Bar Review Institute University of The Philippines College of Law Last Minute Tips in Political Law BAR 2020/2021
Bar Review Institute University of The Philippines College of Law Last Minute Tips in Political Law BAR 2020/2021
Bar Review Institute University of The Philippines College of Law Last Minute Tips in Political Law BAR 2020/2021
pandemic? be the very litis mota of the case
ANS: No, such law effectively changes the term
of elective offices. The Supreme Court has held [in Q4: What are the types of regulation of freedom
Kida v. Senate, G.R. 196271 (2012)] that statutes of expression?
which extend the term of an elective office as ANS:
fixed in the Constitution, either by postponing 1. Prior restraint – governmental restrictions
elections, changing the date of commencement of on the press or other forms of expression
term of the successor, or authorizing the in advance of actual publication or
incumbent to remain in office until his successor dissemination
is elected and qualified, are unconstitutional. 2. Subsequent punishment – any action of
the government by means of which it
Congress cannot pass a law that will amend the
Constitution. If a public office is created by the
Constitution with a fixed term, or if the term of a
public office created by Congress is fixed by the
might prevent such free and general
discussion of public matters as seems
absolutely essential to prepare the people
for an intelligent exercise of their rights as
Constitution, Congress is devoid of any power to citizens
change the term of that office. [Kida v. Senate, G.R. 3. Content-based regulation – restricts
196271 (2012)] freedom of speech or the press based on
Q2: Explain the concept of sovereignty. ○ Subject to the clear and present
has a right to prevent agency performing quasi-judicial or
b. Looks at the probability that a administrative functions.
substantive evil will result, and it is 10. The salaries of judges may not be reduced
not necessary that some definite or during their continuance in office.
immediate acts of force, violence, 11. The judiciary shall enjoy fiscal autonomy.
or unlawfulness be advocated 12. The SC alone may promulgate rules of
[Cabansag v. Fernandez, G.R. No. court.
L-8974 (1957)] 13. Only the SC may order the temporary
3. Balancing of interest test — detail of judges. [Art. VIII, 1987 Const.]
a. The court needs to balance
conflicting social values and Q7: Define the scope of judicial power.
individual interests ANS: Judicial power includes the duty of the
I2b. Requires a conscious and detailed
consideration of the interplay of
interests observable in a given
courts of justice to settle actual controversies
involving rights which are legally demandable
and enforceable, and to determine whether or not
situation [Chavez v. Gonzales, G.R. there has been a grave abuse of discretion
No. 168338 (2008)] amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the
part of any branch or instrumentality of the
Q6: Give examples of how the Supreme Court Government. [Sec. 1, Art. VIII, 1987 Const.]
exercises judicial independence and autonomy.
ANS: Q8: Enumerate the powers of the Supreme Court.
1. The SC is a constitutional body. Thus, it ANS: Under Sec. 5, Art. VIII of the 1987 Const.,
cannot be abolished nor may its the following are the powers of the Supreme
membership or the manner of its meetings Court:
be changed by mere legislation. 1. Exercise original jurisdiction over cases
2. The members of the judiciary are not affecting ambassadors, other public
subject to confirmation by the ministers and consuls, and over petitions
minimum original and appellate judgments and orders of lower courts in:
jurisdiction as prescribed in the a. All cases in which the
Constitution. constitutionality or validity of any
5. The appellate jurisdiction of the SC may treaty, international or executive
not be increased by law without its advice agreement, law, presidential
and concurrence. decree, proclamation, order,
perpetua or higher. any office of the government when it is for
e. All cases in which only an error or his pecuniary benefit or where he may be
question of law is involved. called upon to act on account of his office
3. Assign temporarily judges of lower courts 5. Cannot personally appear as counsel
to other stations as public interest may before any court, electoral tribunal,
require. quasi-judicial and administrative bodies
- Such temporary assignment shall not during his term of office [Secs. 13 and 14,
exceed six months without the consent Art. VI, 1987 Const.]
of the judge concerned.
4. Order a change of venue or place of trial to Q10: When are public officials not immune from
avoid a miscarriage of justice. suit?
5. Promulgate rules concerning the ANS: The rule on immunity of public officials
protection and enforcement
constitutional rights, pleading, practice,
and procedure in all courts, the admission
of does not apply where the public official is
charged in his official capacity for acts that are
unlawful and injurious to the rights of others.
to the practice of law, the Integrated Bar, Public officials are also not exempt, in their
and legal assistance to the personal capacity, from liability arising from acts
underprivileged. committed in bad faith. Neither does it apply
- Such rules shall provide a simplified where the public official is clearly being sued not
and inexpensive procedure for the in his official capacity but in his personal capacity,
speedy disposition of cases, shall be although the acts complained of may have been
uniform for all courts of the same committed while he occupied a public position.
grade, and shall not diminish, increase, [Lansang v. CA, G.R. No. 102667 (2000)]
or modify substantive rights
- Rules of procedure of special courts Q11: Can the President impose martial law
and quasi-judicial bodies shall remain without any concurrence of Congress?
effective unless disapproved by the ANS: Yes. The Constitution vests exclusively in
Q9: Enumerate the disqualifications of members effect the moment it is declared by the President.
of Congress. No other act is needed for the perfection of the
ANS: declaration of martial law or the suspension of the
1. Incompatible office – may not hold any writ. [Ampatuan v. Sec. Puno, G.R. No. 190259
other office or employment in the (2011)].
government during his term without
forfeiting his seat
Congress. Thus, when Sec. 17 states that the State with which it has to form a harmonious whole.”
may temporarily take over or direct the operation There must be fair submission and intelligent
of any privately-owned public utility or business consent or rejection. The people must be
affected with public interest, it refers to Congress, sufficiently informed of the amendments to be
not the President. Whether or not the President voted upon, to conscientiously deliberate thereon,
may exercise such power is dependent on and to express their will in a genuine manner.
whether Congress may delegate it to him
pursuant to a law prescribing the reasonable Q16: What are the sources of international law?
terms thereof. [David v. Macapagal-Arroyo, G.R. ANS: The following are sources of international
No. 171396 (2006)]. law under Art. 38(1) of the ICJ Statute:
1. Treaties or conventions
Q13: Enumerate the instances when Congress 2. International custom, as evidence of a
meets and votes jointly or separately.
b. Revoking or extending declaration the law of the land. [Sec. 2, Art. II, 1987
of martial law Const.]
a. They are deemed as part of
Q14: What is the Enrolled Bill Theory? national law regardless of whether
ANS: An enrolled bill is one duly introduced and they are enacted as statutory or
300,000 to be entitled to a district
representative. Q20: What is the doctrine of qualified political
4. Creating a new intermediate appellate agency?
court with jurisdiction to review A20: The president, in the exercise of his power of
judgments of the Sandiganbayan. control, can amend, adopt, revoke any action of a
subordinate or alter ego.
1. Revision — because it changes the basic Q21: Explain how the principle of checks and
form of government that in turn affects the balances operates among or between the
other fundamental provisions of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of
constitution. government in the following areas of concern:
2. Amendment — because it pertains to a a. Appointment and removal of members of
particular provision of the constitution
that does not affect the structure of
the Supreme Court;
b. Statute-making process; and
c. Declaration of martial law.
3. Statutory amendment — because under
the constitution, the apportionment of ANS:
districts among provinces and cities a. The Judicial and Bar Council recommends,
according to the number of inhabitants the president appoints, and the member of
shall be by law. the supreme court can only be removed by
4. Enactment of a law — because it is the impeachment.
congress that has the power to define the b. Congress makes the law, and the President
jurisdiction of various courts, except that can veto.
no law may diminish the jurisdiction of c. The President declares martial law, the
the supreme as provided for in the Congress may revoke or extend it, and the
constitution. Supreme Court may review the sufficiency
of the factual basis.
Initiative upon petition of at least 12 percentum of budget cannot be decreased from the prior year,
the total number of all registered voters. and should be automatically released.
Q20: Enumerate and briefly explain three Q23: Alarmed by the increasing number of
Presidential Powers stated in the Constitution. COVID-19 cases, the growing resistance to get
ANS: vaccinated, and in response to the people’s
insistent clamor for the Mayor to exercise his
status of the officials they deal with so they may a. Where, and by whom, is an impeachment
take appropriate measures to protect their health complaint filed?
and safety. Mayor Y claims that the same is also a b. Is the filing of the 2nd complaint based on
valid exercise of police power to ensure public different grounds and on newly
health and safety. Do you agree with the Mayor? discovered evidence valid?
ANS: No, I do not agree with the Mayor. While a. By a verified complaint filed by a member
the mayor has authority to issue such orders as of the house of representatives, or by any
are necessary for the proper enforcement of laws, citizen upon the endorsement of any
it is settled that the exercise of police power is member of the house.
limited by reasonability. So long as legitimate b. No. The second complaint cannot be filed.
means can reasonably lead to create that end, it is Under the constitution no impeachment
reasonable [Morfe v. Mutuc, G.R. No. L-20387
(1968)]. To be valid, (a) the means employed
should be reasonably necessary for the
proceedings can be filed more than once
within a period of one year.
accomplishment of the purpose and not unduly Q26: A parcel of land is being expropriated by the
oppressive upon individuals [Planters Products v. National Housing Authority for the development
Fertiphil Corporation, G.R. No. 166006 (2008)] and of low cost housing for the employees of the
(b) the interests of the public, generally, as government. It however appears that once
distinguished from those of a particular class, successfully expropriated, the NHA would assign
require such interference [Ichong v. Hernandez]. to a private contractor the construction and
The right to travel may be curtailed by the state The owner of the land opposes the expropriation
for extreme causes like to protect public health on the grounds that the use of the property is not
and safety. for a public purpose but for a commercial
purpose that will benefit the private construction
It is also necessarily curtailed when a person is company. Rule on the opposition.
convicted of crime and he is deprived of liberty ANS: It has been held that in the situation above,
by final judgment, or when a person is accused of the purpose for the taking of the land remains
a non- bailable offense and evidence against him public in character. The fact that the government
is strong. contracts out the development of the project,
which is within its power to do, does not negate
Q25: An impeachment complaint was filed the fact that the development is for the benefit of
against a Supreme Court Justice on September 5,
internal revenue code, and the ordinance that "Stop and frisk" searches should thus be allowed
imposes a separate business tax amounts to only:
double taxation and is unconstitutional. a. on the basis of a reasonable suspicion that
there is criminal activity and that
Are the oppositors correct? individuals are armed and dangerous;
ANS: No, the oppositors are not correct. The LGU b. when carefully limited search of the outer
can impose levy, taxes, fees or charges on any clothing; and,
base or subject not otherwise specifically taxed c. when conducted for the purpose of
under the provisions of the national tax code. discovering weapons which might be used
While it would seem that this is the same tax on to assault him/her or other persons in the
the same taxable base, the LGU ordinance is not a area.
tax on income, but a tax for the privilege of doing
business in the city. The city is also a different
taxing authority from the national government.
Considering further the autonomy of the LGU to
Q29: Describe the process of how a bill becomes a
collect revenue under the Local Government 1. Any bill may originate from either the
Code, it has been held that the local business taxes
Senate or the House of Representatives,
do not amount to double taxation.
with the notable exception that
(N. N. The above is a different situation from a appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills
case that involved double taxation under the authorizing increase of the public debt,
same local government ordinance, such that the bills of local application, and private bills
same taxing authority is taxing the same tax base shall originate exclusively in the House of
for the same purpose and within the same taxing Representatives (Section 24, Art. VI,
period. The above problem distinguishes between CONST.).
the national government taxing authority and the 2. Secondly, every bill by either house must
local government's power to tax.)
and police claim that they found a controlled immediate enactment to meet a public
substance. Charges are filed against the driver for calamity or emergency. (Section 26(2), Art.
violations of Republic Act No. 9165. Rule on the VI, CONST.)
validity of the search. 3. Upon the last reading of a bill, the vote
thereon shall be taken immediately
ANS: The search is valid.The "stop and frisk"
thereafter (Section 26(2), Art. VI, CONST.).
doctrine has been allowed despite the right
Representatives shall be presented to the
President for approval (Section 27(1), Art
a. If the president approves the bill,
he shall sign it, and the bill
becomes a law. (Section 27(1), Art.
b. If the president fails to act on the
bill within thirty days after receipt
thereof, it shall become a law as if
he had signed it (Section 27(1), Art.
c. If the president disapproves of the
bill, he shall veto it and return the
same with his objections to the
House where it originated. If, after
such reconsideration, two-thirds of
all the Members of such House
shall agree to pass the bill, it shall