Walter J. Matweychuk, PH.D
Walter J. Matweychuk, PH.D
Walter J. Matweychuk, PH.D
o statements & actions that are later o well-planned behavior & well-executed
regretted behavior
Provide feedback that what you want, desire & Provide feedback that what you want, desire &
value is not occurring value is not occurring
Derive from rigid demands or extreme attitudes Derive from flexible preferences and non-extreme
Unhealthy Negative Emotions undermine your
Healthy Negative Emotions allow for
o ability to have some happiness for as long
as the adversity exists o some happiness despite the existence of
the adversity
o ability to adapt & cope with your problems
o adaption & coping to life’s problems
o ability to view future events objectively,
that is subsequent thinking is can be o subsequent thinking that is fair and
Anxiety Concern
Depression Sadness
Guilt Remorse
Shame Disappointment
Hurt Sorrow
Dysfunctional Envy & Functional Envy Someone possessing what we prize but do
not have
Note: The English language does not provide us with the necessary words for distinguishing between the
functional, healthy and dysfunctional, unhealthy versions of anger, jealousy, and envy. Therefore, we need to
differentiate between the functional, healthy and dysfunctional, unhealthy versions of these three emotions
by explicitly stating whether we are experiencing the healthy or the unhealthy version of the emotion.