 11J1
The Nazis, however, lack the all-

through a number of clips which retell the
important headpiece to the staff of Ra which man of steel's stOfY. preparing us for the con-
is needed to determine the Ar1r::'s precise tinuation. General Zod. Ursa, and Non
locatioo. It is in the possession of Professor escape the ethereal Phantom Zone. while

Television Abner Ravenwood, an archaeologist who

had last been seen near Nepal. At this point,
the American government recruits Indiana
Jones (Harrison Ford) to find Ravenwood,
lex Luthor makes his escape from his earthly
prisoo. leaving the dumsy Otis behind. With
these events covered. the stOfY is ready to
and to recover the headpiece and the Ar1r:: On the surface, things seem to be in ex-
RAIDERS OFTHE LOST ARK before the Nazis do. cellent working order. The first film has been
Execu1tN I"nIducer: George Lucas The film begins 10 move into high gear recounted; Superman's greatest foe to date
~Fr"~ as Jones bounces from peril to peril, trying to is loose and looking for his blood; a lrio of
DlNc--= s_ SoieI;lerg beat the Naris in the race to the ArX, The super-powered menaces, all three ruthless,
~OougIasSIocolTbe dangers faced by the arChaeologist/grave sadistic killers, are on their way to earth. On
~~Aiehardeclund robber include assundry falling boulders, top of this, the romance between lois and
M....:JomWilitms rooms filled with spiders or snakes, explo- Clark/Superman continues to grow. Having
sions, submarines, stone doors with steel all these elements. Superman 1/ should be a
H...isonFord Indiltt'IaJones teeth, poisoned darts, and numelOus other blockbuster, but it is not. Sadly, the un-
(.,.nAllen .. MaOon~1l\I8OWOOd Fu-Manchian devices. favorable comparisons to EmpifB continue.
Steven Spielberg and George lucas The film is a devoid of profound mes- In fmpifB. John Williams returned to re-
have been good friends for over a decade. sages as was Star Wsrs. It is basically "good score his original themes from Star Wars.
Between' them they are responsible for four versus evil" with little else except action that while adding a number of new pieces that
of the world's 10 top grossing films. Four is fast paced and exciting. The sets are ex- augmented the majesty and novelty of the
years ago, the pair decided to work together otic, the special effects are as expected - film. like so many others of the original ar-
on a 1m's style cliffhanger. The result is an many, varied and first class. The leading lady tists, Williams did not return to SupenTJ8n 1/
action-packed adventure entitled Raiders of (Karen Allen) is beautiful; the music by John but left the scoring in the hands of composer
Williams is spectacular, and the sum of the Ken Thorne. Thorne does a highly compe-
rhe Lost Ark, starring Harrison Ford and
Karen Allen. parts is one thoroughly enjoyable summer tent job of restyling William's original music;
lucas put the Ijlm together for personal picture for JUSt about everyone. it is a good score. The problem, however, is
reasons; ''I'm really doing it SO I can enjoy it; I Christopher John that it is only a rehashing of the firsl; there is
just want to see this picture." The idea was nothing boldly, or strikingly new in it - and
an ~d one for Lucas. HI wanted to make an SUPERMAN I' that is the problem with all of SupermBn 1/.
action/adverlture kind of serial film. The idea There is nothing original to the sequel,
carne to me about the same time I had the ProdYc:er:PiIImI'Spenglel" nothing new enough to get really excited
idea for Star WafS. t got mote interested in OlNctor:Ric:htrdLeste" over. The audience notices lhe holes more
Star Wars, so I put Raidets on the shelf, ~M.,;oPuzo.o..idNewn'ltn&LeslieNewmaro
than lhe novelty.
fIQuring I'd get back to it someday." Stort:MarioPuzo . For one thing. Jor-EI IMarion Brandol is
Production finally began in 19E1l. with sorely missed. Although Susannah York does
the film being released this summer. For ChnSI,apherR_ SUC*lT\llfl/CltrtK«lt a fine job of filling in the spots which would
those who love Ihose "good-clean-fun" type Gene Hactmlll"l Lu Luthor have been Brando's, she is obviously pinch·
of pictures, Raiders is definitely their movie. M¥gotKidder.. LoisL_ hitting; the scenes are evidently meant for
lucas chose to set his Story in 1936 in Jail! Cooper . Perry White Brando. The tension between the "Father
order to take advantage of some intriQuinQ NedB8lItty. Otis and lhe Son," the finely done God and Christ
facts. Adolf Hitler, an avid student of reli- \'ak!riePerrine EveTeschrT\eCIl8r imagery of the first film. is gone. The lack of
gious doctrines and artifacts, believed in S.,ahDouglas ..... Ursa Geoffrey Unsworth's photography is also ap-
aStrology and the power of the occult. JaO'HlIIlor.n Non parent leven though he is credited on the
Before and during the war, he commissioned TaranceSUlmp Ge!1e,a1Zod film, very little of the footage shot before his
professional investigations into all manner of Susanf\llhYOf~.. Lto.. death remains!. Finally, Richard lester's
religio-occultist claims. E,G.Maf$hall TIleP'll!lldefll directing style conflicts too sharply with that
Using these facts as a jumping-off Ma,cMcClute JimmyOlsen of Richard Donner's to allow an even flow
point, Lucas weaves his tale, beginning it in Every summer of late, movie goars seem between the two films.
Egypt. American Intelligence establishes to take part in an eKistential drama - Throughout Donner's work. there is a
that the Nazis may have found the lost city of Wsiting for the Sequel. As they wait, they conscious attempt to keep the comedy to a
Tanis. Apparently their mission is to find the always debate the same question: "Wil/ it be minimum. He is a serious director. When
Ark of the Covenant, lost since 900 B.C. The bener than the first?' The controversy over directing Superman Donner took the essen-
Old Testament states that the Ark will be the question grows in direct proportion to tially simplistic material of a comic book, a
rediscovered at the time of the coming of the the first movie's popularity. last year, stOry literally evefYOl)e in lhe world already
True Messiah, a designation Hitler desper- everyone waited for The EmpifB Strikes knew, and gave it a surprising amount of
ately craves for himself. Back, wondering how George Lucas could depth and poyver.
ever top Star Wars. Most of the potenlial au- Lester, however. is another matter. He.
dience was convinced he couldn't. When in reverse, has always had the abililY to
Empire turned out even beller than Star tighten a serious subject by showing us the
Wars, it gave us high hopes for future fan- humor inherent in it. Here though. where a
tasy sequels... Iike Supennan 1/. sharp balance between the comic book and
Unfortunately. these great expectations lhe film should have been maintained, lester
are nOI to be met this time around. Super- opted for the broader antics and sometimes
man 1/ has very little to recommend it over its silliness of the comics. reducing Superman 1/
predecessor. It is a good film, well worth the 10 the level everyone feared the firsl film
watching, but itis not touched with the same would be.
kind of greatness as was Superman. Unfortunately, in almost all ways, the
The film open with a recounting of the sequel is not up to snuff. Although
Kryptonian villains being sentenced to the everyone's acting is still right on the mark.
Phantom Zone; then follows another set of the editing, directing, and the special effects
fantastic credits, While being visually more are not. Superman 1/, though highly appeal-
stunning than the original Superman credits. ing, is not what it could have been. Byoffer-
they also manage to recapture the first film ing us linle difference. especially where it
matters, SUpermlJn 1/ falls into the category The film works at multiple levels at once,
of SElQuets containing such films as JIlWS 1/ - each of them pointing back 10 Boorman's
highly absorbing and entertaining, yet better main theme. e.-w.~SNhM.H_nein
films only if you never sew the originllli. Each facet of the production adds to Ex- ~RictwdP.RubinslBin
Christopher John ~GeofgeA.R_o
calibur's excellence. Borrowing some of its
sound track from the music of the Middle
Ages, Trevor Jones has crafted a moving e-t
EXCAUBUR combination of moods into his composition EdH.m... ..8i11v
which adds greatly 10 Boorman's vision. GerylMlli AJa,n
llabenA.e"Min Peter MacDonald's photography is superb in Toms.mi •................ _ Morgwo
~.onc-:Jo/Vle_ most places. !The film has a problem in that AmylngBf80l lJneI
P.lriOIIT ~
.....-r.Rc.poP~&John8C1Offl\tn certain shots are inlercut with badly washed
segments of film, which can bejarring during ChristineF_I.. . Ar9'
NigIIlT~ l(ingArthu, their brief flashes on the screen. Luc:kily, they The Question which comes to my mind
....... Mirren MOfgWllI are few and far between.) is: if Excalibu, is the second besl picture of
NichclMOIov l.¥loIlol The film's flaws are too minor to bother this year, what is the first? Beyond any
OwriIILunghi ~ with, how8Yer. Boorman and his people have doubt, the best picture so far this year is
PIUlGeottJ.y ~ designed an intricate production which George Romero's Knightriders.
NicolWillilnwon Mertin dazzles the audience more with each show- Knighrriders is the story of a troupe of
Rober1AdcSi1 Monhd ing. Boorman's England is a vefdant blaze of performers who travel with a Renaissance
John Boorman has been entranced with ferns and vines, a rich, opulent nature which Fair, a movable pageant extolling the Mid-
the legend of King Arthur and his kNghts of blesses Arthur and his knights until they dle Ages. Their caravan pulls into small
the round table throughout his entire film- fOfg&t their connection to it. Subtly, as Ar- American towns; local people stand and
making calT8Etr. Bits and pieces of it can be thur fOfgets his oneness with the land, it stare as they parade down Main Street in full
found in much of his BBC work, and becomes brown and grey, dying in mud and medieval garb, selling tickets to their
throughout most of his films. He wanted to dead grass, though finally to be reborn with weekend event. After the parade they set up
tell the story of whet he calls ..... our most Arthur by the end of the picture. camp a few miles out of town where the pee.
endearing legend" for over a decade, but his pie will come to feast on Saturday afternoon.
The troupe sells food and drink, and artisans
screenplay and his arguments were ignored
by most parties. Finally, after StS' WSfS prov- sell leather goods and ceramic pots. Musi-
ed that indeed there was a market for fan- cians play, clowns gambol, tumblers tumble,
tasy, he suddenly found that backing fOf Ex- and the crowd watches with disdain or
caliburwas easily obtainable. Taking several amusement. waiting for the main event, the
years to finish, heavy in mood and imagery, tournament.
stunning in its execution, Excalibu, is the The tournament is a full medievel joust,
finest sword and sorcery film lMlf made - a combalants in full armor, wielding axes, bat-
brilliant tribute to tamalol and her once and tleaxes, maces and broadswords, attacking
future king. each other not on horseback, but on motor-
We all know the story. Arthur frees the cycles. It is the smell of mechanical death
which draws people to the weekend events,
!WOrd from the stone to become king. He
weds Guenevere, only to have her cuckold lhe same ploy lhe film hopes to use to draw
him with his best friend Lancelot. Shortly people into lhe theaters.
Over the two years the troupe has been
thereafter, internal strife nearly ruins the
round table. To hold it together, Arthur sends logether, il has grown 10 a size where it is
beginning to have financial troubles ltoo little
his knights on a Quest for the Holy Grail.
money split amongst 100 many people). and
Perceval discovers it in time to remind Arthur
also where it has begun to receive con-
of what the king had forgotten, that he and
There is more than just scenery for the siderable attention from the press and televi-
the land are one. Armed with this know-
eye, however. Boorman's action sequences sion. Pressure grows within the group as
ledge, and the power which comes from it,
their king, Sir William lEd Harris), tries to
hll rides into final battle against his bastard are sharp, savage and unpredictable. They
keep Ihe publicilY down, while Olher
son, Mordred. They slay each other, and Ex- are not the courtly duels of Errol Flynn and
members of the troupe encourage .it. Sir
calibur is returned to the Lady of the Lake to Basil Rathbone; these combatants are a
William wishes to follow his own code, keep-
be held for a future king who may be worthy grunting, bashing, bleeding 101, filled with a
ing the troupe pure. No drugs are allowed in
of it. viol8flC8 and a hating tension seldom found
their camp. Everything is kept clean and
Boorman is basically faithful to the on the screen these dayS.
above board so thaI no trouble can break out
legend, taking his interpretation from For the moSI part, lhe performances
between the troupe and the locals wherever
Thomas Malory's L6 Mort6 O'Arrhur. Telling Boorman has drawn from his cast are ex-
they are.
his story through Merlin's eyes, Boorman cellent Nicol Williamson's Merlin is the high
paints a picture of an England still in the Morgan ITom Savini), Sir William's
point of the film. His interprelation 01 the
hands of small feudal kings. Magic and character is as open to debale as is the film strongest knight. wants lhe recognition, the
Christianity struggle against one another, glory, and the money which publicity will
itself. Fined with nuances, his portrayal of
Mef1in being presented as the last agent of Merlin is one which, if taken in parts, seems bring. MorganalsoseeksSirWilliam'scrown.
Thus, the group splinters, some wishing to
the dying gods. Part magician, part con- contradictory, but when taken as a whole,
man, he uses trickery and true magic to fTled.. remain true to Sir William's dream, the
offers an amazing display of a wriler's
die in men's affairs and to toy with history. acumen and an actor's genuis. olhers following Morgan's ambitions.
Nicol Williamson portrays the ancient mage Also excellent are Nigel Terry as King Knightriders is a Lavish celebration of
with great versatility. At times he is charged Arthur, and Helen Mirren as Morgana Le Fey. honesty and truth, a rediscovery of middle-
with lightning, a terrOf to the minds of men; As Lucas did with Star WalS, Boorman has America's values as reflected through lhe
at other times he seems "thin and thread- also populated his fantasy land wilh, for the codes of the knights of lhe round !able.
bare," filled with the knowledge that the end most part, unknown faces, augmenting lhe Romero's knights are attacked by everything
is near fOf him and his kind. film's realism. which is evil in our society: payola cops, in-
This, of course, is Boorman's point. The Excalibu, is a shocldngly large film, an stant fame, drugs, and insensitivity. The
film is an allegory fOf our times, speaking of incredibly intricate a~ fascinating piece of allegory continues as the devil layS more
modem man's loss of magic and, more cinema. It is a fine prok>gue for lhe spate of templations OUI before them; cheap sex,
tragically, his loss of unity both with nature fantasy films waiting in the wings for release easy money, glittering costumes, fame amcl
and with the universe which surrounds him. !his year. Christopher John power can all be lheirs. All they have 10 do is
turn their backs on their code and their stakes favored by publishers who seem to
dream. Some do. somedon't.
The film could actually stop at this con-
clusion, but it does not. Romero follows
those knights who leave, showing their treks
Medig want nothing more than to hurry onward to
the next winner.
That is Crisis 11, for all those newer
writers who may never get a chance at those
thrOtlgh the devi1's rewards as their frustra- _ I n .... _ slow and steady sales after being opted out
tion and bitterness grow. In the meantime. If there is a single aspect of sf media by next week's wave of new books. Today's
Sir William and those knights loyal to him taken most for granted, it is the "backstock" book turnover in the industry is astoundingly
wait lor their lost brothers to return. of the average retail bookstore's sf section. high. All those Hugoand Nebula Award win-
The finale of the picture is not the return Those copies of Great Brain Robbery or Five ners may find themselves sharing boxes of
of the prodigal knights. nor is it the ultimate Fates no one ever seems to browse, let alone returns (a charming credit process wherein
contest between Sir William's followers and buy, have been staring at bookstore regulars the retail outlet rips the cover from a paper-
Morgan's for the crown. After William loses from the same shelf, in the same condition back, sends the covers back to the publisher
the crown, Ihe film then follows his exploits (dusty, yellowed, thumbed), and in the same for compensatory credit for the no-sale, and
until all the loose ends are tied up. trashes the body of the book. Cheaper,
position (spine-out, always bracketing
Knighlriders is more than the film pro- something that sells more briskly, like the , natch, and not nearly as much postagell.
moted in the commercials - the violence is Star Wars Punch-Out and Eat Book) year in, Here's Crisis 12, for all the warhorses
not the focus of the film. As in Romero's last year out. Titles differ, but every regular buyer who are still alive and well in present-day
film, Dawn of the Dead, violence comes in should be familiar with the books with the backstocks: Publishers are, in many cases,
spurts. The picture's most intense scenes are redistributing their warehouse space accord-
prices so temporally disproportionate to
made more effective by the lack of continued those of the current offerings that it's clear ing to financial Quotas. Sure, science fic-
excess. What is important in Knightriders is tion makes roughly as much money as the
their permanent home is on the rack. Their
the message. panflash novels, but takes a much longer
sale is so unlikely as to provoke jokes; no one
would buy them seriously, and they lend a time doing it. PublisherS are interested in the
comforting initimacy to the topography of long run only when it comes to best-sellers;
one's local watering hole for st literature. otherwise, if a specific author, series, or
They seem like a constant. genre (anything that can provide a category
As with all things changeless, the im- to be columned and graphed) fails to make X
mortality of these epics and others - all of amount in Y time - out. The operative
which compose the sf backstock of any store phrase is "out of stock at the publisher,"
- is not as ifonclad as it might appear. The which means out-of-print.
backstock is in trouble. Warehouse space for all books not in
As television churns out blander and retail outlets must be rented, bought, or built
blander pap to sell silly products, as films - a formidable proposition when one con-
become the province of fiscal ramrods over siders millions of books. More to the point,
artists, so has the publishing industry !co- millions of books leven when they're sitting
opted by swelling corporate partnerships) in a warehouse) constitute a taxable asset for
turned its eye toward maximization of profit the publisher, and the true value of such
as an overriding concern. This eye is the books dwindles yearly to everyone except
malignant, Cyclopian one; the one that the IRS. There naturally comes a con-
As in Excalibur Romero points up in wants purely to generate money. At any vergence point at which it is cheaper for the
Knightriders the problems with today's socie- cost. publishers to destroy the books - which
ty, doing so much more directly, of course, In the case of sf backstocks, the titles constitute many a backstock - rather than
by examining them in the actual present. The that never selt and the oldies that keep on, it continue paying swelling taxes and
emptiness of fame, the hollow lure of "swing- works like this: The arena is very much like maintenance on them. Ongoing litigations
er" relationships, the loss of love from a the rock and roll record industry in that may exempt publisher's warehouse stocks
culture, the dehumanizaion of the "know-it- residual sales are meaningless. One album is - but for now the danger does exist.
all" television society, and, of course, man's given one promotion for a return of one peak In the meantime, a lot of Paul Anderson
loss of identity and lost place in nature are sales figure. Each release has a limited time oldies might hit the shredder in order to pro-
Romero's themes. Hitting strongly, pUlling to peg a certain sales quota or it is deemed vide space for quicker-return items. Fill in the
no punches, he covers these and other ills, less than successful; after that initial return, name of the popular sf author of your choice.
never dwelling too long on anyone, never it is largely forgotten. The gravy that comes Also in the meantime, Stephen King
even making value judgments. The audience from sales months or years after release is in- wrote that "the handwriting is on the wall for
is left alone to make its own choice. Many of significant to the parent label company. the hardcover book, I think ... " Paperbacks,
the evils Romero puts on the screen are so "Supermarket novels" are the book born of WWII economization, are now the
familiar that it is hard to recognize them as equivalent of rock albums. You'll notice dif- mainstay of the industry (the paper has not
such, which is, of course, Romero's point. If ferent "blockbusters" dangling from that gotten much cheaper but the binding pro-
you can't tell something is bad while you rack by the checkout stand almost week-by- cesses sure havel. Hardcovers now compete
watch it happen to a character up on the week. Most are flops, but enough blast off to with the aforementioned rock albums for the
silver screen, how are you supposed to re- balance the tally in a system where one such most outrageous list price, making hard-
cognize it in real life when someone waves blockbuster can support twenty miscalcula- cover-sized paperback "originalS" inevitable.
the apple under your nose? tions. These novels have no' shelf life what- The Sword of Shannara came into the world
Romero delights in spotlighting the soever, and the publishers know it. They this way along with countless others all later
trials and everyday problems of middle- become much like those TV shows that get reproduced as "mass-market" paperbacks
America. Also, however, not one to merely three weeks to establish an audience - not a (normal size) at the usual prices. The dif-
show the problem and then walk away, second more - before being introduced to ference here is that the original larger edition
Romero offers hard alternatives, all of them the dumper. has a pricetag somewhere between $5 and
lied up with honor and being true to one's Science fiction book sales in toto de- $7; more than the usual paperback, but
self, if no one else. Furthermore, as has hap- pend heavily on the slow but steady move- about half the cost of a version between hard
pened in most of Romero's films, the presen- ment of books over long periods of time. Sf covers, which may be feserved in the near
tation works well. rarely rhymes with "blockbuster" (though in future for best-sellers or favorites only. You
Knighrriders is George Romero's tour de recent years the genre has been represented know: Childhood's End and Stranger in a
force. Passing no judgments, he says, in the high-sales category - mostly by pretty Strange Land rather than The Mind Game or
"This is life; this is the good and this is the pallid, low common denominator stuff), and Gloriana.
bad. Sometimes the good guys win, some- their stately generation of money is parsecs And if this sounds overly distressing ...
times the bad guys win. Sometimes they distant from the one-week novel sweep- there's always television. DavidJ. Schow
barians can be resolved, but that resolution makes no attempt to consider the philo-
is left for future seQuels. sophical Questions of politics and
economics. The prose is workmanlike but
lorrah is a deft and competent writer, unspectacular. The characterization is
and has thought oot well the relationship somewhat two-dimensional. In short, Sword
between Reading and Adept magic. Her of rhe Lamb is a lamily saga transposed onto
A Plenet In Arm., Donald Barr, world, however, shows less evidence of a science liction framework, but little else.
. Fawcett Books, $2.25 thought; indeed, it is entirely unconvincing. like similar sagas, it is addictive reading. The
Too long • Slicrtflce, Mildred Downey There is apparently little or no communica- conflicts among the major characters, like
Broxon, Dell Books, $2.50 tion between the Empire and lhe barbarian those of a soap opera, become compelling.
V.I., Philip K. Dick, lands, else the Empire woold have a better Sword of the Lamb is neither great literature
Bantam Books, $2.25 piclureof doings in those lands. Yet, the two nor good SF, but it isa "pag&-turner."
CrllgonUIiver. Wayland Drew, have been warring for ages. It is more likely
Ballantine Books, $2.75 that a certain degree of trade should exist. I wonder how many people read Ken-
SMMge Empire, Jean Lorrah, The political structures 01 the two lands are neth Roberts these days7 He was one of my
Playboy Press, $2.25 more convincing, the Empire being a con- mother's favorite writers when she was an
M ••k. of the lIIumiNltl, stitutionally limited autocracy, and the adolescent, and conseQuently I read most 01
Robert Anson Wilson, Pocket/Timescape barbarian lands a set of leudal domains. his books when in my teens. He wrote histo-
Books, $2.95 However, one element which lorrah in- rical novels, usually dealing with the Ameri-
TM Shedow of tM Tortu,.r and troduces to justify the actions of her can Revolution or the young Republic. His
TM ca.w of tM ConcMlIitor, characters is an entirely gratuitous and rather concern with liberty was paramount, and his
Gene Wolfe, Pocket/TImescape Books, the annoying Nietzscheism. Because her plotS were lirst rate. Most interestingly, he
first $2.50 in paperback, the second $12.95 characters are more powerlul mages and had a talent for villains. who were motivated
in hardcover psychics than her oountryr,"lerl, they deserve by greed and stupidity, and hence were en-
Sword of tM t.mb, M.K. Wren, to rule - that is, the superior man has the tirely believable. Nonetheless, Roberts was
Berkley Books, $2.75 right to dispose of the lives and property 01 able to compel the reader to hate them or at
others. A frightening concept. and one least the stupidity and greed with which they
which Lorrah tosses off without in- were attached. Regardless, his Arundel and
There is 8 peculiar subgenre that lies at vestigating the conseQuences. Oliver Wiswell must be considered two of
the intersection of fantasy and science fic- On thewhole, Savagefmpireisan enter- the best novels about the Revolution.
tion. It is written almost entirely by women, taining though flawed lirst effort, good The (eason that I mention Roberts is
deals with a society whose members possess enough to justify looking for lorrah's next that Donald Barr, author of A Planer in Af11J$,
magical or psionic abilities, and concentrates "<>Vel. reminds me 01 his fiction. The book deals
on exploring the effects of such abilities on M.K. Wren's Sword of the Lamb is a with a revolution on a planet that has recent-
individual characters and on the society as a peclJliar novel - a sort of science fiction ly won its liberty from a Terran Empire, and
whole. The usual motivating plot is one that family epic. If it were an historical novel, it has much the feel of Roberts' fiction - and
relates to love in some way (though olten the would have been advertised like this: "In the of Heinlein'S revolutionary novels. A Planer
love of a man for his son, say, or of agroupof last days 01 the Confederation, Alexand was in Anns has an intriguing plot, witty writing,
friends, rather than traditional male-Iemale born to the House of Dekoven Woolf, one 01 three-dimensional characterization, and fast-
love), and an external conflict related to the the most powerful houses 01 the Directorate. action: in short, everything which adventure
society as a whole. A writer in this subgenre Cursed with a conscioos, he woold find pas- fiction reQuires to transcend its genre. It is
invariably Wl'ites sequel after sequel, produc- sion and power as the tidal wave of history not science fICtion in any real sense. since
ing sometimes as many as a dozen novels set swirled 8CfOSS his destiny and that 01 his the technology is really that of World War II
in the same world. The genre has a body of love..... You get the picture. with different names lor the mechineguns.
devoted fans, and there are even fan organi- The Concord is an oligopolistic feudal-
zations and conventions devoted to this kind ism in which the only right permitted the Rohan's Planet. having won its indepen-
of literature. Personally, I enjoy the genre, serfs is freedom of religion. The thirst lor dence from Earth, establishes a British·style
though I find the claims of some of its practi- liberty is the one historical force which can- government. During the first election, the
tioners overblown. not be denied, and consequently the society self-styled Freedom Party wins a majority of
Anne McCaffrey, Marion Zimmer Brad- is subject to discontent and rebellion. The the chamber and rapidly plunges the planet
ley, and Jacqueline Lichtenberg are perhaps leaders of the oligopoly are laced with a into economic disaster through teftist
the best known writers in the field. Jean lor- choice between reform and oppression, and economic policies. Partially to pay its debts
rah, author of Savage Empire. is a new entry. are divided as to which policy to pursue. In and partially to expropriate the "creditor
Her book is an obvious altempt to write with- the past, the Concord Quashed a separatist class" which it leels has wrongfully acquired
in the COOYerltions of the field, and her love Republican movement that arose in the Can- wealth through manipulation during the
for similar Wl'iters is clear. tauri system, the only human-inhabited Revolution, it embarks on a conscioos policy
The world of Savage Empire is divided system outside Sol; a revolutionary under- of hyperinflation. When the economic sys·
into two societies: the Aventine Empire, ob- ground known as "The Phoenix" remains tern begins to break down, it institutes a law
viously modeled on the Roman, and the from the scattered forces of the Republic. reQuiring creditors to accept currency at its
lands of the barbarians. The Aventines are Alexand, the eldest son of the House of face value. The result is that creditors are
possessed of the power of Reading, appa- Dekoven Woolf. is rapidly caught up in pursued and tracked down by debtors who
rently psionics of some kind; the barbarians political intrigue among the ruling families, mercilessly repay them in worthless paper.
are Adepts, apparenlly practitioners of with his love, Adrien, as the prize. His (Precisely this situation occured in Rhode
magic.· From time immemorial. they have younger brother, Rich, secretly ioins the Island under the Articles of Confederation;
been warring, with the barbarians gradually Phoenix; while Alexand, like all members of Planer in Af11J$ is filled with similar historical
pushing back the borders of the Empire. A the aristocracy, is conscripted for two years parallels.J Meanwhile, the Freedom Party is
Reader once exiled from the Empire has in the military, whose main job is massacring taken over by a would-be dictator, and
found service with the barbarians, and his striking serfs. repression ensues. The major characters
powers, combined with those of the bar- Sword of the Lamb is the lirst in a series therefore stage a revolution to restore fiscal
barians, threaten to overwhelm the Empire. of novels which will continue the saga 01 the sanity to the state.
Thus the protagonist. a Master Reader, House of Dekoven Woolf. It is fairly well The theme of libertarian revolution is a
enters the barbarian lands to try to find the written. but it is science liction only in that it common one in science fiction, but has rare-
exiled Readef and stop him from siding with takes place in the future; the technolgy is lit- ly been as deftly handled as by Barr. The only
the barbarians. Instead, he receives an edu- tle different Irom today's, save the existence complaint I have is that he does not ade-
cation in the ways of the wor1d and finds of starships and the replacement of sub- Quately deal with the philosophical dimen-
love. By the end of the novel, it is clear that machine guns with more arcane weaponry. sion 01 political cooflict; but since he deals
the conflict between the Empire and the bar- Though of necessity a political novel. it very well indeed with almost every other

aspect of the novel, this amounts to a petty Wilson is a writer whose work has re- plot in and of itself is not an uncommon one,
complaint. A Planet in Arms is a superb ceived little attention, but whom I consider but the writing and themes are. This is fan-
book. to be one of the best SF authors now writ- tasy as it should be written: portentous
ing. He explores essentially philosophical events, marvelous beings, wielders of great
"The most brilliant SF mind on any themes as does Dick in Valis, but his prose is powers, a land of terror and delight. 11 Wolfe
planet" says Rolling Stone on the cover of spectacular and filled with ,a dark sense of never writes another word, he will have
Philip K. Dick's Wi/is; one wonders how they humor. He writes, as you will, as Vonnegut made his mark.
know. The quote is representative of, how- might write if Vonnegut were a libertarian Mildred Downey Broxon's Too Long a
evaf, the recognition and acclaim which Dick warlock with a firm acquaintance with Sacrifice is a strange and touching novel set
has received both within and without the SF science, arcana, and the problems of epis- in Northern Ireland. Tadgh MacNiall, a bard,
ghetto. Despite critical and academic ac- temology. His best-know won:: is the IIlumi- becomes enchanted by the Sidhe, and goes
claim, Diclc continues to sell, rather poorly, natus trilogy, co-authored with Shea, but his to live eternally with them in a city beneath
the fault lying in the cerebral and often con- best novel is probably the marvelously am- the waves. His wife, bereft, joins him and
fused natura of his prose. biguous Schrodingers Cat. they live unhappily and dreamily among the
Masks of the fIIuminari deals with a Sidhe for centuries. Then the waters of the
Dick may not be the best SF mind on
any planet, but he is certainly the most idio- young Victorian nobleman who joins the elfin city begin to fill with blood, for the land
Order of the Golden Dawn to pursue his above is torn apart by bloody conflict; and
syncratic on this planet. The themes he
chooses are bizarre in the extreme, as loony studies in the arcana and shortly"finds him- the Sidhe, about to die, free the two humans
self in a magical duel with the evil wizard, to return to their world. Upon leaving, how-
as some explored by Heinlein in the last few
years. For example, one novel deals with a Aleister Crowley. Pursued by horrors, he ever, the two become separated; and Tadgh
world in which objects begin fEl(Jressing in flees across Europe until he finally meets falls in with a group of IRA terrorists, while
Albert Einstein and James Joyce in a bar in his wife makes friends with a pacifist Catho-
time: look away from the fridge, and five
minutes later it will have turned into a 50's Switzerland. One expects that Wilson will lic girl. They become the pawns of powers
leave the fantastic elements of his plot in am- they cannot control; and the Goddess and
vintage fridge with rounded corners and a
biguous limbo, but in fact there is a rational the Wild Hunt contend while the bombs
level handle; five minutes later it will be an
explanation for all events - save, perhaps, blow in Belfast.
1890's tin-plated icebox. As a result. much of
where Crowley got the LSD. At the culmina- The main strength of Too Long a
Dick's fiction is either poorly thought out or
tion of the novel, Joyce, Einstein and Sacrifice is Broxon's firm grip on the Irish
simply incomprehensible; but much of it is
Crowley take LSD together in what must mythos and an ability to evoke its power and
extremely good.
surely be one of the most bizarre scenes in a a mood of wonder in the reader. Its main
The protagonist of Valis is Horselover
recent novel. weakness is the prose, which is no more than
Fat, a German translation by way of Attic
Masks of the fIIuminati is an essentially competent and rather stilted in places. On
Greek of Dick's own name. Fat is a middle-
minor work by a master, but for all of that the whole, however, it is head and shoulders
aged man who has experienced a nervous
makes amusing and thoughtfUl reading. above moSt of the fantasy being published
breakdown and used LSD for an extended
Those unacquainted with Wilson's work today, and well worth reading.
period. At some pOint, he believes he sees
the divine light of God, and starts to develop would dowell to pick upa copy. Greg Costikyan
a weird cosmology of his own. This universe, I've never been much of a fan of Gene
Vermithrax, the last and most feared
Wolfe, a writer whose work has been highly
he believes, is an essentially flawed and evil dragon, has migrated from his turf in Greece
one, but an entity from a more perfect uni- touted within the genre, but The Shadow of
to the once peaceful hamlet of Swanscombe
verse has invaded and is seeking to bring the Torturer and The Claw of the Concl1iator.
in post-Roman England. The local residents
the first two books in what will become a
love and justice. This entity is alternatively have reached an oppressive accommodation
Jesus Christ or a secret satellite manned by tetraology entitled The Book of the New
with the dragon: a young woman selected by
Sun, are more than enough to make a
three-eyed aliens from the future. Eventually, lottery is offered at each equinox and Ver-
believer out of me. This is fantasy as it should
Fat half-persuades his friends of his vision, mithrax restrains the urge to prepare vi/l8ge
be written. Forget the sword and sorcery, the
and then meets another group who have fl8mbe for another six months.
mighty thewed warrior, and the colorless
come to similar conclusions independently. A small band of villagers sneaks off to
prose of Le Guin and imitators; forget
In essence, WJ/is is a novelistic explora- Cragganmore to beg Ulrich, the last sorcerer
Tolkien, for that matter. Wolfe is the master
tion of questions of epistemology and solip- in the area, to exterminate the dragon. The
of the genre.
sism - the sort of thing which Robert Anton king doesn't want Vermithrax annoyed with
Wolfe's prose is mellifluous, complex,
Wilson does but without, perhaps, Wilson's such efforts; the last attempt provoked the
and rhythmic. SF and fantasy have produced
sense of the absurd. It is one of Dick's more dragon to an awful rampage. Tyrian, the
more writers of power than of elegance in
coherent novels and is certainly worth king's agent, follows the band to apparently
prose, but Wolfe is both. His command of
reading for those who don't mind a little demonstrate Ulrich's impotence by skewer-
the English language and the nuance of style
mental work in their leisure time. While ing the ancient sorcerer. To Galen, Ulrich's
are breathtaking; his ability to provoke mood
Dick's ideas are intriguing and he does apprentice, falls the burden of slaying the
and emotion profound.
manage, at times, to transmit a sense of un- dragon.
Wolfe does not make the mistake, how-
expected and chill syzygy, this is not enough Galen is a high-potential underachiever;
ever, as so many of SF's best stylists do, of
to fill the gap caused by abandonment of the plenty of Talent but no discipline or con-
abandoning the strengths of science fiction
traditional tools of storytelling. The plot is sistency. His spells frequently fizzle or go
as he attempts to integrate the strengths of
minor, the characterization poor, and the astray. Ulrich's now-whitlJ raven is an exam·
mainstream fiction. Excellence of prose does
prose unexciting; philosophy and deft pie of Galen's level of achievement. Galen
not, in Wolfe's novels, mean loss of vision or
manipulation of mood are not enough to returns to Swanscombe with the villagers
lack of powerful themes. Though the books
carry the book. and conjures a landslide to seal the entrance
are hypnotic in tone and lazy of pace, they
One suspects that the title of Robert An- to the dragon's labyrinthine lair.
are filled with action, eventS of awesome im-
ton Wilson's Masks of the Illuminati contains The celebrations end when the earth
port, and ideas.
the word "Illuminati" only to draw in readers trembles; the king imprisons Galen as Vermi-
familiar with Wilson and Shea's landmark II- Severian, the protagonist of the series, thrax breaks loose in a vengeful fury. Galen is
/uminatus trilogy. While the novel deals with is born into the torturer's gUild in a decadent sprung and this time goes after Vermithrax
Crowley's Order of the Golden Dawn, which world of the far future whose resources have with a charmed lance forged by the village
may be considered to have some relation to been exhausted and whose technology is smith. He fillets three dragonets waddling
the Illuminati, the Illuminati per se have little slowly dying. He falls in love with a through the caves and harpoons Vermithrax,
to do with the book. Similarly, one suspects noblewoman confined in the prisons of the succeeding only in enraging the dragon.
that the book is published by Pocket/Time- torturers and, upon her death, sets out to Galen is finally led by an omen to
scape as "fantasy" only to get it on the SF wander the world. There he meets diverse sprinkle the ashes of Ulrich's pyre on the
shelves; in fact. it is a sort of pseudo- adventures and, it seems, becomes by the underground lake of flames at the heart of
historical novel. fourth book the autarch of the world. The the dragon's lair. Ulrich is resurrected and,
rapidly diminishing bastIon 01 serious shipS faster than the amoebas can replace

science fiction. One could just 8S easily point their losses.
to SworrJand rheStafS, which is also 8 good Each player is dealt a hand of three
game, as a superflUOUS transposition or in- cards, numbered from 0 to 44. The first
ferior copy of the excellent Empires of the player places his choice of card in front of
Middle Ages system. H()W9V9l', Sword does him, and so on until all plays for the turn are
~: Rendom Gemes, Inc.• Ga-ry Ooo'ww'
not gratuitously throw in an asteroid belt - revealed. The player with the highest-num-
with no effect on play - which girdles no bered card "moves" first. and may use his l __ less than seven planetary SyStems. (C0n- card and all lower numbered cards. There is
The Avelon Hill Game CotroanV. $16.00 sider: seven stars between two and six light strategy in addition to luck of the draw in the
years distant from each other - at a conser- order of turns: the fifteen or so highest
Then there's the one about the (insert
vative estimate - surrounded by a con- numbered cards have bad effects upon a
appropriate ethnic groupl contest judge who
tinuous chain of solid detritus. One of larry player's forces, such as the arrival of still
was supposed to ptck: out the best entry as
Niven's ringwortds would be lost anywhere rTlOf9 space amoebas or the loss of all pro-
the title for a science fiction game but in-
in such a belt. And where does all that mass duction points for that tum.
stead chose Am0eb8 Wars. Except someone
come fromll This and similar details will not
at Avalon Hill missed the punch line. A player then builds his ships, being
irk the casual player, but conspire to give an
Aside from contending strongly for the limited by the counters available and, of
annoying impression of scientific illiteracy.
Silliest title of the year award. Am0eb9 WafS course, his production points for the turn. A
is one of the more misleading. The subject Back to the game. ship's production point cost is one more than
Amoeba WafS is best described as a
matter is not the germ theory of disease and combat value and, as no system is worth
sophisticated version of the perennial mass-
the advertised space amoebas are hardly more than two production points per turn, a
market favorite Risk. Each side starts small,
belligerents in war. These amoebas are. if player does not build up a gargantuan fleet
with but one home system, and snowballs to
anything, vigilantes for peace. lor the only overnight. The battlestar, of circular design,
mammoth proportions unless impeded by
things they swallow during the course of the is the best of the mobile ships, since the
each other, a Ooomsday Machine or space
game are nasty warships manned by nastier monitor, as the name implies, can only guard
amoebas. The victory conditions do not
people. the system in which it is prodUced. Ships
require the capture of the entire old Empire,
We pick up the story as stirring strains of must be placed in the home system or in a
but do insist that a majoritY !the number
martiallTMJsic play in the bad:ground and as varies with the players) of the six systems system connected to the home system,
the umpteenth imitation Roman galactic Em- which means that the player evicted from his
circling Saestor be taken, and then the Im-
pire dissolves into between two and six home SyStem is marooned in deep space
perial capital planet itself. As theottl8f players
federations of planets ... The strings an- will direct their fleets in incessant attack without an engine.
nounce the mysterious appearance of the After the player deplOYS his new toys,
upon those of a player on the verge of victory,
space amoebas. which "engulfed anything it is often necessary to exterminate a goodly he can either end his turn or work out his ag-
that strayed into their path." (Apparently, gressive tendenOes on nearby systems. "Va-
portion of one's opponent's forces before a
they soon dropped stars and planets as cant" planetary systems muSt be pacified.
win can be achieved.
dietary staples. I The lords of the disintegrat- enemy ships can be met in batttle, and the
Play starts with the space amoebas in-
ing Empire panicked and converted the two poor space amoebas can be mugged.
festing the seven central systems of the Em-
superdreadnou ghts - regulation issue for all Though the combat procedure varies slightly
pire. Before the players can do anything with
space Empires - into Doomsday Machines depending on the nature of the force being
their complements of scouts, cruisers,
ldiscretionary issuel, which promptly went attacked, a player is basically comparing two
dreadnoughts and a monitor, the amoebas
berserk (ominous horn musicl. The smaller rolls of the die as modified by the values of
begin to randomly spread to neighboring
federations formed during the post-Collapse the attacking and defending forces -
systems. The space amoebas will, given time
chaos (flute solol, and then simultaneously and no interference, spread out to cover the perhaps not one of the more inspired
embarked on campaigns to conquer the proud methods of combat resolution in captivitY,
entire board. Regrettably for players of
Imperial capital planet. Saestor (blare of but certainly one which works well in
amoeboid descent, this game was designed
trumpetsl. The capture 01 Saestor, you see, witJ'l a distinctly pro-human bias, whatever practice.
would symbolize that the Empire would be No more than five ships may attack at
the title may imply. The humans can produce
remade in the victorious federation's image one time. Playtesting almost certainly reveal-
lIull orchestra and then fadel. ed that without this rule players constantly
build up "invincible armadas"; invincible,
The attractive COV8f illustration is part of that is, until one collided with another. This
this space opera image, for it could just as tactic made for boring play and was banned
easily be the art to a poster announcing the as unfair to amoebas and unoccupied
latest B-movie in luridcolor. Am0eb8 WafS planetary systems.
makes no pretensions to science and few to When ships fight it out between them·
science fiction, inviting players to evaluate selves or with a Doomsday Machine -
its meritS as a game. This is a wise decision. which was once part of the ship family
because Am0eb8 WafS can be a lot of fun to anyway - the combat values of the ships are
play. added to the die-roll. In battle against the
Taken as an isolated example from the space amoebas or an emplY solar system,
adventure game fteld, Am0eb8 WafS is quite the number of planets is added to the die-roll
acceptable for what it is. However, when just as the number of ships is. IApparently,
considered as part of the whole, the game one amoeba pops up for each planet in a sys-
and its premise are part of an alarming trend. tem.! All the ships on the losing side of a
There is nothing wrong with science fantasy ship-ta-ship battle are removed; only one
Of spoofing science fiction, but when these ship is removed if a force loses against an
two genres crowd out hard science fICtion, emptY planetary system, or two in a loss to
something is wrong. Too many game sys- space amoebas. A tie means that both sides
terns are prettied up with science fiction ex- sulfer as if each lost, which nicely cuts down
teriors, though the SyStems have only a pass- on counter congestion from time to time. If
ing flirtation with any extrapolations of ships win against spaceamoebas or against a
"'""""'. planetary system, the defending SyStem is
It is unfair to single out Amosba WafS, All of these rules mean that there is
which aspires only to be an abstract con- always a chance of a force losing a battle
QUeSt game. as a prime offender against the against a SyStem or space amoeba, so the
player dogged by bad luck had better be
prepared for long bouts of frustration.
The Martians want to destroy as many
city hexes as possible and preserve the max-
Nowhere is this more obvious then when a Reta~ S111es only imum number of tripods and cylinders. A city
player is ready to attack Saestor and go for Tesl<ForceGa~.$9.96 hex is destroyed when a Martian unit enters
the win. Saestor, ostensibly because it's the When game designers used to talk it. The middle part of the game usually sees
central planet of the Empire and practically the Martians playing a furious game of tag,
about famous science fiction or fantasy
because the designers wanted to make novels which could be turned into games, trying to move through as many city hexes as
players sweat for a win, counts as six H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds was always possible, with human kamikazes holding the
planets. lOf course, when I played the game conspicuous by its absence. Not much could line and once in a while wiping out a tripod.
for the first time, it took 15 separate tries be done with a Martian romp dramatically in- The game would be a human walkover,
before one player breached Saeslor's terrupted by a fatal susceptibility to Earthly except that the Martian player decides when
defenses. He did it on a tie die-roll, and lost to initiate hostilities. The human reinforce-
bacteria. A simulation of these plot elements
all his anacking ships. We promptly sur· would have the Earth player frantically mov- ment rate is limited until the first Martian unit
rendered en masse to the amoebas, who ing his pieces to the far ends of the playing moves out of its landing hex or attacks a
could not be less merciful then the game human unit, and the humans cannot attack
surface, hoping that as many as possible
system.) Strategy purists dislike this par- could escape the deadly attentions of the the Martians until then. The best Martian
ticular mechanic, allowing that though the Martian tripods until the Martians succumb- strategy is to land his first through fifth turn
high number of die-rolls tends to average ed to the disease. complement on one side of the major mass
out, individual players can be stymied or dis- So when Task Force announced that it of city hexes, and to land the sixth through
proportionately successful on the whim of was to release a game based on H.G. V\lells tenth turn complement on the directly op-
the die. Those same purists are quick to whip classic, the reactions varied from yawns to posite side. The best attack turn varies be-
out the very same theorem to explain away a snickers. Designer Eldridge, no newcomer to tween the third and the sixth (the last only if
loss, but have been known to conveniently the game field, anticipated this problem and one of the first cylinders was eliminated).
forget it after a win. "solved" it by revoking the late Wells' The human combat results table gives
At the end of a player's turn, he gets a dramatic license. The new humans discover- results by the type of attacking unit(sl.
free move, with which he can.reposition one ed a weakness in the vaunted Martian tripod, Sometimes it is advantageous to attack with
of his fleets. This time-honored mechanic and the tripod's ability to wreak havoc was only one \~~ of unit (artillery, cavalry or in-
has made appearances in games as diverse limited to the immediate london area. If the fantry); other times, with particular com-
as Risk and ThirdReich. emasculation of the previously fearsome binations. The designers' notes claim that
Martians wasn't enough, the bacteria of because there is no mathematical difference
A curious omission in the design is a Earth suddenly lost their power to fell the between the six possible tables, there is no
lack of diplomatic rules. Though it is not ex- Martians, or at least for the period covered tactical difference. I'm not sure about this; a
plicitly stated, players cannot cooperate with by the game. In a comparatively minor table which favors combinations of types
one another, except by attacking a mutual change, the Martians decided that their ob- over single units gives the human player
enemy during their turns. There is no reason jective was only to take out london, for once problems, for he has to experiment to find
I could see for preventing players from com- that city had fallen, the rest of the world was the best combination. (My calculations were
bining forces, making diplomatic agree- to follow. somewhat confused during the first play-
ments, or jointly occupying systems other Can these changes be accepted? Not through, when my opponent discovered one
then Saestor, except that the extremely brief really, If, for instance, the same liberties were die had a blank face, a 2, a 3, two 5's, and a
rules would then be merely brief. Experimen- taken with J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the 6.) The Martian combat table is a variation on
tation with the incorporation of diplomacy Rings, the One Ring could become no more that of PanzerBlitz. A Martian unit must
into the system leads me to believe that the than a Crackerjacks prize, the Free Peoples disrupt or destroy a human unit when it at-
game could only profit from the inclusion. would invent the Gatling gun to compensate tacks, or else its way will be blocked. Since
for Mordor's superior numbers, and Gandalf the table depends on the number of units in
The rules are no paragon of clarity, the defended hex, and the human stacking
though they could have been without an in- would want to conquer Mordor as part of the
Valar's imperialistic grand plan. The designer limit is two, the Martians have a 65% suc-
crease in length. The text was written to cess chance with a median attack. This is
minimize legalese, probably because the who tried to pull such a fast one over the
gaming public would be lucky to escape the not enough, I think, to give the Martian
writers believe that instructions are more player a good chance of victory against a
easily stomached when so disguised. While English-speaking world with tar-and-feath-
ers. Since Wells is not as revered as Tolkien, human player familiar with the tricks of the
the Amoeba War rules do not approach the game.
classic obfuscation of War of the Ring, they the game of War of the Worlds can be
evaluated as something with resemblances If the players can accept the radical revi-
will not exempt the writers from a thorough sions to the plot of the novel, they have a
refresher course in Freshman Compo to the book of the same name.
If the designer is inventive with the plot game which should prove tense for the first
he is also imaginative with his use of some of five or so plays. After that, War of the
The rules deficiencies are minimized by the components. The human reinforcement Worlds is a solved puzzle. But how many
a well organized play aid card. Even the prob- (called depot) hexes and combat result table people playa single game even that many
abilities for success and failure for all possi. are secretly selected from six cards by the time~ any more?
ble attacks are worked out for the players. human and Martian players, respectively,
The map is above the usual Avalon Hill stand- before the Martians land. The rest of the
High Fentaoy &
ard, and could have been marginally more design rehashes some of the more popular AcIventu_ In High hnway
functional if separated into two, rather than rules of the last ten years. o..lgn; Jeffrey C, Dillow
four, sections. The cards are unremarkable, The Martians land like paratroopers Mail Ofljer and n,!lail sales
except for a whimsical picture of an amoeba The Martian player chooses his landing RestonPublishingCompa nv. lnc"S13.96each
being zapped. The counters are pretty and hexes, and then rolls to see if his units land The fantasy role-playing game glut has
easy to read. on target. If a Martian cylinder misses, it not yet produced a product which is entirely
scatters up to six hexes away. The Martian satisfactory as an introductory vehicle. (For
Amoeba WafS could do with less of a player is advised to keep well away from that matter, there isn't a completely polished
luck influence, and a little more imagination cities and large rivers, because his units have intermediate or expert level set of rules
injected into the background. The amoebas, a large chance of being eliminated in those either,) The Fantasy Trip, Tunnels and Trolls
the Doomsday Machines and the cards lend types of terrain. Each cylinder contains three and Basic Dungeons and Dragons each have
the game needed color, and there are many tripods, and only ten cylinders enter play their own idiosyncratic pitfalls, though all
worse ways to spend an afternoon. As an in- evenly spaced over ten turns, so the loss of three have been the entry level game for
vestment. Amoeba WafS is a good risk, just one can spell disaster. (If the Martians quite a number of players. Now High Fantasy
whether or not the reader groans and par- lose two cylinders outright by the seventh makes a serious bid to be included in this
dons the pun. turn, don't play the game out.) selectgroup.

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High Fanrasy. previously published by other three. Spells are divided by planes. used to resolve all damage (though it is never
Twinn-K in 1978, will gain sufficient notice, which are achieved once every four levels explained whether armor is damaged in
but not for any merits of the game system. The magic item liSt, from all indications, is magic as it is In comball.
Reston, the new publisher, is a division of taken directly from notes prepared fOf the The characteristic rolls are crucial; if the
Prentice-Hall, and can push this mediocrity author's world. I'm sure Dillow can make player does poorly on his initial rolls, he
into a huge number of retaIl outlets. Reston these items interesting and all-inclusive might as well throw in the towel. The rules
has no illusions about the target; their pro- when he runs an adventure, but my copy 01 have the usual advice about how much fun it
motional brochure declares it to be "in the the rules came without him can be to playa challenging character lin that
tradition of Dungeons and Dragons"".but, The system redeems itself with one its values stink), but this is certainly untrue
of course, much superior. These claims are a basic concept: almost every action taken in when the whole game system is stacked
bit more realistic, though less amusing and the game is resolved with the single roll 01 against you (this a linear progression percen-
grandiose, than Twinn-K's original pro- the percentile dice. Thus, magic resistance rs tile systeml. The pervasiveness 01 the 0&0
nouncements in which they stated that the subtracted directly from a magician's chance influence upon High Fantasy tells even here,
game "taught important malh concepts" of casting a spell. a defender's defensive for many of the problems of the original 0&0
and did just about everything (per the ad rating from an attacker's offensrve rating In are repeated. lFor example, an otherwise
copyl but cure the common cold melee. and so forth. Only one set and shape well-rolled character who craps out on his
The philosophy behind the High Fan- of dice is needed, and the most complex o! money roll will go literally naked 10 hiS
tasv design is In slavish imitation ot 0&0. charts llor combat) is not cloaked in mysterv world.l A list of talents is fresh change for
though the actual mechanics are ohen qUIte by cumbersome prccedures the system. but once again heavily rewards
different. A plaver character is one of four Whenover a number can serve lor mor(' thebestmanwiththedicb.
character classes lwarrior, wizard, alchemis! than one purpose, It do~. The offenSlveantl The monster IrStS are to be commended
or animal masterl, though the maglcalltater- defensive ratings alSO mfleCt the damage a for their succinctness. though there IS not a
nity is much superior to members of the character can sustain. The combat chart IS hint as to how the beasties appear. The
IT,e that unless ole Slippery Jim starts turning tr!bes of Eastern Ireland and the growing

Designers in a belter performance in play-testing, we

may have to call in Angelica and the kids.
David James RitChie
lflbes of man - the Celts, Pictsand Britons)
According to the game's rationale, it is this
war which so weakens the Faerie Kingdoms

that they are unable to resist the further en-
Galactic Trader croachments of man and which leads direct-
I began design work on Galactic Trader ly to Albion becoming mundane_
more than a yeaf and a half ago, and then The England portrayed in -the game IS
shelved the game to work on other projects heaVily wooded and lightly settled. The
Universe I've been looking through myoid notes, midlands and Wales are the center of civiliza-
Supplementl Adventure ,,: however, and am looking forward to resum- tion and are dotted with Elven towns and a
First Contact. ing work on the game comparative handful of enchanted cities.
I am just beginning the design of the Present day Scotland, part of Cornwall and a
As of this writing, Universe is Just going
into the art department, yet we are already in game's systems and charts, but the intent of small portion of the midlands are dominated
the concept stage for the prOJect's first sup- the design has been decided upon: Galactic by a score of Fomorian towns, huge hollow
plement. The64·page book will include Trader is going to be a game in which the hills (called Brochs in the game) where an en-
tire clan will be based. The Borders, Kent,
• A detailed study of three entirely unique.
intelligent alien races, with rules for
~~~e:~e~~~~~~so~~c~n:~r:tt~Y~a~~e~:~~~ part of Devon and Somerset are the abodes
working for their own profit, rather than of men, those poor beasts once hunted for
generating characlersand NPC's in each sport who are rapidly becoming a military
specifically trying to do each other in. \ think
• An adventure that sends the characters to this form of design is the truest way of force to be reckoned with. A few enchanted
the source of mysterious radio signals. The simulating the spirit of competitive trade roads and trails link the Elven communities,
GM may use any of the above races as the After all, a trade baron's only real goal is profit and the Fomorian Brochs are connected one
power behind the transmissions. and may for himself; knocking off his competitors is to anot~er only by wild Highla~d paths. As a
use. the others as races that the primary only away to the end. protectron agamst both Fomorrans and men,
cIVilization knows of; thus creating a star- I don't mean to give the impression that the Elves have raised a chain of fortified posi-
spanning multi-racial empire Just beyond the the game will have the same pace when tions linked by great dikes along their north-
bounds of the human federation. played solitaire as when played with other ern and southern borders, in the same way
• New professions and skills for Universe players, however. The players wilt constantly that the Romans would later raise Hadrian's
characters. Special attention will be paid to be reacting with each other, and those who Wall to protect themselves from the ravages
anthropological, psyChological and mystical are anti-social will be able to sabotage com- of these same men
areas, as they apply to contact with alien peting Ships, subvert the crews of opposing Scattered about the map at such loca-
intelligence players, and even engage in piracy, if they tionsas Stonehenge and the Isle of Monaare
• New equipment derived from alien desire. The game will not focus on these Places of Power, areas of High Mana where
technology and experimental work by the aspects, however, and frequently the most magic is extremely powerful and which
federation John H. Butterfield profitable way for one player to interact with serves as openings to other dimensions
another will be through peacefUl trade Some of these exist even in the midst of
Return of the Stainless Steel Rat The core of the game will be its model of human-occupied areas (which are consider-
trade and the fluctuations of various mar- ed "Mundane" in the game... that is, non-
Only a part of the manuscript for this
kets. If possible, however, I will also include magical!.
game is in hand, but it includes all of the rules
systems for such activities as ~lIing sharesin The game system, itself, is a rough ex-
necessary for play, The remainder of the
trading ventures, and engagmg in finanCial trapolatIon of SPl's War of the Ring system
rules booklet will consist of a series of pro-
speculations. At the very least, some form of with strength points equalling 100 men and
grammed loops in the form of paragraphs
banking system Will be included. Nick Karp each hex equalling 12 miles of terrain. No
which will take the playertsl througn the
cards are included in the game (due to the
game to one of half a dozen possible con-
frontations with one of half a dozen possible
Land of Faerie difficulty of handling such components in a
ma~azine game), but a paragraph system
villains thoughtfully written into the game by The time is 400 B.C. Camillus is dictator
in Rome. Dionysius reigns in Syracuse. In Slmrlar to that used 1f1 Voyage of the Pandora
the creator of the SSR, Harry Harrison,
the far-off port of Trapezus 8,M weary sur- is used to provide some of the flavor. The
The loops themselves are currently
vivors are arriving at the end of Xenophon's design is halfway completed at this pOint in
being generated by the game's designer,
Anabasis. Throughout Europe a wave of time and I expect to put the game In develop-
Greg Costikyan (creator of the infamous
Celtic invaders is on the move. Man is leav- ment In another three weeks
Creature That Ate Shebovganand other fan-
Ing nis mfancy and entering his adolescence DaVid James Ritchie
tasies). Combining Greg's design lalents
with Harry Hamson's Rat (surelv one of the The transformation goes almost unmarked
most entenaining characters in sci-fil in Albion. There, in cool glades and atop Postal Strike Bulletin
should, itself, guarantee.a masterOiece, But sparkling towers. Ihe Lords of Faerie take
their leisure with no regard for the looming In the event of a nationwide postal strike,
just to hedge our bets, we are using a deriva- you can place lin order with $PI using the
tion of the Voyage of the Pandora game menace of humankind. If an Elven lord thinkS following toll free numben; {Mastercard or
system lthe highest-rated and, I think, most of menace at all, he is likely to think only of Visa!: t-800-221-8502 or 1-8OO-22t-8503. The
innovative system ever to appear in one of the Fomorians of the HighlandS or the loll free numbers will only be avail<lble for
our magazines) as the basis for Return of the Gnomish Hearthstead occupying the south- customer orders if there is a postal strike.
SSR. Ne~less to say, those of us connected western peninsula of his f8lr land. So it is in Customers in the New York metropolitan area
with the project are having palpitations in ·the year 2680 of the Realm. lillie do these may also use (2t2f 673-4103.
anllcipatlon fair lords imagine in their folly that 3(X) years Our New York sales office will also be
The situation confronting the Rat IS fair- from this day they will be destroyed; Faerie open from gam 10 6pm Monday Ihrough Fri-
day, and tOam to 5pm Saturday. Our address
ly straightforward, "All" he has to do is will have disappeared and only the Druids
is: SPI, 257 Park Avenue SOUlh, (betWeen 20th
penetrate the automated defenses of a sup- Will remember and 21st streets, 3rd floor).
er-computer which is currently domg kinky The foregOing setS forth the basis fat In the evenl that the New York unions re-
things to the environment of the space sta Land of Faerie as the design has been main on strike and the rest of Ihe nation set-
lion it controls, shut down the maddened developing to date. The scenario Which ac- tles, you can send your orden; directly to our
machine and find out who programmed It 10 tually makes up the game is the great Third New Jersey warehouse. Write to: SPI, 1508ay
go "crackers" in the first place, Nothing to 1\, Fomorian War between the Dark Elves of the Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302.
vou say, Certainly, Except that the lasl half midlandS (aided by their cousms in Wales All ordeN; sent OUI during a postal strike
will go via UPS, UPS cannot deliver to a POB
dozen gentlemen wno attempted the feat be- and present-day Ulsterf and Imnc Troll-Lord's
number. UPS will not be able to service Cana-
fore lhe Rat have all managed to meet unaes- Confederation of the North (aided bv the dian customers.
'hetlc ends in the process. \n facl. Greg tells Gnomes of Cornwall, the allied Formonan

. . . . . TELEVISIOfIII~J-_12J Before he can stumble out into battle, zeUs attention to the i~nt things, and too
gives him a magical sword, shield and helmut much attention to those things not worthy of
both win. Which one are your It is a simple
- he loses them all before the picture is over. import. Clash is not a terrible picture; it sim-
statement. to be sure, but somehow one When he is W98ry and cannot go on, the ply does not live up to what it should have
which very rarely makes it to the screen, pri- bee,.
gods give him strength. He captures Pega-
marily because it is too difficult for most di- Clash of the Titans is still one of Har-
sus, only to lose him. It takes a gift of the
rectors to remove themselves enough to avoid ryhausen'S best works. It has a decent script,
gods to bring it back. He allows this gift of
interposing their own values upon the film. a fine cast, and a lot of good effects. The
the gods la cutesy mechanical owl which
For this reason alone, despite theexcep- problem ties in the little things. II, in truth, it
makes such obvious tweets and whistles it
tional soundtrack., excellent photography, was to be a clash of the titans, then that is
should have been called 0wl-2D-21 to be lost
sharp writing, directing and editing. let alone not once, but twice. At the picture's finale, whO should have been featured; it should
the performances of a well trained cast. it is have been either the gods' or Perseus' story,
he is not even forced to confront the dread
worth the time and effort to see Knight- not both. The film faUs between twostools...
Kraken. No; all he has to do is untie a knot
riders. It is the best movie of 1001 so far. and evsrl Harryhausen can't save it no matter
that he tied earlier. Even this he can't dol The
Christopher John how excellent his magic. Christopher John
owl has to overcome his fumbling, put all the
pieces in his hand, and let him try again.
All in all, it is the story of a very boring
CLASH OF THE TITANS hero. It is a shame because some of Harry-
To Help U. Be~FuIflII
hausen's finest work is contained occa-

Co-~. SpecW Ylilue'1En.ct.:

sionally in this film. For some reason, the Your e:uaton- ServIce
stop-frame models do not blend as well here Request•••
Dhdor: DMtnond Davis
as they have in the past. They are more ob-
vious, more rubbery looking. Too often they
...pIuM 00 not indlJde any other mesMga to
SPI on the SlIme mesuga .. your _ I or
are shown in broad daylight where they do ....becription to any mageline, Of on .ny
not blend as well against the live-action customer service compleint .boY1 .n SPI pro-
~renceOlivief. . Zeus
Burgess Meredith Ammon
footage as they have in the past. When they duct. By combining both meMllges on one
Maggie Smith ... ThetiS do work, however, they work exceedingly piecl of pepet", there is • good chence th.t
UI'$U~Andr... Aphrodite well. The battle with the giant scorpions is lither one or the other mesuge will be Iott.
OWeBloom .He<a excellent. The fight with the two·headed dog You mey, if you wish, include. M9lIl"Itl sheet
SianPhilips Ca.siopeia is also good, as is much of the work with with • eecond meaIIge with your renewel.
HafTyKamlin PIIfSaJ$ Pegasus and the stop-frame CaJibos. But .,becription. or customer service corrtpMint.
Judi Bowker Andromeda sadly, it is not enough. PINM n"llIkl sure to include yoUr name lind ecJ.
J«*GwikTl p~ cIrea on both pieces of peper. Howewr, for
NeilMee.rthy CaIibos more effective eeMce, it is beat to .00 SPI
two aeparete tenere, one forMCh mesSIIgI.
Long awaited with keen anticipation is
Ray Harryhausen's Clash of the Titans. It has
been a number of years since Harryhausen's
last feature. His fans expected the wait; by BOOK. /MIOf/lt-'ft-_UJ
the nature of his work, there had to be a long
wait. Stop-lrameanimation takes a long time final1y, the last sorcerer confronts the last
- especially when itisbeingdoneright. dragon for what can only be called a ten·
The fans weren't partICUlarly ~; kiloton resolution.
Harryhausen is known for doing things quite I found Dl8gonslayer to be a solid novel,
right. The special effects in his films have overall. It has failings, but most of those
always been among the best in the world. symptomatic of novels based on scripts have
True, most of the films he has worked on well been avoided. The motivations of some
have only been thinly veiled showcases for of the major characters are not clearly
his special effects, but they still have their drawn. There are segmeAts of narrative that
devotees. The genre press has touted the are tOO obviously little more than an awk-
new process to be used in the film which will Despite the addition of name stars and a ward rendering of script directions and set-
make the stop-frame fIQures and the live- beller-than-usual script, Clash of the Titans tings. Unfortunately, the first few pages of
action blend even more smoothly than in the is not good enough to stand against such the novel contain the worst examples of this
past efforts. Those with too much faith are competition as Exca'ibur lind Knightriders. in a prolonged description of Cragganmore
going lObe disappointed. There is little in the way of character develop- and Ulrich from a bat's perspective.
Clash of the Titans tells the story of ment Of plot twists. In the end, it is just Wade through the first eight pages,
Perseus, one of the bastard sons of Zeus. another Harryheusen picture. Still, it has its however, and those failings are compen-
Based on the ancient myth of Perseus and moments. sated. More than once I found myself eagerly
Andromeda, it is an action-filled tale of the Laurence Olivier's Zeus is perfect. a ver- turning the pages, anxious to learn the
petty and jealous Greek gods quarreling satile and powerfUl portrayal of a god from resolution of the well-placed minor conflicts
among themselves and involving the help- legend. His Zeus is blustery, pigheaded, that keep thestorymoving.
less humans below at their discretion. It's willful, petty, vain, childish, and yet he The most interesting character'S in the
just ttle sort of thing to fill out the summer emanates strength and aW9S0meoess. He is Book - Princess Elspeth, the king, the
fantaSy schedule, except for one small flaw: Zeus; the mask never falls. village smith - are those about whom Drew
the Greek stories show little regard for the All of the film's performers do well. says the fewest words, leaving most of the
individual; human beings are only chess Burgess Meredith as the poet Ammon is character to imagination and implication.
pieces to be moved about the board. So it is outstanding. He is a near perfect picture of Author Wayland Drew is at his best when he
in Clash. what we think an ancient poet and play- hints at histories unwritten and mechanisms
The hero, young Perseus (Harry Ham- wright should act and sound like. Maggie undefined, expertly tantalizing and teasing
linl, seems only to be able to do one thing Smith, Claire Bloom, Judi Bowker, Jack the reader to speculate and conjecture.
well: be handsome. From beginning to end, Gwillim, and all the rest turn in more then I suspect Dl8gonsJayer will be best en·
despite the words he spews, his destiny is adequate performances; they are stunning joyed if you read it before you see the film. It
firmly in the hands of the gods. Perseus _ they are the gods and the mortals manipu- is a diverting novel and enjoyable on its own
hardly accomplishes anything on his own. lated by them. merits regardless of the story's germination.
He does not even enter the fight by choice; In a way, it would be a better picture if The book succeeds in the first and basic re-
the gods take him from his 68SY carefree life, their Story had been the film's cer1ter. Like quirement of any novel: it is entertaining.
and transport him by magic to the action. Superman II the movie does not pay enough DavidSt. Marie
OAMES/nMI_f""",pqe21/ time. The writer just cannot contain his'en- Tbe Embracing {nMru-dI"",,_19J
selection is a curious mix of predominantly thusiasm for the system and burbles on puncture in the fabric of his existence, had
Greek and classical myth, with 8 "balro" and about how easy it is to learn. We, however, removed everything from him, had made him
an "ahnt" or two. A nice touch can be found note the lack of substance and discount all a threat no longer to the regime that
in the investment rules, which describe how his claims. employed Adjudicators and Stockboys and
powerful characters can further flesh out High Fantasy tries to negotiate the fine the rest - or so it was designed. His art, his
their character classes and sub-classes. line between the simple and the simplistic, friends, his lover, his vision had been hacked
" ...with words I can teach you to (pluck but falls on the wrong side. The game should rudely away. His sight remained. Totally
clouds from the sky and shape them with work well when played with the designer and blind, he was enabled to see the regime for
your hands]. The first of these words is im- friends, which does not help the several the real monsters they were, could see
agination ... " thousand who have not had the luck to meet himself as the barbarian they had forced him
Dillow's imagination is' one of his Mr. Dillow. Twentv-eight orso dollars can be to become, and could see that as an enemy
strongest assets, as can be deduced from a better invested in equivalent little Golden of that regime he had ceased being a pam-
quick. perusal of his adventure rationales as Books or copies of RuneQuest and The Fan- phleteer and so might school himself in the
shown in the Adventures in High Fantasy tasy Trip. Eric Goldberg more ancient, essential arts of killing and
book. I was particularly drawn to Moor- survival.
guard, which takes place in a building com- Of course he could lay down and die.
plex constructed about the giant skeleton of Defeat their purpose. Althea was some--
Feedbeck R..ult8, AI'fIS1
8 long-dead god. and Terra Ash, a journey where in the labyrinth. That was why three
underneath the earth's surface to a buried Rank Item Rsting hundred and six had died so violently. He did
temple. The dependence on single-solution 1 Gallery 6.88 not do it to perform for hisiailors..
conclusions as the climax of each adventure He was a machine. One like him could
can mar the imagery evoked by the fantasy 2 Rescue from the Hive (game) 6.32 evoke widespread terror. Ten, moving in
settings. That type of rigid story line often 3 Designer's Notes 6.29 total darkness, hearing with touch, seeing
prevents the gamesmaster from doing any- with sound, practicing their killing art, might
4 Games 6.21
thing but killing the player characters or cause enough panic to disrupt the regime's
dropping hints broad enough to span an 5 Science for Science Fiction 5.99 control; a hundred could topple the regime
Abscam defendant's credibility gap. The 6 Rescue from the Hive (story) 5.96 itself. Even the canine senses of the Stock-
solo adventure provided at the end of High boys did not allow stalking by air density, or
7 Facts for Fantasy 5.89 detecting an oncoming blow by smell. Stock-
Fantasy is the best I've seen, and is recom-
mended for any system (obviously a little 8 House of Kurin 5.13 boys were not trained inside the labyrinth.
conversion work will be required). 9 Media 5.n Tillyard awoke to the feel of a cool hand
The rules style reminds one of an on his forehead. His body tensed like a spring
earnest basset hound who has finally per- 10 DragonNotes 4.96 and he made automatically for the knife no
formed a trick correctly on the hundreth Ares 1 Overall 6.25 longer at his side. Then the pain gripped him,

l)owil ill tqel).lllgeoIlS?

,ry.. ·~qfilltaSY!
HIGH FANTASY is your introduction to a brand-new series of high ad-
venture, role-playing games. Unlike other fantasy role-playing games,
HIGH FANTASY is simply designed - you don't have to memorize
staggering amounts of material. Instead, you'll learn how to become
a warrior, a powerful wizard and charge through realms of blood-
'=-i, thirsty monsters, sworded knights, and wondrous magic. You'll

l:' --l'-:
. ~, get all the basic rules and descriptions of monsters, plus a solo
adventure to get you acquainted with this new fantasy world.


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Fortress E'''ndar is breathtaking adventure where
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Moorguard is a powerfUl wizard who tries to create
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for hundreds of years with three warring societies
that believe the world has perished. Lord of Coo-
quest is for those HIGH FANTASY players who
love the battlefields of miniatures. a complete
~ set of rules for 25 m.nt fantasy wargaming.
RestoJ1 PtlbHslll~ (;onU>8J1Y, lqe·
A Pl'eIltice-Hall GomPtlJ1Y
Go 10 your fevorlle hobby slore end
RestoJ1. VlrglQla 22090
curling him up fetally, forcing a weak sound "Come to me." It hurt to speak, as his breath out quicker to compensate. She
to bleed past his lips. The hand had been though his throat glands had modified to had shown him the way out of the labyrinth;
withdrawn; there had been no killing blow to other purposes and would no longer permit what was in front of him was topside.
follow its contact. the old way. "I can sense you're here But she was not behind him.
The air of the chamber was heavy with with me." He could smell the air; air moved by
the odor of scorching meat. Tillyard fixated When there was no verbal response, breezes and carrying with it the forgotten
on it and spent several moments meditating Tillyard felt relief. She came and crouched smells of the outside world. It was like per-
the pain down to a less sensitive level. close, JUSt out of reach - perhaps she was fume, seductive, holding Tillyard in unmov-
The hand returned, making no hostile watching him. ing awe. He turned and picked his way with
motions, but offering a chunk torn from the And when he was able to walk, she led infinite care back down the slope, slipping on
Shuffler. Steaming juices dribbled down him. Hedid not touch her again. The picture, the shale chips and finally reaching the bot-
Tillyard's arm, making t~e meat almost too like a mezzotint on the inside of his skull, tom in a noisy, ass-sliding scatter of loose
hot to hold. He ate and swallowed quiCkly. burned. Once again, Tillyard's mind was rock. His scabbed legs did not seem to mind.
Back in an almost totally dead section of his convincing itself, working logically toward Beyond the cleft, she waited.
mind, he felt the absurd urge to ask for salt. a reality. "It's the way out," he said in his hoarse,
When the food hit his stomach, The creature that led him had to be nearly useless voice. "Come with me; it's the
Tillyard's brain swam blackly and he finally Althea. But she would not speak - perhaps way out!"
vomited onto the cavern floor with such the best 'argument for her identity. The
force that he lapsed back into unconscious- hungry tunnel dwellers always talked to him She moved, but not toward the cleft.
ness. Sickness or incapacitation of any kind, first. Their route was a new one to Tillyard, Her hand traced lightly down his cheek in a
he thought as he was pulled down, usually which brought his caution rushing up quite caress that seemed to web his lungs in elec-
cycled back 10 the only end product there unbidden. His automatic defenses were tricity; it became difficult now to breathe.
was in the labyrinth - death. He cursed humming, like small, terribly costly mech- She pulled him toward her.
himself for his weakness, his inability to hang anics or incredibly intricate dermal implants. "It is you," he said
on. Escaping from the Shuffler's belly had His natural senses were better than Touch me. Love me. I've been so alone.
most likely depleted any reserve of luck he machines. His arms went around her and he found
had stored. The pathways through which she led that one of her own was missing at the
him were uninhabited by any of the usual oc- elbow. like his severed fingers. You lost
But when he came back up a second cupants of the labyrinth. Occasionally he pieces of yourself in the labyrinth, and if you
time, he found himself neither eviscerated recorded non-natural metal implants in the survived its denizens, it would consume you,
nor dead. Wildly he thought that perhaps he rock walls - possibly an abandoned in- absorbing your soul and being into the rock
had been killed by the Shuffler, and was in a dustrial adjunct to the maze of caverns and walls. It might rob you of your voice, even as
state of fugue between hells or limbos or tunnels. Their significance was noted but it had spent endless, painstaking time rob-
whatever awaited him past death in the lost; she led him onward. Deeper. bing Tillyard of his, though he still retained
labyrinth. It was highly possible: he was sick that selfish remnant of speaking ability. It
and in shock, reeling with disorientation - might rob you of other things....
until the cool hand returned as well, to ten-
tatively stroke his forehead, leaving cool little
trails through the fever-sweat that had
gathered there.
T LlYARo,sLEFTHANoneverlo.stcontactwith
the /'laft of the bone knife she had re-
turned. She rushed ahead of him, ap-
parently unaware or unconcerned about the
"Althea." He said it only once. It was a
whisper, sucked quickly into the stone walls
without an echo. She held him tighter, her
face now buried in the hollow of his neck. He
Tillyard's grip on the only concept of traps that might lie before them; and Tillyard could feel her tears running down his chest.
time available to him was lost during his grudgingly allowed a bit of trust - she had, She made no sound
achingly slow recuperation. He was fed. The after all, neatly dispatched the Shuffler that Takerne. Loverne.
remains of the Shuffler would last a very long had intended to lunch on him. His paranoia He forcecl it out, tears now welling up in
time. Time stood in stasis at three hundred eased back a notch; just then the tunnel his own eyes; "I love you." He said it quietly,
and six. dead-ended out. She stopped. his teeth clenched together as though he
There were no cooing words of promise Not quite: he registered a narrow cleft in was in great agony.
from his benefactor; no verbal bait. Tillyard the rock but she did not continue through it. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut as
could not escape the unease that came from ~ather, she came to him and lUgged his arm, he buried the bone knife in her back up to the
the lack of a palpable threat. He waited, but Indicating that he should precede her now hilt. She stiffened in his embrace and he
he never relaxed - the very concept, like $0 this is thegaffl8, his mind nagged. could feel her blood pumping out, slicking
salt, was absurd. He was poised on a deadly He jerked the knife free and with no his fist. With a gutteral rasp of air that sound-
edge, he felt, unwillingly submitting to some hesitation whatsoever stepped through the ed vaguely like a sigh, she Slumped and he
sort of game alien to the labyrinth. split in the rock wall. She hung by it, not supported her. She was dead in an instant
Until he touched her for the first time. following. Waiting, it seemed. Tillyard knew how to time the swing, how to
The hand was gently swabbing his brow There was no life inside. Instead, there place the blow to kill instantly and properly
with a scrap of hide or cloth, when, totally on was a gentle upward slope scattered with He was a machine.
impulse, Tillyard reached out and found her shale chips that had cascaded down from He laid her corpse gently down at the
shoulders. Shewas startled, and with a gasp above. Tillyard worked his way up the incline mouth of the cleft and spent some time
attempted to pull away, but he held her lock- for awhile, sniffing for trouble. His leg squatting near her, touching her face with
ed - not letting her free,_ yet bringing her no muscles, recently pressed back into service, his calloused fingers. She had scars and bat-
closer. She was smaller, more finely boned stung in protest, and his back was soon tlemarks to match his own. It was her right
than him. His thumbs tracecl the line of her lubricated with sweat What he caught was arm that was gone. Their eyes were still
collarbones and distant memory slammed in- no threat, but it stopped him short in good, he thought crazily. They still made
decorously home in his brain. He broke the surprise. tears.
contact after only a few seconds and she The air had changed, subtly. There was He had spoken her name once in three
retreated, not to come near him again until a greasy sheen to its odor, a tinge of metal, hundred and six kills, now three hundred and
his belly growled from a lapsed feeding of solvents and moisture. He took a few seven. He could whisper that. and the other
schedule. more stops upward. Various carbons and a things, to himself as he climbed, the eva-
Her. sweeter tang he did not immediately recog- porating tears streaking backwards in the
The memory of her face and touch nize. He cocked his head; there was an open dust coating his face, but he did not. Smell-
became sharp-edged and distinct, almost space not too far up and the weighty ing the air, he decided he had no further use
painfully clear. It never left Tillyard's mind moisture of the cave air seemed to dwindle for speaking.
now, and so it was only a matter of time behind him. The wind was very cold, and the redly
before he took his life in his hands by speak- Tillyard's heart began to thump heavily setting sun reflected off Tillyard's dead eyes
ing to her, alone for now in their dank pocket and an icy sweat broke out over his entire as he crawled, at last, out of the earth to
of the labyrinth. body. He began trembling lightly and blew resume his work . • •
a,d"science fietionadvemure:3 _ Problem·solving Ill,DivineAightlTSAl

Feedback haldsciencefiction;.4_EKtratenesl,ialsocielies;5_
Future5OCietieslutopiafdysI0()ill1:6_ Alternaleh;story;
7 _ Time-travel: B _ Soltsciencelict,onla.k.a. "new
wave"l; 9 - Other Iplease write ;1'1 the calegory
Ill, TraveilerlGDWI
Reeder Survey, Ares nr. 9 descript,onl.
Ill. Me!eeIGDWI
Your(lJliniorwdirecttyaffeettheeditoriflc:ontentofAilJS 31. Picktheoneareaaboulwhichyouwouldl11(l$lliketo
.:I. C05micEncounterslEPl to pertif;iplteio thil. our regular see science lictioo gemes done: t - Sirategicspacecon·
aurveyofreadel's. Hict:2_Tacticalspaoacon!liellshipagainstshipl:3_ 11. MagicAealmlAHI
Stralegic p1anet·bound conflict larmy against armyl; 4 _ R. DuneIAH)
How to USfI the FfIfldNcIt. RfISPO"StI ~rd: Afte. you've
Tactical planetbound conflicllman againSt mal'll: 5 -
';nishedraad;l'lglllisissueofA~.pIe8sereadlIleFeed· 13. OgreIMGW)
Ahernatahistoryconflict;6_ Cooflict in a cootemparary
selling:7-AoIe·playingadventure:B-Ecooomic/ M.WaroflheRing
ing the eJ'l$W$·numb/lfs on the ee'll in rile response sociological/pol;ticalcooflict;9 _ Olherlpleasewritein
bo~8Swt1ich co<respolld 10 lNlCllquestion number See Ill, CreatureThatAteSheboyglIn
O6flI8<foldlorC8rd. Pleasebesu.eloenSW&lsllqueslions II. Aate how important solitai,eplayabjlilY inA185Q1lme5
lbutdonolw,itsenything;lltheboxlorquesbon·num. 32. How many science fictioo gemes do you own lin· is to you when you consider re·subscribjng to the
~lebel1ed"noQueslion"I.I'lCOmpletlllyfil1ed·oul dudingthegameinlhisissuel!l _ 1;2 _ 2:3 _ 3:4_ magazine: use a 1 to 9 scale. with 1 indicating $Olitaire
cardscannOlbeptocessed 4;5-51010;6-111015:7-16to20;B-211025:9 playabihty;snotamajo.-laclo.-and9;ndicatingilisama·
_26ormore jorfaclor.
What the fl<Jmbers me8n.- Whefl answe<ing Questions,
"0" elwavs mearrs NO OPINION or NOT APPLICABLE. 33.PicI<theoneareaolfantasythatyoUl11(l$tenIOY
reading: 1 _ Sword and Sortery: 2 _ Mythological fan· OuesPons67tNoogh7lMetobeansweredwithaOto9
responsa indicating the percentage of time or money
YES and "2" means NO, Wilen the Questioo is a rating Ulsy;3- Ouesladvenlule:4- ClaS5icaHy·basedfanUlSy
$p8ntonagiv/lrJlICtiviry.O _ r>oneoraImNtnoM; I_
QUestioo, "l"istheWOAST 'aling, "g" is tile BEST '81- le.g"Anhurianlegendl:5 _ Fantasy in a contemparary
selling: 5 _ Supe<hero/heroic adventure: 7 _ An· IO'1I>;2-2O"Il>:3-.3ll'% ... 9-SQ'IlIormon.
ing, "5" is an AVERAGE rating. and all numbers in b&-
\Wgefl IllCjlI8S5 various shades 01 approval or disapproval thropomorphicfantasyla,g" WarershipOownl:8 _ Hor· .,. What pertelltageolyour total game-playing time is
ror/occult: 9 _ Other (please write;n the category spent on science ficlion rQ4e·playing games1
1-3. No Question
descriplionl Ill. What pe<centage of your total game·playing time ,s quf1stionsuk you to rare rhe Mticlu in this spentonlantllSyrole·play;nggames?
34. Picktheoneareaaboutwt1ichyouwouldmostliketo

iulHrmaKMof I {poorJrhIoogh9fa"ceIM,J:O • no seefantasygamesdone:l .. Strateg,cswo.-dand$Orc8fY •• WllBt pe<centageof your total game-playing time is
opinion. t>oardgames larmy againsl army); 2 _ Tactical sword and spenlonnon·ro\e-piayinglant8Syorseiencefiction
... OeltaVeelgamel sorcery boafdgames lhero againSt evildoe.-l: 3 .. ~,
li.Dr&gOnsl~rlntetView Ouestfadventureboardgames: 4 _ Sword and so.-cery 70. What percenlage 01 the time you spend playing
'.Lase<sinSpacellltiencefactl role·playing; 5 _ Quesl/adventure role-playing: 6 - science fiction role·playing games do you spend playing
Classlcally·based fantasy: 7 _ AnthlOpomorphicsocie· GDW·sT,.VieIIfJr?
7. The SWOfd and the Stars
tres:8_ Ho.-lor/occult:9- Other Ipleasewrile;n tl\eca·
I. TheEmbrBCingUictionl tegorydescf;plKml 71. Whal percentagoe 01 lhe lime YOU spend playing
science fiction role·playing games do you spend playing
'.Scief>ceforScienceFietioo 315. How manyfantasYQllmesdoyouown?l _ 1: 2 _ 2: FGurs S/16CfJ Ope,.?
10. FaclslorFanlMY 3_3:4_4:5_5tol0:6_11toI5;7_16to20:8_
11. Medialreviewl 21to25:9-26o.-mQre OUilStions 72thtough 7lJconctIffl OeItaVeeua·stllfld·
12. Bookslreviewl •. If you are a subscriber 10 Ares, indicata how you
camelobeone: 1 - An ad in Srrarsgr & Tactu;2 _ An roIe-p/llying system. An.MW the qunrions using II I ro 9
13. Film and Television Ireviewl s~,withlindic.ting.strongdi~twiththe
ad in Analog; 3 _ Anad;nGatn8S;4 _ An ad ina pre-
14. Gameslreviewl statementend.9inl1iuring.strongegreemtmtwiththe
vious;ssueoIAres;5_ Anadinasl/lgaming/Tlll9llzine:
11. Dragon Notes Sffltamellt·O_noopinion.
6 - Anadinaseiencefic'ionr'1\&08zi~:7 _ Ana<lina
11. Designef'sNot85 science fact magazine: B _ An ad in another kind 01 12. DelraVee workS well as 8 complete. SI8nd--a'one tac·
Thisissueoverall magazine nol mentioned: 9 - Othe< lplease specify on
'1. IsthisissuebellerlllBnthelastone?1 -Yes:2-No. 73. DeftaVN 's a betle< taClical space oombat system
71,lndicateonlt09Ienlasy-to--seienee-lictionsoe<;trum IllBn Task Force Game's SllIrFlNt Battles
OIAres?l- Yes;2- No where YOU' interest lies. Fo.-axamp!e,;f You'raonly in· 74. DeftaVr1e is a better tactical space combal syStem
terasted in falltasy games and stories. you'd write "1"; il thanSP1'sVector3.
20. Assume tllBt you don'l subscribe toAres. Would the your interesl WIlre ma;nly lantasy but inelu<led some sf,
Quality 01 lhis issue a'one molivate you 10 subscribe? 1lIi. DeftaYeeisa betle< tactical space cOll"lbatsystem
you might write "2" or "3"; evenly divided interest would thanOSG'sSrarQuest
1_Yes;2_No be"S"; and. of course, puresfinterest would ral9 a "9".
21. For how many issues ~ you had a continuous 711. DefraYeecouldreplaceMa¥deyaslhelacticalcom·
subscripliootoAres1 0_ldonOlsubscribe:1_Thisismy •. HOW many persons, including yourself, will read this balsvsteminGDW'sT,.veII6r
!;rsti$Sue;2_Thisismysecondissue:3_Thisismythird copyoIA185?1_ 1;2_ 2...B_8:9_9orlTlOIe.
77. DeII.Vt:te Could ,eplace the lactical Combal system
i55Ue...B_This is my eighlh or ninth issue; 9_1 ama used in FGUI's SpaceOpe,..
Liferime SubscribtN 10 Ares Ilegardles5 of the number 01 PlNsentfflthefolowinggemnona I ro9s~, with "I" 71. Having played DeII.Vee makes me want to own the
issuesreoai"'8<ll indicaringaparricularlystrongdWikeforeganwand"9" complete Universe game
22. Your age: 1_13 years old or younger; 2_14·11: an.~'.vorMJktopinion."""".onIyU- R.fflthefo/lowing~~on.s~oflto9,
3-18-21;4-22·27:5-2B-35;6_36orolOer IflIm.. whlchyou ..,.edl. . . . .t . " ~ withlindiutingve.yJittJeindl'natkJntobuythegameif
23. YourS8K:1_MaIe:2_Female or~I..I onc.'"theluttwelYemOfithe. publish«Jup Ihrough 9indiuring a dftfinifflintantkJn to
Ifyou ...... not..,.edlnthelut~mOflthe. purchtue.
24. Educatioo: 1_11 years or less: 2_12Yll8ls; 3_1).15
pIoN. . do not I'Irtalt lraspond "0" In the epac.). All
years; 4_1).15 vea'S and Stilf in school: 5.16 years:
6_17yearsormore gemn lisffld 8flI SPf pu~ unltlss o~
215. How long ha\l'll you been playing coofliet simulation demon Aahz are in lhe thick ollh;ngs again. The crazy
games? 0_18ss than a year: 1_1 year:2-2years ...8-8 •• ReseuefromtlleHive dynamic duo f,omlhello<»:sol Robert Asprin are be;ng
vears:9-9orlTlOleyears. 4O.Ragnar~ chased through thedirnensioos by unlriend!y armies led
by Ih!ri, original enemy. the wizard ISSiVan. As lhey jump
21. WllBlisthaaVlllagenumbe.-ofhoursyouspendp!ay· 41,DawnoltheDead
ing simulali9n games each month?O_ none: 1 _ 1 hour or around - visiting the Bazaa, at Oeva, being bored to
42, Swo.-dendt!leSlars dealh on Klad, dropping in on tile Gnomes of loo.-ik -
less: 2-2·5 hours: 3-e-9hours: 4_10.15 hours:
5_1e-20hours: 6_21·25: 7_26·3);8_31-40: 9_41 or 43. ThelordSOIUnderearthlMGC) they must collect enough allies to beallssiVan lor. 8t
more hours least. lhrow him olliheir trBCk lor a time!. rheMythfirs is
44.DimensiooOemonsIMGC) a two· player game 01 wild lantasy. The QIlme would ;1'1
%1. How many simulalioo games 101 all publishe<s) do ... DeathTesllllMGCl dude a 22 w " 34" mapsheel tllBlcootainstBCticaldisplays
YOU possess? 1.1.10: 2_11·20; 3_21·3); 4_31·40; 01 houses, streets. ard battlefields where magical or
5_41·!iO:6_51..f(J;7_61·70;B_71-8):9_B1Q1more •. Grail QuestlMGCI
military conhontalions occur, as well as Ihe mutli·
21. Whallevel of comp!eKity do you prefer in games? O. SecurityStalionlMGCI dimenSion display. All the madcap characters from
Raleyourprele<enctonal·9sca1e,withhighernumbers •. MagelArchaeronGarneSvsteml Asprin'snovels_thelovelyTanda.thedragooG\eep.the
indicaling increasedcompleK;ty. Use lhe lollowing games ImpsHiggensandBrod:hurst.andaUlheresl- willap·
lIS gui<lelines. 4_WorldKill¥; 7-BaffIeFJseI: 1,41113: e. Brighl FaeefMissioo on MithrillGOWI
pear in thegarne. Will ;nclude 2lXlcounters, rules
9_AkWllr. 110. Slarf;reUITFGl lpassibly using an adapted VoyIlg6 of rhe PandoraSlory·
21. Whatpercentllgeof lhegamesyou buy do you eK· 111, TheCompte&IFantasistlDimension61 pa,agraph system" and playing aids. To sell lor $t5,
peel wi'l be SPI games? 1 _ 10'llo; 2 - 20'110: 3 - 3)'110: available subjee1lo agreement with M,. Asprin
112. lalldoflheAisingSunlFGUIl
9_90'110. .:I. hntasy Flux. By the mid-2tsl Century. the humall
30. Piek the ooe area 01 science liction thaI you mOSt en· 153. BushidolPl\oenixGamesl b.-a<n·computer interlace is commonplace. Plug voursell
joYleading:l- Spaceope<afsciencefantasy;2n 64. ArnoebaWalslAHI ;11 to any computer, input your iQentity number, and you
woor1l. The I_'te PMume of people is F." F~JI -
theultllNle • •pl,tying.o-.tu.esystem.TheCOlTlPtl·
to pu.chitse une>lP8Cted .-silies lwupons, SI'·,.
of thesysl... loncluding planellfYSlb-disPlaYSl. 200 .U.. . . .
hotel Ipiusbelementend·•• 16 P-oesol ruIeI. A
...,..,.,..A~~ ....

t.eonlfOlstaehplayef'.senses.8CluallvgtWlQl!'Iemthe counterSreIJf_ling-oen ts• sett larnllnts.inslalll1\ions
feehng thet they.eexp!oring' ...... cas'"
Of Iigltt"'9 end shops. and 16pagesoirulllSlndper'll.aphsbLIHon

....."Il*dI'*QOfl.lnonegoOUPofjMyers."-.tht<. .lIl"'Idotnlygener,1ing lhe pilIl"Ietsol the sys*" _ _ uch
O$'..........",..lspot1t~tU-~_1Uddenl'y game. OphiuchiRll$/lwouldselbodd'Of.t2.APO$$ible ctudesweilPOf'&.SClIl"Il'lefS.alO'I'\PU*S,communiClIIOf'•
ceught upon, noghlJT*fl of shifting fenlelV 1CentI....cI recOf...... l...... tOfl.ete.~deIIiIecI..........,on.
gnstymuodllrs Unlesstheguiltyplllrtyll'lumen.comput•• dude moreground.•. endmerine ....... llnddec:ribe
. . w.yofthllH.__..Inpr)5t·/'doeIuStAmanca.
01 ~-of-oontrol ~ I is disaMnd. the whole specIoIIomdmillteryend!Cientificcr.l1. T h e . - - .
!il'OUO 01 ...... mey _ its unlirnlfYend. FMrI1l$'fFlIJI rt..isonlyoneW«.. ttlltwt-.:h ....... -.suspe'lded ThetongOInn.on.slonClttheblos5amongof wouIdonducltAntlw~.5lx:ialSaenot.CU:tur1l
""OUIcledilptther... fii:pergarnesyst...; .. thel*tY 1S Devetoc6 ..t.~.PsycohosIory.Rel9on.~
....t one f...1eIY-ung toeno"*. they.......stOCll'l-
the MIllry rnustwoom clouds he'" been 1~1ed WIth
savegerv and out of thoMdIItl_hevelJddltn... the. cIISC*ICI.A~tr'1ion • ..-.dTheAlU.An*Cklittotlll
Itonl poaitlleeloeSOf...,;eson.llCloceIckIplIy. The lietdol.IUdyCillledCultur.. Studielwouidbeedded
HIneclens. WcwsIlopclong oriysun lind wind. blessed
~ of Ute PerwJoie stOlY-peregr1OPh 1yS*" would whodl would 'fItIkl such poo'essions .. PolftOin. Anist.
-'so be Il'IC1)fPOl.ted 10 help ....... sdw the myllefY 01 _hst'.-.gelelltpathoclbill1es..-dllldb'l' lhe mvsterious
Milo. the Undying. the densmen heve easily oYer"'" en MII$OOl'lIfV.XenologISl.IndCostnc*lgISt. Thol would be
Who tl1ll ........... lif '"VIIS. FMrI4S'( FIuJl would eonl..... .32·pagesull(lltmllntlOfS6.00
. .t'" conlinent. Now. ttley <nUSt 'ond • W'Y to hold 01.
w.~ of rhe ~ would ~ doMId'lySlem fantllS'f' •• ~andOttt/aolCNft..A~SlP·
inglOdl.ToMllfOfS12. ptementdet..hngelI equ.pmerltend ..... t. . . - . . . t o
.oIe-pleyw>g gama based on Robelt Adams' pqlU\lIl" senti
I't~l"Iot.Theredalef1,,"beensoun<llld.Long· deIIogn end .el.... 1lI manflfll" 01 Ol'bfI.. lllUCIU.... De~·
oInoveilontheA......lClIofthefutu... Cha.act... woukI
.engeMnlOflindteitethe....,.,fleetisclosong""lCl<lyon be leading members 0' the v..ious dlIl"Is - POOl, but edpllln.ol'spacepl)ftwouldbeinduded.COVlIfong,,1
theterrest.... Utsk foro.. The human pi\()tS lake the« honeIll.e.e'ighlers-E~conlPl ••tOfSOf.possibIy. ..._o',nter..ltocha<act""rdGM·'.lnforlnltionin·
pieces Ind QulCl<ly connect the comput..·b<.. n onter'_. duded would explain '1'~'d spacepl)ft Pfocedu••. cu.·
membe<s of Milo's small Cifelli 0' 'l'IV\'IOftals. Against .he
Thensquad.h.. squad blasts olf to intereeot the enemy. backd.Oll 01 Mlm.· world. chI'tcters would pa.ticlpate lom.inlO8CtlOns. II'Id federal lIdminiWlllon. 01hl1rlVPel
Thebanlettl<esplacewitllinthe .....inkof.neye-'t.....-· ,1'1 ClImpaigns. p!ols,rd m,ssions designed to lu'the.the of spacest,tionswould be given. such n ,rdu.t.i.l,nd
Iight~.thetwofl"'.spa$!leaehother'ndp<lotsh_ ICienu'icll'lIon•. Gener.1 e><amples would be included
onlymic<osec:ondsto'uct,rdrlQht~Sh..pnelbomblet. with e.pllIn,tlons 0' now the GM coukl construct h"
malICe may fewlt in ." ignom,nous death, ExCl'llltional
must be tclOn..". the ~ser·bu~t ballerv must be compatet\Ce Of he<oism ,esult. in ""'.ncement. nonoo-s own, Also deII:'ibed would betyp;eal NPC·.wnichlhe
" the enemy is expected tOIlllSS• ..-dev...",ma· cha,acl'" rroght encounter in' typical spacepl)fl. A
neu....., mu.t be unden.ken. The game would contain
loncluding the coveted Aw..d 01 the SiMtr c.l)..-.d.
sometime5.,gIoriousllNth. ICCOfdong 10 lhe Pfec:ep15 01 32·pagesupplementsellingfOl"S6.00
'ou.- 8l!i· .11· ~1I; twowould be tiICIQ eombIt dis· sun Ind wind. AvailIIbililY would be contingen. upon."'llnClotalog.AU~supplement
qeemetlt with M•. Adams. The game would include' detlilinglllthelpac8Sl>ipslfltl>eharmonoclline.An .. t·
of lhe !hip·.intS'lOf. Therewoukl be lOOCIOdboe.-dtnl<k· 22".31·plottingtnllOoIOOSt·holoClIu.IAmericI.14.... ont_lU(lCllIltnent.itwouldn::tuclerendo!ringslnd
pages 01 rules• .o-.tu'. end IUPPOfI matarililon tllree pllIns'OfIlll . . .longshopslndpodsIklngWfthmlM>Y'-
itsllOl'toononlhe\.Kt>Qlldisplay.EJrlensiv1oruleswould booIde1slendoneo.-lTlOf.pltsltCOooe.80lledfOl.l!)-18. Ihlp deIovns. lnfOl"'*lioneonee.-ning sNpSUPOOllend
coYer eomput.. onl~. lime dilauon efleets._·
llO"lfY.plot!lngthe.-ny'sflightPi!'th• ..-dfuelend ....• •• The 0w0nk:lM of n - c - . 8-..d Ofl .llOlWcr'h..........,llso~included.AlIIoorpian5wou1d
the triIctgy 01 the b'I'StephenR. Oonaldson. ~ h.1IIy COfnI)It*:lW ...... th the ~ ctlerlC\tll' eombIt
IZ. ,........ AmotoIcIIlI. A second editoon 01 SPI·.
tIllS gamawould use. " tiOl"lof!he W,..ofrhtlRing SVS l.... Guodetines..........,bellNllf'\to.od1hllGMWfththe
gamelySt...­ creeloon 01 ..... of hIS own desogn. A 32·page 1UgpIe.
ll(lClUlef InvuionAnMnicaogamewtoictlwouklc:ortl*"ltr'le fS'lderof the Lind. endlOfdFouI"tsOOlentilldestroy.-. .....lselingIOlI8.00
OfldMtwlgupruiesproblamsftheodditielol thewpow- The objItctiYe of Foul would ~ 10 cap..... the ~white ".H A~raccessoryCOf'lSO$longoi
.. fUles.IOf.....-npIeJ.tdding.-~end...,. gollt'whicfI is both $OUfce end symbol 01 eo--I'. alffII*tedC lICI... R&COfdsfOf-"OSt200 ...........
*1Onll_t"'ll ...... 00I1espeaalythe~I.The ~ 10 use~wildmegoc~ end to .-lhenng 10 control 1hte¥,,h"eswoods,ndOtlle<.
rwviMdPld<'9'wouIdondude • .-32~rulesbook· lnd,uhirna'flIy.destroythelAnd.FouIwouldbeaidadby 'ep<_t"'ll"oltheskildas5es ...aillIbIlIin~·
Ie!.tworr.31·nwpsNets.endlllXleounterSllhe ....t· • "anetyofctlerac1elS laken Itom thebook end POfI'1Yed "'--r. A sompIt numbering SVSNlm keyed 10 'oils 01 010.
ing4Xlcount..,plus200lTlOfefOfU5eon'-KenII"oosl. on the game"" ctlerloC*'ClIfds. T'-wouIdindudelhe 020 end OlOOwouId be used to'andomty setect .... ehngs

I~A,,**-"wouId""boJ<edwithll'~'OI'18. R-..a'l'IOl'lgOthers. SUOPOfIIfIQ Foutllndhisleadong ...1IIabIe'.omIoClllGuoikbOfmetonleYefns HiIeIings
IS. ~AmotoIcII~.Fou'twlltleshom henchmen would ~.min of lJfv,Ies end t ' - kin. POI' WOUId(:OtlS<StOI,dedtol200S·.7·ClIfdsendwouldsell
lhe hotu•• w.. 101 the NOIth ArT"IlIrieion con\lflenl. lAO t•• yed lIS strength prW,\:I. Co¥enlIl"l. would oommand lhe ,~

would lIimulllle IIIdl battle,t the bettaloon/.t'gimental .eluetanl suppo,t of the 8100dgu"d. lhe lo.d. 01
PlIIIel5tone end others 11hough Covenant"SSUPPOfI..S Ill. no.. AMkIena of AlwlIr. A DragorrOuesI supple-
levelusing ....iY.tionofou.FulWc;.p.yst... fOflhe
would bebactPfintad' tU'flCOlItside to ondicllte the menl gMng GM·•• detailed descnption of .pt)fo.'..... telv
S~~'d Rules ..... hich would btl common 10 .1 'ou.
jlO55ibility of them being suborned by Foull. The focus 01 50 whlCtl to POPUlllre either AIUSl*o.-'WOIId
gIIrt"eSin the pecktge. PossibIetilles would ber::tlosen
the game. howeYe<. would be upon thewrld magic, whICh 0' thef'own, TheslI5Owouldbeg......,f....rlynistOfies'nd
'.om&rnOl'lg: T""S'U!eof Three Rillefs. port',y'ng the ,ny ,nrerret"'Ollsh,ps would be,ned, Among'l
su.pNsewint.. count...ullCt 0' theA ......iam Thi'd Army would 1lP(lell' only in moonei'll' 0' intanSll dangtlf. Ap.
pea.. nce of the .....ild magIC would keyed to ce<ta<n thesll relident.1II1 Skills. Spellsllfld CoHegeswould be
lIglIinlttheESCfOfCelOCCUpyingthelt"tegie.ive'POrI ,llpfe5enl" in v.rying R.nk so pl,y,," eha' could
of Piulbu,gn(lu.ingthe$ElCOfldye,.o' the Norlh A......,· Qllmellll'en's Of .esultson, Combal Results Table ,nd.he
actual manflfll" in which lhewild lnIgoc ....... applied would UN them allOUICes of knowledge,nd teachers, Soma of
ClIn Campaign; Drive on Reno. the PAL Rocky Mounta,n
bedeterm,ned ..ndomIy (bY'ClI.dpick. fOfeltllmple).o the more well known NPC. would eppea. In illu.l'.led
"present Coven.nt·s lact 0' eon ••ol over h,s own 'Ofm so the GM could shoW the pllIyefs, picture 0' tl\ll
men,nd ended.he tho-Nt to the northern plains; Rio 00-". The gllme would onclude, 22·.31· map 0' the person they ju.l me•. All 0' the de.ails would be con...·
LInd.4Xl+ counters.lOOClIfcbOltilel'llpfe:5entongma· leflt any .o-.tu,es •• 89dy placed on the AluSla
G"rtde, .he SAU Second Group'. _lion of meps..-.d thu1l be eniIv onteg..ted onto tnal WOIkl Any
Sout"-t T_.uns head-on onto Gene<.. FISk.·s'...· 101 ctlerllCl.., ...ndom .......... _chpatlelnsand 'heel·
otlle< world of the GM's creatoon would bene"t from
'cwced EighlhArmy in one 01 the "'gelt t*nl< benleso' ftlCll 01 wild magic. and32pagesof'ulesandbacl<g.ound
mat A"ailllbililYwouldbesubtecttoago-e«nent t ' - NPCus theyoould ~adapted ~ltle modila·
thew..; r/turtdw_'heM~.theMlOl1Mt.uempt toon.lfspaceeltowedllsolflCludedwouldbe .....""".Of
10'escue the sur'ounded US VI and XVlI COIps '.om lhe
Vickstlufg Pocket: ape..,00n Aurumn Wind. the ESC
lhe ItlOf.To .....0f118.
QUICl< NPC 0"*'_ (lunng ... ""-'tur. 'Uutuon. A
O. H _ Hoo.!. E""Y holel he5 ,ts ghosts. Nothong 32·p,gebctoklttsetlong 101 $6-8
IT\II'dl down the SI. t-1IfIC8 results .. the c.p1U.. 01
.trWlgellbouttllat. But wtlen. PlIl"IY of lOUnsts lS snow· IS. T"'and~ofAJuellr.Thernost . ._ teffonsolthec.n.ditnfirst
Army wPPO'ted b'I' ts 01 the New YO/Il NatJonel ed .. a....tong~"theMoun_.thev book ol.o-.lUf es ......l1emcned. Mooe then. I«t"rl)la
G<.>lIl"d;MlIl"ehOtlA y,c:o<rbinedESCendSAUI_ soon lind tN1.t'-Iufn-ol·the-atnturvaccommodllIlOflS thfow-V C(lIIIcIoon 01 ~QUOd<ia~ dunbeons. 1MB II'Id
_stoppedwithin oIthecityby'twocooPioithe herbOI rntlfethtn ""'" l... shar.oI ghouIiesendghosMs L"S"""dJofA.t$itlwouldf..t....ehel1.dozerll ·teIIe.
US Ninth Army ~ by Geo<giI end South ~ end things tNt go bump on the nq.t. Mooe '"'I)llIll¥ltl'l'. muIio-sessoon m...lUfes IPolilace of OnfOf'llCAt- , b'I'
militil. The game would indudItd fou< 22".11" lNIPI. the \lUeIts soon come to 01lllIinr ttIIt the MOlontlin¥iew. the IeIdong names If! IanIllS'( .oIe-pleyong. In IOdOtoon.
800 counl.., and 32 peges 01 S...-dard ..-.d eo..- ilseII, ISconucAngtneaetJOnSof'tssoectrllonhablants.
rMBII'IdL~oI ......... would-'socon""'.doHn
........ IHou:HoIKum-..ntdOl ...gerl'O-'lUres .. O!
"""'llfIriaofI'lonOf.. I_.Ho/rOIHolelwou!dplace whodlwould be onl. .ellIted. TlII<enlogethlll". the 18..,·
... Ophluchl Au.h. The T.ada ComrnosIIon hili f'omonel0.dozenolll...... lllldlcontrottingoneOllTlOfe ventu... woutdfOfm ... exten5lYebodyolbacl<ground
OOIII'*ltheQonouchi.taf·lySl... fOfCOfl'W*Cllle.ploI,,· lIocl<~¥lCIims~linsodetheMoun~fOfthilttong ~t."Ufeonlhecon"nemoIAluSll""*dd'toontobeong
1ion.FOUfondepencjenl~t~Mn<l -'<end. The hole! would place .... the c:r...-lICIe.-·. pa.hs IIl' .... ..-dol themselves. Spaceper...t·
SCOUt letrTIS to ,epon on the live PllIneIS in the sYSlem ,andon'IIyge.-w"ednortOfSlf'om.ghostlycoclttllilpar1Y ling.TMBII'IdLeg.end$ofA~woukI*"<llr'ldude.
which shoW the most promise IOf econ<IfTlOC develop. to,'.eez... thetrshu"9'¥'OfhumlM> bactgoOUrd&SI/IVt¥lfllltheseplll",teMtventu,es·cum.
ment. Soon .he 60mpllnies ,.elIrugghng .0 establish
be$eson the pi_II in Ofdel" todiscoYeo".gIIther,rdu·
OCCUpanlStO.M$pO....chillir'lg\lUeltinroom3131'1lI .to.ieltogetherOnel96·~h"d·boun<lbooltro.
~~of'hePandora.butlhephvsiClllhotet.'t5t'l1. $12·15
POIt the .vailMlle 'l!lSOU'CeI. Ophiuchi Rush would ~ • would be genet.ted in pa•• using tile ~IflMJlltl system • •. NoquesllOns.
coIo.luI2.0' pllIv" simullltion 0'*lH)fl,nd olehits Thepl,yers' object'\1Iwould be tosurY'ive thei.
commercillliz'lion of • '"' 'yStem Etch p1aye, would lI.y.nd dfiveoul the evil wnich 'nnabit. the Mounl"n·
contfol one company,nd its e.pIOf"ion mips. inuepid
pio....... 5cienlisll.ndeontf&Cl000"•. build'ngll'ld
fI'\lIl"IUftctu,ing supplies,rd, bank 01 ClIP<I.. with whtCh
view. en ew wtlich ,;..t must btI'aced befOfe, methodo!
de5lr1.oction ClIn be d""sed, Horror Hoi" would include
2OOd..cutCOUllters,,22·.31·mapoflheth''''·SIOfV A

U ra60n
'A A rO'IS Regular Feature for
III III ADragonQuest Players byD.vidR~ch"

set on this one, though I expect to see it on One of the ideas we toyed with which
By the time this issue of Ares appears the shelves for Christmas. never made it into the finished DragonQuest
rules was having PS affect damage in Physi-
DragonQuest will be one year old. During
Finally, we have reluctantly decided to cal Combat. For those of you who want yet
that year, we have exhausted two full print-
cancel the planned publication of Arcane more detail in the combat system (at the ex-
ings.of the game (which has been out of
Wisdom and Advanced Monsters as pense of additional record- keeping), we sug-
stock twice when demand outstripped sup-
separate supplements. After going over the gest the following. Any feedback would be
ply to an unprecedented extent), all but sold
numbers, the marketing committee came to greatly appreciated.
out our first two adventures and our GM
the decision that the price we would have to
screen, and taken the first steps toward es- 119.91 Whenever a character makes a Strike
charge for these items as separate products
tablishing what we hope will be a world-wide attempt in Close or Melee Combat with a
was far too high and that the work already
network of DragonQuesr players. It's been a weapon doing Class B or C damage or with a
done would serve as the basis for a single
good, if harrowing, year. We didn't do all we Garotte or Shield or whenever the Thug~
larger product. What we have tentatively ti-
set out to do, but then we set some pretty Scarf is used in Close Combat, the chance of
tled DragonQuest Leve/II is a sort of advanc-
high goals. Having somehow staggered and breaking or dropping the weapon will be
ed DragonOuest which expands upon the
stumbled through one year of unexpected modified as per the following chart:
existing game, offering additional ~agic,
successes, the DragonOuBSt team is now skills and monsters, optional charactetlstics,
taking stock in preparation for what we hope
more on High Holidays, some adventure ele- 9-10 12-15 +1 99-100
will be an even better second YBaf.
ments we didn't have space for in the original
As of this writing, the press sheets of 9-10 16-1B +2 96-'00
and a variety of smaller features which serve
Frontiers of Alusia are in and have been ex- 9-10 19-21
to make DragonQuest into an even richer +3 92-100
citing considerable comment. Unlike most
game. Happily, the DragonQuest team has 9-10 22+ +4 88-100
adventure maps, FDA includes a wide varie-
been increased by the addition of Gerry Klug
ty of realistic terrain (rapids, waterfalls, reefs 11-12 16-20 +1 99-100
to the SPI staff and by the return of Nick
and shoals, beaches, plains, fields, hills,
IBlade of AI/actus) Karp to the fold in June. '1-12 21-24 +2 96-100
wooded hills, woods, forests, brushlands,
With their help, we should be in a position to 11-12 25-28
mountains, cliffs, escarpments, deserts, oa- +3 92-100
finish DragonOuest Levell/in time for a
ses, islands, towns, castles, trails, roads, January release. 11-12 29+ +4 87-100
ruins, swamps, rivers, lakes, etc.l plus High
and low Mana areas and a rich overlay of 13-14 20-24 +2 99-100
Other DragonQuest products await the
place names evocative of the local myths and will of the feedback or are being held in 13-14 25-28 +3 96-100
legends lwhich are explained in the accom- reserve until the necessary prerequisites are 13-14 29+ +5 92-100
panying Travel Guidel. FDA should be ship- in print. These inClude the remaining maps in
ping within a couple of weeks of this issue. 15-17 25-28 +3 99-100
the A/usia series, the Randomized Dungeon
Kit, a sample city (pre-generated and "pre- 15-17 29-32 +5 96-100
Next out of the starting gate will be stocked") and a couple of mini-adventures. 15-17 33+ +6 92-100
Steve Jackson's World Generation supple-
ment. I have now gotten to see about a third 18-20 27-:l) +3 99-100
of this work and I remain unabashedly con- au-tIona.nd_ 18-20 31-35 +5 96-100
vinced that Steve is one of the best designers Ray Price asks: When a person is ran-
domly determining the characteristics of a
18-20 36+ +7 92-100
in our hobby. Though much of the material
of necessity relates directly to DragonQuest, monster, should he randomly determine the 21-25 35-40 +4 99-100
the chapters on creating and mapping a values for all the characteristics or should he 21-25 41-45 +7 96-100
physical world are usable with any FRP sys- use the tables in Character Generation to
tem and are the clearest and most complete determine Secondary Characteristics?
21-25 46+ +9 92-100
such rules I have yet seen. There are also a 26+ 50+ +6 99-100
lot of fun ideas wrapped up in these sections. Good Point. The .pans of numbs,. given
I especially like the way Mana levels affect for monsters end NPC'. In the ruin on Key: PS Requlred=The minimum PS re-
Fantastical Creatures (stunting them or rob- Monste,. ere the operetlve numbers In Quired to use a weapon effectively.
bing them of powers in Low Mana areas and th.. c.... Ch8,.cter'. PS = The PS of the character
causing some monsters and NPC's to gain The procedures for determining Second- using the weapon. O.mege = A number ad-
unexpected magical powers in High Mana ary Characteristics in IV are used exclusive- ded to the Damage die roll in addition to any
areasl and the presence of Magical Weather ly for generating Player Characters. NPC's other modifications to determine the
in the rules (rains of fire and the like). Among will usually have a narrower range of possible damage inflicted on a target when the
the sections which I have not seen are those characteristics attached to them specifically weapon is used by a character with that PS.
dealing with religion, collective magic and so that the characters generated will be Orop/Breek=The numbers on which the
the creation 01 political structures, all of plausible.even if the most extreme numbers character will drop or break the weapon as a
which should be arriving in the next few within the ranges given are chosen. function of a Strike Check.
weeks. We are still straining bone and sinew Ray also points out a contradiction in Speclel Note: Strength should generally
to get this product out byGENCON. Section ~ (Book II, Page 61 where we say not impact upon Ranged Combat except in a
that the casting charact8ffolls Dl00 to deter- minor way. GM's who wish to portray the ef-
Paul Jaquays reports that he is manfully mine backfire results. Elsewhere we say that fect of PS in this area should increase Range
struggling with The Enchanted Wood and the GM performs this function. Obviously, by 1% per point of PS above the minimum
expects to have it doneearty in May, at which only the GM can perform this function and necessary to employ the weapon and should
time we will be sending copies off to GM's that is the way the game was designed to be increase the chance of breakage by an
around the country for testing, advice and played. The section referred to should be amount similar to that shown on the chart
preparation for this summer's round of con- amended by players to reflect this fact. Our above. Damage should as a rule not be
ventions. No publication date has yet been apologies for this potentially serious glitch. increased . • •

'ADVENTURE MAPP Designed by Rudy Kraft
Map Features
Plain. Oasis. River/Stream. Lake/Pond
Forested Hills. Trail. Fields. Forest· Brush
Reef/Shoal. Ferry. Town. Ocean
Woods. Stronghold· Cliff/Escarpment. Ruin
Wasteland. Marsh· Hills· Rapids· Road
Mountainous. Bridge • Ford • Waterfall
L Beach • LawMana Region· High Mana Region
You, the master of you r destiny,
venture across the sea of stars
to meet the challenge of
alien worlds in...

The Role-Playing Game of the Future
Now. from SPI, a major science fiction role-playing system
designed to be the definitive game of a whole new generation
of character-action adventure products

*22" X 34" four-color star map *

17" x 22" tactical map
200 tactical playing pieces *
16-page Tactical Space Combat System
*64-page Gamesmaster Guide *
*32-page Adventure Guide
Each player controls his spaceships by Each player uses one Spaceship Log for
issuing Maneuver Commands (so that the each of his spaceships in play. There are two
ReadTh18Arst ship may alter its velocity or direction of types of Spaceship Logs. Type 1 is used for
The rules 10 lHlta Vn aTC organiz.ed by movement) and Battle Commands (so that small ships, and Type 2 is used for large
major lopics arrange11 in the order in which weapons and other systems aboard the ship ships. The log used for a particular spaceship
they occur in the play of the game. Each such may be prepared for use). A spaceship's com- is stated in the scenario instructions.
major topic is given a number and a name be- bat abilities include laser fire, particle fire, Photocopies of the Spaceship Logs must be
low which is given (usually) a General rule or four types of missiles, and battlecraft (two- made for repeated play.
Description which summarizes the rule in that
man fighter craft launched from larger
section. This is usually followed by numbered (2.4) The playing pieces represent the
ships). The attributes of each spaceship are
recorded on a Spaceship Log before begin- spaceships, battlecraft. and missiles
ics of the rules. Notelhat thenum!>eringofthe that may be used by the players.
Cases is a dedmal form of the major S«tion ning play. During the game, energy expend-
ed, missiles launched, and damage incurred The game also includes Velocity
number. Players should examine the map and markers, Planet markers, Asteroid Field
counlcrsand Ihen quickly read therules(wilh- by the ship are recorded on the ship's log.
DeftaVee is the tactical space combat markers, and other game markers.
01,11 .rying to memorize them). Then the game
shouldbeSl;luploplayanda"trialrun"made. system for SPl's science fiction role-playing 12.5) The spaceships, battlecraft. and
game, Universe. Although there is little open missiles are assigned to the players by
warfare in the vast human interstellar empire the scenario instructions.
of the 24th Century (contact with another These three types of counters are collec-
Rules Questions
space-faring race has yet to be established), tivelycalledunlts.
Shouldyouhaveanydifficuhyintcrprcting there are many types of illegal ship traffic
the rules, pleas.cwritCIOSP1,phrasingyourqut'S· and disputes among self-governing worlds. SAMPLE SPACESHIP COUNTER
tionsso that they can be ans....ered bra simple
These types of small connicts form the back-
sentence, "'ord, or num~r, You must enclose a
slampcd. self-addressed en,·elope. We cannOI
ground for the scenarios in De/taVee. In-
guaranlee a proper should you choose 10 terstellar travel in Universe is accomplished
phone in your queSlion (the right person is nOt by hyperjumping with the aid of a psionic
always available-and sinceSPI has published navigator. In De/taVee, hyperjumping is very
hundredsofgames,nooneindividualiscapableof rare, since all its battles occur within the con-
answeringallque$lions).WritelO: fines ofa star system, where hyperjumping is All spaceship counters are identical, ex-
impossible. cept for an identifying leller. The specific at-
RulesQueslions Editor for Della Vee Note: One 2o-sided die is necessary for play- tributes of each spaceship are detailed in the
scenario instructions, the Spaceship At-
2S1ParkAvenueSoulh ing De/taVee. When using the die, always
New York, NY 10010 treat aresuh ofOas10. tribute Chart, and the Pod Attribute Chart.
The status of each spaceship during play is
recorded on its Spaceship Log. The ar-
rowhead on each spaceship counter indicates
[2.0J GemeComponenb the direction in which the spaceship is mov-
1.0 Introduction ing. Each spaceship counter must have a
2.0 Game Componentll GENERAL RULE: Velocity marker under it at all times. The
The game components consist of these back of each spaceship counter is used when
3.0 Sequence of Play rules, including charts, tables, and logs; four the spaceship's force field isactive(see7.4).
4.0 SpeCMhlps identical game maps; and 200 playing pieces.
5.0 Pods One 2o-sided die and pencils with erasers are SAMPLE BATTLECRAFTCOUNTER
6.0 Movement and Direction also required in order to play the game.
7.0 Commands CASES:
8.0 Luer and Partickl Rre [2.1) The perforated game mapsheet is
9.0 M....kI Launch and Interception separated into four game maps which
10.0 How to U. . the Spaceship Logs are placed end-to-end or side-to-slde to
11.0 Scenarto. form the playing area. A battlecraft is a small, manned fighter
All maps are identical, and each consists spacecraft that can be launched from a
of a hexagonal grid to regularize the posi- spaceship. All balliecraft counters are iden-
tions and movement of the playing pieces. tical, except for a letter-number that iden-
Each hexagon ("hex") on each map has its tifies each banlecraft with the spaceship to
own four-digit identity number. The set-up which it belongs. For example, battlecraft A1
[1.0] Introduction instructions for each scenario describe how is the first battlecraft of spaceship A. The at-
De/to Vee is a tactical simulation of com- many maps are initially used and how they tributes of each battlecraft are detailed on
bat among spaceships in the 24th Century. are placed in relation to each other. Each the Spaceship Attribute Chart. The status of
The game is intended for two players, map used at the start of a scenario is assigned each battlecraft during play is recorded on
although more may participate in scenarios a leller (A through D), toaid in deploying the the appropriate Spaceship Log. Once a bat-
devised by the players. Each hex on the playing pieces. Once play begins, additional tlecraft has been launched, a Velocity marker
De/toVee game maps represents a volume maps may be added to the playing area or must be under it at all times. Until detected, a
20,000 kilometers in diameter. The game uses maps may be moved to accommodate the balllecraft is kept face-down. The owning
a two-dimensional movement system; the movement of the playing pieces (see 6.2). player may always inspect his unrevealed bat-
"plane" of the playing area represents the (2.2) The charts and tables are used to tlecraft; the enemy player may not.
ecliptic of the star system in which each banle summarize and resolve certain game A missile is a self-propelled warhead
occurs. Each Game-Turn represents 15 functions. that may be launched from a spaceship with
minutes. These charts and tables include the the requisite capabilities. There are four
During play, each player moves one or Spaceship Attribute Chart, Pod Attribute types of missiles: unguided, guided, in-
more spaceships about the game-map using a Chart, Command Summary, Reiative Veloci- telligenl, and MIMS (Multi-Intelligent
maneuver system that abstractly simulates ty Chart, Fire Results Table, Hit Table, Missile System). All missile counters of a
the laws of Newtonian motion. Each Missile Attribute Chart, and Missile In- single type are identical except for an identity
spaceship is composed of a hull with a vary- terceptionTable. number (each guided missile has a letter-
ing number of attached pOds. Each pod [2.3] Players use the Spaceship Logs to number that identifies it with the spaceship
represents a syStem that improves the ship's record the status of their spaceships. from which it is launched). The attributes of
capabilities in combat, movement, and/or battlecraft. and missiles during the each missile are detailed on the Missile At-
some other aspect of spaceship operations. course of play. tribute Chart and explanations follow_ The
Sl3lusofa launched missile is recorded on the Asteroid Field. Placed on the game map in All of his eligible spaceships, bat-
appropriate Spaceship Log. Once a missile accordance with cerlain scenarios. An tlecraft, imeliigent missiles, and MIMS may

has been launched, a Velocity marker must asteroid field presents a hazard to any units be issued Maneuver Commands. Each of his
be kept under it until the missile explodes or enlering the hex (sec 6.6). guided missiles may be issued Maneuver
is moved off the playing area. The back of B«k Commands if the appropriate Battle Com-
each missile counter is kcpl face.upuntillhe mand is issued to the spaceship controlling
missile is detected by the enemy player. the missile. An unguided missile may be
Bod ~ issued no Commands; however, the current
velocity of each of his unguided missiles must

l-=fI ~ ~~::~f~;:.'S~~h?P" ~~: t~"'~'dUt~;

now be increased by one.

r-;-l expendilUre of the ship's Energy UnilS duro

The first player may conduct laser and parti-
cle fire and/or launch missiles from each of
Unguided Mi••ile. Once launched, an ingplay(sec 10.3). his eligible spaceships and battlecraft.
unguided missile may rea:ive no Maneuver Prepare Jump/Jump. Placed atop a The result of each laser and particle fire
Commands. Its '{('Iocil)' is automatically in- spaceship thai has ~n issued a Prepare is determined immediately, as each is
creased by one each friendly Command Jumpor JumpCommand(Stt7.2). declared. Each launched missile is placed in a
Phase. heJl adjacent to Ihespaceship from which it is

I~ I l~L.m;"d".PI,,~ adjag
launched. Each friendly balliecrafl may be
used to conduct one ~r fire (only). Each

Guided Missile. A launched guided missile
may be issued Maneuver Commands during
unit that has completed a zig-zag move in the
hex that the unit would en!er next while
friendly spaceship may be used to conduct a
variable number of laser and particle fires
and 10 launch missiles, depending on the
capabilities of its pods.
each Command Phase in which the ship it maintainingitsin!endeddirection(Stt6.1}. PHASE
was launched from is issued a Command to The second player conducts the activities
control that particular guided missile. Randomizer Chits. A 2O-sided die is re-
quired to play lNltaV«. If one is not listed in Phase I.
available, these 10 chits can be placed in an 5. FIRST PLAYER COMMAND PHASE
opaque, wide-mouthed container (such as a The first player conducts Ihe activities listed
cofftt mug). Whenever a roll of the die is in Phase 2.
called for, blindly draw a chitto obtain a die 6. SECOND PLAYER FIRE PHASE
result. Always relurn a drawn chit to the con- The second player conducts the activities
Intelligent Missile. An intelligent missile tainer afler noting its resull, so that all 10
may be issued Maneu\'er Commands during listed in Phase 3.
chitsarealwaysavailable to be drawn from.
each friendly Command Phase. One Game-Turn is now cpmpleted and
another is begun. The players continue this
sequence until one player has fulfilled his vic-
[3.0] Sequence of Pley tory conditions.
Delta Vee is played in Game-Turns. Each
Game-Turn is divided into six distinct
MIMS. A MIMS is idemicalto an intelligent Phases, thrtt for each player. The player
missile except that it may launch four whosc Phase is in progress is called the Phas-
[4.0J Spaceships
unguided missiles itself during any onc ing player. All actions undertaken by the GENERAL RULE:
friendly Fire Phase (see 9.9). After doing so, players in a Game-Turn must proceed strictly The 12 spaceship Classes from which the
it is considered an intelligent missile. according to the following sequence outline: players are assigned ships in De/taVee vary
[2.61 A Velocity markar I, placed under 1. FIRST PLAYER MOVEMENT PHASE widely in size and quality. Each spaceship is
each unit In play to show Its current The first player (as assigned by the scenario actually a hull with one to 12 altached pods.
velocity. instructions) must move all his spaceships, (Note: The two Terwifficker ship Classes are
battlecraft, and missiles currently in play. considered baltlecrafl and do nOl carry
SAMPLE VELOCITY MARKER pods.) In addition to the information listed
Each unit is moved a number of hexes
equal to its current velocity in the direction for each spaceship Class on the Spaceship
the unit is pointing, in accordance with the Attribute Chart, each ship possesses a sub-
restrictions of 6.0. If a unit is moved into a light engine, a bridge with navigation equip-
hex occupied by a planet, the Phasing player ment, and living Quarters for a crew
may alter the unit's velocity and/or direction necessary to keep the craft running. Four in-
(see 6.5). If a unit is moved imo a hex oc- dustrial concerns produce the spaceships:
The values of the Veloc:ity markers
range from 0 10 9 and are presented in five cupied by asteroids, the Phasing player must Terwillicker Spaceworks, Inc. manufac-
denominations. The players place and adjust check for possible collision (Stt 6.6). If a tures Ihe Terwifficker-JOOO, a high-quality
the Veloc:ity markers under their unilS lO missile is moved into a hex occupied by an two-person craft; and the Terw;ffick~r-X
show each unit's current veloc:ity. No more enemy unit, or if a friendly unit is moved into fighter, an innovative adaptation of the 5000
Ihan one Veloc:ity marker is placed under a a hex occupied by an enemy missile, the designed for military use.
single unit at a time. A missile or batllecraft Interception Routine muSt be conducted (see Blades Research Institute produces
that has been P"pared is not assigned a 9.6). military craft under long-term contract. The
Velocity marker until launched. Both players 2. SECOND PLAYER COMMAND Dagger, Sword, and Spear Class ships are
may always inspect the Velocity markers PHASE their most sutteSSful models.
under all enemy and friendly units. a. Detection Segment Harmonics, Inc. specializes in finely crafted
(2.7) The game markers are used on the The second player flips over every unrevealed ships for government and high level cor-
game maps and the Spaceship Logs to enemy unit within thrtt hexes of each of his porate use. The Piccolo, F1ut~, and C/arin~1
show the status of various units. spaceships. Once an enemy unit is revealed, it represent the lOp of their line.
Planet. Placed on the game map in accord- remains revealed for theresl of the game. The Corco Group manufactures a large line
ance with certain scenarios. Spaceships may b. Command Segment of commercial vessels, often sacrificing per-
sometimes land on a planet or use its gravity The second player issues Commands to each formance for economy. The Gamma, ula,
well toaher the ship's velocity (Stt 6.5). of his units. and Mu Classes are well-suited for transport
in safe regions. The Iota is designed 10 appeal Tractor Beam. Allows the player to issue
to merchants working in dangerous areas. [5.0] Pods Maneuver Commands to another friendly or
CASES: GENERAL RULE: enemy spaceship or banlecraft during his
A pod is a compartment serving a Command Phase, as ifhe controlled the unit.
[4.1) The Velocity Rating represents the specific function that is attached to or enclos- The player must issue a Battle Command to
maximum change in velocity, ed in a spaceship. Each spaceship is assigned use the tractor beam. If he does so, a elv
spaceship may make at once. a variety of pods, in accordance with the Level 7 tractor beam may be used 10 issue one
Thus, a Sword Class ship may increase scenario being played. The number of pods a Maneuver Command to anyone unit withi"
or decrease its current velocity up to three ship possesses and the nature of those pods four hexes of the ship with the tractor beam.
levels in a single Command Phase, while a make each ship in De/to Vee distinct. All the A Civ Level 8 tractor beam may be used to
Spear Class ship may increase or decrease its major attributes of each pod are listed on the issue two Maneuver Commands to anyone
current velocity by only one level in a single Pod Anribute Chan. Additional properties ship within six hexes of the ship with the trac-
Command Phase. of certain pods are listed in 5.6. tOr beam. A tractor beam may not be used to
issue Maneuver Commands to an enemy or
[4.2) The Maneuver Rating is the CASES: friendly missile. Each Maneuver Command
maximum number of Maneuver 15.1] Hunter, light weapon, heavy issued by using a tractor beam requires the
Commands that may be issued to a weapon, and arsenal pods may fire expenditure of a number of Energy Units
spaceship in a single Command Phase. laser and particle weapons and equal to twice the Energy Burn Rate of the
The actual number of Maneuver Com- launch missiles. target unit.
mands that may be issued to a ship equals its All four of these pods may fire laser and
Maneuver Rating minus its current velocity. particle bursts and barrages (see 8.0). The Battlecraft. Contains one Terwi/licker-5000
number of missiles of the four types (unguid- or one Terwil/icker-X (as specified by the
14.3J The Energy Capacity and the ed, guided, intelligent, and MIMS) each pod scenario) that may be launched from the
Energy Burn Rate are used to measure spaceship. To launch a balliecraft, Bailie
carries is listed on the Pod Attribute Chart.
a spaceship's expenditure of energy. Commands must be issued in two friendly
Certain missiles require a Battle Command in
The total number of Energy Units a ship order to be launched (see 9.1). No other pods Command Phases (see 7.4). Once a bat-
begins the game with is represented by its may be used to either fire weapons or launch tlecraft has been launched from its pod, it i~
Energy Capacity. Each limeaship is required treated as any other spaceship. However, a
to expend an Energy Block (sec 7.5), a separate Baltle Log is not used; the requisite
number of Energy Units equal to its Energy (5.2] The number of Battle Commands information for each balliecraft is listed on
Burn Rate arc expended. A ship that a player may issue to a ship in a single the "mother" ship's Battle Log. A bal-
possesses an energy pod has 144 extra Energy Command Phase Is equal to the sum of tlecraft may be returned to the ship from
Units at the start of play (see 5.6). the Battle Commands provided by each which it was launched (only) during any
eligible pod. Command Phase in which the twO units oc-
(4.4) Each spaceship ponesses a laser The light weapon, heavy weapon, and
weapon, called a burster. cupy the same hex, have idenrico/ velocities,
arsenal pods each contribute one Battle and are pointing in the some direcrion. If
A Class 1 burster may be used 10 con- Command to the ship's total. The baltle
duct laserburst only. A Class 2 burster may these requirements are met, the baltlecraft
communications pod contributes twO Battle may be docked in its pod by issuing a
be used 10 conduct laserbursts or laser bar- Commands to the ship's total. No other pods
rages. Rendezvous Command. Each battlecraft
contribute Battle Commands. begins play with IS Energy Units. When in its
14.5J Nine of the spaceship Classes are pod, a battlecraft may replace expended
[5.3) Ttle Clv Level of a pod may affect
armored, as a defense against enemy Energy Units by drawing from the supply of
the functions It performs.
laser and particle fire. The eiv Level of a pod is reduced by one Energy Units aboard the ship; no Command
Class 2 armor provides more protection if it is grealer than the Civ Level of the is required to doso(see 10.4).
than Class 1 armor (see 8.8). Three ship
spaceship to which it is attached. Also refer
Classes possess no armor at all. Standard Jump, Augmented Jump, and
Hunter. In certain scenarios, one or both
(4.61 Five of the spaceship Classes [5.41 The Targeting Program affects players may remove a ship with a jump pod
possess a force field generator, as a laser and particle fire conducted from entirely from play (which is better than being
defense against enemy missile the pod. destroyed). Otherwise, ajump pod has no ef-
explosions. See 4.8 and 8.5. The Targeting Program fect on play. See 7.2 for details. A hunter pod
A Class 2 force field provides more pro- modifier for the battle communications pod contains a standard jump engine.
tection than a Class I force field (see 9.8). is applied to fire from anywhere on the ship.
Seven ship Classes possess no force field Energy. Contains 144 additional Energy
Targeting Program modifiers in other pods Units. A ship with an energy pod expends all
generator at alL apply to fire from that pod only. the Energy Units in the pod before expending
[4.7] The Civ Level of a spaceship Class (5.51 The hunter, light weapon, and Energy Units in its hull.
ranges from 6 to 8. heavy weapon pods may be used to
A ship's Civ (Civilization) Level may af- fire or launch one of Its weapons or
fect the performance of certain pods auach- 15.71 The following pods have no effect
missiles during the friendly Fire Phase. on play except that damaging or
ed to it. Civ Levels represent the sophistica- The arsenal pod may be used to fire or
tion of the materials and equipment that destroying any of them on an enemy
launch twO of its weapons or missiles during spaceship may aid a player In fulfilling
make up the ship. As a comparison, current the friendly Fire Phase. The battle com-
technology (1980's) is just under Civ LevelS. his Victory Conditions.
munications pod allows one additional fire Luxury cabin, standard cabin, crew, ad-
[4.81 The Targeting Program represents orlaunch(see5.6). vanced medical, bio-research, standard
the ability of the spaceship's tracking [5.6] The following pods possesa cargo, buffered cargo, living cargo, lander,
systems to target enemy ships for laser special attributes not listed on the Pod survey, robot and equipment, explorer,
and particle fire. escape/EVA. Each of these pods may have
Attribute Chart:
The effectiveness of the Targeting Pro- an Armor Rating ranging from 0 to 2, as
gram is expressed as a modifier applied to the Battle Communications. Allows one extra specified by the scenario.
relative velocity of the target ship and the fir- fire from anyone pod or burster on the
ing ship (see 8.5). spaceship during the friendly Fire Phase. The
player may conduct Active Search more ef- 15.8) The Pod Attribute Chart
[4.91 The Spaceship Attribute Chart fectively from the pod (see 7.4). The pod's summarizes the properties of all the
describes the specific characteristics of Targeting Program allows a modifier of - 6 pods that may be used during
each spaceship Clus. for any laser or particle fire conducted from the game.
See charts and tables. anywhere on the ship. See charts and tables.
[6.0) Movement side will not occur. A Direction Reminder reduced toOduringtheCommand Phase, the
marker has no effect on play (except to re- unit is considered to land on the planet dur-
and Direction mind the player of the unit's proper direc- ing the immediately following friendly
GENERAL RULE: tion) and is removed when the player changes Movement Phase. When this occurs, the
During a player's Movement Phase, he direction. unit's Velocity marker is removed and the
must move each and every one of his ships, The players must make sure thai the unit remains in the planet hex for the re-
baulecraft, and missiles currently in play. orientalion of each unit is always clearly evi- mainder of the game. The unit may not be us-
The number of hexes each unit must be mov- dent. When more than one unit occupies a ed for any game functions but is not con-
ed is determined by its Velocity marker. The single hex, special care must be taken 10 show sidered destroyed. A unit that is not
direction each unil must be moved is deter- the orientation of each unit. The direction a streamlined may nOt land on a planet.
mined by the direction in which the unit is unit points may be changed only during the A missile is automatically destroyed
pointing. The player has no choice in the Command Phase(Exception: See6.5). upon entering a planet hex.
movement of his units during the Movement
(6.2] When a ship or battlec,aft is [6.6] When a unit is moved into a hex
Phase (Exception: See 6.5).
directed to move off the maps occupied by asteroids, the owning
PROCEDURE: currently In use, an unused map should player must check for collision.
The player moves his units one at a time, be placed to abut the map edge from When an asteroid hex is entered, the
in any order he desires. He moves each unit a which the unit will exit. unit's movement is inlerrupted while the
number of hexes equal to its current velocity. This may be done whenever necessary, player rolls a die. If the die result is less than
Each unit is moved in a straight line, in the as long as the relative positions of all units or equal to the current velocity of the unit, it
direction in which it is pointing. When the and markers in the game remains the same. is hit by an asteroid. The player must then
move is completed, the unit should point in When placing a new map, makeliure that the use the Hit Table as if the unit had just been
the same direction in ils destination hex. hexgrid pattern is properly aligned with the hit by enemy fire (see 8.7). However, if a
other maps. A missile Ihat is directed to move critical hit resuh is obtained from the table, it
CASES: off the map is removed from play; a map is is considered a no effect result.
16.1) A unit may point in one of 12 not specially positioned for it.
(6.7] No Energy Units or Energy
directions. Blocks 8re expended during the
11 12 16.31 A unit with a zero Velocity marker Movement Phase.
is not moved. Energy is expended during Ihe Com-
A unit without a Velocity marker that is mand Phase and the Fire Phase.
stacked with a ship (such as an unlaunched
missile or baltlecraft) is moved with the ship 16.81 Under certain conditions, 8 ship
and has no effect on the ship's movement. may conduct 8 hyperjump during the
Movament Phase.
(6.4] A unit may be moved into and When a ship does so, immediately
through hexes occupied by enemy or removed from play. See7.2 for details.
friendly units.
The Interception Routine (see 9.6) is
conducted when a missile is moved into a hex [7.0) Commend.
occupied by an enemy unit at any point dur- GENERAL RULE:
ing its move, or if any unit is moved into a Each player issues Commands to his
hex occupied by an enemy missile at any units during his Command Phase. A player
This is shown by orienting the \lnit point during its move. There is no limit to the may issue Maneuver Commands to all his
marker's arrow toward a hex side or a hex number of units that may occupy a single hex spaceships, battlecraft, and missiles (except
at any given time. unguided missiles) in play. A player may
corner. These directions may be equated to
the numbers on a clock face. issue Banle Commands to all his spaceships
[6.5] The instant a spaceship or (only) that possess the requisite pods. The
battlecraft is moved Into a planet hex, number of Maneuver Commands that may
the Phasing player may issue the unit

be issued to a unit in a single Command
Maneuver Commands. Phase equals the unit's Maneuver Rating
The number of Maneuver Commands minus ils current velocity. The number of
the unit may receive is determined as in 7.1. Banle Commands that may be issued to a
Such a unit may immediately receive the spaceship in a single Command Phase equals
A unit IiIIIt I. pointing tow.rd • m-.d following Maneuver Commands only: Ac- the sum of the Battle Commands provided by
• longth.1'IIo".ow."t.ndinllf.omlh.t1'llo"lld•. celerate, Decelerale, and Direction Change, the ship'~ eligible pods .
within the restrictions of 7.2. However, the PROCEDURE:

unit's current velocity may not be reduced The Phasing player issues Commands to
below 1 in this manner (but may be during each of his units individually, in any order he
the Command Phase). A unit expends no desires. For each unit, he calculates the
energy for Maneuver Commands received as number of Maneuver Commands it may
a result of entering a planet hex. receive and then issues those Commands to
If a unit's current velocity is altered the unit by performing the appropriate func-
A unit tIIlIt II pointing tow••d .1'110" com•• " moved upon entering a planet hex, the number of
.lonll.II.,. ...t.ndlnll from th.t COfntl •. How.v••. tion listed in 7.2. If the unil is a spaceship, he
th.unitilmov.d In. Z;II'UII; fi ..ttot1'llo1.ft,
hexes the unit has already' ttaversed in its calculates the number of Battle Commands it
th.nlot1'••tc. move is subtracted from Ihe unit's new may receive and issues those commands to
velocity to determine the number of hexes the the ship by performing the appropriate func-
If a unil that is pointing towards a hex unit must now be moved (in its new direc- tions listed in 7.4. He then records the re-
corner is moved an odd number of hexes, a tion, if also altered). If this number is 0 or quisite expenditure of Energy Blocks (if the
Direction Reminder marker should be placed less, the unit is moved no further (it remains unit is a spaceship) or Energy Units (if a bat-
in the hex immediately ahead of Ihe unit's in the planel hex). l1ecrafl ora missile).
final posilion in the move(i.e.., in Ihe hex the A unit with a current velocily of 1 that
unit would occupy if the length of ils move occupies a planet hex is considered to be or- CASES:
were one hex more). This reminds the players biling that planet, and need not be moved [7.1] The number of Maneuver
which zig-zag hexrow the unit should be during the Movement Phase. Commands Issued to a unit In a single
moved through in its next move, so that If the current velocity of a streamlined Command Phase may never exceed the
"slippage" of the unit's direction to either spaceship or battlecraft in a planet hex is unit's Manauver Rating.
The number of Maneuver Commands a augmented jump pod need not be issued a player may prepare the battlecraft for launch
unit may receive is further reduced by its cur- Prepare Jump Command; it requires only a by placing the appropriate battlecraft
rent velocity. Thus, if a unit with a Maneuver Jump Command (place a Jump marker atop counter (without a Velocity marker) face-
Rating of 7 had a current velocity of 4, it the ship). A Jump Command may not be down atop the spaceship. The battlecraft re-
could only receive three Maneuver Com- issued 10 a ship that has an active force field mains stacked wilh the spaceship (and is
mands. Exceptiun: Ifa unit'scurrent veloci- (a Prepare Jump Command may be issued 10 moved wilh the ship) untillhe player issues a
tyequals or exceeds its Maneuver Rating, the such a ship). Launch Banlecraft Command 10 the ship in
unit may be issued one Decelerate or Ac- any subsequent friendly Command Phase.
celerate Command only. (7.3] The number of Battle Commands
No Maneuver Command may be issued issued to a spaceship may not exceed
the allotment provided by its Launch Battlecraft. The player may launch
to a spaceship that possesses a Prepare Jump a prepared batllecraft (that is, a battlecraft
or Jump marker, or that has an operating eligible pods.
placed atop a spaceship in a previous friendly
force field. No Maneuver Commands may be A light weapon, heavy weapon, or
arsenal pod each allow a ship 10 receive one Command Phase) by placing the battlecraft
issued 10 a guided missile unless the ap- in any hex adjacent 10 the spaceship. The
propriate Battle Command is issued 10 the Battle Command. A battle communications
pod allows a ship 10 receive two Battle Com- battlecraft must be assigned a Velocity
spaceship controlling the missile (see 7.4). An marker equal to, one less than, or one greater
unguided missile has no Maneuver Rating mands. Thus, a spaceship with two heavy
weapon pods and a battle communications than the current velocity of the spaceship.
and may not be issued Maneuver Com- Exception: A batllecraft must be launched
mands. However, during each Command pod could receive four Baltle Commands in a
single Command Phase. The number of Bat- with a minimum velocity of 1. The bat-
Phase, the current velocity of each of the tlecraft must be pointing in the same direc-
Phasing player's unguided missiles must be tle Commands a spaceship may receive has
no effect on the number of Maneuver Com- tion that the ship is pointing when launched,
increased by one. or one of Ihe two adjacent directions on
A player is nOl required to issue a ship its mands it may receive, and vice versa.
either side (thus, a banlecraft may be point-
maximum number of Maneuver Commands. ing in one of five directions when launched).
However, Maneuver Commands may not be [7.41 An eligible spaceship may be Launching a battlecraft does not require the
transferred from one unit to another or ac- issued the following Battle Commands: expenditure of energy from the involved
cumulated from Game-Turn to Game-Turn .. Prepare Missile. If a spaceship has a light spaceship or baulecrafl.
These restrictions apply to Battle Commands weapon, heavy weapon, or arsenal pod, the
as well. Phasing player may prepare a missile for Rendezvous. If a friendly spaceship or bat-
(7.2] An eligible unit may be issued launch by placing the appropriate missile tlecrafl occupies the same hex as an enemy or
following Maneuver Commands: counter (without a Velocity marker) face- friendly spaceship or battlecraft, the twO may
down atop the ship. Consult the Pod At- be docked together. However, the two units
Accelerate I Decelerate. The Velocity tribute Chart 10 find which pods may launch must have identical velocities and mUSI point
marker of the unit is changed for a marker missiles and which of those missiles require a in the same direction. This Command is used
one greater or less in value. Thus, if a unit Prepare Missile Command. A prepared when a player wishes to dock a battlecraft in
with a current velocity of 3 is issued an Ac- missile may be launched in any subsequent the ship from which it was launched (see 5.6)
celerate Command, ils Velocity marker is ex- friendly Fire Phase (see 9.4). Assuming a or when a player wishes to dock with an
changed for a 4 Velocity marker. If the unit spaceship has the requisite Battle Com- enemy ship to fulfill a requirement listed in a
were issued a Decelerate Command instead, mands, it may be issued any number of scenario. Two spaceships Ihat are docked
it would receive a 2 Velocity marker. Assum- Prepare Missile Commands in a single Com- together use one Velocity marker only. Dur-
ing a unit has the requisite Maneuver Com- mand Phase. However, the maximum ing the Command Phase, the Phasing player
mands, it may be issued any number of Ac- number of prepared missiles that a ship may may issue Maneuver Commands 10 both
celerate or Decelerate Commands in a single carry at one time is limited to the number of ships as if they were one. If the expenditure
Command Phase, up to a number equal to its missile-carrying pods the ship possesses. of an Energy Block is required, a number of
Velocity Rating. Thus, a ship with twO heavy weapon pods Energy Units equal to the Energy Burn Rate
Direction Change. The direction that the may carry no more Ihan two prepared of both spaceships combined is expended. In
unit is pointing is altered by one position missiles at a time. Until a prepared missile is this way one ship may "tow" another.
(from a hexside 10 an adjacent hex corner, or launched, it is moved with its ship and has no
from a hex corner to an adjacent hexside). effect on play. Tractor Beam. If a spaceship has a lractor
Assuming a unit has the requisite Maneuver Control Guided Missile. The player may beam pod, the player may acivate its Iractor
Commands, it may be issued any number of issue Maneuver Commands to a guided beam. The player Ihen issues Maneuver
Direction Change Commands in a single missile previously launched from the Commands 10 one other spaceship or bat-
Command Phase. spaceship. By issuing the spaceship one such tlecraft, as explained in 5.6. A single tractor
Battle Command, the player may immediate- beam pod may only be issued one Command
Weave. This Command may be issued 10 per Command Phase and does not remain ac-
spaceships and baltlecraft only (not to ly issue any number of Maneuver Commands
(within the restrictions of 7.1) 10 one of the tive from Game-Turn to Game-Turn.
missiles). The unit is immediately moved 10
any adjacent hex. The unil's velocity and ship's guided missiles currently in play.
Activate I Deactivate Force Field. If a
direction are not changed (unless additional Active Search. The player may flip over spaceship possess a force field (Class I or 2),
Maneuver Commands are issued). Only one every enemy unit that is currently unrevealed it may be activated by nipping the spaceship
Weave Command may be issued to a given within six hexes of the spaceship to which he over to its forcefield side. When activated,
unit in a single Command Phase. A unit may is issuing this Command. This range is the force field provide~ protection against
not weave inlO an asteroid hex or planet hex. counted by including the enemy unit's hex enemy missiles, but not against enemy laser
Prepare Jump I Abort Jump I Jump. In but not the searching spaceship's hex. Once a or particle fire. Furthermore, the only com-
certain scenarios, a spaceship with a standard unit is flipped over, it remains revealed for mands that may be issued to a ship with an
jump pod may prepare for a hyperjump the rest of the game. If the spaceship to active force field are Prepare Jump, Abort
away from the playing area. A Prepare Jump which an Active search Command is issued Jump, Prepare Missile, Active Search, and
marker is placed atop the ship. In the follow- possesses a battle communications pod, Prepare Battlecraft. A missile may nOt be
ing friendly Command Phase, the player every inverted enemy unit within 10 hexes is launched (but laser and particle fire may be
must issue a Jump Command 10 Ihe ship (the nipped over. Note: Active Search should not conducted) from a spaceship with an aClive
Prepare Jump marker is nipped over) or be confused with detection, which occurs force field. An active force field may bedeac-
issue an Abort Jump Command 10 the ship automatically at the beginning of the Com- tivated by nipping Ihe ship counter back to
(the Prepare Jump marker is removed). If a mand Phase and does nOI require a com- its normal side. A player may attempt to ac-
Jump Command is issued 10 the ship, it must mand. tivate Ihe force field of a ship that has been
be removed from play in the following Prepare Battlecraft. If a spaceship has a intercepted by a missile at the moment of in-
friendly Movement Phase. A ship with an battlecraft pod containing a battlecrafl, the lerception (see 9.8).
Sp.e••hlp N.m. FLU Tf( 10 A Spaceship Name 10 _ _

~:~~~~~ ~a~~::ver () ~~::~ ~~~~~~m =±

Rating _ _
Rating _ _
Class _ _
Program _ _


.,.~.,. .:-'- POolII POOl II E.. ~n... u .. " " .,..."" q" POD/If POOl I f •• ~ .. u ........ "

Bridge Bridge

Engine Engine
Force Force

PODS Field

3 H.W.


n~ I,





[I] D
• BddgCnn
Engine I I ' . L d EngincDD' I

Eo"" Uo;" I I I I I I I I I I I Eo"" Uo;" I I I I I I I I I I I

Players may photo-copy this logsh88t for personsl use. Players may photo-copy thi.logsheet for per.onel use.
. . . 6 ~.s"'.. " ,,~,.)+~. . . . . .~"'~ .... ~
~:~~~<,~~~. +. 1~~~$~~?Q~'":!S:?
~\~ET Current Velocity of Firing Unit
IIATTUCRAFT UNrT 0.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Terwlllickar 5000 o 2 7 IS I Yes I I 0 7 -2 0.1 l' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Tarwlllkkar·X o 3 9 IS 1 Yes 2 2 0 8 -4 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9
SPACESHIPS 344567899
2 48 4 Yes -4 4456678910


' 8
8 9
9 10 II
10 II
Rut. 4 66 6 Yes -4 8 8 9 9 9 10 II II 12
Clarinet 7 104 8 No -4 9 9 9 10 10 II II 12 13
Coreo Gamma J S4 6 Yes -2
Coreo Zata
Coreo Iota ,
6 80
8 No
12 No -4 Ifthecompareddirec:tions ar,lle larget unit and the firina
unil do not fulfill the conditions of statements 1 or 2 in 8.3,
Coreo Mu 12 176 16 No -2 U5e this chart lodetcrmine the relative vclocily of the uniu.
The current vclocily of each unit is cross·referenced 10 yield
Seoe4,Ofordelliledc:l:planationo(I,I5e. IhcirrelalivC'velocil)'.


• CHART \'t".. ,$1':0 o,jJ'cJ "-F0~" <:/ ........ P.rt of T.,get Hit
I'OOTY" -f$~?'~$$~~~~~•.,.?~ rt ~::.~ ~¥ ....,.,:·".~;t~..'o> ~~O 1 Critical Hit. If the unit is a
revealed missil~, it is destroyed. If
Hunter Yes 2 0 I 0 0 8 -4 Yes X 1 2 the unit is unrevealed (of any type),
lIghtWe.pon Yes 5' ). 0 0 1 6 -2 No 1 1 treat as "no hi!."
Heavy weapon Yes 6 5' ). I' I 7 -4 No I 2 2 Bridge, Engine. If the unit is a
missile (revealed or unrevealed), it
A....n.1 Yes 8 7 5' 2' I 8 -4 No 2 2 isdesuoyed.
B.nte Comm No 0 0 0 0 2 8 -6 No X I 2 Force Field, Pod 8
Tr.ctor Be.m No 0 0 0 0 0 7,8 No X 0 0-2 Pod I, Pod 9
Benhtcr.ft No 0 0 0 0 0 No X 0 0-2 Pod 2, Pod 10
St.nd.rd Jump No 0 0 0 0 0 Y~s X 0 0-2 Pod 3, Pod II
Augment.d Jump No 0 0 0 0 0 Yes X 0 0-2 Pod 4, Pod 12
Energy No 0 0 0 0 0 No X 0 0-2 Pod 5, Pod 13
All Othe... No 0 0 0 0 0 No 0 0-2 Pod 6, Pod 14
e~planation of use.
S« S.O for detailed ·Laun~h of missiles requires Prepare Missile 10 Pod 7, Pod IS
Command in previous Command Phase. Sec 8.7 fordetailcdellplanation or usc.

Type of Fire
T.rget V.lue

Le..,B.mlg. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 J'.'" &#,

P.rticle Bu...t A 9 7 4 I 5' .i";"~ 4'}~ ..~~
3 P.rticle B.mlge A A 9 7 4 6 I S 7
A: Hil isaulomalic; nodie roll isCOndUCled. Proceed 10 Inc Hil Table. i-I: Hil is impossible; no 7 2 S 9
die roll is condu~led. IflheTar&el Value is ,realer lhan 14, a hil with any Iypeo! fire is imposi-
ble.Stt8.6forellplanalionofusc. 8 2 6 10
• 2 ,
7 2 6
R.lative Velocity • 2 7
C~tt:~l 0 1.2 3.4 5-7 8-10 OIl'L1o"t: A:lntcrceptionisauiomatic;
Ihedie is nOI rolled. Sec 9.6
8 fordetailedcxplanalionofusc.
Replenish Baulecraft energy le"cls: NumfHr of Energy Units needed or
[7.7J ENERGY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY desired, up 10 maximum ofloS.
Action or $ituatlon: Energy Expenditure Maneuver Docked Spaceships: Energy Units ~uQI /0 sum of both ships'
Enrrgy Burn Rale.
Issuing morc than 1 Acceleralion, Deceleration, or Direction Change
Maneuver Command per Phase: 1 Energy Block if spactship; 1 Enf'rg)l Particle Burst:' Energy Unit.
UnitijfHIlf/f'croJt. Laser Barrage: 2 Energy Unirs.
Missile Maneuver: 1 En"rKY Unit per Maneu",., Commond. Particle Barrage: 3 Energy Units.
Weave Command: 1 Energy Block il sJX1Ct!ship; 1 Energy Unit if If Engine is Damaged: 1 Energy Block per each and every Maneuver
botllecroft. Command.
Activate Spaceship force field: 1 Energy Block. If Energy Pod is Damaged: -10 Energy Units each Command Phusf'.
Use Tractor Beam: Enrgy Units equal to twice Ihe Energy Burn ROle or If Energy Pod is ~slro)'ed: TO/(II Energy Unils expended immediately in-
target unit pereoch Maneuver Command. creased 10 144.

Note: The Delta Vee counlers are reproduc-

ed here to aid players in replacing lost or
damaged counters r-----========"========----,
,"""'I...: ... rNI=~~":' ~.!;:;'=..<;.":."==~~I~lllO~l:f·.-

:iF ~ ~ ~ =f =:f ~ =:f =i- ~+ +~ ~ =:.= *.:;:. -?:;:. =? 7- ~

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w , ;-;; .w ..." "
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.. .. .. .. ;;:;.. .. ..
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.w o• 4 4 4 4
6 ~ ~
o. t' t' Ii:'
o. i:f i:f i:f i:f 4 4 4 4

. :1 :
6 6 6
¢> ¢> ¢> ¢> ¢>
6 8

244 4 444

- ,.-=_.:':" --"-
,Or> = ~ ~ ~~.~.~ ~

IHII.I ... C....... S«riooo' •. I(:oe .......:1Ia<I.

+ + - - - --
T or ~ ';' ~

~..~157 5 5
'"f 'i' 5 5
9 7 7 7 7 7
9 , , ~I I
3 3 3 3 3 ,,
5 5 5 5 3 3 3
t +
DELTA VEE SPACESHIP LOG Nr. 2 Space.h;pName 10 _
Velocity Rating _ _ Maneuver Roting _ _ Burste' Class _ _ Force Field Class _ _ Target Program _ _ Nr, of Battla Commands _ _ Nr. of Fire. _ _


.....", <:of-
,--- -
f----- -
f-- -
Force Field
f----- -
Pod 1
f----- -
Pod 2
f----- -
Pod J
f----- -
Pod 4
Pod l
f----- -
f----- -
Pod 6
f----- -
Pod 7
Pod g
f----- - MIMS

Pod 9
Pod 10
Pod II
Pod 12

BATTLECRAFTI1 .,..~~o~ ~. . .~~ BATTLECRAFTI2 .,..~~o~ ~. . ~f:>

UNIT 0 1 2 3 4 .eidg, nn .,;dg, 00
D 0

EngmeD EngmeD

5 6 7 8 9 10 ENERQYUNITS

11 12 13 14 15 16

PIllyen ....y photo-copy Ihlslop'-tfor peraoOllI ......

Effi§ ffim
fttM'_fromr-06} PROCEDURE: The number of fires a spaceship may
p.S] A unit must expend Energy Units The Phasing player declares and conduct in a Fire Phase should not be con-
resolves each fire one at a time. Ali fires con- fused with the number of Battle Commands
or Blocks when Issued certain
Commands. depending on the ducted from one spaceship or battlecraft the ship may receive in a Command Phase.
type of unit. must be resolved before conducting fires Fires may not be conducted in the Command
from another spaceship or battlecraft. For Phase, and Commands may not be issued in
The expenditure of Energy Units and
Blocks is recorded on the appropriate each fire conducted, the Phasing player the Fire Phase.
Spaceship Log (see 10.3). undertakes the following steps, in order. (8.2) A unit that conducts any type of
• A spaceship must expend one Energy 1. Declare what type of fire is being con- fire except a laser burst must expand
Block and a bantecraft must expend one ducted, from where the fire is coming, and one or more Energy Units.
Energy Unit when it is issued more than one which enemy spaceship, baltlecraft or missile A particle burst costs 1 Energy Unit, a
Accelerate, Decelerate and/or Direction is the target of the fire. If necessary, note the laser barrage COSts 2 Energy Units, and a
Change Command in a single Command expenditure of Energy Units on the ap- particle barrage costs 3 Energy Units. The
Phase. Regardless of how many of these propriate Spaceship Log. expenditure of Energy Units is recorded on
Commands (beyond one) a ship or bat· 2. Detennine the range in hexes from the fir- the appropriate Spaceship Log (see 10.3).
tlecrafl receives in a Command Phase, only ing unit to the target unit. Range is counted
18.31 The relative velocity of the firing
one Energy Block or Unit is expended. A by including the target unit's hex and ali

hexes lying between the firing unit and the unit and the target unit is determined
spaceship or battlecraft that receives only by comparing the direction and current
one of the above Commands in a single Com- target unit, but not the firing unit's hex.
velocity of each unit.
mand Phase expends no energy (although it 3. Determine the relative velocity of the two
may expend energy as a result of other Com- 1
units, using the Relative Velocity Chart if
mandsitreceives). necessary. Subtract the Targeting Program
• A spaceship must expend one Energy modifier of the firing unit from the relative
Block and a battlecraft must expend one velocity and then add the modified relative
Energy Unit when issued a Weave Com· velocity to the range to determine the Target
mand. This expenditure is in addition to any Value.
that may be required for other Maneuver 4. Refer to the Fire Results Table, cross·
Commands. referencing the proper Target Value column
• A ml..iie must expend one Energy Unit with the row matching the type of fire
each time it is issued a Maneuver Command. declared to find the Hit Chance. Roil the die;
Thus, if a missile is issued two Accelerate and if the die result is less than orequal to the Hit
one Direction Change Commands, three Chance, the target may have been hit. Pro-
Energy Units are expended. ceed to Step S. If the die result is greater than
• A spaceship must expend one Energy the Hit Chance, the fire has missed the target
Block when issued an Activete Force Field and this procedure is concluded.

Command. 5. Roll the die again and refer to the Hit
• A spaceship that uses its tractor beam Table to determine which part (if any) of the
must expend a number of Energy Units equal enemy unit has been hit. The non-Phasing
player must immediately apply the effects of 1
to twice the Energy Burn Rate of the ship or
battlecraft to which it is issuing a Maneuver the hit to the target unit.
Command. This expenditure must be made CASES:
for each Maneuver Command issued to the
target unit. A unit that is issued a Maneuver [8.1] The number and types of fires a
Command through a tractor beam does not spaceship or bantecraft may conduct
In a single Fire Phase depends on the
expend energy for that Command.
Cia.. of Its burster and the attributes
• During the Fire Phase, a spaceship or bat- of its pods.
tlecraft must expend Energy Units when con-
ducting a laser barrage, a particle burst, or a • A Class 1 burster on a spaceship or bat·
particle barrage (see 8.2). tlecraft allows one laser burst each Fire

(7.6] A unit that has expended ali Its • A Cia.. 2 burster on a spaceship or bat-
aVliiable energy may be issued no tlecraft allows one laser burst or one laser
Command that requires the barrage each Fire Phase.
expenditure of energy.
• A hunter. light weapon and heevy
p.7) The Command Summary lists the weapon pod each allow onejire ofany type 2
nam.. of every Command that a player (or one missile launch, see 9.2) each Fire Im.gln. the two unlUl .r. In the Mm. hu .nd com-
may po..lbly luue to a unit. Phase. pare thel. direction. on 0". of the following dla·
See charts and tables. gram•. U.. th. flrat It m. flrlngunltpolntatow.rd.
• An arsenal pod allows two jires Of any heuld• •nd th. HCOnd If the firing unit point.
type (or one fire and one missile launch, or tow. rd. h•• co...... The dlrectlon of the tIl'lfIIt unit
two missile launches) each Fire Phase. Iam.tchedtoo".otm.12 ••rowaradlatlngfromthe
[8.0] Laser and hu....
• A bante communications pod allows
Particle Are one additiona/jire of any type (or one addi-
GENERAL RULE: tional missile launch) from any of the above
eligible items each Fire Phase. Depending on the unit's relative direc-
During a player's Fire Phase, he may tions, one of the following statements will
conduct laser and/or particle fire against Ali these items are cumulative. Thus, a apply:
revealed and unrevealed enemy units with ali spaceship with two light weapon pods may be
his eligible spacecraft and battlecraft. There used to conduct three fires each Fire Phase 1. If the target unit is pointing in the same
are four types of fire: a laser burst, a laser (one from its burster and one from each direction as the firing unit, or an adjacent
barrage, a particle burst, and a particle bar- weapon pod). If the ship also possesses a bat· direction, their relative velocity equals the
rage. Successful fire may result in a pod or tie communications pod, it could conduct difference between their current velocities.
other part of an enemy unit being damaged one additional fire from its burster or either 2. If the target unit is pointing in the opposite
or destroyed. Fire may be conducted in any weapon pod (for a total of four fires per Fire direction as the firing unit, or a direction ad·
direction. Phase). jacent to the opposite direction, their relative
velocity equals the sum of their current conditions 1 and 2 apply in a single situation, The Phasing player rolls the die and
velocities. condition 2 takes precedence. locates the die result on the table. With the
exc~ption of die result 1, each result lists two
3. If the target unit is pointing in any of the 18.5) Each spaceship and bantecraft
six directions not covered in the above two parts of the targ~t unit. If the target unit
possesses a Targeting Program possesses neither of the listed parts, th~ hit is
statements, refer to Ihe Relative Velocity whIch modifies the determined reletive
Chart and cross-reference the current veloci- a glancing blow that has no effect. If the
velocity. target unit possesses only one of Ihe listed
ty of each unit on the chan to find their The modifier is listed on the Spac~ship
relative velocity. parts, that part has been hit. If the target unit
Attribute Chart. If a fire is being conducted possesses both of the listed parts, the Phasing
Example: The firing unit has a velocity of 4 from a hunter, light weapon, heavy weapon, player chooses which of the two parts has
and the target unit has a velocity or3. If their or arsenal pod, the Phasing player may use been hit. He can inspect the opposing
'directions apply to statement I, their relative the Target Program modifier of either the player's applicable Spaceship Log before
velocity is 1. If their directions apply to state- pod or th~ spaceship. If a spaceship possesses choosing.
ment 2, their relative velocity is 7. If their a battle communicalions pod, a Targeting
directions apply to statement 3, the Relative Program modifier of - 6 is applied to all fire
Velocity Chart is used to determine that their conducted from the ship. If a 1 is rolled when using the Hit Table,
relative ve!ocityis 5. If, after applying the Targeting Program a critical hit has occurred; the Phasing player
modifier, the relative velocity is less than chooses one part of the target unit lisled on
(8.4] The relative velocity and the range zero, it is Ireated as zero. The Targeting Pro- the Hit Tabl~ to receive the hil. He can in-
between the firing unit and the target gram modifier is never used to reduce the SpeCI the opposing play~r's applicable
unit may be reduced if the positions of range between the firing unit and the larget Spaceship Log before choosing. Exception:
the two units fulfill either of the unit. After calculating the modified relative If the target unit is unrevealed, a critical hit i~
following conditions. velocity, it is added to the range to determine treated as no hit.
1. A slraight lin~ may b~ drawn belween th~ the Target Value used wilh the Fire Results If the target unit is a revealed missile, il
two units and their indicated directions. Table. is d~stroy~d on the result of 1 or 2. If th~
[See Diagram AI missile is unrevealed, it is destroyed on a
18.6J The Fire Results Table is used to result of 2 only. No other r~sult on the Hit
If this applies, the relative velocity is determine if a fire has hit its target. Table affects a missile.
determined as described in 8.3 and is then Th~ Targel Valu~ [Range+(Relative
halved, rounding fraclions up. The range Velocity - Targeting Program)! is cross- ( When a unit receives a hit. the
betwun the IwO unils is not affect~d. referenced with the declared type of fire to owning plaVer must record it on the
2. The two units ar~ pointing in the same determine the Hit Chance. The Phasing appropriate Spaceship Log. The effects
direclion and their current velocities are player then rolls the die; if the die resull is of a hit depend on the Armor Rating of
identical. equal to or less than the Hit Chance, he pro- the part hit.
[See Diagram BJ ceeds 10 Ihe Hit Table.
• A part with a 0 Armor Rating is destroyed
If this applies, the relalive velocity is 18.71 The Hit Table is used to determine when first hit. An X is placed in the Status
automatically zero and the range between the which pod or other part of the target Box for that part on the Spaceship Log. Any
two units is halved, rounding fractions up. If unit has been hit. further hits on that part have no additional
DIAGRAM A • A part with a 1 Armor Rating is damaged
when first hit. A 0 is placed in Ihe Status Box
for that part on the Spaceship Log. The part
is destroyed when it receives a second hit.
• A part with a 2 Armor Rating is made
vulnerable when first hil. A V is placed in the
Sialus Box for thai part on the Spaceship
Log. The part is damaged when it r~ceives a
second hit and deslToyed when it receives a
third hit.
• A missile is always destroyed wh~n first hit.
Draw a lin~ through all th~ box~s for that
missile on the Spaceship Log and remove the
missile from play.
The bridge, engine and forcefi~ld (if
any) of a spac~ship are located in the main
hull and are considered to have the Armor
Raling of th~ spaceship.
DIAGRAMS 18.91 When a pod or other part of a
spaceship or battlecraft Is damaged or
destroyed, the capabilities of that part
are immediately impaired.
The following list summariz~s all the ef-
fects of damage and deslruction.
Bridge. Damaged: The Maneuver Rating of
the unil is reduced by two and the unit may
no longer receive Weave Commands.
Destroyed: The Maneuver Rating of the unit
is reduced to 1 and the unit may no longer
receive Weave Commands.
Engine. Damaged: Each and every
Maneuver Command issued to the unit r~·
quires the expenditure of one Energy Block.
Destroyed: The unit may receive no
Maneuver Commands at all.
Class 1 Force Field. Damaged or that possess missile-carrying pods. Certain may point inanydirection indicated by an ar-
Destroyed: The force field may not be used missiles must be prepared before launch, row radiating from the hex.
atalL depending on the type of missile and the pod
from which it is being launched. Once DIAGRAM C
Class 2 Force Field. Damaged: The force
field is considered to have the protective launched, each missile is moved in accord-
ability of a Class 1 force field and may not be ance with 6.0, and is issued Commands in ac-
activated at the moment of missile intercep- cordance with 7.0 and the restrictions of the
tion (see 9.8). Destroyed: The force field may following cases. The Interception Routine is
not be used at all. undertaken each time any missile is in a hex
occupied by an enemy unit. If interception
Hunter Pod. Damaged: All missiles in the occurs, the missile explodes, destroying itself
pod are lost, including any currently and the enemy unit (unless the enemy unit isa
prepared for launch (cross them off the ap- spaceship with an active force field).
propriate Spaceship Log); laser and particle
barrages maYflot be conducted from the pod CASES:
(laser and particle bursts may be conducted); [9.1) The number of missiles of each
the pod may not be used to hyperjump. type a pod possesses at the beginning
Destroyed: The pod is totally eliminated. of play Is listed on the Pod
light Weapon or Heavy Weapon Pod. Attribute Chart.
Damaged: All missiles in the pod are lost, in- The chart also states whether or not the
cluding any currently prepared for launch; missile must be prepared before it may be
any guided missiles previously launched launched, by issuing a Prepare Missile Com-
from the pod may not be issued Maneuver mand to the spaceship in a previous Com-
Commands; laser and particle barrages may mand Phase (see 7.4). In order to launch a
not be conducted from the pod (laser and missile, it must be atop the launching
particle bursts may be conducted). spaceship at the beginning of the friendly
Destroyed: The pod is totallyeliminated. Fire Phase, or must be a type of missile that
Arsenal Pod. Damaged: Same as damage to need not be prepared.
alight weapon or heavy weapon pod; in addi- (9.2] The launch of a missile counts as
tion, the pod only allows one fire per Fire one fire towards the total number of
Phase (instead of two). Destroyed: The pod fires that may be conducted from a
istotallyeliminated. spaceship in a single Fire Phase.
Battle Communications Pod. Damaged: Thus, if a spaceship with two light
The pod allows only one additional Battle weapon pods launches two missiles in a Fire
Command per Command Phase (instead of Phase, it may conduct only one additional A launched missile may not be initially
two); the pod's Targeting Program modifier fire (from its burster). Also see 8.1. The placed in the hex occupied by the launching
is eliminated (the modifier of the spaceship launch of a missile does not require the ex- spaceship. More than one missile may be
or firing pod being used instead); the pod penditure of energy by the missile or by the launched into the same hex. Such missiles
does not allow an additional fire; the pod launching spaceship. may be assigned identical or different direc-
does not increase the range of an Active tionsand velocities.
Search. Destroyed: The pod is totally ]9.3) Whellll the Phasing player wishes
eliminated. to launch a missile, he chooses a 19.5] The Velocity Rating, Maneuver
missile counter and marks his Rating, and Energy Unit Allowance of
Tractor Pod. Damaged or Destroyed: The Spaceship Log. each type of missile are listed on the
tractor beam may not be used at all. He chooses the counter that matches the Missile Chart.
Battlecraft Pod. Damaged or Destroyed: A chosen missile type and, if a guided missile, The Civ Level of each missile is equal to
battlecraft may not be launched from or whose identity leller matches that of the the Civ Level of the pod from which it is
dock with the pod. A battlecraft inside the spaceship from which it is being launched. launched. Unguided missiles may not receive
pod when damaged or destroyed may not be He then writes the number of the pod from Maneuver Commands and are thus not listed
used at all. which it is being launched and the identity on the chart. Other types of missiles may be
Standard or Augmented Pod Jump. number of the missile in the first unused issued Maneuver Commands in accordance
Damaged or Destroyed: The pod may not be Podl' box for that missile type on the ap- with 2.5 and 7.1. Note that a missile must ex-
used to hyperjump. propriate Spaceship Log. For example, if pend one Energy Unit for each and every
guided missile A-OJ were launched from a Maneuver Command that it receives (see
Energy Pod. Damaged: Ten Energy Units heavy weapon pod (assigned pod 112), the 7.5). A missile must be removed from play at
must be expended each friendly Command Phasing player would write 2/3 in the first the conclusion of the friendly Movement
Phase (in addition to any other expenditures unused Pod/II box of the guided missile sec- Phase following the Command Phase in
of energy) until a total of 144 Energy Units tion of Spaceship A's Log. which it expended its last Energy Unil.
have been expended (including previously ex-
pended energy). Destroyed: The total expen- [9.6] The Interception Routine is
19.4) A missile is launched by assigning
diture of energy for the spaceship must be performed whenever a friendly missile
it a Velocity marker and placing it face-
immediately brought up to 144 Energy Units; enters a hex occupied by an enemy
down in a hex adjacent to the
the pod is considered empty. launching spaceship. unit, or when any enemy unit enters a
Damage and destruction of any other A missile must be assigned a Velocity hex occupied by a friendly missile,
pod has no effect on play (but may affect a regardless of the Phase in progress.
marker equal to, one greater than, or one less
victory in a scenario). The capabilities of a The player owning the missile under-
than the current velocity of the spaceship
pod or other part are not affected when made takes the following steps:
from which it is launched. Exception: The
vulnerable. initial velOCity of a missile must be at least 1. 1. Determine the relative velocity of the two
The hex in which a missile may be placed units as described in 8.3. The conditions of
and the direction in which the missile may 8.4 may also apply, but the conditions of 8.5
(9.0] MissileLaunchend point are restricted. The following diagrams do not. Since the range during interception
Interception show all possible missile placements. will always be zero, it has no effect.
Diagram C is used if the launching ship points 2. Cross-reference the determined relative
GENERAL RULE: toward a hexside. Diagram D is used if it velocity with the Civ Level of the intercepting
During a player's Fire Phase, he may points toward a hex corner. A missile may be missile on the Missile Interception Table 10
launch missiles from any of his spaceships placed in any hex shown and, within a hex, determine the Interception Chance.
3. Roil the die. If the die result is equal to or launch once. No Command is required for a appropriate Missile section. A pod that has
less than the Interception Chance, intercep- M1MS to launch its missiles, and the MIMS launched a number of missiles equal to the
tion has occurred; the missile explodes, remains in play after doing so, as an in- amounl of missiles shown for the pod on the
destroying itself and the enemy unit (Excep- telligentmissile. Pod Attribute Chart may launch no more
tion; See 9.8). If the die result is greater than missiles of that type.
the Interception Chance, interception does Each time a missile receives a Maneuver
not occur; the missile and the enemy unit are Command, the owning player must put an X
not affected, and interception is not attempt-
[10.0] HowtoUse through one of the missile's Energy Unit
ed between the two unilsagain as tong as they the Spaceship Logs boxes. When all the boxes for a missile are
occupy the same hex. GENERAL RULE: marked, the missile is removed from play (see
Before beginning play, each player fills 9.5). Unguided missiles do not expend
The Interception Routine must be con- Energy Units, and thus have no Energy Unit
ducted whenever possible. Exception: A out a Spaceship Log for each spaceship
assigned to him by the scenario instructions. boxes.
player may decline to conduct the Intercep-
tion Routine i{ his involved missile has a eiv During the game, energy expenditure by each (l0.3J The Energy Unit Track end
Level of 8 (bul may not decline if being in- ship and the current status of the ship's Energy Block section of the Spaceship
tercepted by an enemy missile). The Intercep- equipment is updated on the Log. The status log is used to note how much energy
tion Routine is nOI conducted between of the ship's missiles and balliecraft is also the Spaceship possesses at the start of
friendly units; interception between friendly kept track of on the Log. play and to racord the expenditure of
units is impossible. CASES; energy during play.
If an enemy and a friendly missile oc- An Energy Unit is a measure of energy
cupy the same hex, the Phasing player, and (lO.IJ The Compartment section of the common to all units in the game. An Energy
then the non-Phasing player, conduct the In- Spaceship log is used to assign pods Block is a variable measure of energy used by
terception Routine. specific locations on the speceship and spaceships only. The size of an Energy Block
If a friendly missile is in a hex occupied to record hits incurred by the pods, the for a particular spaceship equals the Energy
by more than one enemy unit, the Intercep- bridge. the engine, and the force field. Burn Rate of the spaceship (see the Spaceship
tion Routine is conducted with the enemy To prepare the Compartment section Attribute Chart) and is expressed in terms of
unit with the lowest relative velocity only. If for play, complete the following steps: Energy Units. Thus, an Energy Block for a
more than one such unit presents the same 1. If the spaceship does not have a force Flule spaceship equals six Energy Units.
relative velocity, the player owning the field, put an X in the Force Field Status box. To calculate the number of Energy
missile may choose the unit to intercept. 2. Consult the Spaceship Auribute Chart to Blocks possessed by a spaceship al the start
find how many pods the spaceship possesses. of play, divide the Energy Capacity of the
[9.7] The Missile Interception Table is ship by Its Energy Burn Rate. If the ship
used during the Interception Routine to Then cross out all boxes for pods beyond the
number available to the ship. possesses an energy pod, add 144 to the
determine if a missile intercepts an Enersy Capacity before dividing. This
enemy unit. 3. Consult the scenario instructions to find number is noted on the Energy Block section
See charts and tables. which types of pods the ship possesses. Write of the log by crossing out boxes in excess of
the names of these pods in the availabl: the number (from the bottom up).
19.5] A spaceship with an active force numbered Pod Type boxes. The pods may be
field is not destroyed when intercepted Before beginning play, cross out all the
assigned to the boxes in any order ,he player boxes on the Energy Unit Track in excess of
by an enemy missile. desires, as long as the boxes crossed out in ac-
Instead, the player owning the missile the spaceship's Energy Burn Rate, and place
cordance with Step 2are not used. an Energy Unit marker in the 0 space of the
rolls the die and refers to the Hit Table, in ac-
cordance with S.7. If the spaceship has a 4. Note the Armor Rating for the bridge, track.
Class I active force field, the Hit Table is us- engine, and force field (that of the spaceship) Each time a spaceship expends an
ed three times when interception occurs. If and for each pod in the appropriate boxes. Energy Block during play (see 7.5) an Enersy
the spaceship has a Class 2 active force field, During play, the Status box for the Block is marked. When all the available
the Hit Table is used once when interception bridge, engine, force field, and each pod is boxes are marked, the spaceship has no more
takes place. used to record hits incurred, by marking a V, energy(see7.6).
A player owning a spaceship that O,orXineachbox(seeS.S). Each time a spaceship expends one or
possesses an inactive force field may attempt more Energy Units (for conducting fire or
to activate the force field at the moment of 1I0.2J Each Missile section of the operating a tractor beam) the Enersy Unit
interception. When the enemy player has Spaceship log is used to note how marker is moved the appropriate number of
determined that interception occurs, the many missites are aveliable on the spaces along the Energy Unit Track. Each
player owning the spaceship rolls the die. If spaceship and to record the time the marker is moved into the space
the die result is more than one less than the expenditure of energy by each missile matching the Energy Burn Rate of the
Civ Level of the spaceship, the force field is after launch. spaceship, the marker is returned to the 0
activated; flip the spaceship counter over. On To prepare each Missile section for play, space, and the expenditure of one Energy
any other die result, the spaceship is count the total number of missiles of that Block is marked. Movement of the marker is
destroyed. No Command is required to ac- type available (the IOtal of the amounts listed then continued (if necessary).
tivate a force field in this manner. However, on the Pod Attribute Chart for the ship's
an Energy Block must be expended (see 7.5) missile-carrying pods). If this total is less [10.4] The Battlecraft section of the
and a Battle Command is required to deac- than the total number of missiles shown in Spaceship log is used to record the
tivatethe force field (see7.4). the section, cross out lines in the section status of a launched battlecraft.
(from the bottom up) until the totals match. The status of the battlecraft's bridge and
(9.9] Four unguided missiles may be Unless 'the Unguided Missile section is being engine (in terms of hits received) is recorded
launched from a MIMS that is currently filled out, consult the Missile Chart to find in the Bridge and Engine boxes. The expendi-
in play during anyone friendly Fire how many Energy Units each missile ture of Energy Units by the battlecraft is
Phese. possesses (see 9.5). If this number is less than recorded by marking the Energy Unit Boxes
The player owning the MIMS declares the number of Enersy Unit boxes for each (see 7.5). When all the Energy Unit Boxes for
this action and places four unguided missile missile, cross out boxes for each missile a battlecraft are marked, it has no more
counters in hexes adjacent to the MIMS, in (starting from the right) until the numbers energy. A docked battlecraft may receive
accordance with 9.4 (as if the MIMS were a match. Energy Units from its spaceship; erase marks
spaceship). He may use any of his unused When a missile is prepared for launch or from any number of the battlecraft's Energy
missile counters of the appropriate type for is launched (if preparation is not necessary), Units Boxes and record the expenditure of an
this purpose. The launch of these missiles is the owning player notes the number of the equal number of Energy Units by the ship. A
not recorded on the Spaceship Log, but a pod and the idenlity number of the missile balliecraft may never possess more than IS
single MIMS may only conduct this special counter in the first available Pod/# box in the EnersyUnits.
SPACESHIP LOG EXAMPLE Player 1 Deployment: One Piccolo Two Corco Gammas (counters B and C),
See page 7. (spaceship counter E) with one hunter pod, each with one light weapon pod, one stand-
in hex A0207 pointing towards 3 o'clock with ard jump pod, and one standard cargo pod.
A Spaceship Log for a Flute with a a velocity of I. Use Spaceship Log 1. All pods are armor Class I. Usc two copies of
heavy weapon pod, an energy pod, a bat- Spaceship Log Nr. I.
tlecrafl pod (containing a Terwillicker-5(00) Player 2 Deployment: One Piccolo
and a standard jump pod (all armor Class 2) (spaceship counter 0) with one hunter pod, One Corco Gamma (counter 0) with one
has been filled out. in hex BI511 pointing towards 9 o'clock with standard jump pod, one crew pod, and one
Aftercrossing out the box for Pod 5, the a velocity of I. Use Spaceship Log I. standard cargo pod. All pods are armor Class
player assigned the four pods to the remain- Victory Conditions: The instant one O. Use Spaceship Log Nr. I.
ing boxes in the Compartment section and player's spaceship is destroyed, the opposing All four ships must be placed within one hex
noted the Armor Ratings of all the compart- player is declared the winner. Neither player of A0909. All must be placed in different
ments. He then consulted the Pod Allribute may conduct ajump. hexes and must point toward 3 o'clock with a
CharI 10 see how many missiles the heavy velocity of 2. Each spaceship has already ex-
weapon pod carries and crossed out four SCENARIO 2: The First Shot pended 3 Energy Blocks.
unguided missile boxes, twO guided missile Player 2 Deployment: One Sword(counter
lines, twO intelligent missile lines, and one Tensions were high between the oppos-
ed governments of Venable and Laidley, twO A) with two arsenal pods, one bailIe com-
MIMS line. The heavy weapon pod has a Civ munications pod and two battlecraft pods
Level of 7, which means that the guided planets in the Eridani system. When a
Venable light cruiser ventured into Laidley (each with a Terwiflicker-X); in any hex in
missiles possess nine Energy Units each, the the 0100 hexrow of map A, pointing in any
intelligent missiles possess seven Energy space to "test the waters," it encountered
two Laidley patrol craft. The smaller ships direction with a velocity of 3. All pods are ar-
Units each, and the MIMS six Energy Units mor Class 2. Use Spaceship Log Nr. 2.
(as noted on the Missile Chart); so the player opened fire and the brief Eridani War began.
crossed out the rightmost columns of boxes Map Deployment: Victory Conditions: Player I wins if the
in each Missile section to indicate these Corco Iota or two Corco Gammas are able 10
reductions. jump (see 7.2). A ship may not jump until it
The ship possesses 35 Energy Blocks (66 enters map E (to be placed during playas
Energy Capacity plus 144 for the pod, divid- shown in the diagram) or enters a map placed
ed by the Energy Burn Rate of 6). The player above or below map E (in the direction of the
crossed out all but the top 35 boxes in the arrows). Player I also wins if the Sword is
Energy Block section. Since the Energy Burn Player 1 Deployment: One Sword destroyed. Player 2 wins if three enemy ships
rale is 6, he crossed out the 7 and 8 spaces of (spaceship counter A) with two heavy are destroyed (including the Corco 10(0).
the Energy Unit Track. He then placed an weapon pods, one ballie communications
Energy Unit marker on the 0 space of the pod, one balliecraft pod (with a Terwilficker-
Track. Finally, the player noted the Armor X) and one energy pod; in hex A1112, point- SCENARI04: Piratesl
Class of the battlecraft's bridge and engine in ing towards 9 o'clock with a velocity of 3. All A Corco Mu loaded with passengers and
the8a.ulecraftsection. pods are armor Class 2. Use Spaceship Log valuable cargo is approaching the planet
Nr.2. Esata after hyperjumping into the system. As
Player 2 Deployment: Two Daggers it nears the dense Bicker's Asteroid Belt, it is
[I I. OJ Sce!,arios (counters A and B)each with a heavy weapon set upon by a pair of ruthless pirate ships
pod and an energy pod (armor Class 2); in looking for booty. A distress call is sent to
GENERAL RULE: hexes A0706 and A0705, pointing towards 3 Esata in the hopes that aid will come to the
Before beginning the game, the players o'clock with a velocity of 3. Use two copies of CorcoMu.
choose which of the following five scenarios Spaceship Log Nr. I.
they will play. Each scenario provides a brief Map Deployment:
description of the situation, how the maps Victory Conditions: Player I wins if both
are arranged, the forces that each player Daggers are destroyed. Player 2 wins if the
receives, how those forces are set up, the Sword is destroyed. If neither player has
deployment of planets and asteroid fields (if fulfilled his victory conditions and all oppos-
any), and how each player may acheive vic- ing spaceships and battlecraft are more than
tory. Scenario I is recommended for those 25 hexes apart at any time, the game is
playing Delta Vee for the first lime. declared a draw. Player 1 Deployment:
In all scenarios, a spaceship or bat- One Corco Mu (spaceship counter B) with
tlecraft may be destroyed for purposes of vic- one light weapon pod, one balliecraft pod
tory. A spaceship or battlecraft is considered SCENARIO 3: from T8U CetI (with a Terwillicker-5(}()(), one standard
destroyed if it does not possess an active As four smuggler ships head out of the jump pod, one energy pod, one standard sup-
force field when intercepted by an enemy Tau Ceti system with a cargo of deadly drugs port pod, three standard cabin pods, one
missile; or if its bridge, engine and more than and escaped convicts, a federal heavy cruiser crew pod, and three buffered cargo pods; in
half of its pods are destroyed (remove the gives chase. The naval vessel's orders are 10 hex CI406, pointing at 9 o'clock with a
unit from play). Unless specifically stated prevent the criminal ships from hyperjump- velocity of2. All pods are armor Class I. Usc
otherwise in a scenario, hyperjumping may ingatanycost. Spaceship Log NT. 2.
not be conducted. Map Deployment One Dagger (spaceship counter A) with one
SCENARI01:TheShowdown heavy weapon pod and one energy pod (both
A gang of cutthroats flying a long range armor Class 2); in hex A0409 pointing at 3
pursuit craft stolen from a federal installa- o'clock with a velOCity of 1. Use Spaceship
tion on a nearby planet are intercepted by a Log Nr. I. The Dagger may not move, fire or
similar ship manned by the local guard. be fired at until alerted. During each friendly
Enraged by lhe theft, the military authorities Command Phase, Player I rolls the die; if the
order the complete destruction of the result is a 1 or 2, the Dagger has been alerted
criminals. . and may be used normally (beginning with
Player 1 Deployment: that Command Phase).
Map Deployment:
One Corco Iota (spaceship counter A) with Player2 Deployment:
two heavy weapon pods (neither pod has any One Flute (counter A) with one arsenal pod,
intelligent missiles or MIMS), one energy one energy pod, one tractor pod, and one
pod, one standard jump pod, one crew pod, buffered cargo pod; in hex 81612, pointing
and four buffered cargo pods. All pods are in any direction with a velocity of O. All pods
armor Class 2. Usc Spaceship Log Nr. 2. are armor Class 2. Use Spaceship Log Nr. I.

One Flute (counter B) with one heavy One Flute (counter B) with one heavy worth four VP's). Player 2 loses two VP's for
weapon pod, one battlecraft pod (with a weapon pod, one battlecraft pod (with a each of his Flutes that is destroyed. When
Terwillicker-X), one energy pod and one Terwillicker-X), one energy pod and one player 2 has accumulated eight VP's, he wins
buffered cargo pod; in hex 81611, pointing equipment pod; in hex 80617. All pods are the game. If his Clarinet is destroyed, Player
in any direclion with a velocity oro. All pods Armor Class 2. Use Spaceship Log Nr. I. 2 loses the game (regardless of how many
are armor Class 2. Use Spaceship Log NT. 1. One Flute (counter C) with one light weapon VP'shehasearned).
Planet: In hex A0409 pod, one tractor pod (Civ Level 8), one
Asteroid Fields: In hexes C09Ol. C0904, energy pod and one crew pod; in hex 80816.
C0907, C0909, C0912 and C0915. An All pods are armor Class 2. Use Spaceship
asteroid field is considered 10 exist in all six LogNr.l. DeltaVfHI
hexes adjacent 10 each Asteroid Field Player 2 may choose anyone direction and Design Credits
marker, as well as in the hex occupied by each anyone velocity (from 0 to 6) for the ships, Game Design and Development:
marker. J but all must point in the same relative direc- John H. Butterfield
Victory Conditions: Player 1 wins the mo- tion and have the same velocity. Physical Systems and Graphics:
ment the Coreo Mu is PUl into orbit around Planet: In hex CillO. Redmond A. Simonsen
Esata, or if both Flutes are destroyed. If the Victory Conditions: Playtesting:
Coreo Mu is destroyed, the game is im- Justin Leltes, Darryl Esakof, David
mediately declared a draw. Player 2 wins if Player 1 receives one Victory Point for each
McCorkhil1. Scott Lalken, Edward J.
either Flute is able to dock with the Coreo of his spaceships placed in orbit around the Woods, James Mulligan
Mu(see7.4). planet. He receives an additional VP for each Blindtesting:
undestroyed cargo pod aboard such a ship. David Spangler, Richard A. Edwards,
Once a spaceship is placed in orbit, it is Wes Devin, Mark Barrowsand the
SCENARIO 6: Attack on Convoy Red removed from play. When player I has ac- Olympia Gaming Association
A vital convoy of arms and ammunition cumulated eight VP's, he wins the game. Production:
hurriedly organized by the Imperial fleet and Player 2 receives one VP for each enemy ship Carolyn Felder, Ted Koller, Manfred F.
establishment merchants heads for the planet destroyed and each cargo pod destroyed Milkuhn, Michael E. Moore, Bob Ryer,
Zaraznov, after hyperjumping from a nearby (thus, the destruction of a Corco Zeta is KenStec
system. A successful revolutionary uprising
on the planet has gained control of small
well-equipped fleet. A task force from the in-
surgents is patrolling Zaraznov space,
awaiting the expected convoy.
Map Deployment:

Player 1 Deployment:
One Spear (spaceship counter A) with twO
arsenal pods, one battle communications
Sequence of Play
pod, one battlecraft pod (with a Terwillick-
er-X balliecraft), one tractor pod (Civ 1. First Player Movement Phase
LevelS), one standard jump pod, one energy
pod, and one crew pod. All pods are armor
Class 2. Use Spaceship Log Nr. 2.
2. Second Player Command Phase
Three Corco Zetos (counters B, C and D)
each with one light weapon pod, one energy
a. Detection Segment
pod, one standard jump pod, and three stan-
dard cargo pods. All pods are armor Class I.
b. Command Segment
Use three copies of Spaceship Log Nr. I.
One Dogger (counter E) with a hunter pod
3. First Player Fire Phase
and an energy pod. Both pods are armor
Class 2. Use Spaceship Log Nr. 2. 4. Second Player Movement Phase
All five ships must be placed within one hex
of A0407. All must be placed in different 5. First Player Command Phase
hexes. Player I may choose anyone direction
and anyone velocity (from 0 to 4) for the
ships, but all must point in the same relative
a. Detection Segment
direction and have the same velocity. Each
spaceship has already expended 10 Energy
b. Command Segment
Blocks. Spaceship D has no guided missiles
remaining. 6. Second Player Fire Phase
Player2 Deployment:
One Clarinet (counter A) with two heavy
pods, one battle communications pod, two
battlecraft pods (each with a Terwi//icker-X
battlecraft), one energy pod and one crew
pod; in hex 80717. All pods are armor Class
2. Use Spaceship Log Nr. 2.

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