The Face of Depravity

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Gospel Gleanings, “…especially the parchments”

Volume 21, Number 10 March 12, 2006

The Face of Depravity

“In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the
darkness comprehended it not. (John 1:4-5)

Critics of the doctrine of human depravity other than her husband, Jesse.
(total depravity) occasionally ridicule the doctrine However, if that had been the case,
because the word “depravity” does not appear in according to Mosaic Law, David could
the Bible. Many of these same people believe in not have been Israel’s legitimate king.)
the doctrine of the Trinity, even though that word 3. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with
also does not appear in the Bible. Why? They old leaven, neither with the leaven of
believe in it because the doctrine clearly malice and wickedness; but with the
appears in Scripture. I believe in the doctrine of unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
human depravity for the same reason; the (1 Corinthians 5:8) People who believe
doctrine clearly appears in Scripture. It is telling in God should not attempt to imitate
that the word “depravity” appears in the depraved, wicked people or their habits.
definition of no less than nine Greek words that 4. This I say therefore, and testify in the
are used in the New Testament. These words Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as
are translated in the King James translation by other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of
such English words as malignity, curse, speak their mind…. (Ephesians 4:17) Again,
evil of, corrupt, utterly perish, vanity, inordinate the child of God has no business
affection, lust, wickedness, iniquity, carnal, imitating the mindset of the wicked.
fleshly, and defiled. Given this rather wide array These people walk in depravity; they do
of English words, can we reasonably doubt the not merely respond to divine and
idea of depravity as set forth in the New arbitrary decrees, the abominable error
Testament? of fatalistic determinism.
Listed below are just a few passages where 5. For we wrestle not against flesh and
one of these words appears. blood, but against principalities, against
powers, against the rulers of the
1. Being filled with all unrighteousness, darkness of this world, against spiritual
fornication, wickedness, covetousness, wickedness in high places. (Ephesians
maliciousness; full of envy, murder, 6:12) We wrestle against sin and
debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers…. depravity; just as loyal soldiers in battle,
(Romans 1:29) There is an inherent we should practice consistent and
“malignity” in these people to the moral aggressive opposition to depravity. It is
rightness of God’s Law. our enemy!
2. For the creature was made subject to 6. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood
vanity, not willingly, but by reason of Moses, so do these also resist the truth:
him who hath subjected the same in men of corrupt minds, reprobate
hope…. (Romans 8:20) Man does not concerning the faith." (2 Timothy 3:8)
come into the world “un-depraved” and The corruption of depravity pervades the
make the choice to sin and become mind and will. Again, notice that man’s
depraved. He enters the world with a sinful corruption grows from within man,
depraved disposition (Psalm 51:5, a not from a fatalistic divine decree.
passage that refers to David’s condition 7. But these, as natural brute beasts,
at birth. Some who object to this made to be taken and destroyed, speak
doctrine attempt to interpret this evil of the things that they understand
passage to mean that David believed not; and shall utterly perish in their own
that he was conceived through a sinful corruption…. (2 Peter 2:12) Depravity is
affair between his mother and someone a consistent trait of the wicked whom
God shall finally sentence to eternal the Lord was not in….” (1 Kings 19:11-12)
punishment. Admittedly repetitious, but Repeatedly Jeremiah rebuked the abominable
it bears the repetition; it is their own error of his countrymen who sinned dreadfully
inherent corruption, not a divine decree and tried to blame God for their sinful conduct
that caused these people to be (Jeremiah 7:8-10; 7:31; 19:5; 32:35). New
depraved. Testament writers equally reject that God is in
8. But these speak evil of those things any way causative in the sinful actions of
which they know not: but what they humanity (1 Corinthians 14:33; James 1:13; 1
know naturally, as brute beasts, in those John 2:16-17).
things they corrupt themselves….
(Jude 10) Who caused their corruption;
a divine decree or their own sinfulness? Simply stated, God cannot cause all things
and not cause sin. Either we believe that He
These passages indicate that fallen man both caused all things, sin included, or we reject
inherits and practices the traits of depravity. It the errant notion that He caused all things,
could rightly be said of the wicked regarding but in some mystical and inexplicable
their attitude toward God, “Therefore they say manner did not cause sin.
unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the
knowledge of thy ways….” (Job 21:14)
The practice of depravity varies in degree. The darkness that pervades the mind—
As indicated in an earlier study, “total depravity” indeed the whole being—of fallen sinful
does not mean that fallen man practices the humanity is self-inflicted, an act of moral self-
most extreme sinful deeds possible. However, mutilation, not the result of a diabolical decree of
these verses reveal a consistent bent, a God’s “secret will.” In Romans 3:1-8 Paul
disposition toward sin that is as predictable as vehemently rejects the idea that God could in
iron filings drawn to a strong magnet. A any way cause human sin and then righteously
depraved person may well do things that we judge and punish man for what He decreed that
perceive as right, but we cannot know their man do. Rather than embracing such an idea,
motive. In a proper sense God is honored when Paul categorically stated that such an idea
natural (not spiritual, unsaved) people conduct constituted a “slanderous report” against him,
their lives with moral correctness. The theme of his teaching, and the true gospel of the Lord
these passages leads us to believe that man in Jesus Christ.
this state naturally and of his own will typically We live in a culture in which hardened
prefers sin and the satisfaction of personal criminals increasingly blame other people in
appetite to the things that honor God. their lives or the culture itself for their crimes. Is
Advocates of extreme predestination typically it any wonder then that people who reject the
affirm the idea that God causes everything from clear teaching of Scripture should follow the
the wind’s blowing a grain of sand in the Sahara fallen inclination of our culture and adopt the
Desert or a single drop of rainfall to the greatest ultimate “blame game”—blaming God for their
of sinful events such as the Holocaust or other sins? Forty years ago Flip Wilson built his
acts of sinful and depraved men. Despite this career as a comedian largely on the quip, “The
pervasive view that attributes every event of devil made me do it.” Today our culture, and
human history to God’s causative decrees, professing Christians who allow this fallen
many advocates of this view illogically say that culture to influence their thinking, gladly shifts
they do not believe that God causes sin. blame for their personal sins onto anyone or
anything, but they stubbornly refuse to look in
the mirror and acknowledge the fundamental
They can’t have it both ways. If God causes reality—human sin begins with sinful humanity,
everything, He causes sin. not with God! At the last Judgment God shall
turn to every condemned sinner and pass
This view falls in the face of multiple Scriptures sentence based on sins the sinner committed,
that reject the idea that God causes sin—or for not on the mystery of divine decrees.
that matter that He causes every event in human
history. Scripture consistently rejects the notion Little Zion Primitive Baptist Church
that God is in any way, however remotely or 16434 Woodruff
indirectly, causative in the sinful activities of Bellflower, California
sinful humanity. Elijah witnessed several natural
events that Scripture specifically states, “…but Worship service each Sunday 10:30 A. M.
Joseph R. Holder Pastor

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